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TECHNOLOGY Prepared on
(Regulation :R18)
Departments of CS,AIML,DS&AIDS
Sub. Code & Title R20HMS3277 Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship
Academic Year: 2023-24 Year/Sem./Section III Btech II-Semester

Faculty Name & Designation M.Neelima , ASST.PROFESSOR


(1. Remembering 2. Understanding 3. Applying 4.Analyzing 5. Evaluating 6. Creating)

Short Questions BT LEVEL COURSE
1. Discuss Meaning of Entrepreneur ? 6 CO1
2. Explain Characteristics of Entrepreneurs? 2 CO1
3. Define Entrepreneurs? 1 CO1
4. Explain Intrapreneurs ? 5 CO1
5. Discuss of Intrapreneurs ? 6 CO1
6. What are the factors influencing Entrepreneurship ? 1 CO1
7. Explain Qualities of good Entrepreneuship ? 2 CO1
8 Define the word Entreprenurial Environment ? 1 CO1
9 Expand the word Managers ? 4 CO1
10 Explain Characteristics of Entrepreneurship? 2 CO1
11 Define Entrepreneurial Scenario ? 1 CO1
12 Define the word Entreprenurial growth ? 1 CO1

Long Questiions
1. Define “Entrepreneurs are made or born.” Give your views ? 1 CO1
2. Explain the role of culture in development of entrepreneurship ? 2 CO1
3. Explain various sources of finance for entrepreneurs in India? 5 CO1
4. Explain the concept, meaning and definition of entrepreneur and entrepreneurship ? 2 CO1
5. Discuss the Concept of intrapreneur ? 2 CO1
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6. Explain the Characteristics and qualities of entrepreneurs ? 5 CO1

7. Explain difference between Entreprenurs VS Intrapreneurs ? 2 CO1
8 Explain the factors influencing entrepreneurial development ? 5 CO1
9 Explain the role of Entrepreneurial Development Programme (EDP) to manage the 2 CO1
problems faced by entrepreneurs ?
10 There are emerging fields in enterneurship i.e new knowledge & change in perception. 5 CO1
Expand these concepts.
11. What are the problems and challenges faced byUnitentreprenurs in INDIA ? 1 CO1
12 What do you understand by Enterpreneurship
1 MARK ? Explain the need for enterneurship
development in India. CO2
1 Define MSME ? 1 CO2
2 Definitation of medium Entrepreneurs ? 1 CO2
3 Explain any two Schemes of MSME ? 2 CO2
4 What are Challenges of MSME ? 1 CO2
5 Define women Entrepreneurship? 1 CO2
6 Define rural Entrepreneurship? 1 CO2
7 Explain family business ? 2 CO2
8 Classifying the problems faced by MSME ? 4 CO2
9 Explain source of MSME ? 2 CO2
10 Define First generation Business ? 1 CO2
11 Define the term Indian economy. 1 CO2
12 What are difficulties of MSME ? 1 CO2

1 Explain concept of Micro small Medium Enterprises ? 2 CO2
2 What is the significance of MSME ? 1 CO2
3 Briefly explain any Ten Schemes & MSME ? 1 CO2
4 What are the challenges faced by MSME Schemes ? 1 CO2
5 Explain the concept of Women Entrepreneuship ? 2 CO2
6 Briefly Explain Family Business ? 5 CO2
7 Briefly Explain First Generation Entrepreneurs ? 5 CO2
8 Briefly Explain the concept of Market Entry Strategies? 5 CO2
9 Explain Managerial Feasibility ? 5 CO2
10 Explain 2 CO2
(a) Strategies
(b) Utilities Feasibility ?
11 Enumerate the problems of women Entrepreneur in India. 2 CO2
12 How many forms are there in business? 5 CO2
[Type text] Unit -III

1. Define Idea Generation ? 1 CO3
2. Explain Creativity ? 2 CO3
3 Define innovation ? 1 CO3
4 What is market ? 1 CO3
5 Define Strategies ? 1 CO3
6 Explain the concept of marketing Feasibility ? 2 CO3
7 Define Political Feasibilition ? 1 CO2
8 Explain Social and legal Feasibilition ? 2 CO3
9 What is managerial Feasibility ? 1 CO3
10 Define Technical Feasibility ? 1 CO3
11 Expand market entry strategies. 4 CO3
12 What is a business opportunity? 1 CO3

1. Define 1 CO3
(a) Idean Generation
(b) Market Entry Strategies ?
2 What are the factors influencing creating and innovation ? 1 CO3
3. What are the factors influencing business opportunities ? 1 CO3
4 Explain 2 CO3
(a) Legal Feasibility
(b) Utility feasibility
5. Explain briefly Economic Feasibility ? 2 CO3
6 What is Difference between Social and Legal Feasibility? 1 CO3
7. Define finance feasibility? What Factors should influencing Finance Feasibility ? 1 CO3
8. What is Difference between managerial feasibility & Social Feasibility ? 1 CO3
9. What are the factors influencing financial feasibilities ? 1 CO3
10. Explain the entire concept of Idea generation 2 CO3
11 What are the sources of new ideas? How an entrepreneur generates new ideas? Explain with examples. 2 CO3
12 State any four sources which lead to emergence of basic ideas. 4 CO3
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1. Define Business Model ? 1 CO4
2. Define Designing ? 1 CO4
3. What is Business plan ? 1 CO4
4. Explain Financial Marketing ? 2 CO4
5. Define Human Resourcen ? 1 CO4
6. Explain the business format ? 4 CO4
7. What is project report ? 1 CO4
8 Explain business plans ? 2 CO4
9 Explain Reasons for business plans failures ? 4 CO4
10 What are the techniques of business plans ? 1 CO4
11 Give reasons why business plans fail? 2 CO4
12 what is a production plan? 1 CO4
1. Briefly Explain 2 CO4
(a) Business Model
(b) Design Business Plans
2. What are the plans are used for successful businessmen ? 1 CO4
3. Explain steps of Designing ? 5 CO4
4. Explain 2 CO4
(a) Analysis
(b) Improving
5. What are the steps used for improving businessmen ? 1 CO4
6. Explain 2 CO4
(a) Marketing
(b) Human Resources
7. What is Difference Between Marketing management and Human Resource Management ? 2 CO4
8 Define Project ? What are the steps involved in preparation of project report ? 1 CO4
9 Define Business ? Why Business steps Failures in Industry Scenario? 1 CO4
10 Briefly explain Business Plan formats ? 2 CO4
11 Being an entrepreneur, prepare a business plan for your business. 4 CO4
12 Define project report, what is its importance? Enumerate the contents of a project report. 4 CO4
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1 Define Financing ? 1 CO5
2 What is Meaning of Banking ? 1 CO5
3 Define non – Banking ? 1 CO5
4 Explain Agencies ? 2 CO5
5 Define Dicencing ? 1 CO5
6 Briefly explain funding schemes in INDIA? 4 CO5
7 Define venture capital? 1 CO5
8 Define non-banking Institutions in INDIA? 1 CO5
9 Explain Capital ? 2 CO5
10 What is Process of registration ? 1 CO5
11 Explain the procedure for getting registration of business. 2 CO5
12 What is the role of entrepreneurship? 1 CO5

1 Explain the financial opportunity to strategy of Entrepreneurship in INDIA? 2 CO5
2 What are the major source of support to Entrepreneurship like banking sector? 1 CO5
3 What are the non-banking sector helpful to INDIA Entrepreneurship sector? 1 CO5
4 Explain 2 CO5
(a) Agencies
(b) Venture capital
5 What are the Scheme availability for funding Business explain briefly 1 CO5
6 Define 1 CO5
(a) Licensees
(b) Registration?
7 What are the challenges and difficulties in strategic and enterprise? 1 CO5
8 What are the non-banking Sectors should influenced the INDIA Entrepreneurship sector? 1 CO5
9 Explain process of strategic Entrepreneurship? 4 CO5
10 Explain the concept of financial opportunities to successful running of enterprise in INDIA ? 4 CO5
11 Briefly explain the financial institutions support available to industries in India. 2 CO5
12 Explain briefly the incentives and supports offered by Government for promotion of entrepreneurial 2 CO5

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