Pas Science SMT 1

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Tahun Pelajaran 2023 - 2024
‫َالَّلُهَّم َال َس ْهَل ِإَّال َم ا َجَع ْلَتُه َس ْهًال َو َأْنَت َتْج َع ُل اْلَح ْز َن ِإَذ اَس ْهال‬
"Ya Allah, tidak ada kemudahan kecuali apa yang Engkau jadikan mudah, sedang yang susah
bisa Engkau jadikan mudah, apabila Engkau menghendakinya."

Nama lengkap ……………………………………………………………… NILAI

Kelas 6 (Enam) …………………………………………………….
Mata Pelajaran Science
Hari/Tanggal Jum’at, 1 Desember 2023
Waktu 09.30 - 10.30

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c,or d!

1. Hump is a physical adaptation of a …
7. Physical adaptation adalah …
a. camel c. owl
a. adaptasi c. adaptasi fisik
b. polar bear d. sea lion
b. bertahan d. adaptasi perilaku
2. Thick fur is a physical adaptation of a …

a. camel c. owl

b. polar bear d. sea lion

8. This animal is a …
3. Large eyes is a physical adaptation of a …
a. finch c. sea urchin
a. camel c. owl
b. gecko d. gecko
b. polar bear d. sea lion
9. Behavioural adaptation adalah …

a. adaptasi c. adaptasi fisik

b. bertahan d. adaptasi perilaku

4. This animal is a …
10. When a species has no members left that are alive
a. camel c. owl it becomes …

b. polar bear d. sea lion a. extinct species c. popular

5. Blue ringed octopus can change colour into … b. famous d. dangerous

a. bright yellow c. black 11. An …. is a group of different tissues that join

together into one structure.
b. pink d. grey a. tissue c. cell
6. Animals that are hunted often have eyes on the … of b. organ d. system
their heads.
12. A …. is a set of things that work together as a
a. front c. back whole.

b. side d. down a. tissue c. system

b. cell d. cell
13. The three kinds of blood vessels are …

a. atrium, ventricle, and lungs 27. What cloud are made of?

b. cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem _________________________________

c. neuron, axon, and nerves _________________________________

d. arteries, capillaries, and veins 28. 3 factors that determine the weather are?

14. …. are blood vessels that carry blood away from the _________________________________
heart to other parts of the body. _________________________________
a. arteries c. veins
29. What is heart?
b. capillary d. valves
15. A …. is the smallest kind of blood vessels.
a. arteries c. veins
30. What is nervous system?
b. capillary d. valves

II. Fill in the blank with appropriate answer! _________________________________

16. The picture is about …………

17. The picture is about ……………..

18. The picture is about ……………..

19. The state of the atmosphere, including it’s

temperature, wind speed and direction is called
as ……………..

20. Scientist called …………….. is study and

predict weather.

21. …………….. is the amount of water vapor in

the air.

22. The frozen precipitation that produced ice is

called ……………..

23. Arteries, capillaries, and veins are kind of ...

24. A …………….. is the smallest kind of blood


25. …………….. are blood vessels that carry blood

away from the heart to other parts of body.

III. Answer the following question correctly.

26. What is weather?



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