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Forgotten Realms

The Platinum King

Johnny Tek
Written by Johnny Tek
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A mighty wind blows down the troubled path
And arctic chill comes hither to the gust.
By scale, and fang, and leathered wings of wrath
The hammer falls upon the cruel unjust.
Now cross the heavens with your opened eyes
And listen to the words from dragon’s mouth,
For soon the King shall fill the darkened skies
With light of justice cast from North to South.

Bahamut _ unlikely places, perhaps to help promising young adventurers
with pieces of advice or information about their destinations.
When Bahamut interacts with mortals, he commonly does so
in the guise of a venerable silver-bearded man in long robes
accompanied by seven golden-feathered canaries that freely
LAWFUL GOOD rest on the man’s shoulders.
Other Names or Titles: Draco Paladin, King of the Good It is written in the sacred texts that both Bahamut and his sister
Dragons, Lord of the North Wind, The Platinum Dragon, Tiamat were born of the blood of Asgorath (also known as Io),
Xymor the progenitor god of all dragonkind. Many interpretations of
Symbol: A shield embossed with a dragon’s head in profile. this passage have been hotly debated among the religious
Alternatively, a star above a milky nebula. scholars of the world. It is however universally accepted that
though Bahamut and Tiamat were once staunch allies in the
Divine Portfolio: Justice, wind, good dragons Dawn War (an ancient war fought between the gods and the
primordials), they were afterwards bitter enemies pursuing
Divine Realm: Altiul di Okarthel, Celestia clashed objectives: Tiamat to conquer all for her personal
greed, and Bahamut to protect the freedoms of all through
Divine Residence: Ro Rilark
selfless promotion of compassionate laws and honor.
Divine Allies: Agni, Amaunator, Arvoreen, Corellon
With a deep flame of grudge burning between the sibling
Larethian, Fa Kuan, Gaeral Ironhand, Garl Glittergold, Gorm
deities that has yet to cool down except for rare periods of
Gulthyn, Helm, Horus-Re, Ilmater, Jazirian, Koriel, Lendys,
temporary truce, their histories have become deeply
Marduk, Moradin, Osiris, O-Wata-Tsu-Mi, Qotal, Sang-Je,
Shang-ti, Tamara, Torm, Tyr, Vandria Gilmadrith, Yondalla
The millennia-spanning enmity between Bahamut and Tiamat
Divine Enemies: Amatsu-Mikaboshi, Bane, Bhaal, Cyric,
has intermittently erupted into periods of open conflict known
Dhrakoth, Faluzure, Garyx, Gruumsh, Ilneval, Loviatar,
as the DragonFall Wars. Their battles have been waged on
Magubliyet, Memnor, Mordukhavar, Panzuriel, Set, Tiamat,
multiple worlds of influence in the Prime Material Plane, but
most fiercely on the world of Toril.
Exarchs: Kuyutha, Medrinia, Vanathor, Xanathon, Borkadd
The first of the two known Dragonfall Wars began in the year
the Claw, Kuria the Eye, Sonngrad the Wing, Gruemar the
-29,500 DR (during the Time of Dragons era), when followers
Voice, Marroshok the Tail, Troannaxia the Presence, Urgala
of Bahamut (known as Xymor at the time) attacked and slew
the Fang
Nagamat, a wyrm-general in Tiamat’s service. Nagamat was
long a target of confrontation for his centuries-long genocide
and enslavement of the aearee (the avian creator race), whom
Bahamut is the god of justice, wind, and good dragons in the he had conquered sometime around -30,000 DR. According to
draconic pantheon (with a strong following among non- some scholars, Nagamat’s demise marked the beginning of a
dragons). Originally worshipped by dragons in ancient times, widespread rebellion that resulted in the liberation of the
he has gained a following among non-dragon races as a result remaining aearee; it is unknown what became of the survivors,
of his work to protect the peoples of Toril from the evil but a few theories suggest that the aearee were the progenitors
machinations of his sister Tiamat. The King of the Good of the kenku, the aarakocra, and the raptorans.
Dragons teaches his faithful to uphold the ideals of
compassion, justice, and the sanctity of life. Bahamut himself It is unknown how long it was before the first Dragonfall War
will never willingly kill a creature unless absolutely necessary. returned to the status of a cold war between Bahamut and
Tiamat, but it is widely believed that a truce was agreed to
Bahamut is a sage among deities who eagerly shares his hard- after the dragon god Garyx led red dragons in an invasion of
earned insights with those who are willing to listen. It is the giant kingdom of Ostoria; this action sparked the
popular among priests of Bahamut’s faith to joke that once the beginning of the Thousand Year War between dragons and
Platinum Dragon begins telling a story, he will continue to do giants, lasting from around -26,000 DR to -25,000 DR.
so long after his audience has fallen asleep. Bahamut is revered
for his warmth of personality in stark contrast to his dragon’s The most recent Dragonfall War occurred between -2,087 DR
breath being described as one of the most powerful forces of and -1,071 DR, during which Tiamat gained a foothold
freezing wind known to exist. Being of dragonkind in nature, among the Mulan peoples of the Untheric Empire; she
Bahamut maintains a natural avarice and possesses a hoard of unleashed an avatar upon the lands, fueled by the faith of her
treasure said to be more valuable than the combined riches of growing human cult. Bahamut indirectly opposed the Dragon
several entire worlds in the mortal realm. Queen through the avatar of another deity: the Untheric
pantheon’s Marduk the Justice Bringer, who was a divergent
Bahamut is also known for his love of travel. Much to the aspect of Bahamut created long ago to support the mortals of
worry of his attendants, the dragon god has a habit of another world. Bahamut’s memories of war with Tiamat
roaming outside the safety of his home to travel in disguise served Marduk well in competing against the Dragon Queen’s
along the unguarded paths of Celestia. This wanderlust influence in Unther.
extends to his avatars as well. Bahamut (or rather a lesser
extension of his presence) is rumored to occasionally appear in

In -1076 DR, not long before the end of the last Dragonfall their race, so many loved ones lost, many wyrms looked to
War, the Orcgate Wars began, during which hundreds of religion for comfort in the aftermath.
thousands of orcs invaded the lands of Unther and
Mulhorand through gates opened by renegade Mulhorandi Scholars in the church of Bahamut surmise that Tiamat may
wizards. The orcs called their own gods to them; the arrival of have had a hand in guiding Sammaster, for the purpose of
avatars from the orc pantheon moved the god-kings of the fulfilling an ancient prophecy of the Turning of the Great
Untheric pantheon to personally take up arms against the orc Cycle, during which dragons would reignite their religious
invasion in -1071 DR. affiliations. It was possibly a ploy to gain a stronger foothold in
the mortal realms and subsequently a higher place in the
Tiamat, in her ambition and greed, betrayed the Untheric divine hierarchy.
pantheon by attacking the god-king Gilgeam during the final
Battle of the Gods, just as Gilgeam was battling Ineval, the orc The next year, the Year of Lightning Storms (1374 DR), a
god of war. Marduk sacrificed his avatar’s life to save Gilgeam series of lightning strikes marked the locations of dragon eggs
at the critical moment, slaying Tiamat’s avatar in the process. that had somehow fallen to the land, appearing as meteor
Both Bahamut (through his mystical connection with Marduk) showers to distant witnesses. The faithful of Bahamut and
and Tiamat were greatly diminished by the deaths of these Tiamat hurried to gather the eggs after their respective gods
avatars, barely retaining mere sparks of their divine essences. urged them to do so in visions. More than half of the eggs
According to scholars, the losses of the avatars were far more were claimed by Tiamat’s church while the rest were lost,
consequential than one would normally see, because the hatched on their own, or claimed by the church of Bahamut.
original gods of the Untheric pantheon invested a great deal The number of eggs recovered was enough to replenish much
more than usual of their own essence in the avatars. This was of the dragons’ reduced population in the wake of the Rage of
done as a compensatory measure in response to a magical Dragons. The young dragons raised by the churches would
barrier at the time that had blocked the gods from having likely become a new generation of draconic zealots who would
direct connections with their avatars in Realmspace. usher in the next Dragonfall War.

The church of Marduk afterwards faded from existence while In the Year of Blue Fire (1385 DR), not long after the death of
Tiamat’s cults maintained a small following. Had Bahamut not Mystra and the outbreak of the Spellplague, the god of justice
still had some faithful left among the dragons and a few other Tyr abdicated his divine portfolio to Torm after slaying Helm
races, his influence might have been removed from Toril in an act of mistaken passion. Torm, a longtime friend of
altogether. Bahamut, requested the Draco Paladin to take up a more
active role as an ally, to compensate for Tyr’s absence. Torm
More than two millennia later, in the Year of Shadows (1358 granted Bahamut some of the divine power that Tyr gave up,
DR), the Time of Troubles came to Toril. All the gods save for and organized a closer cooperation between their churches. As
Helm had their main bodies cast down to the mortal realms, a member of the re-organized Triad alliance (now Torm,
forced to assume vulnerable avatar forms, including Bahamut. Ilmater, and Bahamut), the Platinum Dragon gained a
Returned for the first time since Marduk’s death, the Lord of significantly greater following among non-dragon races in the
the North Wind eventually learned that Tiamat was already era of Spellplague, much to Tiamat’s chagrin. The increase in
wandering Faerun as an avatar, having been summoned by her divine stature came with expanded responsibilities, made more
faithful in the Year of the Bloodbird (1346 DR). challenging by the harsh circumstances of the Spellplague’s
The next year, the Year of the Serpent (1359 DR), a holy
covenant was formed between Bahamut and the future king of The King of the Good Dragons remained in his seat of
Damara, Gareth Dragonsbane. A ritual of auspicious tidings authority in the Triad alongside Torm and Ilmater for about a
was performed, in which Gareth planted a relic known as the century until Tyr was restored to his former glory (and
Tree-Gem in the soil of Damara. With the planting of the subsequently his position in the Triad) as a result of the
relic, the King of the Good Dragons pledged to protect the Second Sundering’s events. The Triad remained a close ally of
kingdom of Damara from the influence of demons so long as Bahamut afterwards. Though the camaraderie was welcome,
Damara remained an ally of good and justice. This ritual was the Draco Paladin is glad to be able to commit more of his
a rallying call that renewed the church of Bahamut among the attention to personal affairs and trouble brewing for his
non-human races, enabling the Platinum Dragon to regain faithful.
some of his lost divinity. Unbeknownst to all at the time,
Tiamat had also regained a similar level of power through her Following the return of many gods in the wake of the Second
dark machinations and began to marshall a new army when Sundering, the Lord of the North Wind faces many new
she learned of Bahamut’s return. challenges. Old conflicts have rekindled and dead enemies
have been resurrected. The most concerning tidings as of late
Over a decade later, in the Year of Rogue Dragons (1373 DR), are reports of Tiamat’s recent appearance and subsequent
a mad lich named Sammaster harnessed the power of an disappearance somewhere on the Sword Coast of Faerûn, on
ancient magical ward known as the Dracorage Mythal. The the world of Toril; Bahamut is strongly intent on investigating
mythal drove dragons across all of Faerun to suffer from a every detail of the incident, and worries have risen among the
berserker madness known as the Rage of Dragons. A group of faithful that another Dragonfall War is just on the horizon.
hero adventurers were able to end Sammaster’s plot before the
madness could lead to the dragons’ extinction, destroying the
lich as well as the mythal itself. With so much damage done to

Divine Allies Fa Kuan (Lawful Good)
Symbol: A white circle and a black circle, each connected by
a single chain to opposite sides of a ring’s exterior border, with
Agni (Chaotic Good) the white circle’s chain curved upwards and the black circle’s
chain curved downwards.
Symbol: A flame, colored red, yellow, and orange.
Fa Kuan is the god of justice in the Celestial Bureaucracy
Agni is the god of fire, redemption, hope, and messages in the pantheon. The Deliberator of Karma shares an appreciation
Vedic pantheon. The Guide of Flames has been a friend of of patience and a passion for enforcement of laws with the
Bahamut since the ancient Dawn War. As the two deities are Lord of the North Wind. Fa Kuan’s faithful and Bahamut’s
both invoked as guardian deities, they share a sense of faithful will readily work together in battling criminals,
compassion and concern for not just their faithful, but all especially if those criminals are involved with evil dragons.
helpless innocents threatened by dark forces.

Gaerdal Ironhand (Lawful Good)

Amaunator (Lawful Neutral)
Symbol: An iron band.
Symbol: A golden Sun (optionally with a face on the solar
disk). Gaerdal Ironhand, the gnome pantheon’s god of vigilance,
combat, and martial defense, is an intense, unsmiling protector
Amaunator, god of bureaucracy, contracts, law, order, the Sun, deity who takes his duties very seriously. The Shield of the
and time in the Faerûnian pantheon, has always appreciated Golden Hills gets along well with Bahamut when it comes to
Bahamut’s devotion to justice and the rule of law. Although matters of cooperation in defending the realms from evil, but
the Keeper of the Eternal Sun would prefer that Bahamut the Lord of the North Wind also tries very hard to get Gaerdal
show less bias in the administration of justice, the Platinum to crack a smile with a joke whenever they meet, seemingly to
Dragon does apply a sage level of restraint and thoughtfulness the gnome deity’s exasperation. As bards tell it, the entire
that other, more fanatic gods of good often lack. Bahamut will gnome pantheon cringes on every attempt to break the iron
occasionally consult with Amaunator on complicated law- defense of Gaerdal’s grim exterior.
related situations that require careful deliberation, for the sake
of serving true justice.

Garl Glittergold (Lawful Good)

Arvoreen (Lawful Good) Symbol: A gold nugget.
Symbol: Two crossed short swords, with blades above hilts. Garl Glittergold, the gnome pantheon’s god of protection,
humor, trickery, gem cutting, and gnomes (as well as the
Arvoreen is the god of defense, war, vigilance, halfling pantheon’s leader), is a gentle, trustworthy friend who shares
warriors, and duty in the halfling pantheon. The Wary Sword the same wanderlust that drives Bahamut to explore the
is a protector deity much like Bahamut, fighting against dark various realms of mortals. There are stories told by the bards
forces of malice and destruction. Arvoreen has been a of travelers being invited by two old men on the side of the
particularly helpful ally against Bane and Cyric, but will gladly road to sit with them by a crackling campfire. The old men
cooperate with the Lord of the North Wind against any great reveal themselves to be Bahamut and Garl Glittergold if the
evil that threatens the realms. travelers stay awake long enough while listening to the old
men’s stories; such a feat earns the travelers a blessing from
each of the two gods.
Corellon Larethian (Chaotic Good)
Symbol: A crescent moon.

Corellon Larethian, the Seldarine (elven) pantheon’s god of

magic, music, arts, crafts, war, the elven race, poetry, bards,
and warriors (as well as the pantheon’s leader), is a reliable ally
in fighting against forces of evil that would threaten the realms.
Bahamut’s appreciation of life and the balance of nature has
made the Lord of the North Wind a welcome guest to visit the
Lord of Arvandor. Whenever Bahamut’s avatar (or Bahamut
himself) travels through elven lands, Corellon is tempted to
send an avatar of his own to join whatever “fun troubles” the
dragon god is likely to encounter.

Gorm Gulthyn (Lawful Good) Ilmater (Lawful Good)
Symbol: A shining bronze mask with eyeholes of flame. Symbol: A pair of white hands bound together at the wrist
with a red cord.
Gorm Gulthyn is the Morndinsamman (dwarven) pantheon’s
god of protection of all dwarves, defense, and watchfulness. Ilmater, god of endurance, suffering, martyrdom, and
The Lord of the Bronze Mask has long been a friend of perseverance in the Faerûnian pantheon, is a member of the
Bahamut, dating back to the earliest age of dwarves. Some Triad alliance (Tyr, Torm, Ilmater) of good gods. The Broken
scholars have surmised that Bahamut had some hand in God’s willingness to sacrifice himself to save others and his
assisting Gorm’s liberation of dwarves on some worlds from overflowing compassion have made Ilmater more than
enslavement by giants, as part of the longstanding feud acceptable as a comrade of Bahamut. Having served as an
between the giants and the dragons. Regardless of their active member of the Triad up to the return of Tyr, Bahamut
friendship’s history, the Eternally Vigilant shares with Bahamut shared many poignant discussions with Ilmater about the
a devotion to duty, honor, and protection of the peoples, plights of the less fortunate, and they continue to do so when
making them brothers of the heart. time allows.

Helm (Lawful Neutral) Jazirian (Lawful Good)

Symbol: A staring eye with a blue pupil on the hand’s Symbol: A couatl flying in a circle.
backside of an upright war gauntlet.
Jazirian is the Scaled pantheon’s deity of couatls, community,
Helm, god of guardians, protectors, and protection in the peace, learning, and parenthood. The Progenitor of Couatls
Faerûnian pantheon, is a stalwart sentinel of the gods whose possesses a reputation for wisdom similar to Bahamut, and has
loyalty to duty has earned Bahamut’s deep respect. As fellow been around nearly as long if not longer. Some have
devoted protectors of mortals, the Watcher and the Draco speculated that Jazirian and Bahamut may have even fought
Paladin are able to relate well with each other, despite their side by side against the primordials during the ancient Dawn
disagreements on a number of moral issues. Helm will not go War. The Lord of the North Wind typically visits the Mother
out of his way to assist Bahamut unless it is to protect the of Couatls for advice whenever dealing with political issues
realms, whether mortal or divine, from harm; the definition of involving Asmodeus; it has been rumored that no being in the
“protection” is a point of heated argument between the two. multiverse is as familiar with the archdevil deity than Jazirian.

Horus-Re (Lawful Good) Koriel (Lawful Good)

Symbol: A hawk’s head wearing a pharaoh’s crown set Symbol: A golden ki-rin standing on a cloud.
against a solar circle.
It was during his time as a temporary member of the Triad
Horus-Re, the Mulhorandi god of the Sun, vengeance, alliance in Celestia that Bahamut met Koriel, god of ki-rin,
rulership, kings, and life, much like Bahamut, has a strong learning, protection, and vigilance against evil. The Father of
sense of honor and upholds the law for the sake of the people’s Ki-Rin has led some of his faithful to befriend (usually non-
prosperity. The Pharaoh of the Gods has been a friend to dragon) champions of Bahamut in the mortal realms, giving
Bahamut since before the dawn of the ancient Untheric birth to partnerships of hero and mount fighting together
Empire, when the Imaskari ruled over both the Mulhorandi against the forces of evil.
and Untheric peoples. Although Bahamut feels that Horus-Re
is sometimes too harsh in the judgement of criminals, these
gods maintain a solid respect and fellowship that produces
friendly relations between their churches. Lendys (Lawful Neutral)
Symbol: A downward-oriented sword balanced on a needle’s

Lendys, the Draconic pantheon’s god of balance, justice, and

arbitration, is an arbiter for the souls of dragons, punishing
those who have committed criminal acts against their own kind
with no room for appeal. There are times when Bahamut and
Lendys almost come to blows arguing about the contrasts
between their respective ideals of justice, however they
maintain appropriate decorum in each other’s presence. As
they both have justice bringers among their followers, the
Weigher of Lives and the Lord of the North Wind do not let
their differences get in the way of cooperation in
apprehending criminals in the mortal realms.

Marduk (Lawful Neutral) O-Wata-Tsu-Mi (Neutral Good)
Symbol: A silvery net. Symbol: A serpent-like dragon swimming from right to left in
the sea, with his head, neck, and other parts of his body
Marduk is a god of cities, wind, thunder, storms, and rain who sticking up from the surface of the water.
used to be a member of the ancient Untheric pantheon of
Realmspace. The Justice Bringer remains a member of at least O-Wata-Tsu-Mi is the god of the sea, creatures of the sea, and
one other world’s pantheon, originally created as a divergent tides in the Eight Million Gods pantheon of Kara-Tur. The
aspect of Bahamut, who saw a need for opposition to Tiamat’s Great Dragon of the Sea has long been a friend of Bahamut
presence in that very same world’s divine influences. Marduk is and Bahamut’s exarch Medrinia, whom O-Wata-Tsu-Mi
independent but remains a staunch ally of Bahamut in the adores like a beloved niece. Despite being a draconic deity, the
Outer Planes, particularly in matters of justice and law. The Serpent Sage rarely participates in the politics of the draconic
Platinum Dragon may be planning to restore Marduk’s pantheon, but should the Dragonfall War reignite, Bahamut
foothold on Toril using one of the loopholes that can enable can count on the assistance of O-Wata-Tsu-Mi.
ancient lost gods to return to Realmspace with permission
from the powers that be. If successful, a new patron of justice
will appear in the eastern realms of Faerûn, perhaps to foil the
machinations of the returned Gilgeam, who may not be as he Qotal (Lawful Good)
appears to be. Symbol: A serpentine dragon with feathered wings, or
alternatively a collage of feathers, maize, wind, butterflies,
clouds, macaws, and eagles.
Moradin (Lawful Good) Qotal, god of protection and healing in the Maztican
Symbol: An upright hammer against an anvil. pantheon, is much to the inhabitants of Maztica and the race
of couatls that Bahamut is to dragonkind and other mortal
Moradin, the Morndinsamman (dwarven) pantheon’s god of faithful. The Feathered Dragon was once an arrogant, short-
dwarves, creation, smithing, protection, metalcraft, and tempered troublemaker, but after committing a terrible sin and
stonework (as well as the pantheon’s leader), is a strong nearly causing the ruin of those he cared for, sought
proponent of fairness when it comes to judging the deeds (or repentance out of guilt and newly found humility. Qotal is now
misdeeds) of mortals; despite the harshness by which Moradin a far more somber, compassionate deity who wishes to atone
deals with sinners and enemies alike, Bahamut feels kinship for his irresponsible past. The Plumed One currently teaches
with the All-Father in their shared desire to do good by the his followers to hold a reverence for life and a respect for the
mortals who worship them. Moradin’s stubborn unwillingness freedom of other creatures. Qotal visits Bahamut occasionally
to compromise has been a good target for friendly for peer counsel, often bringing a sack of precious gems as a
conversational jabs whenever Bahamut meets with the dwarf gift.

Sang-Je (Lawful Good)

Osiris (Lawful Good) Symbol: A sun behind the summit of a mountain standing
Symbol: A white crown of Mulhorand positioned above a upon a bed of clouds.
crossed crook and flail.
Sang-Je is the god of protection, the sky, creation, and royalty
Osiris is the Mulhorandi pantheon’s god of vegetation, death, in the Constellation Pantheon. As the Heavenly Emperor who
the dead, justice, and harvest. The Reaper of the Harvest is rules the Constellation Pantheon, Sang-Je has worked hard to
impartial in his judgements, but also strives to promote form friendly diplomatic relations with many of Celestia’s
goodness and honor as the natural state to pursue. As their deities, and Bahamut is no exception. The two share a heavy
tenets are quite compatible, Bahamut has been on good terms burden of responsibility and a strong sense of compassionate
with Osiris even before the Untheric and Mulhorandi justice, which has kept their meetings amicable. As a protector
pantheons arrived in Realmspace. deity, Sang-Je is a welcome ally when defending the weak
against the predations of evildoers. If the Lord of the North
Wind had anything to complain about, it would be the
Heavenly Emperor’s tense relationship with the Celestial
Emperor Shang-ti, who rules the Celestial Bureaucracy
Pantheon; their respective pantheons have had more than a
few disputes over territorial influence in the Kara-Tur region
of Toril in Realmspace. Bahamut has stepped in a few times,
especially during the Spellplague Era, to help cool down
heated discussions between the two deities.

Shang-ti (Lawful Good) Tyr (Lawful Good)
Symbol: A jade dragon. Symbol: Balanced scales resting on the head of an upright
Shang-ti is the god of creation, social order, and divine
judgement in the Celestial Bureaucracy Pantheon. As the Tyr, god of justice in the Faerûnian pantheon, is a member of
Celestial Emperor who rules the Celestial Bureaucracy the Triad alliance (Tyr, Torm, Ilmater) of good gods. The Just
Pantheon, Shang-ti maintains diplomatic relations with many God is one of the most passionate, zealous warriors on the side
gods, including Bahamut, but has kept a relative distance from of good that Bahamut has ever known. It was a joyous tiding
the King of the Good Dragons. The Celestial Emperor to see Tyr alive again and recovered from his self-afflicted
maintains a policy of caution to avoid getting his divine despair. Although the Maimed God’s prioritization of truth
organization swept up in conflicts between gods, which seeking and punishment over equality and fairness occasionally
Bahamut has been known for, especially when in matters worries the Lord of the North Wind, Bahamut trusts that Tyr
involving the deity Tiamat. As such, Shang-ti may provide will always remain steadfast on the path of righteousness.
occasional pieces of information and order some of his
subordinates to assist in dealing with potential threats, but
rarely more than that. The Celestial Emperor has a rivalry
with the Heavenly Emperor Sang-Je, which has prompted Vandria Gilmadrith (Lawful Neutral)
Bahamut to play the role of mediator between the two on Symbol: An elf ’s eye on a red shield, with a crescent moon
occasion. lined up with the right half of the eye’s iris.

Vandria Gilmadrith, the Seldarine (elven) pantheon’s goddess

of war, guardianship, justice, grief, vigilance, and decision, is
Tamara (Neutral Good) rumored to send an avatar to chide her father Corellon
Symbol: A seven-pointed star on a field of black. whenever he sneaks an avatar to join one of Bahamut’s on a
wandering trip. The Stern Daughter of Corellon is narrowly
Tamara is the goddess of good dragons, healers, and those concerned with protecting the elves, but is willing to lend
deserving mercy in the draconic pantheon. She is a kind, assistance against criminal elements and evil powers that have
compassionate deity who believes in showing mercy when the potential to threaten elves in the future.
possible both in the living realms and the afterlife. The Silver
Healer is however quite capable of battle when violence is
unavoidable. Tamara is a strong ally when it comes to
eradicating undead creatures that terrorize mortals, with great Yondalla (Lawful Good)
expertise in handling undead dragons. The servants of Symbol: A cornucopia on a green shield.
Tamara have thus gained a reputation both as healers and as
death-dealers, and are always welcome to adventure with Yondalla, the halfling pantheon’s goddess of protection,
servants of Bahamut. bounty, halflings, children, security, leadership, wisdom,
creation, family, and tradition (as well as the pantheon’s
leader), is a kind deity whose patient, forgiving nature makes
her pleasant company from the perspective of Bahamut. Like
Torm (Lawful Good) the Platinum Dragon, the Nurturing Matriarch avoids
Symbol: A right-hand gauntlet held upright with palm open, unnecessary violence and cares deeply about the well-being of
fingers together, and facing forward (in some sects, a silver or her faithful. Yondalla rarely asks for favors, but when she does,
gray metal shield bearing the gauntlet with three black arrows Bahamut would be happy to help the halfling goddess in her
embedded in the shield). time of need.

Torm is the god of duty, loyalty, obedience, and paladins in the

Faerûnian pantheon, and member of the Triad alliance (Tyr,
Torm, Ilmater) of good gods. Bahamut has always found pride
in the friendship that the two gods shared, as though Torm was
a favored grandchild of the Platinum Dragon (Bahamut was
already ancient by the time the mortal Torm ascended to
divinity, and their friendship began not long after Torm’s
apotheosis). The Loyal Fury’s devotion to protecting others
from evil and injustice has made him an unwavering ally to the
Lord of the North Wind in the cause of good.

Divine Enemies Bhaal (Lawful Evil)
Symbol: A white, face-on human skull surrounded by a
counter-clockwise orbit of many streaming teardrops.

Amatsu-Mikaboshi (Lawful Evil) The resurrection of Bhaal, god of murder, ritual killings, and
assassins in the Faerûnian pantheon, has all the gods of justice
Symbol: A black seven-pointed star (alternatively a black
bristling with anger; the evil god has renewed his zeal in
cloud against a backdrop of stars).
spreading fear into the hearts of the innocent through his
Amatsu-Mikaboshi is the god of sinful deeds and darkness in followers’ malicious activities. Bahamut’s priests and soldiers
the Eight Million Gods pantheon. Venerated by his faithful as will oppose the machinations of Bhaal at every opportunity.
the August Star of Heaven and rightful ruler of all things, this Bhaal is now attempting to absorb the church of Cyric, an evil
malevolent deity seeks to strip away all mortals of so-called god that had slain Bhaal and stolen the Ravager’s divine power
“virtues”, exposing them for the true sinners that all of them during the Time of Troubles; this has many gods wondering
are. Bahamut, in his great wisdom, believes that the Elder of how bloody their conflict will grow to be. The Lord of Murder,
Darkness is likely feigning his agreement with the divine pacts through an avatar, has reportedly been slaying a number of
of Realmspace’s deities, and biding his time for some nefarious innocents as of late in the mortal realms of Realmspace, in
scheme that could force gods from multiple pantheons to step pursuit of his vengeance; should the wandering avatar of
in and intervene. Vigilant allies and faithful of the Platinum Bahamut encounter that of Bhaal, a great battle will likely
Dragon will hopefully be able to uncover Amatsu-Mikaboshi’s erupt between the two.
plot should the dark deity escalate the progress of his
disturbing ambitions.
Cyric (Chaotic Evil)
Symbol: A white jawless skull at the center of a black or
Bane (Lawful Evil) purple sunburst.
Symbol: An upright black fist, with green rays emanating
Cyric, god of murder, lies, intrigue, deception, and illusion in
from between the fingers
the Faerûnian pantheon, remains trapped in his own divine
Bane, god of strife, hatred, tyranny, and fear in the Faerûnian realm “The Supreme Throne”; Lathander, Sune, and Tyr
pantheon, is an oppressive figure whose notions of lawful punished the Prince of Lies for murdering Mystra and
authority are a corrupt perversion born from selfish greed, unleashing the Spellplague upon both the mortal and divine
cruel violence, and malicious hubris. The Black Lord’s ways realms. This imprisonment has not stopped Cyric from causing
are thus at conflict with Bahamut’s ideal of a peaceful, orderly trouble through his faithful though. A currently escalating feud
society upholding the virtues of compassion and honor. The between Bhaal and Cyric has created more reasons for
followers of Bane and Bahamut are likely to practice caution Bahamut to remain vigilant. The rival gods of murder are
should they encounter or notice each other in a non-violent likely to put wide-reaching plots into motion as their churches
setting, as both sides usually observe local laws to their fight each other, and many innocents could become victims in
advantage; violent provocations could easily lead to unwanted the process.
surprises that undermine their respective standings. During the
Spellplague Era, the Lord of Tyranny had enslaved and
humiliated a “partial” aspect of Tiamat (a weakened deity who
was possessed by Tiamat’s consciousness) for a time, and was Dhrakoth (Neutral Evil)
repaid with treachery and theft, so there might be a remote Symbol: Green eyes on a black dragon’s wing.
possibility that Bane would call a truce with or even side with
Bahamut to oppose a scheme of the Dragon Queen. Recently, Dhrakoth is the Draconic pantheon’s god of undeath, nihilism,
an avatar of Bane has been causing trouble in the mortal and genocide. The Corruptor and his faithful are responsible
realms of Realmspace, and the servants of Bahamut are for many murders and the suffering of innocents, making him
worried that the Platinum Dragon, known for sending avatars a priority target among Tiamat’s servants. Bahamut knows of
to wander about, will personally meddle in Bane’s business. Dhrakoth’s desire for the end of all life, so there is a sense of
urgency when the Wyrmic Necromancer’s cult is active, but
that dark ambition also prevents the Dragon Queen from
trusting this exarch so it is worth observing how their
relationship plays out.

Falazure (Neutral Evil) Loviatar (Neutral Evil)
Symbol: A draconic skull (sometimes against a black circle). Symbol: A nine-tailed barbed scourge.

The return of the draconic pantheon’s Null was followed by an Loviatar is the goddess of pain. hurt, agony, torment, suffering,
unexpected splitting into his two aspects, rather than a shifting and torture in the Faerûnian pantheon. As exarch and lover of
from one to the other as was normal before his demise during Bahamut’s enemy Bane, and former exarch of Bhaal, the
the Spellplague years. Null is no more, replaced by Chronepsis, Maiden of Pain has had her followers engage in hostilities with
dragon god of death, and Falazure, dragon god of decay, the faithful of Bahamut from time to time. Most of the Draco
undeath, and exhaustion. The permanent manifestation of Paladin’s conflicts with Loviatar have been in meddling with
Falazure has Bahamut worried; such a force being unleashed the Willing Whip’s plots against her hated enemy Ilmater, who
may give rise to horrors the likes of which the world has never is Bahamut’s dear friend and ally.
known. Chronepsis on the other hand seems to have found a
place as a divine councilor in the Court of Souls, a divine
institution of negotiation presided over by the deity Kelemvor.
Magubliyet (Neutral Evil)
Symbol: A bloody axe, trailing blood as it swings to strike.
Garyx (Chaotic Evil) Magubliyet is the goblinoid pantheon’s god of goblins,
Symbol: A reptilian eye superimposed over a flame. hobgoblins, leadership, and war (as well as its leader). The Axe
Tyrant is a foul supporter of slavery, oppression and the
The return of Garyx, the evil draconic god of fire, destruction, slaughter of innocents, putting him (and by extension the rest
and renewal, presents an enigma for Bahamut. Ever since the of the goblinoid pantheon) at odds with Bahamut who would
Second Sundering, the mad pyromaniac has been too quiet. protect mortals from such horrors. After Bane recruited
Garyx is infamous for his wild swings of mood, often leading Magubliyet as an exarch, the goblinoid deities became more
to terrible devastation and loss of life; as of late however, the organized and more resourceful, presenting an even greater
more destructive sects of Garyx’s faith have been unusually threat than before.
subdued, and Garyx himself is nowhere to be found.
Occasionally there are reports of Garyx’s avatar appearing in
remote locations throughout the worlds of Realmspace, but
with none of the destruction following in his wake that he is Memnor (Neutral Evil)
known for. Until a conclusive observation can be made, the Symbol: A thin, black obelisk.
Platinum Dragon will remain vigilant for whatever may come
next from Garyx’s strange behavior. Memnor, the giant pantheon’s god of pride, mental prowess,
and control, refuses to let go of the grudge between giants and
dragons from the time of the Thousand Year War. As such, his
followers manipulate the peoples of the realms into violence
Gruumsh (Chaotic Evil) against dragons and harbor dreams of the day when dragons
Symbol: An unwinking eye. are either wiped out of existence or reduced to slaves of
giantkind. Bahamut is weary of the Golden Smiled Giant,
Gruumsh, the orc pantheon’s god of orcs, conquest, survival, since Memnor tends to quietly play the long game, and makes
strength, and territory, has not forgotten the role of Bahamut his moves when nobody expects them.
as one of the adversaries faced during the OrcGate Wars. The
One-Eyed God considers Bahamut’s continued existence as
unfinished business from their great conflict in Unther. In
addition, since the Draco Paladin is allied with Gruumsh’s Mordukhavar (Lawful Evil)
most hated enemy, Corellon Larethian, He Who Never Sleeps Symbol: Two fiendish red dragon heads facing opposite
must factor in the destruction of Bahamut as a necessary step directions and connected where their heads would meet their
towards victory against Corellon. necks.

Mordukhavar is the draconic pantheon’s god of manipulation,

contracts, and diplomacy. The Reaving Wyrm is reportedly the
Ilneval (Neutral Evil) offspring of Tiamat and a powerful fiend of the Nine Hells,
Symbol: A bloodied longsword with blade pointing upwards. and is thus one of the more trusted lieutenants of the Dragon
Queen’s army. Since Mordukhavar has developed relationships
Ilneval, the orc pantheon’s god of war, combat, overwhelming with devils and arranged all sorts of fiendish contracts for
numbers, and strategy, holds a grudge against Bahamut for centuries, he is one of the more enigmatic enemies of
robbing the Horde Leader of victory against Gilgeam during Bahamut, presenting dangers both hidden and explicit.
the final Battle of the Gods in the OrcGate Wars. Ilneval may
have schemed together with Tiamat for that pivotal
opportunity, so Bahamut is weary of a potential future
collaboration between the Dragon Queen and the War Maker.

Panzuriel (Neutral Evil) Exarchs
Symbol: A severed left foot with webbed toes. Exarchs are deities and demigods that serve other (usually
more powerful) deities that protect, rule over and/or provide
Panzuriel is a formerly exiled evil aquatic god of murder, them with support against their enemies.
confusion, and subversion whose influence was recently re-
established in Realmspace as a result of the goddess Umberlee
posing as the Mangled Lurker in the Depths. Bahamut’s
exarch Medrinia has had to deal with a number of instances in Kuyutha (Lawful Good)
which her aquatic dragon faithful were kidnapped or
murdered by the faithful of Panzuriel, who could be found Symbol: A kneeling warrior with sword in hand and a gust of
among koalinths, kraken, merrow, sahuagin, scrags, and wind above him, superimposed on a shield.
vodyanoi. Bahamut may soon establish a formal alliance with Many centuries ago, Kuyutha, the last dragonborn paladin of
Deep Seshalas (whom Panzuriel considers his most hated foe) an ancient empire (on a world outside of Realmspace)
for the purpose of organizing a more powerful defense against gathered and protected as many of his fellow former citizens as
the growing cult of the Patron of Kraken. he could after the empire’s fall. Bahamut recognized the worth
and determination of Kuyutha, and sponsored the paladin’s
apotheosis into a demigod of bravery and enforcement of
justice; the North Wind’s Blade has since served in his duties
Set (Lawful Evil) well with his keen mind for tactics and his knack for diplomacy.
Symbol: A coiled cobra
Kuyutha is well known as a shepherd of dragonborn who have
Set, the Mulhorandi pantheon’s god of the desert, destruction, either lost their way or suffer in dark hours. The paladin
drought, night, rot, snakes, hate, betrayal, evil magic, demigod has also been placed in charge of training non-
ambition, poison, and murder, is a patron of the foulest dragon soldiers in Bahamut’s army at the North Wind
criminal elements. The Lord of Carrion has committed Training Halls on Mount Mertion in Celestia. Many veteran
unspeakable acts of horror to satisfy his own dark ambitions, dragon soldiers in service to Bahamut have sought instruction
so though confrontations are uncommon (due to Set’s from Kuyutha for combat conducted in shape-shifted
penchant for secrecy), Bahamut’s followers will readily humanoid form; such martial skills are useful for a variety of
annihilate any traces of Set’s cult that they discover, for the tasks in which large, bulky bodies are a hindrance.
sake of protecting the people of the realms.
Outside of perhaps Tymanther, there are only a few scholars
in Realmspace that know of Kuyutha’s existence, since much
of his focus in the past millennium has been devoted to
Tiamat (Lawful Evil) matters in other crystal spheres or on Abeir, where the
dragonborn are oppressed and in need of hope. The Paragon
Symbol: Five dragon heads connected by their necks, of Dragonborn may soon make an appearance on Toril since
arranged clockwise in a circle. the dragonborn of Tymanther are currently in a state of war
Tiamat, the draconic pantheon’s goddess of evil dragons, evil with the peoples of Unther, and dark tidings may fall upon the
reptiles, and greed is Bahamut’s sister, as well as his most dragonborn in coming battles. A number of faithful of
dedicated enemy. As of the current era following the Second Kuyutha may have appeared among the dragonborn of
Sundering, tensions are high and anticipation for the next Tymanther thanks to the proselytizing efforts of Bahamut’s
DragonFall War is rising. A recent attempt by the Dragon church, so there’s good reason to expect Kuyutha’s greater
Queen to bring herself directly to Faerûn from her prison in involvement on Toril in the future.
Avernus has placed Bahamut on high alert, however the
unexpected return of previously deceased foes has prevented
more direct hostilities from being carried out. Caution is being
exercised for the time being, but the future may yet bring war
Medrinia (Lawful Good)
anew. Symbol: Two connected tidal waves heading outward in
opposite directions, with a dragon’s wing emerging upwards
from the center where the tidal waves connect.

Urdlen (Chaotic Evil) Medrinia is the goddess of aquatic creatures and protection of
travelers under and over the seas in the draconic pantheon. It
Symbol: A white mole with jagged claws. is told in legend that the Dragon of the Seas was born from a
Urdlen is the gnomish pantheon’s god of greed, bloodlust, evil, tear shed by Bahamut as he witnessed the tragic bloodshed
hatred, uncontrolled impulse, and spriggans. The Crawler between dragons divided between good and evil. The nature
Below despises Bahamut for helping Gaerdal Ironhand foil a of her storied birth is fitting, as Medrinia is known for her
scheme that would have brought Urdlen an obscene amount overflowing compassion and love of peace; she is however also
of stolen riches. The Platinum Dragon will oppose the cult of known to be ferocious when protecting her faithful.
Urdlen wherever possible because of their support of As the representative of Bahamut to all aquatic dragons,
malicious thievery and murder. Medrinia serves primarily in a diplomatic role and oversees a

network of intelligence employing not just aquatic dragons,
but other creatures of the sea. Her subordinates include
Xanathon (Neutral Good)
dolphins, sea-horses, and members of intelligent aquatic races Symbol: A white geometrical diamond with blue lines
such as merfolk and tritons. As such, the Ocean Matron has a connecting opposite points and crossing at the center.
friendly relationship with the gods of the Asathalfinare
pantheon, an alliance of deities of sea and sky. Kuria and Xanathon represents force of life and the destruction of
Gruemar of Bahamut’s Golden Seven may sometimes assist undead in the draconic pantheon. The Life Bringer was
Medrinia on particularly difficult assignments. formed by Bahamut from the essence of the Positive Energy
Plane to counter Tiamat’s creation of her servant Drakhoth
Sailors and island dwellers may erect shrines to Medrinia for from the essence of the Negative Energy Plane. Some scholars
good luck, since she is known for sending dolphins to save have placed the birth of Xanathon and his dark counterpart
drowning travelers. When negotiating with or making a direct Drakhoth sometime during the peak centuries of the first
request to the goddess, it is recommended that one present an Dragonfall War, when Bahamut and Tiamat were escalating
offering of well-prepared seafood, as Medrinia has developed a their tactics against each other with creations of terrifying
hard-to-please palette for fish and other simple sea creatures, power.
going so far as to earn the title “Gourmet of the Seas”.
Medrinia normally appears as a sleek dragon with deep blue- Although Xanathon is rarely summoned from his realm in the
green scales, sturdy wings, and a wide tail ending in a crescent- Positive Energy Plane, he answers to the Platinum Dragon’s
shaped fluke, but when conducting a food tasting, she’ll shift call with unswerving loyalty. The typical missions given to the
into the form of a beautiful female sea elf in a shiny, flowing, Wyrm of Light involve battle against foes that use legions of
dress. Offering Medrinia dishes made from evil sea creatures undead, as well as healing wounded or disabled champions of
such as deepspawn, weresharks, morkoth, and sahuagin will good. One of the highest honors that a non-draconic mortal
cause her to feel disgust and deep offense, as she refuses to can receive from Bahamut is to receive an avatar of Xanathon
pollute her tongue and stomach with such filth even if she (appearing in the form of a dragon made of golden energy
were to become a starving mortal. with multicolored crystal eyes) and be possessed by the deity; it
is said that such a possession temporarily transforms the mortal
into the form of an ancient gold dragon, with all the abilities
associated with such a dragon along with the healing and
Vanathor (Lawful Good) regenerative powers of Xanathon.
Symbol: A golden dragon’s head superimposed on a harp. Outside of his normal duties as the Draco Paladin’s exarch,
Xanathon investigates potential threats posed by Drakhoth,
Few dragons can match the regal dignity and piety of against whom the Life Bringer was created to oppose. Another
Vanathor, god of music, musicians, and bardic magic in the role played by Xanathon is that of assisting the health and
draconic pantheon. The Golden Harpist has long served the well-being of dragon eggs and young dragons. Many of
Lord of the North Wind as a trusted advisor and court Xanathon’s devoted faithful are thus the healers and hatchery
musician. According to historians, Vanathor appeared nurses of dragonkind.
unexpectedly of his own volition at Bahamut’s court,
proactively offering service (rather than being recruited as most
others have in the Draco Paladin’s employ). There is an
alternate origin supported by rogue scholars that Vanathor is a The Golden Seven (Lawful Good)
formerly dead power from an ancient pantheon that was
resurrected by Bahamut. Bahamut is served by seven ancient immortal gold dragons
that the dragon god cares for as if they were his very own
Vanathor normally prefers to conduct himself in peaceful children. They are not true gods but can combine their powers
endeavors out of his reverence for life, avoiding violent as Chosen to tap into a divine portfolio (duty, service) with the
confrontations if possible through diplomacy. As such, the force of a demigod, and are known to forge pacts (Celestial
Wyrmic Bard has forged many relations with gods of other Patron) with warlocks willing to serve as their eyes and ears in
pantheons (Corellon Larethian in particular) and maintains a the mortal realms. These seven Chosen protect the palace
reliable network of intelligence that brings him valuable where their lord resides, as well as oversee subjects of concern
information about allies and enemies alike. Vanathor is often for Bahamut’s divine organization. Being of equal standing
assisted by Kuria and Gruemar of Bahamut’s Golden Seven in and having known each other since they were children, the
diplomatic and intelligence gathering matters. Golden Seven are as much a family as they are a group of
Song dragons and dragons who study music are among
Vanathor’s most populous sects of faithful. As a guardian deity
of bards, the Golden Harpist has been known to disguise
himself as a half-elven bard who approaches other bards with
advice, information, or assistance. Many of Vanathor’s jaunts
into the mortal realms involve the collection or sharing of
music, and Bahamut may sometimes join his longtime friend
and exarch on such a journey out of curiosity and amusement.

✧ Borkadd the Claw ✧ Marroshok the Tail
Borkadd is the eldest of the seven. He is the most powerful Marroshok is the youngest yet largest of the seven. His
combatant of the group as well as the one most often chosen cheerful optimism and gentility is matched only by his massive
to duel on behalf of the Platinum Dragon. Borkadd is girth and his passion for the culinary arts. He is most often
primarily assigned to a quiet, secretarial role when his battle chosen to accompany Bahamut as a bodyguard. It is often
prowess isn’t needed - a good match for his relaxed, laid-back joked that Bahamut favors Marroshok more for his cooking
personality. When relieved from work, Borkadd prefers to skills than his seemingly invincible endurance; this titanic
spend most of his time reading in peace; his personal hoard wyrm is fabled to have shaken off the most devastating of
most notably contains rare and valuable tomes, a collection of attacks from enemies of the strongest caliber, even gods.
which is rumored to contain unique volumes that even the Marroshok’s personal hoard most notably contains magically
personal library of Oghma, the god of knowledge, does not preserved gourmet ingredients of all tiers of rarity; it is wildly
possess. rumored that Marroshok is in possession of wondrous foods
that can bestow all sorts of unusual benefits upon those who
eat them, even eternal youth and immortality.

✧ Kuria the Eye

Kuria’s specialty is stealth and reconnaissance. Her mastery of
self-transformation magic is unrivaled by any dragon alive, and
✧ Troannaxia the Presence
her skill at hiding her presence is great enough to fool even a Troannaxxia is the de facto leader of the seven. Her legendary
god. Kuria tends to be suspicious of outsiders, especially those beauty is coupled with her confident, authoritative manner;
seeking an audience with her lord. It is extremely rare for any she has been compared to the greatest kings and generals
lies or magical deception to fool the eyes and ears of this when it comes to her ability to draw attention to herself.
dragon. Her personal hoard most notably contains a collection Troannaxia’s force of personality can be irresistibly
of poisons and concealable weapons of deadly force. intimidating to most who dare to stand before her; for this
reason, Troannaxxia is Bahamut’s most successful enforcer of
terms when diplomacy is met with resistance. This paragon of
power and allure is known for holding deep long-lived grudges;
✧ Sonngrad the Wing one popular legend tells of Troannaxxia’s three hundred year
Sonngrad is the messenger of Bahamut, capable of flying chase of a thief who had stolen a cheap trinket from her
swiftly through the heavens like a golden bolt of lightning. She lover’s grave. Her personal hoard most notably contains
also specializes in translocating magic and has countless clothing, jewelry, and armors of the highest quality.
teleportation circles set up in a vast network of her design
across Celestia and beyond. Sonngrad is a consummate
adventurer, and by Bahamut’s indulgence, she usually stays
around for a while to explore the local region after completing
✧ Urgala the Fang
a message delivery. Her business-strict demeanor has made Urgala is an indomitable military strategist. By the merit of
many question whether her brother Borkadd is truly the eldest her unfathomably efficient war tactics, Bahamut’s army has
of the seven. Sonngrad’s personal hoard most notably contains known some of its greatest victories. She is usually second in
cultural artifacts taken from the ruins of ancient civilizations, command when the Golden Seven are called to battle, using
and manuscripts written in dead languages long forgotten. her insight to support Troannaxxia’s inspiring leadership.
Urgala takes great pride in her plans, and tends to be stubborn
in her ways as she always believes that she is the most
intelligent being in any room. Urgala’s personal hoard is a
✧ Gruemar the Voice mystery, containing well-kept secrets to reveal as needed.
Gruemar is the quintessential diplomat, tasked to negotiate on
behalf of Bahamut. This master mediator is well-versed in the
social etiquette and customs of thousands of different peoples
and nations, and is supremely quick to spot weaknesses in an
opposing party’s arguments. Gruemar has a kindly air about
him yet maintains a steely resolve when he is working; he has a
habit of testing young people with subtle innuendos and
cryptic metaphors to see how well they can reciprocate in
intellectual conversation. Gruemar’s personal hoard most
notably contains various works of art such as paintings,
tapestries, and statues, many of which are masterpiece works
created by the most celebrated of artists.


Celestia The Seven Heavens of Mount Celestia are

An enormous mountain surrounded by six lesser mountains on composed of seven subplanar layers, with the top of
a titanic island-continent. The island lays in the middle of a each layer below the Seventh Heaven engulfed in a
vast silvery ocean of holy water. This is the heavenly plane of cloud of magical mist; these clouds are a special
Celestia, as large as an entire world and slowly growing larger
variant of what spelljamming travelers call “transit
with time. Celestia is a plane of the afterlife where gods of
justice, kindness, and compassion reign and the souls of many mist”, a primordial mist that connects many planes,
good people go to find their final resting place. including the Material Planes to the Astral Plane, and
the Astral Plane to many other planes.
Day and evening hours in Celestia are on a 24-hour cycle,
regulated by a silvery crown of clouds in the sky. The clouds
The transitional clouds of variant transit mist in
are luminescent, brightening and fading (according to the day-
evening cycle) as the primary light source of the plane. There the Seven Heavens, as well as the clouds in the Astral
is always some daylight being emitted from the sky so the plane Plane that lead to the plane of Celestia, are known as
is never truly dark, ranging from a rosy-hued twilight to a the Heavenly Corridors. These interplanar pathways
bright, golden noon. are usually well guarded by powerful angels and
wards to prevent misuse by the enemies of the gods
The ocean that surrounds the island in Celestia is known as the
Silver Sea; its salt-free blessed clear waters are filled with many in Celestia; some scholars claim that the Heavenly
varieties of aquatic creatures, including fish, leviathans, and Corridors of Celestia pre-date the gods themselves
aquatic dragons. The waters gradually turn a deep green as and were simply moved into place and re-purposed
one approaches close to the edge of the Silver Sea, and a during the ancient era of the Dawn War.
faintly translucent barrier of golden light marks the outermost
boundaries of the plane. Travelers will see only more ocean in Visitors who enter Celestia through a Heavenly
the horizon as they approach the barrier, and after passing
Corridor in the Astral Plane will emerge from the sky
through the barrier will find themselves swimming in the
Astral Plane, with a shimmering disc of golden light floating above Mount Celestia in the first layer, seeing the
nearby. The Silver Sea gets its name from the silvery hue that main continent and the Silver Sea upon arrival. Those
the ocean’s waters acquire as they reflect the silvery white and who attempt to travel upwards through the Heavenly
gray of the clouds in the sky. Any ship that traverses the waters Corridors in the sky are warned to keep relatively
of the Silver Sea will have a ribbon of sunlight reflected off close to Mount Celestia if seeking entry into the
the water’s surface between the ship and the island, preventing higher Heavens, otherwise they might find themselves
sailors from getting lost in Celestia’s ocean.
instead exiting into the Astral Sea.
There are small islands dotting the Silver Sea, with hills and
mountains of white marble veined with various ores and
minerals. Many fortresses and port towns have been built upon
the islands. popularly referred to as the Marble Isles.
The center mountain, known as Mount Celestia, is a special
Alpine meadows, thickly forested valleys, and pristine bodies of
structure connecting the seven sub-dimensional layers of
water are the most recognized characteristics of the plane’s
Celestia, known as the Seven Heavens, stacked over each other
natural terrain. Underneath the grounds and surfaces of
within the same plane. The first layer is what appears from the
Celestia are vast caverns and tunnels inhabited by elemental
outside as the whole of Mount Celestia and everything around
creatures; the subterranean inhabitants are friendly to natives
it, but those who reach the summit of Mount Celestia will
and invited guests of Celestia but uninvited visitors and
enter a cloud of opaque white mist and exit from that same
unwanted intruders will be met with hostility. Legend has it
mist into the next layer of the Seven Heavens; upon emerging
that there are artifacts of great power being stored in the
from the cloud, travelers find themselves at the bottom of
Underdark of Celestia, and several primordials have been
another mountain, reportedly just as large as the one they’d
contracted by the gods to protect these precious, potentially
left, but instead of the shores of the main continent and the
dangerous objects.
Silver Sea, the second mountain is surrounded by an ocean of
When entering Celestia, petitioner souls appear as they did in the same mist that was entered to arrive at the second layer,
life, at least until they enter a particular god’s realm within the and the sky above appears to be completely covered by the
plane, whose ambient magic may alter their appearance mist.
according to the god’s preference. Souls that are bound for the
The mountain of the second layer extends into the sky. When
Seven Heavens always arrive at the shores of the first layer,
reaching the summit of the second mountain, the sky’s mist is
Lunia, where angel guides await. A soul whose destination is
entered to reach the third layer, which is also a mountain
one of the other mountains will arrive at the base of the
surrounded by an ocean of mist, below a sky covered by mist,
mountain where their god resides.

with the mountain extending into the sky’s mist cloud. Each
layer up to the Seventh Heaven is the same. In the distance THE TOWER OF FIRE
between sky and mist ocean on each layer from 2nd to 6th is
what appears to be a background of color that varies between
There is a structure known as the Tower of Fire on
layers, with floating islands dotting the space.
one of the Marble Isles in the Silver Sea. It is said that
There are a number of floating islands that either orbit the flight and teleportation both fail within close range of the
mountains of Celestia or travel along midair paths. The tower, forcing visitors to arrive by sea to the island’s shore.
vigilant god Helm and the dragon god Bahamut each have
divine realms upon their own respective floating islands, with
The purpose of the tower is a mystery to the
Helm’s realm located in the layer of Lunia and Bahamut’s
realm regularly moving from layer to layer of Celestia among average folk. The interior of the Tower of Fire is reportedly
the first four. a maze of blue-tinted crystal and blue flames that turn skin
pale on contact rather than burning it; the highest floors
A number of deities maintain divine realms to be found on of the interior are reported to be higher than the exterior
each of the first six layers of Mount Celestia, as well as on the
of the tower itself, leading some scholars to conjecture
smaller mountains in the surrounding regions. The Silver Sea
is also home to aquatic deities. that the space itself within the tower has been
manipulated to make the inside larger than the outside
(perhaps much larger than imagined, as no one has been
able to determine the true horizontal dimensions of the
The Silver Sea maze).
The deity Medrina currently resides within the Silver Sea, at
her underwater city of Sea Reach, where the goddess is always The rooms within the Tower of Fire shift and change
shuffling from one administrative building to another in her every seven days, with random furnishings and various
roles of management and diplomacy. A sanctuary that used to objects (including magic items in rare occurrences) that
be the center of Trishina’s former divine realm in the Silver
seem to appear out of nowhere during the shifts; this has
Sea remains at the bottom, and hosts a portal to the goddess’
current realm in a plane known as the Deep Wilds. attracted many treasure hunters to brave the Tower of
Fire, challenging the dangers of getting lost and rumors of
Although the Silver Sea appears to be endless, those who travel demons, daemons, and devils appearing in the basement
far enough out that they lose sight of Mount Celestia can exit levels of the tower (leading some to wonder if the Tower
the plane by willing for themselves a strong intent to leave. At
of Fire contains portals to the Nine Hells, Hades, and the
the range of necessary distance, the travelers will find
themselves passing through a veil of mist that gradually Abyss). No reports of fiend sightings have ever been
appears in their path. After some time, the travelers find made for the ground floor or upper levels, adding to the
themselves in the Astral Sea, exiting a cloud of “transit mist’ mystery.
known as a Mist Corridor, or in the case of a cloud connected
to Celestia, a Celestial Corridor; there are many such Mist When asked about the Tower, high-ranked leaders
Corridors in the Astral Sea, leading to various planes, and gods within Celestia will refrain from making any
including Material Planes. These Mist Corridors are two-way,
comments. The lack of a strong push to have the Tower of
enabling travel both to and from their destinations.
Fire investigated, as well as the refusal from authorities to
respond, has fueled speculation about the Tower of Fire
being a potential prison for fiends, or a staging ground for
Lunia training soldiers to battle against enemies from hellish
The first layer of Mount Celestia (starting from the bottom) is realms.
known as Lunia, or “the Silver Heaven”. The majority of
visitors to the plane arrive first at Lunia. There are portals to
other planes on Lunia, and many trading ports that have One of Lunia’s most popular travel destinations are its Valleys
become popular among planeswalkers for their eclectic of Night, which are valleys that enjoy a beautiful night sky
markets. Lunia is characterized by white sand beaches dotted populated with stars of silvery hue. Entering a Valley of Night,
with stone citadels and works of architecture designed in a visitor will experience a sudden change from the daylight of
various styles originating from many different worlds. The the plane to the starlit night of the valley. Most Valleys of
ground of the layer becomes rocky as one travels inward away Night in Lunia are located at the shores of the central
from the shores, and a number of stairways leading to the next continent, and the port settlements/citadels built within the
layer appear on the side of the mountain. There is a central continent’s Valleys of Night are particularly popular
thundering waterfall on Lunia known as the Maiden’s Veil, among sea elves who arrive from the divine realm of Deep
where Bahamut’s floating island is known to temporarily stop Seshalas to trade (these sea elf merchants usually travel from
over whenever it passes through Lunia. Arvandor to the goddess Trishina’s Coral Sanctuary in the
Deep Wilds, then from the Coral Sanctuary to the Silver Sea
in Celestia; see Silver Sea entry).

Castle Mahlevik is also another notable destination, built in
one of the Valleys of Night. This modestly furnished, white-
marble bricked castle, built by demigods commissioned by the
Petitioner souls that live in Celestia will wizard/landlord Mahlevik the Repentant, is famous as a
gradually acquire the ability to transform into a temporary sanctuary and hostel for travelers. Ending his long
magical being called an archon, capable of evolving career as a villainous archmage, Mahlevik the Repentant came
into higher-ranked, more powerful forms over time. to Celestia seeking enlightenment and redemption, to cleanse
The lowest rank is known as a lantern archon, which his soul of the evil deeds he’d committed by watching over
weary travelers and sharing potentially life-saving information
resembles a flying ball of bright light. Most
gathered from a long lifetime of research and adventuring.
petitioners remain at the lowest rank, satisfied with
simply living in the peaceful atmosphere of Celestia. A much recommended stop for travelers is located at the shore
of Lunia in a daylight region: the town of Heart’s Faith, built
More powerful archons are tasked with into a steep cliffside and known for its shops that sell both
conveniences and necessities used by pilgrims either on their
guarding places or objects of great value, and the
way up the layers of Mount Celestia or out to sea where they
most powerful are often found on the highest layers might exit the plane (see The Silver Sea entry). Heart’s Faith is
of Mount Celestia, charged with administrative duties guarded and administered by intelligent beings known as
over the rest. The past Chosen of the gods that reside lammasu, who have the manes and bodies of lions, the wings
in Celestia typically ascend to the highest ranks of and tails of eagles, and faces of humanoids; low-ranked and
angels or the highest ranks of archons. middle-ranked archons (see box text: The Archons) serve as
aids to the lammasu overseers of Heart’s Faith. The mayor of
Heart’s Faith is a greater lammasu named Lebes, who has
There are seven ranks of archons, with multiple
served many long years from his office in a temple of Mitra
paths specializing in various abilities available to located at the center of the town, doubling as the Chief Justice
archons as they pursue ascension through of the court system in Heart’s Faith. A traveler can book
enlightenment. The most well-known paths are listed passage from the pier at Heart’s Faith to one of several small
here: islets off the coast that host heavily guarded portal-gates
connecting to Bytopia, Elysium, The Beastlands, Arborea,
1 - Lantern Archon (lowest) Gates of the Moon, and Ysgard.

The deities Brihispati and Kishijoten currently reside on

2 - Hound Archon Lunia. Brihispati welcomes his faithful in a realm of pine
forests, fruit orchards, grassy valleys, and gentle gorges known
3 - Warden Archon, Justice Archon, Word Archon as Nectar of Life. Kishijoten rules over her City of Songs (a
moated city of modern Wa/Kozakura style buildings) from her
palace, the Flower Pavilion; Kishijoten’s exarchs (Benten,
4 - Sword Archon, Trumpet Archon
Bishamon, Daikoku, Ebisu, Fukurokuju, Hotei, and Jurojin)
serve as messengers and guardians of the city aside from their
5 - Throne Archon usual roles of spreading good fortune in the mortal realms.

6 - Tome Archon Siamorphe’s Noblesse Court can be found in Lunia. The

Noble Princess maintains the Noblesse Court as a judicial
office complex where her lord Amaunator and Tyr (as well as
7 - Archon Supreme other gods of law and justice) can congregate for important
meetings, as well as a school where new or inexperienced
A tome archon known as Zaphkiel oversees the heralds of the gods can study the complex social hierarchies
archons of Celestia as Archon Supreme, and often and rules systems of the various divine pantheons. The
serves as a peer mediator between the gods living in Noblesse Court features a grand courtyard with many white
the plane. Zaphkiel’s office is in the seventh layer marble structures, sparkling fountains, exquisite topiaries, ever-
blooming flower gardens, and hundreds of wandering
Chronias, from which very few have returned and
peacocks (Siamorphe’s favored pets); at the center of the
practically none are willing to describe, perhaps for courtyard is a white marble and silver castle which is referred
the sake of security and protecting the massive to as the Alabaster Palace.
archives reportedly stored in Chronias, that detail
every soul that has taken residence in Celestia (such
knowledge would be extraordinarily dangerous in the
wrong hands).
The second layer of Mount Celestia is known as Mercuria, or
Note: Celestial archons are sometimes confused with the Golden Heaven. The air is thinner here, and there is
Elemental archons, the soldiers and servitors under perpetual daylight shining upon the realm. Mercuria is known
for lush valleys, fast-running streams, and gently sloping
the powerful lords of the Elemental Planes.

plateaus. Places of interest include the many communities grounds. The background between sky and mist ocean here is
settled here as well as tombs and mausoleums housing the usually colored in light hues of grey and white.
bodies of legendary heroes. It is said that Mercuria has the
best spots for viewing Bahamut’s traveling island in the sky, as The deities Chung Kuel and Kuan Yin currently reside on
the island seems to gleam like gold in the light of Mercuria as Solania (Mount Celestia’s fourth layer). Chung Kuel presides
it passes through. The background between sky and mist over scholastic examinations and meetings of bureaucrats at
ocean here is usually colored in light hues of golden yellow. his Ministry of Virtue, the central building of Shou Zhishi, a
walled city with most buildings designed in the style of ancient
The deities Amaterasu, Lakshmi, Mitra, Surya, and Vishnu Shou Lung (Kara Tur) imperial court buildings. Kuan Yin
currently reside on Mercuria. Amaterasu receives guests and welcomes all to drink tea and appreciate seasonal blossoms
faithful alike at the top chamber (“the Radiant Light”) of her with him at his Lotus Garden, a city of modestly built wood
pyramid-shaped, city-sized palace, the Sun Garden. Lakshmi and stone buildings adorned with flowers of every imaginable
and Vishnu can be found lounging about the theaters and color.
fishing ponds of their shared realm, Divine Lotus. Mitra and
Surya rule the sister cities of Pashrita (Mitra’s city) and The Morndinsammen (dwarven) pantheon used to make their
Marrashad (Surya’s city) in their shared realm of Goldfire. homes on Solania before they moved their realms into a plane
of their own; some vestiges of the pantheon’s divine realms
remain on Solania, hosting portals that connect Celestia to the
plane of Dwarfhome.
Venya Near the summit of Solania (Mount Celestia’s fourth layer) is
The third layer of Mount Celestia is known as Venya, or the Serpents’ Paradise, also known as Uroboros, the realm of
Pearly Heaven (some refer to the layer colloquially as the Jazirian, the patron deity of couatls. The ambient magic of the
Snowbeard). The air here is plentiful but chilly, and the land is realm enables guests and faithful to communicate clearly
covered in snow most of the yearly cycle. Despite the wintry through speech regardless of language used. There are no
atmosphere of the layer, the waters of its lakes, brooks, and settlements in this realm except for Silgraza, City of Sages; the
rivers are warm and clear (though ice still forms on banks city, where the Mother of Couatls invites her faithful to live, is
during the actual Winter season), and vegetation does not fail known for tall, silvery spires and countless curved arches of
to grow. mithral and white marble, though it is hidden from sight (and
entry) unless one is invited to enter (unwanted attempts at
There is a lake of icy water in Venya known as the Glass Tarn; intrusion will find the would-be intruders surrounded by light
it is located in a bow-shaped valley between three peaks and its gray mist with swirls of multi-colored lights then finding
source is the runoff from a glacier of blue ice high above. themselves facing away from the city).
When an object of true value is tossed into the lake, a light
rushes up from where the object landed and when it reaches Jazirian’s Silver Palace floats above the city, and is known as
the surface either reveals a prophetic set of images; if the the Gates of Wisdom, where brave visitors may enter to
thrower was insincere, a powerful archon appears instead of undergo trials of spirit that test and strengthen one’s heart;
images to chastise the thrower. The background between sky these trials are seen as both a symbol of pride and a path of
and mist ocean here is usually colored in light hues of blue, spiritual training for those who seek to better themselves. The
purple, and violet. realm itself is surrounded by a barrier of clouds and misty
vapors that bar entry against those with ill intentions (even
The halfling pantheon currently resides on Venya in their against greater deities, which has inspired countless studies by
shared realm, the Green Fields. The gods of the halfling scholars of magic and the planes).
pantheon do not live in palaces of their own, but rather roam
around the entirety of the Green Fields when they’re not Jazirian’s faithful guard and maintain a number of special
called for meetings at the Central Mound, the most heavily gates around the summit of Solania, where even evil creatures
guarded hall in the Green Fields. A solar known as Rastiphere may enter to find themselves transported to the Gates of
patrols the borders of the Green Fields. Wisdom (and often confronted with trials where they must face
their own demons and re-evaluate the choices that led them
down a path of evil).

Solania The floating island that hosts the Ruby Palace of Sardior is
said to mysteriously appear in a space near the Gates of
The fourth layer of Mount Celestia is known as Solania, or the Wisdom from time to time. Celestial scholars have wondered if
Crystal Heaven (some refer to the layer colloquially as the the ancient tale of Sardior’s demise was a false telling of what
Electrum Heaven). This layer is known for its clouds being caused the Great Gem Lord’s disappearance long ago, which
embellished with a burnished silver luminescence and its was followed by the sudden expulsion of all of Sardior’s
scented fogs that shroud sprawling valleys and glaciers. Solania citizen-faithful to the neutral regions of Dragon Eyrie. The
is known as a favored destination of pious faithful and pilgrims truth may lie within the strangely remaining Ruby Palace
as there are many monasteries, cathedrals, and other holy (which should have crumbled in the wake of Sardior’s fall),
shrines built upon its slopes. Enterprising travelers may also though few are desperate enough or reckless enough to risk the
visit for the thriving mineral and gem trade that can be found rumored labyrinth of soul-destroying traps within the
in the layer’s markets, since Solania is also known for having structure.
rich deposits of ores and precious minerals underneath its

The demigod Kuyutha currently resides in the North Wind
Mertion Training Halls on Mertion, where he trains soldiers in the
The fifth layer of Mount Celestia is known as Mertion, or the armies of Bahamut and oversees cooperative exercises
Platinum Heaven. Mertion is known for great, sweeping plains conducted with visiting champions of deities allied with
and gentle slopes. The lakes here are cold and clear, and Bahamut. It is said that Kuyutha maintains a portal to the
exhibit magical healing properties of varying degrees. Security world of Abeir in a Seed Material Plane closely attached by
patrols and military stations in Mertion are the most abundant planar connections to the world of Toril in the Prime Material
of the Seven Heavens due to the centers of bureaucracy in the Plane.
layer that regulate military activities throughout Celestia, as
well as the presence of many training grounds used by various There is an enormous gate near the summit of Mertion known
military organizations. On special holidays, Bahamut’s flying as Cheongwangmun (Heavenly King’s Gate), which is
island realm will land on Mertion in a special location known connected to a demiplane valley where twelve city-states have
as the Dragon’s Cradle. The background between sky and mist been built in a circular formation; this area is known as the
ocean here is usually colored in light hues of blue and white. Cheongug-ui Yolam (Cradle of Heaven). Among the twelve,
the city-state of Hwanin, also known as the Cheongug-ui
There are three particular cities recommended for sight-seers Gungjeon (Heavenly Palace), hosts the Heavenly Emperor
taking a tour of Mertion: Empyrea, Rempha, and Soqed Hezi. Sangje, who rules the Constellation Pantheon as a god of
protection, the sky, creation, and royalty.
Empyrea, located on the edge of a lake at a base region of
Mertion, is a popular destination on this layer. Also known as Many citadels and spherical black domes dot the plains of
the City of Tempered Souls or the City of Healing, Empyrea Mertion. The black domes, built with obsidian blocks and
is famous for magical fountains, pools, and lake waters celestial steel, are known as the Summit Hubs, and they
rumored to be able to heal any curse, disease, or poison in provide a special service for travelers. As large as small
existence, though some might say that such a claim is an mountains, the Summit Hubs contain many ascending stairs,
exaggeration. Healers and crafters are found in abundance at chambers, and platforms within, leading to a permanent
Empyrea, with many medical facilities and manufactories to be portal-gate at the top floor which leads directly to a series of
found throughout the city; as such, travelers often add well-guarded portal-gates around the summit of Mertion,
Empyrea on their list of stops in Celestia to recover injuries or where they can cross into the next layer.
replenish equipment and supplies.
A few of the Summit Hubs serve as offices and barracks
Rempha, located in a middle region of Mertion, although instead, allowing in only designated personnel (these buildings
visited often, rarely receives repeat tourists, due to the strange appear to have no entry ways, with only windows and
nature of the city’s environment. Also known as the City of the balconies at the top floors but authorized entry can allow
Sands of Time, Rempha is famous for the erratic ways in people to pass through the walls at the ground level); in
which time itself flows through the streets and buildings; time addition to portal-gates leading to the summit, these special
is said to flow forwards, backwards, and even sideways Summit Hubs have portal-gates connected in a network with
depending on which part of the city one finds themselves in each other and the other portal-gates, enabling quick
(which travelers typically find to be a disorienting experience), deployment of security forces during emergencies and regular
with a number of designated “safe spots” where denizens of drills.
Rempha may seek respite from the more turbulent shifts that
occur on an unpredictable basis. There is a portal-gate leading There is a famous region of Mertion known as Arvenna,
to the Demiplane of Time at the center of the city, which is known for its dusty plains, arboreal forests, and the ambient
speculated to be at least a partial cause of the strange time sounds of choirs, chantries, and yodeling in the background.
behaviors in Rempha; this portal-gate is guarded so heavily Arvenna hosts a plethora of training grounds where the
that it could be considered one of the most secure objects in military forces of Celestia congregate for mock battles, martial
the Seven Heavens. Timekeeping devices as well as non- arts competitions, and strategy meetings. A number of towns
perishable goods with long lifespans are specialties sold in were built in this region to provide respite for visitors as well as
Rempha’s shops, usually crafted with care to deter soldiers stationed at Arvenna. Records, paperwork, and
deterioration from age. schedules for the various armies at Arvenna are processed at a
citadel known as the Hall of Heralds, located in the central
Soqed Hezi, located in a higher region of Mertion, is a district of the region. The bureaucrats and archivists working
magnificent fortress city that celebrates martial valor and at the Hall of Heralds are known as the Heralds of Arvenna,
legends of war. Also known as the City of Swords, Soqed Hezi and they welcome any and all recommendations for
is a heavily fortified security checkpoint station on the most commendations and promotions (which they record and pass
used route headed towards the summit of Mertion. There are along to army commanders), as they enjoy hearing the heroic
thousands of archons guarding the city or training both within tales of aspiring military officers on the way up their respective
and near Soqed Hezi at any given time. Schools of martial hierarchies.
technique are a common sight along the streets, and the shops
are known for selling a wide assortment of weapons and
armors, all of high quality. Trophy halls exhibiting spoils of
war (such as heads of powerful monsters, remnants of broken
siege machines, and weapons wielded by legendary warriors)
are the most popular tourist attractions in Soqed Hezi.

Jovar Chronias
The sixth layer of Mount Celestia is known as Jovar, or the The seventh layer of Mount Celestia is known as Chronias, or
Glittering Heaven. In Jovar, the slopes contain large quantities the Illuminated Heaven (some refer to the layer colloquially as
of rubies and garnets that twinkle in the ambient light of the the Radiant Throne). Chronias is shrouded in obscuring white
layer. Archons wander the fields of Jovar in silent mist and can only be reached by entering a wide radius beam
contemplation of their previous lives, and in pursuit of of light that connects Chronias and Jovar; this beam of light is
ultimate enlightenment. At first glance, Jovar appears to be the known as the Bridge of al-Sihal. The beam normally
summit of Mount Celestia, but the actual summit, the seventh maintains a 30-foot radius but will widen to accommodate
layer, is detached from the main body of the mountain and larger vehicles or creatures that enter the radius, and upon
floats in the sky above Jovar. entry, a creature or object within the beam will levitate to
Chronias, reaching the layer within minutes.
The center of Jovar is dominated by a seven-layered stone
ziggurat known as Yetsira the Heavenly City, encrusted with Objects placed or creatures entering with hostile intentions will
precious gemstones and inhabited by many archons; behind a not be carried by the light. Few have actually returned from
gate of shining mithral, the top terrace of the ziggurat city Chronias and no records exist of what lies up in the layer, so it
hosts the Bridge of al-Sihal, a beam of light that connects the is one of the greatest mysteries in the universe. Attempts to
sixth and seventh layers of Mount Celestia. A solar named enter Chronias by any method other than the Bridge will result
Xerona is the gatekeeper for the Bridge, turning away any who in a deep white mist appearing in the way and transporting the
are judged unworthy to cross. The background between sky traveler to just above the waters off of Lunia’s shores.
and mist ocean here is usually colored in light hues of red and
yellow. Most of the few who choose to enter Chronias are pilgrims
(see box text: The Pilgrimage) who have let go of all
The deity Qotal currently resides on Jovar. Qotal’s ziggurat- attachments and given themselves fully to the causes of good
like palace city, the Endless Steps, is both a sanctuary for the and order. No known divine realms exist in Chronias, and
faithful as well as a place of training for the soul; the steps those who have returned from it come back indescribably
towards the top of the ziggurat complex subject the climber to more powerful but also fanatically secretive about what lies
an illusion of infinite distance and stretched time that pushes within Chronias, with all known attempts to invade their minds
their determination to the limits and beyond. and memories blocked no matter how forceful the attempt.

THE PILGRIMAGE The Exterior Heavens

Scholars collectively refer to all realms outside of Mount
A popular pastime for petitioners living in Celestia in the plane of Celestia as the Exterior Heavens,
Celestia is to undertake a “Pilgrimage of the Paths”, which may include floating islands, underwater dominions,
journeying from the bottom layer of Mount Celestia and mountain ranges similar to (though none as large as)
to the top of Mount Celestia. On each layer, the Mount Celestia. The Exterior Heavens most well known to
pilgrim seeks out a number of spiritual destinations scholars in Realmspace include Everwatch and the House of
the Triad.
where they can reflect upon themselves and meditate
towards a higher degree of enlightenment. There are
many different trails up the layers, with all of them
sharing the same purpose of facilitating growth and The House of the Triad
philosophical maturation. There are three adjacent lesser mountains among the range
surrounding the Seven Heavens that are collectively known as
Most petitioners undertaking a “Pilgrimage of the House of the Triad. Each of these mountains belongs to a
the Paths” stop at the sixth layer, unable to let go of member of the Triad alliance (Tyr, Torm, Ilmater). The deity
all attachments for entry into the seventh layer, and Koriel and his faithful maintain homes on all three mountains,
typically deciding to start again from the beginning, supporting the Triad with flying mount companions and
patrols keeping guard over the airspace between the
though perhaps at a later time and date. It is rumored
that mortal souls and archons who proceed to the
seventh layer without letting go of their attachments Tyr’s realm is known as The Court, and is composed of
are reincarnated back to the mortal realms, to renew hundreds of great marble halls strewn about on the sides of his
their journeys in life, but with blessings bestowed mountain. At the summit of the mountain is Tyr’s personal
home, the Pristine Hall. No lies can be spoken in The Court,
upon them to ease their hardships and return to the
causing practically all attempts at deception to fail as a result
Heavens. For some, this could mean that the Paths of the ambient magical enforcement. As such, petitioners must
are an endless cycle of learning and training. learn to be cautious during discussions and are encouraged to
explore their own hearts for the truths that they might keep
even from themselves.

Torm’s realm is known as Trueheart, and the majority of its
population resides inside a city built inside a crater at the
Altiul di Okarthel
summit of the mountain. The walls of the city and temples Altiul di Okarthel (“Wing of Home” in Draconic) is a floating
within are made of mithral, with etched reliefs depicting great island of misty valleys surrounding a single mountain at the
heroes of the past who served their lords or nations with center. The mountain is called Travesh Verthica (“Pilgrim
honor. There is frequent traffic of flying angels and archons Mountain” in Draconic), and at its summit lays Ro Rilark
between the city and numerous watchtowers constructed along (“Eternal Palace” in Draconic), the home in which Bahamut
the rim of the crater. Torm’s Fortress Trueheart, constructed resides along with his exarchs, the Golden Seven.The island of
around the rim of Truehearts’ crater, is where the god resides, Altiul di Okarthel orbits the great center mountain of Celestia
providing a line of defense for the faithful with his own in a counterclockwise motion; the island’s elevation above the
strength and those willing and able to guard the city with him. bottom of Celestial ascends and descends at Bahamut’s will
between the 1st layer of Celestia and the 4th layer. The island
Ilmater’s realm is known as Martyrdom, and is composed of a will otherwise automatically change its elevation at regularly
complex network of temples and hallways built into the scheduled intervals.
caverns and tunnels inside his mountain. There is no pain,
fatigue, or exhaustion in Martyrdom’s halls, and some of the On every tenth day, Altiul di Okarthel lands at a crater on
greatest healers in the multiverse are stationed here. It is said Mount Celestia’s fifth layer Mertion. This crater, known as the
that there is no illness in all existence that can not be treated in Dragon’s Cradle, is said to be a powerful source of magical
the presence of Ilmater’s divine servants. energy that renews the flying enchantment possessed by the
island with every landing. The Dragon’s Cradle is guarded by
powerful archons riding metallic dragons. A nearby series of
towns and villages serve as resting stops for travelers who wish
Everwatch to board Altiul di Okarthel on scheduled landing days.
Helm’s realm is known as Everwatch, and is composed of a Petitioners arriving at Altiul di Okarthel appear as they did in
city of towers built upon his floating island, with Helm’s life, except free of any disease or disability. Dragon souls
personal tower, The Watchful Spire, located at the city’s center. arriving as petitioners all gain the ability to transform into
The top of each tower is protected by a powerful honor guard humanoid forms, making it convenient for them when
fully clad in mithral plate armor. The Watchful Spire is interacting with non-dragon petitioners.
defended by a huge mithral armored giant with the ability to
unfailingly detect hostility or ill intent from anyone that it Bahamut resides in his “Eternal Place” Ro Rilark, which sits
gazes upon, as well as detect the presence of any uninvited on the summit of a mountain on his floating island of Altiul di
intruders in Everwatch. The island travels an orderly route that Orkathel. The Platinum Dragon is attended by his exarchs
takes it within view of each of the mountains that surround Vanathor and the Golden Seven (see Exarchs section), who
Mount Celestia. also live in Ro Rilark.

Mertion (where Bahamut’s exarch Kuyuth trains soldiers in
Ordah Heeka Bahamut’s army.
Ordah Heeka (“Ground Temple” in Draconic) is a sprawling
city that lies at the base of Travesh V.erthica. This is where the
souls of Bahamut’s faithful arrive when they pass on to the
afterlife. Ordah Heeka is a city of learning, of training, and of Dragon Eyrie
peaceful contemplation.
This plane of the Draconic pantheon is maintained as a
Most of the oldest buildings in the city are huge and spacious, sanctuary for the souls of all dragonkind. The gods of the
owing to the original accommodations for Bahamut’s first Draconic pantheon also use it as a meeting place and to
followers among dragonkind. In recent centuries, it has discuss matters pertaining to the dragons of all worlds in the
become popular for the dragons of Ordah Heeka to change multiverse. All dragon petitioners arriving in the plane appear
their large forms to that of the smaller peoples that also live in as they did in life, without any injuries, illnesses, or
the city, in order to mingle among them more easily.
The grounds of Ordah Heeka’s centers of worship are covered
in a gentle mist that heals and refreshes parishioners that visit AZARA THE HORN
the sanctuaries. The mist originates from hot springs within the
centers that are used to assist the faithful in relaxing their The chief training instructor at Xymorruk is a gold
spiritual bodies through the symbolic purification of bathing.
dragon soul petitioner known as Azara the Horn, who had
There are also special training grounds where warriors, priests, served faithfully as a commander of Bahamut’s forces during
and mages in the armies of Bahamut study the ways of war so the first Dragonfall War. Azara, while saving the Platinum
that they can defeat the followers of evil deities such as Tiamat Dragon from a trap, was slain by Tiamat during the war;
and Baal. Such trainees are often assigned as guards of the Azara’s very soul was ripped apart by the Evil Dragon Queen,
island or recruited to fight in battles that take place beyond the
leaving barely the core. A spiteful Tiamat, with her scheme
mortal realm. A select few are resurrected to the living world
from time to time, given missions of great importance to the foiled, scattered the fragments of Azara’s torn soul across the
cause of their lord. cosmos; Bahamut in turn retrieved Azara’s soul core in small,
yet unbreakable hope that he could restore her someday.
There is a portal in Ordah Heeka that connects with
Bahamut’s satellite divine realm in the plane of Dragon Eyrie,
Many hundreds of years had passed before Bahamut
which consists of a single fortress of stone and adamantine
(known as Xymor’s Keep) inhabited and patrolled by good was able to gather enough of Azara’s lost soul fragments to
dragons. fully reconstitute the consciousness, memories, and will of the
fallen war hero. It is wondered by some if the Lord of the
North Wind began his famous wanderings in quest for Azara’s
soul fragments; some daring bards even add romantic
Ro Rilark undertones to the tale, though Bahamut will never offer more
The Eternal Palace of Bahamut is a sight to behold, with its than a coy smile and a wink when asked about it.
walls of gleaming mithral and countless adornments of gems ,
copper, and ivory along its interior. Here within lies the great
While within the bounds of Dragon Eyrie or Celestia,
treasure hoard of the Platinum King as well as the hoards of
his exarchs. Azara has the form of a Great Golden Wyrm, and is often seen
shapechanged into humanoid form or smaller dragon form as
The most notable rooms inside are the treasure vaults, the she makes her daily rounds (apparently so that she doesn’t
throne room from which Bahamut receives petitioners, the accidentally damage structures at Xymorruk with her massive
council chamber where the Golden Seven hold their meetings,
body). Azara is among those with the highest security
and perhaps the most important chamber: the Hall of Wings,
which holds magical portals that lead into different planes of clearance in Bahamut’s divine legions, but has never been
existence, including the Material Plane. The inherent danger known to flaunt her position and privileges. Should enemies
of the Hall of Wings being infiltrated by unwanted intruders is attack somehow, the Horn can quickly muster all the soldiers
one important reason why Altiul di Okarthel should always be training at Xymorruk, with regular drills run to prepare for such
kept in motion. The portals in the Hall of Wings are one-way, an emergency.
but Bahamut and his exarchs can summon portals that connect
with the Hall of Wings from anywhere in the multiverse where
As the mother of the Golden Seven who serve Bahamut
such travel isn’t disrupted or blocked.
as guards, spies, scouts, and messengers, the chief instructor
There is also a two-way portal in Ro Rilark that connects to of Xymorruk occasionally visits her children at Ro Rilark when
Bahamut’s sanctuary palace in the Elemental Plane of Air, a she has the time. Rumor has it that Azara’s visits are often
two-way portal that connects to Marduk’s realm in Abellio preceded by frantic cleaning at the palace and hundreds of
(Arcadia), and a two-way portal that connects to the
servants running around in a frenzy.
Northwind Training Halls on the 5th layer of Celestia,

debilitations, and appear to mature, growing in size over the gravity in the plane is subjective to the will of creatures within
years as they normally would have while living. Not all dragons it, with some pull coming from the floating islands that sparsely
choose to spend their afterlives in Dragon Eyrie, but all are populate the plane.
welcome to do so, even if only for brief respites.
The illumination in the plane is relatively consistent
Dragon Eyrie consists of an outdoor mountain of fathomless throughout, akin to moderate daylight on a temperate world in
height surrounded by wispy clouds, with a cap of snow at the the Material Planes. Wind is always flowing to some extent
mountain’s top levels. The bottom of the mountain is obscured wherever one floats within the Plane of Air, with some flows
by thick clouds that stretch from the bottom of the visible top more regular than others. Many portals are scattered from
half to a seemingly endless distance beyond; none have ever place to place within the Plane of Air, leading to planes and
traveled all the way down without giving up partway, and those worlds throughout the multiverse; as such, planar travelers
who did not give up trying to see the bottom of the mountain often come and go like the wind as they pass through the Plane
have either never returned to tell of it or claimed that they of Air.
somehow appeared in a place outside of Dragon Eyrie itself.
Scholars theorize that one enters an entirely different plane of As with the other Inner Planes, a small number of deities
existence after several thousand miles of descent, but that maintain divine realms or outposts in the Plane of Air.
might be the result of instabilities in space/time near a
proposed “edge” of the plane; analysis of differences in
testimonies from those who braved the depths and came out
somewhere else lend credence to the “planar edge” theory.
There is a 24-hour day and night cycle in Dragon Eyrie, with
the sky a lightly clouded azure blue in the day, and a star-filled
One of the greatest boons ever offered to the non-
veil of black, purple, and blue in the night. The mountain of
Dragon Eyrie has an irregular shape on the top along its sides, dragon worshippers of Bahamut is the Rite of Rebirth, in
sporting many cliffs and wide, natural platforms. The which a faithful of Bahamut could undergo a holy
platforms support a wide array of miniature ecosystems such transformation, gaining physical qualities related to
as swamps, deserts, and forests. There are many entrances dragonkind including powerful strength and extended
along the mountain’s sides that lead into a vast network of longevity. A humanoid practitioner of the faith is
tunnels and cavern chambers that seem to stretch for miles. It encapsulated in a shell much like that of a dragon egg,
is said that every dragon soul that has ever reached Dragon
and after some time passes emerges from the shell like a
Eyrie is granted a personal chamber within the mountain
where they can sleep next to or upon their own hoard of newborn wyrmling, with their body covered in platinum
valuable objects (magically crafted from their own scales and their head shaped like a dragon’s.
imaginations and wills); if this is true then the interior of the
mountain may be somehow larger than the exterior, a feat The original Dragonborn of Bahamut are said to
made possible by divine miracle. have been created more than 26 millennia ago in
response to the appearances of Tiamat’s Dragonspawn;
the original Dragonspawn of Tiamat are said to have been
Xymorruk created from the enhancement of non-dragon soldiers
loyal to Tiamat, taking on various aspects of chromatic
Named after Bahamut’s alias of Xymor, the fortress of
dragons, but were later developed as mutant draconic
Xymorruk (“Xymor’s Keep” in Draconic) in Dragon Eyrie is
a gray-stone and adamantine structure, spanning thousands of abominations hatched from corrupted dragon eggs.
feet, located on one of the mountain’s many platforms, built
against the side of the mountain. There is a heavily guarded It is rumored that the Dragonborn of Bahamut are
portal at the fortress leading to Bahamut’s city “Ordah also somehow related to the race of dragonborn that
Heeka” at his realm of Altiul di Okarthel in the plane of were introduced to Faerun in the wake of the Spellplague.
Celestia. Xymorruk is usually maintained as a training ground
and barracks for the soldiers in Bahamut’s army.
***The true origin of the Dragonborn of Bahamut is
actually known to a few elder dragons. Long ago,
Elemental Plane of Air Bahamut had convinced a number of willing dragonborn
from Abeir as well as non-draconic worshippers of
Of all the Inner Planes of the multiverse, the Elemental Plane
Bahamut to participate in developing the process needed
of Air is known to be the most survivable for its relative lack
of hazards and abundance of breathable air, though some to transform humanoids into dragonborn. The dragons
travelers tell tales of powerful storms that can tear apart the who know were the steeds who ferried the participants to
unlucky who wander into the wrong regions. Also known as Bahamut during the ambitious operation. This history was
the Boundless Blue, the Plane of Air is an endless expanse of kept secret at the time, but lucky scholars might now hear
blue sky in all directions, with clouds of white spread across the tale from the mentioned dragons over a drink.
the plane in varying shapes and quantities. Direction of

shifts abruptly between a pale blue with a scattered cover of
Haruhe Treak white clouds and a starry night, shining stars littered across a
Haruhe Treak (“East Wind” in Draconic) is a lavish white clear black sky. The glowing side of Orb of Day and Night
marble palace built upon a floating island in the Elemental brings the “day sky”, and the black side of the Orb of Day
Plane of Air, which was erroneously speculated by some and Night brings the “night sky” in a way that enables a
scholars to be Bahamut’s true home. The island itself, rocky, humanoid to have one foot in day and the other foot in night,
earthen brown/gray, and lightly grassed with green, is a few with the divide becoming visible only when one’s vision passes
thousand feet wide; the shape of the island is like an inverted through the line of divide set by the border between the day
mountain from the perspective of one standing upright in side and the night side (NOTE: it typically takes a creature
relation to the palace on the “flat top” of the island. When about two rounds to adjust their vision when passing from day
landing on the island, a visitor will experience a sudden chill into night and vice versa).
breeze that carries with it an additional sensation of pain relief,
as well as a miraculous healing effect on minor injuries. Petitioners arriving in Arcadia appear much as they did in
their mortal lives, except in a healthy and robust state; any
Tall white marble walls with a single “front entrance” deformities are absent in their new bodies. The divine realms
surround a wide inner courtyard in a square formation with of the gods in Arcadia may impose their own influences on
the palace building at the center. The palace building is seven appearances.
stories tall, arranged like a ziggurat. There is a portal-gate at
the rear courtyard behind the palace that connects to The wildlife of Arcadia is relatively peaceful and diverse,
Bahamut’s Ro Rilark in the plane of Celestia. A legion of featuring common animals such as foxes, hares, and sheep as
dragons, angels, and allied air elementals regularly patrol the well as assortments of insects and arachnids. Giant-sized
area around Haruhe Treak; it is speculated that Bahamut versions of common animals can also be found in the wilder
maintains the palace as a diplomatic embassy to keep contact parts of the plane further away from points of civilization and
with local elemental lords. patrol stations built by petitioners. Travelers are warned to not
antagonize the local wildlife despite their peaceful reputation.

Known as “the realm of peaceable kingdoms”, this plane of
harmony and laws for the common good is one of the more This divine realm in Abellio, first layer of the plane Arcadia, is
pleasant domains for petitioners to live in. The environment of named after the deity of the same name, who was born as a
Arcadia is a paradise of peace and tranquility where countless divergent aspect of Bahamut (possessing an independent will
travelers from across the multiverse have arrived to engage in and personality). The realm consists of an arid land populated
meditation and/or relaxation, often settling into one of the by a single city housing the faithful of Marduk. There is a 24-
many communities that enjoy life/afterlife in the plane. A hour day and night cycle in Marduk, with the day sky a light
number of deities have raised divine realms within Acadia, blue veil illuminated by a yellow-white sun that provides a hot
taking advantage of the plane’s nature to give their faithful but less than scorching warmth; the night sky in turn is an
particularly comfortable afterlives. Even the wildlife in Arcadia ebony veil doted with stars of many shining colors, with many
is relatively docile compared to the rest of the multiverse. of them forming constellations based on the heroic legends of
Marduk and other gods. The air is moderately dry and the
Arcadia is comprised of two planar layers, Abellio and ground is covered in green grass and auburn trees with yellow
Buxenos, though according to historical texts, there was a third and green leaves. Rivers of refreshingly cool water run
layer called Menausus; the third layer was reportedly overrun throughout the realm, providing nourishment to the native
by a race of intelligent insectoids known as the formians, flora.
whose presence reportedly caused the third layer to destabilize
on a grand scale and become part of the plane of Mechanus. The only city in the realm is also named Marduk (for which
Bahamut has on many occasions teased his aspect). The city of
The environments of Arcadia’s two layers are strikingly similar Marduk is a large, sprawling metropolis with a mix of both
to each other, with both featuring rolling fields, gentle-sloped ancient styles of stone architecture and more recently
valleys, straight-rowed orchards, streams, lakes, and a sparse developed styles using glass, stone mixtures, and metal, but the
assortment of mountains; the sole noticeable difference at first most well known structures as well as the city’s defensive
glance is that the first layer Axenos is relatively flatter than the border walls are made of white marble and adobe. The most
second layer Buxenos. Fruits and grains are plentiful and ever- popular fashion among the locals include white, woolen clothes
ripe throughout the plane, and the trees have a diverse and sandals. Artwork of Marduk fighting Tiamat (with whom
assortment of bark hues (with copper, gold, silver, or iron the Binder of Dragons has had a long, adversarial relationship)
sheens) and leaf colors (ranging from deep green to fiery red). is a popular motif for the decorations of the city. Marduk is a
popular destination for merchants who seek the masterwork
There is a 24-hour day and night cycle in Arcadia, regulated metal and stone crafts that the artisans and engineers of the
by a “sun” visible in the sky of both layers. This “sun” is city are known for; the well-organized bureaucracy that
known as “the Orb of Day and Night”; it appears to be a oversees domestic affairs in the city offer convenient
slowly rotating sphere that is equally split into two vertical opportunities for traders to negotiate favorable arrangements
hemispheres of glowing yellow-white and pitch blackness. As for business.
the Orb of Day and Night turns, the appearance of the sky

To protect the realm of Marduk from vengeful followers of resolutely taps his/her own chest four times with a fist; this
Tiamat, the patron deity has erected regional wards that detect symbolizes the conviction that the Platinum Dragon and his
dragons and dragon-kin entering the territory’s boundary; faithful have adopted to uphold the ideals of justice, honor,
most such visitors are driven away or asked to leave (though righteousness, and nobility.
chromatic, abyssal, and infernal dragons are slain if possible);
special exceptions are made for followers of Bahamut and Traditional ceremonial dress is short-sleeved white robe cut
Bahamut himself. just below the knees and slitted at the sides from the waist
down; the collar is a round neck, and a wavy streak pattern of
scales can be found front and back, often colored silver or gold.
Metal bracers are often worn on the arms as accompaniment,
Dogma with the holy symbol of Bahamut inscribed on them. Pants
and footwear are usually fitted to ensure that the wearer of the
These are the tenets that worshippers of Bahamut are given to ceremonial dress is capable of agile mobility at a moment’s
live by. notice.
● Stand unwavering against cruelty and injustice, so that those Clerics and paladins of Bahamut are generally free to work as
who suffer in fear may look to you for hope. they wish within the tenets of the faith, however they must be
ready to receive communications and orders at a moment’s
● Break down the irons of tyranny and oppression, to make notice. Although thwarting the plans of an evil deity’s followers
way for laws that are just and compassionate. takes high priority, the protection of non-combatants or
● Let your actions speak on behalf of those who can not act civilians comes first. Every soldier in Bahamut’s army is
for themselves, so that the weak may find a voice in your arms. encouraged to act for the sake of the safety of those who are
unable to fight, even if it means losing a battle that could
● Maintain a constant vigilance against evil, and know otherwise be won.
yourself so that you do not fall prey to evil’s temptations.
The lifestyle of a cleric or paladin of Bahamut is typically one
● Do not deny the meek protection, for that is the of traveling and moderate proselytism, with encouragement to
responsibility of the mighty. spend time with friends and loved ones whenever duties do not
demand urgency. A follower of Bahamut will often emulate the
Platinum Dragon’s practicality by maintaining a stash of
wealth to use as needed, a “hoard” that they can call their own
Clergy even they’re not dragons; a rare few faithful of Bahamut have
grown extraordinarily rich with this mindset, and are known to
The clerics of Bahamut, known as scale bearers, travel from take an active role in funding expeditions to thwart a
community to community across the lands, offering the dangerous threat to the lives and security of the people. It is
services of their healing and protection magic. They will also not uncommon to hear of merchants and nobles hiring
provide assistance in court-related legal matters and local law adventurers to investigate evil cultists or slay terrible monsters
enforcement as long as the cases are justly initiated. as part of a religious devotion to Bahamut’s teachings.
The paladins of Bahamut are known as platinum guards. They
are often on missions to investigate crimes, undermine the
plots of evil cultists, or bring down cruel tyrants. Platinum
guards will almost never be seen without their weapons or
shields, since they are ever vigilant of evildoers and ready to
protect the innocent.

There are only a few monasteries or temples devoted to

Bahamut in any region since it is traditional for most followers
of Bahamut to actively venture out to the people in need; as
such, the clerics and paladins of Bahamut will readily join the
company of adventurers if such companions are on a quest
that will serve justice and the greater good. Despite the
sparseness of their organization, the Church of Bahamut does
actively maintain a network of communications to share vital
information and organize meetings when necessary.

Clerics and paladins of Bahamut usually pray for their spells

immediately after waking from their regular slumber,
symbolizing their devotion to maintaining vigilance and
readiness in case they must fight for justice.

The standard daily ritual for the cleric or paladin of Bahamut

is to pray at morning meal for the strength to carry the day
with honor. At morning meal’s end, the faithful stands up and

Customs of the Faith Feats
The most common ritual performed by the non-dragon Clerics and paladins can take special feats as servants of
faithful of Bahamut on Toril is The Seed of Covenant, in Bahamut.
which they plant a seed in fertile soil to commemorate the
planting of the Tree-Gem by the hero Gareth Dragonsbane in
1359 DR. The planting is followed by a prayer of hope to
symbolize the holy covenant made with Bahamut, for his Scale Bearer of Bahamut
protection and guidance. Requirement: Cleric, worships Bahamut
When a faithful of Bahamut comes of age, a ceremony called As a scale bearer of Bahamut, you illuminate injustice and
the Noble Ascension is held, in which they speak aloud holy pray for the power to protect others.
scriptures extolling the Four Great Virtues: Honor, Justice,
Righteousness, and Nobility. ● You have advantage on Intelligence checks made to recall
information about dragons.
● Honor: Act without shame, to earn respect through fairness
and responsibility. ● You have advantage on Insight checks made to detect lies (or
+5 to passive Insight against lies).
● Justice: Defend order for the sake of the weak and
innocent, to protect others from the evil of those who would ● You treat shield of faith as one of your prepared spells without
commit crimes against them. counting it towards your maximum limit. If you already do so,
then choose any other 1st-level cleric spell for this instead.
● Righteousness: Seek purity of living and resist the
temptations of corrupting influence, to bring light to darkness ● You have resistance to damage from the breath weapons of
as beacons of moral fortitude. dragons. Friendly creatures within 10 feet of you share this
● Nobility: Conduct life with dignity and purge the heart of
sinful desires, to forge the resolve needed to pave a path ● You are immune to the effect of a dragon’s Frightful
forward to true victory. Presence feature; this may also apply to creatures related to
dragons using a similar feature, at the DM’s discretion.
Among the dragon clergy, it is traditional to complete one’s
entry into the ranks by crafting a personal holy symbol from
the most valuable materials available in one’s own hoard of
treasure. This ritual may be repeated from time to time as a
reaffirmation of the dragon’s faith.
Platinum Guard of Bahamut
Requirement: Paladin, worships Bahamut
Once a year, while facing north, a dragon cleric will offer a
generous tithe composed of treasure gathered during the past As a platinum guard of Bahamut, you fight to promote justice
year. The tithe sacrifice will vanish after a period of deep as well as protect the weak from cruelty and oppression.
prayer (presumably sent to Bahamut’s personal vaults in Ro
Rilark). The cleric will then receive a powerful vision of the ● When you apply your Divine Smite extra damage, you deal
Platinum Dragon, seeing images meant to guide the cleric an additional 2d8 points of radiant damage if the target is an
towards successful resolutions of current problems or evil dragon, a fiend, or worshipper of Tiamat. A dragon (evil
challenges at hand. or not) that takes extra damage from your Divine Smite will
immediately recognize that you are a faithful of Bahamut; this
may be expressed (at the DM’s discretion) in the form of a
sudden momentary vision of Bahamut or a temporary visible
mark with a specific shape where the hit landed. On a critical
hit, a shapechanged dragon (evil or not) taking extra damage
from your Divine Smite will revert back to its original form.

● When you use Lay on Hands to restore hit points to a

creature other than yourself and spend at least 10 points from
your pool, the affected creature gains a +2 bonus to AC and
saving throws until the start of your next turn.

● You have resistance to damage from the breath weapons of

dragons. Friendly creatures within 10 feet of you share this

● You are immune to the effect of a dragon’s Frightful

Presence feature; this may also apply to creatures related to
dragons using a similar feature, at the DM’s discretion. This
effect also applies to your Lay on Hands target for 10 minutes.

Exclusive Spells Misc. Lore
Clerics and paladins of Bahamut are able to prepare the Other stories and information that might be shared among the
following spells, unique to worshippers of Bahamut. faithful of Bahamut.

Breath of the North Wind Rise of the Golden Seven

3rd-level evocation During the long-past era of the first DragonFall War,
SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Bahamut, as well as Bahamut’s forces were led to many victories against Tiamat by
a cleric or paladin to cast this spell. a powerful gold dragon commander. She was known as Azara
the Horn, due to one of her horns having been lost in battle,
Casting Time: 1 action in the very engagement that saw her elevated to the highest
Range: Touch level of respect among her peers.
Components: V Known for her virtue and compassion, Azara was a paragon
Duration: Instantaneous of the ideal that good dragons strived towards. As such, Azara
You invoke the blessing of Bahamut to exhale a 20-ft. cone of adopted some of the orphaned children of her fallen comrades
freezing cold air. Hostile creatures within the area of effect into her care and protection; there were seven in total, all
must make a Constitution saving throw, taking 6d6 cold young gold dragons too weak and too inexperienced for the
damage on a failed save, and half damage on a successful save. front lines. Azara became their mother, their teacher, and in
Non-hostile creatures within the area of effect regain 2d6 hit their eyes, the greatest of heroes.
points and gain +4 AC until the start of your next turn.
Sometime later, Azara met a horrific end at the talons of
A creature killed by this spell becomes a frozen statue until it Tiamat herself, in a desperate gambit to save the existence of a
thaws. weakened Bahamut. The Platinum Dragon survived a deadly
trap thanks to Azara’s sacrifice, and he personally took in
At Higher Levels. When you cast this magic spell with a Azara’s seven children. To honor their fallen mother’s wishes,
spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 each of the children swore oaths of fealty as servants of
for each spell level above 3rd. Bahamut.

In time, the children grew to adults, and accomplished many

great deeds in the name of their god. One day, Tiamat again
Eyes of Bahamut lured Bahamut into a trap, but this time the seven orphans,
heirs of Azara’s legacy, appeared and foiled the Dragon
5th-level divination
Queen’s plot, going so far as to slay Tiamat’s highest priest in
SPECIAL: You must be a worshipper of Bahamut, as well as the ensuing combat.
a cleric or paladin to cast this spell.
Following this victory, Bahamut recognized his charges for
Casting Time: 1 action their achievements, their capability, and their loyalty. The
Range: self seven were granted divine sparks of immortality, and made the
exarchs of Bahamut, his closest and most trusted advisors. The
Components: V, S, M (a tiny clear crystal marble)
Golden Seven would be charged with protecting Bahamut’s
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour Mithral Palace, and resolving issues that the deity himself is
You invoke the insight of Bahamut to see runes of varying unable to personally attend to.
colors above the heads of all Tiny or larger creatures within
120 feet of you. The color and character of the runes reveal to
you any or all of the following information.
The Seven Canaries
● Whether a creature that you see is currently in a magically
transformed body and whether the transformation is whole or There has been much speculation about the nature of the
partial. canaries that Bahamut keeps with him when he travels outside
the Eternal Palace. Here is the apparent truth of the matter.
● Whether a creature that you see is a celestial, dragon, fey,
Not long after the appointment of the Golden Seven to divine
fiend, or undead. If the creature is a dragon, you can see their
service, Bahamut received a gift of wondrous figurines of
true alignment.
power, one from each of the seven exarchs. The figurines were
● Whether a creature that you see is lying or telling the truth made of pure gold, and were formed in the size and shape of
or mixing lies with truth. canaries; they could be commanded to resemble the
appearance and behavior of real live canaries. Urgala the
Fang, Bahamut’s most capable strategist, prompted her siblings
to join her in this offering for practical reasons.

The secret of the canaries is that each of them provides a Ships capable of spelljamming, magic-enabled high-speed
magical line of communication to the member of the Golden flight through wildspace, can reach Coliar from Toril. A very
Seven that presented it. Bahamut could magically contact his rare few dragons have managed to make the trip between the
exarchs (even across different planes) using the canaries, and worlds on their own power.
exchange information and discussion as needed wherever he
goes. The canaries can be distinguished from each other by Marduk, the Platinum Dragon’s Gambit
characters dyed into their chest feathers.
Long ago in an ancient era that scholars have had difficulty
Another function of these canaries is that each has the ability dating, Bahamut learned of a plot by Tiamat to enthrall the
to transform into an Adult gold dragon, possessing the mortals of a distant world. The Lord of the North Wind had
memories and personality of the exarch associated with it at his forces tightly stretched at the time and could not spare even
the time of transformation. Any new memories gained by the a single avatar of himself to investigate the threat. Devoted to
transformed canary are transferred to the original exarch upon the cause of good, Bahamut took a great personal risk and
transforming back into a canary form, or being destroyed. An split off a significant portion of his divine essence to produce a
exarch will immediately learn if his/her gifted canary is divergent aspect, a new deity independent of Bahamut. The
destroyed. aspect took on the name of Marduk, and joined the very same
pantheon of the threatened world that Tiamat had entered. A
Over the millennia, the canaries have been destroyed and long period of conflicts between Marduk and Tiamat followed,
replaced numerous times, but have served their master well. making them rival foes in the legends of that world.

The people of the distant world who worshipped Marduk amd

Tiamat would find their way to Realmspace in -4366 DR,
Grandmaster of Flowers when the ancient Imaskari brought the ancestors of the
modern-day Mulan people to eastern Faerûn as slaves. The
The highest ranking monks of the Damara region’s Monastery
Mulan ancestors suffered in their enslavement, and prayed for
of the Yellow Rose on Toril in Realmspace are granted the title
their gods to liberate them, but the Imaskari had blocked the
of “Grandmaster of Flowers”. A popular story among sages
gods from interfering with a magical barrier. The Mulan
tells of how the wandering Bahamut visited the monastery in
ancestors’ deities, including Marduk and Tiamat, sent
the form of a young man and challenged the aging
powerful avatars to bypass the Imaskari barrier, and after a
grandmasters present at the site to spar with him in martial
long journey arrived on Toril in -2489 DR. The soon-to-be
contest. After besting the martial elders, the disguised Bahamut
God Kings of Unther and Mulhorand brought freedom and
was honored as prodigious talent and granted the title of
security to the Mulan ancestors.
“Grandmaster of Flowers” while he stayed with the monks for
a time as a “visiting elder”. Some say that whenever young In -1071 DR, the avatar of Marduk the Justice Bringer
disciples of the monastery find themselves in dire straits, the perished in a sacrificial foiling of Tiamat’s attempt to slay
only honorary Grandmaster of Flowers in the order’s history Gilgeam during the final Battle of the Gods between avatars
may appear to assist, looking just as young as the day he’d left. of the orc pantheon and the God Kings of Mulhorand and
The part about Bahamut being the true identity of the young Unther. Having devoted a majority of his personal strength
man is sometimes omitted to turn the tale into a ghost story. into the avatar lost on Toril, Marduk became too weak to send
another, and even Bahamut suffered a loss of power as the
result of their mystic connection as aspect and origin. The
church of Marduk faded into the sands of history.
A Distant Realm
According to legend, there is a world of floating islands More than two thousand years later, the wheels of change are
somewhere in the heavens, where dragons fly through endless spinning again.
skies and become one with the clouds at the ends of their In 1486 DR (Year of the Nether Mountain Scrolls), when
mortal paths. It is a realm of beauty created by the great pieces of Abeir that had been translocated to Toril returned to
Creator of Dragonkind, Asgoroth, during the tumultuous era their original world, Bahamut could do nothing to prevent
of the Dawn War. A paradise of freedom granted as a reward Tymanther from returning as his church’s foothold was not
for dutiful service in the great battles fought between the gods strong enough in that realm. The land however remained
and the primordials. thanks to a miracle brought about by the god Enlil. The
High-ranking priests or well-studied scholars in the church of Untherites that had been transported to Abeir during the
Bahamut will know that this legend is a half-truth. There is Spellplague had also returned, and now there is an ongoing
indeed a world in Realmspace known as Coliar, where dragons series of conflicts between the peoples of Tymanther and
have formed a vast nation on floating islands, a society that has Unther.
gradually formed from the time of the Dawn War. The It is rumored that Bahamut sees an opportunity to revive
ancestors of the dragons that currently live there were not Marduk’s church on Toril, perhaps using the loremasters of
soldiers however. The ancestor wyrms were refugees of a Unther and his own faithful in Tymanther. If this is true, then
world that was destroyed by the violent exchanges of the war, the return of Marduk to Realmspace could occur, and
one of many to suffer such tragedy. Bahamut would have another ally in place for what some
believe to be an inevitable resurgence of the Dragonfall War.

Wind Dukes of Aaqa Dragon’s Paradise Reborn
During the era of the Dawn War, a centuries-spanning conflict In the incident known as the Spellplague, or Spellplague
fought between the god and primordials, Bahamut had seven Cataclysm, a wave of wild magical energy spread throughout
Chosen champions (known as the Wind Dukes of Aaqa) many planes of existence from the death of Mystra, goddess
among a humanoid race known as the Vaati; the Vaati were of magic and the Weave of Realmspace. Among the planes
immortal beings born with power over the element of Air, and and worlds affected by the cataclysm, the afterlife haven of
seekers of disciplined order to tame the Elemental Chaos dragons known as Dragon Eyrie was consumed and
raging within their own bodies. The Draco Paladin elevated disintegrated by the blue flames of Spellplague. In following
the seven champions to become his highest ranking angels, and years, Bahamut worked together with his fellow deities in the
as the Vaati angels shared Bahamut’s wanderlust and curiosity, Draconic pantheon to reconstruct Dragon Eyrie, and within a
they also became known as the Wandering Dukes. decade of the disaster that destroyed the original plane,
Dragon Eyrie was fully resurrected as the sanctuary of all
The Wandering Dukes, together with an exarch of Moradin dragon souls. The method of reconstruction may hold some
and the Soulforge of Moradin, crafted a powerful weapon unforeseen consequences, as magical “seeds of memory” taken
named then The Rod of Law. In a decisive battle against an from the previous iteration of Dragon Eyrie served as the
army of demon lords and primordials (led by an obyrith blueprints of the divine creation magic, and those blueprints
known as the Queen of Chaos) that sought to dominate the include Tiamat’s realm within Dragon Eyrie, “remembered”
gods in the Dawn War, the Rod of Law was used to strike from a time before her imprisonment in Avernus...
down the army’s general, a powerful corrupted primordial
known as Mishka the Wolf Spider, and banish it from the
known planes of existence. This defeat caused the evil Queen’s
army to produce openings that led to the routing and Dragons of Divergence
scattering of its forces.
A piece of history known only to high ranked faithful of
The Rod of Law shattered into seven pieces as the result of its Bahamut and dedicated planar scholars is that sometime in the
use against the demon lord. Historians now refer to the artifact early ages of the multiverse, the Platinum Dragon had split off
as The Rod of Seven Parts. It is rumored among some scholars a divergent aspect of himself to watch over a crystal sphere
that the Wind Dukes of Aaqa each took a piece of the Rod, currently known as Krynnspace, where the world of Krynn
disguised themselves, and exiled themselves into perpetual orbits its respective sun. This divergence was in opposition to
travel, protecting the pieces in plain sight while preventing Tiamat sending a divergent aspect of herself to compete for
them from being reassembled in the wrong hands. The seats of faithful in the sphere. Bahamut’s aspect sent to Krynnspace is
rank held by the Wandering Dukes are now currently held by now known as Paladine, and Tiamat’s aspect sent to
the Golden Seven, immortal gold dragons pledged in service to Krynnspace is now known as Takhisis. Unlike convergent
Bahamut, but should the Lord of the North Wind call to them aspects (known as avatars), Paladine and Takhisis developed
in some great crisis, the Wandering Dukes would likely still their dominions and personal reserves of divine strength
answer. separately from Bahamut and Tiamat, though they do share
many traits in common otherwise.
Among the modern day Vaati themselves, the current
generation of Wind Dukes watch over (hopefully) eternal The conflicts between Paladine and Takhisis have not directly
wards that either imprison/seal ancient demonic foes or serve affected the conflicts between Bahamut and Tiamat thus far,
to warn of such enemies returning. The current nations ruled but there is worry that if Tiamat breaks free from her
by the Vaati are well-established in the Elemental Plane of Air, imprisonment in Avernus, Takhisis might join Tiamat’s cause
with citizens of many different lineages, including genasi, air and directly meddle in a re-ignited Dragonfall War that
elementals, and aarakocra; the aarakocra in particular have spreads its violence across multiple planes and planetary
had a prophecy passed down to them from the Vaati seers, systems. Such a coordinated endeavor would potentially place
speaking of a day when the avian-descended people will be peace accords between pantheons at risk.
instrumental in bringing together the lost pieces of the Rod of
Seven Parts during a future time of crisis. Many young
aarakocra dream of being the heroic adventurers who find the
legendary rod pieces.

Update Log

Changes in v1.1:

Added update log.

Added “Draco Paladin” and “Marduk” to Bahamut’s Other Names of Titles.

Expanded Bahamut’s historical lore, including more detail in the evolution of his faith across the millennia.

Added Amaunator, Corellon Larethian, Garl Glittergold, Horus-Re, and Yondalla to Divine Allies.

Added Cyric, Gruumsh, and Ilneval to Divine Enemies.

Added sentences to first paragraph describing Bahamut: “The King of the Good Dragons teaches his faithful to
uphold the ideals of compassion, justice, and the sanctity of life. Bahamut himself will never willingly kill a creature
unless absolutely necessary.”

Moved paragraph about Torm.

Added paragraphs describing Bahamut’s relationships with his other allies.

Moved paragraphs about Tiamat and Garyx, to place the enemy-describing paragraphs in alphabetical order.

Revised Bhaal’s entry among the paragraphs describing divine enemies, mentioning more of his portfolios.

Revised Tiamat’s entry among the paragraphs describing divine enemies. Fixed part about manifesting an avatar
when Tiamat was trying to bring her main body out of Avernus.

Expanded description of Celestia.

Revised standard daily ritual of a cleric or paladin of Bahamut in Clergy section, making it four taps instead of three,
for justice, honor, righteousness, and nobility.

Added Customs of the Faith section.

Added “A Distant Realm” to the Misc. Lore, using lore that will be featured in the upcoming Realmspace Traveller’s

Applied some minor fixes to spelling and grammar.

Changes in v1.2:

Added logo to title cover.

Added Divine Realm entry to initial description stats.

Moved Altiul di Okarthel in Bahamut’s Divine Residence entry to Divine Realm entry.

Added mention of the first Dragonfall War in Bahamut’s history.

Added mention of the Thousand Year War in Bahamut’s history.

Revised description of Marduk in the Untheric pantheon.

Added more of the history of Bahamut after the Year of Lightning Storms.

Revised format of Divine Allies and Divine Enemies, adding alignments and holy symbols as well as partitioning and
labeling the sections.

Added mention of pantheon for Faerûnian deities in ally and enemy entries.

Added Agni to Divine Allies section.

Added Arvoreen to Divine Allies section.

Added Fa Kuan to Divine Allies section.

Added Gaerdal Ironhand to Divine Allies section.

Added Gorm Gulthyn to Divine Allies section.

Added Koriel to Divine Allies section.

Added Lendys to Divine Allies section.

Added Marduk to Divine Allies section.

Added Osiris to Divine Allies section.

Added O-Wata-Tsu-Mi to Divine Allies section.

Added Qotal to Divine Allies section.

Added Tamara to Divine Allies section.

Added Vandria Gilmadrith to Divine Allies section.

Added Amatsu-Mikaboshi to Divine Enemies section.

Added Bane to Divine Enemies section.

Added Dhrakoth to Divine Enemies section.

Added Magubliyet to Divine Enemies section.

Added Memnor to Divine Enemies section.

Added Mordukhavar to Divine Enemies section.

Added Panzuriel to Divine Enemies section.

Added Set to Divine Enemies section.

Added Urdlen to Divine Enemies section.

Added Kuyutha, Medrinia, Vanathor, and Xanathon to Exarchs.

Added lore to describe the plane of Celestia in Afterlife section, including lore about the gods’ divine realms within

Revised the second paragraph about Celestia in Afterlife section.

Moved a paragraph from description of Celestia and combined it with a second paragraph for sidebox text about

Added lore to Althiul di Orkarthel in Afterlife section, describing its scheduled landings on Mertion.

Added lore to Ordah Heeka in Afterlife section, describing a portal to a fortress in Dragon Eyrie.

Added lore to Ro Rilark in Afterlife section, describing an important feature of the Hall of Wings and two-way portals
to the Plane of Air and Marduk’s divine realm.

Rebalanced feats - removed charmed condition saving throw advantage, require at least 10 points to be spent for the
paladin’s Lay on Hands feat benefit, removed 30 foot radius requirement for paladin’s Lay on Hands feat benefit.

Changed the bonus prepared spell on the cleric feat to Shield of Faith.

Added more text to Dragonborn of Bahamut in Misc. Lore.

Added sentence “The canaries can be distinguished from each other by characters dyed into their chest feathers.” to
The Seven Canaries in Misc. Lore.

Removed the term “s----------g” (pertaining to wildspace travel) from A Distant Realm in Misc. Lore, in compliance
with DMsGuild regulations regarding a certain setting that has yet to be released.

Added Marduk, the Platinum Dragon’s Gambit to Misc. Lore.

Changes in v1.3:

Restored and revised missing Torm entry in Divine Allies section.

Revised entry on Jazirian’s realm in Celestia, Afterlife section.

Fixed Falazure’s entry in Divine Enemies section, adding his portfolio of exhaustion.

Added a paragraph about Siamorphe’s Noblesse Court at Lunia in Afterlife section.

Added entries for the plane of Dragon Eyrie and Bahamut’s fortress in the plane of Dragon Eyrie in Afterlife section.

Exclusive Spells: Fixed an error on “Breath of the North Wind”, swapping “failed” and successful” on saves.

Changed the resistance in the exclusive feats from “evil dragons” to “dragons”. Sometimes a servant of Bahamut
might take a breath attack from a non-evil dragon while trying to talk with them or protect them, especially if they’re
a panicking youngling. It’s still very situational so it shouldn’t be problem for balance.

Added the following help text to the first benefit of the Platinum Guard of Bahamut feat: “; this might be expressed
in the form of a sudden momentary vision of Bahamut or a temporary visible mark with a specific shape where the hit
landed. On a critical hit, a shapechanged dragon (evil or not) taking extra damage from your Divine Smite will revert
back to its original form.”

Changed the “advantage against frightened condition effects” benefit on each of the Exclusive Feats to “● You are
immune to the effect of a dragon’s Frightful Presence feature; this may also apply to creatures related to dragons
using a similar feature, at the DM’s discretion.”

Added “Wind Dukes of Aaqa” entry in Misc. Lore, combining lore about the history of the Rod of Seven Parts from
different editions.

Added “Dragon’s Paradise Reborn” entry in Misc. Lore. This lore accounts for Bahamut’s likely actions taken in the
wake of the Spellplague regarding the *disintegration of Dragon Eyrie* that was mentioned by Ed Greenwood (2015
interview - Candlekeep forum).

Changes in v1.4:

Added Jazirian to Divine Allies section.

Corrected Cyric’s holy symbol in Divine Enemies section.

Updated Bane’s and Bhaal’s entries in Divine Enemies section, regarding their avatars in Realmspace.

Removed Chessenta from Tiamat’s portfolios in Divine Enemies section since that’s a region where she has
worshippers, not a portfolio.

Re-formatted the Celestia entry in the Afterlife section.

Corrected the second to last paragraph of the Celestia introduction entry in the Afterlife section, which describes the
layered nature of Mount Celestia, using lore from 2e Planes of Law.

Moved the paragraph about floating islands to the second-to-last position of Celestia introduction entry in the
Afterlife section, and added detail about the layers where Helm’s and Bahamut’s realms are found.

Added box text “The Heavenly Corridors” to Afterlife section, which ties into work being done on the Realmspace
Traveler’s Guide. Placed new box early in the section while moving “The Archons” box text forward in the section.

Added lore to Kuyutha’s realm in Mertion entry of Afterlife section, based on a reveal from Ed Greenwood that
Kuyutha has a following in Abeir.

Revised lore about Jazirian’s realm in Celestia (in Solania entry of Afterlife section), based on lore compiled from 2e
On Hallowed Ground and 2e Planes of Law.

Added an entry for Marduk’s realm in Afterlife section.

Added box text for “Azara the Horn” next to Xymorruk (swapped from Xymor’s Keep) entry in Afterlife section.

Moved “Dragonborn of Bahamut” from Misc. Lore to a box text on same page as clergy, as it is relevant lore often
connected to clerics and paladins of Bahamut.

Added entry for “Grandmaster of Flowers” to Misc. Lore section, inspired by the Magic the Gathering promo card.

Added a paragraph to the “Wind Dukes of Aaqa” entry in Misc. Lore, connecting the entry to lore from 5e Monster
Manual - Aarakocra entry.

Changes in v1.5:

Added Sang-Je to Divine Allies.

Added Shang-ti to Divine Allies.

Added Loviatar to Divine Enemies.

Added paragraph to Celestia entry in Afterlife section, describing the Marble Isles.

Moved Silver Sea entry to just before Lunia entry in Afterlife section.

Added a paragraph to Silver Sea entry in Afterlife section about travel between Celestia and the Astral Sea via Mist

Added Box Text: The Tower of Fire in Afterlife section, just after Silver Sea entry.

Added paragraph to Lunia entry in Afterlife section, describing its Valleys of Night.

Added paragraph to Lunia entry in Afterlife section, describing Castle Mahlevik.

Added paragraph to Lunia entry in Afterlife section, describing the town of Heart’s Faith.

Expanded Box Text: The Archons to include ranking and brief description of Zaphkiel

Added paragraph to Mertion entry in Afterlife section, describing a gap filler addition for a potential Kara-Tur update
project - the main afterlife realm of the Constellation Pantheon, to replace worship of the Celestial Bureaucracy in the
Koryo region.

Separated paragraph about Empyrea from the first paragraph of Mertion entry in Afterlife section.

Added mention of Mertion’s importance as the military hub of the Seven Heavens in the first paragraph of Mertion
entry in Afterlife section.

Added paragraph to Mertion entry in Afterlife section, describing the city of Rempha.

Added paragraph to Mertion entry in Afterlife section, describing the city of Soqed Hezi.

Added paragraph to Mertion entry in Afterlife section, describing the Summit Hubs.

Added paragraph to Mertion entry in Afterlife section, describing the region of Arvenna.

Added box text: The Pilgrimage in Afterlife section.

Added third paragraph to Chronias entry in Afterlife section.

Added paragraph to Altiul di Okarthel entry in Afterlife section about petitioners.

Added more text to third paragraph in Ro Rilark entry of Afterlife section: “and a two-way portal that connects to the
Northwind Training Halls on the 5th layer of Celestia, Mertion (where Bahamut’s exarch Kuyuth trains soldiers in
Bahamut’s army.”

Added Elemental Plane of Air entry to Afterlife section.

Expanded Box Text: Dragonborn of Bahamut with lore revealed by Ed Greenwood: secrets mainly known by a small
number of elder dragon servants of Bahamut.

Added Haruhe Treak entry to Afterlife section.

Added Arcadia entry to Afterlife section.

In Customs of the Faith, added the words “on Toril” to the first sentence for the Seed of Covenant description.

In the Dragonborn of Bahamut box text, the description of Dragonspawn of Tiamat has been revised.

Revised benefits for Platinum Guard of Bahamut feat to re-balance its situational benefits, making the bonus damage
apply also to fiends and worshippers of Tiamat, as well as making the Frightful Presence immunity apply to Lay on
Hands targets for 10 minutes (which should fit well with Bahamut’s protector identity without making it overpowered).

Added Dragons of Divergence entry to Misc. Lore.


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