Ibong Tiririt Pipe 1
Ibong Tiririt Pipe 1
Ibong Tiririt Pipe 1
C. 0.00234 B. 74.79 kg/s
D. 0.00187 C. 76.79 kg/s
Ans. A. D. 78.79 kg/s
Ans. D
Find the loss of head in the pipe entrance if
speed of flow is 10 m/s. Consider a refrigeration whose 40
A. 5.10m watts light bulb remains on
B. 10.2m continuously as a result of malfunction
C. 17.4m of the switch. If the refrigerator has a
D. 2.55m COP of 1.3 and the cost of electricity is
Ans. D. 8 cents per kw-hr, determine the
increase in the energy consumption of
Wet material containing 220% moisture (dry the refrigerator and its cost per year if
basis) is to be dried at the rate of 1.5 kg/s in the switch is not fixed.
a continuous dryer to give a product
containing 10% (dry basis). Find the
moisture removed, kg/hr. A. P49.59
A. 3543.75 kg/hr B. P47.59
B. 3513.75 kg/hr C. P 45.59
C. 3563.75 kg/hr D. P43.59
D. 3593.75 kg/hr Ans. A
Ans. A.
A 75hp motor that has an efficiency of
Copra enters a dryer containing 70% 91% is worn out and is replaced by
moisture and leaves at 7% moisture. Find high-efficiency motor that has an
the moisture removed on each pound of efficiency of 95.4%. Determine the
solid in final product. reduction in heat gain in room due to
A. 6.528lb higher efficiency under full load
B. 1.258lb conditions.
C. 4.258lb A. 2.24 KW
D. 2.258 lb B. 2.44 KW
Ans. D. C. 2.64 KW
D. 2.84 KW
A 1m x 1.5m cylindrical tank is full of oil Ans. B
with sg=0.92. find the force acting at the
bottom of the tank in dynes A household refrigerator that has a
A. 106.33 x 10^3 power input of 450 watts and COP of
B. 106.33 x 10^4 2.5 is to cool five large watermelons, 10
C. 106.33 x 10^5 kg each, if the watermelons are initially
D. 106.33 x 10^6 at 20 deg. C, determine how long will
Ans. D. take for the refrigerator to cool them.
the watermelons can be treated as
water whose specific heat is 4.2 KJ/kg-
Air at 10 deg. C and 80 Kpa enters a K.
diffuser of a jet engine steadily with a A. 2220 seconds
velocity of 200 m/s. The inlet area of B. 2230 seconds
diffuser is 0.40 m^2. Determine the C. 2240 seconds
mass flow rate of air. D. 2250 seconds
A. 72.79 kg/s Ans. C
Ans. D
When a maN returns to his wall-sealed
house on a summer day, he finds that A 50 kg of iron casting at 500 K is
the house is at 32 deg. C. he turned on thrown into a large lake that is at
the air conditioner which cools the temperature of 285 K. the iron block
entire house to 20 deg. C in 15 minutes. eventually reaches thermal equilibrium
If COP is 2.5, determine the power with the lake water. Assuming average
drawn by the air-conditioner. Assume specific heat of 0.45 KJ/kg-K for the
the entire mass within the house is 800 iron, determine the entropy generated
kg of air for which Cv = 0.72 KJ/kg-K, during this process.
Cp = 1.0 KJ/kg-K. A. -12.65 KJ/K
A. 1.072 KW B. 16.97 KJ/K
B. 2.072 KW C. 4.32 KJ/K
C. 3.072 KW D. 6.32 KJ/K
D. 4.702 KW Ans. C
Ans. C
A windmill with a 12 m diameter rotor
A heat source at 800 K losses 2000 KJ of is to be installed at location where the
heat to a sink at 500 K. Determine the wind is blowing at an average velocity
entropy generated during this process. of 10 m/s. Using standard condition of
A. 1.5 KJ./kg air (1 atm, 25 deg. C), determine the
B. 2.5 KJ/kg maximum power that can be generated
C. -2.5 KJ/kg by the windmill.
D. 4 KJ/kg A. 68 KW
Ans. A B. 70 KW
C. 72 KW
A helium gas is compressed on in an D. 74 KW
adiabatic compressor from an initial Ans. B
state of 14 psia and 50 deg. F to a final
temperature of 320 deg F in a reversible Consider a large furnace that can
manner. Determine the exit pressure of supply heat at temperature of 2000 deg.
helium. R at a steady rate of 3000 Btu/s.
A. 38.5 psia Determine the exergy of this energy.
B. 40.5 psia Assume an environment temperature
C. 42.5 psia of 77 deg. F.
D. 44.5 psia A. 205.19 KW
Ans. B B. 2315.19 KW
C. 2325.19 KW
D. 2335.19 KW
Ans. B
Air pass thru a nozzle with efficiency
of 90%. The velocity of air at the exit is A heat engine receives heat from a
600 m/s. find the actual velocity at the source at 1200 deg. K at rate of 500 KJ/s
exit. and rejects the waste heat to a medium
A. 382 m/s at 300 deg. K. the power output of the
B. 540 m/s heat engine is 180 KW. Determine the
C. 458 m/s irreversibility rate for this process.
D. 568 m/s A. 190 KW
B. 195 KW
C. 200 KW The air in an automobile tire with a
D. 205 KW volume of 0.53 ft^3 is at 90 deg. F and
Ans. B 20 psig. Determine the amount of air
that must be added to raise the
A dealer advertise that he has just pressure to the recommended value of
received a shipment of electric 30 psig. Assume the atmospheric
resistance heaters for residential pressure to be 14.6 psia and the
buildings that have an efficiency of 100 temperature and the volume to remain
percent. Assuming an indoor constant.
temperature of 21 deg. C and outdoor A. 0.026 lb
temperature of 10 deg. C, Determine B. 0.046 lb
the second law efficiency of these C. 0.066 lb
heaters. D. 0.086 lb
A. 8.74 % Ans. A
B. 6.75 %
C. 3.74 % A rigid tank contains 20 lbm of air at 20
D. 4.74 % psia and 70 deg. F. more air is adde to
Ans. C the tank until the pressure and
temperature rise to 35 psia and 90 deg.
A thermal power plant has a heat rate F, respectively. Determine the amount
of 11,363 Btu/hr. find the thermal of air added to the tank.
efficiency of the plant. A. 11.73 lb
A. 34 % B. 13.73 lb
B. 24 % C. 15.73 lb
C. 26 % D. 17.73 lb
D. 30 % Ans. B
Ans. D A rigid tank contains 5 kg of an ideal
gas at 4 atm and 40 deg. C. Now a
A rigid tank contains 2 kmol of N2 and valve is opened, and half of mass of the
6 kmol of CO2 gases at 300 deg. K and gas is allowed to escape. If the final
115 Mpa. Find the tank volume using pressure in the tank is 1.5 atm. The
ideal gas equation. final temperature in the tanks is:
A. 7.33 m^3 A. -39 deg. C
B. 5.33 m^3 B. -30 deg. C
C. 3.33 m^3 C. 40 deg. C
D. 1.33 m^3 D. 53 deg. C
Ans. D Ans. A
The pressure of an automobile tire is
A spherical balloon with a diameter of measured to be 200 Kpa (gage) before
6 m is filled with helium at 20 deg. C the trip and 220 kpa (gage) after the
and 200 Kpa. Determine the mole trip at a location where the atmospheric
number. pressure is 90 kpa. If the temperature of
A. 9.28 Kmol the air in the tire before the trip is 25
B. 10.28 Kmol deg. C, the air temperature after the
C. 11.28 Kmol trip is:
D. 13.28 Kmol A. 45.6 deg. C
Ans. A B. 54.8 deg C.
C. 27.5 deg. C C. 730K
D. 26.7 deg. C D. 350K
Ans. A Ans. C
Water boils at 1 atm pressure in a
stainless steel pan on an electric range. At 35% solution leaves the absorber
It is observed that 2 kg of liquid water and 30% solution enters the absorber.
evaporates in 30 min. the rate of heat The heat removed from the absorber by
transfer to the water is> cooling water is 547.6 Btu and
A. 2.97 KW ammonia is superheated by 10deg.
B. 0.47 KW Find the pound per pound of ammonia
C. 2.51 KW gas from the evaporating coils.
D. 3.12 KW A. 11
Ans. C B. 12
C. 13
Consider a person standing on a breezy D. 14
room at 20 deg. C. Determine the total Ans. C
rate of heat transfer from this person if
the exposed surface area and the A carnot refrigeration system operates
average outer surface temperature of at Tmax./Tmin.=1.5, Find the KW per
the person are 1.6 m^2 and 29 deg. C to of refrigeration.
respectively, and the convection heat A. 1.91
transfer coefficient is 6 W/m^2 with B. 2.15
the emissivity factor of 0.95. C. 1.76
A. 86.40 watts D. 1.55
B. 81.70 watts Ans. C
C. 198.1 watts
D. 168.1 watts Assume 8ft^3 of air at 100psi, 100degF
Ans. D are compressed isothermally to a
volume of 2ft^3. For each of end state
Water is boiling in a pan on a stove at the process, find the bulk modulus.
sea level. During 10 minutes of boiling, A. 400 and 100 psi
it is observed that 200 grams of water B. 400 and 110 psi
has evaporated. Then the rate of heat C. 400 and 120 psi
transfer to the water is: D. 400 and 130 psi
A. 0.84 KJ/min Ans. A
B. 45.1 KJ/min
C. 41.8 KJ/min Predict the pressure of nitrogen gas at
D. 53.5 KJ/min T=200K and v=0.00385 m^3/kg and
Ans. B b=0.00141 m^3/kg; a=0.178 m^2
kpa/kg^2. Use van der waals equation,
A. 15,331 kpa
In a brayton cycles that operates B. 14,331 kpa
between temperature limits of 300K C. 13,331 kpa
and 1773K with K=1.4, determine the D. 12,331 kpa
temperature at the end of the Ans. D
compression (isentropic) for maximum
work of the cycle. Francis turbine is to be operated at a
A. 700K speed of 600rpm and with discharge of
B. 690.5K
4m^3/s. if r1=0.6m, beta1=110deg, and A turbo-charged, 16 cylinder, Vee-type
the blade height B is 10cm, what should diesel engine has an air consumption of
be the guide angle a1 for non 3,000 kg/hr per cylinder at rated load
separating flow condition at the runner and speed, this air is drawn in through
entrance ? a filter by a centrifugal compressor
A. 14.4 deg directly connected to the exhaust gas
B. 15.4 deg turbine. The temperature of the air
C. 16.4 deg from the compressor is 135 DegC and a
D. 17.4 deg counter flow air cooler reduces the air
Ans. D temperature to 45 degC before it goes
to the engine suction header. Cooling
The total head of fan is 187m and has a water enters air cooler 30 degC and
static pressure of 210mm of water gage, leaves at 40 degC. Calculate the log
what is the velocity of air flowing if mean temperature difference.
density of air is 1.15 kg/m^3 ? A. 47.23 DegC
A. 6.85 m/sec B. 87.82 degC
B. 3.45 m/sec C. 43.34 degC
C. 4.39 m/sec D. 65.42 degC
D. 9.28 m/sec Ans. C
Ans. D
Water is flowing in a pipe with radius
A fan delivers 5.7 m^3/sec. at a static of 30 cm at a velocity of 5 m/sec at the
pressure of 5.08 cm of water when temperature in the pipe. The density
operating at a speed of 400rpm. The and viscosity of the water are as
power input required is 2.963 KW. If follows density = 997.9 kg/sec viscosity
7.05 m^3/sec. are desired in the same = 1.131 Pa. what is the Reynolds
fan and installation, find the pressure number of this situation?
in cm of water. A. 2847
A. 7.77 B. 96.2
B. 17.14 C. 3100
C. 11.43 D. 140
D. 5.08 Ans. A
Ans. A
Compute the amount of condensate
form during 10 minutes warm-up of
A rigid container is closed at one end 180 meter pipe conveyors the saturated
and measures 8 in diameter by 12 in steam with enthalpy vaporization hfg =
long. The container is held vertices and 1,947.6 kj/kg. the minimum external
slowly moved downward until the temperature of pipe is 2 DegC. The
pressure in the container is 17psia. final temperature of pipe is 195 degC.
What will be the depth of the top of the The specific heat of pipe material is 0.6
container from the free water surface? kj/kg-C. the specific weight if 28 g/m.
A. 42.36in A. 249.69 kg
B. 59.29in B. 982.45 kg
C. 63.69in C. 299.64 kg
D. 69.82in D. 423.45 kg
Ans. C Ans. C
The discharge pressure of an air Kpa. If the intercooler intake is 105 deg.
compressor is 5 times the suction C, Determine the value of n.
pressure. If volume flow at suction is A. 1.400
0.1 m^3/sec. what is the suction B. 1.326
pressure if compressor work is 19.57 C. 1.345
kw? (use n = 1.35) D. 1.288
A. 97 Kpa Ans. D
B. 98 Kpa
C. 99 Kpa A single acting air compressor has a
D. 100 Kpa volumetric efficiency of 89%, operates
Ans. B at 500 rpm. It takes in air at 100 Kpa
and 30 deg. C and discharges it at 600
The initial condition of air in an air Kpa. The air handled is 8 m^3/min
compressor is 93 Kpa and 27 deg. C measured at discharge condition. If
and discharges air at 450 Kpa. The bore compression is isentropic, find mean
and stroke are 355 mm and 381 mm, effective pressure in Kpa.
respectively with percent clearance of A. 233.34
8% running at 300 rpm. Find he B. 973.17
volume of air at suction. C. 198.34
A. 541.62 m^3/hr D. 204.82
B. 551.62 m^3/hr Ans. A
C. 561.62 m^3/hr
D. 571.62m^3/hr Water-jacketed air compressor
Ans. D handles .0343 m^3/s of air entering at
96.5Kpa and 21 deg. C and leaving at
An air compressor has a suction 480 Kpa and 132 deg. C; 10.9 kg/h of
volume of 0.35 m^3/sec at 97 Kpa and cooling water enters the jacket at 15
discharges to 650 Kpa. How much deg. C and leaves at 21 deg. C,
power is saved by the compressor if Determine the compressor brake
there are two stages? power?
A. 27 KW A. 26.163 kw
B. 16.54 KW B. 62.650 kw
C. 13.86 KW C. 84.44 kw
D. 11.58 KW D. 19.33 kw
Ans. D Ans. B
used to deliver 400 gal/min of water A submersible, multi-stage, centrifugal
and pump power of 15 Hp. Each deep well pump 260 gpm capacity is
impeller develops a head of 30 ft. installed in a well 27 feet below the
A. 8 static water level and running at 3000
B. 4 rpm. Drawdown when pumping at
C. 5 rated capacity is 10 feet. The pump
D. 7 delivers the water into a 25,000 gallons
Ans. C capacity overhead storage tank. Total
discharge head developed by pump,
The suction pressure of a pump reads 3 including friction in piping is 243 feet.
in. of mercury vacuum and discharge Calculate the diameter of the impeller
pressure reads 140 psi is use to deliver of this pump in inches if each impeller
120 gpm of water with specific volume diameter developed a head of 38 ft.
of 0.0163 ft^3/lb. Determine the pump A. 3.28
work. B. 5.33
A. 4.6 KW C. 3.71
B. 5.7 KW D. 6.34
C. 7.4 KW Ans. C
D. 8.4 KW
Ans. A fan draws 1.42 m^3 per second of air
at a static pressure of 2.54 cm of water
A submersible pump delivers 350 gpm through a duct 300 mm diameter and
of water to a height of 5 ft from the discharges it through a duct of 275 mm
ground. The pump were installed 150 diameter. Determine the static fan
m below the ground level and a efficiency if total fan mechanical is 75%
drawdown of 8 ft during the operation, and air is measured at 25 deg. C and
if the water level is 25 ft above the 760 mm Hg.
pump, determine the pump power. A. 50.11%
A. 7.13 KW B. 53.69%
B. 4.86 KW C. 65.67%
C. 7.24 KW D. 45.34%
D. 9.27 KW Ans. B
Ans. D
A water coolers uses 50lb/hr of melting
A vacuum pump is used to drain a ice to cool running water from 80deg F
flooded mine shaft of 20 deg. C waer. to 42deg F. based on the inside coil area
The pump pressure of water at this U=110 btu/hr-ft^2-F. Find the gpm of
temperature is 2.34 Kpa. The pump is water cooled.
incapable of lifting the water higher A. 0.10 GPM
than 16 m. what is the atmospheric B. 0.21 GPM
pressure. C. 0.38 GPM
D. 0.45 GPM
Ans. C
A. 159.30
B. 132.33
C. 198.22 The charge in a diesel engine consist of
D. 171.9 18.34 grams of fuel, with lower heating
Ans. A value of 42,571 KJ/KG, and 409 grams
of fuel and products of combustion. At friction power is 15% of the heat
the beginning of compression, t1- generated, determine the brake thermal
60degC, let Rk=14. For constant efficiency of the engine.
Cp=1.11 KJ/KG-C, what should be the A. 43%
cut-off ratio in the corresponding ideal B. 45%
cycle ? C. 38%
A. 2.05 D. 37%
B. 2.34 Ans. B
C. 5.34
D. 2.79 A 305 mm x 457 mm four stroke single
Ans. D acting diesel engine is rated at 150 KW
at 260 rpm. Fuel consumption at rated
The gain of entropy during nonflow load is 0.56 Kg/Kw-hr with a heating
process of 5lb of air at 60degF is 0.162 value of 43,912 kj/kg. Calculate brake
Btu/R. find the V1/V2 thermal efficiency.
A. 3.35 A. 10.53%
B. 0.259 B. 27.45%
C. 1.0 C. 14.64%
D. 0.296 D. 18.23%
Ans. B Ans. C
D. 5.00 413 Kpa and 100 DegC respectively, what is
Ans. A the amount of work done by the fluid in KJ?
A. 667
In a gas turbine unit, air enters the B. 304
combustion chamber at 550 Kpa, 227 C. 420
degC and 43 m/s. the products of D. 502
combustion leave the combustor at 511 Ans. A.
Kpa, 1004 degC and 180 m/s. liquid
fuel enters with a heating value of A tank contains 90 ft^3 of air at a pressure
43,000 kj/kg. for Fuel-air ratio of of 350 Psig; of the air is cooled until its
0.0029. what is the combustor efficiency pressure and temperature decreases to 200
of the unit in percent? Psig and 70 DegF respectively, what is the
A. 70.38% decrease in internal energy?
B. 79.30% A. 6232.09 Btu
C. 75.38% B. -5552 Btu
D. 82.38% C. 5552 Btu
Ans. C D. -6232.09 Btu
Ans. D.
The specific speed of turbine is 85 rpm
and running at 450 rpm. If the head is A large mining company was provided
20 m and generator efficiency is 90%. with a 3 m^3 of compressed air tank. Air
What is the maximum power delivered pressure in the tank drops from 700 kpa to
by the generator? 160 kpa while the temperature remains
A. 450.51 KW constants at 28 degC, what percentage has
B. 354.52 KW the mass of air in the tank been reduced?
C. 650.53 KW A. 74.00
D. 835.57 KW B. 72.45
Ans. D C. 76.56
D. 78.57
Ans. D.
pressure. A. 234,019 m^3/hr
A. 50,000 lb/hr B. 215,830 m^3/hr
B. 37,500 lb/hr C. 213,830 m^3/hr
C. 52,000 lb/hr D. 264,830 m^3/hr
D. 45,000 lb/hr Ans. A
Ans. B.
23.5 kg of steam per second at 5 Mpa and
an air standard engine has a compression 400 deg. C is produced by a steam
ratio 18 and a cut-off ratio 4. If the intrake generator. The fedwater enters the
air pressure and temperature are 100 kpa economizer at 145 deg. C and leaves at 205
and 27deg C, find the work in KJ per kg. deg. C. the steam leaves the boiler drum
A. 2976 with a quality of 98%. The unit consumes 3
B. 2166 kg of coal per second as received having a
C. 1582 heating value of 25,102 KJ/kg. What would
D. 2751 be the overall efficiency of the unit in
Ans. D.(BE!) percent?
Steam properties :
determine the air standard efficiency of an At 5 Mpa and 400 deg. C: h = 3195.7 KJ/kg
operating on the diesel cycle with clearance at 5 Mpa; hf = 1154.23, hfg = 1640.1
of 6% , when the suction pressure is 99.97 At 205 deg C: hf = 875.04 at 145 deg.
kpa and the fuel is injected for 7% of the C: hf = 1640.1
stroke. Assume k=1.4. A. 65.72
A. 62.11% B. 80.67
B. 51.20% C. 88.28
C. 73.58% D. 78.82
D. 60.02% Ans. B
Ans. A.
In an rankine cycle steam enters the turbine
steam at 2Mpa and 250deg C in a rigid the turbine at 2.5 Mpa (enthalpies and
cylinder is cooled until the quality is 30%. entropies given) and condenser of 50 kPa
Find the heat rejected from the cylinder. (properties are given) what is the thermal
A. -432.23 efficiency of the cycle?.
B. -926.26 A. 25.55%
C. -1265.02 B. 45.23%
D. 1082.34 C. 34.23%
Ans. C. D. 12.34%
Ans. A
The following coal has the following
ultimate analysis by weight: A thermal power plant generates 5 MW and
C = 70.5% H2 = 4.5% O2 = the heat generated by the fuel is 13,000
6.0% N2 = 1.0% Kj/sec. if the thermal efficiency is 6.15% ,
S =3.0% Ash = 11% find the power needed for the auxiliaries.
Moisture = 4% A. 310 Kw
A stocker fired boiler of 195,00 kg/hr B. 300 Kw
steaming capacity used this coal as fuel. C. 400 Kw
Calculate the volume of air in m^3/hr with D. 350 Kw
air at 60 deg. F and 14.7 psia pressure if Ans. B
boiler efficiency is 70% and FE = 1.10
Pelton type turbine was installed 30 m
below the head gate of the penstock.
Francis Turbine, the Pressure gage The head loss due to friction is 12% of
leading to the turbine casing reads 380 the given elevation. The length of
Kpa. The velocity of water entering a penstock is 100 m and coefficient of
turbine is 0 m/sec, if not hoad of the friction is 0.00093 determine the power
turbine is 45m. find the distance from output in KW (use morse equation)
center of spiral casing to the …. A. 22,273
A. 3.0 m B. 23,234
B. 3.5 m C. 32,345
C. 4.0 m D. 34,452
D. 4.5 m Ans. D
Ans. A
Water flows steadily with a velocity of
A turbine has a mechanical efficiency 3.05 m/s in a horizontal pipe having a
of 93% volumetric efficiency of 95% diameter of 25.24 cm. at one action of
and total efficiency of 82%. If the the pipe the temperature and pressure
effective head is 40m, find the total of the water are 21 degC and 689.3 Kpa,
head. respectively. At a distance of 304.8 m
A. 48.72 m downstream, the pressure is 516.9 Kpa.
B. 40.72 m What is the friction factor?
C. 36.22 m A. 0.135
D. 34.72 m B. 0.0050
Ans. C C. 0.0307
D. 0.641
Pelton Type turbine has 25 m head Ans. C
friction loss of 4.5 m. the total
coefficient of friction head loss (from
morse) is 0.00093 and penstock length A hydro electric plant having a 30 sq.
of 80 m, what is the penstock diameter? km reservoir area and 100 m head is
A. 1,355.73 mm used to generate power. The energy
B. 3,476.12 mm utilized by the consumers whose load
C. 6,771.23 mm is connected to the power plant during
D. 1686.73 mm a five-hour period is 13.5 x 10^6 Kwh.
Ans. A The overall generation efficiency is
75%. Find the fall in height of water in
In an 9,000 KW hydro electric power the reservoir after the 5-hour period.
plant the over-all efficiency is 88% and A. 5.13 m
the actual power received by the B. 1.32 m
customer is 110,000 Kw-hrs for that C. 3.21 m
day. What is the secondary power D. 2.20 m
could this plant deliver during the Ans. D
entire day?
A. 58,960 KW The gas density of chimney is 0.75
B. 80,080 KW kg/m^3 and air density of 1.15
C. 65,960 KW kg/m^3. Find the driving pressure if
D. 70,960 KW the height of chimney is 63.71 m
Ans. B A. 0.15 KPa
B. 0.25 Kpa of foundation, find the weight of steel
C. 0.35 Kpa bars, use concrete density of 2400
D. 0.45 Kpa Kg/m^3.
Ans. B A. 173.47
B. 183.47
The actual velocity of gas entering in a C. 163.47
chimney is 8 m/sec. the gas D. 153.47
temperature is 25 degC with a gas Ans. B
constant of 0.267 kj/kg-K. determine
the gas pressure for a mass of gas is A steam pipe having a surface
50,00 kg/hr and chimney diameter of temperature of 250 degC passes
1.39 m through a room where the temperature
A. 95 Kpa is 27 DegC the outside diameter of pipe
B. 98 Kpa is 100 mm and emissivity factor is 0.8
C. 101 kpa calculate the radiated headloss for 3m
D. 92 Kpa be length.
Ans. B A. 1,434.47 W
B. 3,746.35 W
A steam generator with economizer C. 2,851 W
and air heater has an overall draft loss D. 3,546.45 W
of 25.78 cm of water. If the stack gases Ans. C
are at 177 DegC and if the atmosphere
is at 101.3 Kpa and 28 DegC. What Brine enters a circulating brine cooler at
theoretical height of stack in meters is the rate of 80 m%3/hr at -8 degC,
needed when no draft fan are used? specific heat of brine is 1.072 kj/kg-K
Assume that the gas constant for the and specific gravity of 1.12. determine
flue gasses is the same as that for air. the tons of refrigeration.
A. 811.10
B. 631.10
C. 651.10 A. 53.5 TR
D. 671.10 B. 65.3 TR
Ans. C C. 33.5 TR
D. 56.9 TR
A foundation measures 12 ft x 14 ft x 15 Ans. D
ft. find the number of sacks of cement
needed for 1:2:4 mixture
A. 302
B. 404
At 1.8 Mpa, mixture steam and water has an
C. 356
entropy of 3 KJ/kg Deg K. find the
D. 598
enthalphy of the mixture.
Ans. D
A. 1,627.11KJ/kg
B. 1,533.33 KJ/kg
A rectangular foundation cross-section
C. 1,234.45 KJ/kg
has a bed plate dimension of 8 ft x 10 ft.
D. 1,162.40 KJ/kg
the uniform clearance on each side is 1
Ans. D.
ft. the height of foundation is 4.5 ft. if
the weight of the steel bar
Mixture with 70% quality at 500kpa is
reinforcements needed is ½% of weight
heated isothermally until its pressure is
300kpa. Find the heat added during the atmosphere when the calorimeter pressure
process. is 101.4 Kpa. How much moisture does the
A. 745.92KJ/kg steam leaving the boiler contain if the
B. 535.16 KJ/kg temperature of the steam at the calorimeter
C. 983.44 KJ/kg is 115.6 Deg. C.
D. 765.34 KJ/kg A. 3.78%
Ans. A. B. 3.08%
C. 4.56%
A tank contains exactly one kilogram of D. 2.34%
water consisting of liquid and vapor in Ans. B.
equilibrium at Mpa. If the liquid contains
one-third and the remaining is vapor of the A throttling is connected to the
volume of the tank, what is the enthalpy of desuperheated steam line supplying steam
the contents of the tank? to the auxiliary feed pump on a ship. The
A. 644.40 KJ/kg line pressure measrues 2.5 Mpa. The
B. 774.40 KJ/kg calorimeter pressure is 110 Kpa and 150
C. 785.92 KJ/kg deg. C. determine the entropy of the steam
D. 435.29 KJ/kg line.
Ans. C. A. 6.8 KJ/Kg-K
B. 6.2 KJ/Kg-k
Water substance at 70 bar and 65 degC C. 6.6 KJ/Kg-k
enters a boiler tube of constant inside D. 7.5 KJ/Kg-k
diameter of 25mm. the water leaves the Ans. B.
boiler tube at 50 bar and 700degK at
velocity of 150m/s/ calculate the inlet Atmospheric pressure at boils 212 deg. F. At
velocity(m/sec) the vacuum pressure at 24 in. Hg, the
A. 1.56 temperature is 142 deg F. Find the boiling
B. 2.51 temperature when the pressure is increased
C. 1.672 by 40 psia from atmospheric.
D. 3.230 A. 449.42 F
Ans. B. B. 526.34 F
C. 479.13 F
Water substance at 70 bar and 65 degC D. 263.45 F
enters a boiler tube of constant inside Ans. A.
diameter of 35mm. the water leaves the
boiler tube at 50 bar and 700degK at
velocity of 100m/s/ calculate the inlet
volume flow (li/sec) A certain coal has the following ultimate
A. 0.821 analysis:
B. 1.261 C = 69% N2 = 5%
C. 0.344 H2 = 2.5% S = 7%
D. 1.609 Determine the amount of oxygen if the
Ans. D. heating value of fuel is 26,961.45 KJ/Kg.
A. 1.5%
Steam leaves an industrial boiler at 827.4 B. 2.5%
Kpa and 171.6 deg. C. A portion of the C. 3.5%
steam is passed through a throttling D. 4.5%
calorimeter and is exhausted to the Ans. D. (BE!)
A. 0.981
A diesel engine consumed 946 liters of fuel B. 1.244
per day at 35 deg. C. if the fuel was C. 1.055
purchased at 15.6 deg. C and 30 deg. API at D. 0.542
P29.00/li, determine the cost of fuel to Ans. C
operate the engine per day.
A. P5677.50 A bituminous coal has the following
B. P4677.50 composition:
C. P48,088.90 C= 71.5% H = 5.0% O = 7.0%
D. P27,127.76 N = 1.3% S = 3% Ash = 7.6%
Ans. D. W = 3.4%
Determine the theoretical weight of
A cylindrical tank 4m long and 3m diameter Nitrogen in lb/lb of coal
is used for oil storage. How many days can A. 2.870
the tank supply the engine having 27 deg. B. 7.526
API with fuel consumption of 60 kg/hr? C. 2.274
A. 17.53 D. 6.233
B. 5.84 Ans. B
C. 12.84
D. 19.84 A gaseous fuel mixture has a molal analysis:
Ans. A H2 = 14% CH4 = 3% CO =
A logging firm in Isabella operates a Diesel O2 = 0.6% CO2 = 4.5% N2 =
Electric Plant to supply it’s electric energy 50.9%
requirements. During a 24 hour period, the Determine the air-fuel ratio for complete
plant consumed 250 gallons of fuel at 80 combustion on molal basis.
deg. F and produced 2900 KW-hrs. A. 2.130
Industrial fuel used is 30 deg. API and was B. 3.230
purchased at P30.00/li at 60 deg. F. C. 1.233
Determine the overall thermal efficiency of D. 1.130
the plant. Ans. C
A. 26.08%
B. 34.23% A volumetric analysis of a gas mixture is as
C. 28.00% follows:
D. 18.46% CO2 : 12%
Ans. C O2 : 4%
N2 : 80%
The dry exhaust gas from oil engine has the CO4 : 4%
following gravimetric analysis : What is the percentage of CO2 on a mass
CO2 = 21.6% O2 = 4.2% basis?
N2 = 74.2% A. 17.55%
Specific heats at constant pressure for each B. 15.55%
component of the exhaust gas in Kcal/kg-C C. 12.73%
are: D. 19.73%
CO2 = 0.203 O2 = 0.219 N2 = Ans. A
Calculate the specific gravity if the
molecular weight of air is 28.97 kg/lg-mol
A diesel cycle has a cut off ratio of 2.5 and Carnot cycle a,b,c are connected in series so
expansion ratio of 4. Find the clearance of that the heat rejected from a will be the heat
cycle. added to B an heat rejected from b will be
A. 9.11% added to c. each cycle operates between
B. 5.55% 30degC and 400degC. If heat added to A is
C. 11.11% 1000kw, find the work output of C.
D. 15.15% A. 111.4 kw
Ans. C. B. 549.78 kw
C. 247.53 kw
A dual cycle has an initial temperature of D. 141.89 kw
30C. the compression ratio is 6 and the heat Ans. A.
addition at constant volume process is
600kj/kg. if cut off ratio is 2.5, find the
maximum temperature of the cycle. Air is compressed adiabatically from
A. 3638.50 deg C 30degC to 100degC. If mass of air being
B. 3365.50 deg C compressed is 5kg, Find the change of
C. 3565.50 deg C entropy?
D. 3965.50 deg C A. 1.039 kj/kg
Ans. B. B. 0.746 kj/kg
C. 0
A three stages air compressor compresses D. 1.245 kj/kg
air from 100kpa to 1000kpa. Find the Ans. C.
intercooler pressure between the first and
second stage. Two kilogram of air in a rigid tank changes
A. 505.44kpa its temperature from 32degC to 150degC.
B. 108.44kpa Find the work done during the process.
C. 316.23kpa A. 236
D. 215.44kpa B. 170
Ans. D. C. 195
D. 0
A 10—stages air compressor compresses air Ans. D.
from 100kpa to 800kpa. Find the intercooler
pressure between the first and second stage. Determine the atmospheric pressure at a
A. 282.84 kpa location where barometric reading is
B. 113.21 kpa 740mm Hg and gravitational acceleration is
C. 123.11 kpa g = 9.7m/s^2. Assume the temperature of
D. 333.51 kpa mercury to be 10 deg.C at which the density
Ans. C. is 13,570 kg/m^3.
A. 99.45 kpa
A 3 stages air compressor compresses air B. 97.41 kpa
from 100kpa to 700kpa. Find the intercooler C. 95.44 Kpa
pressure between 2nd and 3rd stage D. 98.66 Kpa
A. 365.88 kpa Ans. B.
B. 375.88 kpa
C. 385.88 kpa The barometer of a mountain hiker reads
D. 395.88 kpa 930mbars at the beginning of a hiking reads
Ans. A. 780 mbar at the end. Neglecting the effect of
altitude on local gravitational acceleration,
determine the vertical distance climbed. The Turbine and pump polytrophic
Assume g = 9.7 m/s^2. efficiencies are 0.85 and 0.75 respectively,
A. 1275.21 m pressure losses between pump and turbine
B. 1289.00 m inlet are 1.5 Mpa. What should be the pump
C. 1267.34 m work in Kj/kg?
D. 1583.34 m A. 17.34
Ans. B. B. 27.32
C. 25.32
The lower half of a 10 m high cylindrical D. 47.33
container is filled with water and upper half Ans. C
with oil that has SG= 0.85. determine the
pressure difference between the top and In an open feedwater heater for a steam
bottom of the cylinder. plant, saturated steam at 7 bar is mixed sub-
A. 90.74 Kpa cooled liquid at 7 bar and 25 degC. Just
B. 92.74 Kpa enough steam is supplied to ensure that the
C. 83.38 Kpa mixed steam leaving the heater will be
D. 98.10 Kpa saturated liquid at 7 Bar when heater
Ans. A. efficiency is 95%. Calculate the mass flow
rate of sub-cooled liquid if steam flow rate
An ideal gas at 0.80 atmosphere and 87degC is 0.865 kg/s.
occupies 0.450 liter. How many moles are
there is the sample? (R=0.0821
liter-atm/mole-K) A. 2.725 kg/s
A. 0.0002 mole B. 3.356 kg/s
B. 0.0378 mole C. 2.869 kg/s
C. 0.0122 mole D. 3.948 kg/s
D. 0.0091 mole Ans. C
Ans. C.
A steam condenser receives 10 kg/s of
A certain gas at 101.325 Kpa and 10 degC steam with an enthalpy of 2770 kj/kg.
whose volume is 2.83 m^3 are compressed steam condenses into a liquid and leaves
into a storage vessel of 0.31m^3 capacity. with an enthalpy of 160 kj/kg. cooling
Before admission, the storage vessel water passes through the condenser with
contained the gas at a pressure and temperature increases from 13 DegC to 24
temperature of 137.8 Kpa and 26 degC; after DegC. Calculate the water flow rate in
admission the pressure has increased to Kg/s.
1171.8 Kpa. What should be the final A. 583
temperature of the gas in the vessel in B. 567
kelvin?. C. 523
A. 298.0 D. 528
B. 319.0 Ans. B
C. 180.0
D. 314.2 Steam expands adiabatically in a turbine
Ans. D. from 200 Kpa, 400 DegC to 400 Kpa, 250
DegC. What is the effectiveness of the
A superheat steam Rankine cycle has process in percent assuming an atmospheric
turbine inlet conditions of 17.5 MPa and 530 pressure of 18 DegC. Neglect changes in
degC expands in a turbine to 0.007 Mpa. kinetic and potential energy.
A. 82
B. 84 B. 1,182 kj/kg
C. 79.60 C. 1,123.34 kj/kg
D. 79.46 D. 1,054.95 Kj/kg
Ans. D Ans. D
A heat exchanger was installed purposely to A steam turbine with 80% stage efficiency
cool 0.50 kg of gas per second. Molecular receives steam at 7 Mpa and 550 DegC and
weight is 32 and k = 32. The gas is cooled exhaust as 20 Kpa, determine the quality at
from 150 degC to 80 DegC. Water is exhaust.
available at the rate of 0.30 kg/s and at a A. 96.96%
temperature of 5 degC. Calculate the exit B. 76.34%
temperature of the water in degC. C. 82.34%
A. 44.86 D. 91.69%
B. 42.88 Ans. A
C. 46.45 18,000 KW geothermal plant has a generator
D. 40.34 efficiency and turbine efficiency of 90% and
Ans. A 80%, respectively. The quality after
throttling is 20% and each well discharges
A 350 mm x 450 mm steam engine running 400,000 kg/hr, determine the number of
at 280 rpm has an entrance steam condition wells are required to produce if the change
of 2 MPa and 230 degC and exit 0.1 Mpa. of enthalpy at entrance and exit of turbine is
The steam consumption is 2000 kg/hr and 500 kj/kg.
mechanical efficiency is 85% if indicated A. 4 wells
mean effective pressure is 600 Kpa, B. 2 wells
determine brake thermal efficiency. C. 6 wells
A. 23,34% D. 8 wells
B. 15.25% Ans. B
C. 14.16%
D. 27.34% A liquid dominated geothermal plant with a
Ans. B single flash separator receives water at 204
DegC. The separator pressure is 1.04 Mpa.
A steam turbine receives 5,000 kg/hr of A direct contact condenser operates at 0.034
steam at 5 Mpa and 400 DegC and velocity Mpa. The turbine has a Polytropic efficiency
of 30 m/sec. It leaves the turbine at 0.006 of 0.75 for a cycle output of 60 MW, what is
Mpa and 85% quality and velocity of the mass flow rate if the wall-water in kg/s?
15m/sec. radiation loss is 10,000 Kj/hr. find A. 2,933
the KW developed. B. 2,100
A. 1273.29 C. 1,650
B. 2173.29 D. 2,444
C. 1373.60 Ans. A
D. 7231.29
Ans. C An empty, open can is 30 cm high, with
a 15 cm diameter. The can with the
A steam turbine with 85% stage efficiency open end down is pushed under water
receives steam at 7 Mpa and 550 degC and with a density of 1000 kg/m^3. Find
exhaust as 20 Kpa. Determine the turbine the water level in the can when the top
work. of the can is 50 cm below the surface.
A. 1,117 Kj/kg A. 17.20 cm
B. 12.12 cm 3.4 m below point 1 is point 2 with a
C. 4.20 cm pressure of 300 Kpa. Compute the head
D. 5.87 cm loss between points 1 and 2.
Ans. B A. 4.29 m
B. 2.59 m
A cylindrical pipe with water flowing C. 6.32 m
downward at 0.03 m^3/s having top D. 1.87 m
diameter of 0.08, bottom diameter of Ans. D
0.04 m and height of 1.5 m. find the
pressure between the pipe. Water flowing at the rate of 10 m/s
A. 154.63 Kpa from an orifice at the bottom of a
B. 197.93 Kpa reservoir. Find the pressure at the
C. 252.44 Kpa bottom of reservoir.
D. 243.92 Kpa A. 30 Kpag
Ans. C B. 40 Kpag
C. 50 Kpag
Determine the size of pipe which will D. 60 Kpag
deliver 8 liter of medium oil (c = 6.10 x Ans. C
10 ^-6 m^2/s) assuming laminar flow
A. 622 mm Steam flows through a nozzle at 400
B. 754 mm deg. C and 1 Mpa (h = 3263.9 KJ/kg)
C. 950 mm with velocity of 300 m/s. find the
D. 835 mm stagnation enthalpy.
Ans. D A. 3300 KJ/kg
B. 3290 KJ/kg
The type of flow occupying in a 1 cm C. 3320 KJ/kg
diameter pipe which water flows at a D. 3309 KJ/kg
velocity of 2.50m/s. Use v = 1.13 x 10^- Ans. D
6 m^2/s for water.
A. Turbulent Air flows through a nozzle at a speed
B. Constant of 350 m/s. Find the stagnation
C. Laminar temperature if entrance temperature is
D. None of these 200 deg. C
Ans. A A. 241.25 deg. C
B. 251.25 deg. C
What force is exerted by water jet 60 C. 261.25 deg C
mm diameter if it strikes a wall at he D. 271.25 deg. C
rate of 15 m/s? Ans. C
A. 636.17 N
B. 442.62 N Carbon dioxide flows through a nozzle
C. 764.23 N with a speed of 400 m/s. Compute the
D. 563.34 N dynamic temperature.
Ans. A A. 92.56 K
B. 94.56 K
A 300 mm diameter pipe discharges C. 96.56 K
water at the rate of 200 li/s. point 1 on D. 98.56 K
the pipe has a pressure of 260 Kpa and Ans. B
C. 179.22 deg. F
Carbon dioxide flows through a nozzle D. 189.22 deg. F
with a speed of 380 m/s. The entrance Ans. C
condition of nozzle is 250 deg. C and
1200 Kpa. Find the stagnation pressure. A 4 m^2 asphalt pavement with
A. 2,136.34 Kpa emissivity of m0.85 has a surface
B. 2,146.34 Kpa temperature of 50 deg. C. Find the
C. 2,156.34 Kpa maximum rate of radiation that can be
D. 2,166.34 Kpa emitted from the surface.
Ans. A A. 2,068.32 watts
B. 2,078.32 watts
Air enters a diffuser with a velocity of C. 2,088.32 watts
200 m/s. determine the velocity of D. 2,098.32 watts
sound if air temperature is 30 deg. C Ans. D
A. 349 m/s
B. 359 m/s
C. 369 m/s An aluminum pan whose thermal
D. 379 m/s conductivity is 237 W/m-C has a flat
Ans. C bottom whose diameter is 20 cm and
thickness 0.4 cm. heat is transferred
Air flows through a nozzle with steadily to boiling water in the pan
temperature of entrance of 420 deg. K through its bottom at a rate of 500
stagnation temperature of 468 deg. K. watts. If the inner surface of the bottom
find the mach number. of the pan is 105 deg. C, determine the
A. 0.744 temperature of the surface of the
B. 0.754 bottom of the pan
C. 0.764 A. 95.37 deg. C
D. 0.774 B. 105.27 deg. C
Ans. B C. 115. 27 deg. C
D. 125.27 deg. C
Air at 300 deg. K and 200 Kpa is heated Ans. B
at constant pressure to 600 deg. K.
determine the change of internal For a heat transfer purposes, a standing
energy. man can be modeled as a 30 cm
A. 245.58 KJ/kg diameter, 170 cm long vertical cylinder
B. 235.58 KJ/kg with both the top and bottom surfaces
C. 225.58 KJ/kg insulated and with the side surface at
D. 215.58 KJ/kg an average temperature of 34 deg. C.
Ans. D for convection heat transfer coefficient
of 15 W/m^2-C, determine the rate of
An insulated rigid tank initially heat loss from this man by convection
contains 1.5 lb of helium at 60 deg F in an environment at 20 deg. C.
and 50 psia. A paddle wheel with A. 316.46 watts
power rating of 0.02 hp is operated B. 326.46 watts
within the tank for 30 min. Determine C. 336.46 watts
the final temperature. D. 346.46 watts
A. 159.22 deg. F Ans. C
B. 169.22 deg. F
A 5 cm diameter spherical ball whose
surface is maintained at a temperature a paddle wheel. During process, 30 kJ
of 70 deg. C is suspended in the middle of heat is transferred to the water, and
of a room at 20 deg. C. if the convection 5 KJ is lost to the surrounding air. The
heat transfer coefficient is 15 W/m^2-C paddle wheel work amounts to 500 N-
and the emissitivity of the surface is m. Determine the final energy of the
0.8, determine the total heat transfer system if its initial energy is 10 KJ
from the ball. A. 35.5 KJ
A. 23.56 watts B. 45.5 KJ
B. 32.77 watts C. 25.5 KJ
C. 9.22 watts D. 14.5 KJ
D. 43.45 watts Ans. A
Ans. B
A classroom that normally contain 40
A frictionless piston-cylinder device people is to be air-conditioned with
and a rigid tank contain 1.2 kmol of window air-conditioning units of 5 KW
ideal gas at the same temperature, cooling capacity. A person at rest may
pressure and volume. Now heat is be assumed to dissipate heat at a rate of
transferred, and the temperature of about 360 Kj/hr. there are 10 light
both system is raised by 15 deg. C. the bulbs in the room, each with a rating of
amount of extra heat that must be 100 watts. The rate of heat transfer to
supplied to the gas in the cylinder that the classroom through the walls and
is maintained at constant pressure. the windows is estimated to be 15,000
A. 0 Kj/hr. if the room air is to be
B. 50 KJ maintained at a constant temperature
C. 100 KJ of 21 degC, determine the number of
D. 150 KJ window air-conditioning units
Ans. D required.
A. 1 unit
A supply of 50 kg of chicken at 6 degC B. 2 units
contained in a box is to be frozen to -16 C. 3 units
degC in a freezer. Determine the D. 4 units
amount of heat that needs to be Ans. B
removed. The latent heat of the chicken
is 247 kj/kg and its specific heat is 32 4m X 5m x 6m room is to be heated by
kj/kg-C above freezing and 1.77 Kj/kg- a baseboard resistance heater. It is
C below freezing. The container box is desired that the resistance heater able
5 kg and the specific heat of the box to raise the air temperature in the room
material is 1.4 kj/kg-C. also the from 7 to 23 degC within 15 minutes.
freezing temperature of chicken is -2.8 Assuming no heat losses from the room
C. and an atmospheric pressure of 100
A. 15,206.4 KJ Kpa, determine the required power of
B. 50.5 KJ the resistance heater. Assume constant
C. 15,156 KJ specific heats at room temperature.
D. 1,863 KJ A. 2.34 KW
Ans. A B. 1.91 KW
C. 4.56 KW
Water is being heated in a closed pan D. 6.34 KW
on top of a range while being stirred by Ans. B
D. 18.43 degC
A student living in a 4m x 6m x 6m Ans. A
dormitory room turns on her 150 watts
fan before she leaves the room on a A fan is powered by a 0.5 Hp motor
summer day, hoping that the room will and delivers air at a rate of 85
be cooled when she comes back in the m^3/min. determine the highest value
evening, assuring all the doors and for the average velocity of air
window are lightly closed and mobilized by the fan. Take the density
disregarding any heat transfer through of air to be 1.18 kg/m^3
the walls and the windows, determine A. 18.23 m/s
a temperature in the room when she B. 21.12 m/s
comes back 10 hours later. Use specific C. 25.34 m/s
heat values at room temperature, and D. 32.23 m/s
assume the room to be at 100 kpa and Ans. B
15 degC in the morning when she
leaves. An ocean-thermal energy conversion
A. 28.13 degC power plant generates 10,000 KW using
B. 38.13 degC a water surface water inlet temperature
C. 48.13 degC of 28 degC and a cold deep-water
D. 58.13 degC temperature of 15 degC, on the basis of
Ans. D a 3 DegC drop in the temperature of
the warm water and a 3 DegC rise in
A piston-cylinder device whose piston the temperature of the cold water due
is resting on top of a set of stops to removal and addition of heat.
initially contains 0.50 kg of helium of Calculate the power required in KW to
gas at 100 Kpa and 25 degC. The mass pump the cold0deeo water to the
of the piston is such that 500 KPa of surface and through the system heat
pressure is required to raise it. How exchanger if the required pumping
much heat must be transferred to the pressure increase is 20 KPa. Assume a
helium before the piston starts rising? carnot cycle efficiency and density of
A. 1557.13 KJ cold water to be 1000 kg/m^3.
B. 1657.13 KJ
C. 1757.13 KJ
D. 1857.13 KJ A. 108
Ans. D B. 250
C. 146
In order to cool 1 ton (1000 kg) of water D. 180
at 20 degC in an insulated tank, a Ans. B
person pours 80 kg of ice at -5 degC
into the water. Determine the final A plate type solar energy collector with
equilibrium temperature in the tank. absorbing surface covered by a glass
The melting temperature and the heat plate is to receive an inci…
of fusion of ice at atmospheric pressure Radiation of 800 W/m^2. The glass
are 0 degC and 333.7 KJ/kg, plate has a reflectivity of 0.12 and a
respectively. transitivity of 0.85. the absorbing
A. 12.43 degC surface has an absorptivity of 0.90. the
B. 14.43 degC area of the collector is 5 m^2. How
C. 16.43 degC much solar energy in watts is absorbed
by the collector?
A. 2500 A one cubic meter container contains a
B. 2880 mixture of gases composed of 0.02
C. 3510 kg/mol of oxygen and 0.04 kg-mol
D. 3060 helium at a pressure of 220 Kpa. What
Ans. D is the temperature of this ideal gas
mixture in degrees kelvin?
A tank contains liquid nitrogen at -120 A. 441
degC is suspended in a vacuum shell B. 350
by three stainless steel rods 0.80 meter C. 400
and 3 meters long with a thermal D. 450
conductivity of 16.3 W/m^2-C. if the Ans. A
ambient air outside the vacuum shell is
15 degC. Calculate the magnitude of Methyl alcohol (CH3OH) is burned
the conductive heat flow in watts along with 25% excess air. How much
the supports rods. unburned oxygen in
A. 0.168 kg-mol-oxygen/kg-mol-fuel will there
B. 0.0587 be in the products if the product of
C. 0.182 combustion is compete?
D. 0.176 A. 0.35
Ans. A B. 0.45
C. 0.37
An elastic sphere containing gas at 120 D. 0.65
Kpa has a diameter of 1.0 m. heating Ans. C
the sphere causes it to expand its
diameter of 1.3m, during the process A 12 DC electrical motor draws a
the pressure is proportional to the current of 15 amps. How much work in
sphere diameter. Calculate the work KJ does this motor produce over a 10
done by the gas in KJ. minute period of operation?
A. 41.8 A. 108.0
B. 50.6 B. 129.6
C. 87.5 C. 216.0
D. 35.4 D. 318.2
Ans. C Ans. A
A simple Rankine produces 50 MW of temperature T.
power, 50 MW of process heated and A. 849 degK
rejects 50 MW of heat to the B. 578 degK
surroundings. What is the utilization C. 763 degK
factor of this cogeneration cycle D. 978 degK
neglecting the pump work? Ans. A
A. 50%
B. 60% An ideal gas mixture consist of 2 Kmol
C. 64% of N2 and 6 Kmol of CO2. The mass
D. 80% fraction of CO2 is:
Ans. C A. 0.175
B. 0.250
The rate of heat transfer to the C. 0.825
surroundings from a person at rest is D. 0.750
about 400 Kj/Hr. suppose that the Ans. C
ventilation system falls in an
auditorium containing 120 people and A carnot cycle is operates between the
assuming that the energy goes into the temperature limits of 300 degK and
air of volume 1500 m^3 initially at 300 1500 degK and produces 500 KW of net
degK and 101 Kpa , calculate the rate in power. The value of entropy change of
degC/min of air temperature change. the working fluid during the heat
A. 0.81 addition process is,
B. 0.53 A. 0
C. 0.63 B. 0.4 KW/K
D. 1.0 C. 0.5 KW/k
Ans. C D. 2.0 KW/K
Ans. C
An insulated box containing helium
gas falls from a balloon 4.5 Km above Air in an ideal diesel cycle is
the __________. Calculate the compressed from 3 L to 0.15 L and then
temperature rise in degC of the helium it expands during the constant pressure
when the box hits the ground. heat addition process to 0.3 L, under
A. 15.2 cold air standard conditions, the
B. 12.6 thermal efficiency of the cycle is
C. 25.3 A. 35 percent
D. 14.1 B. 44 percent
Ans. D C. 65 percent
D. 70 percent
Consider two Carnot heat engines Ans. C
operating in series. The first engine
receives heat from the reservoir at 2400 Air enters a turbojet engine at 200 m/s
degK and rejects the waste heat to at a rate of 20 kg/s and exist at 800 m/s
another reservoir at temperature T. the relative to the aircraft. The thrust
second engine receives heat from the developed by the engine is:
first one, convert sine if it to work, and A. 6 KN
rejects the rest to a reservoir at 300 B. 12 KN
degK. If thermal efficiencies of both C. 16 KN
engines are the same, determine the D. 20 KN
Ans. B Ans. A
Carnot refrigerator operates in a room
Heat engine receives heat from a in which the temperature is 25 degC
source at 1200 DegK at a rate of 500 and consumes 2KW of power when
Kj/s and rejects the waste heat to a sink operating. If the food compartment of
300 degK. If the power output of the the refrigerator is to be maintained at 3
engine is 200 KW, the second law degC, determine the rate of heat
efficiency of this heat engine is removal from the food compartment.
A. 35% A. 1504.8 KJ/min
B. 40% B. 12.86 Kj/min
C. 53% C. 1625 KJ/min
D. 75% D. 9.57 KJ/min
Ans. C Ans. A
and 109.3 KJ/Kg , respectively, B. 18.61 Hp
determine the product load. C. 15.5 Hp
A. 541.7 Kj/min D. 21.9 HP
B. 351.6 Kj/min Ans. D
C. 761.5 KJ/min
D. 409.9 Kj/min Freon 22 air conditioning under
Ans. C standard operating conditions of 35
degC condensing and 5 degC
A house that was heated by electric evaporating temperatures, the volume
resistance heaters consumed 1200 KWh flow rate entering the compressor is
electric energy in a winter month. If 23.72 L/s. determine the refrigerating
this house were heated instead by a capacity if the refrigerating effect is 164
heat pump that has an average Kj/Kg.
performance factor PF of 2.4, determine A. 339.3 TR
how much money the homeowner B. 79.3 TR
would be saved that month assume a C. 96.4 TR
price of 0.0855 $/KWh for electricity. D. 27.4 TR
A. $42.5 Ans. D
B. $59.5
C. $102 The refrigerant volume flow rate at the
D. $97.75 entrance of compressor were obtained
Ans. B from a test on a twin cylinder, single
acting 15 cm x 20 cm, 320 rpm
An ammonia simple saturation cycle compressor ammonia refrigerating
operates with a suction pressure of plant to be 33 L/s. determine the
291.6 Kpa and a condenser pressure of volumetric efficiency of the
1204 Kpa develops 15 Tons of compressor.
refrigeration. Determine the theoretical A. 77.65 %
horsepower of the compressor. B. 87.6 %
A. 7.23 HP C. 97.6 TR
B. 13 HP D. 65.65 %
C. 15 Hp Ans. B
D. 8.23 HP
Ans. B Twin cylinder ammonia compressor
with volume displacement of 14,726
An ammonia ice plant operates cm^3 operates at 300 rpm. Condenser
between a condenser temperature of 35 and evaporator pressure re 1200 Kpa
degC and evaporator of -15 degC. It and 227 Kpa respectively. Specific
produces 10 metric tons of ice per day volume of refrigerant at the entrance of
from water at 30 degC to ice at -5 degC. compressor is 528.26 kj/kg.
Assuming simple saturation cycle, compression process is polytropic with
determine the horsepower of the motor n = 1.20 and clearance factor of
if the adiabatic efficiency of the compressor is 2 percent. Determine
compressor is 0.85 and mechanical horsepower required.
efficiency is 0.95. the specific heat of ice
is 2.094 Kj/Kg-C and the latent heat is
335 Kj/kg. A. 60 HP
A. 17.68 Hp B. 70 HP
C. 80 HP
D. 90 HP C. 12.88 TR
D. 13.24 TR
Ans. C
Ans. D
Reversed Carnot cycle has a
refrigerating Cop of 2.5. determine the In an actual refrigeration cycle using
ratio TH/TL? R12 as working fluid, the refrigerant
A. 1.4 flow rate is 0.05 kg/s. vapor enters the
B. 1.5 expansion valve at 1.15 Mpa, 40 degC
C. 1.25 ( h=238.5 kj/kg) and leaves the
D. 1.2 evaporator at 175 KPa, -15 degC (h=345
Ans. A kj/kg). the electric input to the motor
driving the compressor is measured
Three thousand cubic feet per minute and found 3.0 KW. Motor efficiency at
of air are circulated over an air0cooled this load is 92% and mechanical
condenser. If the load of the condenser efficiency 82%. Determine the actual
is 64,800 Btu/hr, compute the coefficient of performance for this
temperature rise of the air passing over cycle.
the condenser specific volume of
standard air (13.34 ft^3/lb)
A. 1.58
B. 2.36
C. 1.78
A. 10 degF D. 1.34
B. 15 degF
C. 20 degF
Ans. B
D. 25 degF
An ammonia refrigeration system the
Ans. C
temperature in the evaporator is -12
degC the ammonia at the evaporator
Saturated vapor ammonia at -16 degC
entry is 0.1511 dry while at exit is 0.95
(h =1442.60 Kj/kg) leaves the
dry, if the rate if ammonia circulation is
evaporator and enters the compressor
5.64 kh/min, determine the
at -6 degC (h=1465 kj/kg). the
refrigerating capacity of the system.
refrigerant leaves the condenser as
Enthalpy of saturated liquid and vapor
saturated liquid of 40 degC (h4 = 390.6
at -12 degC us 144,929 kj/kg and
kj/kg) and enters the expansion valve
1447.74 kj/kg respectively.
at 35 degC (h3=366.1 kj/kg). heat
rejects from the condenser amount to
50 KW. The work to compressor is 208 A. 17.82 TR
kj/kg, while the heat losses from B. 34.82 TR
compressor is 33 kj/kg. if 95 kj/kg of C. 27.82 TR
heat lost in the piping between the D. 4.82 TR
compress discharge and condenser
inlet, determine the refrigerating Ans. C
capacity of the system.
A. 49.5 TR A two stage cascade vapor
B. 46.61 TR
compression refrigeration system uses volume 62 L/kg. it has a piston
ammonia in the low-temperature loop displacement rate of 5 m^3/min. if a
and R-12 in the high-temperature loop. squirrel cage motor running at 1200
The ammonia provides 15 tons cooling. rpm drives the compressor and a
If the high-loop temperature requires average piston speed is 490 m/min,
10.12 KW compressor power and low- calculate size of cylinder bore.
loop 15.93 KW, determine the COP of
the system.
A. 20.4 cm
B. 26.0 cm
A. 2.027 TR C. 16.13 cm
B. 5.22 TR D. 13.6 cm
C. 3.314 TR
D. 9.1 TR
Ans. A Ans. C
When a man returns to his well-sealed The Initial volume of an ideal gas is
house on a summer day, he find that compressed to one-half its original
the house is at 32 degC . he turns on the volume and to twice its temperature
air conditioner, which cools the entire the pressure,
house to 20 degC in 15 mins. If COP of
the air-conditioner system is 2.5,
determine the power drawn by the air
A. Doubles
conditioners. Assume the entire mass
B. Quadruples
within the house equivalent to 800 kg
C. Remains constant
of air for which c = 0.72 kj/kg-C.
D. Halves
A. 7.68 KW
B. 3.07 KW
C. 19.2 KW Ans. B
D. 12.03 KW
Ans. B The gage pressure of a medium is 30
It is desired to double the COP of a Kpa (vacuum) and the atmospheric
reversed carnot engine for cooling from pressure is 101.3 KPa, the absolute
5.0 by raising the temperature of heat pressure will be;
addition while keeping the
temperature of heat rejection constant.
By what percentage must the A. 131.3 Kpa
temperature of heat addition he raised? B. -71.3 Kpa
C. 71.3 Kpa
D. -131.3 Kpa
A. 10.1 %
B. 9.1 % Ans. C
C. 8.1 %
D. 7.1 %
If a particle has a velocity of 4 meters
Ans. B per second and a kinetic energy of 144
joules, then the mass, in kilograms of
An ammonia water cooled compressor his particles must be;
receives the refrigerant at specific A. 44
B. 16 constant temperature is tripled, what
C. 18 will happen to the volume?
D. 24
Ans. D
A. 65 N
A water tank of 18 ft wide, 14 ft long
B. 72 N
and 4 ft high, calculate the pressure at
C. 80 N
the bottom of the tank
D. 111 N
Ans. C
A. 1.733 Psi
One piston of a hydraulic press has an B. 1.999 Psi
area of 1 cm^2. The other piston has an C. 2.337 Psi
area of 25cm^2, if a force of 150 N is D. 3.773 Psi
applied on the smaller piston, what
will be the total force on the larger Ans. A
piston is both piston surface are the
same level? The pressure of 750 mmHg in KN/m^2
A. 90
B. 100
C. 103
A. 6N
D. 110
B. 175 N
C. 3750 N
Ans. B
D. 4250 N
A double purpose tank 18 ft wide, 24 ft
Ans. C
long and 4 ft depth is filled with water.
What is the weight of the water in the
If the pressure of a confined gas at a
tank in long tons? D. 7.65 m^3
Ans. A
A. 49 Tons
B. 48 Tons An iron block weighs 5 Newton and
C. 54 Tons has volume of 200 cm^3. What is the
D. 50 Tons density of the block?
Ans. A
A. 2458 kg/m^3
Oil Flow through a 16 tubes on a single B. 2485 kg/m^3
cooler with a velocity of 2m/s. the C. 2584 kg/m^3
internal diameter of the tube is 30mm D. 2549 kg/m^3
and oil density is 0.85 gm/ml. find the
volume flow in liters per sec.
Ans. D
If air is at a pressure of 22.22 Psia and
A. 22.62 at temperature of 800 degR, what is the
B. 32.22 specific volume?
C. 62.22
D. 42.62
A. 11.3 ft^3/lbm
Ans. A B. 33.1 ft^3/lbm
C. 13.3 ft^3/lbm
A substance temperature was 620 D. 31.3 ft^3/lbm
degR. What is the temperature in
Ans. C
A. 6.58 m^3
B. 6.75 m^3 A. 97.7 N
C. 5.67m^3 B. 79.9 N
C. 77.9 N energy.
D. 977 N
Ans. A
A. 320 J
Transportation company specializes in B. 350 kg-m^2/s^2
the shipment of pressurized gaseous C. 294 J
material. An order is received for 100 D. 350 N-m
liters of a particular gas at STP (32 degF
and 1 atm). What minimum volume Ans. C
tank is necessary to transport the gas at
80 degF and maximum pressure of 8 How many cubic meter is 100 gallons
atm? of liquid
A. 16 liters
B. 14 liters
C. 10 liters
A. 3.7850 cu.m
D. 12 liters
B. 0.1638 cu.m
C. 0.3785 cu.m
Ans. B
D. 1.638 cu.m
100 g of water are mixed with 150 g of
Ans. C
alcohol (density = 790 kg/m^3). What
is the specific volume of the resulting
mixtures, assuming that the fluids
Steam turbine is receiving 1014 lbm/hr
mixed completely?
of steam, determine the horsepower
output of the turbine if the work done
by steam is 251 btu/lbm
A. 0.82 x 10^-3 cu.m/kg A. 100 HP
B. 0.88 x 10 -3 cu.m/kg B. 462.7 HP
C. 0.63 x 10 -3 cu.m/kg C. 200 HP
D. 1.16 x 10 -3 cu.m/kg D. 6002.7 HP
Ans. D Ans. A
How much does 30 lbm weigh in the What is the resulting pressure when
moon (g=5.47 ft/s^2) one pound of air at 15 psia and 200
degF is heated at constant volume
heated to 800 degF?
A. 2.0 lbf
B. 3.2 lbf
C. 3.4 lbf A. 52.1 Psia
D. 5.096 lbf B. 15 Psia
C. 28.6 Psia
Ans. D D. 36.4 Psia
A bicycle tire has a volume of 600 C. 1.56
cm^3. It is inflated with carbon dioxide D. 1.87
to pressure of 551.43 Kpa _ 20 degC
how many grams of CO2 are contained Ans. A
in the tire? R=0.18896 kj/kg-K
A vertical column of water will be
supported to what height by standard
atmospheric pressure?
A. 5.98 g A. 34 ft
B. 6.43 g B. 36 ft
C. 4.63 g C. 24 ft
D. 3.83 g D. 26 ft
Ans. A Ans. A
flow rate through the nozzle if the inlet 800 degF?
area of the nozzle is 80 cm^2? A. 0.572 psig
A. 0.35 kg/s B. 28.6 psia
B. 3.5 kg/s C. 7.857 psia
C. 5.3 kg/s D. 1.2 psig
D. 0.53 kg/s Ans. B
Ans. D
The work required to accelerate an 800 A small pump serving as model, when
kg car from rest to 100 km/h on a level tested in laboratory using water at 3600
road; rpm, delivered 3.0 cfs at a head of 125
A. 308.6 Kj ft. if the efficiency of this model pump
B. 806.3 Kj is 84%. Predict the horsepower input to
C. 608.3 Kj the prototype pump if it is develop the
D. 386 Kj same heads as model pump and the
Ans. A model pump has scale ratio of 1:10.
Assume the efficiency of the prototype
Assuming that there are no heat effects pump is 90%.
and no friction effects, find the speed of A. 50.6 HP
a 3220-lbm body after it falls 778 ft B. 47.30 HP
from rest C. 37.40 HP
A. 422 ft/sec D. 60.5 HP
B. 424 ft/sec Ans. B
C. 224 ft/sec
D. 424 ft/sec Pump at its best efficiency (BEP) has a
Ans. C capacity of 10,500 gpm while
developing a head of 60 ft and a
What is the flow rate through a pipe 4 rotative speed of 1450 rpm. What is the
inches in diameter carrying water at a specific speed of the pump?
velocity of 11 ft/sec? A. 2760
A. 430.84 gpm B. 1450
B. 7.18 gpm C. 2476
C. 340.28 gpm D. 6892
D. 39.16 gpm Ans. D
Ans. A
A pump will be installed below the
If the specific weight of a liquid is 58.5 reservoir water surface with a required
lbf per cubic foot, what is the specific net positive suction head (NPSH) of 50
volume of the liquid in cm^3/g? ft. the barometric pressure is 14.3 Psia
A. 0.5321 cm^3/g and the vapor pressure is 0.5 psia.
B. 0.6748 cm^3/g Assume friction losses in the intake
C. 0.9504 cm^3/g piping are 5 ft. find the maximum
D. 1.0675 cm^3/g allowable elevation of the pump
Ans. D relative to the water surface intake to
avoid cavitation.
What is the resulting pressure when A. 45 ft
one pound of air at 0.3 psig and 200 B. 55 ft
degF is heated at constant volume to C. 18.2 ft
D. 23.2 ft Ans. B
Ans. D
How many poles should be a 60-Hz
Centrifugal pump at best efficiency generator have, if it is connected to a
point (BEP). Assume the pump turbine operating under a design head
characteristics are head, h= 7m , flow of 3000 ft with a flow of 82 cfs? Assume
rate, Q = 19 liters/sec, and rotative turbine specific speed and efficiency 3
speed n=1170 rpm. Find the specific and 84 percent respectively.
speed in SI units. A. 10 pole
A. 0.4 B. 12 pole
B. 0.71 C. 14 pole
C. 10.41 D. 16 pole
D. 3.94 Ans. D
Ans. B
It is proposed to build a dam in a river
15 in. diameter fan operates at 1600 where the flow rate is 10 m^3/sec and
rpm and develops a head of 6 in. of a 32-m drop in elevation can be
water and delivers 120 cfm. What achieved for flow through a turbine. If
volumetric capacity for geometrically the turbine is 82% efficient, what is the
similar fan that will develop 6 in. of maximum power that can be achieved?
water at 1300 rpm? Specific gravity of river water is 0.998
A. 147.70 cfm
B. 181.8 cfm
C. 97.5 cfm
D. 79.2 cfm A. 2570 KW
Ans. B B. 3133 KW
C. 3820 KW
Radial flow pump operating at D. 262 Kw
maximum efficiency at a specific speed
of 2500 is deliver 260 rpm against a Ans. A
head of 129 ft at a rotative speed of
2100 rpm find the required number of What type of turbine delivers 25,000
stages (I,e impellers) bhp at 500 rpm under a net head of
A. 2 stages 5350 ft
B. 3 stages
C. 4 stages
D. 5 stages
A. Impulse turbine
Ans. C
B. Francis turbine
C. Kaplan turbine
How many identical turbines,
D. Propeller turbine
operating at 139.0 rpm and 91%
efficiency (specific speed = 5.4), are
Ans. A
needed to exploit a head of 1200 ft and
a flow of 1660 ft^3/s
A 26-hp delivers 475 gpm of gasoline
A. 2 turbines
(w= 42.5 lb/ft^3) at 20 deg C with 78%
B. 3 turbines
efficiency. what pressure rise result
C. 4 turbines
across the pump?
D. 5 turbines
A. 30.2 psi A. 12.27 cfm
B. 32.7 psi B. 13.5 cfm
C. 120.3 psi C. 10 cfm
D. 73 psi D. 11.53 cfm
Ans. D
Ans. D
A centrifugal pump (efficiency 88%)
A model pump delivering water at 180 lifts water through a total height of 40
degF (w= 60.6 lb/ft^3; p(vapor) = 7.54 m from reservoir to discharge.
Psia) at 900 gpm and 2500 rpm begins Pumping is through 300 m of 75mm
to cavitate the inlet pressure and diameter pipe at the rate of 20 liter/sec.
velocity are 13 psia and 22 fps. Find the if pipe friction factor f= 0.025, what
required NPSH of a protype which is 4 horsepower is required?
times larger and runs at 1100 rpm.
A. 28.4 KW
A. 63.5 ft B. 32.2 KW
B. 20.49 ft C. 25 KW
C. 6.61 ft D. 9 Kw
D. 36 ft
Ans. A Ans. B
A. 82.1 %
B. 80.9 % A. The model should be 2 times as large
C. 55.8 % as the oil pump
D. 58.46 % B. The model should be 5 times as large
as the oil pump
C. The model should be 8 times as large
Ans. A as the oil pump
D. The model should be 10 times as large
A piston positive- displacement pump as the oil pump
(PDP) has 6-in diameter and a 2.5-in
stroke. Is crankshaft rotates at 300 rpm. Ans. D
Calculate its output at 94 percent
volumetric efficiency. A double-overhung impulse-turbine
installation is to develop 20,000 hp at
275 rpm under a net head 100 ft. Ans. C
determine the specific speed.
Compute the specific volume of an air-
vapor mixture in cubic meters per
A. 4.34 kilogram of dry air when the following
B. 6.14 conditions prevail; t = 40 degC, w =
C. 203.61 0.015 kg/kg, and P=100 Kpa
D. 144
Ans. A
A. 0.125
B. 0.25
A pressure difference of 400 Pa is
C. 4
available to force 20 degC air through a
D. 8
circular sheet-metal duct 450mm. In
diameter and 25m long. At 20 degC, B. 37.79 in.
p=1.204 kg/m^3 and take friction C. 353.54 in.
factor, f=0.016. Determine the velocity. D. 453.53 in.
Ans. D
A. 27.43 ft/s
B. 43.72 ft/s What is the pressure 7000 ft below the
C. 89.68 ft/s water surface of the ocean ? Neglect
D. 86.98 ft/s compressibility.
Ans. C
Atmospheric air 14.7 psia and 60 degF
A. 0.50 m at sea level, what is the pressure at 14
B. 0.60 m 212 ft. altitude. If air is
C. 0.70 m compressibility. ? Note: @ 60 degF; the
D. 0.40 m density of air is 0.0763 lbm/ft^3;
P1=14.7 psia
Ans. D
A. 5.4674 psia
To what height will a barometer B. 7.5304 psia
column rise if the atmospheric C. 7.1696 psia
conditions are 13.9 psia and 68 degF D. 7.1966 psia
and barometric fluid is mercury ?
Ans. C
A. 3.56 ft/s
B. 5.36 ft/s Water (p=62.4 lbm/ft^3) is flowing
C. 2.36 ft/s through a pipe. A pitot-static gage
D. 3.26 ft/s registers 3.0 inches of mercury. What is
the velocity of the water in the pipe ?
Ans. C Note: Phg= 848.6 lbm/ft^3.
Ans. A
A. 79.37 in.
The mass of an outside air at 50degC in degC respectively. The latent heat is
an air conditioning unit is 60kg. find 246 kj/kg and the freezing temperature
the temperature after mixing if the is -5 degC. Compute the product load.
outside air mixed with 40kg with
recirculated air at 35degC.
A. 2.75 KW
B. 2.85 KW
E. 44 degC C. 2.95 KW
F. 39 degC D. 3.15 KW
G. 52 degC
H. 47 degC Ans. B
A. 38.5 TOR
B. 36.5 TOR A. 25.26 TOR
C. 37.5 TOR B. 15.26 TOR
D. 39.5 TOR C. 14.38 TOR
D. 24.38 TOR
Ans. A
Ans. D
How many tons of refrigerant are
required to produce 10 metric tons of The power requirement of a carnot
ice per day at-10 degC from raw way at refrigerator in maintaining a low
22 degC. If miscellaneous losses are temperature region at 300 K is 1.5 kw
15% of the chilling and freezing load? per ton. Find the heat rejected ?
A. 17 TOR A. 4.02 KW
B. 20 TOR B. 7.02 KW
C. 15 TOR C. 5.02 KW
D. 24 TOR D. 6.02 KW
Ans. A
Ans. C
Five hundred kilograms of poultry
enter a chilled to s final temperature of A vapor compression refrigeration
-18degC for storage in 15hrs. The systym is designed to have a capacity
specific heat above and below freezing of 150 tons of refrigeration. It produces
are 3.18 kj/kg degC and 1.55 kj/kg chilled water from 22 degC to 2 degC.
Its actual coefficient of performance is
5.86 and 35% of the power supplied to Ans. A
the compressor is lost in the form of
friction and cylinder cooling losses. An iron block weight 7 newtons and
Determine the condenser cooling water has a volume of 200 cubic centimeters.
required for a temperature rise of 10 What is the density of the block.
A. 3465 kg/m^3
A. 14.75 kg/s B. 3565 kg/m^3
B. 15,65 kg/s C. 1255 kg/m^3
C. 18.65 kg/s D. 2550 kg/m^3
D. 13.75 kg/s
Ans. D? / B.
Ans. A
The density of the gas is 0.003 slugs per
Determine the heat extracted from 2000 cubic foot what is the specific weight of
kg of water from 25 degC to ice at -10 the gas?
A. 9.04 N/m3
A. 621,150 kj B. 15.2 N/m3
B. 721,150 kj C. 76.3 N/m3
C. 821 ,150 kj D. 98.2 N/m3
D. 921,150 kj Ans. B
A. 0.5321 cm3/g
A. 400 mm B. 0.6748 cm3/g
B. 300 mm C. 0.9504 cm3/g
C. 450 mm D. 1.0675 cm3/g
D. 500 mm
Ans. D What is the Reynold’s number for this
Which of the following are not units of
pressure ?
A. 44.1
A. Pa B. 88.2
B. Bars C. 1140
C. Kg/m.s^2 D. 2241
D. Kg/m^2
Ans. D
Ans. D
How long must a current of 5.0
A cylinder weight 150 lb. its cross- amperes pass through a 10 ohm resistor
section area is 40 square inches. When until a charge of 1200 coulombs passes
the cylinder stand vertically on one through ?
end, what pressure does the cylinder
exert on the floor ?
A. 1 min
B. 2 min
C. 3 min
A. 14.1 kpa D. 4 min
B. 25.8 kpa
C. 63.2 kpa
D. 89.7 kpa Ans. D
A. O.680 N
A. 9810 Dyne/cm2 B. 42.5 N
B. 9810 N/m2 C. 680 N
C. 0.1 bars D. 4250 N
D. O.1 atm
Ans. C
Ans. B
One hundred millimeters of water in a
Water is flowing in a pipe with a radius plastic bag negligible mass is to be
of 10” at a velocity of 5m/s. at the catapulted upwards with an initial
temperature in the pipe, the density acceleration of 20.0 m/s2. What force is
and viscosity of the water are as necessary to do this ? assume that
follows: gravity is 9.81 m/s2 and the density of
water is 1 g/cm3.
P=997.9 kg/m3
U=1.131 pa.s
A. 2.00 N density of air is 0.0763 lbm/ft^3;
B. 2.98 N P1=14.7 psia
C. 15.0 N
D. 2.00 N E. 5.4674 psia
F. 7.5304 psia
Ans. A/D G. 7.1696 psia
H. 7.1966 psia
H. 39.5 TOR Ans. D
E. 2.75 KW
F. 2.85 KW
G. 2.95 KW E. 14.75 kg/s
H. 3.15 KW F. 15,65 kg/s
G. 18.65 kg/s
Ans. B H. 13.75 kg/s
Fish weighing 11,000 kg with a
temperature of 20 degC is brought to a Ans. A
cold storage and which shall be cooled
at 10 degC in 11hrs. Find the required Determine the heat extracted from 2000
plant refrigerating capacity in tons of kg of water from 25 degC to ice at -10
refrigeration if the specific heat of fish degC.
is 0.7 Kcal/kg degC above freezing and
0.30 Kcal/kg degC below freezing E. 621,150 kj
point which is -3degC. The latent heat F. 721,150 kj
freezing is 55.5 Kcal/kg. G. 821 ,150 kj
H. 921,150 kj
E. 25.26 TOR
F. 15.26 TOR Ans. D
G. 14.38 TOR
H. 24.38 TOR
A boy pulls a sled with a mass of 20kg
horizontally over a surface with a
coefficient of friction of 0.20. it takes length when the bar is heated to 95
him 10 minutes to pull the sled 100 degF. The linear expansion coefficient
yards. What is his average power for copper, alpha, is 1.7x10^-5 1/degC.
output over these 10 minutes ?
A. 2.12x10-5 m
B. 3.22x10-5 m
A. 4W C. 5.25x10-5 m
B. 6W D. 7.65x10-5 m
C. 8W
D. 10 W
Ans. D
Ans. B
Calculate the energy transfer ate across
A force of 200lb acts on a block at an a 6” wall of firebrick with a
angle of 28 deg. With respect to temperature difference across the wall
horizontal. The block is pushed 2 feet of 50degC. The conductivity of
horizontally. What is the work done by firebrick is 0.65 BTU/hr-ft-degF at the
this force? temperature of interest.
A. 21.8 J
B. 30.2 J
C. 42.8 J A. 182 J
D. 77.9 J B. 12.5 J
C. 655 J
D. 655 MJ
Ans. B
for 20 minutes, what is the energy used
A. 0.156 MPA
A. 0.06 ergs B. 0.167 MPA
B. 0.25 Kw C. 0.251 MPA
C. 0.30 MJ D. 0.327 MPA
D. 0.11 Kw.h
Ans. B
Ans. C
What is the average power output of
A power of 6kw is supplied to the this engine ?
motor of a crane. The has an efficiency
of 90%. With what constant speed does
the crane lift an 800 lb,weight ?
A. 89.5 N/s
B. 89.5 KW
A. 0.09 cm/s C. 89.5x10^3 j. m/s
B. 0.32 cm/s D. 89.5 KJ
C. 0.98 cm/s Ans. B
D. 1.52 cm/s
What is the power required to transfer
Ans. D 97,000 coulombs of charge through a
potentials rise of 50 volts in one hour?
An engine has an efficiency of 25%. It A. 0.5 KW
uses 2 gallons of gasoline per hour. B. 0.9 KW
Gasoline Has a heating value of 20,500 C. 1.3 KW
BTU/lbm and a specific gravity of 0.8. D. 2.8 KW
what is the power output of the Ans. C
engine ?
Two liters of an ideal gas, at a Find the depth of furlong of the ocean
temperature of t1=25 degC and a (SG=1.03) if the pressure at the sea bed is
pressure of P1=0.101 Mpa, are in a 10 2,032.56 kpag.
cm diameter cylinder with a piston at A. 1
one end. The piston is depressed, so B. 2
that the cylinder is shortened by 10 C. 3
centimeters. The temperature increases D. 4
by 2 degC. What is the change in Ans. A.
pressure ?
Find the mass of 10 quartz of water D. 90%
A. 10.46kg Ans. C.
B. 9.46kg
C. 11.6kg 23 Tons of refrigeration system has a heat
D. 8.46kg rejected of 100kw. Find the energy
Ans. B. efficiency ratio of the system.
A. 13.42
Find the mass of carbon dioxide having a B. 14.42
pressure of 20 psia at 200F with 10ft^3 C. 15.42
volume. D. 16.42
A. 1.04 lbs Ans. B.
B. 1.14 lbs
C. 1.24 lbs Refrigeration system consumed 28,800 kw-
D. 1.34 lbs hr per month of energy. There are 20% of
Ans. C. energy is lost due to cooling system of
compressor and motor efficiency is 90%. If
the COP of the system is 6, find the tons of
refrigeration of the system.
A. 43.15 TR
Find the heat needed to raise the B. 46.15 TR
temperature of water from 80^C to 100^C C. 49.15 TR
with 60% quality. Consider an atmospheric D. 41.15TR
pressure of 101.325 kpa. Use the Ans. C.
approximate enthalpy formula of liquid.
A. 293.09kj/kg A 200mm x 250mm 8 cylinder, 4-stroke
B. 1,772.90 kj/kg diesel engine has a brake power of 150kw.
C. 1,547.90 kj/kg The mechanical efficiency is 80%. If two
D. 1,647.29 kj/kg cylinders were accidentally cut off what will
Ans. D. be the new friction power?
A. 31.50 kw
Find the enthalpy of water 212F and 14.7 psi B. 33.50 kw
dryness for factor is 30% use the C. 35.50 kw
approximate enthalpy formula of liquid. D. 37.50 kw
A. 461 Btu/lb Ans. D.
B. 471 Btu/lb
C. 481 Btu/lb The energy efficiency ratio of the
D. 491 btu/lb refrigeration system is 12.6, what is the cop
Ans. B. of the system?
A. 3.69
An air compressor consumed 1200 kw-hr B. 4.23
per day of energy. The electric motor C. 5.92
driving the compressor has an efficiency of D. 6.83
80%. If indicated power of the compressor is Ans. A.
34kw. Find the mechanical efficiency of the
compressor. An air compressor has a power of 40 kw at 4
A. 117.65 % % clearance. If the clearance will increase to
B. 75% 7% what is the new power?
C. 85% A. 70 kw
B. 40 kw 3000kg of coal/hr, determine the mass
C. 53 kw gas entering the chimney. Assume an
D. 60 kw ash loss of 15%.
Ans. B.
Convert 750R to K
Ans. C
A. 390.33K
B. 395K
A 15kg gas enters a chimney at 10m/s.
C. 410.33K
If the temperature and pressure of gas
D. 416.33K
are 26C and 100kPa respectively, what
Ans. D.
is the diameter of chimney? R=0.287
An otto cycle gas a compression of 8, find
the pressure ratio during compression
A. 18.38
B. 16.38 A. 1.57m
C. 14.38
D. 16.38 B. 2.6m
Ans. A.
C. 2.22m
Calculate the use factor of a power
plant if the capacity factor is 35% and it
operates 8000hrs during the year? Ans. D
C. 35.823 %
D. 32.538 %
Ans. A
Ans. C
Ans. A
D. 6.31 HP
A. 70.49 kW
Ans. C
B. 80.49 kW
Ans. A
C. 40.14 HP
D. 45.15 HP
A. -24.6 A 0.107 kg
B. 320 B. 1.05 kg
C. 160 C. 1.75 kg
D. -12.3 D. 0.1783 kg
Ans. C
Ans. A
During takeoff in a spaceship, an
astronaut is subjected to acceleration A barometer can be used to measure an
equal to 5 times the pull of the earth’s airplane’s altitude by comparing the
std.gravity. If the astronaut is 180 lb barometric pressure at a given flying
and takeoff vertical, what force does he altitude to that on the ground.
exert on the seat? Determine an airplane’s altitude if the
pilot measures the barometric pressure
at 700 mmHg, the ground reports it at
758 mmHg and the average density is
A. 4810.9 N 1.19 kg/m3. G=9.8m/s2.
B. 4415.9 N A. 987 m
C. 8829 N B. 633 m
D. 9620 N C. 788 m
D. 663 m
Ans. A
A pressure cooker operates by cooking
food at a higher pressure and A mixture of 0.4lbm of helium and 0.2
temperature than is possible at lbm of oxygen is compressed
atmospheric conditions. Steam is polytropically from 14.7psi and 60F to
contained in the sealed pot, with vent 60 psia according to n=1.4. Determine
hole in the middle of the cover, the final temperature.
following the steam to escape. The
pressure is regulated by covering the
vent hole with a small weight, which is
placed slightly by escaping steam. The A. 727.7 R
pressure is regulated by covering the
B. 777.2 R
vent hole with a small weight, which is
displaced slightly by escaping steam. C. 722.7 R
Atmospheric pressure is 100kPa, the
vent hole area is 7mm2 and the D. 277.7 R
pressure inside should be 250kPa.
What is the mass of the weight? Ans. B
lbm of oxygen is compressed A. 276.37 kg
polytropically from 14.7psi and 60F to
60 psia according to n=1. Determine the B. 672.73 kg
Polytropic work.
C. 772.73 kg
D. 227.73 kg
A. 139 BTU
D. 42.34 KW
A. 98.8 KW
Ans. B B. 78.8 KW
clearance of 6% takes in air initial pressure of 101.3 Kpa and
atmospheric pressure at a temperature temperature of 16 degC. Calculate the
of 85F and discharged pressure of 85 room temperature after 10 minutes.
psia. The air handled is 0.25 ft3/cycle Use R=0.287 Kj/kg-K and Cv=0.171
measured at discharged pressure. If the Kcal/kg-K.
compression is isentropic, find the
piston displacement per cycle if the
compressor is running at 750 rpm. A. 33.1 degC
B. 37.7 degC
C. 38.7 degC
D. 31.7 degC
Ans. D
A 640 BHP diesel engine uses fuel oil of A diesel electric plant supplies energy
28 deg API gravity, fuel consumption for meralco. During a 24 hr period, the
us 0.65 lb/BHP-hr. cost of fuel is P 7.95 plant consumed 200 gallons of fuel at
per liter. For continuous operation, 28 degC and produced 3930 KW-hr.
determine the minimum volume of industrial fuel used is 28 deg API and
cubical day tank in cm^3, ambient was purchased at P 5.50 per liter at 15.6
temperature is 45 degC. degC. What should be the cost of fuel
be produced one KW-hr?
A. 4,372,890 cm^3
B. 5,987,909 cm^3
C. 5,291,880 cm^3 A. P 1.05
D. 7,352,789 cm^3 B. P 1.10
C. P 1.069
D. P 1.00
Ans. C
fuel with 30 Deg API at 27 degC in 24 boiler is 40,000 kj/kg. if the factor of
hrs. calculate the fuel rate in kg/hr. evaporation is 1.10 and the actual
A. 36.21 specific evaporation is 10, what is the
B. 26.25 efficiency of the boiler?
C. 29.34
D. 39.42
Ans. A
A water tube boiler has a capacity of A. 62.70%
1000 kg/hr of steam. The factor of B. 53.08 %
evaporation is 1.3 boiler rating is 200%, C. 78.05 %
boiler efficiency is 65% heating surface D. 54.97 %
area is 0.91 m^3 per bo.Hp, and the
heating value of fuel is 18,400 Kcal/kg.
Ans. A
the total coal available in the bunker is
50,000 kg. determine the no, of hrs to
What is the rate of evaporation of a
consume the available fuel.
water tube boiler if the factor of
evaporation is 1.10, percent rating of
100% and the heating surface area is
A. 853.36 hrs 250 m^2?
B. 706.57 hrs
C. 979.46 hrs
D. 100.75 hrs
A. 7,816.16 kg/hr
B. 7,898.67 kg/hr
Ans. A C. 6,789.45 kg/hr
D. 5,768.54 kg/hr
Two boilers are operating steadily on
91,000 kg of coal contained in a bunker.
Ans. A
One boiler is producing 1591 kg of
steam per hour at 1.2 factor of
Steam is admitted to the cylinder of an
evaporation and an efficiency of 65%
engine in such a manner the average
and another boiler produced 1364 kg of
pressure is 120 psi. the diameter of the
steam per hour and 1.15 factor of
piston is 10 in. and the length of stroke
evaporation and an efficiency of 60%.
is 12 in. what is the Hp of the engine
How many hours will the coal in the
when it is making 300 rpm?
bunker run the boiler if the heating
value of the coal is 7,590 Kcal/kg?
A. 171.4 Hp
B. 175 Hp
A. 230.80 hrs
C. 173.2 Hp
B. 280.54 hrs
D. 174.4 Hp
C. 350.35 hrs
D. 300.54 hrs
Ans. A
Ans. A
Steam enters the turbine stage with an
enthalpy of 3628 Kj/kg at 70 m/s and
The heating value of fuel supplied in a
leaves the same stage with an enthalpy
of 2846 kj/kg and a velocity of 125 A. 346.4 m/s, 879 m2
m/s. calculate the power if there are
5kg/s steam admitted at the turbine B. 356.7 m/s, 278 m2
C. 765.6 m/s, 467 m2
A. 1.93 W/m2
A. 452.37 m/s B. 2.93 W/m2
C. 1.55 W/m2
B. 245.45 m/s D. 2.55 W/m2
degC and the external temp. is 27
degC. Determine the heat loss through A. 31.13 W/m^2-K
such wall 6 m high and 10 m lng. B. 30.13 W/m^2-K
C. 41.3 W/m^2-K
D. 40.13 W/m^2-K
A. 330.10 W Ans. C
B. 230.10 W
C. 430.10 W Hot gases at 280 degC flow on one side
D. 530.10 W of a metal plate of 10mm thickness and
air at 35 degC flows the other side. The
Ans. A heat transfer coefficient of the gases is
31.5 W/m^2-k and that of the air is 32
One insulated wall of a cold- storage W/m^2-K. calculate the over all
compartment is 8m long by 2.5 high transfer coefficient.
and consists of an outer steel plate 18 A. 15.82 W/m^2-K
mm thick. An inner wood wall 22.5 B. 16.82 W/m^2-K
mm thick, the steel and wood are 90 C. 14.82 W/m^2-K
mm apart to form a cavity which is D. 17.82 W/m^2-K
filled with cork. If the temperature Ans. A
drops across the extreme faces of the The surface temperature of the hot side
composite wall is 15 degC. Calculate of the furnace wall is 1200 degC. It is
the heat transfer per hour through the desired to maintain the outside of the
wall and the temperature drop across wall at 38 degC. A 152 mm of
the thickness of the cork. take the refractory slice is used adjacent to the
coefficient of thermal conductivity for combustion chamber and 10 mm of
steel, cork and wood as 45, 0.045, and steel covers the outside. What thickness
0.18 W/m-k respectively. of insulating bricks is necessary
between refractory and steel, if the heat
loss should be kept at 788 W/m^2?
A. 408.24 KJ, 12.12 degC
B. 708.24 KJ, 11.12 degC A. 220 mm
C. 608.24 KJ, 13.12 degC B. 240 mm
D. 508.24 KJ, 14.12 degC C. 260 mm
D. 380 mm
Ans. D
of pipe and asbestos insulation are 45 degC. Calculate the arithmetic mean
and 0.12 W/m-K respectively. temperature difference.
Determine the heat loss per unit length
of pipe.
A. 40 degC
A. 110 W B. 50 degC
B. 120 W C. 60 degC
C. 130 W D. 70 degC
D. 140 W
Ans. C
Ans. B
With three different quantities x,y, and
How many watts will be radiated from z of the same kind of liquid of
a spherical black body 15 cm in temperature 9,21 and 38 degC
diameter at a temperature of 800 degC? respectively, it is found that when x,
and y are mixed together the resultant
temperature is 17 degC and when y
A. 5.34 KW and z are mixed together the resultant
B. 4.34 KW temperature is 28 degC. Find the
C. 6.34 KW resultant temperature if x and z were
D. 3.34 KW mixed.
A. 29.87 degC
B. 25.92 degC
Ans. A
C. 20.85 degC
D. 24.86 degC
A wall with an area of 10 m^2 is made
Ans. B
of 2 cm thickness of white pine
(k=0.113 W/m^2-C) followed by 10 cm
The journals of a shaft are 380 mm
of brick (k=0.649 W/m-C). the pine us
diameters, it runs at 150 rpm the
in the inside where the temperature is
coefficient of friction between journals
30 degC while the outside temperature
and bearing is 0.02. if the average load
is 10 degC. Assuming equilibrium
on the bearing is 200 KN, find the heat
conditions exist, what is the
generated per minute at the bearing.
temperature at the interface between
the two metals?
A. 501.375 KJ
B. 505.575 KJ
A. 15.55 degC
C. 401.375 KJ
B. 17.54 degC
D. 501.575 KJ
C. 18.21 degC
D. 19.31 degC
Ans. A
Ans. D
is the temperature of the lake? D. 7 hp
A. 35.29 degF
B. 36.29 degF What is the pressure at point A in the
C. 39.29 degF tank if h=2 feet? (g=32.3 ft/sec2, and
D. 40.29 degF p=1.94 slug/ft3)
Ans. B
A. 75 lbf/ft2
An oxygen cylinder of volume 2.3 ft^3 B. 85 lbf/ft2
has a pressure of 2200 psig and is at 50 C. 100 lbf/ft2
degF. Determine the mass of oxygen in D. 125 lbf/ft2
the cylinder.
Ans. D
A. 4 ft/sec
B. O.5 t/sec
A. 84 KW
C. 1.o t/sec
B. 0.59 hp
D. 2.0 t/sec
C. 0.79 hp
radius is 1ft, what is its velocity? (P
Ans. A air=0.00234 slug/ft3, U air=3.8x10lbf-
A mixing tank mixes two inlet streams
containing salt. The salt concentration
in stream 1 is 5% by weight, and stream
2 it is 15% by weight. Stream 1 flows at A. 2.5 ft/sec
25 kg/s , and stream 2 flows at 10 kg/s. B. 5.1 ft/sec
there is only one exit stream. Find the C. 40.6 ft/sec
salt concentration in the exit stream? D. 81.2 ft/sec
A. 5%
B. 8% The flow rate of water through a cast
C. 11% iron is 5000 gallons per mnute. The
D. 13% diameter of the pipe is 1 foot, and the
coefficient of friction is f=0.0173. what
Ans. is the pressure drop over a 100 foot
length of pipe ?
Water is pumped at 1 m^3/s to an
elevation of 5 meters through a flexible
hose using a 100% efficient pump rated
at 100 kilowatts. Using the same length A. 21.078 lbf/ft2
of hose, what size motor is needed to B. 23.78 lbf/ft2
pump 1m^3/s of water to a tank with C. 337.26 lbf/in2
no elevation gain? In both cases both D. 337.26 lbf/ft2
ends of the hose are at temperature
pressure. Neglect kinetic energy effect. Ans.
A. 51 KW
B. 22 KW A cylindrical flash tank mounted with
C. 36 KW its axis horizontal is used to separate
D. 43 KW liquid ammonia from ammonia vapor.
Ans. The ammonia vapor bubbles through
the liquid with 70 m3/min leaving the
A fluid with a kinetic viscosity of disengaging surface. The disengaging
2.5x10^-5 ft2/sec is flowing at 0.1 rate is limited to 60 m/min and the
ft/sec from an orifice 3” in diameter. liquid level is to operate with the liquid
How can a fluid be described ? level one-third of the diameter from the
A. The fluid is completely turbulent top. Determine the diameter if the tank
B. The fluid is in transition zone is 1.5 m long.
C. The fluid is laminar
D. Turbulent cannot be calculated; it
A. 830 mm
must be measured
B. 730 mm
C. 860 mm
Ans. C D. 760 mm
D. 50 GPM
A 150 HP motor is used to drive a Ans. A
compressor. If the heat loss from the The load on a water-cooled is 90,000
compressor is 25 KW and the mass Btu/hr. if the quantity of water
flow rate of the refrigerant entering the circulated through the condenser is
compressor is 0.50 kg/s, determine the 15gpm, determine the temperature rise
difference of the enthalpies between of the water in the condense.
the inlet and outlet of the compressor.
In an ammonia condensing machine
(compressor plus condenser) the water
used for condensing is 55 degF and the A. 2,004.48 kJ
evaporator is at 15 degF. Calculate the B. 3,004.48 kJ
ideal COP. C. 2,400.48 kJ
D. 3,400.48 kJ
A. 11.875 Ans. A
B. 12.875
C. 10.875
Determine the pressure exerted on a
D. 13.875
diver at 30m below the free surface of
the sea. Assume a barometric pressure
Ans. A of 101 kPa and specific gravity of sea
water is 1.03.
How much refrigeration capacity is
required to cool 2000 cfm of air from 85
degF to 70 degF ? A. 404 kPa
B. 410 kPa
A. 2.7 TOR
B. 3.7 TOR C. 420 kPa
C. 1.7 TOR
D. 4.7 TOR D. 430 kPa
Ans. A Ans. A
Determine the coil face area required to An air compressor has an inlet
maintain a face velocity of 400 ft/min. enthalpy of 35 BTU/lb and an exit
if the air flow rate over the coil is 2100 enthalpy of 70 BTU/lb. The mass flow
ft3/min. rate of air is 3 lb/s. If the heat loss is
466.62 BTU/min, find the work input
to the compressor.
A. 3.25 ft2
B. 4.25 ft2
C. 5.25 ft2
A. 139.59 HP
D. 6.25 ft2
B. 149.59 HP
Ans. C
C. 159.59 HP
Calculate the heat transfer per hour
through a solid bricks wall 6m long, D. 169.59 HP
1.9m high, and 225 mm thick, when the
outer surface is at 5 degC and the inner Ans. C
surface 17 degC, the coefficient of
thermal conductivity o the bricks being
0.6 W/m-K.
An automobile vacuum gauge reads A. 50 C
600 mmHg when the barometer reads
760 mmHg. What is the absolute B. 70 C
condenser pressure in bar?
C. 60 C
D. 80 C
A. 0.0213 Ans. B
B. 35.68 mm
A. 51.36%
C. 38.39 mm
B. 63.45%
D. 42.39 mm
C. 45.37%
Ans. B
D. 76.45%
What is the resulting pressure when
Ans. A
one kg of air at 104 kPa and 98C is
heated at constant volume to 450C?
A carnot cycle has a temperature of
A. 202.67 kPa 550F and minimum temperature of
100F. If the heat added is 4200
B. 194.67 kPa BTU/min, find HP output of the
C. 186.53 kPa
D. 198.65 kPa
Ans. A A. 34.53
D. 65.40
Ans. C
A room contains air at 20C and 96 kPA
A carnot cycle has a sink temperature at a relative humidity of 75%.
of 100F and cycle eff of 70%. Find the Determine the enthalpy of moist air.
temperature of the heat source.
A. 45.919 KJ/kgda
B. 45.515 KJ/kgda
A. 1306.70F
C. 49.515 KJ/kgda
B. 1406.70F
D. 41.815 KJ/kgda
C. 1506.70F
D. 1606.70F Ans. C
B.5233.75 kW
C. 2340.53 kW
D. 3140.25 kW
Ans. B
Assume that kerosene has a density of
800 kg/m3.
A. 5.32 ft
A. 7.06 kg/m3
B. 2.35 ft
B. 7.56 kg/m3
C. 5.23 ft
C. 8.06 kg/m3
D. 2.93 ft
D. 8.56 kg/m3
Ans. C
Ans. B
During the working stroke of an engine
Determine the mass of water vapour the heat transferred out of the system
contained in a 150m3 room at 100 kPa, was 150 KJ/kg of working substance.
23C and 40% relative humidity. From The internal energy also decreased by
steam tables: Psat @ 23C=2.810 kPA. 400 kJ/kg of working substance.
Determine the work done.
A. 250 kJ/kg
A. 1.6342 kg
B. 550 kJ/kg
B. 1.9342 kg
C. 600 kJ/kg
C. 1.2342 kg
D. 350 kJ/kg
D. 2.2342 kg
Ans. A
Ans. C
During an experiment on Charles Law,
the volume of gas trapped in the
apparatus was 10000mm3 when the
What is the power of the pump, HP, if
temperature was 18C. The temperature
it delivers 925 gal/min of water against
of the gas was then raised to 85C.
a head of 15m?
Determine the new volume of gas
trapped in the apparatus if the pressure
exerted on the gas remained constant.
A. P=15.38 HP
B. P=16.38 HP
A. 12302.41 mm3
C. P=10.5 HP
B. 8128.49 mm3
D. 11.5 HP
C. 70833.33mm3
Ans. D
D. 2117.64mm3
Kerosene is pumped into an aircraft
fuel tank through a hose that has an Ans. A
inside diameter of 4cm. If the velocity
of a kerosene is 8 m/s through the Find the density of oil with a specific
hose, determine the mass flow rate. gravity of 1.6 in g/cm3.
A. 15.68 g/cm3 A. 0.816 lb
B. 99 g/cm3 B. 0.841 lb
Ans. D Ans. C
psia and 2450R and expands it
polytropically to 14.7 psia. The
A.1282 CFM exponent “n” is equal to 1.45 for the
process. Determine the power.
B.1230 CFM
C. 1320 CFM
A. 52,343.16 BTU/sec
D. 1822 CFM
B. 53,343.16 kW
Ans. B
C. 53,343.16 HP
Consider 4800 lb of steam per hour
flowing through a pipe at 100 psia D. 53,343.16 ft-lb/sec
pressure. Ssume a velocity of 5280
ft/min. What size of pipe is required? Ans. A
Specific volume of steam at 100 psia
v=4.432 ft3/lb. Find the thrust and efficiency of two 2-
m diameter propellers through which
A. 3 in flows a total of 600m3/s of air 11.3
N/m3. The propellers are attached to
B. 5 in an airplane moving at 250 kph through
still air. Neglect eddy losses.
C. 4 in
D. 6 in
Ans. C A. 36,077 N, 73%
A boiler plant generates 224,000 lb of
steam and burns 13.9 tons of coal per B. 77,630 N, 37%
hour. The coal has a heating value of
11400 BTU/lb. A test of a particulates C. 66,033 N, 33%
leaving the boiler shows that 3804 lb of
D. 77,330 N, 77%
particulate is being discharged per
hour. What is the particulate
Ans. A
discharged per million BTU heat input
to the furnace?
A liquid with a specific gravity of 1.26
is being pumped in a pipeline from A
to B. At A, the pipe diameter is 60 cm
and the pressure is 300 kN/m2. At B,
A. 12 lb/106 BTU the pipe diameter is 30cm, and the
pressure is 330 kN/m2. Point B is 1.0m
B. 14 lb/106 BTU lower than A. Find the flow rate if the
pump puts 16kW into the flow. Neglect
C. 15 lb/106 BTU
head loss.
D. 16 lb/106 BTU
Ans. A
A. 6.09 HP
D. -228.6 HP Ans. C
A. 13.17 kgair/kgfuel
A. 10 kJ
B. 13.47 kgair/kgfuel
B. 32.4 kJ
C. 14.47 kgair/kgfuel
C. 21.6 kJ
D. 14.17 kgair/kgfuel
Ans. D D. 54 kJ
relief-cycle type valve so that pressure 10m/s. Determine the velocity head of
of air inside the tank never exceed 260 the water.
kPa (gage). At wht air temperature the
relief valve will start releasing air?
A. 50.1 m
A. 112 C
B. 5.10 m
B. 92 C
C. 8.20 m
C. 82 C
D. 100m
D. 102 C
Ans. C
Ans. B
An air compressor takes in 9 kg/min of
air at 98 kPa, V1=0.125 m3/kg and A diesel cycle has a cut-off ratio of 2.20
discharges it at 680 kPa, V2=0.03 and a compression ratio of 1.0. Find
m3/kg. The increase of internal energy cycle efficiency.
is 93 kJ/kg and the work done on air is
163 kJ/kg; the change in potential and
kinetic energy are neglected. How A. 55.1 %
much heat is transferred per kg of air?
B. 59.735%
A. 264.15 kJ/kg
C. 52.23 %
B. 61.85 kJ/kg
D. 62.37 %
C. 288.65 kJ/kg
Determine the operating clearance in A. 56%
B. 60%
C. 70%
A. 8.08 D. 50%
Ans. C
B. 8.56
An otto cycle has a pressure ratio of 7.
C. 7.52 What is the cycle compression ratio?
D. 5.55 A. 5.18
Ans. D B. 6.34
B. 34.70%
C. 36.70% A. 101.54 HP
D. 38.70% B. 53.63 HP
Ans. A C. 63.35 HP
D. 35.63 HP
Otto cycle has a clearance of 8% and
heat added of 1000 kJ. Find the heat
rejected. Ans. D
A.364 KJ
Specific volume is the number of cubic
B.353 KJ meters of mixture per kilogram of dry
air. If dry air has these following
C.709 KJ properties: Ra=287 J/kgK, T=303K,
Pa=99.604 kPa. Solve for specific
D.867 KJ volume.
Ans. B
the turbine is 0.44 kg/s, what is the
work done in KW?
A. 0.873 m3/kg
B. 0.853 m3/kg
A. 365 kW
C. 0.953 m3/kg
B. 365.64 kW
D. 0.783 m3/kg
C. 366 kW
Ans. A
D. 366.50 kW
A refrigerating system operates on the
reversed carnot cycle.The higher Ans. B
temperature of the refrigerant in the
system is 120F and the lower is 10F. Aluminum has a specific heat of 0.902
The capacity is 20 tons. Neglect losses. j/gC. How much heat is lost when a
Determine the coefficient of piece of aluminium with a mass of
performance. 23.984g cools from a temperature of
415C to a temperature of 22C?
A. 2.732
B. 5.373
A. 8500 J
C. 7.372
B. 6000 J
D. 4.273
Ans. D C. 80,000 J
D. 7500K
At a pressure of 60F, a motor bike ire is
inflated to 33psi. As it is driven along
Ans. A
the C-5 road, the temperature rise to
76F. Assuming the volume remains
If the temperature of an air parcel is
constant. Determine the final pressure.
20.5C, and its density is 0.690 kg/m3,
what is the pressure of the air parcel?
A. 34.47 psi
D. 70 kPa
Ans. A
an ice bath at 0 deg Celcius, what kPa.
would the new gas volume be if the
pressure is held constant?
A. 0.014 kg water vapour/kg da
D. 33.1 mL Ans. A
B. 556.66 kPa
A. 36.28 lb/hr
C. 446.66 kPa
B. 37.28 lb/hr
D. 336.6 kPa
C. 37.28 lb/hr
Ans. C
D. 35.30 lb/hr
A. 4320 kW
A. 44% B. 3213 kW
B. 50% C. 4056 kW
C. 63% D. 5040 kW
Ans. D
D. 73%
Ans. B Determine the quality of steam in a
Compute the humidity ratio of air at vessel containing 2 kg of saturated
70% relative humidity and 25C when vapour and 8 kg of saturated liquid.
the barometric pressure is 101.325 pa.
From steam tables: Psat at 34C=3.168
A. 100%
D. 60% C. 0 kJ/kg
Ans. B
D. 331.25 kJ/kg
The condenser of a reheat power plant
rejects heat at the rate of 600 kW. The Ans.
mass flow rate of cooling water is 5
kg/s and the inlet cooling water A 300 kJ of heat flows by conduction
temperature is 35C. Calculate the from the outside to the inside of a cold
condenser cooling water exit. storage in one hour. If the temperature
and all other conditions are the same,
A. 43.45 C what is the heat flowing through the
cold storage room in two hours?
B. 53.45 C
C. 63.66 C
A. 600 kJ
D. 74.34 C
Ans. C B. 900 kJ
B. 75 MW
A. 1.014 kg/m3
C. 138 MW
B. 1.316 kg/m3
D. 147 MW
C. 1.197 kg/m3
Ans. C
D. 1.266 kg/m3
1 kg of air is compressed adiabatically
and in a steady flow manner. The Ans.
compression eff is 80% and the work
done on the air is 265 kJ/kg. Compute A refrigerant machine that is classified as a
the heat. one-ton machine has the capacity to
produce a cooling effect of:
A. 3.517 kW What is the flow rate through a pipe 4” in
diameter carrying water at a velocity of 11
B. 12,000 BTU/hr
C. 211 kJ/min
A. 27,200 c m 3 /s
D. All of the above B. 726 c m 3 / s
C. 993 c m 3 / s
Ans. D
D. 19,200 c m 3 /s
Ans. D
Ans. B
A single acting compressor has a volumetric A 6MW steam turbine generator power
efficiency of 87%, operates at 500 rpm. It plant has a full-load rate of 8 kg/kW-
takes in ammonia at 277 kPa and discharges hr. Assuming that no load steam
it at 1204 kPa. The ammonia handled is 4.13 consumption as 15% of full-load steam
consumption., compute the hourly
m /min measured at the discharged
3 steam consumption at 75% load in
condition. If the compression is polytropic
with n=1.20, determine the piston
displacement per stroke.
A. 37,800 kg/hr
A. 0.0095 m 3
B. 19.7 m 3 B. 38,700 kg/hr
C. 16.59 m 3
C. 30,780 kg/hr
D. 0.03814 m 3
D. 30,870 kg/hr
Ans. D Ans. A
A. 18.30 m
A 4kg air enters a turbine with
enthalpy of 600KJ and velocity of 250 B. 12.80 m
m/s. The enthalpy at ecit is 486 KJ and
C. 17.61 m
velocity of 170m/s. What is the work
developed if there is a heat loss of D. 12.61 m
A. 128.83 kJ Ans. A
B. 171.2 kJ
A 305 mm x 457 mm four single acting
C. 80.2 kJ diesel is rated at 150 kW at 260 rpm.
Fuel consumption is at rated load 0.26
D. 28.3 kJ kg/kW-hr with a heating value of
Ans. B 43,912 kJ/kg. Calculate the brake
thermal efficiency.
D. 23.02 HP
Ans. A A. 3121.10 kW
A. 3000 kW temperature and pressure are 20C and
101.325kPa. The turbine inlet condition
B. 2701 kW is 1200 kPa and 900C. Det the air flow
rate if the turbine produces 12 MW.
C. 2028 kW
D. 3500 kW
A. 21.41 kg/s
Ans. C
B. 20.20 kg/s
Kerosene is the fuel of gas turbine
plant: fuel air ratio, mf=0.012, T3=972K, C. 19.25 kg/s
pressure ratio rp=4.5, exhaust to
atmosphere. Find the available energy D. 18.10 kg/s
in kJ/kg air flow. Assume k=1.34 and
Cp=1.13. Ans. B
Ans. A
A. 31.97 kg/s, 26.88 m3/s
An ideal gas turbine operates with a B. 36.98 kg/s, 28.99 m3/s
pressure ratio of 10 and the energy
input in the high temperature heat C. 41.97 kg/s, 26.88 m3/s
exchanger is 300 kW. Calculate the air
flow rate for a temperature limits of D. 46.98 kg/s 28.99 m3/s
30C and 1200C Ans. A
Ans. B
A. 87.45 %
D. 33.44 m
A. 0.661 m
Ans. C B. 0.552 m
C. 2440 mm
A. 785.25 m
D. 2320 mm
B. 582.57 m
Ans. A
The water velocity of a 5m x1m channel
is 6m/s. What is the annual energy D. 758.25m
produced ifthe net head is 20m and the
over-all efficiency is 80%?
Ans. C
The tailwater and the head water of a factor of 42.4%. How many hours did it
hydro-electric plant are 150m and 200m operate during the year?
respectively. What is the power if the
flow is 15m3/ and a head loss of 10%
of the gross head?
A. 6600.32 hrs
B. 7658.23 hrs
A. 6621.75 kW
C. 8600.32 hrs
B. 621.65 kW
D. 5658.23 hrs
C.5621.76 kW
D. 4621.56 kW Ans. B
Ans. A Ans. C
A 75 MW power plant has an average
load of 35000kW and load factor of
65%. Find reserve over peak.
A. 21.15 MW
B. 23.41 MW
C. 25.38MW
D. 18.75 MW
Ans. A