Chief Secretary General Personnel, Parliamentary Vigilance, of Chief Human &
Chief Secretary General Personnel, Parliamentary Vigilance, of Chief Human &
Chief Secretary General Personnel, Parliamentary Vigilance, of Chief Human &
The Govern of Haryana is pleased to re-designate the following lAS, IFS and
HCS officers with ir rediate effect:-
Sr. Name of the c fficer Present Designation Re-designated as
No. (S/Shri)
1. Sanjeev Chief Secretary
Kat ushal, toChief Secretary to
IAS (HY:1 986) Government, Haryana, Government, Haryana,
General Administration, General Administration,
Personnel, Training, Human Resources,
Parliamentary Affairs, Personnel & Training,
Vigilance, Administrative Parliamentary Affairs,
Reforms Departments and Vigilance Departments and
Secretary lncharge Plan Secretary lncharge of Plan
Coordination. Coordination.
2. Vineet Garg, IAS (i) Additional Chief Secretary Additional Chief Secretary
(HY:1991) to Government, Haryana, to Government, Haryana,
Forests & Wildlife Department. Environment, Forests &
(ii) Additional Chief Secretary Wildlife Department.
to Government, Haryana,
Environment & Climate
Chanoe Department.
3. V. Umashanka , IAS (i) Principal Secretary to Chief (i) Principal Secretary to
(HY:1993) Minister, Haryana. Chief Minister, Haryana.
(ii) Principal Secretary to (ii) Principal Secretary to
Government, Haryana, Citizen Government, Haryana,
Resources lnformation Citizen Resources
Department. I nformation Department.
(iii) Administrative Secretary (iii) Administrative
lncharge of CM Window. Secretary lncharge of CM
(iv) Principal Secretary to Window.
Government, Haryana, Power (iv) Principal Secretary to
Department. Government, Haryana,
(v) Principal Secretary to Energy Department.
Government, Haryana, New &
Renewable Energy
4. Anurag Ag, rrwal, (i) Chief Electoral Officer, (i) Chief Electoral Officer,
IAS (HY:1994) and
Haryana and
Principal Haryana Principal
Secretary Government, Secretary to Government,
Haryana, Elections Haryana, Elections
Department. Department.
(ii) Principal Secretary to (ii) Principal Secretary to
Government, Haryana, Government, Haryana,
lnformation, Public Relations, lnformation, Public
Languages Department. Relations, Languages and
(iii) Principal Secretary to Culture Department.
Government, Haryana, Foreign (iii) Principal Secretary to
Cooperation Department. Government, Haryana,
Foreign Cooperation
5 Vijayendra K tmar, (i) Principal Secretary to (i) Principal Secretary to
IAS (HY:1995) Government, Haryana, Higher Government, Haryana,
Education Department. Higher Education
(ii) Principal Secretary to Department.
Government, Haryana, (ii) Chief Executive Officer,
Technical Education Haryana Saraswati Heritage
Department. Board.
(iii) Chief Executive Officer, (iii) Principal Secretary to
Haryana Saraswati Heritage Government, Haryana,
Board. Sainik & Ardh Sainik
(iv) Principal Secretary to Welfare Department.
Government, Haryana, Sainik
& Ardh Sainik Welfare
6 Rajeev Ranjan, IAS (i) Principal Secretary to (i) Principal Secretary
(HY:1998) Government, Haryana, Social Government, Haryana,
Justice & Empowerment Social Justice,
Department. Empowerment, Welfare of
(ii) Principal Secretary to Scheduled Castes &
Government, Haryana, Welfare Backward Classes and
of Scheduled Castes & Antyodaya (SEWA)
Backward Classes Department.
Department. (ii) Principal Secretary to
(iii)Principal Secretary to Government, Haryana,
Government, Haryana, Fisheries Department.
Fisheries Department. (aii) Managing Director,
(iv) Managing Director, Haryana Minerals Ltd., New
Haryana Minerals Ltd., New Delhi.
7. M.D. Sinha, IFS (i) Principal Secretary to Principal Secretary to
(1e8e) Government, Haryana, Government, Haryana,
Tourism Department. Heritage & Tourism
(ii) Principal Secretary to Department.
Government, Haryana,
Archaeology Museums
8. Amit Kumar (i) Additional Principal (i) Additional Principal
Agrawal, IAS Secretary to Chief Minister, Secretary to Chief Minister,
(HY:2003) Haryana. Haryana.
(ii) Director General, (ii) Director General,
lnformation, Public Relations & lnformation, Public
Languages, Haryana and Relations, Languages &
Secretary toGovernment, Culture, Haryana and
Haryana, lnformation, Public Secretary to
Relations & Languages Haryana, lnformation,
Department. Public Relations,
(iii)Project Director, Chief Languages andCulture
Minister's Good Governance Department.
Associates Programme. (iii) Project Director,Chief
(iv) Secretary to Government, Minister's Good
Haryana, Grievances Governance Associates
Department. Programme.
(v) Secretary to Government, (iv) Secretary to
Haryana, Art & Cultural Affairs Government, Haryana,
Department. Grievances Department.
I Aditya Dahiya, IAS (i) Director, Medical Education (i) Director, Medical
(HY:2011) & Research, Haryana and Education & Research,
Special Secretary to Haryana and Special
Government, Haryana, Medical Secretary to
Education & Research Haryana, Medical Education
Department. & Research Depaftment.
(ii) Special Secretary to (ii) Special Secretary to
Government, Haryana, Human Government, Haryana,
Resources Department. Human Resource
(iii)Special Secretary to Department.
Government, Haryana, (iii) Special Secretary to
Monitoring Coordination Government, Haryana,
Department. General Administration
(iv) Special Secretary to Department.
Government, Haryana, (iv) Secretary, Central
Administrative Reforms Committee of Examinations.
(v) Secretary, Central
Committee of Examinations.
10 Tarun Kumar (i) Joint Secretary to (i) Joint Secretary to
Pawaria, HCS Government Haryana, Government Haryana,
(201 1) Monitoring & Coordination General Administration
Department. Department.
(ii) Joint Secretary to (ii) Joint Secretary to
Government, Haryana, Foreign Government, Haryana,
Cooperation Department. Foreign Cooperation
for Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana.
No.112212023-lSll Dated Chandigarh, the 09th March ,2023
A copy, each, is fonruarded for information and action, where necessary to the
1. Secretary to Governor, Haryana.
2. All the Additional Chief Secretaries, Principal Secretaries and Commissioner &
Secretaries to Government, Haryana.
3. Director General, Haryana lnstitute of Public Administration, HIPA Complex,
Sector18, Gurugram.
4. Chief Resident Commissioner, Government of Haryana, Haryana Bhawan, New
5. All concerned Heads of Departments./MDs of Boards/Corporations.
6. Commissioners, Ambala/Faridabad/Gurugram/Hisar/Karnal/Rohtak Divisions.
7. Director General, lnformation, Public Relations & Languages, Haryana.
8. Secretary to Government, Haryana, lnformation Technology, Electronics &
Comm u n ication Department.
9. Special Secretary to Government, Haryana, Secretariat Establishment
10. All the Deputy Commissioners in Haryana.
11. Principal Accountant General (A & E) and (Audit), Haryana, Chandigarh
12. Secretary, Lokayukta, Haryana.
13. Secretary, Haryana Public Service Commission.
14. Secretary, Haryana Vidhan Sabha, Chandigarh.
15. Secretary, House Allotment Committee (U.T.), Chandigarh.
16. SlO, NlC, Haryana Civil Secretariat, Chandigarh.
for Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana.
No.1t22t2O23-lsll Dated Chandigarh, the 09th March ,2023
A copy, each, is fonryarded for information and action where necessary to the
1. Establishment Officer and Addl. Secretary to Government of lndia, Ministry of
Personnel, PG & Pensions Department of Personnel and Training, New Delhi.
2. Addl. Secretary to Government of lndia (S&V), Ministry of Personnel, P.G. &
Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, Services Division (AlS-lll
Section), New Delhi.
3. Deputy Secretary to Government of lndia, Department of Personnel &
Administrative Reforms, New Delhi.
4. Documentation Officer, National lnstitute
Administration, 17-B, SriAurbindo Marg, New Delhi.
Educational planning
5. Research Officer, Career Management Division, Department of personnel
Training, R,No.215, North Block, New Delhi
6. Establishment Officer, C.M. Division, Department of Personnel and Training,
R.No. 215, North Block, New Delhi S__q
SuperintdnEent Services-l l,
for Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana.
No.112212023-lSll Dated Chandigarh, the Ogth March ,2023
A copy, each, is forwarded to th_e Chief Principal Secretary/principal Secretary/
{{t!9ryt Principal Secretary/ Deputy Principal Secretary/ potiticit Advisor/ oSD(BDi/
OSD(SG)/ OSD(JY)/ Special Senior Secretaries/ Senior Secretaries/ Secretaries/
Private Secretaries to Chief Minister/ Deputy Chief Minister/ Ministers/ Speaker
for the
information of Chief Minister/ Deputy Chief Minister/ Ministers/ Speaker.
Superin#ndent Services-l l,
for Chief Secretary to Government, Haryana
1. Pvt. Secy./CS. 2. Supdt., Services-|, lll, lV & PAR Cell/HR l, ll, & lll Br.
3. Sr. A..O., AIS (clS). 4. Supdt., Training /Accounts/ Estt.-1, ll & lll Br.
5. RA at RA's Residence. 6. Secy./SPS.
7 . ll0, Computer Section. 8. Lib. Haryana Civil Secretariat.
9. Liaison Officer, Telephones 10. 2Sll, 3Sll,4sll, ssll, 6sll & 7sll.