Brochure GC UV INSCAN 176 1 1
Brochure GC UV INSCAN 176 1 1
Brochure GC UV INSCAN 176 1 1
Perform chemical analysis within a few minutes of liquid samples with GC-UV INSCAN 176
The GC-UV INSCAN 176 is a cutting-edge device that revolutionizes chemical analysis by providing rapid results for
liquid samples within minutes. Its advanced technology combines gas chromatography (GC) with ultraviolet (UV)
detection, ensuring accurate and precise measurements of various chemical components.
Labio GC-UV INSCAN 176
With the GC-UV INSCAN 176, scientists and researchers can expedite their analysis process, saving valuable time
and enabling quicker decision-making based on reliable data.
The gas chromatograph has a high heating rate enabling fast analysis when there are few compounds in the
sample. The spectrometer supports this method by having a fast acquisition rate. If the requirement is to be
very precise and time is not a constraint, a method with a slow temperature and pressure ramps can be
employed in order to achieve good separation. The software is easy to use and flexible. A calibration curve is
applied to find the amount of the substances in the sample. The spectral library ensures positive identification
of the individual substances.
Full-scan analytical method for chemical compounds not limited to a few substances.
Quantitative and qualitative chemical
analysis of liquid samples
However, our system takes a step further by combining the established chromatography technique with a
powerful UV spectrometer. This unique combination allows the detector to provide the complete spectra of
the eluting substance at every moment in time, facilitating positive identification through library searches.
This capability proves particularly valuable in untargeted analyses and when dealing with contaminants in
the sample. In contrast to High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) that employs a liquid solvent, our
device employs nitrogen gas as the carrier, which is transparent in the UV range where many substances
exhibit high absorption. As a result, our system enables higher sensitivity and reduces the shadowing effect
caused by the carrier liquid in HPLC.
While Mass Spectrometers offer sensitive detection, they have longer start-up times and can be prone to
contamination, especially with high sample volumes. Additionally, Mass Spectrometers are unable to
differentiate between structural or optical isomers. However, in UV detection, different isomers exhibit
distinct absorption spectra, allowing for differentiation.
On the other hand, FTIR detectors, although not as sensitive as UV detectors, are usually not integrated within
the same device as gas chromatographs. Utilizing an FTIR detector without a chromatograph requires manual
identification by an experienced user. Moreover, the number of simultaneous detectable substances is limited
compared to other systems.
Our system stands out by utilizing 4.6 purity nitrogen as the carrier gas, which is safe, cost-effective, and easily
obtainable. This sets it apart from other systems that rely on more expensive gases like helium or high-purity
nitrogen. Furthermore, our approach eliminates the potential hazards associated with using hydrogen gas,
especially in the presence of leaks.
Perform chemical analysis within a few minutes of liquid samples with GC-UV INSCAN 176
The GC-UV INSCAN 176 is a cutting-edge device that revolutionizes chemical analysis by providing rapid results for
liquid samples within minutes. Its advanced technology combines gas chromatography (GC) with ultraviolet (UV)
detection, ensuring accurate and precise measurements of various chemical components.
Advantages of the GC-UV Method
Labio introduces its new generation of GC/UV instruments that revolutionize analytical lab operations with
intelligent technology. Designed to streamline workflows and enhance efficiency, these cutting-edge instruments
significantly reduce instrument downtime and optimize run times, enabling maximum productivity in analytical
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