IMG - 0033 (DF REE Reviewer 033)

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, Rtview antfTraining Center

Low-r S€eolo!-Bq" / oeoo-1 1 3-61
aF F-alzrov Gentrum' 56r -gl^tl
7;zri|EEida-TEEa:aar o 7 ogti-sa+'staa

B. x=2,163,Y='2.195 (y=2'146,Y=1'902

': A. **"for the generalsolution t

of the equation: b : ' 'l.Li

whqe D b t1,6 differential operator d/dx, when x -7:,o.1y

ffiermine y in terms of the consant ofrintegration;
A;.0341c1+0,594G2,.:.:r..|.',,.,'y'c.0.841C1+0.540.C2 rrr :' .''i; :' '
.'r B. O.925Cr + 0.594C2 :;r .' ' l:: 'D' 0"925Cr*'0'540'-Cl ' ' i

Determine the moment of inertia of the triangular

t An isosahs triangle has -a t0 cm,base and a 10 cm&ttihrde.
area rddthrc toa line paralblto ttre base ard thrgSgh ttre uppervertel<,
A. 2,75a B. 3,025 ,f:2,* D' 2'773

A stack of bricks,has 6l bricks at the bottom layer,,58 briclG in;the,seond hyerr,55 brioks in' he thirdrlayer, and
-rc;,nuitt"lastlayerwhiclrhast0bricks.DefienftiresretotalnumberofMcksusedup'' ''
/ A. 639 8.633 c' 636 D'642*r^ine the simplifie${onn'of sin ZBI(!' -cos 28) '

l. co6 B 'B.rcot8 : c' tan B D. sln B
';r.,d+t! - 'r,a_' ''
'i'l .L '

)<y = 15 . ;::i ,:i{. lli', y, = 35 Y i -H;*' =

B. 13 c.17 D. 19

U. fsphph-voltagp l6rrg trarwnissbn line, we have thb per;pluase vector rcl&n: ' - '

/ E=AE+BI' -t^r^-;- --,r.-.r^na..

/ra= tiz,oooroftt"t0degrre,LlO0ampercsat-30@rees,A=0'90at0deglEe'andB= 100at90
deg t#, i
/ D.t *ire the magnitudeof the sendirur-end Yptrge E
A. 131,575 \otts volts i C)tf fS,Of4 volts D. 113,633 votts '
B. 125,595
. : : )rl

65. If.the polynomial t' + 4xP -'3x,+l8 ls dividd by x-r 5, determine the remainder
i/,zte B. 4s c 42 D' 210

of their'ages was 46 yearsL How old Is

rs. smith is twice as old as her daughter Sam. Ten years ago, the sum

B. 15 D. 19
* .i 1 i I
1. i:" :
r 'f L',
bills. The number'of $1
The cash drawer of the market cohtains IZZTin Uiis. nrere are six more $'billsthan,$10
$1 bill+are there?
nany $1
bllls is h^,o more than 24 times the number of $10 bills. H61r many
A. 120
rl, w i, . , ._ r1 ,:

/ pdy his sons college;e<pense' If

a{. ';;-i""o wished to intest a sum.of money,so utat ure interest each year would
year. Hory much should Mr' sy
f' *L-tnveted at g perent ard the dlege otpenses were $10-,000 per
A. 145,000 B. 114,000 C l n,Ofrlr:.,!r: , r D. 125,Q00

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