Writing and City Life
Writing and City Life
Writing and City Life
1. Mesopotamia was important to Europeans because of:
a) Archeological work started here.
b) reference of it in the old testament.
c) It has important rivers.
d) They were ancestors
3. Iraq is a land of diverse environment In the north there is a stretch of upland called: a)
b) Desert
c) Steppe
d) Savannah
4. The Mesopotamians could have traded their abundant textile and agricultural produce
a) wood, copper, tin and silver.
b) Date -palm and poplar wood.
c) Tools , seals and jewels.
d) Oil, gold, tools
11.In the question given below, there are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and
Reason (R). Read the statements and choose the correct option:
Assertion: The Tigris was called the ‘world route’ because of its accessibility.
Reason: The canals and natural channels of ancient Mesopotamia were in fact routes of
goods transport between large and small settlements.
12. Which one of the following facts is not true about Mesopotamia?
A. Agriculture of southern Mesopotamia that was the most productive.
B. In the north-east lie green, undulating plains.
C. In the north, there is a stretch of upland called a prairie.
D. The south is a desert.
Q3Answer In Brief:
1. “In spite of natural fertility agriculture was subject to hazards”. Give reasons.
2. Describe the Mesopotamian society.
3. What were the methods of transportation in Mesopotamia? How did transportation
facilitate in trade.
4. What is the difference between writing and script?
5. Describe in brief about the story of Gilgamesh.
1. How did archaeologists unearth Abu Salabikh?
2. What remains did they discover?
3. How have tactics of excavations changed from earlier times?