20hsmg601 - Pem - Question Bank

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Course Code: 20HSMG601


Year / Sem : III / VI
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Unit - I / Part - A / 2 Marks

S.No Questions Lev CO
1. Define the term Management? 2 K1 CO 1
2. What is Scientific Management? 2 K1 CO 1
3. How does Entrepreneur differ from Manager? 2 K2 CO 1
4. List the different forms of Organizations 2 K1 CO 1
5. Differentiate between Management and Administration 2 K2 CO 1
6. State some important functions of top level management? 2 K1 CO 1
7. list the skills required by managers in an organization 2 K1 CO 1
8. List the functions of Management 2 K1 CO 1
9. Define organization culture 2 K1 CO 1
10. Define ‘sole proprietorship’ 2 K1 CO 1
11. What is globalization? 2 K1 CO 1
12. Distinguish between strategy and policy 2 K2 CO 1
13. Classify the types of partners 2 K2 CO 1
14. What is partnership? 2 K1 CO 1
15. What are the roles of manager? 2 K2 CO 1
16. What is the importance of organizational culture? 2 K1 CO 1
17. What are the elements of organizational culture? 2 K1 CO 1
18. Analyze the current trends in Management. 2 K3 CO 1
How does the implementation of industry 4.0 helps in business 2 K2 CO1
19. Management
20. What are the characteristic of management? 2 K1 CO1

Unit - I / Part - B / 13 Marks

Marks K–
S.No Questions Splitup Lev CO
Discuss the principles and techniques of Scientific 13 K2 CO1
1. Management
(i) Is Management an art or science? Discuss 7 K2 CO1
(ii) Identify the roles, responsibilities and the necessary skills 6 K2 CO1
2. required by modern managers at various levels.
13 K2 CO1

Explain organization and different types of business

3. organizations
4. Discuss about the evolution of management thought 13 K2 CO1
Discuss the contributions of Henry Fayol to the field of 13 K2 CO1
5. management
Interpret the relevance of external environmental factors that 13 K2 CO1
6. affects global business
Identify and discuss the factors affecting Business 13 K2 CO1
7. Environment
(i) State the elements of Organization culture. 3 K1 CO1
8. (ii) Identify the different types of culture in an organization? 10 K2
Summarize the process of management by objective and its 13 K2 CO1
9. limitations
13 K2 CO1
Explain Globalization and liberalization with suitable
10. example?
13 K2 CO1
11. Describe in detail about modern trends in management
Discuss in detail about Industry 4.0. also state how it helps to 13 K2 CO1
12. manage Business under different domains
13. Explain the functions of management in detail. 13 K2 CO1
Explain Fayol’s 14 principles of management and various roles 13 K2 CO1
14. of a manager

Unit - I / Part - C / 15 Marks

S.No Questions Lev CO
1. Discuss the effects of evolution of modern management. 15 K2 CO1
Explain the concept of Globalization and challenges faced by 15 K2 CO1
2. the Management
3. Explain the functions of management with suitable example? 15 K2 CO1
4. Explain Fayol’s 14 principles of management. 15 K2 CO1

Unit - II / Part - A / 2 Marks

S.No Questions Splitu CO
1. Define MBO ? 2 K1 CO2
2. Distinguish between strategic and tactical planning. 2 K2 CO2
3. State the steps in planning. 2 K1 CO2
4. What do you mean by policy? 2 K1 CO2
5. What is meant by brainstorming? 2 K1 CO1
6. List the planning tools available in business management. 2 K1 CO1
7. What is intuitive decision making? 2 K1 CO2
8. Define Span of Control. 2 K1 CO2
9. What is Job design? 2 K1 CO2
10. Name any four Quantitative forecasting techniques. 2 K2 CO1
11. What are the objectives of planning? 2 K1 CO2
12. What is Strategic Business Unit? 2 K1 CO1
13. What is Decision tree? 2 K1 CO2
14. What is forecasting? 2 K1 CO2
15. Explain the Delphi technique. 2 K2 CO2
16. List the advantages of planning 2 K1 CO2

Unit - II / Part - B/ 13 Marks

Marks K–
S.No Questions Splitup Lev CO
Explain the nature and steps involved in the Planning 13 K2 CO2
1. process.
Explain the purpose and types of planning in detail. 13 K2 CO2
Explain the process of MBO with the help of block 13 K2 CO2
3. diagram.
4. Discuss in detail about Management by Objectives 13 K2 CO2
State and explain the steps involved in a managerial 13 K2 CO2
5. decision making process.
6. Explain policy and different types of policies 13 K2 CO2
7. Explain the various types of organizational plans. 13 K2 CO2
8. Explain about Data Dictionaries. 13 K2 CO2
Explain the decision making process with the help of an 13 K2 CO2
9. example
10. Discuss the techniques available for decision making. 13 K2 CO2
Unit - II / Part - C / 15 Marks
S.No Questions Lev CO
1. Explain the process of MBO its benefits and limitations 15 K2 CO2
Explain the various types of Organisational Decisions 15 K2 CO2
Administration essentially is a decision-making process: 15 K2 CO2
Elucidate this statement and explain the various types of
3. decisions taken by executives.


Unit - III / Part - A / 2 Marks

Mark K–
S.No Questions CO
Splitup Level
1. Define Organization 2 K1 CO3
List down the importance of organizing function 2 K1 CO3
List out the Objectives of formal organization 2 K1 CO3
What is an informal organization? 2 K1 CO3
Distinguish between formal and informal organization 2 K1 CO3
List out the types of organization structure. 2 K1 CO3
What is Departmentation? 2 K1 CO3
List down the types or bases of Departmentation 2 K1 CO3
What is centralization? 2 K1 CO3
What are the advantages of centralization? 2 K1 CO3
What is decentralization? 2 K1 CO3
Distinguish between centralization and decentralization 2 K1 CO3
What is delegation of authority? 2 K1 CO3
Differentiate between Delegation of authority and 2 K2 CO3
14. decentralization
List down the objectives of performance appraisal 2 K1 CO3
What is career planning? 2 K1 CO3
Classify the phases of career development. 2 K1 CO3
What is span of control? 2 K1 CO3
Compare line and staff authority 2 K2 CO3
List down the sources of recruitment 2 K1 CO3

Unit - III / Part - B/ 13 Marks

S.No Questions Lev CO
Explain the following elements of organizing namely work 13 K2 CO3
specialization, departmentalization, span of control,
1. formalization, centralization and decentralization.
Explain Recruitment and its need, process and sources of 13 K2 CO3
2. recruitment in detail
Explain about various types of selection process towards 13 K2 CO3
3. recruitment
Explain about purpose, methods and process of training. 13 K2 CO3
(i)Explain in detail about the nature and purpose of 6 K2 CO3
organization 7
5. (ii)Discuss about purpose and process of training.
(i) Explain the concept of Decentralization. 6 K2 CO3
6. (ii) Explain the importance of performance appraisal 7
How could you determine various performance appraisal 13 K2 CO3
7. techniques? Invent the need for performance appraisal.
Explain line and functional organizational structures with their 13 K2 CO3
8. advantages and limitations
Explain briefly about the various types of departmentation. 13 K2 CO3
“Human Resource Panning the first step of staffing function” – 13 K2 CO3
10. Infer the statement with the process of HRP.

Unit - III / Part - C / 15 Marks

S.No Questions Lev CO
Suppose you are a HR manager of a multinational company; you are 15 K2 CO3
expected to identify the training needs of the employee’s in various
departments. How will you identify the training needs and what
training method(s) would be most effective in training and
1. developing the employee’s of this company.
Bring out the factors affecting centralization/ Decentralization. 15 K2 CO3
Also highlight the merits and demerits of
2. centralization/Decentralization with examples.
A MNC with headquarters in Canada is in a dilemma to decide 15 K2 CO3
whether to adopt a line or a line and staff organisation
structure. Highlight the advantages of line and line and staff
organisation structure. According to you which structure would
3. be suitable for a huge MNC?

Unit - IV / Part - A / 2 Marks
Mark K–
S.No Questions Splitup Level

1. List the elements of directing. 2 K1 CO4

2 K1 CO4
2. List two important characteristics of directing.
3. Summarize the concept of Laissez faire 2 K2 CO4
List the various factors involved in using motivational 2 K1 CO4
4. techniques.
5. Define leadership. 2 K1 CO4
6. List the advantages of democratic leadership? 2 K1 CO4
7. Classify the various leadership styles. 2 K2 CO4
8. Define job satisfaction 2 K1 CO4
9. List out the factors influencing job satisfaction. 2 K1 CO4
10. Show your understanding on job enrichment 2 K1 CO4
11. Identify the techniques to enhance the job. 2 K1 CO4
12. State the need for communication. 2 K1 CO4
13. List the different types of communication flow. 2 K1 CO4
State the various elements in the process of 2 K1 CO4
14. communication.
15. List out the motivation theories. 2 K1 CO4
16. Define control and Mention the purpose of control 2 K1 CO5
17. What are the characteristics of control function? 2 K1 CO5
18. Define Budgetary control. 2 K1 CO5
19. List out the steps of basic control process 2 K1 CO5
20. Define Controlling 2 K1 CO5
21. State the importance of control 2 K1 CO5
22. List out the various managerial controls. 2 K1 CO5
23. List the different types of critical point standards. 2 K1 CO5

Unit - IV / Part - B / 13 Marks

Marks K–
S.No Questions Splitup Level

Define leadership and explain about different styles in 13 K2 CO4

1. leadership with their merits and demerits.
2. Identify the factors effecting job satisfaction 13 K2 CO4
3. Outline the techniques to improve job enrichment. 13 K2 CO4
(i)Interpret the characteristics of good leader. 13 K2 CO4
4. (ii)Compare motivation and satisfaction
Develop the various differences between the leadership and 13 K2 CO4
5. management?
Define communication. Explain the process and types of 13 K2 CO4
communication and also list out the barriers in
6. communication..
Demonstrate – “Communication through electronic media is 13 K2 CO4
7. helpful for effective business”?
Explain any two motivation theories of your choice in detail? 13 K2 CO4
9. Explain the various formal organization communications. 13 K2 CO4
Discuss about the different modes of communication along 13 K2 CO4
with their merits and demerits. Also highlight role of IT in
10. today’s communication.
11. Illustrate and explain the three steps in the control process 13 K2 CO5
12. Explain the process of controlling with a flow diagram. 13 K2 CO5
Explain the techniques of budgetary control techniques and 13 K3 CO5
13. non-budgetary control ?
What are budgetary and non- budgetary control techniques? Explain 13 K3 CO5
14. the types and benefits of Non-budgetary control techniques
Explain in detail about the process of control and the barriers 13 K3 CO5
15. of controlling in the organization with the suitable examples.

Unit - IV / Part - C / 15 Marks

Marks K–
S.No Questions Splitup Level

1. Explain the different theories of leadership. 15 K2 CO4

i) Discuss the scope of directing. 8 K2 CO4
ii) “Job performance of individual is significantly influenced 7
by the employee’s attitude” - discuss
(i) What are the barriers of communication? 8 K2 CO4
(ii) Suggest measures how communications be made 7
3. effective?
4. Explain any three theories of Motivation. 15 K2 CO4
The country head of Z InfoTech finds it difficult to 15 K2 CO4
communicate to his boss in California. Sometimes it is due to
difference in timings, sometimes due to difference in
meanings of words. Phone lines are noisy and signal breaks
sometimes. What do you think would be the type of barriers
faced by him while communication takes place between
5. people of different countries?
Explain the techniques of budgetary control techniques and 15 K3 C05
6. non-budgetary control ?
What are budgetary and non- budgetary control techniques? Explain 15 K3 C05
7. the types and benefits of Non-budgetary control techniques
Explain in detail about the barriers of process of control in the 15 K3 C05
8. organization with the suitable examples.
Unit - V / Part - A / 2 Marks
Mark K–
S.No Questions Splitup Level

1. List the modern approaches in engineering management. 2 K1 CO6

2 K1 CO6
2. Define green management.
2 K1 CO6
3. State the implications of IPR in Manufacturing Management.
2 K1 CO6
4. Select the optimized methodology for lean manufacturing.
State the ethical principles with expected output of a 2 K1 CO6
5. manufacturing sector.
2 K2 CO6
6. Compare disruptive and breakthrough innovation.
2 K1 CO6
7. List the roles of R & D in business development.
2 K1 CO6
8. Define Innovation management.
2 K1 CO6
9. State the role of Engineering Managers.
List out the consequences on enforcing ethics in engineering 2 K1 CO6
10. management.

Unit - V / Part - B / 13 Marks

S.No Questions Split
Explain scope of green manufacturing management with 13 K3 CO6
1. suitable illustration.
Explain the methodologies of implying innovative techniques 13 K3 CO6
2. in multi standards.
Explain the concept of IPR and its importance in 13 K3 CO6
3. Manufacturing companies.
13 K3 CO6
4. Explain the necessity of Ethics for Engineering Managers.
Explain the suitable framework for following lean 13 K3 CO6
5. manufacturing techniques.
Explain the most likely technique for mapping the essentials on 13 K3 CO6
6. managing diversity in technological allocations.

Unit - V / Part - C / 15 Marks

Marks K–
S.No Questions Split Up Level

Explain the concept of green manufacturing with special 15 K3 CO6

1. reference to FMCG sectors.
Explain the process of lean manufacturing with respect to 15 K3 CO6
2. controlling mechanisms towards standardization.
15 K3 CO6
3. Explain the schema of R & D in engineering management.
Explain the implications of AI with respect to lean 15 K3 CO6
4. manufacturing.

Questions For Discussion

1.Identify the marketing strategies Ramraj cotton can use to
overcome the challenges?
2.Other than retailing, exporting and distributorship, what
other models will be suitable for
this company?
3.What are the innovations made by the company in the past
4.What kind of Ramraj cotton products were most
5.Study the trends in cotton industry and analyse the indirect
competition it might face the

Course Outcomes

CO Outcomes K level

CO1 Understand the evolution and basic concepts of engineering management. K2

Demonstrate the planning concepts for an effective decision making
CO2 process. K2

Describe the basic concepts of organisation and its function.

CO3 K2

CO4 Describe the ability to direct, leadership and communicate effectively. K2

Apply the knowledge using the various system and process of controlling,
CO5 budgetary and non-budgetary control techniques. K3

Apply the concepts of innovation and technology management.

CO6 K3

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