Reading and Analysis of Map

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1. Reading and Analysis of Maps

Class – 8th S2 – D, H & T Objective Test Marks: 50

1. It is representation of a place or a location on the earth’s surface. [ ]

A) Shape B) Paper C) Book D) Model
2. It is a real image of particular place. [ ]
A) Map B) Book C) Photograph D) Globe
3. A prehistoric painting showing land, water and skies was found at Jaora village in
the state of. [ ]
A) Uttar Pradesh C) Madhya Pradesh
B) Andhra Pradesh D) Himachal Pradesh
4. In the Vedic and Puranic times, it was thought that India was located on the
Island called [ ]
A) Jambu dwipa C) Saka dwipa
B) Kusa dwipa D) Pushkara dwipa
5. In the 5th century CE, the Indian scientist who used the concept of longitudes and
latitudes fixing the location of a place was. [ ]
A) Varahamihira C) Aryabhatta
B) Bhasakara – I D) Brahma Gupta
6. During the Mughal Times, an Atlas was prepared in Jaunpur in the 17th century
by…. [ ]
A) Amir Kusro C) Sadiq Isafahani
B) Al Idrisi D) Al Beruni
7. About 4000 years ago, some of the earliest surviving maps were made by [ ]
A) Sumerians C) Egyptians
B) Babylonians D) Macedonians
8. Who made some of the earliest world maps? [ ]
A) Sumerians C) Egyptians
B) Babylonians D) Macedonians
9. Sumerians were the people of the present day. [ ]
A) Iran C) Turkey
B) Iraq D) Pakistan
10. A clay tablet was drawn about 2600 years ago by the people who believed that
the earth was a round disc surrounded by Ocean River, who were those? [ ]
A) Sumerians C) Egyptians
B) Babylonians D) Macedonians
11. Babylonians were the people of the present day. [ ]
A) Iran C) Turkey
B) Iraq D) Pakistan
12. The inner circle was …………. Or salt Water Sea in which there were seven
triangular seas. [ ]
A) Salt river C) Both A & B
B) Bitter river D) Nile river
13. Anaximander was a ……………. geographer. [ ]
A) Greek B) Italian C) Indian D) Canadian
14. The continents of Europe and Africa are separated by the ……. [ ]
A) Red Sea B) Black Sea C) Caspian Sea D) Mediterranean Sea
15. Father of Geography [ ]
A) Philips C) Anaximander
B) Alexander D) Hecataeus
16. The Greek king, who tried to conquer the whole world and came as far as
India nearly 2300 years ago was. [ ]
E) Philips G) Anaximander
F) Alexander H) Hecataeus
17. Greeks took ……. Years to draw lines accurately. [ ]
A) 2000 years B) 3000 years C) 4000 years D) 5000 years
18. The line that joins the places where the mid-day occurs at the same tie is called
A) Meridian C) Longitude [ ]
B) Noon line D) All the above
19. Romans prepared maps around ……… years ago. [ ]
A) 5000 B) 2600 C) 2300 D) 4000
20. Romans prepared the maps to know about places far and near, they wanted
A) Rule the world C) Trade [ ]
B) Build colonies D) All the above
21. One of the famous geographers of the ancient world was [ ]
A) Hecataeus C) Anaximander
B) Miletus D) Ptoemy
22. Whose books were used by the Arab scholars and sailors to prepare maps? [ ]
A) Anaximander C) Al Idris
B) Ptolemy D) Hecataeus
23. The famous Arab map maker who prepared a world map for his king was [ ]
A) Al Idris C) Al Beruni
B) Sadiq Isfahani D) None of the above
24. A famous Arab map maker who prepared a world map for his king in [ ]
A) 1155 C.E B) 1154 C.E C) 1162 C.E D) 1240 C.E
25. Before discovering the books of Ptolemy, the European map makers were greatly
influenced by religious ideas of the. [ ]
A) Quran C) Zend Avesta
B) Bible D) All the above
26. According to the Bible, the world is divided into three continents. Which of
the following is not in it? [ ]
A) Asia B) Europe C) Africa D) Australia
27. The birth place of Jesus Christ was [ ]
A) Jerusalem C) Damascus
B) Jordan D) Tel Aviv
28. Around …………, Europeans rediscovered Ptolemy’s books and prepared new
maps. [ ]
A) 1480 C.E B) 1500 C.E C) 1380 C.E D) 1460 C.E
29. During the ……. Century, Ptolemy inspired a new enthusiasm in the non –
Arabic world. [ ]
A) 12th B) 14th C) 15th D) 18th
30. …… has blocked the trade route to India across the Mediterranean Sea, in the
15th century. [ ]
A) Greeks C) Romans
B) Arabs D) Egyptians
31. Who discovered America? [ ]
A) Vasco da Gama C) Copernicus
B) Columbus D) Magellan
32. Which Explorer went around Africa to reach India for the first time? [ ]
A) Amerigo Vespucci C) Vasco da Gama
B) Columbus D) Magellan
33. In which year Columbus discovered sea route to America? [ ]
A) 1498 B) 1492 C) 1400 D) 1520
34. In which year Vasco da Gama discovered sea route to India? [ ]
A) 1492 B) 1570 C) 1438 D) 1498
35. The father of Dutch cartography was [ ]
A) Ptolemy C) Hecataeus
B) Al Idris D) Geradus Mercator
35. The method for showing the correct shapes and directions of continents but with
the distortion of sizes and distances is called [ ]
A) Orthographic Projection C) Robinson Projection
B) Mercator’s Projection D) None of the above
36. In which century, Holland emerged as a major trading power? [ ]
A) 12th B) 15th C) 18th D) 16th
37. ………. Powers colonised the entire continents like North America, Asia, Africa,
South America & Australia. [ ]
A) Europeans C) Spain
B) Dutch D) America
38. Who established a department called ‘Survey of India’ to survey the entire
country and prepare maps? [ ]
A) Portuguese C) Dutch
B) French D) British
39.…… was appointed the ‘Surveyor General’ by the British to prepare first survey
based maps of India [ ]
A) James Rennell C) George Everest
B) William Lambton D) Colin Mackenzie
40. Asia, Europe, Africa are separated by ……. Sea [ ]
A) Mediterranean Sea C) Caspian Sea
B) Red Sea D) White Sea
41. In which year William Lambton began his survey in India? [ ]
A) 1802 C.E B) 1947 C.E C) 1500 C.E D) 1864 C.E
42. Mount Everest was named after ……. who measured its height for the first time
using scientific methods [ ]
A) James Everest C) George Everest
B) John Everest D) William Everest
43. Who began one of the most important geographical service in the world starting
from Chennai in the south and culminating in the Himalayas to determine the
length of longitude and also the heights of various places? [ ]
A) James Everest
45. Which is the highest peak in the world? [ ]
A) K2 B) Mt. Everest C) Dhaulagiri D) Kanchenjunga
46. The shape of the earth is [ ]
A) Sphere C) Flat disc
B) Rectangular D) Triangular
47. A collection of maps is called [ ]
A) An Atlas C) Political Map
B) Map book D) None
48. During this ……. Year Europeans rediscovered Ptolemy books [ ]
A) 1490 C.E C) 1340 C.E
B) 1580 C.E D) 1480 C.E
49. European map makers were greatly influenced by religious ideas of the. [ ]
A) Bible B) Quran C) Gita D) Granth
50. Geradus Mercator. [ ]
A) 1501-16 B) 1512-94 C) 1520-80 D) None


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