Christian Formation Assignment
Christian Formation Assignment
Christian Formation Assignment
1. Identify and explain the two (2) divisions of the ten (10) commandments.
Choose any one commandment which you think people (including you)
violate most often and explain why. State the specific commandment.
2. Identify and explain the two parts of the Lord’s Prayer, its significance and
3. Enumerate and describe the seven most deadly sins. Which do you think is
the most committed sin? Why? Explain.
4. Enumerate and describe the eight characteristic of a truly blessed/happy
person according to the Beatitudes (matt.5:3-12). Which of this
characteristic describes you best?
5. Explain how you will grow in the knowledge and/or Faith in Jesus Christ.
How will you live out and share your faith? How will your faith show in your
character and service?
6. What is the most significant learning you gained in Christian Formation?
1)The Ten Commandments are actually broken up into two basic sections. The first four commandments
deal specifically with our relationship with God. The last six commandments deal with our relationship
with other human beings. It is important to note that the commandments that focus on God come first.
If we keep the first four commandments, the next six will be easier to keep as well. Much of the world
focuses on keeping the last six commandments; and they believe that because they are leading a
"moral" life, they are acceptable before God. Treating our fellow man in a righteous manner is extremely
important to God. However, the first four commandments are more important than the last six. They
are the foundation of the law. God wants us to treat each other as we ourselves would like to be
treated. However, we can only do that to the extent that we are like God, and we are only like Him to
the extent that we know Him and love Him. The knowledge and love of Him is obtained through keeping
the first four commandments.
The commandment I think people violate the more is “Thou shall not take the name of thy lord
in vain”. Youth, mostly in this present age tend to take the name of the lord in vain and also at any
slightest chance they get call out the name of our God. Nowadays it is even a trend used during chatting
“Oh My God”.
2) Lord’s Prayer is important to Christians because it is what Jesus gave to his disciples as a form
of prayer when they asked him to teach them how to pray. Another name for the Lord’s Prayer
is the Perfect Prayer. It is considered the perfect prayer as it includes all the different types of
prayer. Another reason it is called the Perfect Prayer is simply because Jesus was the one who
taught it.
The Lord’s Prayer is accepted and used by all Christians and it combines us all as members of
one community. The prayer stresses what unites us rather than what divides us.
In this prayer several different types of prayer are included. The first type of prayer is to show a
statement of faith. This is shown in the first line of the Prayer ‘Our Father, who art in Heaven’.
This means that by accepting that God is up there, in heaven we acknowledge that he is very
involved in our lives.
The next type of prayer used is in the next line ‘Hallowed be thy name’. This line shows worship
and praise. Through this line we pray that God may be accepted as holy.
The line after this ‘Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven’ is a prayer of
adoration. This line involves a change of heart in those who do not yet perfectly follow God’s
The next line ‘Give us this day our daily bread’ is a prayer of intercession in which we are asking
for the Bread of the Eucharist which will help build us up spiritually as normal bread will build
us up physically. We are also asking for the needs of all people.
‘And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us’ is a prayer of
confession or contrition. This is where we are sorry for what we have done wrong. We also
promise to share this forgiveness with others.
The final line is this prayer is ‘And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil’. This line
is a prayer of petition in which we ask God to remove these temptations from our won lives.
In conclusion the Lord’s Prayer or the Perfect Prayer as it is also called is the most important
prayer of all other prayers and it is used and accepted by all Christians throughout the land. It
employs several different types of prayer and it is what Jesus taught his disciples when he
taught them how to pray.
3)The seven deadly sins are;
Lust – to have an intense desire or need: “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman
lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart” (Matthew 5:28).
Gluttony – excess in eating and drinking: “for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and
drowsiness clothes them in rags” (Proverbs 23:21).
Greed - excessive or reprehensible acquisitiveness: “Having lost all sensitivity, they have given
themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, with a continual lust for
more” (Ephesians 4:19).
Laziness – disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous: “The way of the sluggard
is blocked with thorns, but the path of the upright is a highway” (Proverbs 15:19).
Wrath – strong vengeful anger or indignation: “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh
word stirs up anger” (Proverbs 15:1)
Envy – painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire
to possess the same advantage: “Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy,
envy, and slander of every kind. Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you
may grow up in your salvation” (1 Peter 2:1-2).
Pride - quality or state of being proud – inordinate self esteem: “Pride goes before destruction, a
haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18)
To my understand I think lust is the most committed of all the seven deadly sins. Lust enslaves us to our
passions. It can lead us to dress immodestly to gain attention, use artificial birth control, have sex
outside of marriage or use sex for pleasure only, look impurely at another man or woman, or fall into
other dangers habits that damage or demean our dignity and the dignity of others. But there is good
news. Through prayer and some hard work, you can free yourself from the heavy burdens that lust
brings and the damage it can cause to you, others, and your relationship with God. You can treat your
lust by working on the virtue that helps temper our lust: chastity.
“By Lust I mean that affection of the mind that aims at the enjoyment of one’s self and one’s neighbor
without reference to God. Lust indulged became habit, and habit unresisted became necessity. There is
no remedy so powerful against the heat of concupiscence as the remembrance of our Savior’s Passion.
In all my difficulties I never found anything so efficacious as the wounds of Christ: In them I sleep secure;
from them I derive new life.” –St. Augustine
4)The message of Jesus is one of humility, charity, and brotherly love. He teaches transformation of the
inner person. Jesus presents the Beatitudes in a positive sense, virtues in life which will ultimately lead
to reward. Love becomes the motivation for the Christian. All of the Beatitudes have an eschatological
meaning, that is, they promise us salvation - not in this world, but in the next. The Beatitudes initiate
one of the main themes of Matthew's Gospel, that the Kingdom so long awaited in the Old Testament is
not of this world, but of the next, the Kingdom of Heaven.
While the Beatitudes of Jesus provide a way of life that promises salvation, they also provide peace in
the midst of our trials and tribulations on this earth.
Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
Communicating is key to any relationship. And with God, it’s no different, here
are four ways we can speak to him:
READ THE BIBLE: God communicates through the scriptures, revealing his
character and his will. The bible isn’t just another ancient book, it is inspired by
God. So, whenever you read it the Holy Spirit will speak through its words.
PRAY: Prayer is just another word for talking to God. He wants to hear our
thoughts, needs and desires. You can talk to Him about everything, He hears
you and answers you too.
SHARE YOUR FAITH: Being together with other Christians, encouraging and building up one
another, is vital for growing in your relationship with God
6. Religious Knowledge- knowledge about religions and religious culture, is a powerful
resource to use throughout the rest of one’s life. Religion is one of the most powerful social and
cultural forces in human history. It has wreaked havoc and devastating carnage through time
and around the world. It has also been a source of profound comfort and good in the world.
Religion is everywhere and always integral to human cultures. Learning about Christian
formation has contributed to my moral, intellectual, emotional and yes, even spiritual self-
knowledge in this crucial time of my development.