Sagrada Solo Variant 2021

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Sagrada Solo Variant

Shout out to @storkace for the original variant and concept surrounding the Dice
Placement on the Round Track!

Set up is quite similar to the solo variant in the rulebook. The difficulty
is still adjusted primarily by your Window Pattern and the number of
Tool Cards. The primary differences are you do not necessarily have to
place all remaining dice on the Round Track and you adjust the Public
Objective Cards.

You still are not using any Favor Tokens. Still flip two Private Objective
Cards (you can still only use one color). Still pick one of two Window
Pattern cards.

Public Objective Cards

Divide the Public Objective Cards by points, with one pile of only the 2’s
and another pile of all the rest (4-6 points). Flip one 2-point Public
Objective Card and two of the other Public Objective Cards. You can
now get points from all three (or choose your highest two).

Added difficulty: Take out the Color Diagonal Public Objective Card.
Playing against the Solo, this is *almost an automatic win every time.

Tool Cards
Remove the Running Pliers Tool Card.

Similar to the original Solo Variant, this is where you can really get
creative and adjust your difficulty. Keep the same options for the

December 2021
number of Tool cards (1 – 5) to adjust difficulty or add some variety
such as:
➢ Choosing the same number of Tool Cards as your Window Pattern
difficulty up to 5 cards.
➢ Choosing the number of Tool Cards +/- 1 as your Window Pattern
with a max of 5 cards.

Dice Placement
1. On Round 1, place both dice (or one die if you used a tool) on the
Round Track.
2. Beginning with Round 2, and in all subsequent rounds, your dice
placement on the Round Track will vary based on the previous
round’s dice.
a. One die higher: If one of your remaining dice is higher than
either of the previous round’s dice, you only need to place
the higher die on the Round Tracker. The other can be set
aside and is removed from the game.
For example: If in the prior round you placed a 3 and 4, and this round
you have a 3 and a 5, you must discard the 3 and only need to place
the 5 for this turn.
b. Both dice higher: If both of your dice are higher than either
of the previous dice, then you can choose which die to place
on the Round Track.
For example: If in the prior round you placed a 2 and 3, and this round
you have a 4 and a 5, you will likely discard the 5 and only place the 4
on the round marker for this turn to limit the points the Solo gets.
c. Sixes: If on the prior round you placed a 6, then this round
you can just place the lowest remaining die on the round

December 2021
marker on the Round Track. The others dice are set aside
and removed from the game.
d. No higher dice/tie: If no remaining dice are higher or are
equal than the previous round’s dice, then place both of the
dice on Round Track.

If in any round you have 3 or 4 dice remaining, use the following

 Three dice:
a. No higher/tie: If none of your dice are higher, then you need
to place all three dice on the Round Track.
b. Only one die higher: If only one of your remaining dice is
higher, you only need to place the two higher dice on the
Round Tracker. The other can be set aside and is removed
from the game.
c. Two or three dice higher: If both or all of your dice are
higher, then you can choose which one die to place to Place
on the Round Track. The other two are removed from the
d. Sixes: If on the prior round you placed a 6, then this round
you must place the two lowest remaining die on the round
marker on the Round Track. The other die is set aside and
removed from the game.

 Four dice:
a. No higher/tie: If none of your dice are higher, then you need
to place your three highest dice on the Round Track. The
remaining die is set aside and removed from the game.

December 2021
b. Only one die higher: If only 1 of your remaining dice is
higher, you only need to place the two highest dice on the
Round Track. The other two can be set aside and are
removed from the game.
c. Two or three dice higher: If 2 or 3 two or three dice are
higher, then you can choose which two dice to place to place
on the Round Track. The other one or two are removed from
the game.
d. All four dice higher: If all 4 dice are higher than the previous
dice, then you can choose which one die to place on the
Round Track. The other three are removed from the game.
e. Sixes: If on the prior round you placed a 6, then this round
you must place the two lowest remaining die on the round
marker on the Round Track. The other dice are set aside and
removed from the game.

December 2021

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