Savage Worlds - Dama - Pulp Setting (2003)

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Pulp fantasy game setting for the Savage Worlds system

Dama created by Don Bassingthwaite, 2003

Dama and Savage Worlds
Dama is being written to use the Savage
Dama is a fantasy RPG world — with a Worlds game system from Great White
difference. It was conceived in the spirit of a world Games/Pinnacle Entertainment Group
that embraced the pulp concept of fantasy and ( because Savage Worlds is a
rejected some of the conceits of standard RPG flexible system that best fits the intended mood of
fantasy. Dama is about turning expected Dama. Dama is a work in progress and new material
stereotypes around to something fresh and will be added from time to time. Savage Worlds is
interesting. Dwarves are dark sorcerers, the Copyright 2003, Great White Games. Dama is not an
summoners of demons. Elves are a race divided not officially licensed product and has no affiliation
by good and evil but between icy reserve and with Great White Games.
passionate energy. Dragons are a reduced species, Questions or comments about Dama? Contact
the best of their bloodlines hunted to extinction. Don Bassingthwaite – [email protected].
Orcs are savage, but not primitive or evil; human
cultures are not strictly what you’d expect them to This Version
be; gods are fallible.
Aug 13/03 – skills, hindrances, edges, arcane
Dama should be played big and bold. If players
backgrounds, powers. Document reorganized.
hesitate, the game master should introduce some
Amended Sept 23/03 with typos corrected and
element that forces them to act. There are no ten-
updated official Savage Worlds copyright
foot poles in Dama. There is also no mead, but
that's another matter. Great magic is rare and
dangerous — Dama is not a place where crimes are
solved by the application of mindreading and truth
spells. Dama is a place where crimes are frequently
not solved at all. It is a place where a good sword is
important and there are miles of ruin-filled,
dangerous wilderness between one crowded city
and the next. It is not about historical accuracy in
any way. It's about fun and good stories.
Long ago, Dama was a place of wonders and great cities, peace and plenty, light and hope. It was, as such things
tend to be, a golden time. What name the ancients knew their own era by isn't remembered now, but it has
come to be called it the Age of Relics for the scattered remains that mark the land, or the Varman Age for the
shining pillar that was the land of Varmanhow, the heart of the world's peace.

The Varman Age ended in a storm of treachery and murder. Dwarven greed, contained through the Age,
broke free of the bonds of enlightenment. Vast hordes of goblins and ogres surged across the land, their might
bolstered by terrifying demons summoned and bound by dwarf sorcerers using potent tattoo-binding rituals
and potions brewed from the blood of dragons. The priests of the old gods were slaughtered, massacred by one
within their own ranks before they could call down the aid of their divine lords and ladies. Varmanhow fell. The
cities were destroyed. Hope and wonders died. The light was extinguished in the madness of total war.

For four hundred years, the Long Fury raged in battle without end. So much was lost and forgotten, buried
in rubble and ash. The great dragons were driven to extinction. But just when Dama seemed darkest, new light
appeared: heroes who fought back against the lords of shadow. Their stories rekindled hope. The war turned.
The Long Fury lasted another hundred years, but at last the light prevailed. The dwarves retreated back below
the ground in defeat, the power of their magic broken. The Heroes of Light stood as new gods. Among the
shattered ruins of the Age of Relics, around the terrible scars of the Long Fury, the world began the slow process
of creating a new age built upon memories and fragments and tales of lost glory.

Five centuries have passed since the end of the Long Fury. Dama still struggles against shadow – the effects
of the Long Fury were completely and utterly devastating, wiping away not only nations and cities, but entire
cultures. It's entirely possible that an ancient of the Varman Age would no longer recognize the Dama of today.
What's more, the evils that wracked the world during the Long Fury are not dead. The dwarves were beaten but
not exterminated. Reduced in power, they still lurk in their dark clanholds, occasionally leading bands of demons
out into sunlit lands. Their goblin servants have escaped their power and now bedevil the world themselves.
And just as the Heroes of Light stood as gods at the end of the Long Fury, so did certain Lords of Shadow ascend
to godhood; they watch the world from beyond, hoping to one day return and complete their foul domination.

Worse, the cooperation that united nations during the Long Fury has faltered. The centuries have seen
unrest and struggle, channeling to destruction what could be spent in rebuilding. Currently the human lands are
largely at peace, but such periods of peace never last. The cold elves keep to themselves as they have since the
Varman Age, though the vibrant dawn elves who left their rigid brethren to embrace the flame of mortality now
take a place beside humans. In the far east, the half-folk fade away into a dying land. Only the wild orcs seem to
have truly prospered, but the source of that prosperity varies from tribe to tribe – trading and peace or raiding
and riches.

For the meek and timid, it seems that little has really changed since the Long Fury, but for those who are
willing to act boldly and carve out their own place, Dama offers excitement and challenge, riches and maybe
even glory. Are you timid or are you bold?

The hardest part of a journey is walking out your own door. – Common Dub wisdom.
Section 1:
Chapter 1: Geography of Dama
Chapter 2: Gods of Dama
Chapter 3: Races of Dama
Chapter 4: Magic of Dama
Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

Geography of Dama southwest and Steelwind in the northeast. Also

located in the Domains are the ruins of Varmanhow,
long a rallying point for those seeking a return to
Dama is a world of great variety, but no matter
the glories of the Age of Relics.
what the land may look like or what may have
stood there during the Varman Age, there is one
truth: the Long Fury left this a wild world. Except Scurgrimme
along certain coasts and rivers and close to cities Set in the dark, storm-tossed waters of the
and large towns, wilderness is the rule. A person Straeling Ocean just north of the mouth of the
could walk for a day in much of Dama and not see Boken Sea, Scurgrimme is an island-nation, the
another person. Beasts and monsters, of course, are home of sea-raiders feared throughout the Boken
another matter, but even the most feared monsters Domains. Unlike most of the other lands of Dama,
aren't quite so common as rumor would suggest. Scurgrimme suffered less from attacks by the
dwarven hordes than it did from retribution at the
There are several main regions of Dama. In the hands of the forces of light. The queen of
east is Tulmir, the vast, desolate country of the half- Scurgrimme, Morbetta, made an alliance with the
folk, where broad rivers flow out to the Koae Ocean. dwarves and the raiders of Scurgrimme became
Distant and exotic kingdoms bask in the sun along slavers and reavers, ruling the waves on behalf of
the southern coast of the Dalhu Ocean, strange the dwarves. Near the end of the Long Fury, the
lands of blood and jewels, thick jungle in the forces of light scoured Scurgrimme, but it was
southeast and dry grassland in the southwest – impossible to wipe out the foul raiders completely.
certain ancient stories maintain that the original Although not so strong or organized as it was under
human homeland is somewhere among them. Morbetta, Scurgrimme remains a dangerous place
Great mountains dominate the more northern and its black-hulled ships a force on the waves.
portions of the southwest, with vast badlands and The Land: The coast of Scurgrimme is rocky
deserts in the interior. and cut by a thousand deep inlets and coves. Tiny
settlements and farmsteads dot the coast, while the
The west of Dama is split by the shining arc of interior is dominated by thick, tangled forest and
the Boken Sea, an arm of the western Straeling short, rugged hills.
Ocean. This is a more temperate zone, home to Cities: Scur is the main city and port. The
many nations trading across the relatively calm Council, a collection of wicked captains and ruthless
water. North of the sea, however, the land is merchants, rules from Scur.
dominated by cold, seemingly endless forests and – The People: What a native of Scurgrimme is
to the central northeast – steppes. Without a doubt, called depends on what he or she does for a living.
these are the homelands of the orcs. Some say the Raiders and sea merchants (often the same thing)
steppes stretch all the way to the north of Tulmir, and fisherfolk (also often raiders) are Scurans.
but if they do, no one has traveled that way in Farmers, hunters, and land merchants are
memory or legend. The link between west and east Grimmans and are looked down upon (although an
lies at the heart of Dama along the dangerous and older Scuran who retires from the sea to the life of a
tainted mountain valleys of the Middle Passage. farm-owner is still regarded as a Scuran). Regardless
of what they are called, however, the people of
Scurgrimme are tall and lean, with thick black hair
Around the Boken Sea: The Domains (though it's not uncommon for other colorings to
appear among the descendents of slaves brought
The Boken Domains is the name typically given back to the island). They are hard, nasty people,
to the region roughly centered on the Boken Sea. unrestrained and used to fighting for respect. Not
Spared some of the worst predations of the surprisingly, Scurans are often very well-traveled
dwarves and their hordes during the Long Fury and and sometimes turn up in ports from the Boken
blessed with relative ease of communication and Domains to the Dalhu Coast. This doesn't improve
transportation across the Boken Sea, a diversity of their temperament.
cultures has grown up in this area. The Boken Of Note: Morbetta, known as the Queen of
Domains have always tended to attract visitors and Chains, ascended to godhood as one of the Lords of
migrants of all kinds. In legend the homeland of the Shadow.
elves, the region has long been dominated by
humans. Since the end of the Long Fury, orc tribes Empire of Skerys
moving out of the north are also found here, as are Dominating the northern coast of the mouth of
a scattering of half-folk refugees, while goblins have the Boken Sea is the Skeryn Empire. The heart of
taken up residence in certain mountainous regions. Skerys is a deep bay, sheltered by coastal
The subterranean territories of two dwarven clans mountains from the worst of the storms that sweep
bracket the Domains – Darkglass in the distant off the Straeling Ocean. Good land and good access

Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

to the Boken form the basis of a prosperous, to indicate their rank; important people may trim
aggressive nation — Skerys is the most warlike of theirs in certain colors. People of the interior tend
the Boken Domains and still growing. The title of to be a bit smaller and darker, similar to
emperor is only a few generations old, declared by Barbannans.
the grandfather of the current ruler. Two centuries Of Note: Skeryns are the descendants of the
ago, the Skeryns were little more than hunters, troops and sailors that scoured Scurgrimme at the
small farmers, and petty voyagers. A new dynasty of end of the Long Fury. The imperial dynasty claims
leaders has changed that, expanding Skeryn an even older bloodline, however: that of Hero
territory north up a broad, navigable river, then Cerus Mimr. Skerys' aggressive expansion has
west to the Straeling coast, and finally east into the roused the ire of its neighbors; relations are strained
lands of the old kingdom of Barbannan. Clashes at best with Dulcine to the east and Dubfeich to the
with a strong orc tribe and spider-goblins in south.
mountains to the north have actually solidified
Skerys' hold on its provinces, as has new interest in Lansean Sea
the country by traders. Skerys' expansion has yet to Less a true sea than deep bay, the sheltered
slow: the empire's most recent expansions have waters of the Lansean are controlled absolutely by
been the establishment of a colony on the southern the Skeryn Empire and have been since the earliest
coast of the mouth of the Boken and the seizure of days of Skerys' power. Pirates and raiders are
land to the east right to the edge of the territories virtually unknown here, though Scurran longships
claimed by Dulcine. are not infrequently seen stealing past the mouth
The Land: Skerys is the largest area of land of the Lansean. The mighty river Lans flows south
under single rule anywhere in the Boken Domains. into the sea, occasionally bearing strange things
Even its fringes tend to be patrolled with some down out of the mountains. Many tales speak of a
regularity. Most of the populated areas are still powerful city of the Varman Age that was
along the Boken coast, but these areas tend to swallowed by the sea during the Long Fury; some
more regularly farmed than elsewhere in the believe that it now lies under the Lansean Sea.
Domains. Slowly but surely, the forests of Skerys are
shrinking back to the north. Other than in these Lans River
civilized reaches, though, the northern stretches One of the two great rivers to emerge from the
Skerys are still quite heavily forested. Skerys also Akina Peaks, the river Lans flows through a broad
claims all or some of two mountain ranges, one in valley to the west of the Ethuga Ru and down to the
the north (inhabited by orcs and spider-goblins) Lansean Sea. The river is navigable for most of its
and one in its southern heartlands. The southern length and Skeryn explorers have followed it up
mountains are relatively gentle and have long been into the mountains themselves (though actual
explored — as Skerys becomes wealthier, they are settlement stops well short of the mountains'
becoming known as a summer refuge for southern reaches). The river's valley is broad and
aristocrats. gentle; even among the mountains, the wilderness-
Cities: The imperial city of Skerys is Numisgard, covered land is rolling rather than rough, though
the City of Lions. Although Skerys itself may only be the Blood Dance orcs consider it their territory and
a couple of centuries old, Numisgard is at least raids by the ogres and goblins in the Ethuga Ru are
three centuries older than that and was founded a danger.
(then floundered) near the end of the Long Fury.
Hunder is the name of the Skeryn colony The Tiborins
established on the south coast of the Boken mouth. The mountains across the Lansean Sea from
Dwarven ruins, long abandoned, have recently Numisgard are old, their peaks and crags worn
been discovered nearby. almost smooth by time. Their lower slopes and
The People: Skeryns are big people, tall, wide, valleys have long been tamed; many of
and strongly-built. Their hair is usually blond and Numisgard's wealthiest citizens maintain summer
very fair, often turning white and gray at a fairly homes here. The high valleys, however, retain their
young age. They are very physical and fond of wilderness and make popular places for hunting
games and competitions. They are also, however, trips. The high valleys are also, however, home to a
great lovers of learning. In fact, they have a reclusive population of humans who have lived
tendency to combine the two; passionate speeches here since before the rise of Skerys. Their own tales
delivered in the halls of the Imperial Senate have a say that they rode out the Long Fury here and it
tendency to devolve into fights which carry almost might even be true — worship of the Dark Mother
as much deliberative weight as the original speech. of Waters is strong among them. The mountain
Skeryn men often wear full beards. Skeryn women people call themselves Tibs and though they have
almost always wear their hair long and flowing. some similarities with typical Skeryns, they tend to
Persons of quality tend to wear snow-white mantles be especially pale with an exotic beauty (Skeryns

Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

sometimes call them moon people). Skerys is and the Straeling coast, but for now the Blood
working on assimilating these backward folk into Dance is holding firm.
the empire. The People: Blood Dance orcs follow a wild and
ecstatic tradition marked, appropriately enough, by
Barbannan dancing and blood. Blood Dancers paint red
An independent kingdom established about a designs (preferably in blood but more often with
century after the end of the Long Fury, Barbannan ochre) on their faces and bodies before such events
lasted through many relatively peaceful as raids, rituals, and long journeys. They are more
generations before falling to Skerys a little more likely than other orcs to indulge in berserk frenzies.
than forty years ago. Parts of the east, wilder than The feasts hosted by Blood Dancers are legendary
the rest of the country, remained a refuge of rebels among orcs and certain very tough humans.
until only about fifteen years ago. A cadet line of
the royal family was allowed to remain as hereditary Ethuga Ru – 'Cradle of Song'
governors in the province, but rumors of the Surrounded by the southern arms of the Akina
survival of the true royal line circulated until the last Peaks, the Ethuga Ru is relatively compact area of
known descendant was finally captured and killed mountains of middling size. They are considered to
in the east. Among most people, Skeryn rule is have mystical significance by the Blood Dance tribe
actually quite popular for the safety and prosperity as their spiritual home, the place where, during a
it brings. wandering journey, Mur Eats-it-Raw taught the
Cities: Aufis, the old royal city. tribe's ancestral hero the ways of music and dance.
The People: Barbannans aren't all that different The sacredness of the mountains is a casual sort of
from Skeryns, being only a little shorter and slighter thing, however. Orcs visit the mountains freely and
of build, with a tendency toward light brown-blond have no particular objection to other races passing
hair. Many Barbannans living in Aufis or other through so long as they respect the mountains
smaller cities have long since adopted Skeryn styles (humans prospecting for minerals, for example,
and attitudes. Barbannans of lower classes tend to should not come here). Unfortunately for the Blood
aspire to the same thing. Dancers, a strong force of goblins and ogres have
Of Note: Rumors circulate once more of a living taken up residence in the Ethuga Ru and the sacred
heir to the royal line. The small number of people mountains are no longer safe.
dissatisfied with Skeryn rule are beginning to
agitate and there are fears their rebellion could turn Akina Peaks
violent; the governor, a weak man, is considering Harsh and rugged, this mighty range of
severe options for dealing with them. mountains runs far into the north. Never fully
explored, it remains something of a mystery. Three
Mirada River orcs tribes — Blood Dancer in the south, Bearstalker
Flowing east of the Ethuga Ru and down to the east, and Stormhowl to the far north — claim
through Barbannan to Aufis, the Mirada is a faster territory in or close to it and are perhaps the most
and more dangerous river than the Lans. It is knowledgeable of the Akinas' passes and valleys
navigable for less than half the distance from the but even they seldom penetrate deep into the
Boken seacoast to the mountains — beyond that range. Spider-goblins and their minions claim
point, it is broken by frequent rapids. The river extensive regions of the peaks. Wild demons and
valley is frequently deep, especially among the ancient monsters of the Long Fury are sometimes
mountains where it has carved a deep, narrow spotted in the mountains as well. Some speculate
canyon. Even the orcs respect this dark valley; ogres that the presence of these monsters in the Akinas
and goblins are not the only danger here, as indicates that there were once dwarf holdings here,
strange monsters make their home in the upland but if so there are no known legends that confirm
gorges. this. The Akinas are also rich in minerals, gems, and
ancient ruins, however, and it isn't uncommon for
Blood Dance Orcs brave and foolish prospectors to risk their dangers
The orcs that live in the mountains north of for a chance at wealth. Signs of human civilization
Skerys belong to the Blood Dance tribe. Actually, it's are otherwise scattered at best, though Therin, a
more accurate to say that the Blood Dance orcs live rough town/mining camp, can be found among the
in the foothills and mountain valleys — the foothills on the north side of the Akinas' southeast
mountains themselves are a dangerous stronghold arm, precariously located between the lands
of goblins and spider-goblins. The Blood Dance is a claimed by the Blood Dance orcs and those of the
tribe caught between a rock (the goblin-held Bearstalkers. Tales also tell of a dark stronghold of
mountains) and a hard place (the Skeryn Empire). evil sorcerers among the grey peaks.
The tribe is slowly finding itself squeezed up to the
cold northwest reaches between the mountains

Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

Dulcine Of Note: There are conflicting stories of why

More a loose confederacy of cities than a the city of Dulcine was abandoned. Interestingly,
kingdom, Dulcine occupies some of the wildest even the orc tribes who pass through the area
territory of any Domain: a narrow strip of lowlands regularly are loathe to stay for long in its ruins.
along the northeast coast of the Boken Sea Many of the cities have some ancient mystery to
combined with a wide upland region extending them; in Pier, it's a legend of deep passages within
across the northeast. Alliances between the cities the escarpment opened up by the magical
are both tenuous and incredibly strong – though catastrophe that raised the uplands.
they bicker among themselves, they unite in the The Hero Renzo Dicacce was a Dulcinian, an
face of any outside danger. Although wild, Dulcine aristocratic son of Dulcine itself. Although he could
is actually the heart of a culture of the Age of Relics. be considered a model Dulcinian in many ways, he
Its forests are full of ruins and its cities and towns is more often used as an example of someone who
are built on ancient foundations. People in some has left the city too far behind.
regions of the great cities live in the broken shells of
old palaces and halls. Nowhere else in the Boken The Dulcine Rise
Domains are ancient ruins so freely accessible. The escarpment that lifts much of Dulcine's
Scholars, storytellers, and adventurers come from territory up above the other Boken Domains is
all around the Boken Sea to marvel at and explorer known as the Dulcine Rise, a rough crag that snakes
the ruins. Surrounded by these reminders of the across the face of Dama and varies in height
past, Dulcinians see themselves as a bulwark between only about fifty feet (especially in the
against the orc-held north, though ironically they west) and over two hundred (in the east and a few
are also the nation most at peace with their other locations). At the divided city of Pier, the Rise
neighboring orcs. is about a hundred and twenty feet high. The
The Land: The degree to which the wilderness uplands of Dulcine are actually broken by a
has overwhelmed the ancient ruins of Dulcine is multitude of lesser and often older escarpments —
eerie. Although the remains of civilization can be the ruins of Dulcine itself sit atop one such. Except
found everywhere, true civilization is sparse. Small at Pier and Enea, where ramps and lifts have been
settlements tend to be heavily fortified and far constructed, there are no easy ways up or down the
between. Most people cluster around the great Rise for caravans and large groups. Smaller groups
cities. Except in the lowlands (which are looked travelling on foot or with only lightly burdened
down on by those who consider themselves "true mounts may have an easier time of it as local
children of the Dulce"), easily arable land is sparse, communities often know of secret ways up and
opened up close to the protection of cities only down both the Rise and the lesser escarpments of
through considerable effort. The lowlands are the uplands.
separated by the uplands by a sharp and distinct
escarpment. Legends say that the split was created Bearstalker Orcs
by dwarven magic during the Long Fury. Somewhere in the wilds, the territory of
Cities: Solana is a port city of the lowlands. An Dulcine ends and the territory of the Bearstalker
ancient road leads inland to Pier, a city split by the tribe of orcs begins. Exactly where can be difficult
escarpment — half of it lies in the uplands and half to tell — an uneasy truce has existed for
in the lowlands. Other roads lead from Pier. One generations between nation and tribe, and much of
goes west to Enea (which overlooks the Skeryn the northern wilds are something of a no-man's
province of Barbannan), while the other goes land. Humans and orcs give each other a wide berth
northeast to Cira. Dulcine itself once lay to the here, but that's no guarantee of safety. The
northwest, but it has been abandoned since the Bearstalkers are proud and fractious and one of the
end of the Long Fury. Each city is ruled by a prince. strongest tribes. Hunting bands and small clan units
The People: Dulcine breeds strong, self-reliant tend to break off and wander where they will.
people. They tend to be lean and muscular, with Fortunately, the Bearstalker experience with
sharp features, dark hair, and tanned complexions. Dulcine has been a good one (and vice versa) and
Few things are as dangerous as a Dulcinian backed most Bearstalkers are as willing to talk and trade as
into a corner. Dulcinian culture is a mix of the wild they are to fight. In fact, it's not unknown for
and the courtly; hunters and rangers are much Dulcinians and Bearstalkers to work together when
respected here, but so are grace, courtly manners, the dwarves of Clan Steelwind march.
and ritual. The people of Dulcine are much like their The People: Bearstalkers are one of the most
cities: beautiful but trapped by wilderness. Stoicism "civilized" of orc tribes and possibly the least
and practicality tempered with passion and culture territorial outside of what they consider their core
are much admired traits. Dulcinian clothes tend to lands (found a long way to the north of Dulcine and
be dark and often earth-toned, no matter what well-marked). They have adopted something of
their quality. totem relationship toward bears; they would never

Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

kill one except out of necessity, but take great pride coincided with the Long Fury and the Lords of
in the bravery and patience necessary to Shadow reached the child king before the monks of
successfully stalk and approach one. Bearstalkers Pryshydd. The Lords forced Tafyd Ambros to lead
are somewhat larger than other orcs and are often his nation over to side with the forces of darkness.
extensively tattooed. Although few Pryshyns did so willingly, the opinion
of the other nations of Dama at the end of the Long
The Famas Fury was clear: Pryshydd was evil. For many
Beyond the forests of the Dulcine uplands, the decades, the armies of light tried to scour Pryshydd
land opens in a dry, grassy region between the as they scoured Scurgrimme — to no avail.
Akina Peaks and the Mountains of Steelwind. Not Pryshydd is and always has been a land of
quite steppe, these grasslands are known as the prophecy. Pryshyn seers and prophets foretold
Famas. Many camps of the Bearstalker tribe of orcs every attack by the armies of light and the Pryshyn
make their summer homes here, retreating to the people melted away before them, never
forests in the winter. counterattacking in numbers, but never defeated.
Occasionally greater magics were called into play:
Mountains of Steelwind the armies of light were never able to destroy the
As rugged and grey as the Akinas, the greatest of Pryshyn temples because they could
Mountains of Steelwind are a smaller range, though never find them. Eventually, they simply gave up
no less dangerous — Clanhold Steelwind is located and left Pryshydd alone.
at their eastern end and dwarven tunnels run under Even today, Pryshydd is a nation commonly
almost the entire length of the range. There are feared and misunderstood — Tafyd Ambros is held
fewer wild demons to be found there than in the to have ascended in death to godhood as a Lord of
Akinas, however — the dwarves of Steelwind keep Shadow. His nation, however, waits patiently for his
a tight leash on their vile servants. Small holds of rebirth. Pryshydd is a quiet place of crags and fens.
goblins are a greater threat. The ruins that dot the Remote towns and villages are more common here
Dulcine uplands extend into the western portions than in other domains, often because they are built
of the mountains. around or close to stout monasteries that can
provide shelter in times of need.
Ramholt The Land: Cool and wet, with many fens and
A swiftly growing city of the northeast coast, swamps punctuated by rugged hills and dark
Ramholt is only about a century old. This young city forests. The most common creatures found here are
was founded for one purpose only: to draw the sheep. Pryshydd has an eerie, haunted feel to it, as if
scant trade emerging westbound from the Middle the land lies under a perpetual shadow. The
Passage. It's a near lawless place ruled only by landscape rises slowly and gently from the Boken
merchant interests and quickly won a reputation as Sea until it reaches a barren plateau and the
a place where anything can be purchased or sold. brackish Loch of Dur that marks the beginning of
Only its remote location has kept it from becoming the Middle Passage.
a serious concern to legitimate trading cities like The Cities: Gleis, the City of Curses, is the
Numisgard or Dubfeich. capitol of Pryshydd. It's quite a small city and was
The Land: The area around Ramholt is wild, regularly ravaged by various other nations at the
damp, and unpleasant at best. end of the Long Fury. The current city is built on the
The People: Mad, bad, and dangerous. For the rubble of its predecessors. While it might seem that
last century, Ramholt has been attracting traders the Regent living in Gleis is the head of government
and mercenaries from both the Boken Domains and (holding the Ash Throne until Tafyd Ambros is
the Middle Passage. Anyone could be found here, reborn), he shares power and consults frequently
especially, of late, mad men. with the abbots of the monasteries that interpret
Of Note: Ramholt is named in honor of the ram the ancient Pryshyn Oracles.
symbol of the hero Isau Jabren, patron of The People: Pryshyns are usually somewhat
commerce. shorter in stature, with very dark hair and long, pale
faces; men are usually cleanshaven. They are
Pryshydd serious people and while other cultures might call
Located at the northeastern end of the Boken them superstitious, they are actually profoundly
Sea, Pryshydd is a land under a curse. The religious — fate (what they call Da) is a very real
traditional ruler of Pryshydd is Tafyd Ambros, a king force to them. In private moments or among
reborn every few generations to bring prosperity to themselves, they enjoy music and singing. They
his people. Bound about by tradition and a deep distill a fiery brandy from black plums.
belief in Da, the force of prophecy and destiny, Of Note: One of the most horrific periods of the
Pryshyns are as tied to their king as he is to them. Long Fury, the massacre of Weeping's End, had its
Unfortunately, Tafyd Ambros' last incarnation origins in Pryshydd — the dwarven hordes

Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

mustered at the Loch of Dur before travelling along one side and the stubbornly distant cold elves of
the Middle Passage (a journey known as the Passing Illirisen to the other. Still, Belander's work is
of the Steelwind) to Tulmir. The half-folk have never proceeding and has drawn a great number of
forgiven Pryshydd for allowing this. In fact, so hated supporters to him. Varmanhow is slowly rising
is Pryshydd that those travelers emerging from the again, a mix of new buildings and old ones rebuilt
Middle Passage have for centuries swung north and based on tedious excavation and research.
around Pryshydd to avoid it (thus giving rise to The Land: Varmanhow stood (or stands) on a
Ramholt). narrow stretch of land that is no more than a day's
The Pryshyn Oracles are both an extensive ride from one side to the other. It is currently an
written record and the ongoing predictions of a area dominated by forest, though Belander's
number of particularly holy seers and oracular followers are quickly clearing the trees.
phenomena. The Oracles are not active all the time, The People: Not unlike Ramholt, nearly anyone
but when they are, it is a sign of great changes. The can be found in Varmanhow. Distinctly unlike
last time the Oracles were all active at once, it was Ramholt, however, the men and women of
to predict the ill-fated return of Tafyd Ambros. Varmanhow are much more behaved. They work
with a mission, ever alert for the sudden
Loch of Dur appearance of cold elves or an attack by orcs.
Marking the western end of the Middle Of Note: Many nations aren't entirely sure they
Passage, the Loch of Dur is a dark, still body of want Varmanhow restored. Having a major city
water. Although narrow, it is very long, extending here would divert trade south from Ramholt and
for several days journey along the Middle Passage, north from the caravan trails to Dubfeich. Skerys
and extraordinarily deep. At its Pryshyn end at least, sees Varmanhow as a potential political rival. Ever-
no boats ply its surface and no one fishes from its practical Dulcine sees it as a colossal waste of time.
shore, but there are rumours that further along the It's not at all clear what the cold elves think, but
Middle Passage, entire villages are built on its they don’t seem enthusiastic. The Bleakmoon orcs
shores and live on the harvest of its tainted water. certainly don't want this intrusion on the fringes of
their territory made permanent!
Staran Mounts and Pander Hills
The western end of the Middle Passage is Jada Sea
closed on the north and south by two ranges of Shallow and sunwarmed, the Jada would be a
rugged land. On the north are the Staran Mounts, pleasant place except for the predations of the
bleak and rocky. On the south are the Pander Hills, Bleakmoon orcs to the east. Fortunately, they do
less rough but still dangerous. Both the Starans and not often take to the water (though they have no
the Panders were heavily tainted, like all of the fear of it). Only the narrow northern and southern
Middle Passage, by the Passing of the Steelwind. shores are even remotely friendly to travellers,
Demons and monsters of all kinds are a constant though: Varmanhow polices the north, with
danger. Daimanhow, a tiny, ancient colony (surviving in
Further along the Middle Passage, the northern isolation since shortly after the Long Fury) clinging
and southern ranges close in and the Passage as best it can to the south. Illirisen turns back all
narrows and rises into the terrible Shi Mountains who approach the western shores but on occasion
that lie at the heart of Dama before descending into graceful elven boats have been seen sailing along
Tulmir. the coast.

Varmanhow Bleakmoon Orcs

The Heart of Peace, the Pillar of the Age, the The lands east and south of Varmanhow have
First City — all of these were epithets for long been claimed by the fierce Bleakmoon tribe.
Varmanhow, the great city-state for which the Orcs with a chip on their collective shoulder,
Varman Age and the unprecedented Varman members of the Bleakmoon tribe tend to be
Compact of Peace were named. Destroyed very belligerent and warlike, never taking 'yes' for an
early in the Long Fury, all that remains of answer. Their territory is marked with carved trees
Varmanhow now are shattered and half-buried and the bones of enemies; they defend it without
ruins along the neck of land that separates the mercy. This doesn't mean that they respect anyone
Boken Sea from the much smaller freshwater Jada else's borders, however. Those trying to resurrect
Sea. Varmanhow has never been forgotten, Varmanhow are subject to frequent raids (much of
however, and many attempts have been made to the ancient Varman nation now lies with
resurrect the city. One such attempt is currently Bleakmoon territory) and the orcs frequently test
underway, led by Tirond Belander, Immaculate the wooded boundaries of Illirisen as well. It is said
Knight of the Shining Lord Anderes Glorian, a quest that Pryshydd should consider itself lucky to be
made more difficult by the fierce Bleakmoon orcs to cursed or else the Bleakmoons would venture north

Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

and lay it waste (in fact, some of them do already lost in the magic that protects the forest; the few
raid that far). that find their way out again count themselves
The People: Bleakmoons are massively broad lucky. The queen of the cold elves, Besirith Irosal, is
and powerful orcs. They are probably more a living god of tremendous power.
nocturnally active than other tribes, frequently
painting their skin with black grease as camouflage. Dubfeich
Their aggression isn't reserved for their enemies: The Bright City stands proud at the middle of
Bleakmoon culture is viciously competitive and only the southern coast of the Boken Sea, the hub of a
the strong survive. Most of their rituals are centered vast trade network that extends across the Domains
around who can absorb or dish out the most and throughout the interior southlands. Caravans
punishment. Bleakmoons are almost always travel to and from the distant Dalhu Coast, a voyage
deliberately scarred or branded, often very visibly. that can consume the better part of a year. Old,
though not ancient, Dubfeich is a place of
Illirisen excitement and wealth, a city of adventure and tall
Once, in some vastly remote age, elves lived all tales. Although it is a city-state with a responsibility
across the Boken Domains but now they have only only to itself, Dubfeich has slowly become the de
one kingdom: Illirisen. The forest nation of the cold facto power center of the entire south coast and all
elves occupies a long tract of land stretching from of the smaller cities of the coast defer to it. Even the
the middle of the southern Boken coast to the nomads of the interior respect Dubfeich's power
interior of the southlands, where trees give way to and wealth. Goods from across Dama are available
grass. Humans, orcs, half-folk, and even dawn elves here (though Ramholt has taken away some of
have no place in this rigid culture – the cold elves Dubfeich's traffic in less acceptable goods). The
do not wish to be disturbed. Tales have spread, visitor to Dubfeich should be wary, however – while
however, of wonders predating the Varman Age, of the city may seem a shining, adventurous place
cities that never knew the chaos of the Long Fury, filled with friendly people, it does have a dark side
of immortal elves so ancient that they remember and new "friends" can be quick with a knife.
ages of myth. Illirisen keeps many secrets behind its Dubfeich is ruled from the Rose Palace by the
silent borders. With the departure of the dawn Learned Man, a ruler elected for life by his or her
elves, there are few remaining who see any need to predecessor and a council of powerful men and
pass through those borders. women.
The Land: Little is known about the precise The Land: Dubfeich is primarily a sprawling
geography of Illirisen but tales tell of an ancient city, but one with many green spaces, parks, and
forest groomed for so long that it grows with a rigid public gardens. Although this is an arid region, the
perfection. The cold elves live among the trees in coast is damp enough to provide greenery and
cities of glass and silver; there are uninhabited Dubfeich itself is well-supplied by the mighty river
stretches of the great forest for certain, but they Ride that flows north out of the southlands. Venture
could never be considered wild. Still, there are too far from coast or river, however, and the
dangers here, wild beasts and creatures forgotten landscape quickly becomes dry grassland, then
by Dama beyond the forest. Tales also tell of sacred desert.
mountains at the heart of Illirisen, but if they exist, The People: Cleverness is the quintessential
only elven eyes have seen them. Dub trait – natives of Dubfeich think fast on their
Cities: A single open port exists on the Boken feet and are generally considered to be great wits
coast of Illirisen – Vreelandar is a crowded place and passionate speakers. They are quick to anger
strictly controlled by the elves. Travelers hoping to but also quick to forgive most of the time. They
see a city of glass will be disappointed; Vreelandar share blood with the nomads of the southlands, the
was built and is inhabited only by humans dealing Medan, and if each group has a secret disdain for
with the elves on matters of diplomacy and trade. the other, it's at least clear that they are the same
The People: As rigid and cool as their name people. Both Dub and Medan are sturdy people
would suggest, the cold elves are tall, thin, and with wide grins, blue or green eyes, and hair that
elegant. Cold elves who find life in Illirisen covers all shades of red; most are also prone to
unappealing either leave on their own or are freckles. Bragging and storytelling are well-
pressured to do so. Very few cold elves are respected pastimes.
dissatisfied, however – virtually all of the Of Note: Chaotic building practices have
troublemakers departed long ago to become dawn turned Dubfeich into a maze, with alleys,
elves. The culture and appearance of cold elves is courtyards, and structures buried so deep they
described under Races of Dama, below. don't see the sun. Older ruins are said to stand
Of Note: Those attempting to penetrate the forgotten beneath the modern city. In a city with
borders of Illirisen typically meet either with a swift relatively little available land, landowning nobles
end on an elven blade or a slow death wandering are not the only aristocracy – this fact is well-

Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

recognized and landed nobles mix easily with the Sandforged give in to this lure and the orcs
landless, but wealthy merchant-princes. refer to the Ha'ish as the Grudanun Mogra, the
'hungry wilderness.'
Ride River
Most Dub are unaware that the great river that Kadi'ma
brings water to their city and fields begins in the According to tradition, Kadi'ma is the site of the
driest parts of the Boken Domains. Scant streams of very first use of magic anywhere on Dama. There is
meltwater from the peaks of the Brundais, the no proof of any kind that could offer substance to
Rukuas, and the Velas, and thin trickles from springs this claim, but certainly Kadi'ma or some other city
deep beneath them come together in a slow, has long existed on this site and the city has always
muddy journey to the Boken Sea. On the way, they attracted sorcerers of all types. During the Long
are joined by brooks and lesser rivers from the Fury, the dwarven hordes were held off by the
Medarian Plains. The Ride is subject to high floods heroic and desperate actions of spellcasters. Even
in the spring but in the summer, it can sometimes when they fell, the hordes found that the heart of
fall drastically. On those rare occasions when an the city was protected by some inexplicable mystic
explorer from Dub wishes to venture into the shield.
mountains or the badlands, he will travel up the More realistic tales claim that Kadi'ma (or at
Ride; the reverse, however, is also true when least the most recent city to occupy the site) began
Startooth orcs or foul mountain monsters wish to as the northernmost colony of the cities of the
pay a visit to less hostile climes. The upper reaches Dalhu Coast – Kadi'ma unquestionably shares more
of the Ride can be as dangerous as the badlands culturally with the far south than it does with the
themselves. other Boken Domains. Indeed, it is almost a
courtesy to call it a Domain since it actually rests
Medarian Plains among the mountains of the Straeling coast south
As travellers move south into the rainshadow of the Boken Sea. If it did begin as a colony,
of the Brundai ranges, the land becomes however, Kadi'ma has surpassed its mother-city as a
progressively drier. The Medarian Plains are the nation in its own right, a gateway between north
most hospitable of these dry lands. Along the edge and south and a center of learning. It is the library
of the northern forest, they are relatively lush, but of the west – if anything is worth knowing, it is
quickly turn into dry grasslands — not completely known in Kadi'ma. This does mean that the city
uninhabitable, but still fairly barren and dangerous itself has blurred a bit over the years. "Old Kadi'ma"
for the untrained. They are home of most of the refers to the ancient city of stone that nestled
nomadic Medan, a great chain of human clans that against the mountainside and survived the Long
stretches almost to the Dalhu Coast. Herd animals Fury largely intact. It is the haunt of scholars and
thrive here and trading caravans can be found sorcerers. "New Kadi'ma" or simply "Kadi'ma" is
making their way between south and north. more nation than city and encompasses the
Unfortunately, the Sandforged orcs haunt the settlement below the mountain-city as well as all
Medarian as well, striking in swift raids, then the smaller towns that farm the coastal plains.
retreating back to the desolation of their desert The Land: Kadi'ma has three regions. The first is
home. Immense grassfires can also be a danger on the coastal plain, well-settled and well-farmed –
the tinder-dry plains. warmer ocean currents from the south soften the
normally harsh weather of the Straeling coast. As
Ha'ish Desert the plains rise to the mountains, they become thick
Closer to the Brundai ranges, the Meharian with great old trees, a lush cloud-forest. The cloud-
Plains give way to the Ha'ish, a restless desert of forest stretches among the mountain valleys, but
sands and rock. The only humans that make their the mountains themselves are the third region of
homes here are a few hardy groups of Medan and the land, harsh and unforgiving. Kadi'ma does not
even they stick to the less harsh northern fringes of claim the interior of the mountains, but its natives
the desert. Most of the desert is inhabited only by tell many stories of the rocky wilderness, the orcs
the Sandforged clan of orcs and even they treat that live there, and other strange things.
their home with healthy respect. There are rarities Cities: Most cities of Kadi'ma are small and little
in the desert, however, that the orcs bring forth for more than large towns. The only true city of note is
trade and that sometimes draw explorers of other Old Kadi'ma, a cramped place of stone steps and
races into the Ha'ish. Those who emerge from the stacked houses built across mountainsides.
desert tell strange tales of abandoned cities like no Relatively few people outside of sorcerers and
other and regions of desert with sands like bright scholars live in the city itself anymore because of its
glass or black cinders. Often they succumb to the isolated position, though at beginning of the Long
call of the desolate sands and return to the Ha'ish Fury it was a crowded community.
— usually to meet their death. Even some among

Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

The People: A Kadi is immediately them are little more than gullies for years at a time,
recognizable: their skin is rich dark brown and their enough water does come down from the
black hair tightly curled. They share much with the mountains (especially the comparatively gentle
Dalhu Coast, including a distinctive cut to their northern reaches of the Brundais) in trickles and
clothes, a fondness for bold, earth-toned colors, and creeks to form the headwaters of the river Ride.
a spicy cooking style, although all these things tend
to be modified to better suit the colder Straeling Below Ground
coast. Their art is strong, with heavy lines, and lines The clanholds of the foul dwarves extend for
are in fact a common theme in Kadi culture (the unknown miles under the surface of Dama, both
Kadi have invented many games involving the parallel to the upper world and deep beneath it.
apparently simple manipulation of an ordinary Entrances to this dark place are rare and well-
piece of string). They love to laugh and joke, but are hidden — any that come to the attention of
otherwise solid, dependable, and practical; many surface-dwellers are swiftly dealt with. Still, it's no
ordinary Kadi will snort disdainfully at the interest easier to seal the dwarven clanholds entirely than it
of sorcerers in Kadi'ma. would be to demolish every single human hut. The
Of Note: An oft-repeated tale suggests that the Boken Domains happen to have the misfortune of
mountains above Kadi'ma conceal a strong lying between two of the three great clanholds,
dwarven presence, though there is no actual Steelwind and Darkglass. The third clanhold,
evidence for this. Kadi'ma was the mortal home of Goldhand, is mercifully far to the southeast, and if
the Hero Sariph of the Book. there is any truth to the rumors of other clanholds
lying deeper yet beneath Dama, they seem to spare
Brundai Ranges as little thought for the surface as the surface spares
The largest and harshest mountains anywhere for them.
in the Boken Domains are found in the extensive Clanhold Darkglass lies under the easternmost
Brundai ranges. The Brundais proper are the long of the southerly mountain ranges, separated
chain furthest west and following the Straeling aboveground from Kadi'ma by the coastal range
coast. Their seaward flanks are cloaked by the and a wide, deadly badland of broken stone. Clan
cloud-forests of Kadi'ma and are actually well Darkglass has a special reputation as a clan of
known to Kadi explorers. So tall and massive are the alchemists and breeders of horrors. They are
Brundais that they force virtually all moisture from slippery customers, more weasel than dwarf, but
the air; the lesser ranges on their eastern side generally more interested in making plans than
receive even less precipitation than the Ha'ish. carrying them out.
These eastern ranges are somewhat less tall on Clan Steelwind, on the other hand, is direct,
average, but no less rugged and are perhaps even forthright, and deadly — they are the most martial
more dangerous than the Brundais. From north to of the dwarven clans and probably the least
south, these ranges closest to the Boken Domains satisfied with their defeat during the Long Fury.
are known as the Rukuas, the Velas, the Irai and the Clanhold Steelwind lies beneath old mountains to
Natans. The midreaches of the Irai and the Natan the northeast of Dulcine and east of the Bearstalker
hold a special danger: among their roots twine the lands, but Steelwind warbands have a tendency to
halls of Clanhold Darkglass and the monstrous spread far and wide through an extensive tunnel
creations of that clan roam thoughout all the network and careful stealth. Fortunately, Steelwind
Brundai ranges. tends to be split by internal struggles that keep it
from uniting and becoming a more serious threat
Karok — The Badlands than it already is.
Most races know the desolate areas that lie For general information on the appearance and
between the Brundai ranges simply as 'the culture of dwarves, see Races of Dama below.
badlands.' Only the Startooth orcs give it another
name. They call it Karok and no article is ever Other Nations of Influence
applied to this name. Karok is a hard place, mile Certain other nations have a reputation — for
upon mile of dead, dry, broken stone. Life exists good or bad – in the Boken Domains, though they
here, but even the Sandforged would be hard are so far away that they have no real impact on
pressed to find it. The true beauty of this high, arid daily life or regular politics.
wasteland comes at night, when Karok seems to be Far to the northwest of Dulcine is the territory
the closest place on Dama to the Sea of Stars. Like of the wild and bloodthirsty Stormhowl tribe of
the Brundais, however, Karok is haunted by the orcs. In the depths of the coldest winters, they have
monsters of the Darkglass dwarves and by isolated been known to raid south. Not so the near-
clans of ogres and spider-goblins. What few streams legendary Thundermother tribe of the distant
emerge east of the Brundais tend to run to the northeast — supposedly guardians of the orc
north toward the Boken Sea; although most of

Chapter 1: Geography of Dama

ancestral lands, they are as isolationist as the cold

East of Pryshydd lie the tainted lands of the
Middle Passage. Forever corrupted by the Passing
of the Steelwind, the Middle Passage is a wilderness
of mountains, savage kingdoms, and petty
freeholds. Even the relatively well-protected
caravan routes are not without their dangers. Tales
abound of bandits, monsters, necromancers, and
cannibals. Those who survive the horrors of the
Middle Passage arrive in Tulmir. An empty,
haunted place, the vast and rolling river country of
the half-folk is a shadow of what it once was. Still,
there is enough here to keep trade flowing —
slowly — between east and west.
South of the Bleakmoon territories is a small,
isolated human nation called Nithisant. According
to their own legends, they are the heirs of
Varmanhow, descendants of refugees who fled the
Heart of Peace as it was destroyed.
Orcs tell stories of a tribe that left the north
while Dama was young; supposedly they settled in
the far southeast of the world in the mountains
above the Dalhu Coast and became the cultured
savages of the Stoneknife tribe. They are not the
only tribe in the far south, however. The nomads of
the southlands below Dubfeich fight a running
battle with the Sandforged orcs, while the dry
badland valleys across the mountains east of
Kadi'ma are home to the small Startooth tribe, orcs
known for a mystic bent and outlandish body

Beyond the Physical World

The hard and fast lands of Dama are not all
there is to existence. High above Dama, beyond the
moon, is the Sea of Stars, the home of the Heroes
and a marvelous afterlife to which the souls of all
those who are truly deserving may go after their
mortal bodies die. Occasionally souls may also
return from the Sea of Stars if the need is truly
great; in Pryshydd, the tradition of Da teaches that
this happens frequently.
Counterpart to the Sea of Stars is the dark land
of Shadow, a terrible place of nightmares and
demons. It exists alongside Dama. Sorcerers
summon demons forth from Shadow to do their
bidding and the Lords of Shadow took up dwelling
places there after the Long Fury. The souls of the
truly evil pass into Shadow upon their death. Tales
tell of sorcerers who cross into Shadow to draw on
the horrid power of the place; such tales describe it
as a twisted reflection of Dama where it is always
night but no stars are visible and the moon is
always full. Tales also say that sometimes, when the
full moon casts strong shadows in Dama, it is
possible for anyone to step by accident into

Chapter 2: Gods of Dama

Gods of Dama history, though some share a common story

(Anderes Glorian and Arlora Irosal, for example).
Like so many other aspects of Dama, religion
and even the gods themselves were shaped by the There is one additional deity worshipped in the
Long Fury. The dominant faith across Dama is a world: secretive followers of the eldwitchen
belief in the Heroes of Light and the Lords of tradition venerate the Dark Mother of Waters, an
Shadow, opposing forces roughly representing ancient goddess said to have participated in the
good and evil. creation of Dama (specifically, she is said to have
created the oceans of the world from her saliva and
The Heroes are literally the legendary heroes the rivers from her tears). As a goddess of the world,
who led the forces of light during the Long Fury. she is a cold and distant deity and has few followers
Most humans, half-folk, and dawn elves follow the outside of eldwitches and a few scattered
Heroes as a general group of protectors, following a wilderness communities, though desperate sailors
loose ethos (the Ethos of Light or simply the Ethos) will sometimes invoke her for luck on the ocean.
of community, service, and good works. Some who Worship of the Dark Mother is the last remnant of
feel more strongly for the tradition of a particular the religion that existed in Dama before the Long
god chose to identify themselves with that god Fury. In fact, storytellers say that the Long Fury truly
exclusively, adopting him or her as their patron and began with the massacre of the priests of the old
often joining the cult of mysteries associated with gods by the Lord of Shadow Apos the Damned and
that god (a mystery cult does not refute the general the loss of all but a few of their traditions.
ethos of the Heroes, but builds on it or reinterprets
it according to the teaching and deeds of a Regardless of what god they worship, all
particular Hero). peoples of Dama agree that the souls of evil beings
fall into Shadow at their death (followers of the
Opposing the Heroes are the Lords of Shadow (also Lords alternately fear and welcome this). Opinion of
known as the lords of darkness or simply the Lords). what happens to the souls of the good and not-
Dwarves and the goblin races are the most quite-evil varies. Followers of the Ethos believe the
common followers of the Lords, but there are those deserving soul ascends to peace in the Sea of Stars
of all races who are drawn to their dark promises. while undeserving souls simply fade away.
Unlike the Heroes, the Lords do not promote a Followers of the eldwitchen tradition believe souls
common ethos (at least not intentionally) and their pass into a great ocean for a time before eventually
worshippers are almost always devoted to one Lord returning to life. Orcs believe any soul that is not
or another. Some Lords are on better terms than completely stained by evil is reborn as an orc to
others and will sometimes work together — their enjoy life again. Cold elves seldom contemplate
followers generally mimic these attitudes. The death but believe that an elf who dies prematurely
Lords are the legendary villains of the Long Fury, is gathered into the memory of Besirith Irosal.
those who destroyed the Varman Age in their lust
for power and ruled the world until the Heroes The Heroes of Light
arose to defeat them.
The Heroes of Light are worshipped in principle
Outside of the Heroes and the Lords are a tiny as group but in practice they are so venerated only
number of deities that are remembered as Those on certain holy days. More typically each will have
Who Stood Apart, gods who did not side with either his or her own shrine in an area, varying in grandeur
the Heroes or the Lords during the Long Fury. according to local popularity. In some places,
Neither good nor truly evil, they generally have a Heroes may share a shrine; in others they not be
limited number of worshippers. Mur Eats-it-Raw is represented at all.
the hero-god of the orcs, a shaman of tremendous Shrines are attended, and Heroes represented,
power. Besirith Irosal is the queen of the cold elves in the community by priests who have devoted
— and the still living ruler of Illirisen. themselves to the mysteries of a particular Hero.
Priests of the Heroes generally work together and
Heroes, Lords, and Those Who Stood Apart all cooperate just as the Heroes themselves did
have in common an origin at some point or another (although individual personal conflicts are far from
as mortal beings transformed during (or before) the unknown). Priests generally follow a very loose
Long Fury. The details of this ascension to godhood organizational structure; in a certain sense, they
is usually part of a god's mysteries, though the basic evolved out of travelling storytellers who spread
story of each is generally common knowledge. All, word of the exploits of the Heroes during the Long
however, are shrouded by the mists of time and Fury, providing solace and inspiration with their
chaos and few are easily sorted out into a sensible tales (in fact, the Book of Courage, the holy text of
the Heroes, is a collection of those tales). Over the

Chapter 2: Gods of Dama

centuries, an informal hierarchy has evolved and end the Long Fury, though he lives again among
the priests in a given area will typically look to the the Sea of Stars and leads the Heroes of Light. He is
wisest (and often oldest) among them for depicted as a young, handsome man in armor. His
leadership, and so on. Traditional power centers symbol is a flame. His aspects are sun/fire and
have solidified over time such that there are nobility/heroism.
regional traditions, but the leaders of these The sect of Anderes Glorian is quite open and
traditions generally get along well. popular, but subtly favors the nobles and wealthy.
Common folk (with the exception of certain Priests of Anderes Glorian make prayers at noon.
warrior orders) do not generally have any special Because Anderes Glorian is the champion of virtue
devotion to one Hero or another, invoking and and mercy, he has attracted a specific martial
worshipping them at any time when their blessing following – the order of paladins.
might seem appropriate. There is no particular holy
day through the week, but the major turning points Arlora Irosal, The Dragon Queen
of the day (dawn, noon, dusk) are common times of Arlora Irosal was the daughter of Besirith Irosal,
prayer. a princess of the cold elves. Horrified by her
The tradition that gave rise to priests, however, mother's inaction during the fall of Varmanhow,
also gave rise to another form of religious figure in Arlora left Illirisen to stand by the humans,
Dama: the storyteller. Storytellers are often embracing the fire and passion of mortality and
considered blessed by the Heroes and though not redeeming the elves who chose to follow her. Her
all storytellers are holy or even religious, they often ferocity and passion are legendary, though
have remarkable luck and seem touched by the tempered by the influence of Anderes Glorian.
divine. Priests as a whole look down on storytellers; Patron of the dawn elves, her temper has also made
storytellers, typically irreverent, seldom care what her the patron of true dragons (an honorific at best
priests think. since true dragons are now extinct) . An unrivalled
beauty, she is identified with the dawn and the
ocean, some say because she met Anderes Glorian
Faith and Mystery Cults
on a beach after turning her back on Illirisen. She is
depicted as a beautiful elf woman, often
All characters with Arcane Background (Faith)
surrounded by a gentle halo. Her symbol is a
have been initiated into the mystery cult of their
dragon. Her aspects are beauty/passion but also the
patron deity and hold a position of some respect
and responsibility, whether formal or informal. Any
Like shrines of Anderes Glorian, shrines of
character with the desire to do so may elect to join
Arlora Irosal (also called the cult of the Dragon
a mystery cult, however. There is no cost, but no
Queen) are quite open and very common. She
character may belong to more than one cult and
attracts a wide range of worshippers and is a
any attempt to join a cult after character creation
favorite of women of all races who seek to imitate
should be roleplayed out.
either her beauty or her ferocity. Her priests offer
The benefit to belonging to a mystery cult is
their prayers at dawn.
that other initiates (including priests) are better
inclined to respond favourably to reasonable
Cerus Mimr, The Sword of Death
requests for aid. In return, initiated character should
Cerus Mimr was a great general and a powerful
also expect to be asked for aid. Characters who
warrior. Never one to command from behind, he
abuse this system or who fail to live up to the creed
was famed for leading his troops into battle and his
of their patron should expect significant social
devotion to the defeat of the Lords of Shadow was
censure (priests also risk the loss of their arcane
absolute. So absolute, in fact, was his devotion that
powers). Joining a mystery cult is a serious
when he died in battle, he rose again to continue
Note that only followers of the Ethos form the fight — the Sword of Death is undead, the
mystery cults as such. paragon of duty and focus. Unlike the other Heroes,
he does not dwell among the Sea of Stars but in the
land of Shadow. His symbol is a sword and his
aspects are battle and duty/devotion. He is the
Anderes Glorian, The Shining Lord patron of warriors. Although he is undead himself,
Anderes Glorian was a young noble of he is also the enemy of evil undead. He is portrayed
Varmanhow and a leader in the resistance against as a grey-faced old warrior with a notched and
the Lords of Darkness. Although that fight was worn sword.
sometimes brutal, Anderes is known as the Priests of Cerus Mimr are strong and stern. His
embodiment of virtue, honor, and mercy. His love shrines are generally small. There is nothing gentle
for Arlora Irosal drew the dawn elves into the Long about his worship; those who pray to him regularly
Fury. He sacrificed himself to bind the Master and are generally tough and harsh and those who

Chapter 2: Gods of Dama

invoke him irregularly usually do so in dire places of knowledge. Those who devote
circumstances. His priests worship him at dusk, just themselves to her worship are generally already
after the sun has set. sorcerers and come to her seeking new secrets; true
initiates form a wide-flung but well-informed
Radi Last, The Shield of Life fellowship, communicating with each other over
Radi Last was an ordinary half-folk, but vast distances through a variety of means (from
emerged as a leader of her people after the messenger to carrier bird to magic).
massacre in Tulmir known as Weeping's End. More
than the other Heroes, she is a god with two faces. Isau Jabren
One is joyful, a tender and protective mother who Isau Jabren is something of an unlikely Hero. A
delights in every moment of life and is a symbol of wealthy, acquisitive trader, he made his
regeneration. The other is grim, a defender and contribution to the struggle against the Lords of
avenger of those who are victimized and who Shadow by secretly sharing his wealth and goods
stands against injustice. She is the particular enemy and by carrying messages across Dama. He is a sly
of the Lord Kalthas of Steelwind, who led the and slippery character, very charismatic. No one
dwarven armies at Weeping's End. She is one of the nation claims Isau Jabren as a native son, though he
most popular Heroes because of her connection is thought to have been born either south of
with the common people and her role as a healer. Varmanhow or somewhere east of Pryshydd along
Naturally, she is the patron of half-folk and is the Middle Passage — certainly stories say that he
typically portrayed as a serious half-folk with a child turned to the Light after the passing of the
in one arm and a shield in the other. Radi Last is also Steelwind through the Middle Passage en route to
known as the Shield of Life. Her aspects are Tulmir. Dubfeich has adopted him fondly, though
protection/healing and defiance/resistance; her more recently, the trading nation of Ramholt has
symbol is a serpent. taken his ram symbol as their own. Isau is portrayed
Shrines to Radi Last are generally small, but as a handsome, plump man of middle years, well-
almost always numerous — many households have dressed and always smiling. His aspects are
a small figure of her in their kitchen. Her priests luck/charm and wealth/plenty (always used to the
attain great skill as healers though they are by no benefit of others). He is beloved of half-folk for the
means averse to taking up arms. Surprisingly, they aid he gave to Tulmir after Weeping's End and is the
generally get along very well with those of Cerus patron of merchants and storytellers. Travelers will
Mimr. They make their prayers in the morning after invoke his protection on journeys.
the sun has risen. Worship of Isau Jabren is wide spread —
Rumors persist that there is actually a tradition everybody wants the wealth and aid that he brings.
of avengers and assassins devoted to the grim side His priests pray before meals. Stories say that unlike
of Radi Last. Her priests vehemently deny the the other Heroes, Isau Jabren did not ascend to the
existence of such a dark cult. Sea of Stars after becoming a god, but still wanders
Dama keeping an eye on things.
Sariph of the Book
Sariph was a Kadi sage in life, a wise woman of The Wolf, Renzo Dicacce
learning and an arch-sorcerer. It is said that secrets Renzo Dicacce, also called the Wolf, is a silent
of magic from the Age of Relics passed to her and hunter. At one time the younger son of a great
that she holds them in trust, contained within the house of Dulcine, he watched his nation fall to
great book of knowledge that is her symbol. Sariph destruction and the wilderness during the Long
is a patient Hero; it is said that during the Long Fury. Bitter and dark, he chose to adapt to the ways
Fury, she matched wits with the Master himself in of the wild to fight the Lords of Shadow. He is a rival
strategies that played out over centuries. Her power of Anderes Glorian — dark where the Shining Lord
is tempered by her insight – she realizes that no is bright, ruthless where Anderes is merciful. One of
matter how much she knows, she can never know the tenets of his teachings is that sometimes dark
absolutely everything. Her aspects are knowledge things must be done for the good of the
(especially magic) and patience; her symbol is a community. Although he has taken to the wild, the
book. She is portrayed as an elderly woman of Wolf is not a nature god. He is as comfortable in
Kadi'ma, holding an enormous book and wearing a cities as he is in the wild places (though cities might
stole striped in the five colors of magic (red, blue, not be comfortable with him). He is a particular
brown, white, and black – the four pure elements enemy of demons. His symbol, naturally enough, is
and Shadow). Sariph is the patron of sorcerers, a wolf. His aspects are hunting/wilderness and
sages, and any who seek knowledge. storms/cold. He is the patron of wanderers and
Sariph has very few public shrines. Instead, she explorers; those journeying through the wilderness
is represented as a mentor figure in shrines of make offerings to him rather than Isau Jabren.
Anderes Glorian or a guardian in libraries and other

Chapter 2: Gods of Dama

Although he cares little for worshippers who he never challenged the Master, neither did the
beg his aid (except in extreme circumstances), he Master interfere with him.
willingly accepts devotees who fight for Apos' motives are still a mystery. He has very
themselves. Weak in civilized places, his cult is few followers and even fewer priests, though those
strong in the wild. Like Anderes Glorian, the Wolf's who do take up his mantle are terrors. His aspects
cult has a martial arm — rangers are followers of are betrayal and murder. He is also the lord of the
the Wolf. His priests make their prayers at night. undead and all evil that has returned from beyond
the grave owes him some allegiance. What priests
The Lords of Shadow he has must offer a living sacrifice with their
prayers. Unlike other gods, Apos has no known
The Lords of Shadow may be referred to as a symbol. On rare occasions when he is portrayed, it
group, but they are far from unified in the way that is as a tall, bald man in long, ancient robes.
the Heroes of Light are. The Long Fury was marked
by shifting alliances between the Lords and while Muz of Darkglass
certain power blocks may be more solid than A master alchemist, Muz led the Darkglass clan
others, each Lord is primarily interested only in his of dwarves through the Long Fury. He is known as
or her own goals. The Lords are never worshipped the creator of monsters and is said to have been
in common, they have no specific shared ethos, and responsible for the creation of the dragonblood
their priests act only in their own interest. Just as potion that endowed dwarven sorcerers with their
followers of the Ethos do, however, the mortal powers of legend. When battles with the Heroes of
forces of darkness sacrifice to individual Lords in Light destroyed parts of his body, Muz replaced
time of need — the Lords are cruel gods and them with substitutes of magical metal and swore
demand constant appeasement. Indeed, it is not to keep fighting. His symbol is a silvery orb and his
entirely unknown for otherwise good people to try aspects are alchemy, creation, and revenge. He is
appeasing a Lord in particularly trying the patron of Clan Darkglass; sorcerers who revel in
circumstances. their mastery of the physical world also seek his
favor. His priests are always masters of some art
The Master (whether magic, alchemy, or simple smithing) and
Ultimately the most powerful of the Lords, the typically use their abilities to craft fantastic and
Master was the undisputed leader of the dwarves disturbing constructs. They worship him in the
during the Long Fury, uniting the fractious clans, afternoon. Muz is portrayed as a gaunt dwarf with
and is generally portrayed as a cloaked and hooded metal covering the left of his face, his left arm and
dwarf. No one has ever seen his face and no one hand, and right leg.
knows where he came from; no dwarven clan
acknowledges him as their own. He is a wizard of Kalthas of Steelwind
unimaginable power and is said to have created the The most infamous of the dwarven warlords
tattoo-binding rite that enabled the dwarves to during the Long Fury, Kalthas led hordes of
control their demonic armies. His schemes are demons, goblins, and dwarves in the decimating
subtle and treacherous. He is feared (rightly so) by sack of Tulmir that came to be known as Weeping's
Lord and Hero alike. The Long Fury was ultimately End. The passing of the Steelwind through the
brought to an end when the Heroes defeated him Middle Passage enroute to Tulmir also left that
and trapped him in a prison of jade. Although he is region twisted and haunted. He is the particular
bound, his priests are still active and keep the fear enemy of Radi Last. Kalthas is less the patron of evil
of him alive. He has only one aspect: magic. His warriors than the patron of leaders and
symbol is a twisted rune. His followers are typically commanders; his aspects are unquestioning duty
sorcerers who care only for power and unfettered and uncaring ambition. He is also the patron of Clan
knowledge. His priests pray to him at midnight. Steelwind. His symbol is a skull and he is depicted
as an armored dwarf bearing a huge hammer. His
Apos the Damned priests seldom hide their worship of him, making
In the Varman Age, Apos the Damned was a their prayers in the morning, just before noon.
priest of the old gods. It is widely believed that he There is nothing subtle in Kalthas' presence, though
struck the first blow of the Long Fury, turning his strategies and tactics are never less than
against his faith and killing his brother and sister brilliant.
priests. During the centuries of the Long Fury, he
hunted them relentlessly, seeking them in their Goldhand
refuges and murdering them all. His involvement Early in the Long Fury, a great champion of
with the other Lords seems to have been almost dwarven Clan Goldhand, possibly the greatest
accidental and always at his whim. It is possible that dwarven warrior who ever lived, was crippled. By
he may even be as powerful as the Master; though the craft of his clan (undisputed masters of

Chapter 2: Gods of Dama

metalwork) and the combined dark arts of Muz and Earthshaker

the Master, he was given new life in the body of a A dwarf imbued with the powers of earth,
metal giant. Their work was only partly successful. Earthshaker is one of the most personally powerful
Goldhand is a tremendously strong and lethal of the Lords in both physical strength and raw
fighter, but retains only fragments of his magical power. Relatively little is known about him
intelligence and memories. Even his personal name other than his devastating appearances on
has been lost and he is known only by his clan battlefields during the Long Fury and his alliances
name. During the Long Fury, other Lords were with various of the other Lords. Some storytellers
known to fight over control of him. Since its end, speculate that he was a creation, like Goldhand, of
Goldhand has vanished. Although the hero of Clan the Master, while other say that he is something
Goldhand, he cannot truly be considered its patron; much more, an elemental power in his own right
no one worships him and he has no priests. drawn to the side of Lords. It is generally believed,
Warriors will sometimes, however, make offerings however, that he is the patron of a secretive dwarf
to his memory and invoke his name in hopes of clan dwelling deep under Dama's surface. Shrines
channeling his ferocious skills. His symbol is an axe to his appeasement are sometimes found in dwarf
and he is depicted as a dwarf of enormous size, his cities, though, and are usually attended by stern,
skin and armor all in gold. battle-prone priests. Dwarven warriors often follow
him. His symbol is a stone; his aspects are earth,
Tafyd Ambros, the Blessed and Reborn anger, and combat. He is depicted as a dwarf with
Tafyd Ambros was the eternal king of Pryshydd, stone-like skin and dark eyes.
a wise and benevolent ruler who would return to
his country at irregular intervals in new incarnations Morbetta, the Queen of Chains
heralded by the Pryshyn Oracles. His last The island nation of Scurgrimme turned to
incarnation, however, coincided with the beginning raiding during the Long Fury, especially raiding for
of the Long Fury and the Lords of Shadow found slaves that could be sold to the dwarves. Morbetta
the child-king before the elders of Pryshydd. was the cruel queen of Scurgrimme and led her
Bending him to their will, they took control of people into a willing alliance with the forces of
Pryshydd through him — bound by the Oracles, the darkness. She became an enemy to freedom.
people of Pryshydd were forced to follow the Lords. Morbetta is the patron of oppressors of all varieties,
The name of Tafyd Ambros has become but especially slavers, raiders, and bandits. She is
synonymous with weakness and capitulation even portrayed as a tall warrior-woman with red hair and
among Pryshyns, though believers await his next armor hung about with the chains that are her
incarnation, certain that he will be redeemed. The symbol. Her aspects are the inflicting of fear,
symbol of Tafyd Ambros is a spiked crown; his captivity, and oppression. She seldom has priests as
aspects are fear and weakness. He has neither such, but grants her divine favor to those who are
followers nor priests. He is depicted as a pale boy of zealous in their worship of her.
about twelve years, dressed in black and wearing a
dark crown. Torment, First of the Fell
Although Eskikri is not literally the mother of
Eskikri, Matriarch of the Spider-Goblins the spider-goblins, Torment was the first of the fell
Once merely freaks in the service of goblin — the first to awaken to sentience in the
society, the spider-goblins proved resistant to the laboratories of dwarves while the dragonblood
plague unleashed against the goblin races by Mur potion was being developed and among the first
Eats-it-Raw late in the Long Fury. Although not whose progeny bred true. He embodies all of the
literally the mother of all spider-goblins, Eskikri was primal traits of the fell: self-loathing, madness, a
quick to take advantage of the situation and led her penchant for self-mutilation, and a fierce drive for
people to dominance over the goblin races. survival. Recognizing that only cooperation with
Freedom from servitude did not make her good, the dwarves would give him and his people a
however, and she sided first with the dwarves, then chance, he followed their orders until the fell were
struck out on her own after their fall at the end of able to find a place in the world. Over his life,
the Long Fury. She is the patron of the spider- however, the Scale Dream ultimately drove
goblins first and of other goblin races a distant Torment dangerously insane. Only the fell regard
second. Nothing else concerns her. Her symbol is a Torment as something of a hero, yet even they
spider and her aspects are power and cunning. acknowledge that he wrapped himself too thickly in
Much like Besirith Irosal, she is the living god-queen shadow to be considered part of the light. He is
of her people on Dama. She is depicted as a goblin- portrayed as a figure with the body of a strong
spider of unusual size and fierce aspect, a strand of human, the head, claws, and tail of a rat, and the
web drawn between her hands. eyes and horns of a true dragon. His symbol is a

Chapter 2: Gods of Dama

scarred scale. His aspects are madness and pain, but as beautiful as Arlora Irosal. In fact, tradition says
also hope. that Sharahz is the child of Jev Thorn and Besirith
Torment has two cults that follow him. One cult Irosal, a human-elf half-breed and half-sister to the
worships him in his aspects of madness and pain; Dragon Queen. This has never been substantiated
they are generally lunatics and draw followers from (if it was true, Sharahz would be the only known
all the races. Priests of this cult pray at night before instance of such breeding between species).
a fire. The other cult exists only among the fell, who Sharahz always played the role of the innocent, but
revere Torment as a fallen hero and a tragic figure. in fact she was the most intelligent and treacherous
Priests of this cult also pray at night but before of the Lords, a special student of the Master. Her
beautiful candles. aspects are cruelty and manipulation; her symbol is
a scepter. Her favor is sought out by those who
Breaker, Scourge of Sorcerers wish to seize hidden power and influence (in this
Breaker was an ogre endowed by the Master she is an enemy of Kalthas of Steelwind, who
with tremendous power and the ability to resist the believes in wielding power openly). Like Jev Thorn,
effects of magic — he was a living weapon she has devoted followers rather than priests. They
intended to fight the sorcerers that joined in the pray before mirrors, but take care to never reveal
resistance. Tales persist that the Master had some themselves — who would trust the follower of such
hold over him — surely he would not otherwise a deceiver?
have given Breaker power that could resist his own.
Breaker is portrayed as an ogre of enormous size Those Who Stood Apart
wielding an iron morningstar. His aspects are
persistence and hatred. He is revered both by those Naturally, the worshippers of Those Who Stood
who loathe magic and sorcerers and by goblins and Apart do not share a connection with each other or
ogres, who see him as a counter to Eskikri (indeed, with the Heroes or Lords. The teachings and goals
no love was ever lost between Breaker and the of Besirith Irosal and Mur Eats-it-Raw are their own
magic-wielding matriarch). His symbol is a and are usually focused. They may work with
morningstar. Priests who follow him pray in the Heroes or conceivably with Lords, but it is under
harsh sun of noon. their own terms. Their "priests" maintain their own
traditions as well.
Jev Thorn
A man of Varmanhow, Jev Thorn was gifted Besirith Irosal
with supernatural powers of grace and persuasion. Proud and cold, the god-queen of the cold
He was the great seducer and a great musician. He elves has ruled her people at least since the height
drew many people to the cause of darkness, but his of the Varman Age. She is the paragon of the rigid,
greatest conquest was the icy queen of the cold formal cold elves; over time, she has also come to
elves, Besirith Irosal —while she dallied with Jev be identified with the moon. She is always depicted
Thorn, the armies of Illirisen stood idle and the in formalized style as an elf queen of harsh beauty.
hordes of the dwarves threw down Varmanhow. He Her aspects are ice, control, and ritual. Her only
is both the consummate bard and the consummate followers are cold elves who worship her at
assassin, charming but deadly. He is depicted a numerous small public shrines throughout Illirisen.
handsome man with dark hair and bearing a viol. Her priests are her handmaidens; they pray each
His symbol is a crescent moon; his aspects are day at moonrise. She is also served by a martial
music, passion/seduction, and death. Many people order similar to Anderes Glorian's paladins but cold
(even those who follow the Ethos) secretly sacrifice and unyielding.
to Jev Thorn in the belief that their worship of him
will enhance their own abilities of charm. His priests Mur Eats-it-Raw
pray in the evening. It is said that at the end of the An orc shaman and warrior, Mur is at one with
Long Fury, he was stripped of his powers, horribly nature. He is wild and unconquerable, fighting both
scarred, and left to wander Dama as a mere human. dark and light with equal vigor if they get in his
He has no priests as such, but those devoted to him way. He is something of a trickster. During the Long
often lure others to his service. Fury, he did fight against the Lords, the dwarves,
and their goblin and demon servants, recognizing
Sharahz the Flawless that they would destroy him if he did not destroy
The envoy of the Lords of Shadow, she served them. He tends to think before he acts, however.
as an advisor to countless courts throughout the His attacks on the Lords sometimes interfered with
Long Fury, each time betraying them to the the battles of the Heroes of Light (or vice versa, if
dwarves or leading them into folly and ruin. She is a orc tales are to be believed), and his unleashing of a
master shapechanger, though her natural form is plague against the goblin races gave the dangerous
that of a stunningly beautiful woman, possibly even spider-goblins their chance at ascendancy. All orcs

Chapter 2: Gods of Dama

revere him (although they also revere heroes within

their tribes, even tribal heroes are acknowledged to
have followed Mur) and is imitated by a loose cult
of shamans who pray at dusk. Certain dedicated
warriors follow him as well and in fact Mur's rangers
and the Wolf's rangers often get along fairly well.
Mur is depicted as a big, bold, cunning orc with a

The Dark Mother of Waters

Often referred to only as 'the Mother', the god of
the eldwitches is ancient and, to those who do not
worship her, seems largely withdrawn from the
world. Eldwitches, however, claim that her voice
can be heard in all things. Although not a kind
mother, she can be harsh. Her eldwitches, scattered
across Dama, see themselves as guardians of the
natural order and balance of the world. There is
division among them as to exactly what this means:
some believe it means that the sanctity of the
wilderness must be protected, while others believe
it means that the natural balance between the
needs of the world and the needs of the races
inhabiting it are what is important. The Mother and
the eldwitches tend to have the most influence on
the edges of civilization and in the wilderness,
though even here that isn't much. Eldwitchen
worship takes place at night, ideally under an open
sky and/or with some reflective surface. The Mother
is very seldom depicted in art, but when she is, it is
as a woman's face formed from the night sky.

Chapter 3: Races of Dama

Races of Dama distinct written form) but literacy is a relatively rare

gift among humans.
Unfettered by the bonds of land and time Dwarves
experienced by the orcs and elves, humans have The dwarves of Dama are wicked, greedy, and
always experienced an intense curiosity and cruel. The dwarven personality is brilliant and
wanderlust. They spread out of their southern tenacious, but basically vile and nasty. Essentially,
homelands very early in the history of Dama – so dwarves believe they are destined to rule the world.
early that any ties to the south are less than myth in Their ties to their clan are strong, an in-grained
human minds. Those who concern themselves with loyalty that is really the only reason dwarves are any
such things imagine that migration to the Boken threat at all and also the only reason the clans do
Domains occurred in roughly four or five waves. not unite again as a single overwhelming force.
The oldest brought the ancestors of Scurgrimme Dwarves are squat and broad with a general
and Skerys north and west around the Boken Sea. A style that is both militaristic and influenced by the
second wave brought migrants who would split importance of sorcerers in their culture – mystic
into northern and southern branches – the former symbolism, severe cuts, and dark colors are
going around the Boken Sea to settle in what would common, as are tattoos. Dwarves get along with
become Dulcine, the latter settling the southern those who are willing to acknowledge their
Boken coast. A third wave related to the second superiority: in other words, the goblin races and
came along later and settled at the end of the enslaved demons. Non-dwarves who both respect
Boken to become the Pryshyns. The forth migration them and win their respect are accepted
brought the nomad inhabitants of the southlands grudgingly; the raiders of Scurgrimme are a good
into contact with the peoples on the southern coast example. Dwarves of the individual clans exhibit
of the Boken; their mingling gave rise to the some diversity in appearance, but there is
ancestors of the Dub. The fifth wave, if it is counted, remarkably little within any given clan. Clan
is that which brought the ancestors of the Kadi up Steelwind tends to heavier and stronger, favoring
from the Dalhu Coast. black both in their dress and in the color of their
The traditions and physical appearance of the hair (leading some to speculate that they dye their
humans of Dama, whether from the Boken Domains hair and beards). Clan Darkglass is paler in coloring,
or elsewhere, varies greatly and can best be broken dressing in garments of leather and ornately
down by nation (see Around the Boken Sea above). worked metal; unlike other clans, they shave their
All humans, however, tend to share a certain heads and go bald. Clan Goldhand shows off its
restlessness and a greater ability to break with wealth with brightly colored clothes of elaborate
tradition than any other race. cut.
Most humans also speak the same language, Dwarves speak their own guttural language;
regardless of where they're from, a legacy of the many read and write it as well. Sorcerers and certain
Long Fury and a need to communicate effectively in military commanders among them often speak the
the struggle for survival. Many humans seldom foul tongue of demons.
even give their common tongue a second thought,
but they are in fact speaking Varman. This isn't the Elves
only human language still spoken, however:
Scurran and Grimman speak Skaer, a thick and Cold Elves
harsh language; Pryshyn is the language of Truly cold only in their demeanor, cold elves
Pryshydd, never spoken to outsiders though the are chill, distant, stiff, and haughty. Their society is
Pryshyn Oracles have been known to issue their quiet and rigid. They have no plans to dominate the
prophecies in any language; and Feigen is a rapid- world or even to expand beyond their scattered
fire street language spoken among the lower enclaves. They contemplate the night sky and drink
classes of Dubfeich. Of highly limited utility is High dark wine made from the sap of trees, letting the
Skeryn, a rich, rolling tongue used only in formal rest of world go its way. Extremely long lived, it
situations among the nobles and scholars of Skerys. seems that some cold elves may actually be
In fact, it is virtually identical to Skaer and immortal — according to some schools of thought
storytellers know many humorous tales that revolve among the elves, it matters little that their territory
around Skeryn ladies being addressed in the rudest has shrunk to the borders of Illirisen as the cold
of terms by Scuran raiders. It should be noted that elves will come to rule the world simply by
many strange dialects exist along the Middle outlasting all other races. In a way, cold elves are
Passage – every thing is tainted in the lost lands. bound by time to timelessness. Once they tend to
Varman, Pryshyn, and High Skeryn/Skaer exist in settle in a place or on a way of doing things, it's
written forms (as do fragments of older languages
from the Age of Relics; Feigen, however, has no

Chapter 3: Races of Dama

almost impossible to move them away from that the outrageous (though seldom impractical). A
way or place. dawn elf enclave is a wild place, full of color and
There are those cold elves who take a music. Many dawn elves speak Elvish, though with a
somewhat different view. Although they still distinct clipped accent, and take delight in making
believe that elves are above other races and should cold elves uncomfortable by speaking Elvish
keep to themselves, they also know that Illirisen around them.
needs some contact with the outside world. Since It should be noted that while dawn elves
that world cannot be allowed into Illirisen, these frequently and joyfully take lovers among humans
elves go or are sent out into it. Departure from and orcs, the three species cannot reproduce
Illirisen is almost always reluctant; cold elves are among themselves and mating does not produce
generally genuinely happy with affairs as they offspring.
stand. They seldom get along well with other races
(especially dawn elves) but never show it. Fell
Cold elves are pale – their hair ranges from ash When the dwarves were experimenting with
blonde to white to pale silver, while their eyes are the fabled dragonblood potion that gave their
pale blue, grey, or faded violet. In build, they are sorcerers the power to summon demon hordes,
somewhat taller than humans, but much lighter. It they often fed their concoctions to animals and
seems that passion is unknown to the cold elves. slaves in their laboratories. Over time, some test
Even in their art and pastimes, they prefer activities subjects were changed by these potions, most
that follow clear patterns and rules. Most of the frequently into short-lived abominations. In a tiny
time they dress in simple clothing of light colors, number of test subjects, however, the changes
but chose ornate costumes for formal occasions. were subtle but powerful and stable. Dwarves
Cold elves speak Elvish, a relentlessly formal and nurtured these beings and sometimes bred them
liquid language that most believe should be spoken together. Out of the laboratories of the dwarves
exclusively by cold elves. Addressing a cold elf in emerged a peculiar, tortured race: the fell. Initially
her own tongue is insulting. Although they may employed by dwarves as expendable troops, the
seem passionless, cold elves do not hesitate to fell came to resent their enslavement. When the
march to war; they are precise and merciless opportunity came, many fell defected to the forces
warriors. of light and fought their former masters.
Today fell are rare but generally recognized as
Dawn Elves a civilized species, though not everyone trusts
When Arlora Irosal left her mother and Illirisen to them. The Heroes, however, accept fell as
stand with Anderes Glorian and the forces of light, worshippers. Fell generally fall into the
she did more than reject her own immortality: she underclasses of any given city. They do not form
redeemed all of those elves who followed her. their own nations and generally live in the cities of
Embracing all the fire of life that cold elves deny, others where they can blend in and hide, struggling
dawn elves are lively, energetic, daring, and in the face of a destiny that has dealt them a harsh
passionate. Dawn elves do not typically form large hand. They speak their own language, a rattling,
communities but often dwell among other races hissing tongue. The Fell language has a crude
(although in some areas, small tribes of dawn elves written form known as Fellsign, but it is generally
are not unknown). Creatures of little patience, dawn used only for scratching short messages and
elves are always active. They get along well with warnings.
virtually all races save dwarves and goblins – even Fell combine features of the three races that
orcs admit to a grudging respect for dawn elves. begat their species: dragons, lab rats, and humans
Dawn elves have a tremendous competitive streak, (or humanoids of some kind). Most fell have a
but are seldom poor losers or poor winners; they humanoid shape of medium-size, with only a few
compete for the joy of it and immerse themselves ratlike and draconic features. They tend to be lean
in life. and lightly-built, with sparse hair (if any), and
The change from cold elf to dawn elf isn't just a delicate scales covering most of their body (lending
matter of attitude. It is a real, physical change. a light, multi-colored shimmer to their skin). Their
Dawn elves age and die like any other race, eyes are large and luminous eyes, shining in the
although they remain somewhat longer lived (rare dark like a cat's. Their features are usually pinched
dawn elves live to about twice the lifespan of a and slightly elongated; their ears are long, pointed,
human). They are sturdier than cold elves. Their and usually slightly scalloped. Older fell often
eyes are usually dark, but bright, and their skin develop small horns, crests, and other bony
tanned from time spent outdoors. Their natural hair growths. A delicate, low crest runs down their spine
color is usually light, but dawn elves frequently dye (it causes no discomfort under clothes). Fell have
it almost any color. Piercings and tattoos are long, delicate fingers tipped with claws, sharp
common among them and their clothing tends to teeth, and powerful jaws. Very rarely, fell are born

Chapter 3: Races of Dama

with extremes of appearance, from intelligent rats unintentionally over untold centuries of natural
with brassy scales to huge beings with the bulk of selection — as warriors. Whether they might ever
dragons and the intellect of rodents. All fell are (or eventually) have become the leaders of the
extraordinarily tough and can pass unscathed goblin races is debatable. Ogres are big, larger than
through raging fires. the largest orc, and massively strong. There's
All fell share in what they call the Scale Dream: nothing spindly about them. They don't have their
when a fell dreams, he dreams the memories of the smaller cousins' abilities to fold themselves or creep
extinct great dragons, including the sensation of along walls, but they are still remarkably fast. By
flying (ironically, no matter what draconic features and large, however, they are no smarter than
fell develop, they never have wings). The Scale goblins, though somewhat more difficult to
Dream is a curse and blessing on fell. It haunts frighten into submission. They’re still mean and
them, but provides great pleasure and insight. vicious. If anything, they're even hungrier than
Some fell have been known to escape into the Scale goblins.
Dream whenever they can, leading to addiction. At That hunger is one thing that keeps their
the same time, fell who explore the Scale Dream numbers in check (it's hard to feed too many ogres
often come away from it with remarkable in one place). The other is the aftereffects of the Bile
understanding and hints of the future or the past. Plague unleashed against the goblin races by Mur
Eats-it-Raw. Ogres were most susceptible to this
Goblin Races plague and their numbers were so depleted that
Before and during the Long Fury, the goblin they are still recovering; in addition, they remain
races were the troops and servants of the dwarves. susceptible to it and tend to die off if the plague
Ancient tales are divided on whether the goblins resurfaces in an area. Few things frighten an ogre
were created by the dwarves in some distant past more than the genuine threat of the Bile Plague.
or whether they have always lived in the
underground of Dama and were simply enslaved by Spider-goblins
the dwarves. The question is really of no If ogres came into being as warriors, spider-
importance — goblins exist as a plague on the goblins were originally servants, freaks to be hidden
other peoples of Dama. Although they once lived away in the corners of goblin clan holdings. They
underground, they now make their homes mostly are taller than ordinary goblins, as tall as a human,
among mountains. All the goblin races speak and spindly as a cold elf. Their limbs are long and
Dwarven. gangly. In fact, they have an extra pair of limbs, a
second set of arms extending from their torso. Their
Goblins fingers are long and tipped with delicate needle-
The base stock of the goblin races, goblins are like claws. They are the hairiest of the goblins, with
small folk (maybe two-thirds the height of a human, long, coarse hair growing all over their faces and in
but constantly hunched over) with thin but wiry manes down their backs. For ages they were
bodies. Their skin is black — not black in the way of considered fit for nothing more than menial tasks,
a Kadi human, but black like the darkness beneath but then came the Long Fury and eventually the
the ground. Their eyes are large and long whiskers Bile Plague.
not unlike a cat's sprout from their face. They are To the surprise of all, spider-goblins proved
extremely flexible, can fold themselves to slide both immune to the Bile Plague and naturally adept
through small holes, and have the ability to creep at magic, a hidden talent they had nurtured in
along walls and ceilings. They are remarkably fast. secret for a very long time. Led by Eskikri, the
Goblins are mean and nasty, always hungry spider-goblins quickly assumed dominance over
and always vicious. Fortunately, they aren't the goblin races and even threw off the yoke of the
especially bright and smarter beings can usually dwarves. Their control of the goblin races is
cow the majority of them into submission. Tougher somewhat precarious at best, however — as the
goblins cow their lessers as well and take the goblin population recovered from the Bile Plague,
position of chief within the loose clans that make ordinary goblins quickly came to outnumber
up goblin society (there are so many of these clans spider-goblins once more. Goblins are not always
and their membership is so fluid, that naming them found with spider-goblin leaders, nor are spider-
is virtually impossible). There are no known goblin goblins always found with goblin (or ogre)
sorcerers — spider-goblins kill them as soon as they followers. Spider-goblins tend to be unbelievably
are discovered. haughty and arrogant, but with good reason —
they are dangerous.
Ogres are the largest of the goblin races and Half-folk
there is good argument that they were bred — The half-folk of Dama are a troubled race,
deliberately through dwarven intervention or deeply scarred by the catastrophic events of

Chapter 3: Races of Dama

Weeping's End, the horrific rape of the lush river- speak the language shared by the other races of
country of Tulmir by the horde led by Kalthas of Dama — they don't speak it because there was no
Steelwind. Over the span of about a century, nine pressure during the Long Fury to learn it. In fact,
out of ten half-folk were tortured, starved, or killed orcs have a richer oral culture than any other race or
out right by the dwarves, their goblins, and their nation. Those few storytellers who have learned
demons. Orcish and befriended orc lorekeepers have been
No other race has been so deeply affected by startled to discover that orc tales claim to recall
the Long Fury. A half-folk's mood can change events from the Varman Age well prior to the Long
suddenly from happy and carefree to sober, serious, Fury.
and hard. If there is a word to sum up half-folk, it is Most orcs are somewhat larger and stronger
"survivor." Half-folk very seldom seek to stir up than humans. Their skin tones range across various
trouble, but they react to it swiftly. No one has ever shades of grey-green, colors that blend in with their
seen a half-folk cry in pain or sorrow since the Long northern wilderness homes. Their hair is thick and
Fury. The harsh lesson of Weeping's End has taught almost always black except in old age. Their
half-folk to enjoy what they have now, because features are coarse and their teeth large, their lower
tomorrow it could be taken away. They tend to canines sometimes protruding like tusks. This
have less attachment to material things and give feature, combined with broad, flattish, upturned
gifts freely, but they love tales and experiences. noses have led humans to traditionally compare
Family is extremely important to half-folk and them to pigs. Naturally, orcs find this very insulting.
bonds of loyalty tie them tightly to friends as well as Overall, orcs have a penchant for marking their
relatives. bodies, though certain traditions are stronger
After the Long Fury, half-folk spread among certain tribes (tattooing among Bearstalkers
throughout Dama, but the largest numbers are still for example). It has been suggested that dawn elves
to be found in their traditional homelands in the learned this practice from orcs.
east. There are few half-folk to be found in Orcs generally live in semi-permanent camps or
Pryshydd, however — they still nurse a grudge villages of limited size scattered across their tribal
toward that nation for its role in Weeping's End. territories — they practice limited agricultural and
Where they are found elsewhere, they often form live mainly from hunting, so this dispersed lifestyle
small, protective enclaves. Half-folk have natural is well suited to their way of life. Tribes whose
talents for working with their hands and with territory butts up against each other typically fight
plants; there are many half-folk artisans, herbalists, as much as any human nation; they tolerate most
brewers, and winemakers. Half-folk have their own travelers in a like manner. Most orcs tend to stick
language, though much of their lore was lost within their tribal territory (the orc lifestyle tends to
during the Long Fury. satisfy most cases of wanderlust), but occasionally
True to their name, half-folk stand about half as an orc will strike off on his or her own.
tall as a human and tend to be somewhat slim and The bonds orcs feel for their tribal territory are
athletic in build. Their hair is usually curly and black more than just fanciful loyalty — or at least they
or dark brown and their eyes dark. Their skin ranges were. Tales say that long ago, orc tribes were
from pale tan-white to nut brown — half-folk literally joined to their territory in an unbreakable
describe themselves as almond colored and union, hence the reason that orcs tended to remain
almonds are a rare symbol of happiness and fortune in the north close to their original homelands.
among them. Sometime close to the beginning of the Long Fury,
Mur Eats-it-Raw broke those bonds, freeing the orcs
Orcs to spread to the south. The tale is widely held to be
Among those who don't know them, orcs have true, though it doesn't explain the presence of the
a reputation as savage and stupid. This is simply not Stone Knives in the distant southern mountains.
true. Orcs are fierce fighters, raised from the cradle Orcs continue to feel a connection to the land and
on tales of heroism and struggle. They have a close the countless, mostly benign spirits that they
bond to the land, living with it in a way of life that believe inhabit it. Small rituals of veneration and
has served them well since the ancient times before propitiation fill orc culture while significant events
the Age of Relics. Their culture (or rather cultures, are marked by larger, more elaborate rites and
since each orc tribe has their own traditions) is feasts.
strange to most humans partly because the orc
experience of the Long Fury was different — just as Of Other Races: Dragons and Demons
Mur Eats-it-Raw stood apart from the Heroes of There are two other "races" of beings in Dama,
Light, so did the orc tribes most of the time (though though they share very little in common with the
they sometimes allied with the forces of the true races of the world.
resistance to fight the dwarven hordes). Orcs are Since the Long Fury, dragons have been
seen as stupid, for example, because many do not nothing more than vicious, powerful beasts. During

Chapter 3: Races of Dama

the Varman Age and before, however, they were be known to dwarf sorcerers. When they have not
mighty creatures of great intelligence, though fairly been summoned to Dama, demons dwell in
rare. Storytellers say that elder dragons would teach Shadow, battling each other in the haunted night.
their ways to younger dragons, raising up a new
generation. Once the dwarves discovered their
dragonblood potion, however, the elder dragons
were hunted down without mercy — only they had
blood potent enough to create the potion.
Attempts were made to raise younger dragons in
captivity in hopes that their blood would grow
stronger with time, but the experiment failed,
almost as if the knowledge passed from elder to
younger dragon was the catalyst for power.
Without elder dragons to teach them, the race of
dragons faltered. The lesser dragons of the modern
age are still dangerous, cunning predators, but the
magic-wielding wyrms of the Varman Age are no
more and are remembered only by storytellers and
in the Scale Dream of the fell.
Dragons vary in form, but the great scaled
beasts generally have four legs, wings, a long whip-
like tail, a sinuous neck, and the ability to breathe
out some horrible substance. Dragonbreath varies
greatly, but common forms are noxious poison,
fierce fire, or cutting, venomous cold.
Demons, on the other hand, are something
that most people of Dama wish would fade into
memory. Legends say that sorcerers have
summoned demons for untold ages, but never
lightly — sorcerers of old never summoned more
than one demon at a time and always kept them
under tight control. Dragonblood potion, however,
gave dwarven sorcerers the power to summon
many demons at once, while the tattoo-binding
ritual devised by the Master bound them almost
completely to the will of the summoner. Dwarves
made such extensive use of demon soldiers in their
hordes during the Long Fury that it seems
something has happened: the walls between Dama
and the land of Shadow where demons dwell has
stretched thin. Virtually any sorcerer willing to pay
the price can now summon demons, and demons,
as if somehow broken to the leash of command,
have become easier for a sorcerer to control. There
are even tales of demons drawn into Dama without
being summoned or of demons surviving in
wilderness ruins since the Long Fury. Certainly
dwarves still make use of demon servants. Though
they may not appear in the great numbers they did
during the Long Fury, even a few demons of
middling power are a horror.
The many types of demons are well-
documented. Most seem to have an affinity for
some element or substance and appear as twisted,
bestial humanoid monsters sculpted out of the
thing of their affinity. Fire demons are common, but
frost demons, stone demons, venom demons, and
blade demons are not unusual in story or
experience, while even more esoteric demons may

Chapter 4: Magic of Dama

Magic of Dama becoming a risk to themselves. There is

nothing to prevent a sorcerer from learning the
Magic is an uncooperative force. Sorcerers secrets of more than one order except that
experience magic as a cold, rushing force that some of those orders guard their secrets
resists efforts to control it. Sometimes they find jealously, while other secrets are simply
the words of their spells twisting as they speak incompatible.
them. Sometimes magic escapes from their
control, leaving them numbed with cold. Those The Power of Prayer
sorcerers who have taken the time to research Priestly magic is inherently limited by the
the nature of magic say that it comes to Dama outlook of the relevant god. Priests seldom see
like a wind from beyond the stars. this as a weakness — if they didn't agree with
Those priests and holy warriors who have the outlook of their god, they wouldn't have
the ability to work magic claim a completely dedicated themselves to him or her in the first
different experience. Their magic likewise place. Some gods allow a wide range of spells
comes to them from the stars, but in a gentler to their priests but require adherence to a strict
form. Wrapped in the embrace of their god — if code of behavior. Others may require only
they follow a Hero — magic flows through minimal obedience on the part of their priests,
them with ease. If a priest follows one of the but allow only a select number of spells or
Lords, magic may burn and crackle, but it still grant their priests only certain powers.
Many priests and ordinary people have Tellers of Tales
come to the obvious conclusion: sorcerous Popular folklore holds a special place for
magic is not a true part of Dama and should storytellers, but the true storyteller of Dama is a
not be trusted. Sorcerers, or at least those who rare being gifted with mysterious abilities. Not
survive their own magic, disagree. There is no all are truly tellers of tales, nor are all truly
difference between priestly and sorcerous wanderers, but they are generally inclined to a
magic, they say, only in the way sorcerers and rootless life and to aiding those in need.
priests deal with the flowing power. Priests Storytellers form a third group of magic
experience magic as filtered through their god. workers among the good people of Dama, at
Sorcerers experience the raw power directly. once more popular than either sorcerers or
priests may be persuaded by this argument but priests but at the same time more
ordinary people still regard sorcerers with mysterious—storytellers are often tasked with
suspicion. doing the Heroes work whether they want to or
not. No one chooses to become a storyteller—
Orders of Sorcery the gift is put upon them.
Unfortunately, philosophy doesn't help
sorcerers control their magic to any greater Magic and Enchanted Objects
degree. Some sorcerers, however, have Although the tales of storytellers might be
discovered that there are certain secrets and full of magic rings, swords, and armor, the truth
techniques that can. A sorcerer who learns and of the matter is that such things are very
embraces these secrets, commonly referred to difficult to craft. Both sorcerous and priestly
as orders (though they may not call themselves magic require a living will to shape them and
such), may find his ability to work magic placing such magic into an item that may
enhanced but at the cost of limits in other outlast its maker is very difficult. Frequently it's
aspects of his magic. even deadly. Neither sorcerers nor priests
The Order of the Mantle, for instance, undertake the creation of enchanted items
studies the tales of the Hero Sariph of the Book without very good reason. Most of the
and sorcerers who join this tiny order learn enchanted items in Dama truly are the stuff of
abilities of foresight and far reaching power, legends and have long histories of passing
but also become priests and serve the interests through the world.
of Sariph. Other orders teach secrets of Simple items of limited power are much
necromancy, fighting demons, or fire magic. easier to make, however. Potions, for instance,
Sorcerers may join an order at any time, though are not terribly uncommon, especially the
most do so only after they have reached a point simplest kinds.
when they feel they cannot progress any
further in their study of magic without

Section 2:
Chapter 5: Character Races
Chapter 6: Skills, Hindrances, Edges
Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds
Chapter 8: Gear
Chapter 5: Character Races

Character Races Elves

Cold Elves
Cold elves have the advantages of Agile
Character creation in Dama follows the and Low Light Vision as described in the
pattern as described in Savage Worlds. The Savage Worlds rulebook. Notoriously distant
races available to characters in Dama vary, and haughty, they suffer the Outsider
naturally. For cultural and physical details of hindrance.
the various races, see Chapter 3: Races of Dama.
• Unaging: once they have reached
Races which are not listed below
adulthood (at around 100 years), cold elves
(specifically dwarves and the goblin races) are
do not age in any appreciable way until
not available as character choices.
they are extremely old. Cold elves may not
Languages: numerous languages are
take the Elderly hindrance.
spoken and written in the Boken Domains of
Dama. A character's race determines what • Languages: all cold elves both speak and
languages he speaks and reads initially. are literate in Elvish. Cold elf characters
Literacy and facility with other languages are have also learned to speak and read
gained through Edges (all of which overlap). Varman before leaving Illirisen.
• For followers of the Ethos, Arcane
Dawn Elves
Background (Miracles) grants literacy in
Dawn elves also have the advantages of
Agile and Low Light Vision.
• Rich and Noble grant literacy in one
• Can't Sit Still: dawn elves are caught up in
language that the character speaks (Noble
the pageant of life and remaining inactive
characters do not receive an additional
is difficult. A dawn elf always wants to be
language for also being Rich).
doing something, preferably something
• Scholar and Wizard grant literacy in two lively. They don't take unnecessarily stupid
languages, one of which can be a language risks, but they do tend to live fast lives and
the character does not speak. frequently suffer the consequences (Can't
• Investigator grants literacy in one Sit Still can be considered a minor variation
language that the character speaks or the on the Curious or Overconfident
ability to speak an additional language. hindrances).
• Dreamwalker grants facility and literacy to • Languages: dawn elves speak both Elvish
fell in one of a number of possible and Varman. They are not literate in either
languages. language unless they have an appropriate
• Polyglot and Booklearned deal with Edge.
language facility and literacy directly. See
Edges in Chapter 6. Fell
Note that in cases where characters are While fell can vary in appearance, it is
indicated to be bilingual (ie. characters from recommended that player fell stay within the
Pryshydd speak both Varman and Pryshyn), it is humanoid model for size and shape.
entirely possible that many average people • Low Light Vision: fell see very well in the
speak only the minority language if they are dark.
isolated and do not travel.
• Tough: fell are hardy folk and receive an
initial Vigor of d6 instead of d4
• Dragon Blood: fell have supernatural
The humans of Dama are treated as
resistance to fire or fiery effects and receive
described in the Savage Worlds rulebook.
a +2 bonus to Toughness when resisting
• Languages: all human characters speak damage from fire or smoke inhalation.
Varman. In addition, characters from They take no extra damage from a burning
Scurgrimme speak Skaer, those from the weapon.
upper classes of Skerys speak High Skeryn,
• Outsider: while they might not be
those from Pryshydd speak Pryshyn, and
uncommon in large cities, fell are not well
those from the lower classes of Dubfeich
accepted in most company (even the
speak Feigen. No human is literate in
lowest of human scum tends to feel they
Varman or any other language unless they
can look down on fell). Outside of cities, fell
have an appropriate Edge.
are sometimes treated as servants of the

Chapter 5: Character Races

• Scale Dream: the memories of dragons some quest assigned by an orc shaman, is
that surface in all fell haunt their dreams required to restore the favor of the spirits.
for good or ill. This psychic turmoil means • Languages: all orcs speak Orc, but only
they draw one less bennie per game characters who have left their tribes for
session. For fell who delve into their contact with other races speak Varman
dreams, however, the Scale Dream can also (and even then often with a thick accent)
be a benefit (see the Dreamwalker weird and may be literate in it if they have an
edge). appropriate Edge. It is not possible to be
• Languages: fell speak both Fell and literate in Orc as it has no written form.
Varman. They are able to "read" Fellsign
but are not literate in any other language
unless they have an appropriate Edge.

The half-folk of Dama have identical
abilities to those described in the Savage
Worlds rulebook, but the rationale behind
them is altered slightly (although Small is still
• Survivor's Luck: half-folk of Dama still
gain the benefit of Luck. This reflects their
awareness of, and willingness to seize,
desperate opportunities that others might
not be aware of.
• Hardened: half-folk of Dama also begin
with d6 Spirit instead of d4, reflecting a
strength of will that refuses to be crushed.
• Languages: half-folk speak and are literate
in their own language. Any half-folk in the
Boken Domains (though not necessarily in
Tulmir) also speak Varman, though they
are literate in it only if they have an
appropriate Edge.

Orcs in Dama are not monsters. Although
the orc and orc chieftain presented in the
Savage Worlds rulebook can be used in
encounters without alteration (save to their
attitude; orcs take prisoners as frequently as
any other race), player orcs are created with the
following abilities:
• Strong: orcs begin with d6 Strength
instead of d4.
• Wilderness Lore: orcs receive a free d6 in
the Survival skill.
• Favor of the Land: belief in spirits and the
need to keep them happy is deeply rooted
in orcs. Whether truly spiritual or just going
through the motions, all orcs have their
little rituals. This amounts to a cultural
Quirk that other races regard as
superstition. So do some orcs, but an orc
who ignores this tradition tends to find
himself on a streak of bad luck—once per
game session, the gamemaster draws a
bennie specifically to be used against the
hero. A significant ritual, possibly involving
Chapter 6: Skills, Hindrances, Edges

Skills, Hindrances, Edges Slave to Da (Minor)

Prerequisite: Pryshyn
The force of Da rides you, plaguing you
Skills with visions of the future. These are never
Of the Skills listed in Savage Worlds, only happy visions and range from minor accidents
Piloting has no place in Dama. All other Skills to full-scale catastrophes. They don't always
work as expected. Note that Driving applies come to pass, but they do so frequently
only to wagons and carriages and Shooting enough that you know they're real.
only to bows. Dama has no guns. Whenever you wake from sleep, including
Language is not a Skill. A character who an Incapacitated state, make a Spirit roll. If you
speaks or reads a language does so fail, you wake up screaming with the full
automatically in most circumstances, although knowledge that something bad is going to
their ability might be hampered by other happen. What that may be is up to the
conditions (roll Notice to hear a conversation or gamemaster; what you do about it is up to you.
read an obscured inscription). A character who At the gamemaster's discretion, you may
does not speak a language may attempt to suffer these effects under a condition other
understand someone or convey a basic than waking: your visions may visit you when
concept by making a Smarts roll with a –2 you stare too long into a fire or look into still
modifier (-4 if you can't see the person you're water. Only one condition will provoke the
trying to talk to; body language is important). visions, however.
A character who is not literate in a
language they speak may attempt to read Tainted (Major)
simple words in it by likewise making a Smarts Something is just not quite right with this
rolls at –2; it is not possible to read a language character and other people can sense it—she
you do not speak without at least some might be the nicest person in the world, but
training. A character who is literate in and/or the character simply exudes "wrongness."
speaks a language may attempt to read or Strangers are always willing to believe the
communicate in variations of it with a Smarts worst of the character and even friends will
roll, modified for situation (ie. a Scholar with an have nagging misgivings. She will be blamed
appropriate background might receive +2 to for crimes and held responsible for accidents
read a scroll written in ancient Varman). (the character likely had a very rough
childhood). Common belief ascribes this
Hindrances wrongness to some heritage from the Long
Two Hindrances listed in Savage Worlds Fury—maybe even demonic blood—and it is
aren't appropriate for Dama: All Thumbs (the not uncommon among people who have
technology of Dama is not so advanced that immigrated from the twisted lands of the
even an orc barbarian can't figure it out) and Middle Passage. The character has a –2 penalty
Doubting Thomas (strange and supernatural to Charisma in addition to the roleplaying
things are everywhere in Dama—"not believing effects described above. On the other hand,
in them" is just not an option). Tainted also grants +2 to Intimidation rolls.

Hindrances from other products Edges

Some Edges described in Savage Worlds
Other Savage Worlds books are a great are not available or work differently in Dama.
source for Hindrances that are also appropriate Obviously Edges that are dependent on more
to Dama. Here are some, along with a very brief advanced technology (ie. Rock and Roll!) are
description of them. If you want to use them, not available. A number of new Edges are
get the book for specific details. available as well.

Deadlands: The Savage West (download) Ace

Big Mouth (Minor) – character doesn't know The Ace Edge can be applied to Boating or
when to shut up. Riding and Driving (all vehicles in Dama are
Heavy Sleeper (Minor) – character sleeps deep. animal-drawn).
Lyin' Eyes (Minor) – character is a bad liar.
One-Armed Bandit (Major) – character has only Arcane Background
one arm. The Arcane Backgrounds Weird Science
and Psionics (and thus Edges that have them as
a prerequisite) are not available in Dama.
Arcane Background (Super Powers) is not

Chapter 6: Skills, Hindrances, Edges

available as such, but the same rules are used On occasion, Da may fall upon you without
for Arcane Background (Storyteller). See warning. When and if this happens is at the
Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds for details. discretion of the gamemaster.
You were most likely taken in by Pryshyn
Holy/Unholy Warrior monks at some point and spent some time in
This Edge is not available. The faiths of one of their monasteries so they could study
Dama do not have this tradition. your gift. You are literate in Pryshyn and had
some exposure to the Pryshyn Oracles—
Booklearned (Social Edge) between this exposure and your own gift, add
Prerequisites: Novice. Smarts d6+ +2 to any rolls you make to interpret the
You are able to read and write in one or Oracles.
more languages of your choice, one for each
die type of d6 or above you have in Smarts. The Dreamwalker (Weird Edge)
first language you learn to read must be one Prequisites: Novice, Fell, Spirit d6+
that you speak, but any additional languages Dreamwalkers are fell of mystic bent who
are a free choice. If this Edge is taken at explore the deeper meanings of the Scale
character creation, languages may be left open Dream and come away with greater
for later selection and learned as desired— understanding of the memories of their dragon
learning a language requires some period of heritage. A Dreamwalker can make a Spirit roll
access to a teacher or books (it is not instant). If at –2 to access these fragmentary memories (as
the Edge is taken after character creation, each flashes of vision or whispers of lore) with regard
language must be learned separately as to a place, object, or situation. The memories
described above. Players should describe the are exclusively of the Age of Relics or the early
circumstances in which the character came to years of the Long Fury but may resonate with
study the language (ie. a friendly priest, a contemporary situations (ie. a memory of a
charitable noble, etc.), especially for ancient similar situation millennia ago may prove
languages which have no current spoken form. useful).
Languages which can be learned with this Occasionally, these memories also
Edge (ie. languages that have a written form) manifest spontaneously as a gut feeling or an
are: Dwarf, Dalan (an ancient script from the overwhelming vision. When and if this happens
Dalhu Coast), Elvish, Fellsign, Half-folk, High is at the discretion of the gamemaster.
Skeryn/Skaer, Old Dulcinian (the ancient script Memories also grant Dreamwalkers the
of Dulcine), Pryshyn, Varman. Note that Pryshyn ability to speak Drakon, the ancient language
is a secretive language generally known only to of true dragons, and to speak and read (if it has
natives of that country and that while High a written component) an additional language
Skeryn and Skaer are basically the same of ancient times as if they were a native (no
language, they do differ somewhat and are accent; select any language under either the
considered different languages by those who Booklearned or Polyglot Edges except Feigen).
use them (a character will consider himself to Drakon itself has no written form.
speak one or the other).
Polyglot (Social Edge)
Child of Da (Background Edge) Prerequisites: Novice. Smarts d4+
Prerequisites: Novice, Pryshyn You are able to speak one or more
Da visits you with visions of the future. languages of your choice, one for each die type
What you see doesn't always come to pass, but of d4 or above you have in Smarts. If this Edge
it does so with remarkable frequency. Once per is taken at character creation, languages may
game session, you may make an attempt to be left open for later selection and learned as
divine the future (chose a method of divination desired—learning a language requires some
when you take this Edge—common divinations period of access to a teacher (it is not instant). If
in Pryshydd are dreams, casting carved sticks, the Edge is taken after character creation, each
and gazing into water, fire, or smoke. Cards are language must be learned separately as
not used). Ask the gamemaster a specific described above. Players should describe the
question about some future event and make a circumstances in which the character came to
Spirit roll. If you are successful, the gamemaster study the language (ie. an orc friend, a grizzled
should describe the vision to you (visions never fighter of goblins, contacts in the lower classes
return simple yes or no answers). Beware of the of Dubfeich, etc.). You speak a language well,
future for Da is fluid: your subsequent actions but with a noticeable accent (take the
may alter what comes to pass. language a second time to eliminate it).
Chapter 6: Skills, Hindrances, Edges

Languages which can be learned with this orders are often known as rangers. Blackcloaks
Edge (ie. languages that have a spoken form and paladins of the Shining Order are
are): Dwarf, Demon, Elvish, Feigen, Fell, Half- considered to be initiates of their patrons'
folk, High Skeryn/Skaer, Orc, Pryshyn, Varman. mystery cults.
Note that Pryshyn is a secretive language Each warrior order has slightly different
generally known only to natives of that country criteria for membership, however, as shown
and that while High Skeryn and Skaer are below. In return for these benefits, the warrior
basically the same language, they do differ is, of course, at the command of the order and
somewhat and are considered different is expected to carry out commands. All four
languages by those who use them (a character orders grant similar benefits, however, and
will consider himself to speak one or the other). members advance through the order in a
similar fashion.
Whisper of Legend (Weird Edge) • Weapon: members of an order receive a
Prerequisites: Seasoned, Arcane free weapon worth up to 300 tavos (300T -
Background (Storyteller), Faith d8+ see Chapter 8: Gear for details on currency.
Tales and legends come naturally to a true This weapon is marked with the sign of the
storyteller. They tend to remember what they order. If lost it will not be replaced.
hear and part of their Heroes-granted gift is • Respect: members of an order receive +2
access to a sort of collective memory of stories Charisma when dealing with those who
and lore. Some storytellers choose to develop respect their order. They must identify
this ability further. Storytellers with this Edge themselves as members of an order to
add +2 to any Spirit roll based around telling a receive this bonus. Identifying symbols and
story (including singing, dance, instrumental broad respect group (there are individual
performance, or acting a part) as they call on exceptions, of course) are described below.
great themes and archetypes.
• Holy Succor: members of an order can
They may also make a Smarts role to
expect reasonable aid from priests of their
dredge up some fact or rumor of noteworthy
patron deity.
significance. This information is often vague
(sometimes little more than a gut-feeling), • Benefits of Rank: members of an order
especially when the subject is ancient. Even may draw on the resources of their order
storytellers who have plumbed the depths of to the equivalent o f 50T plus 20T per rank
this ability (relatively few) have been unable to each month in equipment, supplies, or a
obtain more the whiffs and hunches about the small amount of coinage (no more than
Age of Relics or the early periods of the Long 10% of total allotment) from an
Fury. Whisper of Legend will not reveal secret orderhouse or allied merchant (automatic
information, though it may reveal rumors that in large centres for paladins, automatic in
suggest something is being concealed. wilderness centres for Blackcloaks,
automatic in orc territories for Sworn,
Warrior Order (Professional Edge) otherwise Smarts roll at –2 to locate in a
Prerequisites: Novice, Vigor d6+, Fighting particular locale for the first time). This
d6+, additional skill as below, appropriate allotment does not need to be used all at
patron deity. once (the character could "run a tab" over
Note: this Edge is adapted from the the month). Ranks in all orders can be
Agent/Texas Ranger/Soldier Edges as described summed up as 0-5, though most give ranks
in PEG's Deadlands: The Savage West. a distinct name.
Certain deities of Dama sponsor a specific • Promotion: Upon reporting to a superior
martial tradition among their followers: these at the completion of a mission or
are recognized orders with their own structure assignment, roll 1d20 and add the
and tradition, devoted to fighting in one way or modifiers below. A roll of 20 or greater
another for their deity. Anderes Glorian is means the character has been promoted.
patron the Shining Order, more commonly o +2 Difficult mission
known as paladins. Besirith Irosal sponsors the o +4 Very difficult mission
Viiran Dalir (Elvish for 'well-timed strike') — o +6 Suicidal mission
ironically also more commonly referred to as o +2 Character committed conspicuous
elven paladins. The paladin orders are quite act of bravery that was noticed by
structured and disciplined. In the stark contrast, others
the orders sponsored by The Wolf (called the o –2 Character is Rank 0
Blackcloaks) and Mur Eats-it-Raw (called simply
the Sworn) are much looser; both of these

Chapter 6: Skills, Hindrances, Edges

Paladins of the Shining Order Among the Blackcloaks, weapons are returned
Additional skill requirement: Healing d4+ to the order at the bearers death and given to
Symbol: right-hand gauntlet marked with flame new warriors (option: player may make a Spirit
of Anderes Glorian roll – on a raise, the character bears a weapon
Respected by: followers of the Ethos with a storied past; on a failure, a weapon of
Ranks: Warrior, Knight, Knight-Captain, Knight- infamy). The order maintains an ancient lodge
Commander, High Knight in the uplands near the city of Pier. The head of
Traditions: Paladins are expected to follow a the order is called "grandfather/grandmother."
code of aid, mercy and honor in all of their Blackcloaks are actually no more likely to wear
actions. More than any other order, the Shining black cloaks than anyone else.
Order maintains an open presence and
orderhouses can be found in all large centres. Sworn
They are allied in general with the rulers and Additional skill requirement: Taunt d6+,
nobility of the Boken Domains, especially Stealth d4+
Skerys. Until recently, their largest orderhouse Symbol: scar, brand, piercing or tattoo
was to be found in Numisgard; it has now been (according to tribal style) of a dragon pierced
outstripped by the rebuilt orderhouse in by a spear
Varmanhow. The leader of the order is titled Respected by: orcs, Blackcloaks
the Immaculate Knight (currently Tirond Ranks: Sworn never refer to ranks in any way,
Belander, an old and holy man). Paladins are although they are aware of them and generally
not over fond of sorcerers with the exception of know enough to give way to the more
those of the Order of the Mantle. experienced warrior.
Traditions: Of even looser structure than the
Viiran Dalir Blackcloaks, Sworn are inducted into their
Additional skill requirement: Riding d6+ "order" by senior members and shamans;
Symbol: elven sword marked with a triangle together with shamans, they represent a side of
symbol on the pommel orc society that transcends boundaries of tribe.
Respected by: cold elves, The Shining Order They are clever warriors and value wit and
Ranks: Sala, Miir, Benta, Sere, Liran stealth as much as brute force. They work very
Traditions: Viiran Dalir are the elite warriors of closely with shamans and many become
Illirisen and are seen in the outer world only shamans should they survive that long.
when on a mission. The elven paladins are
expected to maintain their rigid purity, though
Warrior Orders and Arcane Backgrounds
most slowly warm to small groups of
companions. Their natural allies in the outer
So long as a priest or sorcerer meets the
world may be few (they are respected but not
requirements for joining a warrior order, they
well-liked by the Shining Order) and generally
may do so. Among the Shining Order and the
found only in larger centres, but they have a
Blackcloaks, priests become a special part of
deep respect for Viiran Dalir. The weapon with
the order, responsible for its lore and rituals.
which they are presented on entry to the order
Among the Viiran Dalir, handmaidens of
is always a bright elven sword. The leaders of
Besirith Irosal are often adjuncts to
the Viiran Dalir are a council of extremely old
commanders of Sere and Liran rank (they
elves who never leave Illirisen.
receive greater respect but still advance in rank
as any other warrior). The Sworn treat shamans
no differently than warriors—but while
Additional skill requirement: Stealth d6+,
warriors and shamans work together, they
Survival d4+
seldom overlap and aside from older shaman-
Symbol: stylized tattoo of a wolf on left
warriors are relatively rare.
Sorcerers are generally discouraged in the
Respected by: followers of the Ethos dwelling in
ranks of the warrior orders, but are not
the wilderness, Sworn
unknown. Only blackcloaks actually welcome
Ranks: Blackcloaks don't refer to specific ranks,
sorcerers who choose to join them; regardless
but are aware of them. Anyone of lower rank is
of their rank, they are referred to as "cousin"
"child," anyone of equal rank is "brother/sister,"
and receive a tattoo of a raven instead of a
anyone of higher rank is "uncle/aunt."
Traditions: Loners by nature, Blackcloaks have a
Storytellers may never join a warrior order
very loose structure but a wide-flung network
as this would require serving one deity.
of contacts and allies. They also tend to have
more contact with sorcerers than other orders.
Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds

Arcane Backgrounds o Success with a raise: the spell is cast

and the sorcerer is left gasping from
While this chapter presents the rules and the effort but suffers no other effects.
options for Arcane Backgrounds in Dama— o Success (no raise): the spell is cast but
sorcerers, priests, and storytellers— the sorcerer is Shaken.
gamemasters and players should keep in mind o Failure: the spell fails (power points are
that these are options only. Magic is a relatively lost) and the sorcerer suffers a
rare and powerful thing in Dama. There is not a nonlethal wound (and is Shaken as a
sorcerer under every bush, nor is every priest result of the wound)
in a shrine endowed with the ability to work o Critical Failure (1 on the Spellcasting
miracles. Magic most often also comes at a die): the spell fails and the sorcerer
price, whether responsibility to a sorcerous suffers a wound (and is Shaken)
order or subjection to the will of the gods. The sorcerer may not use a bennie to reroll
an attempt to Tame the Magic, but he may
continue his efforts if so desired. Repeat the
Powers from other products same procedure for the next round. All
penalties, however, are doubled: the sorcerer
Dama references Powers from various requires a success with two raises to avoid
published Savage Worlds books. In the Arcane being Shaken; if the roll fails, the sorcerer
Background descriptions below, Powers taken suffers two nonlethal wounds; and if it is a
from other products are marked with an critical failure, he suffers two wounds. The
asterisk (*). Refer to the Powers section at the sorcerer may continue a third round with triple
end of this chapter for notes on where the penalties, but not a fourth.
Power comes from and any changes made to it Taming the Magic does not get easier as a
in Dama. Powers marked + are new and are also sorcerer becomes more powerful. Taming the
described in the Powers section. magic of a Seasoned spell imposes a -1 penalty
to all attempts, a Veteran spell -2, and a Heroic
spell -4. Taming the Magic is intended as a
Arcane Background (Magic) simulation of the drama of spellcasting when
The essential game mechanics for Arcane success is critical at any cost and should be
Background (Magic) are largely unchanged treated as such.
from the Savage Worlds rules. Sorcerers have
access to a similar range of powers (shown on
the Magic Base Powers List below), with Magic Base Powers
additional Powers and abilities granted by the
Orders of Sorcery as described below. Armor
At the gamemaster's option, backlash can Barrier
be handled differently in Dama. Backlash is the Blast
numbing cold experienced as magic escapes Bolt
the wielder's control. A sorcerer who does not Boost/Lower Trait
wish to spend a bennie to escape a Shaken Cone of Flame*
result in the event of backlash may attempt to Deflection
Tame the Magic. Detect/Conceal Arcana
• Tame the Magic: A sorcerer who Dispel
experiences backlash has the option of Fear
attempting to exert his will over the flows Invisibility
of magic without the benefit of a bennie. Light
The attempt, however, is not without its Obscure
risks and a sorcerer who dares it must Puppet
suffer the consequences. The sorcerer Quickness
continues his casting action into the next Smite
round and cannot take other actions (he is Speed
fighting the unruly magic while staving off Stun
numbing cold). He does not lose his power Telekinesis
points, but cannot add or subtract points Wave Runner
to powers with variable effects. On the Zombie (Demon)†
next round, he rerolls his Spellcasting.
† special variation. See Powers descriptions.

Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds

Orders of Sorcery those with a distrust of sorcerers reserve a

Sorcerers have gathered in orders and special suspicion for members of the order and
schools since before the Long Fury, sharing their tightlipped ways; others, notably the
some few of their secrets and working together Paladins of the Shining Order, actually accord
to further common interests. Many of the members greater respect because of their
orders were wiped out during the Long Fury, association with Sariph.
but a few survive.
At Seasoned rank and above, sorcerers The Solemn
may attempt to join one of the surviving orders Prerequisites: None
so long as they share its attitudes and goals (in Attitudes/Goals: fascination with death, desire
other words, meet its prerequisites). Deceivers to aid others. Goals are service and survival.
beware, for sorcerers do not appreciate being Special Powers: Walk with Death+, Gravecloak+,
taken advantage of. Membership is usually Lay to Rest+, Zombie
subject to trials and interviews and an order Trappings: masks, cloaks, cold, darkness,
may reject a potential member. There is no silence, graves, decay
game mechanic for joining an order of sorcery. Traditions: The most misunderstood of the
It is an experience best roleplayed. No sorcerer sorcerous orders, the Solemn are generally
may ever join more than one order (even if they regarded as foul graverobbers when in fact
have left a previous order). they are the last remnants of an old and
The orders differ in their traditions, but all glorious tradition—the necromancers of the
share a variation on the secrets of Taming the Solemn served heroically during the Long Fury.
Magic. A sorcerer who joins an order does not So much of that time has been forgotten or
suffer penalties for attempting to Tame the altered with the passing of years that the order
magic of a powerful spell. In return for this now struggles just to maintain itself. The order
secret and for access to powers unique to the is not entirely benevolent, however: some
order, sorcerers restrict themselves to the members do go mad, dragging the name of the
Trappings of the order (spells known previously order down with them.
retain their trappings, but do not benefit from
the secrets of the order). Sorority of Ash
Prerequisites: Female, two powers with fire
related Trappings
On Trappings
Attitudes/Goals: personal power, power for the
order. On a more esoteric level, fire as a source
Like Powers themselves, Orders of Sorcery
of renewal.
and the priesthoods of deities specify
Special Powers: Healing (special), Telekinesis
Trappings. In general, the Trappings associated
(Elemental), Firewalk+, Smoulder's Kiss+, Shape+.
with orders and priesthoods are quite broad
Banned: Sisters may not learn Wave Runner.
and more along the lines of themes. A priest or
Trappings: fire, smoke, ash, burning, dancing,
member of an order should try to incorporate
both kinds of Trappings when describing her
Traditions: The Sorority of Ash understand that
fire is a far more subtle source of power than
many people (even sorcerers) understand. They
Order of the Mantle may be fond of Blast and Bolt Powers, but
Prerequisites: Follower of Sariph of the Book, Sisters know the value of less drastic abilities.
two Knowledges at d6+ Although the Sorority presents an ideal of fire
Attitudes/Goals: patience, sophistication. Goals as a metaphor for change and renewal, the
unknown but frequently work behind the order is really about power. Sisters have a
scenes with influential rulers and nobles deserved reputation for tremendous beauty
Special Powers: Courier+, Hunch*, Mindrider* and longevity.
Trappings: light, patience, subtlety, Ancient stories tell of a companion order,
manipulation, knowledge the Fraternity of Ember, that was extinguished
Traditions: Sorcerers of the Order of the Mantle during the Long Fury.
are the closest thing to priests of Sariph. They
are the most respected of the sorcerous orders. The Nightwalkers
Members tend to be older, but wise, sly, and Prerequisites: Strongwilled, Knowledge
devious. The goals of the order are (Demons) d6+
mysterious—a tradition harkening back to the Attitudes/Goals: dominance over demons,
extended games played between Sariph and greater understanding of Shadow. Goals are
the Master during the Long Fury. Some of primarily greater control of demons.
Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds

Special Powers: Binding Sign+, Demon Pierce+,

Shadowsight+, Shadowstride+
Miracle Base Powers
Trappings: symbols, bindings, chains, shadows
Traditions: Dark, proud, and self-interested, the
Nightwalkers are all that the Solemn are not.
These sorcerers specialize in binding demons,
some working in defense of others, but most
conjuring their demonic servants for their own Detect Arcana†
benefit. They are also the sorcerers most Dispel
attuned to the alien landscape of Shadow and Healing
frequently travel there. Fortunately, they are Light
not numerous—a Nightwalker who is less than Obscure
skilled does not last long. Smite
Prerequisites: Vigor d6+ † Priests do not have the ability to Conceal
Attitudes/Goals: defense of communities, defeat Arcana.
of forces of darkness.
Special Powers: Telekinesis (Elemental), Courier+, Anderes Glorian
Burrow+. Banned: Ironmasks may not learn Creed: Honour, strength, and mercy—these are
Quickness. our weapons against darkness.
Trappings: earth, stone, metal, loud noises, Special Powers: Bolt, Sacrifice*
massive damage. Trappings: fire, light, the sun, nobility
Traditions: The most secretive of the sorcerous Traditions: Often seen as leaders among priests
orders, Ironmasks gather together for one as their patron is the leader of the Heroes,
purpose: to fight darkness. They are devoted to priests of Anderes Glorian are common
the defense of the people and communities everywhere. There is something of a rift
they care for and are not gentle about it. There developing in the faith, however, as some
is nothing subtle about Ironmask magic, but it priests gravitate toward serving the nobility
is very effective. Ironmasks, as their name while other dispense love and mercy to the
implies, frequently don masks when fighting lower classes.
the forces of darkness as their activities often
gain them implacable enemies. Ironmasks have Arlora Irosal
a special enmity toward dwarves. Creed: Embrace the dawn, fight, love, and live!
Special Powers: Blast, Quickness (special)
Arcane Background (Miracles) Trappings: fire, pearls, dawn, dawn elves,
The essential game mechanics for Arcane beauty, water
Background (Miracles) are unchanged from the Traditions: The priests of Arlora Irosal have a
Savage Worlds rules, though the specific patron reputation for passion in all things, including
to which faith is given will affect Trappings and combat. Naturally popular among dawn elves,
Powers. A character with this background must the faith is not restricted to them—many fell
select a patron deity. The Heroes of the Ethos, are attracted to Arlora Irosal, in fact. She has
Those Who Stood Apart, and the Dark Mother also become something of a patron to those in
of Waters gift their followers with a similar love and lust.
range of Powers; see Miracle Base Powers
below. Each also grants additional or special Cerus Mimr
powers while sometimes banning others; these Creed: My blade does not dull, my duty does
are described below. not end.
Characters with Arcane Background Special Powers: Fear, Quickness, Sacrifice*
(Miracles) may attempt to Tame the Magic on a Trappings: swords, armor, steel, death, strength,
failed spellcasting attempt just as sorcerers do. duty, cold
If they do, however, they forego the protection Traditions: The grim priests of Cerus Mimr are
of their patron and open themselves to often warriors, forced from the battlefield by
backlash. age or injury. They may be seen as a corps of
There are no prerequisites to selecting a old men, but youth (equally grim) are not
patron deity beyond generally sharing uncommon among them. Despite his
common attitudes (summed up below as the popularity as a patron of warriors, Cerus Mimr
deity's creed) and having the appropriate faith does not sponsor a warrior order.
or (in the case of cold elves and orcs) race.

Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds

Radi Last
Creed: Every life saved is an act of defiance— Mur Eats-it-Raw
defy darkness with all your strength. Attitudes/Goals: Scream and shake the heavens!
Special Powers: Great Healing, Invisibility, Whisper and command the world!
Shield+, Luck*, Sacrifice*, Succor* Special Powers: Shape Change, Call of the Wild*,
Trappings: shields, serpents, children, defiance, Succor*, Curse*, Wilderness Walk*
healing Trappings: wilderness, life, bones, blood, spears,
Traditions: Healers, but not pacifists, priests of spirits, drums, orcs
Radi Last find respect almost everywhere. What Traditions: Like their adventurous trickster god,
they lack in strength, they make up for in guile. the shamans of Mur do nothing by half-
measures. They hoard many secrets but, when
Sariph of the Book they use them, use them boldly. Their miracles
Creed: Patience and knowledge have broken tend to be unlike anything familiar to priests of
many swords. Ethos, invoking unseen spirits rather than the
Traditions: Sariph is not served by priests— power of their deity. More so than most priests
sorcerers of the Order of the Mantle take that of the Ethos, shamans are important figures in
role. Although Sariph is respected among the the lives of their tribes.
Heroes of Light, it is not possible to select her
as a patron deity. Dark Mother of Waters (Eldwitchen)
Creed: Oldest of old, weeper of oceans, I will
Isau Jabren follow in the footsteps of nature.
Creed: Gold is wealth, wealth is life, and life is Special Powers: Telekinesis (Elemental), Great
precious. Healing, Call of the Wild*, Hunch*, Mindrider*,
Special Powers: Boost/Lower Trait, Hunch*, Wilderness Walk*
Luck*, Mindrider*, Trinkets* Trappings: wilderness, stars, water, air, darkness
Banned Powers/Edges: Smite, Champion Traditions: The secretive eldwitches, followers
Trappings: gold, wealth, ram/sheep, speech and of the last of the ancient gods, practice a
words, food, plenty, luck, charm religion that is strange and alien. Even orc
Traditions: Everyone loves a priest of Isau shamans find eldwitchen worship
Jabren, but beware for they can be slippery discomforting, however—the Dark Mother of
characters. Isau is not a warrior's god and his Waters is a cold, distant force without much
priests are more likely to solve problems with a love for her followers. Where Mur Eats-it-Raw
sharp wit than a sharp blade. teaches respect for the wild, the eldwitchen
tradition teaches submission to it. Eldwitches
The Wolf, Renzo Dicacce themselves range from implacable guardians of
Creed: Sharp teeth in the night. the wild to warm protectors.
Special Powers: Fear, Speed, Shape Change The distance of their god has a major
(special) , Call of the Wild*, Wilderness Walk* impact on the miracles of eldwitches: because
Trappings: wolves, darkness, cold, storms, she does not shield them from magic, they
stealth suffer backlash just as sorcerers do. Eldwitches
Traditions: Relatively rare, priests of the Wolf suffer no penalties when attempting to Tame
have a frightening reputation for harshness the Magic of powerful spells, however.
and cruelty. The reputation isn't entirely
undeserved. They aren't as grim as the priests
What about priests of the Lords?
of Cerus Mimr, but they can be very single-
Your gamemaster has information on
these foul traditions. The civilized person of
Besirith Irosal
Dama knows little about the long suppressed
Creed: Such has always been the way.
rites practiced by followers of the Lord and
Special Powers: Telekinesis, Bind Emotions+,
most of what they do know comes from stories
and legends. Common knowledge on the
Trappings: cold, ice, control, the moon, cold
subject can be gleaned from Chapter 2: Gods of
Dama, perhaps supplemented by secret
Traditions: Known as Handmaidens, the
information at the gamemaster's discretion.
priestesses of Besirith Irosal are beautiful but
hard and cold as ice. If they are found outside
Illirisen, they have been dispatched on some Arcane Background (Storyteller)
mission ordered by their god-queen. Only Prerequisite: follower of the Ethos.
female cold elves may become handmaidens.
Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds

Although the abilities of those favored as Powers

true storytellers are granted by the Heroes,
they operate differently from the miracles of Power descriptions follow the standard
priests: storytellers generally have only one Savage Worlds format with the addition of a
Power to set them apart and they seldom feel Restricted line where the power is available only
the same rush of magic as priests and sorcerers. to certain orders or faiths.
In addition, only the Heroes tamper with lives
of their followers in this way—cold elves, orcs, Bind Emotions
and eldwitches cannot become storytellers. Rank: Seasoned
Storytellers take Arcane Background Power Points: 2
(Storyteller), which operates in essentially the Range: Smarts
same manner as Arcane Background Duration: 3 (1/round)
(Superpower) described in Savage Worlds. Trappings: gestures, harsh light, harsh words
Because Storyteller is also a form of Faith, Restricted: Besirith Irosal
storytellers may take the Champion Edge The cold Handmaidens of Besirith Irosal are
providing they meet all other prerequisites. able to control emotions in others as well as in
They also have access to a unique Edge: themselves. Targets of this Power are fixed in
Whisper of Myth (described Skills, Hindrances, their current emotional state for the duration of
and Edges). the Power. This is likely to be confusing,
There are limits on storytellers as well. embarrassing or distracting for the target, but it
Their choice of available powers is limited (see also provides a +2 bonus to resist all appeals to
Storyteller Base Powers table below). They are emotions (including Taunt) as well as complete
unable to Tame the Magic. They are barred but temporary protection when a Guts check is
from joining mystery cults—storytellers who called for. Memory is not blotted out, however,
formally devote themselves to one Hero lose and after the spell ends, the target should roll
their powers. Their behaviour must be broadly the Guts check as horror comes crashing down.
in accordance with the Ethos, but rather than
losing their powers, storytellers who Binding Sign
consistently act outside of the Ethos find Rank: Seasoned
themselves marked for retribution by other Power Points: 4
storytellers. Finally, they are frequently pawns Range: Smarts
of the Heroes. Storytellers seldom live quiet Duration: 3 (1/round)
lives. Such is the price of their gift. Trappings: glowing symbols drawn in air, firm
Storyteller Base Powers Restricted: The Nightwalkers
On a successful use of this Power, the
Armor substance that makes up the body of a demon
Barrier is rendered inert and the demon temporarily
Boost/Lower Trait powerless. Binding Sign is an opposed roll of
Deflection the character's arcane skill versus the target
Detect/Conceal Arcana demon's Spirit. The bound demon can be
Dispel attacked to disperse its substance, but is
Healing treated as a solid object of appropriate
Hunch* toughness (see Savage Worlds p66, Breaking
Luck* Things).
Obscure On an unsuccessful use, the demon is
Quickness immediately aware of the caster and of what
Shape Change was attempted. The caster should expect a
Smite counterattack.
Stun Burrow
Rank: Seasoned
Trappings: subtlety, deception, fortune, stealth, Power Points: 3
intuition, instinct Range: Self
Duration: 5 (2/round)
Trappings: soil, stone dust
Restricted: Ironmasks
This remarkable Power allows Ironmasks to
move through the ground. Although they refer

Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds

to it as burrowing, it is actually more closely down but is at –4 on attack rolls. The courier
akin to swimming or wading. The character can cannot carry anything larger than a small scrap
move at his normal Pace through sand, soil, or of paper.
loose gravel and half Pace through stone or Sorcerers of the Order of the Mantle
rock (worked or natural). He cannot move typically use birds as couriers; those of the
through glass, crystal, or metal (naturally Ironmasks often use burrowing animals
occurring veins can generally be avoided). The (especially rabbits).
character cannot breathe while burrowing and Additional Effects: for 1 additional power point,
must "surface" for air (see Savage Worlds p24 the courier can be magically imbued with the
for rules on holding breath), nor does he gain power to speak its message once in the caster's
any special ability to see through the earth, own voice. For 2 additional power points (+1 to
though a successful Smarts roll will always capture the subject's voice), the courier can
indicate the nearest air surface. take a return message to the caster; the return
Additional effect: For 2 additional Power message must be sent by the first dawn or
Points (+1/round), the character can bring sunset after arrival.
another person through the earth with him. His
pace is reduced by half. Person released Curse*
(deliberately or accidentally) by the character Restricted: Mur Eats-it-Raw
remain affected by the Power until the end of See Deadlands: The Savage West. No changes.
its duration and may attempt to escape,
although they do no have the Ironmask's Demon Pierce
benefit of sensing the surface. Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 2-6
Call of the Wild* Range: 24/48/96
Restricted: The Wolf, Mur Eats-it-Raw, Duration: Instant
Eldwitchen Trappings: swirling shadows, an explosion of
See Deadlands: The Savage West. No changes. iron fragments
Restricted: The Nightwalkers
Cone of Flame* A version of Blast that affects only demons.
See Evernight. No changes. The Nightwalker conjures a swirling, fist sized
mass of shadows which is then hurled at the
Courier target (its range is magically augmented); when
Rank: Seasoned it hits, it explodes in a shower of what appear
Power Points: 3 to be sharp, dark iron fragments. Non-demons
Range: Known destination within the burst feel nothing but a chill and a
Duration: Special foul breeze, but the fragments inflict wounds
Trappings: trained animal, message in a bottle as a Blast on demons. All other properties are
Restricted: Order of the Mantle, Ironmasks identical to Blast.
Courier allows a message to be sent swiftly,
though not instantaneously and not without a Firewalk
small amount of risk. The message is carried in Rank: Seasoned
some form—the sorcerers of Dama commonly Power Points: 3
use animals carrying a small note or trained to Range: Smarts (in miles)
speak. Though it does not appear to move any Duration: Instant
faster than normal when observed, the courier Trappings: fire, flash of light, flung powders
actually travels 100 miles in a day and can Restricted: Sorority of Ash
travel to an individual in any location that A useful Power that allows the user to step
would be normally accessible to an animal of into one fire and emerge from any other fire
its type. The courier's destination must be within range. Both fires must be large enough
specified and known to the caster—the courier to accommodate the user (a campfire or
cannot go to a destination that the caster could decent-sized fireplace). If the user knows the
not himself find. Upon arrival, the courier will location of the destination fire, she may go
present itself to the target, but it is up to the there automatically, otherwise the destination
target to realize the courier's significance. If the is random (gamemaster determines direction
target is not present, the courier will attempt to and exact location, but caster determines
seek him out within the location; if there is no approximate distance). Provided the user
sign, the courier will wait. enters and exits the fires immediately on
The courier can be stopped. Anyone departure and arrival, she takes no damage
deliberately attacking the courier can bring it from them.
Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds

Additional effects: For an additional 3 raging fury. Any attempt to do anything

points, the user may draw another individual beyond engaging in combat must be
with her to the same destination. accompanied by a successful Spirit roll.

Gravecloak Sacrifice*
Rank: Veteran Restricted: Anderes Glorian. Cerus Mimr, Radi
Power Points: 3-6 Last
Range: Self See Deadlands: The Savage West. No changes.
Duration: 3 (2-4/round)
Trappings: shadows, chill wind, rank odors Shadow Sight
Restricted: The Solemn Rank: Seasoned
A damaging aura surrounds the character Power Points: 2
to the radius of a small burst template (centred Range: Touch
on the character). All creatures (alive or Duration: 1 hours (1/Hour)
undead, but not constructs) that come within Trappings: dark ointment smeared on eyes
this area, whether through their own actions or Restricted: The Nightwalkers
those of the character, suffer 2d6 damage. Shadow Sight grants the ability to see in
Additional Effects: for double the power total darkness. It is not without risk: it also
points, the aura expands to the radius of a allows glimpses into the realm of Shadow.
medium burst template. Damage does not Those under the effect of the Power should
increase, but the larger aura costs more to make a Spirit roll each hour (Nightwalkers roll
maintain from round to round. at +2)—failure indicates they see something
that isn't actually there.
Sister of Ash - Trappings: when used by a Sister Shadow Stride
of Ash, Healing is accompanied by burning Rank: Heroic
pain and leaves the healed wound black with Power Points: 5
ash. Range: Touch
Duration: Instant
Hunch* Trappings: shadows, darkness
Restricted: Order of the Mantle, Isau Jabren, Restricted: The Nightwalkers
Eldwitchen, Storyteller A powerful Nightwalker is able to step
See Deadlands: The Savage West. No changes. physically into Shadow, possibly drawing
others with her. The effort is draining and the
Lay to Rest caster must make a Vigor roll or gain a level of
Rank: Seasoned Fatigue (as if from lack of sleep) after passing
Power Points: 1 into Shadow. A second use of the Power is
Range: Spirit necessary to return to Dama.
Duration: Instant Additional effects: Additional beings may
Trappings: words of power, presentation of be drawn into Shadow for a point per being (ie.
signs, sharp gestures 2 humans and a dog costs 3 points). The caster
Restricted: The Solemn must also make a Vigor roll for each being
This power duplicates the Holy/Unholy drawn into Shadow.
Warrior Edge, but can be used by the Solemn Backlash is also dangerous when
only against undead creatures and spirits. attempting to draw others into Shadow
(though not when returning to Dama). If
Luck* Backlash occurs and the caster fails to tame the
Restricted: Radi Last, Isau Jabren, Storyteller magic, she must make a Smarts roll for each
Same as the Holy Roller Power. See Deadlands: being other than herself. Failure means that
The Savage West. No changes. being has fallen into Shadow alone (the
Nightwalker can never fall into Shadow in this
Mindrider* way).
Restricted: Order of the Mantle, Isau Jabren,
Eldwitchen Shape Change
See Deadlands: The Savage West. No changes. The Wolf – Rank: Seasoned, Power Points: 4
Priests of The Wolf are able to transform
Quickness themselves into only one shape: a wolf.
Arlora Irosal – Trappings: when used by priests
of Arlora Irosal, Quickness is accompanied by a

Chapter 7: Arcane Backgrounds

Shield Trinkets*
Rank: Seasoned Restricted: Isau Jabren
Power Points: 2/target See Deadlands: The Savage West. No changes.
Range: Spirit
Duration: 3 (1/round/target) Walk with Death
Trappings: muted shimmer Rank: Seasoned
Restricted: Radi Last Power Points: 3
Identical in effect to Armor, Shield can Range: Self
protect many individuals with a single casting. Duration: 3 (1/round)
Trappings: ashes, grave soil, a shroud
Smoulder's Kiss Restricted: The Solemn
Rank: Seasoned This Power cloaks the user from the sight
Power Points: 3 of undead creatures. It has all the effects of
Range: Touch Invisibility, but at a reduced point cost. Because
Duration: 3 many predatory undead have a keen sense of
Trappings: touch or kiss smell, the Power disguises the user's odor as
Restricted: Sorority of Ash well (though living beings near him sense a
On a successful touch attack, the user disturbing smell of wet earth and death).
leaves the target with a smouldering wound
that inflicts 1d10 damage each round for three Wilderness Walk*
rounds (as if the target was suffering damage Restricted: The Wolf, Mur Eats-it-Raw,
from a spot fire; see Savage Worlds p.97). The Eldwitchen
Power is accompanied by a horrendous pain, a See Deadlands: The Savage West, but change
noticeable burning smell, and smoking flesh, Power Points to 1/target, Range to Touch, and
but there is no actual flame. Duration to 1/hour/target. Priests may use this
Power on others as well as themselves, but
Succor* each use requires a new casting roll.
Restricted: Radi Last, Besirith Irosal, Mur Eats-it-
Raw Zombie
See Deadlands: The Savage West. No changes. Demon – Trappings: signs, chanting, blood
Identical to Zombie in Power Point cost,
Telekinesis Range, and Duration, Demon instead summons
Elemental – Restricted: Sorority of Ash, a number of lesser Demons out of Shadow to
Ironmasks, Eldwitchen serve—grudgingly—the character. The
If a sorcerer or priest has elemental access demons are obedient, but resent their
to Telekinesis, the power only affects the servitude. They fight willingly, but must be
appropriate element. However, the element watched lest they try to pervert some more
itself can be manipulated to affect other things. peaceful command.
To create grasping tentacles, use rules for Demons are formed from the substance
lifting creatures (fire effects do 2d4 damage with which they share an affinity and there
while held). To attack, use rules for telekinetic must be a quantity of that substance available
weapons as if wielding a weapon that did in order to summon them. A quantity roughly
Strength+2 (telekinetic damage will therefore equivalent to a smallish person per demon is
be Spirit+2); fire effects do +2 damage as if sufficient; the substance is consumed in the
from a burning weapon. The manipulated summoning.
element is treated as solid even if it is not (air or If the caster's maintenance of this Power
fire). should ever fail, he must make an opposed roll
To use elemental telekinesis effects, the of his arcane power versus the Spirit for each
source material must be roughly malleable (ie. summoned demon. If he fails, that demon turns
water or snow but not ice; dirt or sand, but not against him and attacks (on a success, that
solid stone) and must be available in an demon is banished back to Shadow).
appropriate volume (ie. a fiery tentacle from a
campfire but not from a torch). Only elemental
aspected sorcerers and priests may use
Telekinesis in this way (they are commanding
the elements rather than actually using

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