Against: Secretary Haryana

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The Governor of Haryana is pleased to make posting/transfer of the following

IAS officer with immediate effect:-

Sr. Name and Designation Posted/Transferred as Rema rks

1. Shri Pankaj Agarwal, IAS Chief Electoral Officer, Haryana and Against a
(HY:2000) (awaiting orders Commissioner & Secretary to vacant post.
of posting) Government, Haryana, Elections

Dated Chandigarh T.V.S.N. PRASAD

the 8th July, 2024 Chref Secretary to Government, Haryana
No. 1/87/1998-1Sll Dated Chandigarh, the 1th July,2024
A copy is forwarded to the officer concerned for information and necessary

Under Secre to Government, Haryana,

Pe rson r6f_Depa rtme nt.

No 1/87/1998-1Sll Dated Chandigarh, the 8th July,2024

A copy is forwarded to the Principal Secretary, Election Commission of lndia,
Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi w.r,t. his letter No.154/HRi2024-P. Admn.,
dated 03.07.2024 for information and necessary action.
_hr/ ,-,.
Under Secreta{ to Government, Haryana,
No. 1/87/1998-1Sll Dated Chandigarh, the 1th July,2124
A copy, each, is forwarded for information and action, where necessary to the
1. Secretary to Governor, Haryana.
2. All the Additional Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries and Commissioner &
Secretaries to Government, Haryana.
3. Director General, Haryana lnstitute of Public Administration, HIPA Complex,
Sector18, Gurugram.
4. Chief Resident Commissioner, Government of Haryana, Haryana Bhawan, New
5. All concerned Heads of Departments/MDs of Boards/Corporations.
6. Commissioners, Ambala/FaridabadiGurugram/Hisar/Karnal/Rohtak Divisions.
7. Director General, lnformation, Public Relations & Languages, Haryana.
8. Secretary to Government, Haryana, lnformation Technology, Electronics &
Communication Department.
9. Special Secretary to Government, Haryana, Secretariat Establishment
Depar tment.
10. All the Deputy Commissioners in Haryana.
11. Principal Accountant General (A & E) and (Audit), Haryana, Chandigarh
12. Secretary, Lokayukta, Haryana.
13. Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission.
14. Secretary, Haryana Vidhan Sabha, Chandigarh.
15. Secretary, House Allotment Committee (U.T.), Chandig
16. SlO, NlC, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh.

Under Secretary tb Government, Haryana,

Pe rson nql__Depa rtme nt.
No.1/87/1998-1Sll Dated Chandigarh, the 8th July, 2024
A copy, each. is forwarded for information and action where necessary to the
1. Establishment Officer and Addl. Secretary to Government of lndia, Ministry of
Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel and Training, New Delhi.
2. Addl. Secretary to Government of lndia (S&V), Ministry of Personnel, P.G. &
Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, Services Division (AlS-lll
Section), New Delhi.
3. Deputy Secretary to Government of lndia, Department of Personnel &
Administrative Reforms, New Delhi.
4. Documentation Officer, National lnstitute of
Educational Planning
Administration, 17-B, Sri Aurbindo Marg, New Delhi.
5. Research Officer, Career Management Division, Department of Personnel and
Training, R.No.215, North Block, New Delhi.
6. Establishment Officer, C.M. Division, Department of Personnel and Training,
R.No.215, North Block, New Delhi.
Under Secre6ry to Government, Haryana,
Perso n qg!_Depa rtment.
No. '1187/1998-'l Sll Dated Chandigarh, the 8th July, 2024
A copy, each, is fonrvarded to the Chief Principal Secretary/Principal Secretary/
Additional Principal Secretary/ OSD(SGy OSD(VK/ Special Senior Secretaries/ Senior
Secretaries/ Secretaries/ Private Secretaries to Chief Minister/ Ministers/ Speaker for
the information of Chief Minister/ Ministers/ Speaker.

Under Secreta Government, Haryana,


1 Pvt. Secy./CS. 2. Supdt., Services-|, lll, lV & PAR CelliHR I, ll, & lll Br.
3. Sr. A..O., AIS (GlS) 4. Supdt., Training /Accounts/ Estt.-1, ll & lll Br.
5. RA at RA's Residence. 6. Secy./SPS.
7. l/C, Computer Section. 8. Lib. Haryana Civil Secretariat.
9. Liaison Officer, Telephones 10.25il, 3sil,45[,5sil,6sil & 75[.

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