GTPS Tender EW-50 12 03 2024

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EW- 50 PUR-F-006


Gandhinagar Thermal Power Station, Gandhinagar–
Gandhinagar– 382041.
382041. Ph. 91-
Fax: 91-
23217673, e-
e-mail: [email protected] Website:

TENDER Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.










Chief Engineer (Gen),

GSECL TPS, Gandhinagar

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.

CE [Generation], Gandhinagar, TPS invites “On-line Tenders” (e-tendering) for the work of
above subject item. Tender Papers & Specifications may be down loaded from Web site view, down load and on line submission) and GUVNL /
GSECL web sites (For view only).

All tender documents are to be upload (Notarized / self-attested copies of original – as

specified in tender document) through online only (mandatory) on (n) procure portal
excluding Tender fee and EMD Tender fee and EMD are to be submitted physically by
Registered Post A.D. or Speed Post addressed to: CHIEF ENGINEER (GENERATION),
be accepted.

Delayed and Late Tenders

No offer shall be accepted/ opened in any case after due date and time of receipt of
tender irrespective of delay due to postal services or any other reasons and that the GSECL
shall not assume any responsibility for late receipt of the tender. Tender received late will
not be accepted. Any postal delay in physical document submission / delivery of the tender
shall be to party’s account.

All the bidders, in respect of tender item must be the work contractor of the subject items.
Otherwise their bids will not be considered eligible for technical scrutiny and as such, their
technical bids will not be opened. BIDDERS ARE ADVISED TO VISIT OUR ABOVE

Tender No. EW-50

Estimated Cost of the tender items. Rs. 79000000.00
Tender Fees + 18% GST Amount (Non-Refundable) Rs. 11800.00
Earnest Money Deposit Amount (1% of Estimated Cost) Rs.790000.00
Security Deposit (10% of contract value on receipt of Letter Refer Clause no. 13 of
of intent) Other Terms and
Time Limit for Completion of Work __18___ Months from the
Date of Commencement
of work.
Date of Pre-bid meeting

Last Date for Online tender / offer submission through

(n)Procure only up to 18:00 Hrs(This is Mandatory) As per Tender Notice

Last Date for physical receipt of cover for DD / Bank

Guarantee / Online payment reference for Tender Fee and
As per Tender Notice
EMD only up to 15:00 Hrs Through RPAD or Speed Post Only

Date of opening of online Technical Bid, all relevant

As per Tender Notice
documents submitted through online process, Cover for

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
Tender fee and EMD at 15:30 Hrs (Online technical bid will be
opened for Bidders who have submitted Cover for Tender Fee
and EMD)

Tentative date of on-line opening of price bid (if possible) at Party has to be in touch
15.30 hrs. with website and
also with e-mail sent by
above website

If intimation is not given for submission of tender fee/ emd through RTGS/ NEFT well in
advance, your offer will be liable for rejection.

(1) All the online Annexure and price bid, other tender documents (refer Table-A) must be
submitted/attached through online form only. Bidder has to upload scanned copies of
original documents (Notarized / self-attested copies of original – as specified in tender
document) with bid. No physical documents to be submitted by bidder
(2) If bidder opts DD against Tender fee and DD/BG against EMD, same should be to be
submitted in sealed cover on OR before due date and time by RPAD / speed post only, If
received after time and date specified in the tender notice will not be accepted irrespective
of delay due to postal services or any other reasons and the Corporation shall not assume
any responsibility for late receipt of Cover.
Bidder has to give details Tender No, Subject of the Tender and Name of the bidder on the
Envelope. Bidder should note that above point should be incorporated on the main envelope
Otherwise the covers without the name and address will not be opened which may please
be noted
No B.G. is accepted for Tender Fee. Submission of Tender Fee & EMD is compulsory and
there is no exemption for the same. Otherwise the offer will not be considered and no any
further communication in the matter will be entertained. No price Bid should be submitted

(3) Bidder has to submit the Tender fee and EMD in physical form in favour of Gujarat State
Electricity Corporation Limited payable at Gandhinagar on Any Schedule / Nationalized
Bank or Bank Guarantee(B.G. only in case of EMD) issued by any of the banks as per
“List of Banks for Banker’s Undertaking(EMD & SD)” will be acceptable. (Cheque is not
accepted). Interest is not payable on the EMD. Tenderer should also certify as
"Unconditional Tender" on Technical Bid itself.
(4) Suitable payment option can be selected for Tender fees & EMD. Amount should be paid
either by Online payment, Demand Draft, cash up to Rs 10,000/-. Payment of Tender Fees
& EMD by RTGS/NEFT/on line shall be encouraged. In case of payment through
RTGS/NEFT bidder has to mail following details

Tender Fee / EMD / SD will be accepted by RTGS / NEFT also.

Details of Payment

Name of Party
Purpose of Payment Tender Fee Rs:
SD Rs:
Mode and Date of

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
Tender No
Party has to submit the above details to our Account Section on e-mail id of
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected];
'[email protected]'

Bidder has to provide all above details on the same date of payment so that receipt can be

If Bank Guarantee submitted against EMD/security deposit, same should be valid one
year from the date of expiry of BG. Bank Guarantee should be confirmed through
Structured Financial Messaging system (SFMS). SFMS allows intra/interbank message
transfer system of banking. Our bank details are as under.


ACCOUNT NO 01460200000329

(5) The tender received after time and date specified in the tender notice will not be
accepted. Once the offer Submitted by the Contractor before due date of submission,
the Contractor will not be allowed to submit revised/ additional/Modified/other after
opening of bid. Any alterations/ modification to the bids received after submission of offer
shall not be considered unless carried for by the Corporation in negotiation.
(6) Any deviation found in Data / Details / Documents between on line offer (e-tendering) and
physically submitted documents (Tender document fee, Technical offer of the bidder) offer of
the same bidder will not be considered and no any further communication in the matter will
be entertained.
Further bidders are requested to submit price – bid (Part-II) on-line only and not to
submit the price bid in physical form. This is mandatory. If price bid is submitted in
physical form, same will not be opened and only on-line submitted price bid will be
considered for evaluation. Further if the quantity quoted differs in the any of the technical
bid forms and in price bid forms, it is discretion of CE Committee –GSECL to consider the
quoted quantity.
(a) Registration No.: _____________________________________
(b) EPF Code No.: _________________ (The contractor shall have to submit in online the attested
copy of EPF code certificate issued by RPFC without fail otherwise tender will not be
considered )
(c) INCOME TAX PAN NUMBER: - _____________________________________
(d) GST Registration No. : _____________________________________ ( For Works & supply )
(8) In case short submission of documents with bid and / or clarification if any required from
the bidder, The required details / documents may be asked from bidder in physical form.

(9) It shall be sole responsibility of the bidder that the uploaded scanned documents (in PDF
form) Remain legible and should not be password protected
(10) Tender will be evaluated on basis of Data / Details / Documents submitted by online
form only.
(11) It is mandatory for all the bidders to upload their tender documents by on line only (E-
tendering) in scheduled time. No documents shall be considered physically which are
mentioned for on-line submission only.
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
(12) The bidders are required to fill up all the online annexure / forms and shall be uploaded
invariably. This is intended for transparency and speedy evaluation of the bids. Instead of
simply confirming / attached in bid / refer physical offer, the Bidder shall fill in the
particulars against appropriate place in respect of each line appearing in each online
annexure. Wherever required, bidder shall invariably have to upload supporting authentic
documents in the online bid. (In the absence of required details in the online annexure, the
purchaser has every right to evaluate the bids accordingly and bidder cannot raise any
objection against any point during evaluation.
(13) Bidders are requested to remain in touch with the web-site for any amendment /
corrigendum or extension of due date etc
(14) EMD and Tender Fee Demand Draft/NEFT/RTGS with different purchaser or agency shall
not be accepted. Tender without EMD and tender fee shall be rejected.
(15) The GSECL reserves the right to award the work to one or more bidders, considering their
technical and financial capacity OR to reject any or all tenders or accept any tender without
assigning any reason thereof.
(16) Once the offer Submitted by the Contractor before due date of submission, the Contractor
will not be allowed to submit revised/ additional/Modified/other after opening of bid. Any
alterations/ modification to the bids received after submission of offer shall not be
considered unless carried for by the Corporation in negotiation
(17) GSECL reserves the rights to reject any OR all tenders without assigning any reasons

Chief Engineer (Gen),

GSECL TPS, Gandhinagar
Dated seal & signature of

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

The tenderers should thoroughly read all the following clauses before submitting their
tender. The original copy of the Commercial terms and conditions duly signed,
stamped with company’s seal must be submitted in online only.

Please note that Tender with all documents must be submitted only online & not by
online tender with EMD + Tender Fee cover will be opened as per tender notice date
and time. and if the documents towards payment of EMD + Tender Fee are found OK
then only, offer of the bidder will be considered for further evaluation.
EMD will be forfeited (i) if the tender, which it covers, is withdrawn during the
validity of the offer and (ii) the Tenderer fails to furnish / deposit the security
“It shall be mandatory to submit 5% security deposit within 10 days from the date of
issue of Letter of Intent before order placement. In case when successful bidder not
at all responding within notice period or withdraws his offer then his EMD shall be
forfeited and he will not be allowed to participate in the tenders invited from the
same office for the period of One year for that place from where tender is invited.”

1. TECHNICAL BID: (Online only not by physically)

1.1) The technical bid comprises scope and nature of works and quantity of works/jobs,
drawings (Refer Schedule-B), required technical qualification for execution of the works/job
etc. for which price are to be quoted. Also, all the technical details of the stores/materials
offered in accordance with the Corporation scope of work, specification guaranteed
technical particulars and conditions, etc
The supplier/contractor should mention separate HSN/SAC code and rate of GST and cess
as applicable for each item of goods/services. If no specifically mentioned then company
will have option to take the prices as exclusive of taxes and duties at maximum higher slab
rates for the evaluation of tenders.

1.2) The Technical Bid shall be opened as per Tender Notice (If possible).Please note that the
required documents should be invariably submitted in online only. If party has not
submitted tender in online is liable to be ignored.
1.3) Contractor has to submit all required documentary evidences there of to qualify for
acceptance of their technical bid. The acquisition of the tender documents by any party will
not automatically qualify the party as to its capability to execute such or similar orders. The
Corporation shall assess the capability of the party at the time of evaluation of the technical
1.4) The submission of the offer by any contractor does not mean that the bidder is qualified for
execution of the works. After opening of the online technical bids, the competent authority
will evaluate on the basis of technical qualification criteria. If contractor’s bid does not meet
the technical qualification criteria, then his technical bid will be ignored. Decision taken by
the CE(G),GTPS will be binding to all in this regard.

2.1) The price bid comprises Schedule-B, in which the tenderer has to offer their rates in
accordance with the technical specification specified in technical bid with all
commercial terms and condition. The Price Bid must be submitted strictly as per
Schedule-B and shall be submitted online only, not by physically.
Incomplete bids and amendments and additions to bids after opening of the bids
will be ignored out rightly.
The price bid of those who are techno-commercially qualified shall be opened. After
technical bid is opened, for modification, if any, all shall be given equal chance.
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
2.2) Price bids of technically acceptable tenders shall be opened after analyzed
&scrutiny of the technical bid.
2.3) The ‘TECHNICAL” and ‘PRICE” Bids shall contain adequate cross-reference
wherever necessary to ensure clear and proper co-relation of the two bids without
ambiguities whatsoever. Any technical questions information and clarifications that
may be required pertaining to this Tender should be referred to the Chief Engineer
(Gen), Gandhinagar, TPS-382041 reserves the right to reject any OR all tenders
without assigning any reasons thereof.
2.4) Bidders have to quote their rates online only as per GSECL’s given format of price
2.5) The offered prices to be indicated in online mode of tender in the format given
(i.e.schedule-b) the price bid submitted in physical mode shall not be considered.


a.) For Works & Supply GST rate will be paid with the applicable GST rules.
b.) For Supply Portion Only:-“Party shall have to quote their rates in Schedule “B” of
price bid only along with commercial terms and conditions. The details of applicable
GST, service charges, packing & forwarding charges, freight, insurance, F.O.R. etc.
The supplier/contractor should mention separate HSN/SAC code and rate of GST and
cess as applicable for each item of goods/services. If no specifically mentioned then
company will have option to take the prices as exclusive of taxes and duties at
maximum higher slab rates for the evaluation of tenders.
It is mandatory to indicate GST NO in annexure 10a of tech. bid otherwise if no
specifically mentioned then company will have option to take the prices as exclusive of
taxes and duties at maximum higher slab rates for the evaluation of tenders.
3. Tenders duly filled must be accompanied by the following documents.
Percentage rate & contract for works tenders are invited from the reputed contractors with
sound engineering back ground, experience and financial capability, fulfilling qualifying

Applicability of goods and service tax:-

1) The tenders shall be evaluated on firm price and cost with GST and cess as applicable
unless otherwise mentioned in the tender documents.
2) IF the supplier/contractor have opted for the composition scheme of GST, the same
must be clearly specified with valid declaration and certificate from department. In the
event of withdrawal/ cessation of the supplier from composition scheme during the
tenure of the contract, the rate(i. e. price) mentioned in the price bid shall be final and
any additional GST will have to be borne by the tenderer himself, In no case additional
amount towards GST or otherwise will be paid/reimbursed to supplier/contractor.
3) The bidder shall have to inform their GST no. of the registered place(s) where from the
bidder intends to supply the goods/services, meaning there by the bidder has to supply
the goods/services from the relevant declared/ registered place(s) of supply only.
4) The bidder shall not include GST in their quoted rates; but the bidder has to separately
indicate the GST rate, amount in the price bid schedule.
5) In-case Govt notification comes for change in GST , the same will be applicable.
6) Bidder should indicate GST no.( copy of GST registration to be enclosed) and PAN NO.
(copy of PAN to be enclosed) Tenders submitted without GSTIN No by the firms, the
offer will be rejected without entering into further correspondence.

Other Terms & Conditions

1. Contractor shall indemnify GSECL against for any injury and/or damage that may be
caused in his man or material. Moreover, the contractor shall be fully responsible for any
damage caused to the Corporation’s properties done by his man/materials while executing
the work. The Corporation will be entitled to recover the damage from the party’s bill.
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
2. At any time if GSECL feels that progress of work is unsatisfactory and work force of
contractor is inadequate, other agencies/ departmental personnel will be put in parallel for
expediting the work. Amount so incurred will be recovered from the contractor’s bill. In this
case decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding to the contractor.
3. At any stage of the contract period, if the contractor fails to complete the job or his work is
not found satisfactory the same will be got done at his cost and risk and additional
expenditure incurred by the Corporation will be recovered from him by giving one week's
4. To sublet or transfer of contract without prior written approval of Corporation shall be
treated as breach of contract and it shall be punishable by forfeiting the S.D. as well as
termination of contract.
5. The Corporation reserves the right to forfeit the S.D. in case of any breach of contract and
in case of disputes. The decision of Chief Engineer (Gen), TPS GANDHINAGAR shall be final,
binding & acceptable to the Contractor. If contractor fails to start the Work as Stipulated,
the E.M.D. & S.D. Shall be forfeited.
6. Conditional tender will not be accepted. Withdrawal of tender condition unilaterally
by you before or after opening of tender will not be permitted.
7. The contractor has to carry out the required work strictly according to guidance given by
the Corporation's responsible officer.
8. The Corporation reserves the right whether the materials to be accepted, or not. Only
specified and scheduled materials are to be examined by Corporation's officer and then if
suitable will be accepted by the Corporation.
9. The contractor shall submit his bill in triplicate to the CE(G), GSECL, TPS, Gandhinagar
which will be paid after the certificate regarding correct receipt of the materials in good
10. The rates should be quoted without any condition. The rates be written in words and
figures legibly.
11. Revision of prices or any commercial terms affecting the price after opening of
technical bids shall not be considered and will be ignored.
12. The contractor shall have to execute an agreement with the Corporation on a non judicial
stamp paper, the cost of which will have to be borne by the contractor and will have to sign
the contract and tender booklet of the Corporation.
13. It is mandatory to submit security deposit before order placement. Party shall have to pay
security deposit of 5% of contract value on receipt of Letter of Intent. Such Security Deposit
will be payable either in D.D. / Bank Guarantees. Bank Guarantees from Scheduled /
Nationalized Bankswill be acceptable if the amount of security deposit payable exceed
Rs.5,000/-. The Bank Guarantees will be executed on the standard form prescribed by the
corporation. In case of the Bank Guarantees furnished / submitted, they should have clear
one time validity till the completion of the order in all respects and up to the expiry of
Guarantee period from the date of the work completion. Bank Guarantee for Interim period
will not be allowed. If by any reasons the work period is extended then contractor should
undertake to renew the Bank Guarantee at least one month before the expiry of the validity
failing which GSECL will be at liberty to encash the same. CORPORATE BANK
“It shall be mandatory to submit 5% security deposit within 10 days from the date of
issue of Letter of Intent before order placement. In case when successful bidder not
at all responding within notice period or withdraws his offer then his EMD shall be
forfeited and he will not be allowed to participate in the tenders invited from the
same office for the period of One year for that place from where tender is invited.”
If the Tenderer fails to pay the Security Deposit or defaults in execution of the
orders placed or if GSECL suffers any financial loss due to this, then GSECL will be at
liberty to adjust the amount from other orders of the same firm or by encashing the
Bank Guarantee.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
All the costs of the stamp papers, other than required for payment is to be made
through SIDBI / ICICI by Board, are to be borne by you as per the Govt. of India’s latest
The offers will have to be kept valid for a period of 120 days from the date of opening of
technical bids. In case of finalization of the tender is likely to be delayed, the tenderers will
be asked to extend the same without change in the prices or any terms and
conditions of the offer.If any change is made, original or during the extended validity
period, the offers will be liable for outright rejection without entering into further
correspondence in this regard and no reference will also be made.
15. If successful contractor fails to pay the required security deposit and does not come forward
to execute the work, the full value of EMD will be forfeited by the Corporation.
16. Any terms and conditions mutually agreed to writing shall be for a part of the contract.
17. Payment will be made as per GSECL’s rule.
18. The authorized officer/person of the Corporation will have the liberty to check the material
and work etc.
19. Regarding the quality and acceptance of the jobs the authorized officer's decision will be
binding and final and no dispute on this account will be entertained.
20. General terms and conditions of the Corporation for works contract will be made applicable
for this work also. The booklet is attached herewith.
21. No material for the said work will be supplied by the Corpn. except specified in schedule
22. WORK COMPLETION PERIOD: The Tenderers will have to quote a firm work completion
period as specified in this tender. Delay in execution of order on account of any other
reason will be subject to penalty.
23. “The supplier/contractor/party (i.e. tenderee) has to give Bank Guarantee with
validity period of additional 01 (one) month i.e. more than actual
Guarantee/Warranty period of 6/12/18/24/36/48/60 months (depending upon
product) to safeguard Company’s interest in case of any eventuality happening on
the last day of the Guarantee/Warrantee period after office hours of the Bank or
Bank holidays.”
Any delay that may take place in supply and / or erection, testing and
commissioning activities beyond contractual cutoff date / stipulated period in the
order shall be subjected to penalty (not liquidated damages) at the rate of ½% of the
contract price / order price per week or part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of
the total contract value / order value (i.e. End cost including taxes & GST).
25. GST applicable towards forfeiting of EMD, Security Deposit PBG and penalty.
26. For any type of penalty GST is applicable.
Statutory variations:-any statutory increase or decrease on the taxes and duties
subsequent to your offer if it takes place within the original contractual delivery date will be
to the company’s account subject to the claim being supported by documentary evidence.
However if any decrease takes place after the contractual delivery date the advantage will
have to be passed on the company
27. If the work is not done as per specification given by the Corporation in stipulated time in all
respects, the penalty will be levied as per Corporation's rules.
28. The GSECL shall have the right to make any changes, additions / deletions or modifications
in any terms / conditions of the tender and / or specifications as may be deemed necessary
by the GSECL at its sole discretion at any time before the due date of opening of the tender.
29. Tenderer should furnish a list of orders for similar work executed by them indicating the
name of the party and their order reference to whom they have worked, to be furnished in
Annexure- 6. Failure to do this will result on contractor’s tender being rejected without any
30. GSECL does not accept the printed conditions of any Tenderer. It will be ignored without
any reference; hence tenderers should withdraw such printed conditions if they have any.
31. Tenders will be accepted only on or before due date and time of opening.
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
32. If technical deviations furnished by the Tenderer are not agreeable to the GSECL, the offers
may be ignored. However it will be solely at GSECL’s discretion to consider the technical
deviations OR not for considering the Tenderer. No correspondences of the Tenderer after
opening of the bid will be entertained in this matter.
33. The contractor will be responsible and liable for any damage to man and materials during
his work.
34. While execution of this job our plant and auxiliaries will be in running conditions. Hence
contractor has to take all precautions for safety etc. Safety belts etc. also to be used
wherever necessary while working.
35. Corporation reserve the right to terminate the contract if quantity shown in Schedule-B is
executed earlier.
36. All the terms and conditions specified in Industrial & safety laws are binding on the
37. Registration certificate under labor contract act will have to be obtained before execution of
38. The laborers shall be supplied for 8 hours a day, so contractors shall arrange accordingly.
39. The following List of Annexures and Documents (available in this tender document) should
be invariably submitted along with the tender:
(i) Schedule–“A” Indicating the Description of work & quantities for the tender.
(ii) Schedule–“B” Price Bid to be submitted online ONLY”
(iii) Annexure-“A” - Technical Scope of Work
(iv)Form of Bankers undertaking Performa for E.M.D and S.D.
(v) Annexures – 1 TO 12
(vi)Certificate – “A”.
(vii) Document of Important Instructions.
All the above documents should be duly filled in, signed & stamped with
company’s seal should be submitted along with the Technical Bid in online only.
40. Please note that any additional conditions / deviations, if any, found in the
Commercial terms & conditions, then the Price Bids of such tenderers will not be
opened and no further correspondences in the matter will be allowed.
41. Tenderer should invariably fill up all the details of all the Annexure of this tender
document. This is mandatory. Also all the Annexures should be duly signed by authorized
signatories with their rubber stamp and along with Company’s Rubber (Round) seal /
stamp affixed on each paper.
42. All the tenderers must ensure that all the relevant documents / papers submitted with the
tender should be serially numbered, and properly documented. This must be adhered to.
43. All the above points should be complied by the Tenderers. If not, tenders are likely to be
ignored without making any further reference.
44. The SSI/NSIC will not be accepted for exemption of Tender Fee and EMD for Works Tender.
Payment of Tender Fee and EMD is compulsory for work tender. Otherwise Tender / offer
shall be ignored.
45. ‘ If participating bidder/agency have stake in one or more other agencies / bidder who are
participating in same tender and on account of submission of wrong information /
declaration in the tender / enquiry certificate – A, then the bidder will be declared as
disqualified automatically and EMD / SD will be forfeited. Further, GSECL shall take stern
action including stop dealing with their firms’
46. The CE(G),GSECL, Gandhinagar, reserves right to reject/accept any or all tenders without
assigning any reasons thereof and to split up the work between the parties as the case may

Chief Engineer (Gen),

GSECL: TPS: Gandhinagar.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

I/ We hereby agree for the terms & conditions laid down in Tender.

All the bidders are requested to see and verify the documents of
a) General safety rules / norms” to be observed by the contractors
b) Additional terms and conditions regarding industrial law and other related matters
for the tender documents.
c) General rules and directions for the guidance of contractor booklet of GSECL, GTPS
on our website under heading of “Rules for Works”
And confirm that all the above documents you have verified & certify as below
“I/we hereby has read the above documents and agree for the Safety Rules, Industrial
Laws and Contract Booklet (a, b & c as above) and accordingly submitted my/our

Contractor's Signature
With Seal & Date

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

Sub: Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.

Special notes for technically qualifying criteria for the subject work:-
The bidders are requested to submit the technical bid with the following credentials for
technically qualifying criteria in soft ONLY.

Technical qualification criteria:

1) The bidder should have designed, manufactured / got manufactured, erected /
supervised erection and commissioned of at least one (1) number of ESP of Boiler
having capacity of 200 MW or above including replacement of ESP internals and TR
Sets/ Controller (Particularly 3 Phase rectifier) in last 7 (Seven) Years period in
Government/semi government/state electricity board/private limited company/public
limited company/ IPP which is in successful operation for at least one (1) year as on
date of techno-commercial bid opening.
2) The bidder should have experience of having successfully completed
Renovation/Retrofitting / Revamping of BHEL make ESPs at least one (1) number in
any power plant having capacity of 200 MW or above, during last 7 years prior to the
date of techno-commercial bid opening.
Financial qualification criteria:
1) The Average Annual Turnover of the bidder shall not be less than Rs 237 Lacs
(Rupees Two hundred thirty seven lacs only) during the preceding three (3) financial
years as one date of Techno-Commercial bid opening.
2) Net worth of bidder shall not be less than 100% of the bidder’s paid up share capital
as on the last day of the preceding financial year. In case the Bidder meets the
requirement of Net worth based on the strength of its Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding
company and/or Subsidiaries of its Holding Companies wherever applicable, the Net
worth of the Bidder and its Subsidiary (ies) and/or Holding company and/or
Subsidiary (ies) of the Holding Company, in combined manner should not be less
than 100% of their total paid up share capital. However individually, their Net worth
should not be less than 75 % of their respective paid up share capitals.
3) In case the bidder is not able to furnish its audited financial statements on stand-
alone entity basis, the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder
can be considered acceptable provided the bidder further furnishes the following
documents for substantiation of its qualification.
• Copies of the unaudited unconsolidated financial statements of the bidder
along with copies of the Audited consolidated financial statements of its
Holding Company.
• A Certificate from the CEO/CFO of the Holding Company, stating that the
unaudited unconsolidated financial statements form part of the
Consolidated Annual Report of the company.
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
4) In cases where audited results for the last preceding financial year as on the date of
techno-commercial bid opening are not available, the financial results certified by a
practicing Chartered Accountant shall be considered acceptable. In case, Bidder is
not able to submit the Certificate from practicing Chartered Accountant certifying its
financial parameters, the audited results of three consecutive financial years
preceding the last financial year shall be considered for evaluating the financial
parameters. Further, a Certificate would be required from the CEO/CFO, stating that
the Financial results of the Company are under audit as on the date of Techno-
commercial bid opening and the Certificate from the practicing Chartered
Accountant certifying the financial parameters is not available.
Note for point No.1, 2, 3 & 4:
i. Other income shall not be considered for arriving at annual turnover.
ii. “Holding Company" and “Subsidiary Company” shall have the meaning
ascribed to them as per Companies Act of India, in vogue.
iii. Net worth means the sum total of the paid up share capital and free reserves.
Free reserve means all reserves credited out of the profits and share premium
account but does not include reserves credited out of the revaluation of the
assets, write back of depreciation provision and amalgamation. Further, any
debit balance of Profit and Loss account and miscellaneous expenses to the
extent not adjusted or written off, if any, shall be reduced from reserves and
Other requirements:
1) Bidder should have a separate valid GST registration number and PAN Number.
2) Details of P.F. code No. from the appropriate provident fund authorities and details of
P.F. paid to the employees for last six months. Certificate of separate provident fund
account number.
3) Labour License for Labour Contract: The contractor on getting the work order but
before starting the work shall have to furnish the copy of Labour License under the
Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) from the appropriate authorities. Also
required workman group insurance policy covering labour engaged.
4) The bidder must submit Performance Certificate (issued directly by the Utility)
against the different POs executed. Bidders shall be required to submit all the
documents, in support of Technical QR (such as copy of Purchase Orders/ Work
Orders / Contract Agreements, Client Certificates etc.), duly certified and verified for
authenticity from Independent Statutory Auditor of their Company.

Non-compliance of above criteria the technical bid is liable to be rejected. After

acceptance of the Technical Bid, the Price Bid will be considered for opening.

Chief Engineer (Gen),

GSECL TPS, Gandhinagar

Dated seal & signature of

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


Mandatory to upload on-line only (pdf file)
No. Particulars Check
1. Scan of Demand Draft of Tender Fee Amount / Online payment
receipt/Cash receipt
2. Scan of Demand Draft of EMD Amount / Online payment
receipt/Scan copy of BG/ Cash receipt
3. Work completion certificate/Executed Work order/ Experience
Certificate as main contractor as Per Qualification Requirement
4. Bank Solvency Certificate as Per Qualification Requirement
5. Provident Fund Code Number Documents
6. GST Registration Number Documents
7. Income Tax Return, Profit Loss Accounts and Balance sheet of
Last Three Financial Years as Per Qualification Requirement
8. Nature of Firm:
Partnership deed/Latest Form-G/ POA/Authorized Signatory
Certificate for Partnership
Self-Affidavit/POA/Authorized Signatory Certificate for
9. PAN Number Document
10. Filling Annexure as per e-Tender and as per Technical bid
11. Other documents as Per Qualification Requirement

Mandatory to attach in Physical bid
No. Particulars Check
01. Demand Draft of Tender Fee Amount (if opted)
02. Demand Draft of EMD Amount/Bank Guarantee against EMD (if opted)

To view the PDF file please use “Acrobat Reader” software which can be downloaded from
“Adobe” website.

No Hard/Physical copy of technical Bid/Qualifying requirement documents and Price/Commercial

bid required in physical submission. Technical Bid and Price bid must be considered from N-
Code/Online only.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


Sr. No.Details Confirmation

(Tick √ any one)
1 Annexure – 2 YES / NO
2 Firm’s details as per “Annexure –3” YES / NO
3 Copy of the un-priced schedule (Description and quantity of items offered in
price schedule without price). “Annexure - 4”.
4 Work Completion Period as per “Annexure- 5” YES / NO

5 Past experience details as per “Annexure-6” YES / NO

6 Performance certificates as per “Annexure-7” YES / NO
12 Certificate of Important Instruction & certificate-A YES / NO
14 Schedule-“A” & Annexure-“A” (GSECL’s work/ Scope of work to be carried
out by contractor specified duly signed and with seal of firm.)

I / WE, confirm that following documents are attached with the technical bid of the offer.

Signature of the Tenderer

Seal of the Firm



EW- 50 PUR-F-006

Subject: Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.

Reference: Tender enquiry No. EW

Due on date: / / 2024 .

In connection with the above subject and reference I/ We confirm the following:

1. I / We, the under signed have read and examined the Scope of Work & requirements
during execution of work in tender mentioned under reference along with the Commercial
terms and conditions.
2. I / We, declare that our Technical Bid is strictly in line with the Tender
3. Further, I / We also agree that additional conditions / deviations, if any, found in the
Commercial terms & conditions, our offer shall be out rightly rejected without assigning any
reason thereof.
4. We hereby agree for the terms & conditions laid down in Tender.
All the bidders are requested to see and verify the documents of
a) General safety rules / norms” to be observed by the contractors
b) Additional terms and conditions regarding industrial law and other related matters for
the tender documents.
c) General rules and directions for the guidance of contractor booklet of GSECL, GTPS on
our website under heading of “Rules for Works”

And confirm that all the above documents you have verified & certify as below

“I/we hereby has read the above documents and agree for the Safety Rules, Industrial Laws
and Contract Booklet (a, b & c as above) and accordingly submitted my/our offer.”

Signature of the
Representatives of
the firm
Seal of the Firm

Name of the Tendering Firm / Agency:

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


Tenderer may MANDATORILY fill all the details in this form.
(These details are necessary to create the database of Contractors)
Contractor Name
Within Gujarat / Outside Gujarat /GST NO
Pvt. Firm / Public Ltd. / State Govt. Under (Indicate the relevant status)
taking / Central Govt. undertaking
Vendor Registration Letter No. & Date
(If registered and Letter issued by Board) (If -
Vendor Registration Fee (If Applicable) Paid / Not Paid (Tick any one, for New Entrants)
Vendor Registration Date (If Applicable) -
Vendor Registration Validity Period From Date___________ to Date___________
(If Applicable)
P.F NO (Also Physical Document is required
along with the Technical Bid)
PAN NUMBER (Also Physical Document is
required along with the Technical Bid)
Custom No. and Date (If applicable)
Electrical License Type(If Applicable) (Also
Physical Document is required along with
the Technical Bid)
License Validity Period (If Applicable) From Date___________ to Date___________
Account Number of Bidder
Type of Account of Bidder
Bank Name
Branch Name & Address

Contact Number of the Branch

Copy of Cancelled Cheque
Address of Registered Office Factory Works Authorized Representative
Contact person name

City & Pin code

Phone Nos.(Office)
Phone Nos.(Residence)
Fax Nos.
STD Code.
Mobile No.
Web site address

EW- 50 PUR-F-006




(Supply of New Materials for Unit No. 3 of GTPS for ESP revamping)
Note: (1) This Price Schedule No. A is applicable for New Materials for Unit No.3 of GTPS, to be
supplied by bidder as a fresh.
(2) The price shall cover Design, engineering, manufacturing, Assembly, Packing and
Forwarding, all the applicable insurances, storing, proper reservations,
transporting up to location site etc.
(3) All the items which shall be required for removal of fouling of minor/major nature
are to be restored by Bidder. All these materials are also to be covered in this
schedule. Any unforeseen fouling of minor/major nature required to be removed
and restored by bidder are to be done by Bidder without any financial implication to
Sr. Description Unit
No. of supply Frei FOR Unit
Code U Insu Total
with detail Unit Qty ght, Rate in
for nit ranc cost
specification % Amt. Pack Rs.
identi Ra e (Excludi
of service age
ficati te Cha ng GST)
package – on &
rges in Rs.
works For
only in
contract ward
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 = 12 = (5 x
0 (6+8+9+10) 11)

1 Collecting NO 2196

with clamps
2 Emitting NO 12960

3 Support NO 32

4 Shaft Insulator NO 28
5 Collecting NO 244

6 Emitting NO 256

7 Inlet GD SET 02

plates with
guide vane
8 Inner Arm NO 500
9 Plain Bearing NO 152
10 Shock bar NO 244

with sock pad

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
11 Front Guide NO 40

12 Rear Guide NO 60

13 Link rod NO 64
14 Big & Small SET 16

Pin wheel
15 Shaft with SET 4

sleeve for
16 Shaft with SET 8

sleeve for
17 Required MT

Steel material
air of ESP
18 Hopper Level NO 56

Switch along
with wiring up
to Ash plant
Control room
19 Support NO 112

20 Shaft Insulator NO 28

21 Hopper NO 428

22 3 ph TR Set NO 12

with TRCC
Pane / new
with IGBT
23 single-phase NO 16

TR Panel
24 Thermal SQMT

25 Aluminum 22 MT

26 Power cable Meter
27 Control cable Meter
28 Cable tray NO
29 Earting Rod NO
30 GI Earting NO

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
31 Junction Box NO

Note: Other than above if any material required then same should be added in above supply schedule
and quoted..

Note: The supply of all ESP internals must be one to one Interchangeable with Existing OEM


Sub.: Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.

Sr No. Item Description UOM Qty Rate Rs. Total Amount Rs.
Per Each Per Unit of 210

01 Works of Revamping of ESP Job 01

with replacement of ESP
internals of any two rows (From
First four row) and + repairing of
1 row (04 field) additional work
in any field. In first Three rows,
installation of Higher rating 3 ph
TR Set with TRCC panel / new
technology High Frequency
transformer with IGBT panel :
Total 12 Nos.& supply of single-
phase TR Panel controller only -
16 Nos (the controller and HMI
should be of digital type
microprocessor based and state
of the art)

EW- 50 PUR-F-006



SCHEDULE OF TOTAL PRICES: Schedule B : ( Supply A1 + Works A2 )

Sr No. Item Description UOM Qty Rate Rs. Total Amount Rs.
Per Each Per Unit of 210

01 Supply and Works of Revamping Job 01

of ESP with replacement of ESP
internals of any two rows (From
First four row) and + repairing of
1 row (04 field) additional work
in any field. In first Three rows,
installation of Higher rating 3 ph
TR Set with TRCC panel or new
technology High Frequency
transformer with IGBT panel :
Total 12 Nos.& supply of single-
phase TR Panel controller only -
16 Nos (the controller and HMI
should be of digital type
microprocessor based and state
of the art)

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


Work Completion Period

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


Party should submit below executed detailed work order physically along with the Technical
Bid. This is mandatory.




















EW- 50 PUR-F-006


Party should submit below executed work performance certificate physically along with
the Technical Bid.

Sr. No. Name of the Authority by Reference No. & Details of Works
whom certificate is issued date
1 2 3 4

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
ANNEXURE – 8 ( for Works )

Bidder must fill up below details & should place at the top of the Technical Bid.


(Please Specify YES / NO.)
3 Please quote your valid Bank Solvency Certificate details (No.
& Date) for 20% value, of the estimated cost.
(A copy of Bank Solvency Certificate is to be submitted
physically along with the Technical Bid)
4 Please quote your GST Registration No. (Also Physical
Document is required along with the Technical Bid)
5 Please quote your PF Registration No. & Date. (Also Physical
Document is required along with the Technical Bid)
(Please Specify YES / NO.)
(Please Specify YES / NO.)
8 DETAILS OF EMD PAYMENT (as applicable as below)
a) DD No & Date & Name of Bank
b) B.G. No. & Date & name of Bank
c) RTGS Details
d) Cash details
9 Completion of Works
(Please Specify YES / NO.)
(Please Specify YES / NO.)
(Please Specify YES / NO.)
14 Authorized person of the firm :
15 Name of the proprietor, partners, directors [as the case may
be], along with address, telephone, fax no. etc.
16 If Vendor Registration is Done:(If Applicable)
(Please submit copy of Vendor Registration approval letter in -
the EMD cover).

EW- 50 PUR-F-006



EW- 50 PUR-F-006


(Bidder should not quote their prices in this page)

Sub: Undertaking in regard to quoted prices.

Ref: Tender No.________________________.

All bidders will have to furnish the following undertaking duly filled in, signed and stamped for

“This is to certify that we have not worked for the subjected tender viz.…………………. to other SEBs
/ Power Utilities with this tender details of GSECL at lower % price than the % prices quoted in this
tender by us for the same item during last Six (6) Months.”

The prices quoted by us for the same item to other SEBs during the last six (6) months are given

Signature of the Tenderer

Seal of the Firm

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
ANNEXURE-10A (For Supply)
Vendor must fill up below details &should place at the top of the Technical Bid.

(PleaseSpecify YES/NO.)

PleasespecifyGST NO
4A IncaseofGST(SGST,CGST OR IGST)pleasespecifyplaceof
(PleaseSpecify YES/NO.)
(PleaseSpecify YES/NO.)
7 P.GTERMSAGREED(Whereverapplicable):

(PleaseSpecify YES/NO.)

14 Authorizedpersonofthefirm:
15 Nameoftheproprietor,partners,directors
[Asthecase may be],alongwithaddress,telephone,faxno.e-MailIDetc.

Signature of Tenderer Company’s roundseal

Date Place

EW- 50 PUR-F-006




Sub: Undertaking in regard to Stop Deal / Banned for Business dealing / Black List

Ref: Tender No.:

I / We ________________________________________________________ authorized signatory of


______________________________________ here by certify that M/S


and their proprietor / any partner / any directors of the firm is not stop deal
and/or banned for business dealing and/or black listed by GUVNL and/or their any
subsidiary company viz. GSECL/GETCO/DGVCL/MGVCL/UGVCL/PGVCL.

(Confirmed / not confirmed)

Contractor’s Signature
With Seal & Date

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

Bidders must furnish the scan copy of below details along with technical Bid.

(1) A copy of order on hand.

(2) Detail order copies submitted as per Annexure-6.
(3) Performance Certificate if any.
(4) Documentary Proof for Partnership of proprietor, Partners, Directors (as the case may be),
along with Address, Telephone No, Fax No. etc. if any.
(5) A copy of valid Bank Solvency Certificate for 20% value, of the estimated cost as per Annexure –
(6) A copy of goods and Service Tax Registration document along with valid Registration Number
as per Annexure – 8.
(7) A copy of PF Registration document along with valid Registration Number as per Annexure – 8.
(8) A valid B.G. against EMD or DD for the payment of EMD as per Annexure-8.

Bidders must furnish the scan copy of below details along with technical Bid.
(1) A valid B.G. against EMD or DD for the payment of EMD as per Annexure-8.


1. The Tenderer should clearly give certificate along with the Technical Bid:
“This is to confirm and certify that the offer submitted by me is strictly in accordance with the
GSECL’s Work Tender specifications and as per Technical detail work/ drawing as mentioned in
the Tender Specifications. There is no commercial or Technical deviation in the offer from
the Corporation’s Tender Specification. I undertake to abide by the GSECL’s tender description
and Particulars. I undertake to complete work strictly as per the GSECL’s Technical specification/
Scope of work/ Guaranteed Technical Particulars / Drawing, even if any technical deviations are
mentioned by me. I also undertake to abide by all commercial conditions of the GSECL, including
work completion schedule.”

(Signature of the Tenderer)

2. Any offer without above certificate will not be considered and the tender will be out rightly ignored
in the absence of above certificate.
3. After opening of the Tender, if it is found that the offer given by the Tenderer is not according to
the GSECL’s specifications, Guaranteed Technical Specifications/ Scope of work, Drawing and
commercial terms and conditions and false certificate is given by the Tenderer, then GSECL will
not deal with the firm for the present Tender. It is, therefore requested that the Tenderer should
take care in giving their offer and submission of documents.
4. The conditional tenders will not be accepted.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd.

Thermal Power Station, GANDHINAGAR


On Firm’s Letter Head

Sub: - Tender for the Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.


I/WE __________________________________________________________THE

AUTHORISED SIGNATORY OF M/ S __________________________________

HEREBY CETRTIFIED THAT M/S ______________________________________








EW- 50 PUR-F-006


To, create an environment where Business Confidence is built through Best Business Practices and
in fostered in an atmosphere of trust and respect between providers of goods and services and their
users for the ultimate benefit of society and the nation.


■ To maintain the highest ethical standards in ■ Not to bring pressure recommendations from
business and professions. outside GSECL to influence its decision.

■ Ensure maximum transparency to the ■ Not to use intimidation, threat inducement or

satisfaction of stakeholders. pressure of any kind on GSECL or any of it’s
employees under any circumstances.

■ To ensure to fulfill the terms of agreement / ■ To be prompt and reasonable in fulfilling the
contract and to consider objectively the contract, agreement, legal obligations.
viewpoint of parties.

■ To ensure regular and timely release of ■ To provide goods and/or services timely as per
payments on due dates for work done. agreed quality and specifications at minimum
cost to GSECL.

■ To ensure that no improper demand is made ■ To abide by the general discipline to be

by employees or by anyone on our behalf. maintained in our dealings.

■ To give maximum possible assistance to all the ■ To be true and honest in furnishing
Vendors / Suppliers/ Service Provider and information.
other to enable them to complete the contract
in time.
■ To provide all information to ■ Not to divulge any information, business
suppliers/contractors relating to contract/job details available during the course of business
which facilitate him to complete the relationship to others without the written
contract/job successfully in time. consent of GSECL.

■ To ensure minimum hurdles to ■ Not to enter into carter/syndicate/

vendors/suppliers/contractors in completion understanding whether formal/non-formal so
of agreement/ contract/ work order. as to influence the price.

--------------------------------- ---------------------------------

Seal & Signature Seal & Signature

(GSECL’s Authorized Signatory) (Party’s Authorized Person)
Name : Name :-
Designation :

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


(This is Un-priced Schedule to be attached with Technical Bid Only)

Name of Work: Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.

(1) The estimated cost of this tender is Rs.79000000.00
(2) Please refer clauses of commercial terms for submission of EMD/SD and with following
modification, The GSECL will accept the bank guarantees, if the guarantees are issued by the
banks as per “List of Banks for Banker’s Undertaking(EMD & SD)”.

(3) EMD Cover must contain all necessary documents as mentioned in General Conditions of Bids for
(4) The GSECL reserves the right to reduce/enhance the tender quantity as per requirement at the
time of finalization of tender.
(5) Work Completion time :
(6) Payment will be made as per Corporation’s rule.
(7) Penalty will be as per GSECL’s rule for late execution of work order.

I/We agree to execute the work noted above at the rates herein tendered by me/us subject to the
condition of tender and will execute above given at the tender inquiry which I/We have carefully read
and which I/We have thoroughly understood and to which I/We agree.

I /We hereby agree to keep this offer open for 120 days after the returnable date of the tender and
shall bound by communication of acceptance dispatched within the prescribed time.

Dated Yours faithfully,

[Signature of tenderer]

Company’s Seal

EW- 50 PUR-F-006



Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.

Gandhinagar Thermal Power station of GSECL, GTPS want to improved ESP performance
and reduce the SPM level as per statutory requirements of GPCB. So gtps intend revamping
of ESP of Unit No. 3, Gandhinagar TPS. Technical specification of ESP as mention under:

Brief Description of Existing ESP at Unit 3, GTPS, GSECL

Qty: 2 Nos.ESP”s (Pass A, B & C, D)

Make: BHEL.
Model No. : FAA-7x36-2X90125-2
Design Vol. in M3/sec = 337.9
Temperature = 136 Deg C.
Dust Type = Fly Ash
Max. Inlet Dust Loading = 58.1 gm/Nm3
Guaranteed Collection Efficiency: 99.74 %
Velocity of Gas at ESP zone: 0.75 m/sec
Treatment Time: 33.6 sec
Collecting Electrode: 61 Nos X 9 rows =549 per field (Total 549 X 14=7686 nos.)
Nominal Height of Collecting Electrode 12.5 mtr X length 400 mm
Emitting Electrode: Per field: 3240 x14 = 45360 Nos. total
No. of TR Sets = 14 per ESP, Total 28
Existing TR Set Rating details = 70 KV Peak, 800 mA (Mean)

Our main Objective of Revamping is to achieve Stack Outlet Emission from ESP <= 70
mg/Nm3 with all fields running at all inlet conditions irrespective of Design inlet dust

To achieve objective of stack emission as above, GTPS intent revamping of ESP with
replacement of ESP internals of any two rows (any two rows from First four out of seven
rows) and repairing of one rows fields as per requirement of EIC of GTPS. Also, installation
of Higher rating 3 ph TR Set with TRCC panel or new technology High Frequency
transformer with IGBT panel : Total 12 Nos. (First Three rows of ESP) & supply of single-
phase TR Panel controller only - 16 Nos (the controller and HMI should be of digital type
microprocessor based and state of the art)

Scope of work :

Scope of work with supply of spares for Revamping / revival / repair work of ESP.

1. Material / Spares Supply: The following spares / material per LOT shall be supplied by
the contractor (Considering two row of both ESP), The supply of all ESP internals must be
one to one Interchangeable with Existing OEM M/s BHEL.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
1.1. Collecting Electrodes with clamps 2196 No for two row of ESP.
1.2. Emitting Electrodes: Total 12960 No for two row of ESP.
1.3. Support Insulator : Total 32 No.
1.4. Shaft Insulator: Total 28 No.
1.5. Collecting Hammer: Total 244 No.
1.6. Emitting Hammer : Total 256 No.
1.7. Inlet GD plates with guide vane : Total 2 set(One set =72 No). per ESP as per
OEM Design
1.8. Inner Arm : Total 500 Sets per ESP
1.9. Plain Bearing: Total 152 No.
1.10. Shock bar with sock pad: Total 244 No.
1.11. Front Guide Bar: Total 40 No for two rows of ESP
1.12. Rear Guide Bar: Total 60 No per two rows of ESP
1.13. Link rod : Total 64 No per two rows of ESP
1.14. Big & Small Pin wheel: 16 set for two row of ESP.
1.15. Shaft with sleeve for CRM: 04 set for two rows of ESP.
1.16. Shaft with sleeve for ERM: 08 set for two rows of ESP.
1.17. Required Steel material for restoration/repair of ESP.
1.18. Hopper Level Switch along with wiring up to Ash plant Control room :Total 56
1.19. Support Insulator Heater: Total 112 Nos.
1.20. Shaft Insulator Heater: Total 28 Nos.
1.21. Hopper Heater 428 Nos
1.22. 3 ph TR Set with TRCC Panel or new technology High Frequency transformer
with IGBT panel :Total 12 Nos.& supply of single-phase TR Panel controller
only - 16 Nos (the controller and HMI should be of digital type microprocessor
based and state of the art)
1.23. Sufficient Spares for 3 years operation (Qty of each item to be mentioned).
1.24. Required Tools & Tackles, Consumables.
1.25. External Thermal Insulation & Aluminum cladding of ESP casing: Mineral Wool,
50mm thick of density 100 kg/m3 ; IS:8183, 1990 with external cladding of 22
SWG plain Aluminum sheet. # 1 Lot
1.26. Supply and installation Extra power cable/new cable, design as per newly TR
set and HFCP from MCC to control panel & CONTROL PANEL TO 3 PHASE
TR . (12 transformer and Panel), necessary revamping /modification in MCC.
1.27. Supply and installation of Feedback & control cable/cable tray/cable joint kit
required to made system opera table of the new TR set /HFCP panel /Sigle
phase TR and control system.
1.28. Revamping /servicing/replacement of ERM/CRM geared motor.
1.29. Supply of cable tray/safety inter lock i.e isolator switch etc if required to made
system satisfactory operatable.
1.30. Supply of earthing rod per field for safe working of man power during revamping
and maintenance activity.
1.31. Supply of GI earting stip as per requirement
1.32. Supply of Junction boxes as per requirement.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

2. Scope of work - Services:

2.1 Scope of work included supply of all items as per clause no.(1) above, their
Dismantling, Installation/ repair of the damaged internals and Erection of new
internals as persist requirement or defined in the contract.
2.2 No Load charging and commissioning of the ESP on full load.
2.3 Alignment of Shock Bars and Shock Bar Guides.
2.4 Total Alignment of all fields.
2.5 Oil leakage prevention from TR set: As per requirement.
2.6 Repair/servicing of ESP Inlet (2 Nos. per ESP).
2.7 Roof Sealing/ Repair for prevention of moisture / water ingress -As per
2.8 All 14 nos. Fields in each ESP: To be made operational.
2.9 Body repair of ESP structures /equipment as per site requirement.
2.10 Structural Repair of ESP.
2.11 Repair/Replacement of damaged External Thermal Insulation & Aluminum
cladding of ESP casing. Allowable temperature drop across thermal insulation
should not exceed 3 (three) degree centigrade.
2.12 Segregating of removed materiel as reusable & non usable (Scrap) and shifting
of usable materiel at place decided by EIC and crediting of scrap materiel in
main store.
2.13 Disposal of removed/old insulation at location decided by GTPS.
2.14 Shifting & lifting TR SET /panel/cable etc from Main store to ESP control room
& ESP top ( At 45 Meters height) with required man power & equipments.
2.15 Removing & unloading work of ESP existing control panel & Rectifier
Transformers from ESP top (At 45 Meters height) & crediting to main store.
2.16 For making offered system operative, any type of fabrication, cutting, welding &
misc. works
2.17 Instalation of new cable tray /re routing of existing cable tray.
2.18 Two part earting of electrical equipment.
2.19 Instalation / repair/re routing of earthing strip
2.20 Servicing /revamping of Electrical/C&I junction boxes.

However all spares /equipment/ structure/electrics/ instrumentation in the battery limit not
exclusively mentioned under the scope of work but are required for effective performance of
ESPs are also to be considered under the scope of work of the successful bidder.

3. Three years support for maintenance supervision (Mech / Elect) at site during annual
overhauling or intermittently if required during Reserve shutdown/ Forced Shutdown.


A. Manpower tentative

I. For Capital Repair work, the contractor shall depute adequate and specialized
team and resources to complete the job within the shutdown period.
II. The successful tenderer should be capable to take up the Capital Repair job of
both ESPs simultaneously if so decided by GSECL and depute manpower
accordingly to complete the job within stipulated time
EW- 50 PUR-F-006

B. Materials/tools

I. All Tools, tackles, lifting and handling facility shall be in the scope of the party.
II. Deployment of Crane, Hydra, Forklift, Tipper, JCB, Tractor Transportation
Lifting arrangement: As per Requirement
III. Adherence to safety standards / confined space entry procedures
IV. Personal Protection Equipment’s (PPE's) like helmet, hand gloves, goggles,
shoes, jackets etc.
V. Necessary formalities related to gate pass, shutdown / safety permits with M/s.
GSECL safety protocols.
VI. Labour related statutory approvals.
VII. Lodging and boarding for workmen.
VIII. Local conveyance for workmen.
IX. Other Conveyance to site and back for workmen.
X. Mobile phone facility to the supervisor / team leader.
XI. All material handling equipments like Mobile cranes, Hydra, Chain Pulley
Blocks etc.
XII. All measuring instruments for monitoring the test parameters
XIII. Welding machines with ELCBs, Gas Cutting sets, temporary flood lights and
temporary distribution switchboards

6. Supply by GSECL (Scope of work)

a) Open space for constructing office at site and for storing the spares,
consumables/materials and equipment, if any, within a reasonable distance
from the proposed site.
b) Water connection for maintenance work at single point.
c) Electricity supply 415 V, 3- phase, four wire AC power in bulk at one point
within 100 m from battery limit, for repair work chargeable basis. The Contractor
shall make his own arrangements to lay and maintain necessary distribution
lines and wiring at its own cost.

7. The General Scope is as under but not limited to same.

1.1. Manufacturing & supply of new spares for replacement of the damaged &
defective spares like Collecting electrodes, Discharge electrodes, Components
of all rapping devices, Guide Vanes, various electrical controllers &accessories,
repair of Thermal insulation of ESP casing etc. along with all the required
spares &consumables for successful revival of the ESP in order to achieve the
ESP outlet mission within 70 mg/NM3 at all the time without affecting the
performance of the ID Fans. For details of spares to be supplied, refer relevant
1.2. Supply, Dismantling of the damaged internals, Erection of new internals, Repair
of damaged / worn out parts & Structures of ESP within the battery limit and No
Load charging & commissioning of the ESP on full load.
1.3. The Design & Fitting dimensions of the existing components of the ESP are to
be retained and the entire item under the scope of supply are to be
manufactured as per the OEM.
1.4. The basic structure of the ESP is not to be disturbed / altered in any case.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
1.5. During the Capital Repair work, if required, some part of the super structure
like, Hopper side plate, stiffeners, roof etc. may be dismantled with provision of
additional supports for ease of retrofitting work.
1.6. The replacement of other damaged/defective/ worn out components which have
not been specifically mentioned but required for successful execution of the
work, shall be under the scope of the successful renderer within the cost of the
Purchase Order for completion of the work.
1.7. The delivery period for material is 03 month from the date of issue of LOI. The
work execution period shall be for a maximum period of 40 Days from
commencement of work. The Time of actual Shut down shall be determinedly
the Engineer- in- Charge of the Work.
1.8. The successful tenderer should be capable to take up the Capital Repair job of
both ESPs simultaneously without fail.


2.1. Committee of executives representing Operation, Electrical & Mechanical

Sections and from Instrumentation Dept. will inspect and assess the activities
carried out by the contractor in and certify the completion of activities and
measurement of the job. It has tobe ensured that all 28 Nos. fields per ESP are
functional after the completion of job as specified.

The KPIs shall be:

a) Emission at the ESP outlet : Stack Outlet Emission from ESP <= 70 mg/Nm3
with all fields running at any inlet conditions irrespective of Design inlet dust
loading or coal quality.
b) Minimum Voltage build-up in secondary of TR sets: 20 KV
c) The measurement will be based on the average of the following parameters
taken for a period of 24 hours.
d) Dust Concentration at Inlet and Outlet of ESP, however any correction factor
will not applicable/not allowed on base of inlet condition/parameter
e) Minimum Voltage builds up in secondary of each TR set.

Separate average reading of each TR Set shall be taken and averaged. The starting date of
measurement will be mutually decided by the committee and the contractor. Average of the
hourly readings of parameters in the mutually decided format shall be recorded jointly for this

2.2. The unit of measurement is EA and shall be treated as completed when all
Dismantling, Installation/repair jobs defined in as per Clause of the scope of
work (Services) have been completed for each ESP and all the equipment
defined in these points are operating satisfactorily.
2.3. The unit of measurement is LOT and shall be treated as completed when
supply of all items with quantities as defined in Clause 1 of the scope of
Material / Spares supply and its sub clauses has been completed for each ESP.
2.4. Performance Bank Guarantee: ESP outlet emission less than 70 mg/ NM3
(Average of 24 hours) and for the same 10% Performance Bank Guarantee
required for one year.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
9. Pre Bid Discussion

Interest vendors must visit site (Gandhinagar Thermal Power Station, GSECL) and inspect
the ESP during shutdown for accessing the Scope of Work.

A pre bid discussion will be held at our office as per scheduled date and time in order to
provide additional an additional information or to furnish additional clarification, if any, needed
on the Scope of Work or NIT. The clarification (s) / decision (s) against point / query as would
be given by GSECL.



(A) The following facilities will be provided by GSECL free of cost :

1. Providing of existing available data and drawing related to job only.

2. Air and water connection at mutually agreed point free of cost.
3. Electricity for hand lamp and welding machine at mutually agreed point free of cost.
4. Storage space only for supplied materials related to the job. However preservation and
look after of supplied materials shall be in party’s scope.
(B) The following facilities will be provided by GSECL on chargeable basis.
i) Accommodation to party’s staff if available on chargeable base as per prevailing
ii) Limited unfurnished housing accommodation, if available.
iii) Open plot area with water and minimum required facilities for residential purpose
of contractor’s labours.
iv) Workshop facility for minor repairing / rectification if available on prevailing

(C) Special T&P provided by manufacturer of the plant, if available, shall be provided free
of cost. The contractor shall be responsible for the safe and proper use of the same.
Cost of T&P loaned to contractor will be recovered in case of lost/damages to the

However, if these facilities are not available or could not be provided by the GSECL,
no excuse shall be given by the contractor for delays/poor workmanship. The
contractor is solely responsible for arranging these resources from his end.

2. TRANSPORT OF MATERIALS: All required materials transported at his own risk &
cost to site in his own transport by the contractor.

3. CLEANLINESS: The contractor shall be responsible for day to day work areas clean.
No separate payment will be made for keeping the work area clean. However, an
additional penalty on delays @ 2% of the total value of work executed shall be levied if
the contractor fails to keep the work area clean and at least three warnings will be
issued by the Engineer in charge in this regard.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
4. SAFETY APPLIANCES: All necessary safety appliances, such as safety shoes, gum
boots, helmets, welder’s aprons, hand gloves, goggles etc. shall be made available to
the staff/workers as and when required, by the contractor. The contractor and his staff
shall not be allowed to work on site wearing chapels, loose sandals. All safety
measures shown elsewhere in this contract as well as factory rules, shall have to be
observed strictly by contractors. Contractors should have to make arrangement to
utilize 24V supply for lighting purposes.


For Supply: The delivery period for material is 03 month from the date of issue of
For Work: 07days notice for mobilizing of erection team is required. Erection will
completed within 40 days of starts.

Mobilization period/time shall be allowed from the date of receipt of telegraphic/fax

order/letter for mobilization of contractor’s men, T&P etc.Commencement date for
starting the work will be reckoned accordingly or from the date contractor is permitted
to start the work.


The completion period of the workexecution period shall be for a maximum period of
40 Days from commencement of work. The Time of actual Shut down shall be
determinedly the Engineer- in- Charge of the Work. However overall validity of work
order shall be 18 Months from the issue date of letter of commencement.

7. Liquidated Damages:
i. Liquidated Damages for Delay:
If the work is not done as per specification given by the corporation in stipulated time
in all respects, the penalty will be levied as per corporation rules. Any delay that may
take place in supply and / or erection, testing and commissioning activities beyond
contractual cutoff date / stipulated period in the order shall be subjected to liquidated
damages (not penalty) at the rate ½% of the contract price / order price per week or
part thereof subject to a maximum of 10% of the total contract value / order value
(i.e. End cost including taxes & duties.)

ii. Performance penalty for short fall in performance guaranteed parameters :

If the performance guaranteed parameters as per Guarantee clause, are not met by
the Bidder even after the modifications and/or replacements, but are achieved within
limit mention in table for one year (average value), GSECL will accept the
equipment/system/plant after levying liquidated damages.

The liquidated damages will be zero for SPM 70 mg/Nm3 and 10 % for SPM 100
mg/Nm3,. During guarantee period if SPM reading should be come between 70 to 100
mg/Nm3 then Pro rata basis i.e. on increase of 3 mg/Nm3 above the guaranteed
parameter, 1 % liquidated damages will be applicable and maximum LD will be
applicable up to 10%.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

iii. Aggregate Liability for Liquidated Damages :

Contractor’s aggregate liability to pay liquidated damages for delay in completion of

project and for shortfall in guaranteed performance parameters cumulatively shall not
exceed Fifteen percent (15%) of the Contract Price, which is a genuine pre-estimate of
damages and not by way of penalty.

8. Guarantee Period :
All the materials supplied and/or installed should be guaranteed for 12 months from
the date of installation or 18 months from the date of supplies, whichever is later.

9. Performance Guarantee:
The party shall have to give performance guarantee 10 % of execution of work for their
poor workmanship or defect liability of service job for a period of 12 months from the
date of completion of work.

10. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The contractor shall be required to deposit 10 % of the order
value within 10 days from the date of issue of Letter of Intent before order placement
towards security deposit by demand draft drawn in favour of GSECL, GTPS.


Sr. Guaranteed Unit of Offered Guaranteed Value

No. Parameters by Party

1 SPM Mg/N M3 <=70

Note: If the guaranteed parameters mentioned above are not achieved then
Performance penalty will be recovered as GSECL as per below.



For Guaranteed SPM measurement will be carried out for 24 hrs i.e. 00:00 hrs to 24:00
and average reading is considered. If SPM average increased beyond Guarantee value
i.e. < = 70 mg/Nm3then Liquidated damages will be applicable.

The liquidated damages will be zero for SPM 70 mg/Nm3 and 10 % for SPM 100
mg/Nm3, During guarantee period if SPM reading should be come between 70 to 100
mg/Nm3 then Pro rata basis i.e. on increase of 3 mg/Nm3 above the guaranteed
parameter, 1 % liquidated damages will be applicable and maximum LD will be
applicable up to 10%.

The entire Performance penalty for short fall in performance shall be deducted
/Recovered from the Bidder by GSECL in appropriate manner.
EW- 50 PUR-F-006

This amount of Performance penalty shall be over and above the Penalty for delay
in completion of ESP Revamping works including extensions in shutdown period.

12. SUBMISSION OF BOND AND AGREEMENT: The contractor shall execute an

agreement as well as indemnity bond within seven days from the date of receipt of
order on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 300/- and Rs. 300/- respectively. The
agreement will have to be executed in prescribed from GSECL.


1. No advance payment shall be made.
2. Payment terms shall be as under:

a) Payment Terms for Supply of Materials :

No. Descriptions Remark

(a) 80% of supply Price for On pro-rata basis along with 100% taxes and duties on
each identified receipt of equipment/materiel as per required
equipment, materials specifications along with required documents/test
etc. certificates/ Guarantee- warrantee certificates.
GST amount claimed will be retained from invoice and
the same will be released when amount of GST
pertains to invoice raised reflects in GSRT-2A of
(b) 10% of supply Price After successful E&C of the Revamping of ESP work
on production of ‘Successful completion E&C work
certificate” by
GSECL’s concern engineer of Mechanical/Electrical/C
& I/Civil, who ever applicable and site engineer of
(c) 5% of supply Price On successful completion of PG TEST of revamping
(d) 5 % of supply price After completion of Guarantee period of ESP revamping
100% ----

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
b) For Erection Testing and commissioning (ETC) :

No. Descriptions Remark

(a) 80% of ETC Price To be paid along with 100% applicable taxes, on
successful Erection of the each identified all
equipment, materials etc on production of ‘Successful
Erection Certificate’ duly signed by GSECL’s site
engineers and bidder.
(b) 10% of ETC Price On successful completion of PG TEST of the
revamping of ESP.
(c) 10 % of ETC price After completion of Guarantee period of ESP
revamping work.


(Gen), Gandhinagar TPS’ who shall process the same after due verification and
the payment shall be made through RTGS / NEFT (Format for details / data to
be furnished by the bidder shall be furnished at the time of awarding) within 30
(Thirty) Days from the date of receipt of the invoice with all required documents
completely along with test certificates & MDCC as applicable.

(b) The basis for the pro-rata payment as specified at (b) above shall be
rate basis. However, for the items which are generally supplied, erected, and
billed on the weight (tonnage) basis, the Billing Break Up may be considered

(c) The release of first progressive payment for Erection Testing and
Commissioning (ETC) / E&C shall also be subject to submission of
documentary evidence by the Contractor towards having taken the insurance
policy (IES) in terms of relevant provisions of Insurance specified in tender bid
documents and the same has been accepted by GSECL.

(d) For the material falling under customer Hold points (CHP) as per QAP, which
shall be decided during detail engineering, bidder has to submit MDCC & site
engineer`s inspection certificate along with the invoice, without which the
invoice shall not be processed. For rest of the material only site engineer`s
inspection certificate shall be required for processing of the invoices for

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
14. INCOME TAX: will be recovered as per GSECL’s rules.


The party has to submit attested photo state copies of the labour license, labour
insurance certificate, court’s affidavit regarding firm’s ownership, before the
commencement of work. Rules framed by Govt. of Gujarat regarding labour license
are to be followed.

16. CONTRIBUTORY PROVIDENT FUND: The contractor and his sub-contractor, if any,
shall be required to deduct the CPF and its documentary evidence to be submitted
along with the final bills in the following manner or as per prevailing CPF laws and
rules and regulations.

i) CPF @ 10% of gross payment of wages of each worker.

ii) Contractor’s contribution @ 10%
iii) Inspection charges @ 0.65%.

17. INSURANCE AND WORKMEN’S COMPENSATION: The contractor and his sub-
contractor, if any, shall be required to insure their workers under ‘workmen’s
compensation act’. It is also required to follow the provision of the Factories Act and
obtain license whenever necessary. In every case, by virtue of the provisions of
Section- II, sub section – II of The Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1953, the GSECL is
obliged to pay compensation to a workman employed by the contract in execution of
the work, and the GSECL will recover from the contractor the amount of the right of
the GSECL under Section-2, sub section (1) of the said Act. The GSECL shall be at
liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting it from the security
deposit or from any dues of the contractor whether under this contract or otherwise,
GSECL shall not be bound to constrained any claim made against under Section-12,
sub-section (1) of the said act, except on the written request of the contractor and
upon his giving to the GSECL full security for all costs for which the GSECL might
become liable in consequence of such claims. In case of any legal complications
arising, all account of contractor of his labours and legal suit is filled by any inspecting
agency, it will be in contractor’s accounts.
The GSECL shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever to the contractor or his
workers & materials in respect of any losses, damage suffered while working in
the power house premises. The whole responsibility shall be of the contractor.

18. WORKFORCE: As the work is of specialized nature hence in order to complete the
work in time, it is desired that bidder shall be fully conversant with latest practice &
shall have to provide adequate unskilled and skilled workers, supervisors and
engineers conversant with the said work.

19. WORKMANSHIP: During commissioning, all the defects observed shall be attended
on top priority without any charge by the contractor. The contractor must ensure that
any major defects attributed for bad workmanship during guarantee period shall be
attended free of all charges to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge.

20. SITE OFFICE/SITE STORES: The GSECL shall make all efforts to provide temporary
space for site/stores/office within the power house premises for the contractor.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
However, delay in completion of work on this account cannot be considered for
completion of work extension in the time schedule.


(A) Executive Engineer (BMD) GSECL,Gandhinagar TPS, shall be the Engineer in charge
for the works.
(B) Defects observed after opening/dismantling the equipment shall be intimated by the
contractor in writing to Engineer-in charge.
(C) Spares required by the contractor for carrying out the work & which are in GSECL
scope shall be requisitioned four days in advance and collecting of the same has to be
arranged from GSECL’s main stores/site stores.

22. DISPUTES: In case of any dispute, the decision of the Chief Engineer (Gen), GTPS,
will be final and binding on the contractor.

23. GSECL’S RIGHT TO ACCEPT DOCUMENTS: The GSECL reserves the right to
award full items or part thereof or reject any item of all the items of the tender without
assigning any reason thereof, which is considered advantageous to the GSECL.

24. All the works shall be carried out as per the instruction of GSECL Engineer or his
representative. GSECL Engineer’s decision regarding the correctness of the work and
method of working shall be final and binding on the contractor.

25. The contractor shall be required to prepared proper documentation of the works
carried out during the period of contract and the same should be submitted duly
certified by Engineer in charge in the forms of a booklet in three copies within fifteen
days after the overhauling work is over, failing which 10% payment of the contract
shall be withheld till such items the documents are submitted.

26. The contractor has to co-ordinate and co-operate with other working agencies, so as
to get the work done in prescribed time limit.
27. Necessary scaffolding and approaches for the work shall also be within the scope of
the contractor. Scaffolding materials are to be arranged by contractor.
28. Contractor shall comply with the Factory Acts, Labour Laws and Safety Laws in force
and amended from time to time.
29. As this being a Risky Job, if any Fatal / Non Fatal Accident or Occurrence happens,
Corporation is not responsible for any kind of Legal Liabilities and Workmen
Compensation; only the Contractual Party is responsible for Legal Compliance and
any Compensation thereof.
30. For any Ambiguity and Conflict, the Decision of the Chief Engineer (Gen.), GSECL,
GTPS shall be final and binding to the Contractor.
31. For Shifting / Lifting / replacement / Transportation of Materials required capacity
Crane, Trailer, Tractor, Trucks, etc. should be arranged by the Contractor at their cost.
32. Before using lifting machines / tackles (like C.P.Bs., Hook chooks, winch, forklift,
mobile crane, EOT crane etc) & its attachments (like D-shackles, slings, U-clamps,
Eye bolts or any fixtures), it shall be checked and used only if found safe to use. Also,
ensure that these are tested, examined & certified in form no 9/10 by Competent
Authority Person as per the Factory act-1948 and its validity not expired. Further, it
shall be fixed properly and firmly prior to lifting the weight.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
33. Contractor has to submit daily progress report to Engineer-in-charge. Also, different
readings, test results are to be booked in prescribed sheet and submitted to Engineer-
34. Contractor shall arrange to remove day to day scrap materials from site and deposit in
GSECL main stores as per instruction of Engineer-in-charge. The site must have to be
kept cleared before starting commissioning of equipment/ unit.
35. The party will commence the work after ensuring the issuance of L/C by department on the
36. Subletting the contract to other agency is not permitted, unless and otherwise approved by the
competent authority.
37. Party has to execute the work as per instruction of EIC and the technical specification and scope
of work.
38. The contractor shall have to prepare the material account and shall have to be submitted in
triplicate along with bill.
39. As per C.O circular No. GSECL/Medical/PME/O1 DTD.16.07.2019 i.e for procedure for health
cheak-up accordingly bill shall be reimbursed once during total contract period (for as & when
and AOH/COH contract) maximum up to Rs.1000 or actual cost per worker/ labour / person,
whichever is minimum after verification & recommendation by concern doctor. In case any
worker left the work in between than for replacement Worker Company will not provide any
reimbursement, however it is compulsory to submit new report of replacement worker for fitness
certificate at contractor’s own expense.
40. The GSECL reserves the Right to terminate the Contract at any Time without giving Notice of
Termination or any Reason and entertaining of Claims / Compensations.
41. After Synchronization of Unit / commissioning of Equipment / System, if any Problems arise for
the Works carried out, it shall have to be set right by the Contractor without any Extra Charges
to the GSECL. Contractor should attend Any Defect Contributory to their Faulty Workmanship
during the Trial Run and Recommissioning of Equipment / System / Unit, and set Right without
any Extra Charges to the GSECL. If Rectifications is not carried out in Time as instructed by
Engineer in Charge, the same shall be carried out by GSECL by engaging GSECL Staff or Any
Other Agency and Cost of which will be recovered including Supervision Charges from the
Contractor’s Bill as per Company’s Rules.
42. The contractor shall submit the performance bank guarantee of 10% of order value for a
period of 12 months from date of commissioning or shall be extended up to warrantee
period. The PBG shall be irrevocable and valid for the entire period oftill the completion
of the warranty period of the contract.
43. The Party has to depute safety officer during work execution i.e. from Erection to
commissioning. Safety officer must be qualified as per Government norms and minimum
five years experience.

Chief Engineer (Gen)


EW- 50 PUR-F-006


1. All necessary tools and tackles such as chain pulley blocks, welding
generator sets, hook-chooks, wire slings, spanner, gas cutting sets,
welding cables, grinding machines etc. shall be arranged by the party at
his own cost.

2. At any time it is found that work force of the party is inadequate and progress of the
work is not be to the satisfaction of GSECL, other agencies/departmental personnel
will be put to carry out work. Amount so incurred will be recovered from the party’s bill.
In this case the decision of the Engineer in charge of GTPS shall be final and binding
on the contractor/party.

3. Any delay that may take place in the subjected work beyond contractual cut off date/
stipulated period in the order shall be subjected to penalty (not liquidated damages) at
the rate of ½ % of the contract price/order price per week or part thereof to a
maximum of 10% of the total contract value/order value (i.e. End cost including taxes
& duties)

4. Party shall indemnify GSECL against for any injury and/or damages that may be
caused in his man or material. Moreover the party shall be fully responsible for any
damaged caused to the Corporation’s properties done by his men/materials, while
executing the work. The CORPORATION will be entitled to recover the damages from
the party’s bill.

5. Party should take all necessary precautions during execution of the work and all
labours of the party should utilize all types of safety applications during work in plant
area to prevent the accident as per factory acts/rules.

6. The electrical connection and electricity to the party’s welding generator sets and other
equipments such as grinding sets etc. shall be given by the GSECL free of cost at one
point only near to working place, as directed by EIC.

7. The labour laws in existence and which may modify from time to time shall be binding
to the party.

8. The party will have to execute an indemnity bond on non judicial stamp paper of
appropriate value. The cost of the stamp shall be borne by the party.

9. The CORPORATION reserves the right to split each item in to more than one agency
and place the order accordingly. All parties should therefore, carefully evaluate and fill
up the rate item wise keeping themselves ready to execute order for any one or more
allotted to them by the CORPORATION.

10. The CORPORATION reserves the right to terminate the contract at any time by giving
seven days notice to the party without entertaining of claim/compensation.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
11. The contractor shall have to arrange to remove the day to day scrap materials from
site and deposit to GSECL main stores/BMD site stores as per the instruction of
Engineer in charge. The site must have to be kept cleared before
starting/commissioning of equipments/unit otherwise 5% of the contractor order value
of the amount or expenditure actually incurred will be recovered from the party’s bill
without assigning any reason in the event of non removal of scrap.

12. Rates are quoted to be firm and hence no price and labour escalation will be

13. All consumables like cotton waste, kerosene/diesel/rustolene, welding electrodes,

Oxy-acetylene gas shall be arranged by the party at his own cost.

14. The quantity of welding electrodes to be used as per relevant standard only.

15. Contractor shall have to prepare the material account and shall have to submit the
same in triplicate along with the bill.

16. The RA bills may be raised by the party on completion of works per unit quantity wise.

17. The party has to arrange for 24 V transformer/battery torches to be utilized as safety
equipment while carrying out work inside of equipments/at higher elevation. The party
has to provide required capacity of welding machine.

Chief Engineer (Gen)


Contractor’s Signature
With Seal & Date.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


WHEREAS M/s. __________________________________________(Name and Address of the

Firm/company) having their registered Office at ________________________________(Address of the
Firm’s registered Office) (hereinafter called the “Tenderer”) wish to participate in the Tender
No._______________ for _________work (Supply / Erection / Supply & Erection Work, etc.) of
______________________ (Name of the Material/equipment / work) for Gujarat State Electricity
Corporation Limited (hereinafter called the “Beneficiary”) and WHEREAS a Bank Guarantee for
Rs._____________ (Amount of Bank Guarantee towards EMD) valid till ____________ (mention here date
of validity of this Guarantee which will be Six months from the date of submission of bid of the tender)
which is required to be submitted by the Tenderer along with the Tender.

We,_____________________________________________(Name of the Bank & address of the Branch

giving the Bank Guarantee) having our registered Office at _____________________ (Address of
Bank’s registered Office) hereby give this Bank Guarantee No. _________________ dated
____________ and hereby agree unequivocally and unconditionally to pay immediately on demand in
writing from Beneficiary Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited or any Officer authorized by it in
this behalf any amount up to and not exceeding Rs.____________(Amount of E.M.D.), (Rupees in
words______________ ________________________________________) to the said Gujarat State
Electricity Corporation Limited on behalf of the Tenderer.

We, ____________________________________________ (Name of the Bank) also agree that withdrawal

of the Tender/Bid/EOI or part thereof by the Tenderer within its validity or Non submission of Performance
Guarantee towards execution/supply period by the Tenderer within 15 days from the date of issue of Letter
of Acceptance by the Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited would constitute a default on the
part of the Tenderer and that this Bank Guarantee is liable to be invoked & encashed within its validity by
the Beneficiary in case of any occurrence of a default on the part of the Tenderer and that the encashed
amount is liable to be forfeited by the Beneficiary.

This agreement shall be valid and binding on this Bank up to and inclusive of _______________
(mention here the date of validity of Bank Guarantee) and shall not be terminable by notice or by Guarantor
for change in the constitution of the Bank or the Firm of Tenderer or by any reason whatsoever and
our liability hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations or
alterations made, given, conceded with or without our knowledge or consent by or between the
Tenderer and the Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited.
Notwithstanding anything contrary contained in any law for the time being in force or banking practice, this
Guarantee shall not be assignable, transferable by the Beneficiary (i.e. GSECL) Notice or invocation by any
person such as assignee, transferee or agent of beneficiary shall not be entertained by the Bank. Any
invocation of the Guarantee can be made only by the beneficiary directly.”
NOTWITHSTANDING anything contained hereinbefore our liability under this Guarantee is restricted
to Rs.__________(Amount of EMD) (Rupees __________________________________) (in words). Our
Guarantee shall remain in force till _____________ (Date of validity of the Guarantee). Unless demands or
claims under this Bank Guarantee are made to us in writing on or before ___________ (Date of validity of
the Bank Guarantee), all rights of Beneficiary under this Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall
be released and discharged from all liabilities there under.
Please Mention here Complete Postal Address of the Bank
Signature of the Bank’s Authorised Signatory
with Branch Code, Telephone and Fax Nos with Official Round seal

1. As per Annexure – A


EW- 50 PUR-F-006


(For Performance Guarantees (PBG) towards execution/supply period ( Security Deposit )

as per Commercial Terms & Conditions of Tender)

We, __________________________________________________(name of the Bank and Address of the

Branch giving the Bank Guarantee) having our registered Office at
__________________________________________________________________(Address of Bank’s registered
office) hereby give this Bank Guarantee No. _______________________________________ dated
_________________ and hereby agree unequivocally and unconditionally to pay immediately on
demand in writing from the Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited, or any
Officer authorized by it in this behalf any amount up to and not exceeding Rs. _____________
(Amount of Performance Guarantee towards execution/supply period ) Rupees
___________________________________________________________________(in words) to the said
Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited on behalf of
M/s.___________________________________________________ who have entered into a contract for
the supply / works specified below :

LOA No. ______________________________________________________________ dated ______________.

This agreement shall be valid and binding on this Bank up to and inclusive
of___________________(Date of validity of the Bank Guarantee) and shall not be terminable by
notice or by change in the constitution of the Bank or the firm of Contractors /
Suppliers or by any other reason whatsoever and our liability hereunder shall not be
impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations or alterations made, given
conceded or agreed, with or without our knowledge or consent, by or between parties to the said
within written contract.

“Notwithstanding anything contrary contained in any law for the time being in force or banking
practice, this Guarantee shall not be assignable, transferable by the beneficiary (i.e. GSECL).
Notice or invocation by any person such as assignee, transferee or agent of beneficiary shall not
be entertained by the Bank. Any invocation of the Guarantee can be made only by the
beneficiary directly.”

“NOT WITHSTANDING” anything contained herein before, our liability under this guarantee is
restricted to Rs._______________(Rupees ___________________________________________only). Our
guarantee shall remain in force until _______________ (date of validity of the Bank
Guarantee).Unless demands or claims under this Bank Guarantee are made to us in writing on
or before _____________ (Date of validity of the Bank Guarantee), all rights of Beneficiary
under this Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and discharged from
all liabilities there under:
Place :
Date :

Please mention here complete Signature of the Bank’s

Postal Address of the Bank with authorized
Branch Code, Telephone and signatory with Official Round
Fax Nos. Seal.

1. As per Annexure - A

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


(For Performance Guarantees (PBG) towards Guarantee/Warranty period as per Commercial
Terms & Conditions of Tender)

We, __________________________________________________(name of the Bank and Address of the

Branch giving the Bank Guarantee) having our registered Office at
__________________________________________________________________(Address of Bank’s
registered office) hereby give this Bank Guarantee No.
_______________________________________ dated _________________ and hereby agree
unequivocally and unconditionally to pay immediately on demand in writing from the
Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited, or any Officer authorized by it in
this behalf any amount up to and not exceeding Rs. _____________ (Amount of Performance
Guarantee towards Guarantee/Warranty period ) Rupees
___________________________________________________________________(in words) to the said
Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited on behalf of
M/s.___________________________________________________ who have entered into a contract for
the supply / works specified below :

P.O. (A/T)No.__________________________________________________________ dated

This agreement shall be valid and binding on this Bank up to and inclusive
of___________________(Date of validity of the Bank Guarantee) and shall not be terminable
by notice or by change in the constitution of the Bank or the firm of Contractors /
Suppliers or by any other reason whatsoever and our liability hereunder shall not be
impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations or alterations made,
given conceded or agreed, with or without our knowledge or consent, by or between parties to
the said within written contract.

“Notwithstanding anything contrary contained in any law for the time being in force or
banking practice, this Guarantee shall not be assignable, transferable by the beneficiary (i.e.
GSECL). Notice or invocation by any person such as assignee, transferee or agent of
beneficiary shall not be entertained by the Bank. Any invocation of the Guarantee can be
made only by the beneficiary directly.”

“NOT WITHSTANDING” anything contained herein before, our liability under this guarantee
is restricted to Rs._______________(Rupees ___________________________________________only).
Our guarantee shall remain in force until _______________ (date of validity of the Bank
Guarantee).Unless demands or claims under this Bank Guarantee are made to us in writing
on or before _____________ (Date of validity of the Bank Guarantee), all rights of
Beneficiary under this Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and
discharged from all liabilities there under:
Place :
Date :

Please mention here Signature of the Bank’s

complete Postal Address of authorized
the Bank with Branch signatory with Official
Code, Telephone and Fax Round Seal.

1. As per Annexure – A.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


(Combined Performance Guarantees (PBG) towards Execution/Supply period and
Guarantee/Warranty period as per Commercial Terms & Conditions of Tender)

We, __________________________________________________(name of the Bank and Address of the

Branch giving the Bank Guarantee) having our registered Office at
__________________________________________________________________(Address of Bank’s
registered office) hereby give this Bank Guarantee No.
_______________________________________ dated _________________ and hereby agree
unequivocally and unconditionally to pay immediately on demand in writing from the
Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited, or any Officer authorized by it in
this behalf any amount up to and not exceeding Rs. _____________ (Amount of Combined
Performance Guarantees (PBG) towards Execution/Supply period and Guarantee/Warranty
period) Rupees __________________________
_______________________________________(in words) to the said Gujarat State Electricity
Corporation Limited on behalf of
M/s.___________________________________________________ who have entered into a contract for
the supply / works specified below :

L.O.A. No.__________________________________________________________ dated ______________.

This agreement shall be valid and binding on this Bank up to and inclusive
of___________________(Date of validity of the Bank Guarantee) and shall not be terminable
by notice or by change in the constitution of the Bank or the firm of Contractors /
Suppliers or by any other reason whatsoever and our liability hereunder shall not be
impaired or discharged by any extension of time or variations or alterations made,
given conceded or agreed, with or without our knowledge or consent, by or between parties to
the said within written contract.

“Notwithstanding anything contrary contained in any law for the time being in force or
banking practice, this Guarantee shall not be assignable, transferable by the beneficiary (i.e.
GSECL). Notice or invocation by any person such as assignee, transferee or agent of
beneficiary shall not be entertained by the Bank. Any invocation of the Guarantee can be
made only by the beneficiary directly.”

“NOT WITHSTANDING” anything contained herein before, our liability under this guarantee
is restricted to Rs._______________(Rupees ___________________________________________only).
Our guarantee shall remain in force until _______________ (date of validity of the Bank
Guarantee).Unless demands or claims under this Bank Guarantee are made to us in writing
on or before _____________ (Date of validity of the Bank Guarantee), all rights of
Beneficiary under this Bank Guarantee shall be forfeited and we shall be released and
discharged from all liabilities there under:

Place :

Date :

Please mention here Signature of the Bank’s

complete Postal Address of authorized
the Bank with Branch signatory with Official
Code, Telephone and Fax Round Seal.

1. As per Annexure - A.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

Financial Department, GR.No. FD/MSM/e-file/04/2023/0057/DMO Dtd. 21/04/2023

[ To be revised as per GoG notification issued from time to time. ]

List of Banks Notified by GSECL

A Guarantees issued by following banks will be accepted as SD/EMD on

permanent basis.
1. All Nationalized Banks.

B Guarantees issued by following Banks will be accepted as SD/EMD for period

up to March 31, 2024. The validity cut-off date in the GR is with respect to
date of issue of Bank Guarantee irrespective of date of termination of Bank
1. AXIS Bank
2. A U Small Finance Bank
3. Bandhan Bank
4. BNP Paribas
5. City Union Bank
6. CSB Bank
7. DBS Bank India Limited
8. DCB Bank
9. Equitas Small Finance Bank
10. Federal Bank
11. HDFC Bank
12. HSBC Bank
13. ICICI Bank
14. IndusInd Bank
15. Karnataka Bank
16. Karur Vysya Bank
17. Kotak Mahindra Bank
18. South Indian Bank
19. Standard Chartered Bank
20. Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank
21. Utkarsh Small Finance Bank
22. The Kalupur Commercial Co-operative Bank
23. Ahmedabad Mercantile Co-Operative Bank
24. Nutan Nagrik Sahakari Bank Ltd.
25. Rajkot Nagrik Sahakari Bank Limited.
26. Sarswat Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
27. SVC Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
28. The Gujarat State Co-Operative Bank
29. The Mehsana Urban Co-Operative Bank Ltd.
30. The Surat District Co-operative Bank Ltd.
31. The Surat Peoples Co-operative Bank Ltd.
32. Saurashtra Gramin Bank

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

All the contractors working in Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Limited Factory like
Coal/Lignite/Gas/Hydro/Pumping Station shall have to strictly observe the following Safety Rules. Concern
principle contractors are responsible for informing & observance of these rules by their supervisors/contract
workers as well as the owner/supervisors/ workers of sub-Contractors engaged, if any, by them for the work
contract awarded to them. Prior to commencement of the work, Contractor shall have to submit a written
assurance on their letterhead to the concerned Sectional Head / Engineer-in-charge that they have thoroughly
gone through these Rules, have educated their employees / workers of their sub contractor and will strictly
observe the said Rules while execution of work under work contract awarded to them. They will have to
indemnify the company for any loss or damage / accident / injury to the company’s property / employee or
employee of their own in default of non - observing these rules.

(01) Contractor should issue photo gate pass for their workers from GSECL Factory Manager as per Gujarat
Factories rules, 1963 & details shall be filled up in GSECL gate pass format as per Aadhar card /Election
card id proof & to follow the gate pass issue procedure through concern department EE & SE, Security
Officer, LWO/IRO/DGM, Factory Medical Officer, Safety Officer/Dy. Safety Officer & Factory Manager.
(02) In case of emergency, temporary photo gate pass shall be issued by Security Officer only for three days
with prior permission of Factory Manager only. More than three days, Permanent photo gate pass
procedure shall be completed by contract agency for their contract workers.
(03) Certificate of Fitness of employment in hazardous process & operations in form no.33 of Gujarat
Factories rules, 1963 shall be issued by GSECL Factory Medical Officer for all contractor workers before
commencement of work & examination responsibility shall be taken by contractor as well as concerned
Head of Department .Pre-employment & Periodical medical examination of contractor workers shall be
carried out in form no.32 from GSECL Factory Medical Officer after every six (06) months of contractor
with their contractor workers. Contractor shall be fulfilled all health requirements before commencement
of work. After completion of medical examination in form no.32/33, GSECL Factory Medical Officer shall
be signed in contract worker gate pass procedure format.
(04) If work executed outside factory premises, Principle Contractor shall be registered compulsory under The
Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and condition of service) Act, 1996
and The Gujarat Building & Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and condition of
service) Rules, 2003 before execution the ”building or other construction work” means the construction,
alteration, repairs, maintenance or demolition, of or, in relation to, buildings, streets, roads, railways,
tramways, airfields, irrigation, drainage, embankment and navigation works, flood control works (including
storm water drainage works), generation, transmission and distribution of power, water works (including
channels for distribution of water), oil and gas installations, electric lines, wireless, radio, television,
telephone, telegraph and overseas communications, dams, canals, reservoirs, watercourses, tunnels,
bridges, viaducts, aqueducts, pipelines, towers, cooling towers, transmission towers and such other work
as may be specified in this behalf by the appropriate Government, by notification but does not include any
building or other construction work to which the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948), or the
Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952), apply.
(05) Contract worker gate pass will issue after completion of safety induction 3D animation movie & Training
record is to be maintained in IMS/OHSAS training format by TK Office/LWO.
(06) As per Gate pass format of GSECL, Safety Officer/Dy. Safety Officer shall be checked the issue PPE to
contract workers as per nature of job, Form no.10 of lifting tools and tackles, Driving license, Electrical
contractor license, Electrical trade qualifications, Safety induction training, SOP, supervisor qualifications
etc. After fulfillment of all Safety compliances, Safety Officer/Dy. Safety Officer shall be signed in Contract
worker Gate pass procedure format.
(07) Work Contract shall be completed by principle contractor/agency/person who is awarded the work order.
Subletting of contract shall be allowed only if prior approval of Power station chief before execution of
work. Contractor/agency shall be submitted the entire subletting contract documents with gate pass
application through concern department EE & SE, LWO/DGM, Safety Officer/Dy.Safety Officer & Factory
(08) Under The Conditions Framed Under Rule-45 Of The Indian Electricity Rules, 1956,
Valid Electrical contractor License shall be submitted to concern electrical department EE/SE/Electrical
Safety Officer/ Safety Officer/Factory Manager at the time of apply gate pass by agency/party with latest
renewal from Chief Electrical Inspector, Gandhinagar- Gujarat. Electrical License photocopy shall be
checked by Concerned HOD of Electrical Department/Electrical Safety Officer/Dy.Safety Officer/ Safety
Officer/Factory Manager.
(09) As per nature of job/work, Qualified supervisor (Diploma (Electrical/ Mechanical/Civil/C&I) + 3 years
experiences or ITI + 10 years) shall be engaged by contract agency & qualification certificate with
experience certificate shall be submitted to concern EE/SE/LWO/IRO/DGM/ Dy.Safety Officer /Safety
Officer/Factory Manager at the time of apply gate pass.
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
(10) As per rule 3 of CEA regulation ,2010: Designating person(s) to operate and carry out the work on
electrical lines and Apparatus, Contract person/worker possesses a certificate of competency or
electrical work permit, issued by the Appropriate Government. That means, Electrical trade Qualification
of contract worker/person like ITI-wireman/ Electrician, Diploma (Elect), BE/B. TECH (Elect), ME/ M.
TECH (Elect) shall be submitted to concern EE/SE/LWO/IRO/DGM, Dy.Safety Officer/ Safety
Officer/Factory Manager at the time of apply for photo gate pass procedure.
(11) As per nature of job/work & during capital overhauling work /Annual overhauling work /24X7 round the
clock work/major shut down work, Qualified Safety Officer/Manager/Supervisor (BE/Diploma
(Elect/Mech/Civil) + PDIS-Post Diploma in Industrial Safety) shall be engaged by contractor during
dangerous operations/dangerous works as well as day to day dangerous activities, safety supervision,
tool box talk, Safety awareness programme, SOP preparation with hazards & its control measures with
each step , checking of lifting tools & tackles, hydra mobile crane, Safety precautions, coordination with
Safety Department etc.
(12) License of driver shall be submitted with gate pass issue application as per nature of vehicles & to follow
the Motor vehicle Act,1988,the Central Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Rules,2016 as well as Gujarat Motor
Vehicles rules,1989 & driver license shall be checked every day by security shift in charge before entry
in the Factory premises.
(13) SOP with JSA (Job Safety Analysis) shall be prepared by contractor through competent person as per
GFR, 1963 or Qualified Safety Officer as per GFR, 1963 with 05 years experiences. SOP will review &
approve by concern JE/DE/EE/SE/Elect. Safety Officer/Dy. Safety Officer /Safety Officer/Factory
Manager before execution of work.
(14) It is compulsory to use standard make Personal Protective Equipments (P.P.Es.) as per the job
requirement. Do not work without use of required P.P.Es. Contractor is responsible to provide standard
make (ISI/DGMS/CE/EN/ANSI approved) & to checked standard/make in PPE issue format by concern
JE/DE/EE/SE/Safety Officer/Factory Manager. Personal Protective Equipments / Safety Gadgets suitable
to give sufficient protection against hazards involved in their work / job to their staff, as per the job
requirement and insist / enforce their workers to put on the same while at works.

The ongoing work is liable to be stopped at any time if your contract workers/staffs found working without
P.P.Es. Following is the list of various P.P.Es (as per ISI/DGMS/CE/ EN/ ANSI approved only) to be used for
various works / worksites.

In any work, Contractor shall be issued the minimum 06 nos. of PPEs like Safety Shoes, Safety Helmet, Safety
goggles, Mask & Reusable Ear plug, hand gloves to their workers/supervisor compulsory & it will check by
concern section HOD & Dy. Safety Officer /Safety Officer at the time of gate pass procedure.

Quality of PPE shall be approved from Safety Officer as per Indian Standard and International Standard before
executions of work or at the time of gate pass apply procedure.

List of safety equipments

Industrial Safety Helmet For protection of head against falling objects or during fall of
person from height. Yellow Colour helmet is used for contract
worker with agency logo.
Safety Goggles/welding goggles/ For protection of eyes against flying particles / dust, chemical
chemical splash goggles splash, welding spark, arc, flashover etc.
Full Face shield For protection of face against flying particles / dust, chemical
splash, spark, arc, flashover etc.
Reusable Earplug / Ear muffs. For ear / hearing system protection while working in high noise
level area.
Chemical suit/Gas tight suit /Fire For body protection against chemicals, oils, sharp edged objects,
proximity suit/FR Boiler Suit heat, hot objects etc.
Safety Hand Gloves For protection of hands against chemicals, oils, sharp edged
objects, heat, hot metals/objects, electricity etc.
Safety shoes/ Gum Boots with For protection of leg/feet against falling objects, sharp edged
Oil/Chemical/water/heat/ Electrical objects, heat, hot metals/objects, electricity etc..
resistance etc.
Safety Belt(full body hardness with For fall prevention while working at heights or in depth, working in
double lanyard & shock absorber) / vessel or in confined space.
Rope / Life line / Fall arrestor etc.
Dust Mask/Respirator with Protection of respiratory system against dust.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
Chemical Cartridge Respirator with Protection against toxic chemical fumes / gases/vapors/dust etc.
full face mask type A2B2E2K2
Trolley mounted Air line respirators Working in oxygen deficient zone or confine space area
with full face mask
Portable Single gas detector like Working in hazardous storage/process area
Chlorine, Ammonia, Hydrogen, etc
Portable Multi gas Detector ( Working in oxygen deficient zone & use in entry of confine space &
LEL,O2,CO,H2S,SO2, etc) Major fire
Automatic voltage detector To check the present voltage or induction voltage of electrical
equipments/ bus/switch gears from 01 (one) feet distance before
starting the any electrical work .
Auto darkening welding helmet (EN The new auto darkening welding helmet combines legendary
379 & EN 175 Level-B) with PAPR as Speed glass quality and auto darkening technology with an
per EN 12941:1998, class TH2 and innovative wide-view grinding visor to give welders an all-in-one
AS/NZS 1716 solution for more flexibility, precision, and efficiency.

Respiratory System is a combined face and breathing protection

device, for increased comfort and safety in welding. The unit is
equipped with a particle filter which removes particles from the air.
The unit provides a constant airflow independent of filter
combinations and clogging. The unit can also be equipped with a
gas filter (for example A1B1E1). The unit supplies air to the head
top via the connecting breathing tube. The airflow creates a slight
positive pressure which together with the sealing to the face
prevents particles and other contaminants from entering the head

(15) All PPEs (as per ISI/DGMS/CE/EN/ANSI approved only) Should issued by party/agency/contractor to their
contractor workers as per nature of job and allotment of PPE list shall be submitted to Safety Officer,
Dhuvaran on his letter head as per below mentioned format by Contractor before commencement of work
through concerned JE,DE,EE/SE .

Sub: Issue of PEE to Contractor workers

Sub of work Order:
Work order no.
Name of Agency:
Date of Commencement:
Time limit for work order:
Sr. Name of Desi Name Name of PPE IS Make of Qty Unit Date Recei
no. workers gnati of :Code PPE of ving
on Section no. of issue signat
under PPE ure
Safety Nos.
01 Helmet
Safety Nos.
Reusable Ear Pair
Dust Mask Nos.
Safety Shoes Pair

(16) Shift Security Inspector/Security Officer shall be checked Safety Shoes & Safety Helmet of all contractor
workers at entry gate of Factory Premises & shall entered contractor workers with Safety Shoes & Safety
Helmet with photo ID Gate Pass.
(17) Shift Security Inspector/Security Officer shall be checked validity of Gate pass of all contractor workers on
daily basis.
(18) During the work execution, one trained & competent supervisor of agency should always remain present at
work site. Concern JE/DE of GSECL shall be supervised the contract work as per SOP .

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
(19) Approved NABL laboratory calibration certificates of electrical/mechanical/Civil/ C&I/Environment
survey/Chemical etc measuring /testing equipments/instruments which are used during contract work shall
be submitted before starting the work & shall be checked by concern JE/DE/EE before starting work & it’s
record shall be maintained in concern section.
(20) The contractor shall take all the required safety measures prior to commencement of work on dangerous
substances, machineries or area at which cautionary notice is displayed and obtain “Line Clear” or “Work
Permit” through the concern Department / Section JE/DE and shall be informed to concern section JE/DE
for closed/ returned after completion of work.
(21) Safety talk/Safety work instructions shall be given to contractor workers by concern JE/DE regarding
hazards of specific work, risk & it’s control measure (mentioned in HIRA) before starting the job work and
records shall be maintained for each & every job works.
(22) Display Safety instructions shall be strictly followed by all workers who are working in factory premises.
(23) Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of each chemical shall be available with Chief Chemist/Control room &
work related Chemical information shall be taken by contractor & contractor workers from Concern
EE/Chief Chemist before starting of chemical handling work.
(24) The contractor shall be checked & securely covered or securely fenced any opened fixed vessel, sump,
tank, pit or opening in ground or in floor which, by reason of its depth, situation, construction or contents ,is
or may be a source of danger before starting the work each & every days or after interval/recess.
Contractor supervisor shall be informed to concerned HOD regarding any unsafe conditions.
(25) Prohibition of smoking, fires, lights, spontaneous ignition substance, matches; fuses, mobile phone etc are
to be strictly followed by all workers who are working in factory premises.
(26) Prior to carrying out welding, gas cutting, furnace heating or any other hot work job, remove all the
inflammable material lying at or nearby worksite or cover it properly by suitable protective covering. Also,
special care shall be taken before carrying out such job & see that all possible contributing factors to set
fire shall be removed / vanished prior to commencement of the work. Advance intimation shall be given to
concerned section / fire section to commence the work in fire prone areas. They should also keep ready all
the First Aid Fire Extinguishers / equipments & fire extinguishing media / material like sand / water buckets
or other appropriate equipment at such place.
(27) While carrying out work in confined space or inside vessel, obtain necessary “Confined Space / Vessel
Entry Permit” from concerned department prior to commencement of the work.
For lighting in such areas, only 24-volt (ISI certified & with proper guard) hand lamp shall be used. For
taking care of the persons working inside the confined space / vessel, a supervisor / person capable to
keep continuous watch on person(s) working inside, assist them in case of emergency or arrange to get
immediate outside help, shall remain present at entry point. Use full body safety belt without failed.
While working inside sewage, trench or in-depth, a person to warn outsiders / entrants / passers etc shall
remain available near entry point or the entry point shall be cordoned by a barricaded tape with a
cautionary notice. After completion of the works, all the lids / covers / grills / grits opened, shall be re-fixed /
re-placed in the original position as it were prior to commencement of the work and leave the work place in
safe condition in all respect, so as to prevent accident to fellow workers.
(28) The contractor shall see that he / his persons do not work on or block (by stacking material, spare parts,
tools-tackles, equipments etc), any passages / walkways / gangways / aisles / staircases / ladders / lifts or
any other approaches / roads leading to plans or its auxiliaries, on which there is traffic movements or
possible traffic movements in case of emergency. Such passages are meant for safe escape in the event of
emergency. If it is utmost necessary to carry out work in such area with blocking of passage, prior
permission of Competent Authority or the Engineer-In-Charge shall be obtained. To demarcate / declare
the area as “UNSAFE”, cordon it using barricading tape & display suitable caution notice or keep a person
to restrict / divert the traffic on this route through other safe passage.
(29) The contractor shall see that he / his persons do not work on or block (by stacking material, spare parts,
tools-tackles, equipments etc), any passages / walkways / gangways / aisles / staircases / ladders / lifts or
any other approaches / roads leading to plans or its auxiliaries, on which there is traffic movements or
possible traffic movements in case of emergency. Such passages are meant for safe escape in the event of
emergency. If it is utmost necessary to carry out work in such area with blocking of passage, prior
permission of Competent Authority or the Engineer-In-Charge shall be obtained. To demarcate / declare
the area as “UNSAFE”, cordon it using barricading tape & display suitable caution notice or keep a person
to restrict / divert the traffic on this route through other safe passage.
(30) Prior to use power / electrically operated hand tools / equipments / machines / gadgets like welding
machine, hand grinder, hand drill etc, ensure for its safe operation & use it only if it is found safe to use. Do
not use defective, unsafe or improperly maintained equipments.
The electrical power supply required to run such equipments shall not be taken directly at their own but shall
be obtained through concerned Electrical Maintenance Departments or their authorized persons or under
their observations / guidance only. The Electrical Section shall provide temporary electrical connection up
to contractor’s Mains Board on which it is compulsory to install mains switch, ELCB & fuses of adequate
capacity. All such equipments shall invariably be earthed adequately to prevent electrical shock, sparking,
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
short circuit etc. Power cord to be used shall be of adequate capacity, without any joint & shall consist of
earth wire also. Hence, it is necessary to use adequate capacity 3-wire power cord for single & 5-wire
power cord for three phase power connections. The plugs, receptacles, pins, holders etc shall be of
adequate capacity & safe to use.
All electrical & mechanical equipments / tools-tackles viz. welding machine, cutting machine, Grinder, Drill,
Chain Pulley Blocks, Hook chooks etc required to be used during work execution shall be of standard make
& bear ISI certification mark on it.
The consumables like welding electrodes, grinding wheels / discs etc which has specific prescribed life span
shall not be used in any case if its expiry date is over.
(31) Non-Sparking Non-Magnetic electrical hand tools and tool kits shall be used by Electrical contractor for
safe use in areas where hazardous, flammable, or combustible vapors, liquids, dusts, or residues may be
present in Gas Based power plant and list of tools and tackles shall be submitted with technical bid. Non-
Sparking Non-Magnetic electrical hand tools and tool kits shall be checked by JE/DE before
commencement of Electrical work.
(32) Before using lifting machines / tackles (like C.P.Bs., Hook chooks, winch, forklift, mobile crane, EOT crane
etc) & its attachments (like D-shackles, slings, U-clamps, Eye bolts or any fixtures), it shall be checked and
used only if found safe to use. Also, ensure that these are tested, examined & certified in form no.10 by
Competent Person as per the Factory act-1948 & Gujarat Factories Rules and its validity do not expire.
Further, it shall be fixed properly and firmly prior to lifting the weight. Valid Test certificate of all Lifting
machines used by Contractor to be submitted to Dy.Safety Officer/ Safety Officer before
commencement of work through concerned EE/SE.
(33) Metal Scaffoldings to be used for working at height shall be of adequate size & capacity. Obtain the work
permit when working at height. While climbing on such scaffolding or working on any structure at height,
use of full body safety belt /full body hardness with double lanyard & Fall arrestor & Helmet is compulsory.
It is also necessary to fasten chinstraps of the helmet.
(34) Contractor or their employee shall not interfere in day-to-day routine plant activities / works except the work
assigned to them, shall not loiter in the areas other than their work jurisdiction, as well as shall not temper /
operate / touch the machineries/equipments/auxiliaries with which they are not concerned. Also, the
contractor shall strictly instruct their staff for not to sit or take rest at/near/below running plants, auxiliaries,
systems or any place which is risky, hazardous & prone to accident.
(35) The cylinders containing poisonous / toxic or inflammable / explosive gas like Oxygen, Acetylene, LPG,
Hydrogen, Ammonia, Chlorine, CO2 etc shall be handled safely taking due care. To handle / shift such
cylinders a special trolley /cage meant for it must be used but in no case it should be rolled.
(36) In Gas Based Power station/Hydrogen storage area /Hydro carbon fumes-vapour generated area, Spark
arrestor (as per approved manufacturer of CCOE, Nagpur) shall be provided on each vehicle by
party/agency and it will check by shift security in charge before entry of vehicles in the factory premises.
(37) No women or young person shall be employed or permitted to work in Lead-compound area like battery
room etc. as per schedule VI of GFR 1963.
(38) No women or young person shall be allowed to clean, lubricate or adjust any part of a prime mover or of
any transmission machinery while the prime mover or transmission machinery is in motion. Examination or
operation of motion machinery shall be made or carried out only by a specially trained adult male worker
wearing tight fitting clothing as per section 22 of factories act 1948.
(39) In all risky job, before start the work, contractor should obtain General Safety Work Permit through
concerned section from Shift –in-charge well in advance.
(40) In case of noticing smoke or fire during their work execution, they shall make immediate efforts to
extinguish / control it and simultaneously inform the Fire Station Mobile No as well as Station Fire Officer or
Emergency Control room no which is displayed at prominent place of factory like Main Security Gate, All
unit control room, Canteen area, Safe Assembly points, Fire Station, All security gates, Occupational
Health Centre.
(41) In case of any injury / accident while working, it shall immediately be reported to Safety Department
through concerned Sectional Head / Engineer. The prescribed Form No. 21 & ANNEXURE may be
obtained from concerned section or Dy.Safety Officer/Safety Officer.
In case of any electrical accident, it shall immediately be reported to Electrical Safety Officer through
concern Sectional Head / Engineer. The prescribed Electrical accident form no. A as per electricity act-
2003 & Form No. 21 & ANNEXURE as per Gujarat Factories rules shall be filled up by concern
department JE/DE with written consent of contractor. The Form may be obtained from concerned Electrical
section or Electrical Safety Officer. Electrical accident investigation shall be carried out by Electrical Safety
Officer with Factory Manager.
After any reportable accident, Contract agency shall be submitted the fitness certificate of injured person
with endorsement of GSECL factory Medical Officer to LWO/Dy.Safety Officer/Safety Officer/Electrical
Safety Officer then after injured person may allow for work.
(42) For any incident occurred but have no injury to any persons should also reported as per GSECL format and
informed to Dy.Safety Officer/Safety Officer as Near Miss Incident.
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
(43) Safety penalty shall be imposed against Offences by contract workers: If any contract worker worked
in a factory contravenes any provision of Factories act or any rules or orders made there under ,imposing
any duty or liability on workers, contractor/agency shall be punishable with fine which mentioned as under.

Sr. Description of penalty Amount

(i) Work without PPEs Rs.300/- per person
(ii) Work without work Safety permit like working at height, confine Rs.1000/- per day
space entry, hot work etc.
(iii) License of driver as per type of vehicles not registered. Rs.750/- per person
(iv) Welding work without flashback arrestor/double gauge regulator set Rs.1000/- per set
(v) Operate Portable power tool without ELCB Rs.1000/-per equipment
(vi) Work without qualified Supervisor as per nature of job like Rs.1000/-per day
mechanical, electrical, civil, C&I, chemical etc.
(vii) Work without SOP & JSA Rs.2000/-per day
(viii) Work without test report of lifting machines / tackles (like C.P.Bs., Rs.2000/- per
Hook chooks, winch, forklift, mobile crane, EOT crane etc) & its equipment
attachments (like D-shackles, slings, U-clamps, Eye bolts or any
fixtures) in Form No.10 of Gujarat Factories Rules,1963
(ix) Work without Double lynyer Safety belt during working at Height Rs.3000/-per person
work, work without anchoring in hook/line line
(x) Work without 24 Volt supply in Confine space area Rs.3000/-per person
(xi) (a) Grinding machine used without safety guard/machine guard Rs.500/-per equipment /
(b) unsafe welding machine like open body, Knob without insulation, per set
connection without lug
(c) damaged welding cables/gas pipelines
(d) welding work doing without welding blanket,
(e) electrical supply without 3 pin plug/Industrial Plug,
(f) use of damaged electrical wire for lighting/ equipments,
(g) use of lighting lamp without cage,
(h) use of open halogen tube,
(i) use of damaged PPEs/use of non Standard PPEs
(j) Unsafe lifting and handling of gas cylinders
(k) Cylinder handling without safety cap
(l) Temporary connection without ELCB, etc.

During plant visit/supervision of concern JE/DE/EE, SE, Safety Officer/Dy.Safety Officer, Electrical Safety
Officer, Factory Manager, If they will observed any safety violations as per CO circular/statutory
requirements then they must impose Safety Penalty through office note directly against contract workers/
contract agency and Office Note process through proper channel to concern Sectional head and Account
head for recovery purpose. Photograph/CCTV footage is to be put up with penalty note by imposing
(44) Party will damage any fire equipments or property or machinery in factory during execution of work, total
damage cost will be recovered from party RA bill and recovery Office note put up by concern HOD.
(45) All the relevant labour and industrial laws shall also be followed compulsorily.
(46) After completion of work, cotton waste, grease, oil, unused material, welding rod pieces, scrap etc. are to
be removed by contractor and scrap shall be deposited to scrap yard of Main Store.
(47) For performance evaluation of contractor, safety factors of work accident, fire incident & near miss accident
will be considered. Steps can be taken to review the job assignment up to cancellation for negligence.
(48) Over & above these, contractor shall have to follow all the safety requirements /rules & regulations / norms
and legal provisions laid down in various statutes. Particularly the provisions of The Factories Act-1948 &
the Gujarat State Factories Rules-1963 (Amended up to date), The Electricity Act-2003 & rules, BOCW
Act/Rules shall be followed strictly. The contractor shall also obey the rules / regulations / instructions of the
local Competent Authority for safety & health requirements.
(49) The above rules shall be scrupulously followed and where required, Contractor /contractor workers may
contact to the Dy.Safety Officer/Safety Officer/Electrical Safety Officer in case of any ambiguity or needs
further guidance in this regard.

Chief Engineer (Gen),

GSECL TPS, Gandhinagar
Dated seal & signature of
EW- 50 PUR-F-006



a) Person below the age of 18 years and above 60 years should not be employed for the

b) No female worker shall be employed in the night shift between 7.00 P.M. to 6.00 A.M.

c) The contractor shall maintain a valid labour license under the contract labour (Regulation
and Abolition) Act for employing necessary man power to be required by contractor. In
the absence of such license the contract shall be liable to be terminated without
assigning any reasons thereof.

d) The contractor shall at his own expense comply with all labour laws and keep the
G.S.E.C.L. Indemnified in respect thereof. Some of the major liabilities under various
labour and industrial laws, which the contractor shall have to comply, which are as

I) Payment of contribution by way of employee’s contribution towards provident fund, family

pension scheme, deposit linked insurance scheme, administrative charge etc., at the
rates made applicable from time to time by Govt. of Gujarat /Govt. of India and other
statutory authorities.

II) Payment of deposit in respect of each contract labour at the rate applicable of with the
offices of Commissioner of Labour as per the contract labour (Regulation and Abolition)

III) License fee as prescribed under the contract labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act and
rules framed there under depending upon the number of workmen employed by

IV) Identity cards as prescribed under the factories Act shall be issued to workmen.

VI) Payment of retrenchment compensation, Notice pay and other liabilities as per Industrial
Disputes Act. Any payment to the contractor's employees arising out of any claim or
disputes under the Industrial Dispute Act 1947 or any other labour laws

VI) Payment of compensation in case of accidental injury shall be made as per the WC Act.

VII) If the female workmen are more than 30 numbers engaged then provision of crèches,
shall be complied accordingly.

VIII) Maternity leave as per the provision of the maternity benefit Act.

The above are some of the major liabilities of the contractor in addition to other liabilities
prescribed under the various labour laws in force from time to time from statutory Authorities
like State Government / Government of India, which the contractor shall have to comply with.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

The contractor shall submit along with his bill (month wise) statement regarding deductions
against employees’ provident fund and family pension scheme in respect of each
concerned employee. Provident fund and family pension scheme at the rate of 12 % of
wages (or at the rates made applicable by the Government time to time). The contractor’s
contribution and his workers contribution towards provident fund and family pension scheme
shall deposited by the contractor with Regional Provident Fund Commissioner, Ahmedabad.
In case if the contractor deposits the contribution to the Assistant Provident Fund
Commission, the zerox copy of challans and schedule must be submitted in the office. For
maintaining the CPF Account of contractor’s employees the contractor will have to pay
administrative charges as applicable of the emoluments of the employer of the contractor's
every month.


Paid leave facility at the rate of one day for every 20 days worked by the contract, labour shall
be provided the contractor to his workers. It shall be duly verified and approved/certified by the
authorized officer of the GSECL.

4) The contractor shall employ adequate number of experienced staff at site for daily supervision
and for maintaining of various registers and records required under the law and contracts. No
payment for such supervision shall be admissible.


The contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the GSECL, and every member, officer
and employees of the GSECL, also Engineer-in-charge and his staff against all actions,
proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses whatsoever arising out of or in connection
with the matter referred in above clauses and elsewhere and against all actions, claims
demands, cost and expenses which may be made against the GSECL by any workman/
employees of contractor or any sub contractor and or from any liability any wise to any
workman/employees of the contractor or sub-contractor under any laws, rules or regulation
having in force of law including but not limited to claims against the owner under workmen
compensation Act, 1923. The Employee’s Provident Fund Act.1952, and/or the contract labour
(Abolition and Regulation) Act, 1970.

The GSECL shall not be liable for or in respect of or in consequence of any accident or injury
to any workmen or other person in the employment of the contractor or his sub-contractor, and
the contractor shall indemnify and keep indemnified the GSECL against all such damage and
compensation and against all claims, demands proceedings costs, charges and expenses
whatsoever in respect of or in relation thereto.


Insurance shall be affected for all the contractor’s employees engaged in the execution of
these contracts. If any of the work is sublet, the contractor shall required the sub-contractor
to provide workmen's compensation and Employer's liability insurance for the latter's
employees unless such employees are covered under the contractor’s insurance. It shall
be liability of contractor for employees of his sub-contractor.

07) Any other rules and regulation, conditions, Circulars etc., that are in force at present and that
may be framed by the GSECL From time to time in connection with contracts will be binding
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
and acceptable to contractor.

08) The contractor must possess separate P.F. code for the above subject work.

09) Attendance rolls shall be maintained up to date. All the written registers, Performa etc…shall
be filled up and maintained up to date and kept ready for inspection at any time or submitted
in-time to the concerned authorities as per contract labour etc. Factory Act. etc... By contractor

10) It is the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that contractor’s employees maintain strict
discipline as regards security, methods of safe working etc, and not to cause any hindrance to
smooth running of power station or in execution of duties by GSECL staff. Any lapse in this
regard will be viewed seriously and contract is liable to be terminated. If any of contractor’s
staff is found unsuitable or not behaving properly, the contractor shall have to remove him
from the work-site on demand by GSECL. The contractor shall have to strictly observe the
rules and conditions specified in the enclosed works contract booklet of the GSECL, which are
not modified hereunder. To keep harmonious industrial relations amongst contract labours is
the sole responsibility of the contractor. Any breach of the same will be viewed seriously.

11) Before starting the work, the contractor should contact Industrial Relation Officer/ Labour
Welfare Officer for all formalities and obtaining the gate passes of all contract labourers and
for other formalities.

12) The contractor shall deposit 15 days salary at the rate of last drawn salary for every
completed year of services for each worker for the liabilities of the gratuity ( * applicable
to ARC/BRC works contract only)

13) The contractor shall pay bonus as per applicability of act.

Follow the following procedure at each milestone for the execution of works contract.

(A) On Commencement of Contractual Work:

(1) The Contractors shall have to obtain Photo-Gate-Pass before the commencement of
contractual work awarded. Contractor shall have to apply for the gate passes in triplicate in a
prescribed application form which is to be available from Security Section for the entry of
workmen in the premises.

(2) Such application shall have to be proceed for the approval of Factory Manager. After obtaining
approval of Competent Authority, contractor shall have to prepare the Gate Passes and obtain
the signature of Factory Manager.

(3) If Labours are required to be engaged in Emergency during Public Holiday , Contractors Can
apply for Temporary Gate-Pass for the period of only three days with recommendation of
respective EE/SE and the same shall have to be regularized after following the procedure of
Gate Pass applications on the office working day from HR Department. It is to note that No
Temporary Gate-Pass shall be issued for the work other than acute emergency to carry out
the work in power station premises.

(4) The Contractor shall have to obtain the Group Insurance Policy under the Employee
Compensation Act, 1923 prior to commencement of work.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
(5) The Contractor who intend to engaged 50 or More than 50 labours to Carry out the awarded
contractual work then necessary - Form No. V under the Contract Labour (R& A) Act, 1970 /
Form No. VI under the Interstate Migrant worker (employment regulation) rule 1979 as
applicable is to be obtained from HR Department for the purpose of obtaining Labour License
from the Licensing Authority.

(B) During Contractual Work under the progress:

(1) Bill Recording Officer of User department shall have to ensure as to whether contractor
has engaged minimum number of contract workmen per day as per the terms of work

(2) All Contractors shall have to make the payment of wages to the Contract Labours engaged
by them, on or before 7th of every month through Nearest Nationalized Bank compulsory,
preferably situated in the nearby premises of TPS area. The Contractor shall supply copy
of Bank Statement duly stamped by the Concerned Bank as a token of proof towards
payment of Wages to HR Department Contractor has also required to get the wage
register of respective month certified from LWO / IRO as per the provision laid down
under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970.

(3) All Contractors has to comply & maintain statutory documents / registers at site under the
provision of labour laws & EPF Act.

(C) Submission of Statutory documents to ensure the compliances:

1) The Contractor shall have to submit following statutory documents, work order wise,
under the labour laws and EPF to the recording officer of user department for
ensuring the compliances of provision of labour laws and EPF Act for the respective
working period.
• Copy of Attendance register – with name & address of establishment, Name of work and
site (duly signed & stamp by Contractor ) - Form XVI
• Copy of Wage Payment Sheet – with signature of workmen, duly signed & stamped by
Contractor - Form XVII
• Copy of Bank Statement of Wage Payment (duly signed & Stamp by Concern Bank)
• Copy of PF Challan along with ECR Statement
• Copy of Gate Pass Permission ( duly signed by Authorities ) -
• Copy of Work Order ( First Time )
• Copy of Valid W.C. Policy ( First Time)
• Copy of Valid Labour License ( If Applicable in case of 50 or More than 50 manpower
Engaged by Contractor for said work ) ( First Time)
• Form No. XIII – Register of workers employed by Contractor ( First Time)

Prescribed under the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 Contractor shall specify the Name of
Work, Place of Work and Work order number in Muster Roll- Form No. XVI & Wage Register –
Form No XVII.

Chief Engineer (Gen),

GSECL: TPS: Gandhinagar.
Contractor’s Signature
With Seal & Date.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006




Notwithstanding anything contained to the contrary in the specification or tenders in subsequent

exchange of correspondence, the conditions of contract shall be binding on the contractor and any
change of variation expressed or implied however made in the said conditions shall not be however
valid or operative unless expressly sanctioned by the corporation The contractor shall be deemed to
have fully informed himself and to have special knowledge of the provisions of the conditions of
contract herein contained.

1. All works proposed to be executed by contract shall be notified in one of the English and one of
the vernacular local daily newspapers stating the work to be carried out as well as the date for
submitting and opening tenders and time allotted for carrying out the work also the amount of
earnest money to be deposited with the tenderer and the security deposit to be deposited by the
successful tenderer.
2. Copies of the specifications, designs drawings, estimated rates. Schedule rates and any other
documents required in connection with work which will be signed by the Executive Engineer for
the purpose; of identification shall be open for inspection by the contractors at the office of the
Executive Engineer during office hours.
3. Where the works are proposed to be executed according to the specification recommended by a
contractor and approved by a competent authority on behalf of the Gujarat State Electricity
Corporation Ltd. Such specification with designs and drawings shall form part of the accepted
3 The tender and receipts for payments made on the account of any work, when executed by a
firm, should be signed by all the partners except where the contractor are described in their
tender as firm in which case the receipt shall be signed in the name of firm including the
Partners or some other persons; having authority to do so.
5. Any person who submits tender at percentage rate shall fill up the usual form stating what
percentage above or below rates specified he is willing to undertake the work. Only one rate or
such percentage on all the estimated rates or scheduled rates shall be mentioned.
6. Tenders which propose any alteration in the work specified in the form invitation to tender or in
the time allowed for carrying out the works or which contain any other conditions of any sort, will
be liable to rejection.
7. No single tender shall include more than one work. but contractors who wish to tender, for two
or more works, shall submit a separate tender for each work. Tender shall have the name and
the number of the works of which they pertain be subscribed on the envelop.
8. The Executive Engineer or his duly authorized assistant will open tenders in the presence of any
intending contractors who may be present at the time and will enter the amount of the several
tenders in a comparative statement in a suitable form. In the event of tender being accepted the
contractor shall thereupon, for the purpose of identification, sign copies of the specifications and
other documents. In the event of tender being rejected the officer (Executive Engineer ) shall
authorize the paying officer to refund the amount of the earnest money deposited to the
contractor making the tender on his giving for the return of the money.
9. The officer competent to dispose off the tenders, shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the
tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.
10. No receipt for any payment alleged to have been made by a contractor in regard to any matter
relating to tender of the contract shall be valid and binding on the corporation unless it is signed
by the Executive Engineer.
11. The memorandum of work to be tendered for and the schedule of materials to be supplied by the
Gujarat state Electricity corporation Ltd. and their rates shall be filled in and completed by the
office of Executive Engineer before the tender form is issued if a form issued to an intending
tenderer has not been so filled in and uncompleted he shall request the said office to have this
done before he completes and delivers his tender.
12. All work shall be measured, meet by standard measure and according to rules and custom and

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
usual in the use in the Gujarat state electricity corporation Ltd. and no proposals to adopt
alternative method will be accepted. The Executive Engineer's decision as to what is the usual
method in use in the Gujarat state Electricity Corporation Ltd. shall be final.
13. Every contractor shall except the registered contractor on the approved list of the corporation
produce along with his tender a solvency certificate from the collector of the District within which
he resides or a bankers Certificate of his financial stability if he fails to produce such a certificate
his tender will not be considered.
14. All correction and addition or pasted slips should be initiated.
15. Tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of all relevant documents site conditions etc.
whether inspected or not by him.
16. Submissions of a tender by a contractor implies he has read the instruction and conditions of
contract and has made himself aware of the scopes and specification of the work to be done & of
the conditions and rates at which stores etc. will be issued to him and local conditions and other
factors bearing on the execution of the work.
17. Under no circumstances shall any contractor be entitled to claim enhanced rates for any items of
contract without prior sanction of the competent authority.
18. These rules and directions shall form part of the contract.

I/We hereby tender for the GUJARAT STATE ELECTRICITY CORP.LTD. (herein referred as
"Corporation") of the work specified in the under written memorandum within the time specified in
Scheduled B (memorandum showing items of work to be carried out) and in accordance in all respect
with the specifications design drawing and instructions in writing and as per annexed conditions of
contract and agree that when the materials for works are provided by the corporation such materials
and rates to be paid for them shall be as Provided in schedule A hereto.

(a) General description of work.
(b) Estimated cost.
(c) Earnest money.
(d) Security deposit:
(1) Party shall have to pay security deposit of 5% of contract value in the form of Bank
Guarantee/ Demand Draft in favour of GSECL payable at Gandhinagar within 10 days of date
of issue of Letter of Intent.
(2) Time allowed for the completion of work from date written order to commence. Should this
tender be accepted I/we hereby agree to abide by and fulfill all the terms and provision of
conditions of contractor annexed hereto as applicable and in default thereof forfeit and pay to the
corporation the sums of money mentioned in the said conditions.

Receipt No. date from the GUJARAT STATE ELECTIRICITY CORP. LTD. in respect of
sum of Rs. (The amount to be specified in figure & words,) Is herewith forwarded representing the
earnest money (the full value of which is to be absolutely forfeited to the CORPORATION l/We not
deposit the full amount Deposit of the said conditions/otherwise the said sum of Rs. Shall
be refunded on surrendering the original receipt.
Signature of the Contractor Address of the Contractor

Dated day of 2022 Signature of witness

Address of Witness Occupation

Dated day of 2022

The above tender is hereby accepted by me on behalf of the Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd.

The Chief Engineer (Gen).

Superintending Engineer

Executive engineer

Or his duly authorized assistant.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006




Definitions :

(a) The “contract” means the documents forming the tender and acceptance thereof together with the
document referred to therein or individual work order in the case of term contracts including these
conditions schedules and or additional conditions attached to the form of tender or individual works,
order, rate schedule the specifications and the drawings and all these documents as applicable taken
together shall be deemed to form the contract.
(b) The “Tender Document” means the form of tender the applicable schedules and/or additional
conditions and the specifications and/or drawing as issued on the contractors for the purpose of
preparing tender.
(c) The expression "Works" or 'work when used in the condition of contract shall, unless there be
something in the subject or context repugnant to such construction means the work or the work
contracted to be executed under or in virtue of the contract whether original or altered.
(d) The "Contractor” means the individual or firm or company. Whether incorporated or not,
undertaking the works and shall include his or its legal personal representatives successors and
permitted assignees.
(e) ”Corporation” means Gujarat state Electricity Corporation Ltd. and the "Accepting Officer" means the
officer who is authorized to sign and signs the contract on behalf of the corporation.
(f) The letter “EE" means Executive Engineer who in the case of measurement and lump sum contracts
directs the contract and the letters S.E. mean Superintending Engineer and "CE(G)" means Chief
Engineer (Generation), who administers and in the case of the term contracts directs the contract.
(g) 'The Engineer-in-charge" means all officers of the CORPORATION appointed by the Chief Engineer
(Gen), to supervise the works or part of the works.
(h) "Approved" and "Directed" means the approval or direction of the Chief Engineer (Gen), or the
Superintending Engineer or the person deputed by him for the particular purpose.
(i) B.S. means the "British Standards" as issued by the British Standard Institution. "A.S.” means the
“American Standards" as issued by the "American Standards Institution" and "I.S." means the
“Indian Standards" as issued by the Indian Standards Institution. Wherever the above mentioned
abbreviations are referred to in the specifications and/or work orders, they mean the
addition with all amendments current at the date of issued of tender document of work orders.
In case of measurement and terms of contracts "Specifications" mean those contained in
Gujarat State Electricity Corporation Ltd. Schedule together with any amendments etc. embodied in
the tender documents “Drawing” refer to those accompanying the tender documents and/or any
work orders referred therein.
(j) The “Contract Sum" means the sum accepted or the sum calculated in accordance with the prices
accepted in the tender and/or the contract rate as payable to the contractor for the full and entire
execution and completion of works.
(k) "The date for completion" is the date or dates of completion of the work or any part of the works set
out or ascertained in accordance with the individual work orders and the tender documents or any
subsequent agreed amendments thereto.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006



1. Security Deposit:
The contractor shall within 10 days from the date of issue of letter of intent pay the security deposit
for the performance of the contract. The deposit shall be in the cash or in G P Notes of Fixed
Deposit Receipt which may be furnished as prescribed in Schedule C. All damages, costs,
charges, expenses and other sums which may be or may become due to payable by the contractor to
the CORPORATION under the terms of the contract may be deducted from the cash the proceeds of
sale of the securities so deposited (which the officer or person to whom the same may be endorsed as
aforesaid is hereby authorized to sell that purpose) of from the interest of any such securities or
from any sums or which may become due to the contractor by the CORPORATION whole or the
balance unapplied as aforesaid of cash securities so deposited being repaid or transferred and
returned as may be to contractor after the date on which the final bill is paid or after the expiry of
the date up to which the contractor has to maintain the work in good order whichever is later.
2.Compensation for the delay :
The time limit allowed for carrying out the work as entered in the tender shall strictly observed by
the contractorand shall be reckoned from the date on which the order to commence the work is given
to the contractor. The work shall throughout the stipulated period of contract be proceeded with all
due diligence (time being deemed to be the essence of contract) and for delay the contractor shall pay
compensation an amount equal to half percent per one week for the Contract value or as per the
decision of the Competent Authority of the GSECL..

3. Action when whole of Security Deposit is forfeited;

In any case in which under any clause of this contract the contractor shall have tendered himself to
pay compensation amounting to the whole of his security deposit (whether paid sum or deducted by
installments) or in the case of abandonment to the work owing to serious illness/ death of the
contractor or any other cause, the Executive Engineer on behalf of the corporation shall have
powers to adopt (a) below and any of the following causes under (b) and (c) as he may deem best
suited to the interest of the corporation.
To rescind to the contract (or with rescission notice of 10 days in writing to the contractor
under the hand of the Executive Engineer shall be conclusive evidence and in that case the security
deposit of contractor shall stand forfeited and be absolutely at the disposal of the corporation.
(b) To employ labor paid by the corporation to supply materials to carry out the works, or any part of
the works debiting the contractor with the cost of the labor and the price of the materials (as to the
correctness of which cost & price, the certificate of Executive Engineer shall be final & conclusive
against the contractor) and crediting him with value of the work done. In all respect in the same
manner and at the same rates as if it had been carried out by the contractor under the terms of this
contract and in that case the certificate of the Executive Engineer as to the value the work done shall
be final and conclusive against the contractor.
(c) To order that the work of the contractor be measured up and to take such part thereof as shall be
unexecuted out of his heads and to give it to another contractor to complete in which case any
expenses which may be incurred in excess of the sum which would have been paid to the original
contractor if the whole work had been executed by him (as to amount of which excess expense the
certificate in writing of the Engineer shall be final, conclusive and shall be paid by the original
contractors) and shall be deducted from any money due to by the corporation under the contract or
otherwise from his security deposit of the proceeds sale thereof or a sufficient part thereof.
In the event of the above causes being adopted by the Executive Engineer the contractor shall have
no claim to compensation for any loss sustained by him by reason of his having purchased or
procured any materials or entered into any engagements or made any advances on account of or
with a view to the execution of the work or the performance of the contract. And in case the contract
shall be rescind under the provision aforesaid the contractor shall not be entitled to recover or be
paid any sum for any works thereof actually performed by him under this contract unless and until
the Executive Engineer shall have certified in writing the performance of such work and the amount
payable to him in respect thereof and he only be entitled to be paid the amount so certified.

4. Notice for Unsatisfactory Progress :

If the progress or a particular portion of the work is unsatisfactory the Executive Engineer whose
decision shall be final shall not withstanding that the general progress of work is satisfactory be

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
entitled to take action under Clause 3(b) after giving the contractor 10 days notice in writing and the
contractor will have no claim for compensation for any loss sustained by him owing to such action.

5. Action in the case of Default by Contractor:

If any case in which any of power conferred upon the Executive Engineer by Clauses 3 and 4 hereof
shall have exercisable and the same shall not have been exercised, the non-exercise thereof shall not
constitute a waiver of any of the conditions hereof and such powers shall notwithstanding be
exercisable in any further case of default by the contractor for which by any hereof he is declared
liable to pay future compensation shall remain unaffected in the event of the Executive Engineer
taking action under sub-clause (a) or (c) of Clause 3 he may, if he so desires take possession of all or
any tools plant materials and stores in so upon the work or the site thereof belonging to the
contractor or procured by him and intended to be used for the execution of the work or any part
thereof paying for allowing the same in account at the contract rates or in the case of a contract
rates not being applicable of current market rates to be certified by the Executive Engineer whose
certificate thereof shall be final. In the alternative the Executive Engineer may by notice in writing to
the contractor or his clerk of works, foreman or other authorized agent require him to remove such
tools Plant materials or stores from the premises within a time to be specified in such requisition the
decision to the contractor failing to comply with any such requisition the decision of the Executive
Engineer as to the expense of any such removal and the amount of the proceed and expense of any
such shall be final and conclusive against the contractor.

6. Extension of Time Limit :

If the contractor shall desire an extension of the time limit for completion of the work on the ground
of his having been unavoidably hindered in execution or any other ground he shall apply in writing
to the Executive engineer and the executive Engineer may, if in his opinion there are reasonable
grounds for granting extension recommend such extension as he thinks necessary or proper. The
decision of the competent authority in this shall be final.

7. Completion Certificate
On completion of the work the Contractor shall be furnished with Completion Certificate by the
Executive Engineer of such completion but no such certificate shall be given nor shall be the work of
considered to be complete unit works are taken over and/or duly tested and put to operation as the
case may be nor until the work have been measured by the Engineer in Charge or where the
measurements have been taken by his subordinates until they have received the approval of the
Executive Engineer the said measurements being binding and conclusive against the contractor.

8. Effect of the Certificate :

No payment shall be made for any work estimated to cost less than Rs. 1,000 till after the whole of
said work shall have been completed and certificate of completion given. But in the case of works
estimated to cost more than Rs. 1,000 contractor shall on submitting a monthly bill thereof to be
entitled to receive payments propionate to the part of the work them approved and passed by the
Engineer-in-charge whose certificate of such approval and a passing of the sum so payable shall be
final and conclusive against the contract of all such intermediate payment shall be regard as
payment by way of advance against the final payment only and not as payments for work actually
done, completed and shall not preclude the Engineer-in-charge from requiring bad, unsound,
imperfect or unskillful work to be removed and taken away and reconstructed or re erected not shall
any such payment be considered as admission of the due performance of the contractor any part
thereof in any respect of the accruing of the claim nor shall conclude, determine or effect in anyway
the otherwise or in any other way vary or affect the contract. The final settlement and adjustment of
the accounts otherwise or in any other way vary or affect the contract. The final bill shall be
submitted by the contractor within one month of the date fixed for completion of work, otherwise, the
certificate of the Engineer-in-charge of the measurement and of total amount payable for the work
shall be final and binding on all parties.

9. Payment to Contractors:
The rates for several items of works estimated to cost more than Rs. 1000 agreed to within shall be
valid only when the item concerned is accepted having been completed full in accordance with the
sanctioned specification. In case, where the items of the work are not accepted as so completed the
Engineer-in-charge may make payment on account of such items at such reduced rates as he may
considers reasonable in the preparations of final or running accounts bills.

10. Bills
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
Bills shall be submitted by the contractor each month on or before the date fixed by the Engineer-in-
Charge for all works executed in the previous month and the Engineer-in-Charge shall take or cause
to be taken the requisite measurement for the purpose or having the same verified and the claim so
far as it is admissible shall be adjusted. If, possible, within ten days from the presentation of the
bills, If the, contractor does not submit the bill within the time fixed as aforesaid the Engineer-in-
Charge may depute a subordinate to measure up the said work in the presence of the contractor or
his duly authorized agent whose counter signature in the measurement list shall be sufficient
warrant and the Engineer-in-Charge may prepare a bill from such list which shall be binding on the
contractor in all respects.

11. Supply of Materials to Contractor:

If the specification of the estimate work provides for the use of any special description of material to
be supplied from the corporations Stores or if it is required that the contractor shall use certain
stores to be provided by the Engineer-in-Charge (such material and stores and the prices to be
charged thereof as hereinafter mentioned being so far as practicable for the convenience of
contractor but not so as in any way to contro1, the meaning or effect of this contract specified in the
schedule or memorandum hereto annexed) the contractor shall be supplied, with such materials and
stores as may be required from time to time be used by him for the purpose of the contract only and
the value of the full of materials and stores so supplied shall be cut of or deducted from any such
item due or thereafter to become due to the contractor under the contract or otherwise or from the
security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof if the deposit is held in Government securities the
same or a sufficient portion thereof shall be sold for the purpose. All materials supplied to the
contract or shall remain the absolute property of corporation and shall on account be removed from
the site of the work and shall at time be open to inspection by the Engineer-in-charge. Any such
materials unused and in perfectly good condition at time of completion or determination of the
contract shall be returned to the corporation stores if the Engineer-in-Charge so requires by notice in
writing given under his hand but the contractor shall not be entitled to return any such materials
supplied to him as aforesaid but remaining unused by him or for any wastage in damage thereto.
The contractor shall be responsible for the loss, destruction or deterioration of the material stores or
articles supplied to him by the corporation even if such loss, destruction or deterioration has
occurred under any circumstances whatsoever beyond his control as if the materials, stores or
articles so supplied were his property.
12. Works to be executed in accordance with Specifications, Drawings, Orders etc.:
The contractor shall execute the whole and every part of work in the most substantial and
workmanlike manner and both as regarding materials and in every other respect in strict accordance
with the specifications, the contractor shall also confirm exactly , fully and faithfully to the designs,
drawings and instructions in writing relating to the work signed by the Engineer-in-Charge and
lodge in his office and to which the contractor shall be entitled to have access for the purpose of
inspection at such office or on the site of the work during office hours and the contractor shall; if he
so requires, be entitled at his own expense to make or cause to be made copies of the specification,
and of all such designs, drawings and instruction as aforesaid .

13. Alterations in Specifications and Designs not to invalidate Contracts:

The Executive Engineer shall have powers to make any alterations, in or addition to the original
specifications designs and instructions that may appear to him to be necessary or advisable during
the progress of the work and the contractor shall be bound to carry out-the work in accordance with
any instruction in this connection which may be given to him in writing signed by the Engineer-in-
Charge and such alterations shall not invalidate the contract. Any additional work which the
contractor may be directed to do in the manner above specified as part of the work shall be carried
out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respect on which he agreed to do the main works,
and at the same rates as are specified in the tender for the main work.
Where, however, the work is to the executed according to the designs, drawings and specifications
recommended by the contractor and accepted by the competent authority. The alteration above
referred to shall be within the scope of such designs, drawings and specifications appended to the

14. Rates for Works not entered in Estimate or Schedule of Rate of the District:
And if the additional and altered work includes any class of work for which no rate is specified in
this contract then such class of work shall be carried out at the rates entered in the Schedule of
Rates of the Division or at the mutually agreed upon between the Executive Engineer and the
contractor whichever are lower. If the additional or altered work for which no rate is entered in the
Schedule of Rates of the Division is ordered to be carried out before the rates agreed upon then the
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
contractor -thin seven days of date of receipt by him of the order to carry out the work inform the
Executive Engineer does not agree to this rate he shall be notice in writing be at liberty to cancel
his order to carry out such class of work and arrange to carry it out in such manner as he may
consider advisable provided always that if the rates shall have been determined as lastly herein
before mentioned then in such case he shall only be entitled to be paid in respect of the work carried
out or expenditure incurred by him prior to the date of the determination of the rate as aforesaid
according to such rate or rates as shall be fixed by the Executive Engineer. In the event of dispute,
the decision of the Superintending Engineer of the Circle will be final.

15. Extension of Time Limit in consequence of Addition or Alteration:

The time limit for the work shall be extended in the proportion that the increase in its cost
occasioned by alteration or addition bears to the cost of the original contract work and the certificate
of the Engineer-in Charge as to such proportion shall be conclusive.

16. No Compensation for Alteration in or Restriction of Work to be carried out:

If any time after the execution of the contract documents the Engineer-in-charge shall be for any
reason whatsoever require the whole or any part of the work as specified in the tender to be stopped
for any period or shall not require the whole or part of the work to be carried out at all or to be
carried out by the contractor he shall give notice in writing or the fact to the contractor who shall
thereupon suspend or stop the work totally or partially as the case may be in any such case except
as provide hereunder the advantage which he might have derive from the execution of the work in
full but which he did not so derive consequence of the full amount of work not having been carried
out or on account of any loss that he may be put to on account of material purchased or agree to be
purchased or for unemployment of labor recruited by him. He shall not also have any claim for
compensation by reason of any alterations having been in the original specification drawings,
designs, and instructions which may involve any curtailment of the work as originally completed.
Where, however, materials have already been purchased or agreed to be purchased by the contractor
before receipt by him of said notice, the contractor shall be paid for such materials at the rate of
requirement and are of approved quality and/or shall be compensated for the loss, if any, that the he
may put to in respect of materials agreed to be purchased by him, the amount of such compensation
to be determined by the Executive Engineer whose decision shall be final. If the contractor suffers
any loss on account of his having to pay, his labor charges during the period during which the
stoppage of work has been ordered under this clause the contractor shall on application be entitle to
such compensation on account of labor charges as the Executive Engineer whose decision shall be
final may consider reasonable provided that the contractor shall be entitle to any compensation on
account of labor charges if in the opinion of the Executive Engineer , the labor could have been
employed by the contractor elsewhere for the whole part of the period during which the stoppage of
the work has been ordered as aforesaid.

17. No claim to compensation on account of loss due to delay of materials by corporation.

The contractor shall not be entitled to any claim any compensation from corporation for the loss
suffered by him on account of delay by corporation in the supply of materials entered in Scheduled
A where’ such delay is caused by:

(i) Difficulties relating to supply of railway wagons.

(ii) Force Major
(iii) Act of God
(iv) Any other reasonable cause beyond the control of corporation
In the case of such delay in the supply of materials.corporation shall grant such extension of time for
the completion of the works as shall appear to the Executive Engineer to be reasonable in
accordance with the circumstance of the case. The decision of the Executive Engineer as to the
extension of time shall be accepted as final by the contractor.

18. Time Limit for Compensation claims:

Under no circumstances whatsoever shall the contractor be entitled to any compensation from
corporation on any account unless the contractor has claimed in writing to the Executive Engineer
within one month of the cause thereof.

19. Action and Compensation payable in case of Bad Work:

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
At any time before the security deposit is refunded to the contractor shall appear the Executive
engineer or his subordinate in charge of the work that any work has been executed with unsound
imperfect or unskillful workmanship or with materials of inferior .quality or that any materials or
articles provided by him for the execution of the work are unsound or of a quality inferior to that
contract for or are otherwise not in accordance with the contract it shall be lawful for Engineer-in-
Charge to intimate this fact in writing to the contractor and then notwithstanding the fact that the
work materials or articles complained of may have been inadvertently passed, certified and paid for,
the contractor shall be bound forthwith to rectify or remove and reconstruct the work so specific in
whole or in part as the case may require or if so required shall remove the materials or articles so
specified and provide other suitable materials or articles at his own charge and cost, and in the event
of his failing to do so within a period to be specified by the Engineer-in-Charge in the written
intimation aforesaid, the contractor shall be liable to pay compensation at the rate of one percent on
the amount of the estimate for every day not exceeding ten days during which the failure so
continues and in the event of any such failure as aforesaid the Executive Engineer may rectify to get
remove and re-execute the work and replace the materials or articles complained of as the case may
be at the risk and expense in all respects of contractor should the Engineer -in-Charge consider that
any such inferior work of materials as described above may be accepted or made use of, it shill be
within discretion to accept the same as such reduce as he may fix thereof Provided that in the case
of any work of which is visible check is not possible if the Engineer-in-Charge or his subordinate in
charge of the work feels that such work has been executed with unsound, imperfect , unskillful
workmanship or with materials of interior quality, he shall take sample test at random, cost of which
shall; have to borne by the contractor and if after taking such test part of such work is found to be
defective in any respect of to have been executed with materials of inferior quality, then the
contractor shall be paid for the whole work such amount as may be fixed by the office on the basis of
the lowest quality of work found by him in such sample tests.
Explanation I
Sample Test shall mean:
(i) In relation to poles fixed as line supports the token of one pole out of every 100 poles after taking
it out from its foundation for inspection.
(ii) In relation to any other work such test as may be considered necessary by the Engineer-in-charge or
his subordinate in charge of the work.
Explanation II
Cost of sample test shall mean cost incurred for the purpose of taking sample test and for restoring
the tested work to its original condition.

20. Work to be opened to inspection Contractor or Responsible Agent to be present:

All works under or in course of execution or executed in pursuance of the contract shall at times be
open to the inspection and supervision of the Executive Engineer and his subordinate and
contractor shall at all times during the usual working hours and at all other times at which
reasonable notice of the intention of the Executive Engineer or his subordinate to visit the works
shall have been given to the contractor, during which period either he should be present to receive
order and instruction or have a responsible agent duly accredited in writing, present for that
purpose. Orders given to the contractors duly authorized agent shall be considered to have the
same force and effect as if they had been given to the contractor himself.

21. Notice to be given before work is covered up:

The contractor shall be given not less than five days notice in writing by the Executive Engineer or
subordinate In-charges of the work before covering up of otherwise placing beyond the reach of
measurement any work in order that the same may be measured and correct dimension thereof
taken before the same is so covered up or placed beyond the reach of measurement and shall not
and work without the consent in writing of Executive Engineer or his subordinate in charge of the
work. If any work shall be covered up or placed beyond the reach without such notice having been
given or consent obtained the same shall be uncovered at the contractors expense, and in default
thereof no payment or allowance shall be made for such work or for the materials with the same was

22. Contractors Liabilities:

The contractors shall supply at his own cost all materials (expect such special materials, if any, as
may be supplied from the corporation Stores in accordance with the contract plant tools appliances,
implements ladders, cordage, take scaffolding and any temporary works which may be required for
the proper execution of the work, in the original altered or substituted from and whether included in
the specification or other document forming part of the contract or referred to in these conditions
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
or note and which may be necessary for the purpose of satisfying or complying with the
requirement of the Engineer-in-charge as to any matter on which under these conditions he is
entitled to be satisfied or which he is entitled to require together with carriage thereof to and from
the work. The contractor shall also supply without charge the requisite number of person with
means and materials necessary for purpose of setting out works, and accounting, weighing and
assisting in the measurement of examinations at any time and from time to time of the work or
material. Failing this the same may be provided by the Engineer-in-charge at the expenses of the
contractor and the expenses may be deducted form any money due to the contractor under the
contractor from his security deposit or the proceeds of sale thereof or of a sufficient portion thereof.
The contractor shall provide all necessary fencing and lights required to protect the public from
accident and shall also be bound to bear expenses of defense of every suit, action or other legal
proceedings at law that may be brought by any person for injury sustained. Owing to neglect of the
above precautions and to pay any such person or which may be awarded in such suit, action or
proceedings to any such Persons or which may with the consent of the contractor be paid in
compromising any claim by any such person.

23. Contractors Liable for all Damage:

Compensation for all damages done intentionally or unintentionally by contractor's laborer whether
in or beyond the limit of corporation’s property shall be estimated by the Executive Engineer, or such
other officer as he may appoint and the estimates of the Executive Engineer, subject to the decision
of the Superintending Engineer, on appeal shall be final and the contractor shall be bound to pay
the amount of the assessed compensation demand failing which, the same will be recovered from
the contractor as damages or deducted by the Engineer-in-charge from any sums that may be due to
or become due from corporation to the contractor under this contract or otherwise. The contractor
shall bear the expense of defending any action or other legal proceeding that may be brought by any
person for injury sustained by him owing to neglect of precautions to prevent the spread of fire and
he shall also pay any damages and cost that may be awarded by the court if in consequence.

24. Rescission of Contract and Forfeiture Deposit

The contractor shall not be assigned or subject without the written approval of the Engineer-in-
charge and if the contractor assign or subject his contract, or attempt to do so or become insolvent
or commence any Proceedings to be adjudicated as insolvent or make any composition with
creditors, attempt to do so the Engineer-in-charge may by notice in writing, rescind the contract.
Also, if any bribe gratuity, gift, loan, Perquisite, regard or advantage pecuniary or otherwise shall
either directly or indirectly be given promised or offered by the contractor any of his servants, or
agents, to any person in the employee of corporation in any way directly or indirectly interested in
the contract the Executive Engineer may give 10 days notice in writing and rescind the contract.
In the event of a contract being rescinded the security deposit of the contractor shall there upon
stand forfeited and be absolutely at the discretion of corporation and the same consequences shall
ensure as if the contract has been -rescinded under Clause 4 thereof and in addition the contractor
shall not be entitled to recover or be paid for any work thereof actually performed under the

25. Compensation .
All sums payable by a contractor by way of compensation under any of these conditions shall be
considered as a reasonable compensation to be applied to the use of corporation without reference
to the actual loss or damage sustained and Whether any damage has not been sustained.

26. Changes In the Constitution of Firm to be notified.

In the case of tender by partners of a firm any change in the constitution of firm shall be forthwith
notified by the contractor to the Executive Engineer for his information.

27. Works under direction of Superintending Engineer.

All works be executed under the contract shall be executed under the direction and subject to the
approval of the Superintending Engineer of the Circle for the time being who shall be entitled to
direct at what point or points and in what manner they are to be commenced and from time to time
carried on.

28. Decision of superintending Engineer to be final.

Except where otherwise specified in contract and subject to the power delegated to him by
corporation under the corporation , then in force the decision of the Superintending Engineer of the
Circle for the time being shall be final conclusive and binding on all parties of the contract upon all
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
questions relating to the meaning for the specification, designs drawings and instruction herein
before mentioned and as to the quality of workmanship or material used on the work or as to any
other question, claim right matter or thing whatsoever in any way arising or relating to the contract.
designs, drawing specification estimates instructions orders or these conditions or otherwise
concerning, the works or the execution or failure to execute the same whether arising during
progress of the work or after the completion on abandonment thereof.

29. Stores to be obtained from corporation

The contractor shall obtained from the corporation stores, such stores and articles as are
mentioned schedule A which may be required for the work or any part of the work or in making up
any articles required therefore or in connection therewith unless he has obtained permission in
writing from the Executive Engineer or obtained such stores and articles from elsewhere. The value
of such stores & articles as may be supplied to the contractor by the Engineer-in-charge will be
debited to the contractor his account at the rate shown in the schedule A attached to the contract
and if they are not entered said schedule, they shall be debited to him at cost price which for the
purposes of this contract shall include cost of carriage and all other expenses whatsoever which may
have to be incurred in obtaining delivery of the same at the stores aforesaid and further overhead
charges 15%. The contractor shall be responsible for the loss destruction or deterioration of the
materials, stores or articles supplied to him by the corporation even if such loss destruction or
deterioration has occurred under any articles so supplied were his property. The contractor shall be
responsible for returning the residual materials after completion of the contract and if fails to return
the balance materials supplied to him by the corporation the cost of the of the residual materials
will be recovered form the contractor at the market rate or stock issue rate whichever is higher at
the time of materials account plus 15%.

30. Lump Sum in Estimate.

(1) When the estimate on which tender is made includes lump sums in respect of parts of the works
contractor shall be entitled to payment in respect of the items or works involved or the part of work
in question at the same rates as are payable under this contract or such items of the part the work
in question is not in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge capable of measurement Engineer-in-
charge and the certificate in writing of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final & conclusive against the
contractor with regard to any sum or sums payable to him under provision of this clause.
Lump sum Tenders
(2) Whenever lump sum tenders have been invited for buildings or other structures of the same type,
design, the contractor shall submit his bill stated in Clause II and the Engineer-in-charge not below
the rank of Executive Engineer shall certify by general measurement or by other method considered
suitable to him, the value of work done and the contractor shall be paid monthly a sum equal to.
90% of the total value the work so certified since the last payment after deducting a part or whole of
the secured advance if not already paid for the materials utilized on the works. An additional
secured advance for any fresh materials brought on site will also be paid if certified by the office not
below the rank of Executive Engineer.
After the work is completed final bill would be paid on the certification of an officer not below the
rank of Executive Engineer, that the works are done according to drawing and specifications
attached to the tender if any additions and alteration have been carried out, details measurement in
respect thereof shall be recorded and extra payment of deductions are regulated as per item rates
quoted by the contractor while submitting the tender and if there are any items in the additions and
alteration for which the contractor has not quoted a rate, the payment shall be regulated as per
clause 14 above.

31. Action Where no Specification.

In the case of any class of work for which there is no such specification as is mentioned in rule I
such work shall be carried out in accordance with the divisional specifications and in the event of
absence of divisional specification the work shall be carried out in all respect in accordance with the
instructions and requirement of the Engineer-in-charge.

32. Compensation under Workmen’s Compensation Act.

The contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay any compensation to his workmen payable
under the workmen’s Compensation Act 1923 (VIII of 1923) (herein after called the said Act) for
injuries caused, to the workmen. If such compensation is paid by corporation as principal under
sub-section (1) of Section 12 of the said Act on behalf of the contractor, it shall be recoverable by
Corporation from the contract or under sub-section (2) of the said section. The contractor shall pay
such amount of compensation on demand failing which it will be recovered from him by deducting it
EW- 50 PUR-F-006
from any sums that may be due or become due to the contractor by the corporation under this
contract or otherwise.

33. No claim for Variation in quantities of work

Quantities shown in the tender are approximate and no claim shall be entertained Quantities of work
executed being either more or less than those entered in the tender or estimate.

34. No claim for Compensation for Delay in execution of work

No compensation shall be allowed for any delay caused into starting of work on account of
acquisition of land and in the case of clearance works for any delay in according to sanction

35. No claim for Compensation for delay in execution of work

No compensation shall be allowed for any delay in execution of the work on account of water
standing in borrow pits or compartment, the rates are inclusive for hard or cracked soil, excavation
in mud, subsoil water or water standing in borrow pits and no claim for an extra rate shall be
entertained unless otherwise expressly specified.

36. Entering upon or commencing any portion of work

The contractors shall not enter upon or commence any portion of work except with the written
authority any instructions of the Executive Engineer or his subordinate in charge of the work fail in
such authority the contractor shall have no claim to ask for measurement of payment for work.

37. Method of Payment

Payment to contractors shall be made by cheques provided the amount exceeds Rs. 10/- Amount
not exceedingRs. 10/- will be paid in cash.


Submission to tender or acceptance of work order shall imply acceptance of those conditions of
tender by contractor.

39. Employment of Scarcity Labor

If Government declares a state of scarcity of famine to exist in any village situated within 10 miles
of the work the piece worker/contractor shall employ upon such parts of the work as are suitable
for unskilled labor any person certified to him by the Executive Engineer or by any person to whom
Executive Engineer may have delegated this duty in writing to be in need of relief and shall be bound
to pay such person wage not below the minimum which Government may have fixed in this behalf.
Any disputes which arise in connection with the implementation of this clause shall be decided by
the Superintending Engineer whose decision shall be final and binding on the piece

40 Employment of Technical Persons.

The contractors who are registered class ‘A’,’B’ and ‘C’ or such contractors who execute the works of
Rs. 5 lakhs and above shall employ the technically qualified personnel possessing minimum a
Diploma from a recognized Technical Institution executing the work of the corporation.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


Schedule showing (approximately the materials to be supplied from the corporations Stores to work
contracted and rates at which they are to be charged for.
Particulars Of Approximate Rates at which the Materials will Place of Delivery
material Quantity be Charged to the Contractor
Unit Rs. PS.


Note:- 1. The person firm submitting the tender should see that the rates in the above Schedule are filled
up the Executive Engineer-in-charge on the issue of the form prior to the Submission of the tender.
2. Stores to be supplied to the contractors for a week free of cost should be mentioned in schedule ‘A’
in addition to schedule ‘B’ and the specifications attached to the contract agreement forms.
Date: Signature of The Chief Engineer (gen),
Superintending Engineer,
Executive Engineer, and
Deputy Engineer.
(Signature of Contractor)

EW- 50 PUR-F-006




Schedule showing the procedure to be followed while furnishing G.P. Notes of fixed Deposit Receipts
towards payment of Security Deposit.
1. G P.Notes:
All the endorsement on the G.P Notes including the last in favor of Gujarat State Electricity
Corporation limited should be certified by the Public Debt. Officer. Reserve Bank of India OR
alternatively a fresh note from Public Debt Office, Reserve Bank of India should be tendered.
All the interest accrued on the G.P. Notes till date of transfer should be collected before
submission and the interest accruing subsequently will be collected by the corporation periodically
and credited to depositors account, less 2% subject to the minimum of Rs.2/- which will be
retained by the corporation to cover the cost of collections etc.
2. Fixed Deposit Receipts.
(a) The Fixed Deposit Receipt should be in the name of Gujarat State Electricity Corporation limited
without any qualification.
(b) The Fixed Deposit Receipt only from the local main office of any Scheduled Bank will be accepted.
The Fixed Deposit Receipt's Bank Guarantee from local/main office of any Co-operative Bank may
also be accepted up to a ceiling of Rs. 5000/- only.
(c) The Fixed Deposit Receipt should be for 1 years at least.
(d) The corporation will renew the Fixed Deposit for a further period of one year with the same bank at
prevailing rate of interest without consulting the party unless otherwise advised by the contractor in
3. Important
(1) All G.P Notes and Fixed Deposit Receipts received to date and not fulfilling the above condition will
be returned to the contract or by the corporation.
(2) National Saving Certificates and bank Guarantee Bonds will be accepted, subject to the conditions of
the Corporations
Payment made by crossed cheque in favor of Gujarat State Electricity Corporation limited will,
however, be accepted on the local Office of any scheduled Bank at par or in the case of upcountry
contractors by Demand Draft on end of the Local Office of Scheduled Banks.
Insurance guarantee should be accepted in lieu of Bank guarantee whenever necessary.

Chief Engineer (Gen),

GSECL: TPS: Gandhinagar.

Contractor’s Signature
with Seal & Date

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


Gandhinagar Thermal Power Station, Gandhinagar–
Gandhinagar– 382041.
382041. Ph. 91-
Fax: 91-
23217673, e-
e-mail: [email protected] Website:
(Price Bid should be submitted by bidders directly online. Bidder
should not submit physical Price Bid.)

EW –50 Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.

EW- 50 PUR-F-006


(Supply of New Materials for Unit No. 3 of GTPS for ESP revamping)
Note : (1) This Price Schedule No. A is applicable for New Materials for Unit No.3 of GTPS, to be
supplied by bidder as a fresh.
(4) The price shall cover Design, engineering, manufacturing, Assembly, Packing and
Forwarding, all the applicable insurances, storing, proper reservations,
transporting up to location site etc.
(5) All the items which shall be required for removal of fouling of minor/major nature
are to be restored by Bidder. All these materials are also to be covered in this
schedule. Any unforeseen fouling of minor/major nature required to be removed
and restored by bidder are to be done by Bidder without any financial implication to
Sr. Description Unit
No. of supply Frei FOR Unit
Code U Insu Total
with detail Unit Qty ght, Rate in
for nit ranc cost
specification % Amt. Pack Rs.
identi Ra e (Excludi
of service age
ficati te Cha ng GST)
package – on &
rges in Rs.
works Forw
only in
contract ardi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 11 = 12 = (5 x
0 (6+8+9+10) 11)

1 Collecting NO 2196

with clamps
2 Emitting NO 12960

3 Support NO 32

4 Shaft Insulator NO 28
5 Collecting NO 244

6 Emitting NO 256

7 Inlet GD SET 02

plates with
guide vane
8 Inner Arm NO 500
9 Plain Bearing NO 152
10 Shock bar NO 244

with sock pad

11 Front Guide NO 40

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
12 Rear Guide NO 60

13 Link rod NO 64
14 Big & Small SET 16

Pin wheel
15 Shaft with SET 4

sleeve for
16 Shaft with SET 8

sleeve for
17 Required MT

Steel material
air of ESP
18 Hopper Level NO 56

Switch along
with wiring up
to Ash plant
Control room
19 Support NO 112

20 Shaft Insulator NO 28

21 Hopper NO 428

22 3 ph TR Set NO 12

with TRCC
Pane / new
with IGBT
23 single-phase NO 16

TR Panel
24 Thermal SQMT

25 Aluminum 22 MT

26 Power cable Meter
27 Control cable Meter
28 Cable tray NO
29 Earting Rod NO
30 GI Earting NO

31 Junction Box NO

EW- 50 PUR-F-006

Note: Other than above if any material required then same should be added in above supply schedule
and quoted..

Note: The supply of all ESP internals must be one to one Interchangeable with Existing OEM


Sub.: Work of Revamping of ESP Unit No. 3 at Gandhinagar TPS.

Sr No. Item Description UOM Qty Rate Rs. Total Amount Rs.
Per Each Per Unit of 210

01 Works of Revamping of ESP Job 01

with replacement of ESP
internals of any two rows (From
First four row) and + repairing of
1 row (04 field) additional work
in any field. In first Three rows,
installation of Higher rating 3 ph
TR Set with TRCC panel / new
technology High Frequency
transformer with IGBT panel :
Total 12 Nos.& supply of single-
phase TR Panel controller only -
16 Nos (the controller and HMI
should be of digital type
microprocessor based and state
of the art)

EW- 50 PUR-F-006
SCHEDULE OF TOTAL PRICES: Schedule B : ( Supply A1 + Works A2 )

Sr No. Item Description UOM Qty Rate Rs. Total Amount Rs.
Per Each Per Unit of 210

01 Supply and Works of Revamping Job 01

of ESP with replacement of ESP
internals of any two rows (From
First four row) and + repairing of
1 row (04 field) additional work
in any field. In first Three rows,
installation of Higher rating 3 ph
TR Set with TRCC panel or new
technology High Frequency
transformer with IGBT panel :
Total 12 Nos.& supply of single-
phase TR Panel controller only -
16 Nos (the controller and HMI
should be of digital type
microprocessor based and state
of the art)

Note: Bidder has to offer Total Rate in Schedule – B and also invariably submit pries brake up
for supply and works in schedule A1, A2.


The GST rate will be paid extra as applicable in accordance with GST rules party shall have to raise the
invoice in duplicate as per GST rules.
The supplier/contractor should mention separate HSN/SAC code and rate of GST and cess as applicable
for each item of goods/services. If no specifically mentioned then company will have option to take the prices as
exclusive of taxes and duties at maximum higher slab rates for the evaluation of tenders.

Chief Engineer (Gen.)

GSECL, TPS, Gandhinagar

Contractor’s Signature
With Seal & Date

EW –


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