IMG - 0101 (NG) 1 (DF ESAS PB Reviewer 101)

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22. A rcsenoir dam holds an 8.00 kE12 bke behind iL }rslbehind Urc dam, the lake ls I2.0 m deep. what is the
lvater pressure at the base of the dam?
,'A) 118 kPa
B.29 kPa C, 89 kPa D. 147 kPa
,. .. ..:\., ., ,

23. A skier starts ftom rest.andslides 9.0 m downaslqe in 3.0 s. In whatrtime.after;istarting willthe'skier a.speed

A. lls i'8. lis / ,-t C. tQs , D.,13 s -t, ', tl* . )n; ' 'i':
.r:'r' .,,1",:::.!l,', I ...' --j-: 'r ...f':.
-i, V,:, i. -! I /\
.,11111...,,, ,,; '"'*-"1i-, -t_-,= B , ....-,. .{ ,i-,,,.:'..,.',..; "

24. A certain town receives'its water.directly from awater-to^rer. rr tne toffnu *ut", in to*., i;Zs.o auove il
the water faucet ln a horse, what should be the water pressure at the fauoet? (Neglect the etrects of the other
water users).
iA, 255 kPa t 'i!,
- \-j
8.265 kP: C.245 kPa .' D. 295 kPaa:.jlr
. i.. ! \
.,,r 'rr ri,'l .. ' :
'1 ir.. ', t .. i,., ..i
ii ri;, i i. r

Ea 27. If 4.8Sg of a gas occupies 2.75 Lat 103 kPa and 22oC, calculate the molar mass.
' A. a4,tglnwl d: rf2.f
'Elmot ;- "' :' C..Zii+g/rnol, , " , ,,
D. lz:r+g/mol .,
28. Oil flows through a 4.0 cm inside diameter pipe at an average speed of 2.5 m/s. Fild the flow ln m3/s.
A.2.1x103m31s' ,'8,4:1,*'1&€6379' ,','. 'b;brilx10'3,m3fs r: :: D;,t.lfl0-3m?1g,,:
r,,1..1'.,.:riii).r;ti ll li-!r,_.,:,.i,,1jn,: I ri ( .. ,' , ; i ,!.;.,,;.i


30. Compute the average speed of water in a pipe having an inslde diameter of 5.0 cm and delivering 2.5 m3 of
water per hour.
A. 0.20 m/s 1.$.1QfS,mls

ilqAr,is kngwn 'gsi

31. The product 9f forcg,a,qd the.tiTq durilq whlgh
A. Momentum B:impqqt '9.'jmpulsei' o. wd*
lr_' '1,

32. Formula for calcium clrloride

A. CaClz B. Ca2O C. CaO D. CoClg
;" t ,1.'.
'. , ', 't,'" ii,;.{
. rl. '' : ;i , ri I ::i: .il, .

33. After how many years will bn'investment triple if invested at 10olo p", of deductions, tompouriOeo
guarterly? "nnu*,'h*
A. Lz.ll ,'8.111.12 c. 10.16 , D.9.20 ,1
r: - i .,
.1 ,. !i: z ,' y,,-i,{l i' 'l t)' ii : r.r,r',
';'l . Lr


34. What is the branch circuitdemand for 12 kW rarqe and 5kW ooktop? tt
Prepared and Compiledby: Engr. RogerG. Parchamento PreBoardEnam 15 -ESAS 5 (SETB) Page3'

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