Syllabus Bible I
Syllabus Bible I
Syllabus Bible I
Ms. Watkins
Email: [email protected]
I am excited to have each of you in my class this semester. In this class, we
will study literature elements, culture and historical impacts of the Bible. The
purpose of this class is NOT to convert students to Christianity but to inform them
about the contents of the Bible.
Bible History I begins with a brief overview of Jewish culture, canonization,
Hebrew Scriptures or Old Testament, the origins of the Bible, and the Period
between the Testaments; examining this time historically and its literature. Also
included is an introduction and overview of the Gospels and Pauls Missionary
History and literature will be taught each day; however, the first half of the
semester will focus on the study of the Old Testament while the second half will
concentrate on the New Testament. Because class sizes are small this year,
students will be involved in several class projects. Most projects will be completed
in class and in groups. Projects must be turned in on time and will be counted as
a test grade.
The primary textbook for this class is the Bible. Students may use any translation
of the Bible. They may use their personal Bible from home, a Bible provided by the
class (we have several translations to choose from) or access a translation
through The Bible and Its Influence edited by Cullen Schippe
and Chuck Stetson is our supporting text and students can access this book in
class or check out.
Students are to come to class with their laptop charged. When students enter the
classroom a Door Buster will be on the board. Students are to turn in their
homework and immediately begin to work on the assignment. Door Busters are
short questions that review previous material. Sometimes the Door Buster will be
in the form of an electronic assignment. When the Door Buster is completed,
students are to begin the days reading assignment.
There will not be a lot of homework in this class. Students are given ample
time to complete assignments during the school day. If a student is unable to
finish an assignment in class then they are responsible for completing it at home.
All assignments are to be turned in on time. Each day and assignment or project
is turned in late five points will be deducted from the assignment grade.
School rules and guidelines must be followed.
Classroom rules:
1. Be respectful. Your classmates may have beliefs, views, and opinions that
differ from your own. Be respectful of your differences and celebrate your
2. Listen
90 100
80 89
70 79
60 69
59 and below
Requirements: Details
~Google drive account: If you do not have one create one.
~Evernote: If you do not have this application please download it.
~In Evernote create a folder titled: Your last, first name then Bible I
Requirements: Daily
~Open Evernote Bible notebook, create a new note for todays date. Label it
~In this notebook complete the Do now or assignment found on the screen.
~Open Weebly Site
~Go to Bible 1 Assignments tab and click on todays date.