Revision Grade 6

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grade 6

Choose the correct answer:

1. The smallest tiny structures that build up all living organism's bodies are............ ..

a. systems. b. cells. c. organs. d. bricks.

2. Engineers design special devices to work instead of ............. organ which filter the
blood from waste materials.

a. stomach b. heart c. kidney

3. Magnets can be made of..................

a. copper. b. glass. c. iron.

4. All of these substances are solids,

a, soup b. snow c. pen.

a. human d. an elephant

6. Railroad tracks are ma

a. iron. d. glass.

7. Cardiac muscles ntary muscles which form the .............

a. stomach. c. lungs. d. heart.

used to slow the flow of an electric current in the electric circuit.

• b. A switch c. A resistor d. A lamp

we can use .............

b. concrete. c. hard fabric. d. flexible fabric.

10. The animal cell cannot make photosynthesis process, because it doesn't have

a. nucleus. b. chloroplasts. c. mitochondria. d. sap vacuole.

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11. In a dangerous situation, your eyes send the information to
perform the suitable action.

a. brain b. stomach c. lungs d. heart

12. The molecule is composed of very small particles called ..............

a. compounds. b. cells. c. atoms. d. mixtures.

13. Meteorologists are scientists who study...............

a. weather. b. rocks. C. water.

14. Materials............on heating.

a. expand b. contract

a. cells. b. systems. d. tissues.

a. circulatory b. digestive d. respiratory

a. melting. d. freezing.

18. Most plants ap ---. due to the presence of chlorophyll pigment

in their cells.

a. yellow c. red

b. thermostat c. light bulb d. wall socket

a. it is a mixture of rock and sand. b. it is a mixture of iron and other elements.

c. it is strong material. d. it lasts for a long time.

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21. Heat is transferred through solids by ...........

a. radiation only. b. conduction and convection.

c. conduction only. d. radiation and convection.

22. Particles of all the following substances have a lot of energy, except ...............

a. oxygen. b. carbon dioxide. c. water vapor.

23. We can see the cell of...............without using a microscoP,e

a. bacteria b. plant c. human

24. Urination process happens by the help of..............system.

a. digestive b. urinary

a. chemical b. potential

a. mass - color c. mass - distance d. volume - distance

29. What is · al energy?

an object.

d. The mass of a substance.

30. Heat will flow from the ........... substance to

a. hotter - colder b. frozen - melted

c. colder - hotter d. larger - smaller
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31. The temperature of a substance is defined as the average amount of............of the
molecules or other particles of a sample of matter.

a. potential energy b. mass c. kinetic energy d. number

32. Objects with more thermal energy have...........kinetic energy.

a. more b. less c. the same

33. ...................... happens as a result of the separation of the particles of;a substance
when heat is transferred to it.

a. Contraction b. Expansion c. Growth

34. If you want to design a product which conduct

you think of?

a. Wood b. Plastic d. Metal

35 ................... is the transfer of heat due to the movement of a liquid or gas.

a. Radiation b. Conduction d, Convection

a. When the Sun shines on

37. Raising · mperature of materials can cause .........

• ion. b. condensation and contraction.

ion. d. melting and contraction.

38. Tfie point at which molecules in liquid water are heated and separated
from each other until they become gas, is called ......

a. melting point. b. freezing point. c. boiling point. d. kinetic energy.

39. Which energy is generated due to the motion of particles in a certain substance?

a. Thermal energy b. Muscular energy c. Momentary energy d. Potential

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40. Which of the following may not be a source of thermal energy? ...........

a. Small oven. b. The Sun. c. Moon. d. The heater.

41. Heat is transferred by convection in the molecules of the following substances,

except ......
a. milk. b. water. c. atmosphere(air).

42. Sunlight and the heat of the Sun reach Earth by............
a. conduction. b. radiation.

c. convection. d. both convection and cond

43. Matter in the liquid state has............volum

a. fixed - fixed b. variable - fixed d. fixed - variable

44 ........... is used to measure the temperatur

a. Measuring container

c. Thermometer

45. Which of the following i s of the body system in order

from least complex to most co

a. Tissue, cell, organ b. Cell, tissue, organ, body

c. Body system, org system. d, Organ, tissue, cell, body


• b. mitochondria, c. ribosomes, d. nucleus,

·owing structures is found in both plant and animal cells ?

b. Cell wall.

c. Large, water-filled vacuole. d. Chloroplast.

48. The control center of the cell and is responsible for cell division ...........

a. mitochondria. b. nucleus, c. Golgi apparatus, d, chloroplast.

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49. Which of the following is found in an acacia plant leaf and is not found in human

a. Cell wall. b. Mitochondria. c. Cell membrane. d, Cytoplasm.

50. When two muscles work together to carry out a movement, one muscle
..............while the other ...........

a. moves - stays still. b. contracts - relaxes.•

c. stays still - relaxes. d, stays still - contracts.

51. Which of the following muscles is voluntary? ...........

a, Stomach muscles,

c. The muscles of the esophagus.


a. Heart, veins, and arteries. se, rae ea, and lungs.

c. Muscles and bones, eas, gallbladder, and thyroid gland.
53. Which systems are invol

a. Respiratory, circulator b. Urinary, skin and respiratory.

c.Circulatory, skin d. Nervous, respiratory and digestive.
54. What are nephrons 7 ...........

a. Ve ·ng urine before it leaves the body.

ine leaves the body.

ood into smaller parts.

d. Mictoscopic filters that remove harmful substances from the body.

55. Diatietes is a disorder of the endocrine system. In people with diabetes, the .........
does not produce enough insulin.

a. gallbladder b. thyroid gland c. pancreas d. small intestine

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56. The factors on which gravitational force depends are ...........

a. mass and shape. b. size and shape.

c. mass and volume. d. distance and mass.

57. The electrical insulating materials include ...........

a. rubber. b. iron. c. copper.

58. When a piece of aluminum is replaced by a piece of wood in a

this causes ...........

a. current flow. b. open the circuit. c. close the circuit.

59. From the conditions for lighting a lamp in an electrk

a. the presence of a battery in the circuit only.

b. the key is turned on only.

c. there is no insulating material in

d. all the previous answers.

a. oxygen only

d. food, oxygen and water

c. eye. d. leg.

tructuFe of a cell under microscope we must color it by using..........

c. sunlight. d. vinegar.

a. Resistors b. Electric conductors c. Electric insulators d. Galvanometers

64. both ............... and ................ are examples of liquid matter.

a. water - milk b. water - wood c. water-copper d. oil - paper

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65. Temperature is a measure of the .................. energy of molecules of a substance

a. potential b. kinetic C. light d. chemical

66. Water molecules have the lowest kinetic energy when it is in the form of

a. water vapor. b. water drops. c. steam. d. ice.

67. If you stand on hot sand in barefeet, you will feel the hotness
o because .........

a. heat transfers from your legs to sand. b. heat transfers from

c. your legs are hotter than sand.
68. The average temperature is almost ......... e of the mixture
of two substances with different temperatu ilibrium.

a. more than b. less than d. double

a. expand. b. contract. d. are not affected.

a. solid. c. gas. d. solid and liquid.

71. Growth of a liv lted from increasing the................of cells in its


c. number d. mass

the cells of all the following under microscope , except ..........

b. human skin. c. leaf. d. stone.

a. mitochondria and Golgi apparatus.

b. endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus.

c. endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria.

d. mitochondria and chloroplasts.

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74. The structure which is found in the cell of a banana tree leaf and not found in the
cell of a cat is ...............

a. nucleus. b. Golgi apparatus. c. cell membrane. d. cell wall.

75. In dangerous situations,

a. all systems of the body interact together.

b. circulatory system interacts with digestive system only.

c. Nervous system sends a message to digest food in stomach.

d. respiratory system interacts with circulatory system only.

76. All the following are happened by the help o ace or to run
away from danger, except ..................

a. contraction of your muscles.

c. increasing your heartbeats.

77. All the following are responsible foE exci:etion process, except...................

a. digestive system. b. s'kin. d. urinary system.

78. Your leg moves due to con ra axation of...............connected to the

bones of leg.

c. skin d. muscles
79. Heat is transferred through solids by ..............

a. radiation only.

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80. Matter............... , it just changes from one state to another.

a. neither be created nor destroyed

b. can be created and destroyed

c. can't be created but destroyed

d. can be created but can't destroyed

81. To make bridges we can use ...............

a. flexible fabric. b. concrete.

82. Matter can be changed from one state to anot

a. by losing the thermal energy only.

b. by gaining the thermal energy only.

c. by losing or gaining the thermal energy.

d. by keeping the thermal energy witfiout c

Complete the follow

1. Concrete is in ........... med, while after it dries, it becomes

2. Plant cell contains one big .............. which stores nutrients, water and waste materials,
while animal cell contains many small ............. which do the same function as in plant cell.

led toward Earth's ............... due to .................... force of Earth.

, ............... and ................. are examples of electric insulators

6. the presence of ............. Pigment gives most plants their..................color

7. Urine is composed of ................. , other wastes and ................

8. Different materials ................. by heating cooling.

9. Concrete is used as the base of............... it is very strong.

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10. Cellulose makes up ............... which is found in.............cells only.

11. The gravity of Earth is affected by two factors which are ............... and ................

12. After completing the digestion of food, the walls of..................through..............that carry
them to all body parts.

13. friction between a moving car and a road causes changing of into

14. The generator consists of large ............... and ...............

15. Cell wall is made up of.............. and gives the plant cell its de .......

16. Endocrine system consists of .................. which secuete hormone$ that tmntrol the body
temperature and blood ..................

em such as .............

18. You can see cells of an examined sample in .............. size 6y using the objective lens of
the microscope.

19. Some substances can pass thro............................................., while other substances

cannot pass through nephrons as ...............

21. When a substan e ............... , while its volume increases when it

is ....................
22. Mitochondria in muscle ce ls convert................ inside the cells into ............... which
is needed for doing different exercises.

23. ween magnetism and electricity is used in electric..............electric

tic ..............

y .............. change of some compounds of...............

25. the ............... point and ............... point are physical properties of matter.

26. Chlorophyll absorbs the energy of ............... to allow the plant makes its own food by

27. The electric current causes ................. in the human body as it contains..............that is
good conductor of electricity.

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28. Stomach contains an ................... And some ................ that lead to more food breakdown.

29. Some cell membranes are surrounded by ................

30. The small structures inside the cell are called ...............

31. The system in the human body consists of a group Of ..............

32. the ................. allows water to enter and exit cells to maintain water o
sides. •
34. the ................. in the urinary system purify the blood.

39. When you touch a sharp away quickly due to the interaction
between nervous system a d.

41. When your heartbeats e increase, your body sends more

...................blood to th€ m n to face the danger.

43. When a bo:¼ts>at the top of a slide, his body

44. If you increase the time of contact between two objects with different temperatures,
sfer between them will............

4. mal energy of molecules of a matter increases, the force that holds these
molecules ...............

46. Bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments and cartilages belong to ................

47. Endocrine system secretes ........... to control the body temperature.

48. The rigid external material that surrounds the cell membrane in plant cell is made up

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49. Smart clothes can ................ in the dark and keep themselves ................

50. Steel is made of a mixture Of ................... and other elements, while concrete is made of a
mixture of rock, .................. and ..................

51. Friction between a moving car and a road causes changing of

52. The final temperature of two mixed substances with different temperatures is
between the temperature of the ................. substance and the tern

53. When mixing two substances with different temperatures, tliie:½

temperature at....................

54. When objects with different temperatures

transfer takes place.

55. Heat transfers from objects with ................... tempe atur


Put ( Jor (X):

3. Heat flows from a colder substance to a hotter substance. ( )

r hot substances always move, ( )

7. No spaces are left between railroad tracks. ( )

8. Magnets attract the non-magnetic materials such as iron, nickel and steel. ( )

9. The heart is important in our body as it helps in food digestion. ( )

10. Thermal conductors are good conductors of heat. ( )

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11. Cell biologists are scientists who study rocks. ( )

12. Expansion and contraction of matter occur due to changes in temperature. ( )

13. Expansion and contraction are two opposite processes. ( )

14. Bacteria and horse are considered as multicellular organisms. ( )

15. Muscle cells cannot store and use energy quickly. ( )

16. Smart clothes can light up in dark places. ( )

17. In electric iron heat transfers from cloth to iron. ( )

18. When a liquid is cooled, it may change into


19. Chloroplasts are found in the cells of banan

( )

21. We can measure the temperature by using th ( )

( )

27. Cobalt is an example of magnetic materials. ( )

28. In series csiricuits, the electric current can flow in different branches. ( )

29. Hea is t anste red from a substance of low temperature to a substance of higher
( )

en tfie thermal energy of the objects increases, the kinetic energy of its molecules
increases too. ( )

31. Freezing is the transfer of heat due to the movement of a liquid or gaseous substance.(

32. Thermal energy transfer can occur in only two ways. ( )

33. Sunlight and heat reaching Earth is an example of thermal radiation. ( )

34. Matter in the liquid state has a fixed volume and a variable shape. ( )
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35. Measuring container is used to measure the temperature of materials. ( )

36. The final temperature is greater than the temperature of two bodies in contact. ( )

37. Thermal energy is destroyed when it is transferred from one body to another. ( )

38. Thermal energy is transferred in metals by radiation. ( )

39. The transfer of heat between two bodies stops when the
temperat same. ( )

is lower than their final temperature. ( )

41. When a liquid is cooled, it may change into


42. No spaces are left between railroad tracks.

44. Spaces between molecules of a substance increas asing the temperature

this substance. ( ) of

45. Railroad tracks are mad

46. Gases have variable sha ( )

( )

50. animal cells are completely similar in structure. ( )

tain chloroplasts. ( )

t respond when feeling stressed. ( )

53. Evei::y system in the body works individually when exposed to danger. ( )

54. Sweat is excreted by the lungs. ( )

55. The skin takes part in expelling sweat through the pores. ( )

56. The muscles of the body work together at the same time. ( )

57. A human can control the movement of blood in his body. ( )

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58. Muscle cells are short fibers that allow movement, storage and release of energy. ( )

59. The cells that build up a fish body are similar to that of onion plant. ( )

60. Chlorophyll is responsible for absorbing the energy of sunlight to make the food of
plants. ( )

61. Cobalt is an example of magnetic materials. ( )

62. The natural pacemaker inside our heart creates electrical currents to make it stops. ( )

63. Proteins can pass through nephrons during filtration of blo )

65. Nutrients reach the nerve cells which found in you irculatory
system. ( )

66. There are many small vacuoles in the cells

67. Cell biologists are scientists who study rocks. (

69. We can see the examin hen using the high power objective
lens. ( )

70.All cells of hum ( )

1. It

at transfer stops between two objects reach the same temperature.
,e magnet in which its force appears.

easure the temperature.

4. A disease that is resulting from the disorder of secreting insulin hormone by pancreas.

5. They are materials that slow down the heat transfer through them.

6. A form of energy produced from generators and turbines.

7. It surrounds the plant cell to give it a definite shape.

8. They are muscles that you can control their movement.

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9. The component of cell that allows water to enter and exit the cell.

10. The materials that the electric charges can flow through.

11. The mass of a substance doesn't change when this substance changes from one
state into another.

12. A hormone that controls the level of sugar in the human body.

13. The state of matter which changes into liquid state by heating. •

14. The are scientists who study cells.

15. The materials that are attracted to the magnet.

16. The organ that controls the level of sugar in the hu

17. It is the change of matter from liquid state

19. The decrease in the volume of a material as its temper;ature decreases.

21. A device used to examin

23. A system that se ---. ulating the rest of the body's systems
to respond.

}:fat secretes hormones to control the body temperature and the blood

27. An organelle which helps in packing and transporting different materials between the
cells an<il out of the cell.

28. The force that allows the magnet to attract some materials without making
direct contact.

29. A device that is used to see the structure of living organisms cells.

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30. A type of involuntary muscles which form the heart that contract and relax all time
without stopping.

31. They are cell organelles that provide the cell with the needed energy.

32. A liquid in your mouth contains enzymes that help in digestion process.

Give a reason for the following :

1- You feel heat, when you touch a metal spoon placed in a

► Because the metal spoon is a thermal conduct • to transfer

through it.

6-The heart has a natural pacemaker.

the form of long fibers.

8- Stom ch secretes a digestive fluid when the food reach it.

► To allow more food breakdown.

9- Cats are considered as multicellular organisms.

► Because the bodies of cats consist of many cells.

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10- The cell allows water to go outside it.

► To keep the water balance on both sides of the cell membrane.

11- Aluminum and copper are good conductors heat.

► Because they allow heat to travel freely through them.

12- You feel hot when you touch a slide in a sunny day.

► Because the heat transfers from the slide to your hand by cmnduot' on.

13- The level of alcohol inside a thermometer rises up ifwe p ater.

► Because alcohol expands by heating.

14- Cardiac muscles are considered as invol

► Because they move automatically which trol their movement.

15- You cannot see the body of bacteria with y .

► Because the body of bacteria consists o 1 with length less than 0.005

16- Vacuoles act as store

► Because vacu nd waste materials inside the cells.

17. You feel the he :=== there is a space between the Sun and Earth.
► Because the heat transfers tl:i.rough the space by radiation.

18. Plastic is better than wood to make the handle of cooking pots.

► • c warms slower than wood.

ange from one state to another.

Because the thermal energy of a matter may change causing a change in the state of

20. The size of a balloon decreases if it is subjected to cold weather.

► Because the air inside the balloon contracts by cooling.

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21. Electric wires are wrapped in plastic. :

► Because plastic is an electric insulator to prevent electricity from moving from the
metal wires into our hands.

22. The heart has a natural pacemaker.

► To create electrical currents that it sends out through the heart, e:ausing the heart to
23. The body needs to convert complex food into simpler

24. Walls of small intestine contain blood vessels.

► To carry the digested food (nutrients) t mpleting the

digestion process.
25. Plant cells can make photosynthesis

26. Some cell biologists •

► To watch how cells c parts or how cells respond to different

What happens if ...?

1-There is muel\ water enters the cell.

surrounded by cell wall.

a cell will have a definite shape.

3- The lungs when the diaphragm muscle contracts,

► The lungs take in the air rich in oxygen gas.

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4- The blood does not pass through the two kidneys during its circulation inside
the human body.

► The blood will not be filtered from the waste materials and the body will get sick.

5- The level of alcohol inside a thermometer ifwe put it inside cold water.

► The alcohol will go down.

6- The size of an inflated balloon if it is put in hot weather

► its size will increase.

7- The force of gravity if the distance between the ob"ect


► The force of gravity between them will dee

8- A magnet is approached close to some ir small pieces of


9- The mass of a piece of butter afte

10- Molecules' mo sul>stance after mixing it with a cooler


► Molecules of hotter substanee will move slower after mixing.

11. mixing rock sand an ater together.

estone and soda ash at high temperature.

13. making chemical change to some compounds of petroleum.

► Plastic will form.

14. if no spaces are left between the railroad tracks.

► Train accidents occur as a result of bending of tracks in hot weather.

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15. If the electric circuit doesn't contain switch.

► We can't open or close the circuit.

16. If electric circuits in houses are connected in series.

► If one light bulb blows out or is disconnected, the other bulbs will not work.

17. Some electric circuits contain resistors..

► Because resistors are used to slow the flow of electrons through an electric circuit to
avoid the damage of its components.

18. The electric circuit must contain a battery.

► Because the battery is the source of electric·

19. If pancreas doesn't make its function c

21. If the blood that carries ses through nephrons of the two

► The blood will mt l substances.

22. If sugar doesn't reacli mitodiondria inside the cell.

► Mitocho dria cannot make cellular respiration, so they cannot provide the cell with
• ergy.

when it is heated at very high
solid state into liquid state.

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Choose the correct answer from the following :
1- b 2- C 3- C 4-a 5- b 6- a

7- d 8-c 9- d 10-b 11- a 12-c

13-a 14-a 15-d 16-b 17- C

19 - b 20-a 21- C 22- d 23-d

25-d 26- d 27-c 28-c 29-c

32-c 32-a 33-b 34-d

37- C 38- C 39-a 40- C

43 -d 44- C 45-b 46-a 48-b

49-b 50- b 51- d 2-b 54-d

55-c 56- d 57-a 8-b 59-d 60- d

61-c 62-a 65-b 66-d

67-b 68-c 71-c 72-d

73-b 74-d 77-a 78-d

79-c 82-c

Com lowing sentences:

2- sap vacuole, vacuoles 3- cardiac - involuntary
5- plastic, rubber 6- chlorophyll , green
8- expand , contract 9- building , bridges

10- cell wall , plant 11- distance , mass copper

13- kinetic, thermal 14- magnets , coiled

16- glands, pressure wires 17- conductors,

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12- small

intestine ,

blood 15-

cellulose -


18- small , low


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19- urea , proteins 20- plastic, non - magnetic 21- decrease , expanded

22- sugar, energy 23- motors, transformers 24- chemical , petroleum

25- melting, boiling 26- sunlight, photosynthesis 27- electric shock , water

28- acid , enzymes 29- cell wall 30- organelles

31- organs 32- cell membrane
33- c ircu1atory

34- kidneys 35- methylene blue
37- the cell 38- number

40- energy 41- oxygenated

43 - potential 44 - increase
46 - musculoskeletal 47- hormones
49 - light up , clean 50- iron , sand, water
52 - hotter , cooler 54- heat

55- higher, lower

Put ( Jor (X):

1-T 2-T 2t- ::r

5-T 6-T 7- F

9- F 12-T


20- F

23- F 24-T

25- T 26- F 27-T 28- F

29-F 30-T 31- F 32-F

33-T 34-T 35- F 36- F

37- F 38-F 39-T 40-F

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41-F 42-F 43-T 44-F

45-T 46-T 47-T 48-T

49-T 50- F 51- F 52-F

53-F 54-F 55-T 56- F

57- F 58-F 59- F 60-T

61-T 62- F 63-F 64-F

65-T 66-T 67- F 68-T

69-T 70- F

Write the scientific term of each of the

1- Thermal equilibrium

2- Magnetic field

3- Thermometer

4- Diabetes

6- electricity

7- cell wall

11- onservation of mass

12- insulin hormone


14- cell biologists

15- magnetic materials

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16- pancreas

17- freezing

18- evaporation

19- contraction

20- system

21- Microscope

22- magnetic field

23- endocrine system

24- electric current

25- The 30 microscope

26- Endocrine system

27- Golgi apparatus

28- Magnetism

29- Microscope

30- cardiac muscles

31- Mitochondria


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