Conspectus 13 Haunted Lands
Conspectus 13 Haunted Lands
Conspectus 13 Haunted Lands
Table of Contents ........................................... 2 Qualin Mountains ..................................... 15
Introduction...................................................... 3 Reaf Woods .............................................. 15
What’s in a name ....................................... 3 Rengarth Abbey ....................................... 15
Organization ............................................... 3 Ruatha, City of Magic .............................. 15
Races ........................................................3,4 Sands of Time .......................................... 16
Classes ........................................................ 4 Terrorhold ................................................. 16
Political Borders Map ..................................... 5 Tholia, Dwarf City .................................... 16
Racial Areas Map ........................................... 6 Vargonn Mountains ................................. 16
Locations in Alphabetical Order ................... 7 Greatlore: Runeswords ............................... 17
Abbey of Holy Tears .................................. 7 Is that all? ...................................................... 17
Argon Isle .................................................... 7 Can we leave the map? .............................. 17
Ashvan......................................................... 7 Flavor of the Land: Magic ........................... 18
Athe Shire ................................................... 7 Racial Viewpoints ......................................... 18
Bay of Bones .............................................. 7 Ongoing Themes .......................................... 19
Blakvale Port ............................................... 7 Chaos ........................................................ 19
Brindenford City ......................................... 7 Goblinkin ................................................... 19
Celip, Town of............................................. 8 Kathandalis ............................................... 19
Colossiarr City ............................................ 8 Trade ......................................................... 19
Desert of Desolation.................................. 9 Cataclysm ................................................. 19
Drachengrad Mountains ........................... 9 Power & Prestige ......................................... 20
Druinland ..................................................... 9 Rogues Guild of Colossiarr .................... 20
Druin Downs .............................................10 Hammers of Heronomyus ...................... 20
Fairhill ........................................................10 Halin Woodsmen ..................................... 20
Far-Tirith ....................................................10 Orcslayers ................................................. 20
Firien Keep ................................................10 Ruatha Mystics......................................... 20
Garlin Hills .................................................10 Deadhunters ............................................. 20
Halin, Land of ...........................................10 Kingsmen .................................................. 20
Hargut Lake ..............................................11 Fists of Chaos .......................................... 20
Herok, Land of..........................................11 Heroes & Heroines ....................................... 21
Heronomyus City .....................................11 King Aerin II .............................................. 21
Heronomyus, Kingdom of .......................12 Lady Rowena Duncan............................. 21
Highport City .............................................12 Astereck Vorm .......................................... 21
Jen-Gal ......................................................13 Ryleigh Shann .......................................... 21
Kador, Dwarven Hold ..............................13 Druirk Stonefist ......................................... 21
Kathandalis ...............................................13 Kragor NeMoren ...................................... 21
Kathandalis, Great Wall of......................14 Daligann Foxmoon .................................. 21
Mount Tirna’cel .........................................14 General Timeline .......................................... 22
Oakhurst Village .......................................15 Endtext ........................................................... 23
Plainlands ..................................................15
Conceptual Artist & Architect: Tim Burton Musical Score: Basil Poledouris Fight Sequence Unit: Sam Raimi
Whats in a Name? Elves
The Haunted Lands name comes not from the There are not many pure elves living in the
fact that we are in a nation of ghosts and spirits Haunted Lands. Their ancient towers, which once
(although there are those too). The Haunted held sway over the entire Reaf Woods, fell too
Lands comes from the fact that every facet of life long ago for most memories. Their descendants
in these lands feels and sees the people and im- remain in the lands to continue a quest held by
ages of the past. These lands are some of the their ancestors: the holding of the lands against
eldest settled lands in all of Quais. Tradition is the orcs during the Gate Wars. Tied to no nation,
strong. The people are reminded daily of where they can be found mostly in the western lands,
they came from and what was left behind, so rich owing at least partial respect to the half-elven
and pervasive is their history. So too are the king of Herok, Luinul Spellweaver.
lands named for their proximity to the land of
Kathandalis, an area which was, over a thousand
years ago, ruled by a sovereignty of intelligent
undead and whose villages and mountains reek
The dwarves can be found in greater numbers in
of Ravenloft. At the same time it’s a land of an-
the Haunted lands than one might expect know-
cient traditions, old villages, and best of all, clas-
ing the history of the surface, but an entire un-
sic fantasy. Welcome to yet another enduring
derdark realm has housed two proud extended
corner of Quais!
family clans for generations, the Munagrym clan
of the Drachengrad Mountains north and the
Organization Thorkrag clan of the Vargonn Mountains south.
Once under one rule by a single leader, the Caty-
On the next few pages are race/class discus- clism sundered their kingdom and their royal
sions and then overviews and maps. After this items of sovereignty and set the dwarves with
are alphabetical listings for each of the features madness. It was with the help of the human lands
therein. This is a big conspectus, there’s no between that war was avoided over the crown,
doubt about it, this is an area I’ve invested a lot and while many options were discussed, in the
of time in. But fear not, the scale is huge, but the end the Dwarves decided to ‘govern’ their two
unmarked features outweigh the facts by a large clans separately but in peace, and owe general
margin, and the room for expansion is plenty! loyalty to the human King of Heronomyus. There
is also a dwarf city Kador, jointly occupied by
Races both clans, besieged and under constant strife in
the Garlin Hills, holding back its vast mineral
wealth from the goblinkin and underdark threats.
The Haunted Lands have always been domi-
nated by humankind. The ancient Empire of Am-
ritsaria once encompassed most of the map and Gnomes
in “recent” years has become the three king-
doms, Heronomyus, Halin, and Herok. Of these, While the Gnomish population is small, it has a
Heronomyus is mostly human and dwarf, Halin is centralized land in the Druin Downs, a small area
nearly all human, and Herok is heavily half-elven, south of the Garlin Hills between the river fork.
with elves and humans aplenty. The area has always held gnomes, their tradi-
tions passed widely to the surrounding lands.
Half-Elves CLASSES
A place unique to the entire world of Quais, the ? Barbarians are found among both the Raven
half-elf population (thanks to a long history of Tribe who have small settlements across the
elven and human marriages in the past Age) are plainlands that cut straight through the settled
under a single, but loosely ruled ‘kingdom’ called lands and the Jen-Gal Mountain Amazons of the
the Land of Herok (now Altheria). King Luinul of the same name.
Spellweaver ‘rules’ from ancient elven towers in
the southern Reaf Woods in Mournvale letting the ? Bards are found mostly in the cities and towns
outlying towns and villages run themselves, hav- of the civilized lands. Bards from Kathandalis
ing a hand only in their continual freedom from usually find the most respect and awe.
other nations and protection of their way of life
from the evil Western Slaverlands and the ever- ? Clerics of all faiths are prominent in these
growing goblinkin hoards. Lands. A struggle with cults is an ongoing
concern, swelling the ranks of all churches.
Half-Orcs ? Druids are rare and individual, while they have
no circle, the do have Rengarth Abbey which is
Half-orcs are very rare in these human lands, and
shared with priests and monks of Nature.
nearly all are treated with the basic due of their
brutish ‘greenie’ parent. Half-orcs must work
? Fighters are found everywhere. The
harder here than any other to earn respect
everpresent goblinkin threats to the lands
among non-orcs. On the other hand, half-orcs are
ensures large ranks of fighters.
found aplenty in orcan tribes, and are equally re-
spected there. It’s not uncommon for the orc
? Monks are very rare, and hail either from the
ranks to swell with the tried-but-failed outcasts
Abbey of Holy Tears at southern Lake Hargut or
who come, head hung low, from human lands.
from Rengarth Abbey in the Drachengrad
? Paladins are more common than one would
The halflings of the Haunted Lands are wander- imagine, but all have homes in the plentiful
ers and survivors. Lacking a true unified land, churches.
they flock to the cities and villages of others to
carve out their unique niches. The halflings of the ? Rangers roam the lands and again, thanks to
land can trace many of their ancestors to the the goblinkin invasions, have steady work.
small halfling shires in the northern Drachengrad
Mountains and the northlands around Loch Serin. ? Rogues flock to the cities and towns, Colossiarr
Their adaptable way is second to none and their has it’s own thriving, influential guild.
very nature has an impact on all they know, en-
suring strong bonds with the other races. ? Sorcerers and Wizards are all too common in
Halflings actually many times specialize in certain these lands, thanks to years of amazingly
crafts that put them at the top of the respect chain preserved enchanted lore, and face only what
in many a town. stigma they would place on themselves during
their lives.
The Kingdom of Heronomyus, some- The Land of Kathandalis, an an-
times called the Great Kingdom, it’s the cient land steeped in undead lore,
Highport, city last of the true royal lands of the ancient necromancy, and forbidden sorcery.
of scoundrels, empire, with knights, law and justice pro- Currently ruled over by a join effort
ruled ultimately moted. of the two wizards Nazul and An-
by Saloma, Currently ruled over by King Khastalan, nunziata, a rule showing the first
Queen of an aging but strong old champion fighter signs of light, regrowth and promise
Asassins. who still has many years of the crown left. in this Age.
The Land of Herok The Land of Halin, The Sands of Time , a land
(Altheria), a sylvan ‘kingdom’ a humanocentric of strong contradictions and
of Half-Elves, elves and hu- Barony ruled by mystery, this desert mas-
mans who live among the fey. strong-as-steel King tered by the rare and myste-
Currently ruled by King Luinul Antarchus Strong- rious Ubantu Tribesmen that
Spellweaver in elven ruins in bow who rules very proudly and justly call this
the Reaf Woods. firmly but just. land their home.
Abbey of Holy Tears gut. It’s an uncertain place to live what with it’s prox-
imity to the northern lands, but the fishermen make a
fine living and the dangers seem minimal.
An ancient monastery dedicated to a mysterious long- Size: Small town
forgotten immortal called Husanna the Oracle and the Population: 1543
Patron of Knowledge Crommard the Traveler. The GP Limit: 800
monks within are experts in all manner of old lore and Available Wealth: 61720
even minor divination. Their insight and answers and Power Center(s): Conventional (nobleman)
predictions are sometimes sought out by ‘lost’ pilgrims Community Authorities
who wish to find their way in life. More than any other Guards: 15
learned folks on Quais, it is they who hold most of the Militia: 77
lore that may help explain away the Great Catyclysm.
Brindenford City
Ashvan Brindinford is a large town nestled where the Kobold
and Halin Rivers meet. It is one of the most important
crossroads in the Haunted lands. It is a trade center
A town founded by the Loghin family, a baron of old and its food comes from small farming villages scat-
whose ancestors are now the Knight-Protectors of the tered in the nearby countryside; no fields are in the im-
town. It’s located on the eastern shores of Lake Har-
mediate vicinity. Forestation has been cleared in a ra- The city boasts, among other relics of the past, the
dius of about a mile outside the town on the east side great 'Imperial University', still renowned throughout
of the river, but much of the west bank is still heavily Quais as a place of great wisdom and learning. Other
wooded. Once every year, Brindenford holds a street- legacies of the Gaex, both ruined and not, are also to
fair which has become famous for hundreds of miles be found here.
around. It is easily the highpoint of the year for the citi- The source of the city's wealth and greatness is the
zenry and attracts merchants and wares from distant valuable trade routes that pass through here. Tons of
lands and the entertainment is second to none. This raw and smelted metals pass through here from the
street fair is held the first week in September. dwarves of the mountains to the rest of the continent.
Other trade, from across the Botany Bay and other
Size: Large town settled areas to the north, south, and east also makes
Population: 4,807 it way through this vital city. Many merchant compa-
GP Limit: 5,000 nies and houses are based here, as the city has rather
Available Wealth: 1,200,000 liberal tax and trade laws. Despite the relative decline
Power Center(s): Conventional (baron-lord) of trade from inland locations, the city has managed to
Community Authorities retain its wealth and importance.
Baron Euphemes II The city itself is generally well kept and is one of the
Guard Captain: Lieutenant Shella best ports in the east. Crime is not terribly high (there
Guards: 48 is indeed a thief's guild, but it takes great steps to go
Militia: 240 largely unnoticed), as trade is sufficiently lucrative to
attract the more talented and intelligent citizens. This
Celip, Town of wealth allows the city to command respect from other
states in the region.
Relations with neighbors, are kept friendly by the Lord
The town of Celip has inherited from Blakvale the posi- Mayor, who is also extremely well respected among
tion of Kathandalis’ shipyards, which Nazul and An- his own citizenry.
nunziata are making sure keeps rolling in gold to re- The city maintains a modest military force, given
build the once great sea nation’s former glory. over mainly to keeping order in the city. Soldiers also
patrol the roads within the city's claimed territory, as
Size: Large town well as maintaining a small fort at the northern limit of
Population: 3855 their territory. Soldiers of the Freecity are not permitted
GP Limit: 3000 by custom to act outside these areas. A few lightly
Available Wealth: 578250 armed vessels are also used by the city, primarily for
Power Center(s): Conventional (town council) harbor patrol and revenue-gathering.
Community Authorities The Freecity is extremely cosmopolitan, perhaps one
Sheriff of the most diverse in all Quais. Here, merchants from
Guards: 38 every nation on the Azure Sea meet for trade and
Militia: 192 commerce. In addition, elves, dwarves, gnomes, and
other non-humans are common here, for both trade
Colossiarr City and because the city is so strategically located. Travel-
ers and adventurers often use the city for extended
Ruled by Lord Mayor Pelthidore Aegron, the bustling rests on long journeys.
trade port Colossiaare is the largest Freecity in all of
Quais. It controls a sizeable territory, stretching as far Size: Metropolis
north as halfway into the Vargonn Mountains (a region Population: 40,321
called "the Neck"), and nearly 100 miles to the east GP Limit: 100,000
(the Sands of Time) and west. Once one of the key Available Wealth: 201,605,000
cities of the vast Gaex Empire once called Amritsaria, Power Center(s): Magical (mages guild), conventional
the city still reflects the grandeur of that ancient nation. (Lord Mayor), and magical (powerful temple)
Community Authorities
Captain of the Guard
Guards: 403
Militia: 2016 This is a small section of unstable land. It is claimed
by Baron Malcolm Dragonsmith from his fortress of
Druin Keep at the northern tip of the Garlin Hills. The
Baron rules a small area, claiming only a small portion
of the hills. The Baron ekes out a meager income by
charging tolls to the few caravans and travelers that
enter the hills from the north using the caravan route
there, and by taxing the peasants in his small domain.
The peasants don't much mind the light taxes as the
Baron provides them protection against any threats.
He maintains a force of over 100 well trained and
Desert of Desolation equipped men-at-arms, and provides training to the
local militia force. The old lord is reputed to have a
This desert is the result of the high peaks of the Secu- vast fortune tucked away in his crumbling keep,
litose and Qualin Mountains, which tend to limit rainfall though this must surely be dwindling due to his paltry
over this vast land. Further, the fact that little of the income. Travelers are often put up inside the keep as
rain that does fall in the mountains makes its way to no taverns or inns are nearby. Guests are treated well
this desert have ensured that this is a barren, lightly but the locals are not very talkative for the most part.
populated area. Unlike some other deserts, this area is In all, the Baron is a pleasant, though somewhat
one of stone and dust. Sandy areas are uncommon, strange, old man. He is said to have been a powerful
mostly limited to areas where the wind has been able fighter in his youth.
to break down the stone. Despite this, the distance
south and the lack of water make this a forbidding Druin Downs
place, and thus few live here.
The Mirazian Nomads who do live here are a reclusive This is a small area of gently rolling hills and mead-
lot, shunning outsiders. How they eke out an existence ows, home to the gnome population of the Haunted
in this barren waste is not known. What can be said of Lands. It is a very quiet area, more populated by
them is that they are most common in the north of this sheep than gnomes. Centuries of occupation by shep-
Desert, near the ruins of their ancient ancestor's herds and the occasional farmer has left this area
Sunken City of Pazar. Beyond this fact, little else is quite tame, though some wildcats lurk at times, wan-
known. An ancient road once passed through this De- dering down from the Hills in winter. It is said that a
sert, but it seemed to shift, and many caravans were small band of Kobolds live in the Downs, but this has
led astray and never returned from the place. not been verified. If there are, they certainly give
This gave the area its name, and ensured caravans gnomes a wide berth.
would make the trip around the mountains to the west.
Most believe this was a deliberate attempt by the No-
mads to keep outsiders from using their land to pass. Fairhill
Drachengrad Mountains The Village of Fairhill rests on the largest of several
gently sloping hills about one mile from Lake Hargut.
Four hundred twenty souls inhabit the village and sur-
The northern lands and hills at the edge of these rounding farmland. The village is governed by Arlen,
mountains are the home to a small group of Halflings the village magistrate. Individuals of all ethos live here
(see Athe Shire). The mountains themselves are not under the protection and goodwill provided by the tem-
particularly foreboding, and are relatively peaceful. ple of The Lady. Although numerous other shrines are
The land of Heronomyus operates mines in the south- present, The Lady is the patron deity of Fairhill and her
ern portion. temple is the most prominent. Thus, the true "leader"
of Fairhill is Shandril, the priestess of Nature. She dis-
dains that role, however, and openly supports Arlen as
Garlin Hills
magistrate. There is little political strife in Fairhill, as
Arlen, Shandril, Captain Baran and the tavern owners Some parts of the Garlin Hills have become a haven of
all work together. Fairhill is a peaceful town and has late for evil monsters. Orcs and goblinkin have moved
not had any real troubles with bandits or monsters. into areas once denied them by the dwarves. From
The village militia is composed of 25 well-trained their lairs in the hills and nearby forest east, they are
guards, led by Baran, the captain of the guard, and able to raid outward against settlements surrounding
Lauriel, his lieutenant. the hills. Of more concern, however, is the proximity to
the east-west road that connects the lands dispite the
Size: Village Halin River. This trade route, already dangerous dur-
Population: 420 ing its long stretch through uninhabited lands, is of vi-
GP Limit: 200 tal importance as along it passes the majority of the
Available Wealth: 10,000 mineral wealth of the northlands. Where once the Gar-
Power Center(s): Conventional (Magistrate Arlen) lin Hills provided the gold and silver so necessary for
Community Authorities trade and commerce, now the Qualin Mountains does
Captain of the Guard: Baran so. Thus far, the remaining settlements have managed
Guards: 5 to prevent most brigand raids on this road. But the ab-
Militia: 20 sence of a strong state has raised many concerns by
those who travel under the shadow of the Garlin Hills.
The continuing decline of the dwarves and men of the
Far-Tirith hills, and the rise of humanoids has caught the eyes of
Heronomyus, Halin, and Minera (of the slavers Quar-
This is an old fortress in the southwestern portion of terlands). It is believed that these states have been
the Drachengrad Mountains. Its original purpose is un- active in the area, prodding demi-humans to action
known, but what is known is that several years ago it and trying to coax the unwilling farmers and miners
was the home of a retired adventurer, Unwinn Cal- into greater unity.
corra. No one has heard of him in some time, and For now, the Carlin Hills have degenerated into a
whether or not he still lives there is unknown. Being in backwater. Once a center of Gaex culture, the region
such an isolated locale, there are no travelers that has become more of a frontier between the masses of
ever journey that way. monsters in the underdark here and the remaining hu-
mans and dwarves. A recent trend that has not been
Firien Keep widely discovered yet is that many of the orcish tribes
have come into a loose coalition under the auspices of
a powerful orc that has convinced his fellows that it
This castle was once the capitol of one of the Gaex would be more profitable to kill humans and dwarves
petty states. It remained a haunted ruin for many than each other. So far, his success has been mini-
years. Recently, however, it was occupied by an ad- mal. Still, such trends are best not ignored, as many of
venturer who has styled himself the "Lord of Firien" the veterans of the endless skirmishes with humanoids
and has laid claim to the countryside surrounding his can attest to.
new home. The scattered humans and a few dwarves
nearby were not very impressed. But they were forced
to acknowledge him due to his retinue of soldiers and Halin, Land of
fellow adventurers. Despite his egotism, he has not
been overbearing in his "rulership" and the locals are A small kingdom splintered from Heronomyus, Halin is
content to let him say what he will. He has even pro- ruled by Antarchus Strongbow. He is a tall man, being
vided some protection from humanoids that enter the about 6'3", and is quite strong looking, despite ap-
area, and helped build a road to the Capitol city of proaching 51 years old. He has brown hair, turning
Heronomyus that is his southern neighbor. Rumors gray, and brown eyes. Having lived his entire life on
say that the Lord was enticed to settle here by either the frontier with the humanoid tribes of the area, he
Heronomyus or Halin to help protect the hills. has become an excellent fighter and is a highly experi-
enced leader.
He has led his kingdom through crisis after crisis, and
Herok, Land of
is well respected by his people and the leaders of
other nearby settlements despite his sometimes harsh A kingdom of prominent half-elves, elves and humans
ways in judging what is right. splintered from the human centric kingdom Herok
Perhaps he is taking too strong a position against his (which was splintered from the kingdom Herono-
father (the king before), who despite being a good muys!), Herok is ruled by Luinul Spellweaver, a Half
leader, was sure the future of the kingdom was found Elf. He has lived all of his life in this area, except for a
in humankind and gave little opportunity to the strong few years he spent in Colossiaar at the Imperial Uni-
elf and half-elf population (causing them to eventually versity. It was during his time at school that Luinul dis-
break off and form their own land, Herok). covered his interest, and talent, in magic. After his
King Strongbow holds court in the Towers of Convic- time in school was over, Luinul returned to Herok as
tion, a mighty castle situated on the side of the tallest an apprentice to an ancient Human sorcerer of some
peak in the Haunted Lands, Mount Conviction, which fame, Fizbin. The apprenticeship lasted 12 years, dur-
was a mighty volcano in the first age. The castle also ing which time Luinul proved to be an apt student.
supports a large village and is the height of civilization When the apprenticeship ended, he presented Luinul
for the surrounding peasants. with a spellbook and a few gifts of a magical nature.
King Strongbow was present at the Battle of Meadow With that, Fizbin departed, as did Luinul, to serve as
Brook, when a large force of orcs tried to slip into the court wizard for former King Blathmere. When the
western Halin. His own father was killed in the battle king was dying, he named Luinul to the throne, as he
and he became king afterwards. Antarchus is a had no heirs.
friendly but stern man, genuinely concerned with the Luinul has studied the ancient ways of his father’s
welfare of his fellows. Together with his primary assis- people, the elves, and it was his decision to move the
tant, his brother Reginald, he sees to it that everything throne into the ancient elven ruins of Dol Runeth in
in his land runs smoothly. His knights are strong and Mournvale of the Reaf Woods. While he doubts he’ll
trained well. He had placed his son in charge of the see the glory of the return of an elven kingdom in
militia so that he could gain leadership experience, but these lands, he will do whatever he can to preserve
Alcuin has left to travel around a bit. Antarchus at first what they left of knowledge and magic. And he’s be-
objected, but his brother reminded him of how he had gun by renaming the land Altheria.
done much the same in his youth, and had ended up
the better for it. His only fault is an occasional loss of Heronomyus City
temper. He was married, but his wife died nearly 20
years ago of a disease. Heronomyus is the throne of the Kingdom of Herono-
myus. It is from here that King Khastalan rules. The
Hargut Lake Hammers have their headquarters here. It is a vibrant,
bustling city of a variety of races. The Kingsmen keep
Lake Hargut is a bustling means of travel and a source the city fair and the marketplaces are the finest in all
of food and prosperity for more than a few minor ham- the Haunted Lands.
lets. Of note are the towns on its east bank, Ashvan
and Fairhill, each which can provide transportation Size: Large city
across to the docks that lead to the prosperous mining Population: 19,276
town of Oakhurst in the Quail Mountains on the west- GP Limit: 40,000
ern shores. At it’s southern tip, where more than a Available Wealth: 38,552,000
dozen minor streams flow into the wood, there is an Power Center(s): Conventional (King), and nonstan-
astounding structure called the Abbey of the Holy dard (craft guild)
Tears, a place of knowledge and pilgrimage. Community Authorities
Guards: 192
Militia: 963
Heronomuys, Kingdom of states are quite interested in protecting the trade
routes through their two lands, a trade route which has
seen a surge in recent years.
Heronomyus is an ancient Kingdom, originally the old- The dwarves that live within the bounds of Herono-
est of the Gaex colonies on the Continent. Though it myus acknowledge the authority of the King, but in
has suffered greatly at times from Northern attacks, practice they are essentially autonomous. The
monsters from the Mountains, and strife, the monar- dwarves have no central ruler ship of their own, and
chy has managed to survive and the nation has kept are content to pay token taxes to their human King
its unique identity. The Kingdom once consisted of whose people aid them against the monsters of the
the larger region known as an Empire named Amrit- Mountains. This later task, which they have proven
saria. But centuries past, a succession of weak rulers quite adept at, has earned the gratitude of those living
and fierce invasions caused the southwestern reaches in the lowlands beyond the Hills. Though the dwarves
to break off, forming the lands of Halin and Herok. have begun trading more and more, they prefer to re-
King Ryan Khastalan is about 50 years old. He is a main among their own kind.
powerful warrior, well experienced in fighting both raid- In the kingdom's infancy plauged by continued undead
ers and monsters. He is well-liked for his beneficent threats, King Aerin II sent an army into the Northeast
policies, and is quite kind for an old warrior, and peas- Reaches to destroy the Necromancers of Kathandalis,
ants and nobles alike respect him. He has spent his but was defeated. A second attack by elite adventur-
years as king wisely, both reducing the threats of raid- ers was also turned back, and this ended the attempts.
ers as well as promoting trade through his lands. The Heronomyus maintains a small navy in addition to its
land has prospered under his reign. It is he that keeps army. This flotilla, based in the capital city, patrols the
a close tabs on the lands laws, reviewing them as nec- coast and scouts for raiders. It generally acts as an
essary, and personally overseeing the large contingent adjunct to the army, and rarely travels far from land.
of knights loyal to the crown.
Heronomyus is populated by a varied mix of races.
The most prominent race are the humans. Descen- Highport City
dants of ancient Imperials, these peoples have been
heavily intermingled with the other races of the area Talk could not even begin on the city whose reputa-
over the centuries. Heronom royalty and many of the tion, more than anything, is based upon its ruler. As
noble houses tend to have the most pure blood. much legend as reality, Saloma, Lady of the city, is
Dwarves are the most prominent demi-human group in considered to be among the foremost assassins in
the Kingdom, and are found in the surrounding hills & Quais.
mountains. She has killed many famous personalities on all three
Heronomyus is plagued by two significant threats to its continents yet she has never come close to being
security. To the west, the Kingdom is often plagued by caught. Her appearance is constantly changing,
hired raiders seeking easy prey among the small vi l- though it is said she has the olive complexion and dark
lages near the border to take as slaves, no doubt for hair of a southerner. Her beauty is said to be incom-
the mysterious Quarterlands. The King maintains a parable, and is her deadliest weapon.
strong watch along the border during the raiding sea- Saloma commands huge sums for her work. She
son. This vigorous defensive posture has proven quite never deals with clients directly, choosing instead to
effective in deterring raiders, though bolder ones still work through her network of informants and spies.
try the defenses every summer. To the east, the King- Contacting even them is difficult, as Saloma enjoys
dom is plagued by all manner of monsters that raid her privacy and hires only the most trustworthy agents.
down into the lowlands from the Mountains. Though Her signature is a black silk scarf left draped over the
the Dwarves help keep this raiding in check, watch victim's eyes. She has not been as busy with jobs
posts and forts are also maintained along the more since she slew the former leader of Highport, Kodulis
traditional routes used by marauders. the Ogrillion, and took his place.
Heronomyus has generally excellent relations with its The city itself is a large, crescent-shaped bustling port
only significant neighbor, Colossiaar. There is a long city nearly as ancient as the Amritsarian Empire. A
tradition of cooperation between the two states. Both great fire once nearly destroyed the city, only to have it
rebuilt, stronger then ever, upon the remains. Make no
doubt, however, the city is dangerous. While during
Kador, Dwarven Hold
daylight hours a visitor to the wharfs would see the
regular merchants and shops, by night the city oozes This was a most populous hold of dwarves in the Gar-
secrets and conspiracies being discussed about a lin Hills before the ores ran thin and the overwhelming
dozen different places and folks throughout the region. goblinkin arrival. It is closely allied with Heronomyus
At night, it is as dangerous as a dungeon. and generally defers to its leadership. The Clan Lord
of Kador is very close in the councils of the twin clans
of the mountains east, but does not always see eye to
eye with them. The city itself is populated by over 500
dwarves and is mostly below ground. Much of the city
is involved in mining or the manufacture of metal items
for themselves and export. Much of what dwarven
wealth remains in the Hills is concentrated here.
Kathandalis is very, very old land, steeped in legend
Jen-Gal, Amazon City and the memory of ancient magics. It was colonized in
the first age by people from across the Sea of Gearnat
Jen-Gal is the gateway to the Jen-Gal Mountains (from the continent men now refer to as “Wild Quais”),
which house the Amazons of the land. It is a city of the original inhabitants (Gaex) being largely absorbed
stark beauty and little freedom. It is a city where the or driven out. Still, these strange and mystical inhabi-
Amazons may do business with the rest of the world. tants have left their mark down to this day, and
Security and rules are tight, and perhaps all for the Kathandalis culture is liberally sprinkled with the an-
better. A careful merchant or visitor will see wondrous cient legends and beliefs of these mostly vanished
ancient architecture, safe taverns, and make a good peoples.
coin in fair trade to boot. Kathandalis has had a long and bloody history, having
Ruled by Ketli, the Amazon queen, this beautiful been fought over by various kingdoms and territories
young woman is the sole ruler of the Amazon queen- within, and unceasing battles with the southern rulers.
dom (whose specific borders are suspect). Throughout The lists of atrocities are long and filled with exception-
her life, Ketli has been trained to be a fighter and a ally brutal acts by the local lords. This, and the great
leader, the champion of her people. gloom of the populace, has made this a land of dark
terrors, half-remembered evils, and strange events
that still occur today.
The people of Kathandalis are considered dour and
morose by outsiders, and some believe they are all
tainted with blasphemous evils. While it is true that
they are quite bleak and superstitious, they do have
brighter spots in their culture. Music and dance are
popular, and their haunting melodies are appreciated
in other lands. Festivals and gatherings are popular
among them.
The further one goes north into Kathandalis, the more
bleak the land becomes. Though it is starkly beautiful,
with its highlands and mountains, its pine forests, and
its ancient castles, the land seems to be dimmed by a
haze of dread that afflicts everything, including the
people. Villages become less frequent, the people
more surly, and the nights are said to be haunted by
the unquiet spirits of those slain in the many atrocities land as their own. Mystery shrouds them, but no one
of the past. The Highlands are considered the heart of can argue that things are finally looking up for the land
terror in these lands. The people with blood closer to that sealed itself off from the rest of the world ages
the original settlers are noted for their skills as enter- ago.
tainers and their knowledge of things best left undis- The Sorceress Annunziata spent her early years
turbed and forgotten, they are now a semi-nomadic studying the scriptures and the laws of man. Her ex-
people that can be found throughout the Haunted treme beauty is only surpassed by her intelligence.
Lands, and even beyond, calling Early on she realized that the
themselves the Kaserine (the way creative art of magic was more to
the Vistani roam the Acarran Pen- her liking then scripture and law.
insula far south). They travel Now having served in the courts
about as extended families in of many kings, she is very aristo-
wagon caravans, staying in one cratic in style and mannerism.
area as long as they can still Her counterpart, the sorcerer Na-
make money with their little carni- zul is more apt to quick reaction.
vals and entertainments. Other His intelligence is based more on
Kathandalis folk tend to mistrust his experience, quick mind and
and mistreat them, fearing that deductive reasoning than book
they are thieves (often true) or knowledge. Nazul is prone to
worse, in league with dark pow- grandiose acts while Annunziata
ers. In truth, the is more reserved. Nazul has
Kaserine seem to be more knowl- reached great success in his ar-
edgeable about the terrors of their cane art and is a formidable foe.
tormented land, leading the fearful
peasants to their erroneous conclusions about the
Kaserine being the source of evil. Despite the fear and
Kathandalis, Great Wall of
mistrust, Kaserine entertainments provide villagers
with a little brightness in their otherwise dreary lives. A structure made of mostly stone, sometimes wood,
Despite the power of its southern neighbor, the relative and a disturbing amount of knitted bone, the Great
peace of the past few decades has highlighted the fact Wall was built after two incursions from the Empire of
that Kathandalis's problems are generally internal Amritsaria dared to interfere with this private land.
ones. About 1,300 years ago, a bloody civil war rocked Tales still haunt the lands describing legions of un-
Kathandalis when the current ruling family (of experi- dead who would work night and day for years to com-
enced and ruthless necromancers) vanished without a plete the wall, some getting crushed within the materi-
trace, leaving a controversial leader to take their place. als used to construct it, and in cases becoming a part
The fighting was characterized by brutality on the parts of it. While in the past skeletal knights were said to pa-
of rebels and loyalists. Many thousands perished, trol its length, no such monstrosities have been seen
fighting for something neither side's army felt very within an elf’s memory...but this still does not invite the
strongly about. In the end, the country was united by a curious.
council of mages who elected a leader. Another prob-
lem confronting Kathandalis has been alluded to previ- Mount Tirna'cel
ously, namely that the entire nation, especially in the
north, is haunted by all manner of ghosts and undead. The only active volcano in the region, the volcano is
Now, many Kathandalans will fear to leave their said to be a major gateway to the Haunted Land’s un-
homes at night, for fear of creatures that are said to derdark, and the tunnels directly beneath are said to
prowl after dark. The pervading gloom and e f ar has twist and turn forever. Many great deeds, legends and
had a profound impact on Kathandalis, and its rulers. bards tales revolve around the mysterious but undeni-
That is, until recent years. Again (and within recent able romantic spot, which in recent years is a known
memory), the entire ruling family vanished, and a sight for chaos cult rituals. Near its base is said to lie
magic couple, Annunziata and Nazul have claimed the Rappan Athuk, the dungeon of Graves.
Oakhurst Village Deep within the forest, at the base of the Lake Hargut,
is the Abbey of Holy Tears, an ancient monastery
dedicated to Kusanna, demigoddess of oracles and
A prosperous but small silver and ore mining town Crommard the Traveler patron of knowledge. People
nestled within the Qualin mountains. It’s inhabitants seeking answers to questions or insight into the future
are nearly all human, and a sturdy lot they are. will travel here, as the oracles given through the de-
voted are said to be of the most profound wisdom.
Rengarth Abbey
The source of life for the Lands of Halin. Surrounded
as it is by rich farmland, the Plainlands are a real Toward the northernmost edge of the Drachengrad
shock when first seen. It begins rather abruptly, when Mountains to the east is this Abbey dedicated to
the flatlands give way to huge tuffs of wheat and other Mother Nature. The abbey itself is heavily fortified. In
grasses growing up to five feet tall. Trees are mostly general, however, it is rarely bothered by creatures
absent. A number of Halin's population live here, and from the mountains. The monks and priests of this ab-
those that do are found mostly in small settlements bey will aid the rare travelers that pass through this
along the roads from Jen-Gal to Collossair south of area if they find any in need, but they prefer the peace
Mount Conviction. Farming is possible thanks to per- of their isolation.
petually rich soil, especially near the Halin River which
flows through the central portion of the plains. A few
monsters are said to live here, primarily near the out- Ruatha, City of Magic
lands away from civilized lands.
A small city set in a precarious location, it’s bordered
Qualin Mountains to the east by the Sands of Time, to the North by the
Vargonn Mountains, to the West by Colossiarr City
and to the South by the Azure Sea (with no port ). The
These mountains help the Seculitose range, on the city is aptly named. While it started as a village whose
west keep the dreadful sands of the Desert of Desola- bloodline all proved sorcerous, in later years the prox-
tion where it belongs. The northern portion of the imity of content borders, privacy and like minded folk
range is home to a few small settlements of humans, drew hedge wizards and Adepts aplenty. It’s no doubt
while the southern edge is home to some deep true that the population has about 40% folk who at
dwarves. Small bands and solitary monsters can be least know a cantrip or two, the city caters to the mun-
found in other isolated areas. The Qualin range, be- dane as well, most working for the number of wizards,
sides being high, are quite rough, and travel from one libraries, and laboratories that haunt its streets, as well
valley to another is usually quite difficult. One known as the prestigious Knightmage guard duty. Alchemy,
trade route does exist across it, running from the Land potion brewing and even some of the more common
of Herok into the Desert within. The Overtrail, as it is magical items can be found and readily bought and
known, is exceptionally old and is very rarely ever sold here. It’s worth noting that the number of actual
used. Very old ruins can be found at various locations accomplished spellcasters here is not as large as the
in these mountains, especially near the Overtrail. imagination would allow.
Sands of Time hold. Though remote, the city is fairly prosperous
thanks to trade. The frontier mentality of the city, cou-
pled with the large number of transients passing
A large desert, the Sands of Time is a wide, open re- through here during trading season, keeps the city
gion of rolling sand dunes interspersed with regions of rather rowdy, and few walk the back streets alone by
stone and hills. To many in the cool, green north, it ap- night. The dwarves are ineffectual for the most part,
pears quite inhospitable. Yet, the desert nomads live they let the city run itself. The local militia is well or-
here with little difficulty. Most can be found in the cen- ganized, however. The militia consists of a core of
tral portion of the Southern Desert. In truth, the area is well-trained regulars that are constantly supplemented
teeming with life, especially in the hilly and rocky ar- by a force of a few hundred reserves. The entire force
eas, where small oasis's and water sources can be can be called up in a very short time, if required.
found. Enough rain also falls to support a small The ruler of the city is chosen by a council of dwarven
amount of desert life, such as cacti and small animals, civic leaders every other year. While not overly
in other areas. Larger animals are confined to the sought-after, the position of ruler does have advan-
more watered areas. A small lake is said to exist deep tages for the holder, with regards to control of the mili-
within the Desert, and is the center of the nomad's tia, taxation, etc. Most mayors tend to be dwarf mer-
lands. Caravans are becoming a more common chants looking for an edge over human competitors.
source in this arid land, bringing strange wares from Most of the merchants, rather than trading, make their
the folk within. Still, travel can be dangerous across money by bilking wealth from the caravans passing
the sands, as bandits and a even some monsters through the city. These large caravans, always in need
make this desert their home. of plentiful provisions, are forced to pay exorbitant
prices for basic services. Tholia is not a popular stop
Terrorhold for the real merchants, though it is a necessary one.
A mighty Ziggurat standing like a small mountain and Size: Small city
covering the surrounding countryside with shadow, Population: 7,136
Terrorhold is made of a material lost to current ages GP Limit: 15,000
called Blakstone. Terrorhold has first and foremost Available Wealth: 5,352,000
been a center of worship for the chaos cult assumed Power Center(s): Conventional (council & mayor)
to pay homage to Orcus and his allies. Priest-Monks Community Authorities
for ages have trained here and set out on mighty jour- Captain of the guard
neys to begin sects of chaos worshippers throughout Guards: 71
the lands of men. Steeped in ancient tradition in Militia: 356
Quais, Chaos cults seek power and closeness with the
pantheon of chaos and evil through mutations brought Vargonn Mountains
about by unholy rites in which pure chaos is sum-
moned and introduced to both victim and volunteer Found on the south-eastern side of the Land of Heron-
alike to create shapes and entire new races to plague omyus, these mountains run many miles north to
mankind. south and border the Sands of Time. Though rather
average in height, they help to protect the interior of
Tholia, Dwarf City the western lands from the winds of the Sands of
Time. The central portion of these hills, adjacent to the
The dwarf city Tholia exists solely due to the presence Kingdom of Heronomyus and the hills, is populated by
of the rich trade route upon which it sits. It is not overly a single clan of dwarves of the city Tholia. Though
large, with the bulk of its population engaged in feed- there has been conflict in the past, these dwarves are
ing or otherwise servicing the large caravans that pass friendly to their human neighbors, and trade thrives
through here in trading season. In practice, it main- between them. The dwarves have no central rulers,
tains control of within about 20 miles of the city walls. and each clan is independent of the others. Still, in
All manner of demihuman races live within this dwarf- times of crisis, they are quick to unite under the lead-
ers of the most those humans living in the shadow of searches for this blade, believing that it will turn the
the mountains. Gnoll and Orc raids in the surrounding tide in his war against the orcs in a final conflict.
hills are common, and many significant battles have Demonslayer - This sword has the ability to cut down
been fought over the years. The ever present danger chaos-spawned outsiders. A powerful blade said to be
is one reason the dwarves and humans get along so wielded by a heroic ranger in the midlands.
well. These mountains possess abundant mineral The Shadowblade - Said to have been wielded by the
wealth, though some older Dwarves warn that even Hero Astereck Vorn. Not much is known about this
the best mines have dwindled in value during their life- blade or its owner, save that he traveled in a black
time. cloak, slaying evil men in the night.
Kinslayer - the final blade at the forge when the ca-
Greatlore: Runeswords tastrophe hit. Its binding was incomplete, and it was
left a fearsome weapon of fury. Whoever possesses
this blade doesn't hold it long - a fury soon overtakes
The Runeswords were created as items of power on him or her, and he or she cannot stop until they have
the ancient Lost Island of Sorcerers thousands of slain every living creature in sight, or are cut down
years ago. An evil sect had taken control of their gov- themselves.
ernment, and had begun to forge these blades of
power as part of a plan to eliminate their rivals and
conquer the rest of the world. However, a group of Is That All?
renegades disrupted the ritual as the final sword was
being created, and the resulting devastation sank the Of course not, what you have here is the basic knowl-
island. edge and lore everyone has about the land around
Runeswords contain mighty mystical powers, not all of them. Has there been too much information shared?
which reveal themselves all at once. They bond and Absolutely not! In fact, unless I’ve really screwed up
grow with the wielder, revealing more potent powers I’ve written up the entire section to allow your PCs to
as the wielder grows in experience. form their own opinions, stories and theories. Is
The only items to survive this catastrophe were the Kathandalis evil, just waiting for the time to strike or
Runeswords themselves. Lost for centuries, they have are they truly on a path to redemption? Does King
begun to turn up one by one. Most sages and bards of Strongbow of Halin share his fathers despairing
Arcana are aware of the history of the blades. The thoughts of demihumans or is he truly a different man?
Ruatha Mystics have dedicated among them to gath- Is Saloma the lady of Highport truly evil, or does she
ering information on the Runeblades, and hope to re- do what is right to help others in need? What of the
trieve the six magical weapons. goblinkin increase in activity? Are the ancient elves
Some seers among the Kaserine people believe that ready to take their place in their towers of old are they
the swords are central to prophecies predicting the too far gone in this land? Situations to shape, stances
end of the world. Some even have dedicated among to make and stories to be told await.
them to procure them for the wandering gypsies. True,
the blades are powerful, but one must be constantly
on guard, and quickly learn who ones true friends are.
But Jeff, can we leave the Map!?
There are six Runeblades all together. They are:
You can, but it’s not advised. Off to the Northwest is
Flamesinger - The sword of the human Jaycin Threef- the Quarterlands slaving nation where you will be en-
ingers, this blade made one a master of fire and flame. slaved and worked till you die. To the Southwest is the
The blade was last seen on the battlefield where Jay- Desert of Desolation where you will dehydrate and die.
cin was slain. Its whereabouts are currently unknown. To the South is the Great Swamp, where you will
Coldbringer - A twin to Flamesinger, this blade gave drown or get eaten by black dragons and die. And you
the wielder powers over cold and ice. This sword is can sail across the ocean in ships meant primarily for
rumored to be lost in a glacier of Kaloria. coastal travel, hit a small squall, wreck, and die. All
Warmonger - A sword that can cut down an army, its kidding aside, there’s nothing stopping you. Really.
whereabouts are unknown. The King of Halin
Flavor of the Land: Magic Dwarves: From the walls of the city of Heronomyus, to
the very foundation of Colossiarr, to the co-
construction of the Towers of Conviction to the master
Magic never really went through a period of ‘vanishing craftsmen of Tholia, without dwarves human civiliza-
and renewal’ like the rest of Quais experienced. The tion would be bland, simply functional and, by the
land pretty much carefully preserved its enchanted makers beard, a whole lot less sturdy! Which may be a
heritage and so spells, items and lore are, while not way of thanks, for a terrible civil war almost tore the
common, are known and expected. Popular bards spin dwarves apart during a time of madness bought upon
yarns about the elven magic of old and wizards and by the cataclysm that changed the world. Up until that
sorcerers can pretty much practice their spells freely, time they kept their weapons and stonework to them-
knowing that any civilized town has their own laws selves. Now they are the engineers of human great-
governing the (mis)use of items or spells. ness and their shield against the goblins. It goes with-
out saying that if you want the finest metalwork or
Racial Viewpoints stone construction you see a dwarf, hands down.
Every race of the Haunted Lands has varying views on Gnomes: Humans, seemingly, owe Gnomes a lot.
the others, here is a terribly brief summary and gen- Gnomish cooking and folk music, particularly, are inte-
eral overview...from this your characters can build their grated throughout human lands for so long most even
own interpretations. forgot their origin (until a gnome comes through town).
While the gnomes of the last Age wandered the lands,
Humans: Humans helped ‘save’ the land as it is to- spreading their culture, cooking, and gnomish brew to
day. Their plentiful numbers and willingness to aid oth- the human craftsmen and bards they met, their scouts
ers ensured that the elves of the Reaf Woods were not and leaders carefully colonized and settled the Druin
all lost in the Orcscourge of the second Age, and kept Downs for themselves, which humans accepted, after
the Dwarves of the Drachengrad and Vargonn Moun- all what Human Bard does not own his best practical
tains from Civil War. Both races owe humans, if not jokes to gnomes, and how many Inns to this day serve
respect, undoubted places in their histories, without up gnomish mead to their guests? Of course the Druin
whom there might be none. The humans in this land Downs would not even exist, being a scorched land, if
are not just ‘follow the leader’ bumpkins like may be not for the Human Empire Amritsaria long ago.
depicted elsewhere. They actively work their land and
their legends. If you look carefully enough, you can Halflings: Halflings happily owe humans not a damn
sometimes even see the proud (or is that gloating) thing and never offered anything in return! While they
look in their eyes when dealing with demihumans. complement each other well, neither has been signifi-
cantly effected by the other throughout history. Many
Elves: The elves of the Haunted Lands have a sad, races view halflings with either great fellowship, dis-
terrible history. At one point before the coming of the trust, or both!
Gaex humans during the Gate Wars with the Orcs, this
land was much more sylvan and teeming with fey. Half-Elves: These people do not suffer stigmas like in
While the Gate Wars ‘ended’ over two thousand years other lands. The fairly high half-elven population is due
ago and no clear winner was declared, it’s easy to see to years of elven integration with humans, and their
the elves got the worst of it here. While they survived presence is part of elven heritage. While many comes
in scattered camps in the Reaf Wood during the sec- to love both parents, there is an undeniable pull and
ond Age, it was humans whose number helped them curiosity attached to the ruins of Dol Runeth where the
avoid extermination during the Orcscourge at the cata- half-elven kingdom Halin (now Altheria) stands. While
clysm. In their generosity, many humans were given most humans understand the half-elven point of view
gifts...magic gifts that through obvious or subtle ways, quite well, there is a small number of elves, wishing to
ensured greatness and prosperity for their lines. Hu- truly restore the elven ways that feel the half-elves are
mans are the inheritors of remaining elven magic, and diluted blood not helping their kind, but this is rare.
surely their time here would be nowhere near as color- Half-elves are mostly known for being adaptable and
ful or strong without it. possessing the best aspects of both parents.
Ongoing Themes the world? Is it true that if the moonlight reflects oddly
through a broken window while in this land, your
shadow will turn it’s back on you? And last, are they to
Throughout the Haunted Lands campaign there are be blamed for all undead? Many seem to think so. Hu-
many themes taking place around the characters as a man curiosity gives it it’s attraction while the stories
backdrop to their dungeon-crawling adventures. These that originate here triple that of any adjacent land.
of note follow: Mystery, darkness, shadows, and a great evil of the
past (or is it) give this place a neverending allure and a
Chaos healthy dose of fearing for ones own mortal soul to go
along with it.
The Chaos Cult of the Haunted Lands is strong and
growing. Hesitant to stop them or fearing their reprisal, Trade
civilized folk watch helplessly as the shaved-headed
black-robed priests of chaos stroll down their merchant The people of the Haunted Lands trade. And trade.
streets or book passage on their ships. Disappear- And trade. It’s fairly certain that if gold vanished from
ances, plagues, curses and more are blamed on them, Quais tomorrow or Heronomuys’ currency system col-
but many times there is a definite lack of proof. And lapsed next week it would be a minor inconvenience.
nothing that would make a King send his mightiest While gold and silver still rule, it’s the exchange of
paladins and fighters against...when gods only knows goods and services that has ensured cultural diversity
what is truly seated within that mighty fortress Terror- throughout the Haunted Lands. The dwarves of Tholia
hold, surrounded by perpetual goblinkin camps who are surely the toughest lot. The Cities all hold major
look to it as a religious site. Whatever is true, everyone markets, and the caravan routes are strong, well
hates them. They embody evil and fear, and their guarded, and constant. In the larger cities the ex-
twisted, mutated forms help to spread it to all. The change for services can be so bewildering to a new-
forces of chaos continue to hold the land in an icy grip comer that to trace exactly WHY a merchant and his
and permeates all that it is. family get free room and board from the best inn be-
cause they found Kalorian Furs for a local Lord’s
Goblinkin Daughter could take a week. It’s an important part of
the land that cannot be underestimated, or more im -
The goblinkin, particularly orcs, have been hated in the portantly, ignored if you’re savvy.
Haunted Lands forever. Since the actual ’defeat’ of the
elves during the Gate Wars to the eventual constant The Catyclism
raiding that helped tear the Amritsarian Empire apart,
there’s not just a few Rangers who don’t delight in fa- The Great Upheaval that changed Quais’ magic (and
voring them as foe, nor will elf or half-elf not stop by chance just happens to coincide with the Orc-
dancing happily or talking with friends to run a scourge against the elves, the fall of the Amritsarian
‘greenie’ (as humans call them) through if the opportu- Empire, the madness of the Dwarves, and the rear-
nity presents itself. While legends of their number rangement of the entire power structure of Kathan-
growing again are becoming more rare, it’s undeniable dalis) leaves its mark in across the land in many ways
that you can’t kill enough to make any real difference still over 1300 years later. Lore of a second moon is
in their population. strong in some ancient writings of Kathandalis. A
popular bards tale gathered either from the Monks of
Kathandalis the Abbey of Holy Tears or the Chaos Priests of Ter-
rorhold (or the blasphemous combination of both!) re-
Kathandalis does hold a romantic attraction to it. Can fer to the catyclism as the ‘Warlock Strife’, when
the people there truly speak to the dead, thus allowing hooded sorcerers of great power were said to have
you knowledge of your ancient past? Is it true that the marched before their dark leader cleansing the land in
Kaserine are indeed the most passionate lovers in all a maelstrom of raw mana and destruction. However as
is elsewhere, the truth may never be known.
Power & Prestige Ruatha Mystics
There are different power groups and orginazations Dedicated to magic to the exclusion of all others, the
that thrive within the Haunted Lands. Many also have Ruatha Mystics, who keep their membership and
Prestige Classes tied to them. coven meetings closely guarded secrets are masters
of arcane lore and item creation. Finding them is diffi-
Rogues Guild of Colossiarr cult. The reward when one does, and bargains cor-
rectly, usually always leaves an overjoyed client. Not
to be abused, they delight in the spread of knowledge
Seemingly localized, every rogues guild in the and spellcraft, while fight ignorance and greed in all
Haunted Lands has had contact in one way or another they deal with.
with these amazing band of rogues, scouts and ma-
nipulators. With local hideouts and connections in
nearly every settlement, they are the eyes, ears and The Deadhunters
full information source for the lands. At the same time,
they do their job, and do it well. Woe be to the free- A dour and determined group that has felt a chill call-
lance rogue within a claimed domain of theirs. ing patrol the Northeast lands and infiltrate the land of
Kathandalis to rid that land of some of its evil dead. As
The Hammers of Heronomyus it is, the ranks are a grim and pale lot who are some-
times feared even as they are thanked for their duty.
Even more fascinating is how in recent years their
The knights, paladins and fighters who make up the ranks have grown and their equipment easily supplied,
military of the Kingdom of Heronomyus are known with word that they are actually agents of the mysteri-
throughout the land and given most respect they are ous sorcerer rulers of Kathandalis itself!
due. Their duties range from border patrol, to city
peacekeeping to ambassadors to neighboring lands.
The paladins are called the Holy Hammers. The Kingsmen
Halin Woodsmen There are a sizeable portion of the city guard of Her-
onomyus who join this swashbuckling honor guard
loyal to the king but answerable to none. Part vigilan-
The longbow is the weapon of the fighters, rangers tes, part scouts, part underground justice league, they
and warriors that make up the Halin military. Humans do the work of the crown that cannot be said. Joining
who pride themselves on besting elven marksmanship their ranks is not easy, and a specific code is some-
and mastery of fletchery have made the hit and run times ever harder, but there’s plenty of citizens of the
tactics of this crew legendary. It’s said that many a poorer districts who owe not just their livelihoods, but
greenie tribe died never knowing, literally, what hit their lives, to a brave duelist who springs out of the
them. night to thwart some street ruffians.
Heroes & Heroines Ryleigh Shann
Throughout the Haunted Lands there are many leg- High sage of the elves, when they still claimed the
ends and tales of heroes of old. Here are but a few. towers in the Reaf Woods as Dol Runeth, was the wis-
est noble. Ryleigh was an Elder elf, noted for his wis-
King Aerin II domglow and his stories in terrible detail of the Gate
Wars with the orcs. Ryleigh lead the elves throughout
the last years that Dol Runeth stood as their leader.
First King of Heronomyus, it’s not surprising to note His foresight and leadership are told in a hundred dif-
the large number of stories and legends surrounding ferent tales by elven bards. –1241 — 15.
this man. While his early years are filled with the glory
of the founding of the Kingdom from the Amritsarian
ashes to the liberty of the Garlin Hills by his hand, Druirk Stonefist
many choose to forget the mans later years when he
sent first the military and then a private adventuring Grand Engineer of the dwarves of old, Druirk’s tablets
band to slay the necromancers of Kathandalis. Both of learning are the cornerstone in dwarvesn achieve-
defeats nearly drove him to obsession. While his royal ment to this day. Clerics of the dwarves say Clanged-
crypt is open to tours in Heronomyus city, there are din spoke to Druirk in dreams so ahead of his time
those that say it is not truly him, that he actually died was his designs, so perfect his planning. A name
when he went himself to do the deed of death to the evoked often as Clangeddin or Odin himself, Druirk
Kathandalis rulers for their blasphemy. 35 — 106. comes from the determined tongues of dwarven
smiths and architects everywhere, weather on their
Lady Rowena Duncan first work or their last. –800 — -523.
General Timeline
110-300 A series of really bad rulers and chaos
-3000 to –1000 The First Age. infests the kingdom of Heronomyus, but the
crown survives thanks to the Hammers, the
-1000 to 0 The Second Age. knights of the kingdom.
C. –998 People from across the sea come and 280 Lord Halin, wishing to rid himself and his
settle Kathandalis, slowly forcing the Gaex people of the chaos of Heronomyus form the
there to the south and west. Land of Herin, within his stronghold, the Tow-
ers of Conviction. Heronomyus disapproves but
C. –850 to 0 The life of the Amritsarian Empire. can do nothing.
C. –825 Terrorhold constructed. 301 King Karsiah Bloodstone seizes the throne
from squabbling lords, a former Hammer
0 (1,135 Years Ago): The Warlock Strife; the Knight, his popularity swells, and his leadership
Third Age begins. [[The Orcscourge, the fall of brings Heronomyus to greatness once again.
the Amritsarian Empire, the madness of the
Dwarves, rearrangement of the entire power 636 The Great Wall of Kathandalis is built.
structure of Kathandalis, sinking of Sorcerer’s
Island, coming of the true chaos races]] 1085 The half-elven people, united with the
elves, quietly and peacefully declare the King-
1 Orc hoards and chaos races wade through dom of Herok, separate from Halin. King Bara-
the empires’ remains, scattering the people. chus of Halin concedes quickly. King Herok
Halfelven is named to ‘throne’ in Herok.
2-10 From the shattered remains of the Amrit-
sarian Empire comes King Aerin Heronomyus, 1107 The Battle of Meadow Brook, in which
uniting the land under a banner and helping to King Barachus of Halin dies, King Strongbow
wipe out the orcs. takes the throne.
60 Aerin II ascends the throne to Heronomyus. 1113 Annunziata and Nazul seize control of
Writes many laws still held to this day. Kathandalis after the necromancer ruling family
75 Aerin II sends a legion of warriors and then
a hired adventuring group to destroy the necro- 1117 King Spellweaver assumes the throne of
mancers of Kathandalis. Both fail. Herok, renaming the new sylvan kingdom Al-
106 Aerin II does without an heir. Kingdom of
Heronomyus goes through a year of hell as a 1135 Current year Quaisage.
successor is named.
They are the bloodstained lands. The dark
cauldron of Quais, the place which has never
known true peace. From the brackish marshes
of the Haunted Coast, to the Northern Garlin
Hills; from the Reaf Woods, Forest of the
elves to the outskirts of Colossiarr the city-
state. That is the place. The Haunted Lands
echo with broken empires, and the trees
bleed at night. The land is cursed, poisoned
forever from the blood of thousands; from
the charnel deeds Kathandalis to the killing
fields of chaos. From the remains of the for-
ests of impaled elves, to the haunts of the
mountain dead, these lands belong to the
night. From the capital city which is Herono-
myus to the scarred Halin River, the land
haunts itself, forever and forever.