7 Facts About Seventh Day
7 Facts About Seventh Day
7 Facts About Seventh Day
Jan/Feb/Mar 2010
about the
The Pastor’s Perspective
Doug Batchelor
Managing Editor
Anthony Lester
25Three Angels at Work in China [email protected]
Art Design/Layout
Haley Trimmer
Even amidst religious persecution and political obstacles,
God is mightily blessing our work in China. Read all about it! Arlene Clark
Lu Ann Crews
6Seven Facts About the Seventh Day Contributors to the ministry will
continue to receive Inside Report for
six months from the date of their
Throughout the ages, one of Satan’s favorite targets of attack most recent gift.
has been the fourth commandment, which establishes God’s
Amazing Facts is a nonprofit Christian
absolute right to rule as Lord. So in the interest of ministry sharing the saving truths
honoring the Creator, let’s take a moment to rediscover of Jesus Christ around the world
through literature, radio, television,
some amazing facts about the true Sabbath day. the internet, and public evangelism.
For operation, we depend on the gifts
10Bible Answers
and prayers of caring Christians who
believe in our mission.
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Free Bible Studies
To enroll in our free 27-lesson Bible
14Victory in Valencia study, go to www.AmazingFacts.org
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the free course by mail, send us your
Graduates from the Amazing Facts Center of name, address, and phone number
Evangelism are making an impact all around and specify that you would like to
begin the course. (Printed lessons
the world. See what one of our alumni has are in English and are available
accomplished for the Lord in the Philippines. only in Canada, the United States,
and their territories.)
As I contemplated starting 2010 still waiting for the because of a strong perception of reemerging prosperity. Yet
return of our Lord, I thought of Bible prophecy regarding what could be justifying this gain, as I see little real assets being
the calamities we are to expect just prior to the second produced? In other words, without “brick and mortar” assets
coming. And this got me thinking of the inspired counsel backing this increase in stock value, it’s just another bubble
that encourages us to support the work of evangelism, which getting ready to burst.
is so much needed prior to His triumphant return. So my concern is that many of God’s people have heard His
Of course, a donation in the form of cash, check, or credit final warning and have not yet heeded it. They are tempted to
cards is still the most popular way to give. But in these unusual hold on to what they have for the meager hope that they will
times, gifts to support the final push of the end-time message gain more for themselves in this world. In this day and age, our
can often come in unusual forms. Have you ever considered hopes could be easily dashed by yet another market correction
these unique but valuable ways to give of the blessings the or a flat-lining Wall Street — and the resources we have now
Lord has given to you: property, a vacation home, precious will be lost forever, when they could have been used to populate
metals, mutual funds, or even that old classic car? (I could a better world to come.
even come pick that up personally.)
A Better Option
Will We Have Anything Left to Give? The Amazing Facts planned giving department has the
Considering the current economy in the United States and ability to transfer your mutual funds and stocks into funds for
around the world, a great way to support the evangelism, so that we can evangelize America
Lord’s work is to give a gift through a mutual Your Gift and the world about the obvious soon coming
fund account or stock. Why? Well, even Makes a of Jesus — and how to be prepared.
though many were warned that the recent If you have non-cash gifts you have been
bursting bubble of the market was to come, holding onto, now might be the perfect time to
people by and large did not heed it. Much dedicate them to the Lord Jesus Christ and the
like in the days of Noah, they trivialized the final push of the last-day message. Please call
level of damage that was to come upon their me today at 800-436-2695 to see how we can
investment portfolios. work together for the Lord.
Many have taken refuge in the fact that the market has
regained much of the lost value. People believe the market is Dan Storkamp Call Today!
bouncing back, and personal spending is on the rise again Planned Giving Consultant 800-436-2695
Part of Satan’s strategy to destroy disagrees with the clear meaning of this text, yet millions are
finding ways not to follow it.
humanity’s trust in God has been Why? The general Bible ignorance of the church and the
to attack His claim as the Creator. clever arguments of Satan have created a climate of prejudice
Obviously, the theory of evolution is part of this deceptive and against the holiness of the seventh day in favor of the
soul-destroying effort. With its amoral humanistic emphasis, observance of Sunday. So in the interest of promoting God’s law
Darwin’s doctrine has turned millions into religious skeptics over the theories of men, let’s take a moment to rediscover some
and enshrouded in darkness their need for the Savior. amazing facts about the seventh-day Sabbath.
Yet while many Christians rightly denounce this
unscientific belief, ironically, many are still falling into the Sabbath Fact #1: The Seventh-day
devil’s trap of denying God’s sovereignty over the earth. Sabbath Establishes God’s Sovereignty
That trap is the ages-long effort to twist and destroy the Why does Satan hate the Sabbath so much?
observance of the seventh-day Sabbath. Because the Sabbath identifies the true God and
Through Satan’s false information and man’s trust His claim of ultimate sovereignty.
in traditions over the sure word of Scripture, millions God certainly anticipated the controversy
of Christians have been led to discount or over the Genesis account of Creation. He knew that after
even reject the importance of the fall of man, there would be doubts about His claims of
observing the Sabbath. manufacturing all the staggering mass of matter by merely
“The seventh day commanding it to exist.
is the sabbath of To safeguard His sovereignty, He established a mark
the Lord: … in it that denoted His absolute right to rule as Lord. He chose to
thou shalt not memorialize His display of creative power by setting aside
do any work” the seventh day of the Creation week as a holy day of rest
(Exodus and remembering.
20:10). God wrote these words: “Remember the sabbath day, to keep
No one it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the
seventh day is the sabbath of the Lord thy God: in it thou shalt
not do any work. … For in six days the Lord made heaven and
earth, the sea, and all that in them is: … wherefore the Lord
blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it” (Exodus 20:8–11).
Once a week, as the earth rotates on its axis, the Sabbath
reminder travels around the earth reaching every man, woman,
and child with the message of an instant creation and the one
Inside Report 6 1Q 2010
For in 6
days the Lord
made heaven and
earth, the sea, and
who did the creating. all that in them is, words if every other word
Why did God say and rested the in the commandments is
remember? Because to considered to be ironclad?
forget the true Sabbath is to 7th day. Satan wants the world to
forget the true Creator. xodus 20:11
E accept Sunday as the day he has
Does it really matter that chosen for worship, but any day
much? See “The One Unimportant will do for him so long as it means
Commandment?” on the right. we’re breaking God’s command.
Genesis describes the origin of the Sabbath like
Sabbath Fact #2: this: “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and
The Seventh-day Sabbath Was Made all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his
for Everyone (Not Just for Jews) work which he had made. … And God blessed the seventh
A multitude of Christians call God’s day, and sanctified it:
because that in it he had
fourth commandment the “Jewish
Sabbath.” But nowhere is this expression rested from all his work
The One Unimportant
found in the Bible. The seventh day is which God created and Commandment?
called “the sabbath of the Lord,” and it is never called made” (Genesis 2:1–3).
Which day did God God made it very clear that,
“the sabbath of the Jew” (Exodus 20:10).
bless and sanctify? The regardless of feelings, those who
Luke, a Gentile writer of the New Testament, often
seventh day. How was abuse the Sabbath are guilty of
refers to things that were particularly Jewish. He writes of
it to be kept holy? By breaking His law. James explains that
the “nation of the Jews,” “the people of the Jews,” “the land
resting. Could any of the it is a sin to break even one of the Ten
of the Jews,” and the “synagogue of the Jews” (Acts 10:22;
other six be kept holy? Commandments: “For whosoever
12:11; 10:39; 14:1). But he never refers to the “sabbath of
No. Why? Because God shall keep the whole law, and yet
the Jews,” although he mentions the Sabbath repeatedly.
commanded not to rest offend in one point, he is guilty of
Christ also taught that “the sabbath was made for
those days but to work. all. For he that said, Do not commit
man” (Mark 2:27). Adam and Eve were the only two
Does God’s blessing adultery, said also, Do not kill. Now if
people who existed when God actually established the
make a difference? Of thou commit no adultery, yet if thou
Sabbath. There were no Jews in the world until 2,000
course. Parents pray kill, thou art become a transgressor of
years later, so it was never meant just for the Jews. Jesus
for God to bless their the law” (James 2:10, 11).
uses the term “man” in the generic sense, referring to
children because they Most of the commandments begin
all mankind. The same word is used in connection with
believe it makes with the same words: ‘‘Thou
the institution of marriage that was also introduced at
a difference. The shalt not.’’ But the fourth
creation. Certainly no Christian can believe that marriage
seventh day is commandment is introduced
was made only for the Jews.
different from all the with the word “Remember.”
Sabbath Fact #3: It’s Not other days because it Why? Because God was
About Just Keeping Any Day has God’s blessing. commanding them
Has God ever given to call something
Every word of God’s Ten
man the privilege of to memory that
Commandments was written by His own
choosing his own already existed
hand in stone. Every word is serious
day of rest? No. In but had been
and meaningful. No line in them is
fact, God confirms forgotten.
ambiguous or mysterious. Sinners and Christians,
educated and uneducated, are not confused about the in the Bible that the
words “seventh day.” So why do they discount those Sabbath is a matter
It involves active buying and selling. Nehemiah different from the passive use of electricity or
called this profaning the Sabbath in his day. “If the a telephone on the Sabbath. In these cases, we
peoples of the land brought wares or any grain to sell aren’t entering a place of business or engaging in
on the Sabbath day, we would not buy it from them active commerce.)
on the Sabbath” (Nehemiah 10:31 NKJV). I’ve heard the argument that waiters and other
He adds, “Men of Tyre dwelt there also, who staff are going to be working anyway, so it’s not
brought in fish and all kinds of goods, and sold like we are creating the demand by being there.
them on the Sabbath to the children of Judah, But how can we witness to restaurant staff about
and in Jerusalem. Then I contended with the the Sabbath while hiring them to serve us on
nobles of Judah, and said to them, ‘What evil God’s holy day? We are God’s representatives, and
thing is this that you do, by which you profane we should live like that as much as possible every
the Sabbath day?’ ” (Nehemiah 13:16, 17 NKJV). moment of the day.
God’s people are specifically told to prepare The Sabbath is a time to avoid worldly
our food in advance. This is why God told environments. “Six days shall work be done, but
His people to gather twice as much manna the seventh day is a Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy
on Friday: so they could prepare their food in convocation” (Leviticus 23:3 NKJV).
advance for use on the Sabbath. In a typical restaurant environment, we
“This is what the Lord has said: ‘Tomorrow is are surrounded by nonbelievers and worldly
a Sabbath rest, a holy Sabbath to the Lord. Bake background music and conversation. This is not
what you will bake today, and boil what you will at all harmonious with a Sabbath atmosphere.
boil; and lay up for yourselves all that remains, to Our time is better spent with believers
be kept until morning’ ” (Exodus 16:23 NKJV). surrounding us in an environment of peace and
Christian fellowship and worship.
You are paying a servant to do work, which you
could have avoided by preparing. The Sabbath Of course, even as we acknowledge and apply these
commandment clearly excludes this activity when it very plain teachings of Scripture, there might be the
says, “In it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy rare occasion or unpredictable circumstance in which
… manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, a God-fearing person cannot avoid eating out on the
nor thy stranger that is within thy gates” (Exodus Sabbath. That’s why it is so important that we avoid being
20:10, emphasis added). judgmental of a specific instance in which a fellow church
What is a restaurant cook or waiter but a member eats out during Sabbath hours.
servant for hire? The fact is that while visiting However, as a practice, Bible-believing Christians
a restaurant, you are paying someone to break should remember and honor the Sabbath by planning
their Sabbath rest. (Please note, this is very and preparing for it ahead of time.
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Inside Report 13 1Q 2010
AFCOE in Action
young people interested in the Bible and retaining the
lessons they were hearing.
Robert, a temporary resident of Valencia, was
living with Sabbathkeeping Christians. Enjoying their
kindness, he took up their offer to attend the series. “I
didn’t expect to make a decision for baptism, but I sensed
it was time for me to step forward. I read the Bible before
but could not understand it. Thanks to these meetings, I now
understand for the first time what the Bible teaches.”
by “I have never seen so many people get baptized in all my
Michael Kindom life. It seems unbelievable!” says Mrs. Sun, one of the many
passionate volunteers. At the end of the series, we had a massive
Sabbath service for baptisms, and many came to celebrate with
Want to be a soul-winner?
Need revival in your life? AFCOE
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three doors down from
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The program uses the many effective outreach we help them find answers by providing free
resources of Amazing Facts — television, radio, literature, online Bible studies, and more.
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inside the homes of our neighbors today!
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souls three doors down from you, three neigh-
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Participating in 3 Doors Down is very simple reach your neighbor for Jesus. And tomorrow,
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Taken or Left?
Stephen P. Bohr. Two men in the field. One is taken ... the other is left. In
Matthew 24, Jesus reveals the lost and the saved at the end of time. But
what did He mean when He said that some would be taken and some
would be left? Step by step, author Stephen Bohr leads you to a carefully
researched conclusion drawn from a study of the Old and New Testaments
— giving you a powerful foundation that will help open up the deeper
meanings of Bible prophecy like never before.
BK-TOL … $3.49
by Emily Simmons
Photo on previous page: Jerry and his wife and fellow AFCOE grad Jen, with his sons Justin, Brandon, and Chris.
Editor’s Note: Due to the religious climate in China, we are unable to give the names or locations of our
team members working there. This inspiring new report comes from our China outreach team leader.
or more than a year, a small team of Chinese nationals, doesn’t negate God’s call to take the gospel to every nation.
my wife, and I have labored unrelentingly for the Lord’s They understand the danger, yet they do the work anyway. In
glory to reach China with the three angels’ fact, one of my workers usually comes to work in
messages. In the process, we’ve faced many a suit and tie, but one day he came dressed in
obstacles. But God continues to bless Amazing casual clothes. When I asked him why, he said
Facts’ work there despite all the challenges. he fully expected to be arrested and he didn’t
I’m thrilled to report that we now have want to lose his nice suit in prison. … Amen!
a Chinese website operating, with an online
Bible course, and all 27 Amazing Facts The Great Controversy in China
Study Guides in Chinese available in two book You can’t do this work and not see the
volumes. We’ve also begun to distribute the terrible war raging between good and evil.
Chinese version of the Cosmic Conflict DVD! But what joy when we see good triumph.
This kind of progress is never easy in China. For instance, For example, one of our team is a literature evangelist. When
my crew, which had never done this kind of work before, must I first met him, I was impressed by his simplicity of lifestyle,
keep jobs to disassociate themselves from the love for truth, and holy boldness. He travels
ministry, which limits the amount of outreach throughout China speaking at both Sabbath
they can do. Second, anyone who helps us is in and Sunday churches. After he preaches, he
danger of going to prison. We have to knock sets up a display of our books at the front of
on many doors to find even one sympathetic the church.
worker willing to take that kind of risk. Of In an effort to multiply his efforts, we are
course, we inform everyone we approach of sponsoring him as our literature evangelism
the dangers involved and, unfortunately, we’ve leader so he can train others how to do this
already faced serious problems. work. Since that time, he’s taken many young
people on outreach trips to teach them to sell
A Brave Team books. And he even has a team of five literature evangelists
In fact, we know a person doing similar work who was who sell Christian books near Sunday churches. When I
recently imprisoned for producing Christian materials! In asked about his team, he explained, “They are all old ladies
addition, the authorities confiscated our first from my house church.” If the children and the
shipment of Study Guides. Normally, this would rocks won’t cry out, God still has these five old
have ended our work, but by God’s mercy, they ladies boldly working for Him every Sunday in
weren’t able to link the materials back to us. China! Hallelujah!
Plus, one of our workers was ordered to appear In the next few months, you won’t hear
in person for questioning! But a friend advised much from me because we need to protect our
him to wait several days, maintain a low profile, efforts, but please know that your financial
and see what happens. Praise the Lord, he and prayer support makes a difference. Our
waited and the case was simply closed! next big project is to produce a Chinese
Still, our friends are willing to risk being caught and Sabbath website and other video materials. To fund this work,
punished because they feel that the religious climate here please mark your gift as “China Project.”
Ray Hoffmann from Carol Hoffmann, his wife
Ben Leach from Dr. Arthur D. Leach Riley Marby Norby from Bill and Mable Sires,
Ted and Margaret Hoffman from Steven and
Alan Dean Long from Pauline Long, his mother his great-grandparents
Donna Dickie
J. Murray Long from Pauline Long, his wife Roberta Nosworthy from Betty Jacoby
Gregory Holloway from Ruth Schwarz, his mother
Marie Lovell from Wally and Geri Dunks Richard Notice from Wendy Notice, his wife
Melvin Holm from Olive Holm White, his sister
William Lowe from Anita Lowe, his wife; Irlene Nutting from Donna McDonald
Esther Holmes from Charlotte Holmes, her mother
from Shelly Lowe, his daughter
Roger Holvick from Jane Turner
Helen Luk from Douglas and June Ackermann
Walter Hosty from Jerry G. Mitchell Geraldine Olmstead from Tom Kuhn; from Bob and
John Lungu from Helen Lungu, his wife
John Hottenstein from Lucille Bush Susie Olmstead; from Mark and Kim Swett
Twila Howard from Eloise Boice
Florence Howlett from Vivienne Mountain-Rich
Raymond Huber from Gloria Huber, his wife
Marie Lutz from Al and Pat Marion
Homer Lynd from Teresa Lynd, his wife
Jack Lynn from Floyd and Vonsella Scott
Cecil Orser from Blanche Farnsworth O
Anna Olson from Jacob and Joyce Joyner
Milton Kesler from Yvonne Kesler, his wife
his mother Earl and Grace Reuss from Barbara Qualley,
Yvonne Kesler from Mervin Kesler
Enid Miller from Earl Prest their daughter
Making You
hen the fat-free craze began back in the ’80s, I believe
it was my sister the marathoner (though she hadn’t
by Emily Simmons
started running yet) who raised my family’s awareness of
Cholesterol is a type of fat the body produces (as do the bodies of other
the evils of fat. We ceased making rich homemade desserts and, as did
animals). Eating cholesterol raises your cholesterol, as does consuming saturated
the rest of America, snacked instead on pretzels, red licorice, hard candy,
and trans fats. Omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids are essential polyunsaturated
and Snackwells cookies.“They’re fat free!” we proclaimed delightedly
fats. In the typical American diet, omega-6 fats are plentiful while omega-3s
between mouthfuls. I think Entenmann’s even made a fat-free donut.
are scarce. This dangerous ratio leads to inflammation (a factor present in many
Years went by, however, and our waistlines either stayed the same or
chronic diseases), heart disease, stroke, autoimmune diseases, skin diseases, and
expanded — probably because an increase in calories made up for the
depression. The body cannot make sufficient DHA, another essential omega-3
absence of fat. It took awhile, but I began to understand that fat-free isn’t
fat, on a diet high in omega-6 fats and low in omega-3s.
calorie-free. Nor is it necessarily healthy!
In truth, your body needs fat. You’ve heard of essential fatty acids?
They’re so named because they are, in fact, essential: Your body cannot
Don’t waste too much energy on how much of each
manufacture them from the food you eat. These fats play an important
kind of fat is in your food; simply eat a diet rich in
role in growth and development as well as in the prevention and
a variety of whole, unrefined foods, as close to
treatment of chronic diseases. Fat serves other practical purposes as well:
their most natural state as possible. Again, the
It adds flavor to your food and, because it is digested more slowly than
best sources of good fats (including omega-3s)
other nutrients, keeps you full between meals.
are almonds, walnuts, flaxseed, pumpkin seeds,
sunflower kernels, and avocados.
How much fat should you eat per day? If you are
There are three main types of fats: Saturated are the “bad” fats. overweight and trying to lose weight, it’s okay to
Typically solid at room temperature, these fats are found mainly in meat consume very little fat, because your body will
and dairy products as well as coconut and palm oils. A diet too high in use what it has stored. But don’t stay on a non-
saturated fat leads to heart disease and cancer. fat or extremely low-fat diet long-term!
Polyunsaturated fats are in corn, soybean, safflower, and sunflower If you are at a healthy weight and exercise
oils. Substituting these for saturated fats lowers cholesterol, but too much regularly, eat as much as three to four ounces (about 2 small handfuls) of
polyunsaturated fat can promote cancer.“Good” monounsaturated raw nuts or seeds per day, an avocado, or a couple of tablespoons of olive
fats also lower cholesterol. They’re found in olive, canola, and peanut oil. Growing children or someone who has a hard time gaining weight can
oils. However, no refined fat is “healthy” — so consume these good fats eat more than that, but it should still be fat in its most natural form. Even if
primarily in their most natural state (olives, avocados, nuts, and seeds) you are healthy and at an ideal weight, fat should comprise no more than
and use oil only in very small amounts. 30 percent of your total calorie intake at most. On a 2,000-calorie diet, that’s
about 600 calories worth. Put another way, about 65 grams.
Any way you look at it, remember that even
the healthy fats in avocado, nuts, and seeds
pack a nine-calorie per gram punch, so if you
want to maintain or lose weight, watch your
intake. (In contrast, protein and carbohydrates
contain only four calories per gram.)
Other fats have recently become household names. Hydrogenated One last bit of fat trivia: The fat on your plate will very easily be converted
or partially hydrogenated fats are unsaturated fats that are altered into body fat. So easily, in fact, that a biopsy of the fat on your waist, hips or thighs
to extend their shelf life. They contain harmful trans fats and should be would reveal precisely where that fat came from: a pig, a chicken, a hunk of
avoided completely. cheese, or handful of nuts! Now that’s food for thought …
Inside Report 30 1Q 2010
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the origin of evil
Take a spectacular journey back through
time and trace the transformation of a
perfect angel into Satan, the arch demon
— and how he led an army of angels in
a revolt in heaven!
Witness the creation of a beautiful new
world ... feel the suspense as the devil
brings his rebellion to Planet Earth ...
behold the temptation and fall in Eden
... and uncover God’s amazing plan to
restore mankind to paradise!
Recorded in high-definition, this
Bible-based documentary will help you
understand the deepest mysteries of life,
explaining how sin and evil could invade a perfect world made by a loving
God. The Cosmic Conflict affects every life on earth — including yours!
“I just received my copy here in New Zealand, and “Outstanding! The nature of the message
it is fantastic! What a great tool to share God’s about good and evil is powerful and to
love and to show the world what went wrong ... the point. There is no doubt that Christ’s
and that God has a plan to put everything right. return is imminent. Thank you for
I recommend it to everyone.” including captions for the deaf!”