Hardrock - Technical Datasheet NZ - 2023

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Technical Data Sheet

Flat Roof Insulation

1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock
High compression strength insulation
for flat roofs

ROCKWOOL Roofrock and Hardrock are stone wool insulation board

compatible with a wide range of adhered and mechanically fixed
waterproofing systems.
ROCKWOOL Roofrock and
The high mechanical strength of this product can better guarantee the Hardrock are stone wool insulation
bearing capacity of the roofing system. Its excellent performance in fire board that, in addition to thermal
resistance, insulation, acoustics and durability can enhance the overall comfort, provides acoustic and fire
performance of the system in terms of fire protection, thermal insulation resistance properties.
and sound absorption & noise reduction, and also ensure the durability
of the system. ROCKWOOL stone wool insulation,
like the basalt rock it is made from, is
The product is available in a wide range of sizes to suit most exterior non-combustible by nature with no
application requirements in Australia and New Zealand. chemical flame retardants. It is
capable of withstanding
temperatures exceeding 1,000°C.

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock

Design Consideration

5Solutions for Flat Roof

Additional Roof Loads

7 10
FM Approvals

7Acoustic Performance

Reference Projects

Photo courtesy of Tetra Pak
Tetra Pak Factory, Binh Duong,

Completed: 2018
Owner: Tetra Pak

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock

ROCKWOOL roofing boards provide a one stop solution to roofing insulation requirements. They are suitable for new and
re-roofing applications on metal deck or concrete deck. ROCKWOOL insulation is approved by Factory Mutual (FM
Approval) for Class 1 roof construction in membrane roofing systems and has proven track records in various international
projects. The roofing boards have been developed to offer three types of roofing performances to address the challenges
in membrane and metal roofing design for roof designers.

System Description
ROCKWOOL flat roof insulation solutions are specially designed for membrane and metal roof systems.

Steel Deck Roof System

Membrane ROCKWOOL roofing boards provides an unrivalled fire

performance that combines with the excellent
mechanical strength to meet all requirements and
regulation needs. The superior properties of
ROCKWOOL ROCKWOOL stone wool insulation enhances the overall
Insulation performance of the membrane roof system in fire,
thermal and acoustics, thus producing a durable and
Air Barrier energy efficient roofing system. ROCKWOOL roofing
boards with mechanically fixed single-ply roofing
Metal Deck membrane system on metal deck is ideal for commercial
and industrial buildings.

Concrete Deck Roof System

Membrane With the high thermal mass of the concrete roof deck,
concrete roof have to be adequately protected during
summer and winter periods. ROCKWOOL roofing
boards provides excellent thermal properties to keep
ROCKWOOL the interior temperature stable and comfortable.
Insulation Furthermore, ROCKWOOL roofing boards is
dimensionally stable and will not be affected by the
Waterproofing variation of temperatures over time.

Twin Skin Metal Deck Roof System

The superior sound absorption characteristics of
Metal Roof ROCKWOOL roofing boards provides an effective
damping of sound resonance within twin skin metal
deck. Combined with the added mass of the insulation,
Aluminum Foil ROCKWOOL roofing boards with twin skin metal deck
roof system provides an effective acoustic solution for a
ROCKWOOL wide range of applications. ROCKWOOL roofing boards
Insulation with twin skin metal deck roof system is ideal for
Metal Deck educational institutions, airports, convention centres
and other buildings where acoustic performance is an
important criteria in building performance.

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock

General Insulation Benefit
ROCKWOOL roofing boards offer unrivaled combination of benefits for flat roof constructions.

a. Mechanical Strength d. Acoustic

 ROCKWOOL roofing boards offer high resistance to  The open fibre structure of ROCKWOOL insulation
compression and point loading in order to facilitate periodic provides excellent sound absorbing properties.
maintenance of roof.  ROCKWOOL roofing boards are proven as the ideal
 The roofing boards effectively maintain a flat surface to allow acoustics insulation material to provide excellent sound
rain water draining on the roof surface. insulation and reduced impact noise for flat roof
b. Fire  When laid on perforated metal deck lining, the roofing
 ROCKWOOL roofing boards are non-combustible and can withstand boards are able to control room reverberation and
at least 1000ºC without melting according to ASTM E749. enhance acoustic quality.
 The roofing boards can effectively impede spread of fire and provide
the critical extra minutes for occupants to escape. di. Thermal Performance
 ROCKWOOL insulation also provides the highest Euro Fire  ROCKWOOL roofing boards are dimensionally stable
Classification, A1 rating according to EN 13501-1, as a non- and ensure constant thermal resistance value. The
combustible product. roofing boards do not contain CFC’s or HCFC’ insulant
 ROCKWOOL boards do not produce any burning droplets, promote that could diffuse from the board over time and reduce
flashover or release excessive smoke during a fire. its R-value.
 The excellent thermal properties of the roofing boards
c. Dimentional Stability assist the reduction of condensation built-up by the
 ROCKWOOL roofing boards are made from stone, therefore the roofing system.
thermal coefficient of expansion of the boards is virtually zero.  ROCKWOOL roofing boards are compatible with all
 The boards do not shrink, warp or deform over time, hence providing types of roofing membrane. No separation layer is
the most stable substrate without causing undesirable stress on the required between the roof membrane and insulation to
roofing membrane. provide for an optimum design.
 The dimensional stability of ROCKWOOL roofing boards eliminates
the need for additional mechanical fasteners to prevent differential
thermal expansion.

Compliance with the New Zealand Building Code

ROCKWOOL stone wool products when used, installed and maintained in accordance with the requirements outlined in this
datasheet, will meet or contribute to meeting the following provisions of the NZBC:
1. Clause B2 DURABILITY: Performance B2.3.1 (a) not less than 50 years and B2.3.1 (b) 15 years.
Where the building is maintained so that provisions of the NZBC E2 and E3 Clauses are met, and where the insulation
is not crushed or exposed to conditions that will diminish its thermal performance, ROCKWOOL Stone Wool
Insulation can expect to have a serviceable life of at least 50 years. Refer to Installation Guideline and Product
Handling and Storage Guideline for more information.
2. Clause E3 INTERNAL MOISTURE: Performance E3.3.1.
ROCKWOOL Stone Wool Insulation contributes to meeting this requirement.

3. Clause F2 HAZARDOUS BUILDING MATERIALS: Performance F2.3.1.

ROCKWOOL Stone Wool Insulation is safe when handled.
4. Clause H1 ENERGY EFFICIENCY: Performance H1.3.1 (a) and H1.3.2 E.
ROCKWOOL Stone Wool Insulation will contribute to meeting the requirements of NZBC Clause H1, Performance
H1.3.1 (a) and H1.3.2 E by complying with NZBC Verification Methods H1/VM1, H1/VM2, NZBC Acceptable Solutions
H1/AS1, or H1/AS2.

ROCKWOOL Roofrock & Hardrock series is available as plain products and additionally with options of foil facing or glass
tissue on one side or two-sided.

Packaging and Storage

ROCKWOOL Roofrock & Hardrock is shrink-wrapped in polyethylene sheets for ease of handling, transportation and
storage. Products should be stored in doors or under waterproof covering.

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock

Health & Safety
ROCKWOOL stone wool products are manufactured from FBS-1 stone wool. FBS-1 stone wool is safe to use and the fibre
component of these products is listed by Safe Work Australia as Man-made Vitreous Fibre (stone wool) of low bio
persistence as specified under Note Q in the Australian Hazardous Substances Information System and in the Australian
Approved Criteria.

Solutions for Flat Roof Insulation

To provide flexibility in design, cost and usage of membrane roofing system, ROCKWOOL roofing boards offer three
different types of roofing insulation system to allow owners, designers and installers to achieve the desired performances of
an ideal roof.

Flatroof Lite
The Flatroof Lite insulation solution offers a cost effective
solution for built up bitumen membrane roof system. It
satisfies the basic requirement for thermal, acoustic and fire
performances. The system introduces Hardrock and Roofrock
series of products to allow roof designers to achieve the
required mechanical performances of the membrane roof
system using the combination of both products. In Flatroof
Lite roof insulation system, Roofrock 30 roofing board with
the compression resistance of 30kPa is introduced as the
bottom layer of the system. With the superior mechanical
strength of Hardrock 60 roofing board, the insulation board is
employed at the top layer to provide the stability for the
overall system. Flatroof Lite is FM approved using the Membrane ROCKWOOL ROCKWOOL Metal Deck
Hardrock 60 Roofrock 30
combination of Hardrock and Roofrock 30 insulation.

Performance of Flat Roof Lite Solution Technical Specification for Roofrock 30

Insulation thickness 100mm Normal Density 120kg/m3

Insulation layer / thickness HardRock 60 (Top) / 50mm Thermal Conductivity 0.035W/mK at 15°C (ASTM C518)
RoofRock (Bottom) / 50mm
Reaction to Fire Non-combustible (AS1530.1)
Thermal Resistance Euroclass A1 (EN13501-1)
(R-Value, m2K/W)
Fire Hazard Properties Ignitibility: 0
Compression Strength (Ơ10) Spread of flame: 0
kPa at 10% deformation in >30kPa Heat evolved: 0
accordance to EN826 Smoke developed: 0-1 (AS1530.3)
Point Load (Ơp) N at 5mm Compression Strength >30kPa at 10% deformation
deformation in accordance to >500N (EN826) (Ơ10)
EN 12430
Delamination Strength >7.5kPa (EN1607)

Water Absoption <0.5kg/m2 (EN ISO 29767)

(partial immersion)

Water Vapor Absoption <1% Vol. (ASTM C 1104/C 1104M)

FM Approval Class 1 and Non-combustible Roof

Deck Construction (FM 4470)

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock

Flat Roof Plus Flat Roof Pro
ROCKWOOL Flatroof Plus insulation system provides ROCKWOOL Flatroof Pro insulation system provides an
superior mechanical strength to meet all challenges on unsurpassed performance over a range of parameters.
the roof. The 60kPa roofing boards provide resistance to The system provides excellent acoustic performance due
foot traffic during periodic roof maintenance. With to the higher mass and damping ability of the boards.
ROCKWOOL stateof-the-art technology, Hardrock 60 This roofing system is proven with excellent track records
roofing boards delivers the combination of mechanical in Asia. When tested to EN 1606, Flatroof Pro can
strength, lighter weight and resistance to fire. When withstand a permanent load of 4kPa.
tested to EN 1606, Flatroof Plus can withstand a
permanent load of 3kPa.

Hardrock 60 Hardrock 60 Hardrock 80 Hardrock 80

Technical Specification for Hardrock 60 Technical Specification for Hardrock 80

Normal Density 160kg/m3 Normal Density 175kg/m3

Thermal Conductivity 0.036W/mK at 15°C (ASTM C518) Thermal Conductivity 0.037W/mK at 15°C (ASTM C518)

Reaction to Fire Non-combustible (AS1530.1) Reaction to Fire Non-combustible (AS1530.1)

Euroclass A1 (EN13501-1) Euroclass A1 (EN13501-1)

Fire Hazard Properties Ignitibility: 0 Fire Hazard Properties Ignitibility: 0

Spread of flame: 0 Spread of flame: 0
Heat evolved: 0 Heat evolved: 0
Smoke developed: 0-1 (AS1530.3) Smoke developed: 0-1 (AS1530.3)
Compression Strength >60kPa at 10% deformation Compression Strength >80kPa at 10% deformation
(EN826) (Ơ 10) (EN826) (Ơ 10)
Point Load (Ơ p) >500N at 5mm deformation (EN
Point Load (Ơ p) >700N at 5mm deformation (EN
Delamination Strength >7.5kPa (EN1607) Delamination Strength >7.5kPa (EN1607)
Water Absoption <0.5kg/m2 (EN ISO 29767) Water Absoption <0.5kg/m2 (EN ISO 29767)
(partial immersion)
(partial immersion)
Water Vapor Absoption <1% Vol. (ASTM C 1104/C 1104M)
Water Vapor Absoption <1% Vol. (ASTM C 1104/C 1104M)
FM Approval Class 1 and Non-combustible Roof
FM Approval Class 1 and Non-combustible Roof
Deck Construction (FM 4470)
Deck Construction (FM 4470)

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock

FM Approvals
ROCKWOOL roofing insulation – Roofrock 30, Hardrock 60 and Hardrock 80 are approved products under Factory Mutual
(FM). For FM requirements, ROCKWOOL roofing boards should be fixed in accordance in accordance with FM Approved
Guide and appropriate FM data sheets. Additionally, the insulation boards should be mechanically fixed in accordance
with FM pre-securement requirements. ROCKWOOL FM approved assemblies are available in

Acoustic Performance
ROCKWOOL stone wool is the ideal material for use in achieving a desired acoustic performance. It is made up of
fibroporous basalt stone with air-filled interconnected spaces. This structure gives excellent acoustic properties as it
significantly diminishes occurrences of vertical sound waves on adjacent surfaces.

Membrane Roof System Membrane Roof System

STC 33 STC 44

Waterproofing Metal deck 0.6mm

Roof Membrane

Hardrock 80

S50 infill
Hardrock 80
Perforated metal deck
Metal deck 0.8mm 0.42mm

12mm gypsum board

With the high density of ROCKWOOL Hardrock roofing With the high sound absorption characteristics of
boards and the structure of the product, it provides the ROCKWOOL roofing boards, it provides an effective
added mass necessary for effective sound insulation of damping of sound resonance within the roofing system.
membrane roof system. Additionally, the single-ply roof To enhance the quality of sound, ROCKWOOL stone wool
membrane coupled with ROCKWOOL stone wool infills can be introduced inside the trapezoidal of the
insulation effectively minimizes rain impact noise on the perforated metal deck to provide added sound
roof system. absorption for reverberation control.

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock

Reference Projects
Project: Renewable Energy Corporation (REC) plant, Singapore Project : First Solar plant, Kulim, Malaysia

1 1

2 2

2 2


4 4

ROCKWOOL Flatroof Pro Concrete Deck System ROCKWOOL Flatroof Pro Metal Deck System

1) Roof Membrane 3) Waterproofing Layer 1) Roof Membrane 3) Air Barrier

2) Hardrock 80 4) Concrete Deck 2) Hardrock 80 with 4) Trapezoidal Metal Deck
Tissue Facing
 ROCKWOOL roofing boards provide an unrivalled combination
of thermal, acoustics and fire performances.  ROCKWOOL roofing boards have excellent acoustical
 The roofing boards were FM Approved, assuring a high standard properties and were able to achieve STC 41.
of quality products while providing compliance  The boards were secured with insulation fasteners into the
towards insurance requirements. concrete or metal deck, hence allowing fast installation to
reduce construction time.

Product specification
Roofrock 30 Hardrock 60
R-Value Thickness Width Length # Pieces Area per R-Value Thickness Width Length # Pieces Area per
m²K/W (mm) (mm) (mm) per pack pack (m²) m²K/W (mm) (mm) (mm) per pack pack (m²)

1.45 50 600 1200 4 2.88 1.40 50 600 1200 4 2.88

2.85 100 600 1200 2 1.44 2.80 100 600 1200 2 1.44

Hardrock 80
R-Value Thickness Width Length # Pieces Area per
m²K/W (mm) (mm) (mm) per pack pack (m²)
0.70 25 600 1200 8 5.76

1.35 50 600 1200 4 2.88

2.70 100 600 1200 2 1.44

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock

Design Considerations Mechanical Fastening of Insulation
Clear Span Where the roofing system is mechanically fastened, 2
ROCKWOOL roofing boards between the thickness of fasteners per 0.72m2 (1200mm x 600mm board size) is
50mm and 59mm shall have the maximum clear span of = recommended for membrane roof system.
thickness of insulation board x 1.5 For both the field area and the edge region of flat roofs
ROCKWOOL roofing boards between the thickness of sufficient stability is achieved when using 2 fasteners.
60mm to 100mm shall have the maximum clear span of = However, for the corner region of flat roofs, it is universal
thickness of insulation board x 3 practice to increase the number of membrane fasteners per
m2, and also to reduce the distance between the rows of

50mm - 59mm = thickness x 1.5


min. 60mm - 100mm = thickness x 3

clear span

Crown and Trough Position

ROCKWOOL roofing boards must be laid with the long
edge at right angles to the profiles of the metal deck.
Butt joints can be made freely on the roof, if rules for 150mm

cantilevering have been adhered to. If cantilevering has

not been adhered to butt joints should occur at the mid-
Mechanical Fastening of Insulation for Roof with
ROCKWOOL roofing boards can be installed in curved roof
with a radius as low as 2.5m. For application at curved
roofs, a minimum of 4 fasteners per board to locate and
secure the boards during installation (see under
‘mechanical fastening’).

ROCKWOOL roof boards

R ≥ 2.5m

ROCKWOOL roofing boards of 60mm or greater
thickness may cantilever over a trough, provided that the
maximum trough width does not exceed twice the board
For example, 80mm thick Hardrock roofing board may
cantilever over a maximum through width of 160mm.

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Hardrock & Roofrock

Additional Roof Loads
Plant and Machinery
Wherever possible, any roof-mounted plant, such as air
handling and refrigeration units, should be positioned on
independent upstands bearing directly onto the substrate.

Where this is not possible and the equipment is to be

placed directly onto the finished roof, additional roofing
boards should be used and further protection to spread the
load may be required.

Mechanical Fastening of Roofing Boards

For the mechanical fastening of ROCKWOOL roofing boards
to metal, concrete or timber decks, ROCKWOOL
recommends the use of fasteners incorporating a plastic
tube washer.

Sitework Plastic Tube Fastener

Installation Cutting Roofing Boards
ROCKWOOL roofing boards should be laid with staggered ROCKWOOL roofing boards are easy to cut or shape.
joints wherever possible and tightly butted to avoid gaps. Serrated knives or reciprocating “serrated” blades to
The use of small pieces of insulation board should be be used to create cleaner cuts and reduce waste and
avoided. dust on the job-site. The boards are non-brittle and will
Care should be taken to clean off all surfaces prior to the not crumble when cut.
laying of insulation boards and membrane. Appropriate
stop battens should be installed to protect open edges of Protection of Roofing Boards during Installation
boards. Adequate temporary protection must be provided above
the installed ROCKWOOL roofing boards where any of
Water Absorption the following occur: unloading or access points,
ROCKWOOL stone wool consists of randomly oriented temporary walkways, stockpiles of roofing materials,
water repellent fibres. Wetting will therefore only occur in waste skips or any other activities that might cause
proximity to its surface. damage to the insulation.
As the stone wool is diffusion open, boards that become Under no circumstances should the finished roof be used
wet during installation must be allowed to dry out naturally, as a working platform without adequate protection being
prior to the application of the roof membrane. provided.
Installation of ROCKWOOL roofing boards during rain ROCKWOOL recommends that either the main
should be strictly avoided. Force water such as rain water contractor or the roofing contractor operate a ‘permit to
will penetrate through the product and weaken the wool work’ system for any follow-on trades in areas where the
structure. The installation sequence shall follow the roof installation is complete.
membrane installation. Install only as much insulation as
can be covered by a complete roof membrane in the same Preparation Work for Refurbishment
day. Any exposed insulation boards should immediately be Unless the existing roof finish is known to be sound and
covered with waterproof covering to avoid penetration of watertight, all previously applied finishes and, if
rain water. necessary, insulation layers should be removed. It is
recommended that the designer or contractor checks
existing levels to ensure that the falls are correct.

For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz

Technical Data Sheet
Flat Roof Insulation
1st November 2023

Disclaimer: The information contained in this data sheet is only applicable for New Zealand and is believed to be correct at the date of publication and is subject to change after the date of
printing. This data sheet was designed for general information purpose only. It’s contents should not be construed as representing all performance for these insulation materials. You should
not act or reply on any of the information contained herein without seeking professional advice. We make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, correctness, suitability or validity
800 103 NZ-11/23 V1 (EN)

of any information in this document and will not be liable for any errors, omissions, or delays in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from it use. All information is
provided on a as-is basis.

ROCKWOOL Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.

Lot 4, Solok Waja 1, Bukit Raja Industrial Park,
41050 Klang, Selangor, Malaysia.
T (+60) 3 3341 3444 · F (+60) 3 3342 7290
For more information at www.rockwool.com/anz [email protected]

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