Marks Retotaling Application Form

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COMSATS University Islamabad

Lahore Campus
These fields should must filled by the students.
Paper Rechecking Request Form
Note: All application regarding paper rechecking/marks retotling must be reached in examination
department within 10 days from the declaration of result. Application received after the deadline
will not be entertained.

Exams Type:  Midterm  Final Term

Semester:  Fall-__  Spring-__
To be filled by the Student (Please fill all fileds having *)
*Registration. No.: ________________________*Name: _________________________________________
*Degree Program/Batch: __________________ *Department:_____________ *Section:_______________
*Course Code: ____________________*Course Title: _________________________________________
*Resource Persons/Teacher Name:_________________________________________________________
*Marks Obtained:__________ *Grade:____________
1. Please attach original challan receipt ((PKR 2500/- for local student, $ 50/- for foreign student) after
getting the approval of concerned HoD/Incharge
2. This form can only be used for paper rechecking of 01 course only, attach separate form if you want to
apply for more than 01 course.
3. Answer books are checked only to ensure that all the questions attempted by the candidate have been
marked and totaled correctly and that the total marks have been correctly carried over to the Award
List. Re-evaluation of the paper shall not be allowed.

Date: ______________ Student Cell #: _______________ Student Signature: _______________

Recommendation by HOD/Incharge
Either request for paper rechecking is  Approved or  Not Approved (Please tick with √ )

Date: ____________________ Signature: __________________________________________

Remarks(if any): ____________________________________________________________________________

For Examinations Office Only

Diary In No: ______________Received by(Name & Signature): _________________________Date:__________

Marked to:_______________________________________________ ____________________Date:___________



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