Vip No.1 - Pipe

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1 - PIPE
1. A type of valve connected from discharge of of 70 °C is suspended in the middle of a room at
compressor directly to suction that is normally 20°C. If the convection heat transfer coefficient
closed and will open automatically only if there is 15 W/m2-C and the emissivity of the surface is
is high discharge pressure 0.8, what is the total- heat transfer from the
A. Check valve C. King valve ball.
B. Solenoid valve D. Relief valve A. 23.56 watts C. 43.45 watts
B. 9.22 watts D. 32.77 watts
2. What is the process in which both the intake and
19. Carbon dioxide (CO2) flows through a nozzle with
exhaust valves are closed, and the air-fuel mixture
speed of 380 m/s. The entrance condition of the
is processed by the upward piston movement?
nozzle is 250 deg C and 1200 kPa. Compute for the
A. Power stroke C. Exhaust stroke
stagnation pressure.
B. Intake stroke D. Compression stroke
A. 2,136.34 kPa C. 2,156.34 kPa
3. In which direction does heat flow?
A. Down B. 2,166.34 kPa D. 2,146.34 kPa
B. From warm substance to a cold substance 20. Determine the number of minute it takes for a
C. From a cold substance to a warm substance current of 6 amperes to pass through a 10-ohm
D. Up resistor to have a charge of xxxx coulombs.
4. As a safety precaution, refrigerant cylinders A. 3 min C. 2.5 min
should be stored and transported in the _____ B. 2.7 min D. 6.2 min
position to keep the pressure relief in contact 21. A newly installed turbine receives 150 lbm/sec of
with the vapor space, not the liquid inside the air at a pressure of 63 psia and aq temperature of
cylinder. 2450 °R and expands it polytropically to a pressure
A. Horizontal C. Upright of 14.7 psia. The exponent n is equal to 1.45 for
B. Any D. Upside down the process. Determine the power required.
5. In most common design of gas turbine, the pressure A. 53,343.16 kW C. 52,343.16 BTU/sec
ratio ranges from B. 53,343.16 ft-lb/sec D. 53,343.16 HP
A. 10 to 12 C. 12 to 18 22. A 4000 liters per hour of distillates are to be
B. 15 to 20 D. 11 to 16 cooled from 21 deg C to -12 degC and 12 per cent
6. It is a channel that conducts water away from the of wax by weight is separated out at 15 degC, The
turbine. specific heat of oil is 2 kJ/kgdegC and SG is 0.87.
A. Headrace Pipe C. Penstock The specific heat of the wax is 2.5 and the latent
B. Forebay D. Tailrace heat of fusion is 290 kJ/kg. Allow 10 per cent for
7. Is the ratio of the mass of water vapor in air and the losses, Determine the capacity of the
the mass of air if it is saturated is called: Refrigerating Machine.
A. Relative humidity C. mass ratio A. 372,960 BTU/hr C. 109,285 BTU/hr
B. Vapor ratio D. humidity ratio B. 372,987 BTU/hr D. 901,328 BTU/hr
8. When the temperature of stack gases rises 23. A Caterpillar diesel engine consumed 945 liters of
considerably above the normal operating stack fuel per day at 35 deg C. If the fuel was purchased
temperature, it generally indicates at a temperature of 15.5 deg C and 30 deg API at
A. that the boiler is operating efficiently P29.00/li, determine the cost of fuel to operate
B. a low boiler water level the Caterpillar diesel engine per day.
C. a heavy smoke condition in the stack A. P27,127.76 C. P48,088.96
D. that the boiler tubes are dirty B. P5,677.76 D. P4,677.76
9. What is the color code for the cylinder of R—134a? 24. A newly installed 6,000 kW steam turbine generator
A. Orange C. Silver power plant has a full-load steam rate of 8 kg/kW-
B. Green D. Light blue hr. Assuming that there is no-load steam
consumption at 15 per cent of its full load steam
10. The applications and joining methods for this pipe
consumption, What is the hourly steam consumption
are very similar to those for PVC. However, this
at 75 per cent load, in kg/hr?
pipe can be used for hot water (up to 180 °F) in a
A. 37,800 kg/hr C. 57,600 kg/hr
pressurized system (up to 100 psi).
A. Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) B. 47,900 kg/hr D. 87,900 kg/hr
B. Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipe 25. Calculate the approximate enthalpy of water at 90°C
A. 366.83 kJ/kg C. 386.83 kJ/kg
C. Polyetheyene (PE) pipe
B. 376.83 kJ/kg D. 396.83 kl/kg
D. Acrylonitrilebutadiene Styrene (ABS) pipe 26. A Japan made two-stage, double acting compressor
11. The term spalling refers to a boiler: is to deliver 90 lb/min of air from a pressure of
A. flue gas content C. soot blower 14.3 psia and at a temperature of 90 deg F to a
B. mud leg D. combustion chamber final pressure of 185 psia. The normal barometer
12. Dominant refrigerant used in commercial reading is 29.8 in-Hg and the temperature is at 80
refrigeration system deg F. The pressure drop in the intercooler is 3
A. R11 C. R12 psi and the speed is 210 rpm and pV1.34 = C during
B. R22 D. R502 compression and expansion process. The clearance
13. In power plants, boiler feed water is chemically for both cylinders are 5 per cent respectively. The
treated in order to: temperature of the cooling water was increased by
A. prevent scale formation 18 deg F. Compute for the volume of free air.
B. increase the temperature of the water A. 1320 CFM C. 1280 CFM
C. increase oxygen formation B. 1230 CFM D. 1832 CFM
D. increase water foaming 27. The mass analysis of a fuel is 84% carbon, 14%
14. One advantage of a low—side float system is that hydrogen and 2% ash. It is burned with 20% excess
it: air relative to stoichiometric requirement. If 100
A. requires a large amount of refrigerant kg/h of this fuel is burned in a boiler, what is
B. can be used with a low starting torque motor the volumetric flow rate of the gas if its
C. eliminates flash gas in the evaporator temperature and pressure are 250 °C and 1 bar
D. can be used with a water cooled condenser respectively?
15. The hands feel painfully cold when the skin Note: Air contains 23.1% oxygen by mass. Ro= 8.3143
temperature reaches. kJ/kg mol K and atomic mass relationships are:
A. 14 °C C. 8 °C oxygen16, carbon 12, hydrogen 1.
B. 10 °C D. 12 °C A. 2569m3/hr C. 2759m3/hr
16. One of the following valves that should be used in B. 5689m3/hr D. 1256m3/hr
a steam line to throttle the flow is the ______ 28. A 150 Hp motor is used to drive the compressor. If
valve. the heat loss from the compressor is 25 kW and the
A. gate C. plug mass flow rate of the refrigerant entering the
B. check D. globe compressor is 0.50 kg/s, determine the difference
17. _______ consist of refrigerant mixtures of two or of the enthalpies between the inlet and outlet of
more different compounds, often used individually thecompressor.
as refrigerants for other applications. A. 143.80 kj/kg
A. compound reaction B. 153.80 kj/kg
B. absorption C. 173.20 kj/kg
C. mixing of refrigerants D. 183.80 kj/kg
D. blends 29. Two boilers are operating steadily on 91000 kg of
18. A spherical ball with a diameter of 5 centimeter coal contained in a bunker. One boiler is producing
and whose surface is maintained at a temperature 1591 kg of steam per hour at 1.2 factor of
evaporation and an efficiency of 65% and another B. 110 W D. 140 W
boiler produced 1364 kg of steam per hour at 1.15 40. Find the hydraulic gradient of 1 mile, 17 inches
factor of evaporation and an efficiency of 60%. How inside diameter of a pipe when 3300 gal/min of
many hrs will the coal in the bunker run the boilers water flow and with a friction of f = 0.03.
if the heating value of coal is 7,590 kcal/kg? A. 0.00814 C. 0.00514
A. 230.80 hrs C. 350.35 hrs B. 0.00714 D. 0.00614
B. 280.54 hrs D. 300.54 hrs 41. In a Geothermal power plant hot groundwater from a
30. An oxygen cylinder of volume 2.3 ft3 has a pressure hot spring is used to power a heat engine. If the
of 2200 psig and is at 70°F. Determine the mass of groundwater is at 95 deg C, estimate the maximum
oxygen in the cylinder. power output if the mass flow rate of groundwater
A. 25.66 lbs C. 27.66 lbs is 0.2 kg/sec. Atmosphere is at 20 deg C.
B. 26.66 lbs D. 28.66 lbs A. 12.8 Kw C. 15.0 kW
31. One insulated wall of a new cold—storage B. 14.0 kW D. 18.00 kW
compartment is 8m long by 2.5m high and consists 42. In an open feedwater heater for a steam plant,
of an outer steel plate 1.8 cm thick. An inner wood saturated steam at 7 bar is mixed with subcooled
wall 2.25 cm thick, the steel and wood are 9.0 cm liquid at 7 bar and 25°C. Just enough steam is
apart to form a cavity which is filled with cork. supplied to ensure that the mixed steam leaving the
If the temperature drop across the extreme faces heater will be saturated liquid at 7 bar when
of the composite wall is 15½C. Calculate the heat heater efficiency is 95% Calculate the mass flow
transfer per hour through the wall and the rate of the subcooled liquid if steam flow rate is
temperature drop across the thickness of the cork. 0.865 kg/s.
Take the coefficients of thermal conductivity for Steam properties:
steel, cork and wood as 45, 0.045, and 0.18 W/m-K @7 bar, saturated vapor: hg=2763.5kl/kg
respectively. @7 bar and 25°C: hf=105.5k/kg
A. 508.24 kJ, 14.12°C C. 608.24 kJ, 13.12°C @7 bar, saturated liquid: hf=697.22 k/kg
B. 708.24 kJ, 11.12°C D. 408.24 kJ, 12.12°C A. 2.725 kg/s C. 2.869 kg/s
32. Specific volume is the number of cubic meters of B. 3.356 kg/s D. 3.948 kg/s
mixture per kilogram of dry air. If dry air has 43. Fish weighing 11,000 kg with a temperature of 20°C
these following properties: Ra = 287 J/kg-K, T = is brought to a cold storage and which shall be
303 K, Pa = 99.604 kPa. Solve for the specific cooled to -10°C in 11 hours. Find the required
volume. plant refrigerating capacity in tons of
A. 0.873 m3/kg C. 0.953 m3 /kg refrigeration if the specific heat of fish is 0.7
B. 0.853 m3/kg D. 0.783 m3/kg kcal/kg -°C above freezing point and 0.30 kcal/kg-
33. A vertical jet of water supports a load of 200 N ℃ below freezing point. The freezing point is -
at a constant vertical height of 2 m from the tip 3°C. The latent heat of freezing is 55.5 kcal/kg.
of the nozzle. The diameter of the jet is 25 mm. A. 25.26 TOR C. 14.38 TOR
Find the velocity of the jet at the nozzle tip B. 15.26 TOR D. 24.38 TOR
A. 21.13 m/s C. 23.28 m/s 44. One (1) piston of a new hydraulic press has an area
B. 28.32 m/s D. 22.82 m/s of 1 cm sq. The other piston has an area of 25 cm
34. Find the power of a rotating shaft which develops sq. If force of 150 N is applied on the smaller
a torque of 188 N·m at 1350 rpm. piston with an area of 1 sq cm, what will be the
A. 101.54 hp C. 63.35 hp Total force on the larger piston if both piston
B. 53.63 hp D. 35.63 hp surfaces are of the same level?
35. Three-hundred kilojoules of heat flow by conduction A. 1175 N C. 4250 N
from the outside to the inside of a cold storage B. 6750 N D. 3750 N
in one hour. If the temperature and all other 45. What is the surface area should be provided by the
conditions are the same, what is the heat flowing filament of a 100W evacuated light globe where t =
through the cold storage room in two hours? 2482 degC and emissivity = 0.38 for the filament?
A. 600 kJ C. 300 kJ Assume the ambient temperature to be 25.6 deg C.
B. 900 kJ D. 1,200 kJ A. 1.24 sq cm C. 2.45 sq cm
36. A college student living in a dormitory room of 4 B. 0.806 sq cm D. 0.206 sq cm
meters x 6meters x 6meters turns on her 150 watts 46. A certain gas with a pressure of 101.325 kPa and a
electric fan before she leaves the room on a summer temperature of 10 deg C whose volume is 2.83 cu m
day, hoping that the room will be cooler when she are compressed into a storage vessel of 0.31 cu m
comes back in the evening. Assuming all the doors capacity. Before admission, the storage vessel
and windows are tightly closed and disregarding any contained the gas at a pressure and temperature of
heat transfer through the walls and the windows, 137.8 kPa and 26 deg C; after admission, the
determine the temperature in the room when she pressure has increased to 1171.8 kPa. What is the
comes back 10 hours later. Use specific heat values final temperature of the gas in the vessel in deg
at room temperature, and assume the room to be at Kelvin?
100 kPa and 15 C in the morning when she leaves. A. 314.2 deg K C. 180.0 deg K
A. 58.13°C C. 38.13°C B. 319.8 deg K D. 298.0 deg K
B. 48.13°C D. 28.13°C 47. An hydraulic turbine Which has a diameter of 60
37. Clean water from DCWD is being heated in a closed in., speed of 350 rpm, coefficient of velocity of
stainless pan on top of gas range while being 0.98, peripheral speed factor of 0.45, generator
stirred by a paddle wheel. During the process, 30 efficiency of 90% and jet diameter from nozzle of
kJ of heat is transferred to the water, and 5kJ of 6 in. Determine the power input in hp.
heat is lost to the surrounding air. The paddle- A. 2933 C. 2862
wheel work amounts to 500 N-m. What will be the B. 2366 D. 2512
final energy of the system if its initial energy 48. A brand new air standard engine has a compression
is 10 kJ? ratio of 18 and a cut-off ratio of 4. Find the work
A. 25.5 kJ C. 40.5 kJ in KJ per kg, if the intake air pressure and
B. 30.5 kJ D. 35.5 kJ temperature are 100 kPa and 27 deg C.
38. What will be its Refrigeration capacity if it is A. 1782 KJ/kg C. 2176 kJ/kg
required to cool 2000 cfm of air from its initial B. 1582 kJ/kg D. 2776 kJ/kg
temperature of 85 deg F to its final temperature 49. A volumetric analysis of a gas mixture is a
of 68 deg F? follows:
A. 3.99 TOR C. 2.88 TOR CO2: 12% 02: 4% N2: 80% CO:4%
B. 2.77 TOR D. 3.06 TOR What percentage of CO2 on a mass basis?
39. An insulated steam pipe located where the ambient A. 17.55% C. 12.73%
temperature is 32 °C, has an inside diameter of 5.0 B. 15.55% D. 19.73%
cm with 1.0 cm thick wall. The outside diameter of 50. Determine the air-standard efficiency of an engine
the corrugated asbestos insulation is 12.5 cm and operating on the diesel cycle with a clearance of
the surface coefficient of still air, ho = 12 W/m2- 6% when the suction pressure is 99.7 kPa and the
K. Inside the pipe is steam having a temperature fuel is injected for 7% of the stroke. Assume k=1.4
of 170 °C with film 6000 W/m2-K. Thermal A. 62.11% C. 73.58%
conductivity of pipe and asbestos coefficient hi = B. 51.20% D. 60.02%
6000 w/m2-K. Thermal conductivity of pipe and 51. What is the lower heating value LHV in BTU/lb of
asbestos insulation are 45 and 0.12 W/m-K bunker fuel with an HHV of 18,400 BTU/lb and 11.5%
respectively. Determine the heat loss per unit hydrogen content?
length of pipe. A. 17,279 C. 16,279
A. 120 W C. 130 W B. 18,279 D. 19,279
52. If the ultimate strength drops by 30%, the steam B. 27.49 m2 D. 28.77 m2
temperature rises from _____ for unalloyed steel. 67. You are working the 4:00 PM to Midnight shift at
A. 400 to 500 °C C. 500 to 600 °C energy producing, coal burning steam plant. The
B. 300 to 400 °C D. 600 to 700 °C first thing you would do when coming to work is:
53. Pure steam at a pressure of 30 bar, and at a A. blow down gauge glass & determine water level
temperature of 375 C, is generated in a boiler at B. clean the fires
the rate of 30000 kg/h from feed water at a C. add green coal and build up the fire
temperature of 130 °C. The fuel has a calorific D. blow down the boiler
value of 42 MJ/kg and the daily consumption is 53 68. A 300 x 400 mm branch duct leaves a 300 mm x 600
tonne. What will be the equivalent engine power if mm main duct at an angle of 60 deg. The air
the overall efficiency of the plant is 0.13. temperature is 20 deg C. The dimensions of the main
A. 2546 kW C. 8954 kW duct remain constant following the branch. The flow
B. 5634 kW D. 3349kW rate upstream is 2.7 cu m/sec. What is the pressure
54. What is the absolute pressure exerted on the downstream in the main duct. Note: at 20 deg C, P
surface of a US submarine cruising at 300 ft below = 1.2041 kg/cu m.
the free surface of the Mediterranean sea? Assume A. 634 Pa C. 346 Pa
specific gravity of sea water is 1.03. B. 743 Pa D. 464 Pa
A. 103.7 psia C. 138.6 psia 69. A rigid steel container is closed at one end and
B. 148.6 psia D. 100.7 psia measures 8 in diameter by 12 in long. The container
55. Component of absorption refrigeration system in is held vertically and is slowly moved downward
which the solution is cooled by cooling water. until the pressure in the container is 17 psia.
A. Absorber C. Evaporator What will be the depth of the top of the container
B. Rectifier D. Generator from the free water surface?
56. Two kilogram of gas is confined in a 1 m^3 tank at A. 69.89 in C. 42.69 in
200 kPa and 88°C. What type of gas is in the tank? B. 63.69 in D. 59.29 in
A. Helium C. Methane 70. Boiling point of Freon-12 at atmospheric pressure
B. Ethane D. Methane is:
57. A steam generator with economizer and air heater A. 21 deg F C. 5 deg F
has an overall draft loss of 25.78 cm of water. If B. 15 deg F D. 28 deg F
the stack gases are at a temperature of 177 deg C 71. A water tube boiler has a capacity of 1000 kg/hr
and if the atmosphere is at 101.3 kPa with a of steam. The factor of evaporation is 1.3, boiler
temperature of 26 deg C, what is the theoretical rating is 200%, boiler efficiency is 65% and
height of stack in meters is needed when no draft heating surface area is 0.91 m^2 per bo.Hp. The
fan are used? Assume that the gas constant for the heating value of fuel is 18,400 kcal/kg. The total
flue gases is the same as that for air. coal available in the bunker is 50,000 kg.
A. 651 m C. 631 m Determine the no. of hrs. to consume the available
B. 671 m D. 611 m fuel.
58. A hot suction line might be caused by: A. 853.36 hrs C. 979.46 hrs
A. insufficient lubrication B. 706.57 hrs D. 100.75 hrs
B. expansion valve closed too much 72. A mixture of 0.4 lbm of helium and 0.2 lbm of oxygen
C. insufficient refrigerant is compressed polytropically from 14.7 psia and
D. too much refrigeration 60°F to 60 psia according to n = 1.4. Determine the
59. In a hydro-electric plant, water flows at 10 m/s polytropic work.
in a penstock of 1 m^2 cross-sectional area. if the A. 139 Btu C. 339 Btu
net head of the plant is 30 m and the turbine B. 239 Btu D. 539 Btu
efficiency is 85%, what is the turbine output? 73. As a rule of thumb, for a specified amount of
A. 2,501.55 kW C. 3,626.34 kW compressed air, the power consumption of the
B. 2.100.21 kW D. 3,124.65 kW compressor decreases by _____ for each 3 °C drop
60. Ammonia that is circulated in a refrigeration in the temperature inlet air to the compressor.
machine is found to be 0.36333 lb/min. If the vapor A. 2 percent C. 1 percent
enters the compressor with a specific volume of 7.3 B. 1.5 percent D. 2.5 percent
cu ft/lb, what will be the Piston displacement, 74. At a pressure of 1300 kPa, the mixture of steam and
assuming 80 per cent volume efficiency? water has an entropy of 3 kJ/kg-degK. What is the
A. 291.6 cu ft/hr C. 261.6 cu ft/hr enthalpy of the mixture?
B. 281.8 cu ft/hr D. 198.9 cu ft/hr At 1.3 Mpa: sf = 2.2515, sg = 6.4953, hf = 814.93,
61. The bottom blow down on a boiler is used to: hfg = 1972.7
A. reduce steam pressure in the header A. 1,234.45 kJ/kg C. 1,627.71 kJ/kg
B. increase boiler priming B. 1,533.33 kJ/kg D. 1,162.40 kJ/kg
C. increase the boiler water level 75. Steam enters a turbine stage with an enthalpy of
D. remove mud drum water impurities 3700 kJ/kg and a velocity of 80 m/s and leaves with
62. A tank contains 90 ft^3 of air at a pressure of 350 an enthalpy of 2864 kJ/kg with a velocity of 12.8
psig: if the air is cooled until its pressure and m/s. If the rate of a steam flow through the turbine
temperature decreases at 200 psig and 70°F is 0.44 kg/s, what is the work done in kW?
respectively, what is the decrease in internal A. 365 kW C. 366.0 kW
energy? B. 365.64 kW D. 366.50 kW
A. 6232.09 Btu C. 5552 Btu 76. If the refrigeration system has a capacity of 2
B. -5552 Btu D. -6232.09 Btu tons, which of the following statements is correct?
63. Find the work possess for a helium gas at 20°C. A. The system has a COP of 2.
A. 609 kJ/kg C. 229 kJ/kg B. The unit has 2 circuits
B. 168 kJ/kg D. 339 kJ/kg C. The system has a refrigerating load of 400
64. Piping installation crossing an open space that BTU/min
affords passageway in any building shall be not D. The system uses 2 tons of refrigerants.
less than ____ above he floor unless the piping s 77. What is the resulting pressure when one kilogram
located against the ceiling of such space and of air at 104 kPa and 98°C is heated at constant
permitted by the authority having jurisdiction. volume to 450°C?
A. 2.2 m C. 4.2 m A. 202.67 kPa C. 186.53 kPa
B. 3.5 m D. 5.5 m B. 194.67 kPa D. 198.65 kPa
65. A closed feedwater heater, with a transmittance of 78. An elastic sphere containing gas at 120 kPa has a
U = 350 BTU/hr-sqft-F, uses condensing steam at a diameter of 1.0 meter. Heating the sphere causes
pressure of 20 psia (tsat = 227.96degF) for heating it to expand to a diameter of 1.3 meters. During
85,000 lb/hr of water from a temperature of 60 deg the process, the pressure is proportional to the
F to a temperature of 215 deg F. Calculate the sphere diameter. Calculate the work done by the gas
transmitting area? in KJ.
A. 234 sq ft C. 622 sq ft A. 57.6 kJ C. 87.5 kJ
B. 627 sq ft D. 876 sq ft B. 77.4 kJ D. 67.8 kJ
66. A 22.7kg/s flow of air enters a preheater at a 79. Based on industry practice, for a specified amount
temperature of 28 °C and leaves at a temperature of compressed air, the power consumption of the
of 150 °C; 23.7kg/s of exhaust gases, cp=l.09kJ/kg- compressor decreases by _____ for each 3½ drop in
K, and enters at a temperature of 315 C. The overall the temperature inlet air to the compressor.
coefficient of heat transfer is 710 W/m2-C. A. 2.0 percent C. 2.5 percent
Calculate the surface area for counterflow. B. 1.5 percent D. 1.0 percent
A. 22.82 m2 C. 32.54 m2
80. Water substance with a pressure of 70 bar and a = 0.4625 cu m/kg, vf = 0.0010836 cu m/kg). If
temperature of 65 deg C enters a boiler tube of expansion follows the law of PVn = C, where n =
constant inside diameter of 35 mm. The water leaves 1.12, find the dryness fraction of steam at the
the boiler tube at a pressure of 50 bar and a lower pressure.
temperature of 700 deg K at velocity of 100 m/s. A. 0.999 C. 0.5466
Calculate the inlet volume flow (ltr/sec) B. 0.7863 D. 0.5494
From steam tables: 95. A model pump delivering water at 180F (γ=60.6
At 70 bar (7 Mpa) and 65 degC: v1 = 0.001017 m3/kg lb/ft^3; Pvapor = 7.54 psia) at 900 gpm and 2500
At 50 bar and 700 deg K: v2 = 0.06081 m3/kg rpm begins to cavitate when the inlet pressure and
A. 0.821 ltr/sec C. 1.261 ltr/sec velocity are 13 psia and 22 fps. Find the required
B. 1.609 ltr/sec D. 0.344 ltr/sec NPSH of a prototype which is 4 times larger and
81. A Pelton type turbine was installed 30 m below the runs at 1100 rpm.
head gate of the penstock. The head loss due to A. 63.5 ft C. 6.61 ft
friction is 12 percent of the given elevation. The B. 20.49 ft D. 36 ft
length of the penstock is 100m and the coefficient 96. The refrigerant used in steam jet is:
of friction is 0.00093. Determine the power output A. Water C. Ammonia
in kW. (Use Morse equation). B. R-11 D. Steam
A. 22,273 C. 32,345 97. An air cooled condenser vacuum gauge reads 715 mm
B. 23,234 D. 34,452 Hg when the barometer stands at 757 mmHg. Find the
82. A knocking noise in steam lines is generally the absolute pressure in the air cooled condenser in
result of: kN/m2 or kPa.
A. superheated steam expansion A. 6.9 kPa C. 6.5 kPa
B. condensation in the line B. 9.5 kPa D. 5.6 kPa
C. high steam pressure 98. One of the newly installed Otto Cycle operates on
D. rapid steam expansion 0.1 lb/s of air from a pressure of 13 psia and at
83. Pressure difference of 400 Pa is available to force temperature of 130 deg F at the beginning of
20°C air through a circular sheet metal duct 450 compression. At the end of combustion, the
mm in diameter and 25 m long. At 20°C, p = 1.204 temperature is 5000 deg R; compression ratio is at
kg/m^3 and take friction factor, f = 0.016. 5.5; hot air standard k = 1.3. Compute for the
Determine the velocity. horsepower.
A. 27.34 ft/s C. 89.68 ft/s A. 32.1 hp C. 62.1 hp
B. 43.72ft/s D. 86.98 ft/s B. 52.0 hp D. 42.0 hp
84. Calculate the heat needed to raise the temperature 99. The specific gravity of mercury relative to water
of water from 30 deg C to 100 deg C with 60 per is 13.55. What is the specific weight of mercury?
cent quality; using an atmospheric pressure of (The specific weight of water is 62.4 lbf per cubic
101.325 kPa and approximate enthalpy formula of foot)
liquid. A. 82.2 kN/m3 C. 132.9 kN/m3
A. 1,872.90 kJ/kg C. 1,593.09 kJ/kg B. 102.3 kN/m3 D. 150.9 kN/m3
B. 1,747.90 kJ/kg D. 1,647.29 kJ/kg 100. An electronic barometer is used to measure an
85. What is the color code for the cylinder of ammonia? airplane’s altitude by comparing the barometric
A. Orange C. Silver pressure at a given flying altitude to that on the
B. Green D. White ground. What will be the airplane’s altitude if the
86. A 4 liter (2-liter per revolution at standard Captain’s pilot measures the barometric pressure
pressure and temperature) spark ignition engine has at 700 mm-Hg, the ground says it is at 758 mm-Hg,
a compression ratio of 8 and 2200 kJ/kg heat and the average air density is 1.19 kg/cu m; g =
addition by the fluid combustion. Considering a 9.8 m/sec sq.
cold air-standard Otto cycle model, how much power A. 535 m C. 889 m
will the engine produce when operating at 2500 rpm? B. 663 m D. 980 m
A. 166.53 hp C. 97.4 hp
B. 73.12 hp D. 148 hp
87. Steam turbine is receiving 1014 lb/hr of steam, ***END***
determine the horsepower output of the turbine if
the work done by steam is 251 Btu/lbm.
A. 100 hp C. 200 hp NOTE: Please answer and try to resolve EXTRA
B. 462.7 hp D. 600 hp COACHING posted on our APP.
88. An ice plant produces 20 tons of ice per day at -
15 deg C from water at 25 deg C. If miscellaneous
losses are 12 per cent of the freezing and chilling Location: Powerpoint Lectures > EXTRA COACHING
load, calculate the refrigeration capacity of the
plant in tons of refrigeration.
A. 43.12 C. 36.3 (For EXTRA COACHING, NO PRINTABLE materials
B. 21.35 D. 31.5
89. Fuel oil is heated in a storage tank by use of: will be available)
A. Fuel oil burner C. Hot air
B. Steam D. Electric coils
90. An adiabatic tank containing air is used to power
an air turbine during the times of peak power
demand. The tank has a volume of 500 cu. M and
contains air at a pressure of 1000 kPa and a
temperature of 500 degK. What is the temperature
at this instant?
A. -14.03 deg C C. 14.03 deg F
B. 14.03 deg R D. 14.03 deg K
91. A diesel engine consumed 945 liters of fuel per day
at 35°C. If the fuel was purchased at 15.6°C and
30°API at P29.00/1i. Determine the cost of fuel to
operate the engine per day.
A. P5,677.50 C. P48,088.90
B. P4,677.50 D. P27,127.76
92. In a flooded evaporator using an accumulator and
float valve, flash gas:
A. passes directly into the suction line
B. does not occur
C. stays in the receiver
D. passes directly into the evaporator
93. How much does 30 lbm weigh on the moon? (gmoon =
5.47 ft/s^2).
A. 2.0 lbf C. 3.4 lbf
B. 3.2 lbf D. 5.096 lbf
94. One (1) kilogram of pure wet steam at a pressure
of 116 psi (vg = 0.2404 cu m/kg) and dryness of
0.94 is expanded until the pressure is 101 psi (vg

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