Avatar Legends The Roleplaying Game An Urgent Request
Avatar Legends The Roleplaying Game An Urgent Request
Avatar Legends The Roleplaying Game An Urgent Request
Roku ERA
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game was designed by:
Danielle Lauzon, Elizabeth
Brendan Conway, James Mendez Hodes, Marissa Kelly, Mark Diaz Truman
Chaipraditkul, Brendan Conway
With contributions from:
Layout and Graphic Design
Sharang Biswas, Elizabeth Chaipraditkul, Miguel Ángel Espinoza, Lee Francis
Miguel Ángel Espinoza
IV, Sen-Foong Lim, Yeonsoo Julian Kim, Daniel Kwan, Alexi Sargeant
Art Direction
Marissa Kelly Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game is based on the Powered by the
Art Apocalypse framework originally developed by Meguey and Vincent Baker.
Avatar Studios & Viacom
International Incorporated
Miguel Ángel Espinoza, Abe Dieckman,
Patrick Spaziante, Richard Suh
Chinese Translation
Dr. Lee Siu-Leung, Tony Lee
Dr. Lee Siu-Leung
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game text and design ©2023 Magpie Games. All rights reserved.
©2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all
related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
An Urgent Request is a standalone adventure set in the Roku Era. If you’ve never run a game of
Avatar Legends: The Roleplaying Game before, this adventure is a great way to start—it includes all
the elements you need for an exciting episode of your very own. An Urgent Request can also be
used in an ongoing Roku Era campaign. The adventure is set in the Fire Nation and features a plot
against Princess Zeisan and the Guiding Wind, a rogue movement of Air Nomads.
The Fire Nation princess, Zeisan, is engaged to the leader of No Path to the End?
the Guiding Wind, an Air Nomad named Khandro, and their If you are used to running adventures with heavily detailed
wedding is nigh. News of the celebration is all over the nation’s encounters and prepared NPCs, it might come as a surprise that
capital. As part of the festivities leading up to the wedding, the few mechanics are written into this adventure, beyond the esca-
princess is giving a lecture on the Guiding Wind’s principles for lations and some information about various characters. Avatar
all to hear in Hari Bulkan. Fire Lord Sozin believes his sister is Legends: The Roleplaying Game relies on players triggering moves
out to dethrone him, and in a move to discredit her, is planning based on the actions they take during play instead of asking
to interrupt the lecture with undercover Fire Nation soldiers players to make any specific checks for specific actions required
pretending to be radical Air Nomads. Air Nomad Sister Rioshon by the adventure.
has discovered the plot to ruin the lecture and asks the heroes to Since every significant action a PC takes drives the action
warn Princess Zeisan before it’s too late. of the game forward, there is no prescribed order of events.
In fact, there is no singular way to resolve the situation at hand.
Instead, the adventure puts the PCs in a dramatic starting situ-
Using This Adventure ation that demands immediate action from the heroes! It’s your
job to use the material in this adventure to keep things moving,
providing interesting events and NPCs to consistently engage
The contents of this adventure create a sandbox for your PCs, your players.
a setting in which they can choose any path they’d like to move You can read more about running Avatar Legends: The Role-
the story forward. Some of the tools you can find here are: playing Game in the core book, Chapter 8: Running the Game,
and more about how moves shape play in Chapter 3: Funda-
• The “Summary” provides an outline of the adventure
mentals of Play.
and explains the various issues the players face.
• The “Introduction” brings the PCs into the story and
sets up your group to undertake the adventure.
Using the Pregenerated Characters
• “Important Characters & Groups” provides expanded
There are four pregenerated characters at the end of this adven-
descriptions and relevant rules information for the
ture. Each character has a unique history, playbook, and set of
characters and groups PCs might encounter.
stats. These characters are based on the ones used in the Avatar
• “Important Locations” features different areas for the
Legends All-Star Actual Play, which you can watch on YouTube.
PCs to explore during the adventure and explains
Your players can use these characters to play through this ad-
where important characters might be found.
venture, or they can create their own as explained in the Avatar
• “GM Advice” contains additional guidance
Legends: The Roleplaying Game core book.
for this adventure just for the GM and gives
The pregenerated characters have their moves, feature ele-
advice on how the adventure could end.
ments, and techniques already chosen; players need only decide
whether to shift their balance by one step at the start of play, and
which principle to shift it toward. Players can adjust the pregen-
erated characters to make themselves more comfortable, altering
names, look, and even mechanical elements if they are familiar
enough to make that choice. The characters are designed to work
well with the current elements included and the adventure as
presented, but as always, if the GM and player agree then they
can make changes. After selecting the pregenerated characters,
players will still go through the process of filling out connections
with each other.
Characters & Groups Sister Rioshon is an Air Nomad who is in the Fire Nation on
personal business. She is not a member of the Guiding Wind,
but she is sympathetic to their philosophy—in particular, she
The following pages contain information on these NPCs along appreciates the Guiding Wind turning away from politics and
with stats you can use for them in game—a principle (when noble society, even as she feels forced to engaged with that soci-
appropriate), combat techniques, conditions, and fatigue are all ety by her birth and by the wrongdoing she sees in her own fam-
listed for each character. ily. She sees the conflicts between the Guiding Wind and wider
Factions or groups tied to NPCs that come into play in the Air Nomad society, but to her mind, the core of their beliefs is
adventure are listed after the important NPC. In a combat, the true. Sister Rioshon trained Princess Zeisan in the Air Nation
gang and the leader would act separately in regards to exchanges and taught her how to chi-block. During their training, the two
and choosing techniques. fell in love, but Zeisan’s goals, duties, and political desires meant
that she couldn’t allow herself to show her feelings for Rioshon,
Princess Zeisan and Rioshon honored Zeisan’s goals by hiding her own feelings.
Legendary NPC Sister Rioshon understands Zeisan’s goals and would never do
Princess Zeisan believes her brother and the rest of her family anything to disrupt her love’s plans to overthrow the Fire Lord.
are dangerously out of balance. She hopes to convince the Fire Sister Rioshon was invited to the Fire Nation Capital by
Nation nobility to adopt Air Nomad beliefs and turn them away nobles to teach their children Air Nomad ways. This is a direct
from her brother—if they ever truly adopted the beliefs of the result of Princess Zeisan’s influence and Rioshon knows it. If
Guiding Wind, then they would begin to combat the corruption something happens at the princess’s symposium to discredit her
of the wider aristocracy. Her symposium is a vital part of that and the Air Nomads, she is likely to lose her own influence over
plan, and she needs it to go off without a hitch to convince key the Fire Nation nobles who currently look to her for guidance.
nobles to turn their support towards her and the Air Nomads.
The Princess is aware that her brother has been trying to Drive: To protect Princess Zeisan
undermine her efforts and is worried about her symposium. She Principle: Love
isn’t aware of Minister Zianda’s plans, and if the heroes bring the Conditions: Angry, Insecure, Troubled
information to her, she sees it as proof that hers is the best way Fatigue:
forward. She decides to let the Firebenders attack so that she Techniques: Chi-Blocking Jabs, Air Cushion
and the companions can unmask them together in front of the
symposium to discredit her brother and his tactics.
Minister Zianda
Major NPC
Minister Zianda is Fire Lord Sozin’s right hand and an expert
List of important characters & groups Firebender. He has been charged with discrediting Princess
Zeisan and the Guiding Wind in the Fire Nation so that the Fire
• Princess Zeisan, the Fire Lord’s sister and target of a
Lord can finally be rid of his sister. The Minister was minister
plot to discredit the Air Nomads in the Fire Nation.
under Fire Lord Sozin’s father and has been an adviser to the
• Sister Rioshon, an Air Nomad secretly in love
Fire Lord for many years. He is loyal to a fault to the throne and
with Princess Zeisan, aware of the plot against the
blindly follows whatever the Fire Lord wants. He would do—
princess and seeking a way to stop it.
and has done—anything for the Fire Lord, up to and including
• Minister Zianda, Fire Lord Sozin’s right hand, and
crimes that would get other nobles arrested.
the architect of the plot to discredit Princess Zeisan.
The Minister is recognizable for his jewelry, complex hair-
• Mio, Fire Lord Sozin’s bodyguard and the person
style, and fine robes. He rarely leaves Hari Bulkan except on
in charge of the Firebenders who will pretend to
important business. The PCs first spot him in the lower level of
be Air Nomads to discredit the princess.
the Fire Nation Capital, where he is incognito and not wearing
• Mio’s Firebenders, a group of Firebenders loyal
his adornments, but still recognizable. His presence there is
to Fire Lord Sozin who are pretending to be
suspicious in its own right.
Air Nomads of the Guiding Wind to attack Fire
Nation nobles and discredit Princess Zeisan.
Drive: To eliminate threats to Fire Lord Sozin
• Tiger-Monkey, an independent investigator hired
Principle: Power
by Fire Nation nobles to investigate the rumors
Conditions: Angry, Insecure, Troubled
that the Air Nomads are up to no good.
• Khandro, an Air Nomad monk who is the leader of
Techniques: Breath of Fire
the Guiding Wind and betrothed to Princess Zeisan.
Zeisan is the sister of Fire Lord Sozin, second in line to the
throne but born without Firebending. Her teachers and parents
pitted her against Sozin throughout their childhoods. The com-
petitions were meant to drive Sozin to ever greater heights and
to draw Firebending abilities out of Zeisan. When the struggles
between the two failed to transform Zeisan into a Firebender,
her teachers turned their focus entirely upon Sozin. But Zeisan
refused to stop competing, studying, and growing, striving to
prove herself worthy of her family legacy…until she realized,
while studying Air Nomad philosophies, that maybe her family
legacy wasn’t worthy of her.
When Sister Rioshon came to the Fire Nation Capital as a
teacher, Zeisan devoted herself to Air Nomad training, thinking
she might gain new skills that would make her a match for Sozin.
Zeisan connected with Air Nomad philosophies and techniques
in a way no one could have foreseen. She learned Air Nomad
styles of motion and action, and Rioshon even gifted Zeisan
with the secrets of chi-blocking.
Zeisan didn’t just connect with the Air Nomad’s teachings,
however…she connected with Rioshon herself. The two of
them fell in love just as Zeisan’s views of the world were shift-
ing, but they have never felt free to express their love to each
other. While their hearts sang in each other’s presence, Zeisan
had grown to see her family and their legacy as a blight upon
the world. She couldn’t leave her whole life behind to be with
Rioshon, not when she believed that she was the best chance to
fix the Fire Nation. So she did her best to hide her feelings.
Instead of running away from her responsibilities, Zeisan
decided to find a way to dismantle her family’s legacy of cor-
Conditions ruption. She eventually connected with the Guiding Wind, the
Afraid new movement of Air Nomads with anti-nobility beliefs and an
Angry active presence in the world. Zeisan eventually proposed a po-
Principle Guilty litical marriage with Monk Khandro, the leader of the Guiding
Insecure Wind. It was an alliance that would grant the Guiding Wind a
strong foothold in the Fire Nation while giving Zeisan useful
Integrity enraged
allies in her home territory. Neither Zeisan nor Khandro bear
love toward the other, but both see the marriage as well worth
the sacrifice.
obstinate Through it all, Zeisan has demonstrated her indomitable
will and desire to better the world by taking on the corrupt and
Fatigue vile, even if it means sacrificing her own personal happiness and
possible relationship with Rioshon.
*Rare Technique
Monastic, wilderness
Enthusiastic, Talkative
Fighting style:
Twisting, arcing, swirling miniature
©2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
__________________ scoffs at me and my plans; one day I’ll
show them what I can do.
Moment of Balance
Roku Era
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
sister nyanchi, tHE bold
Legacy of Excellence
You have dedicated yourself to accomplishing
great, exciting deeds and becoming worthy
Your best friend is small, fuzzy, and depend-
able. Unlike all your other relationships, this
FOCUS [+1]
of the trust others place in you. Choose four one is simple and true. You can understand
drives to mark at the start of play. When you and communicate with your small companion HARMONY [+1]
fulfill a marked drive, strike it out, and mark and—although they may give you a hard time
growth or clear a condition. When your four
marked drives are all struck out, choose and
now and again—they are always there when you
need them most. Whenever your pal could help
mark four new drives. When all drives are you push your luck, mark fatigue to roll with
struck out, change playbooks or accept a Creativity instead of Passion. If your pet ever
position of great responsibility and retire from gets hurt, mark a condition.
a life of adventure.
Outlaw, urban
Determined, Excessive
Fighting style:
Earthbending-influenced motions
©2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
__________________ has a way to solve problems with words
instead of fists—it’s really impressive!
Moment of Balance
Roku Era
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
Ezra, THE Hammer
Bringing Them Down CREATIVITY [+1]
You always have an adversary, one who represents the things you’re trying to smash through—tyr- FOCUS [-1]
anny, inequality, war; larger and more dangerous concepts that, to you at least, this one person
embodies. Your adversary is someone significant and powerful—someone who actually deserves
the amount of force you can bring to bear. HARMONY [0]
Your adversary: Minister Zianda
Choose a goal you have for your adversary:
Capture them Depose them Expose them
Discredit them Restrain them Exile them
Take -1 ongoing to plead with, trick, or guide and comfort your adversary.
Moves Techniques
Fueled by anger
Mark Angry to use an additional basic or mastered
technique when you advance and attack, even on
a miss. While Angry is marked, take +1 ongoing to
intimidate others.
advance & attack
Throw a punch with all your weight behind it; mark
3-fatigue to inflict Stunned on an engaged foe.
stand and fight!
When you provoke an NPC opponent into attacking
you, roll with Passion. On a hit, they’re coming at FATIGUE
you specifically. On a 10+, you’re ready for them; Breath of Fire
clear a condition or become Prepared. On a miss, advance & attack
they take advantage of your provocation to strike a Breathe fire in a massive gout. Mark 1-fatigue to set Conditions
blow where you least expect it.. alight as much or as little of your surroundings as afraid
you choose and try to set aflame any foes within -2 to intimidate and call someone out
Walls can’t hold me
reach. Those foes must either retreat and disengage
When you rely on your skills and training to
with you, becoming Impaired, or suffer 2-fatigue and angry
dangerously smash your way through walls or other -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
become Doomed as they catch fire.
obstacles, roll with Passion instead of Focus.
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
Driven by justice
Take +1 to Passion (max +3). guilty
-2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
Growth Question -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
At the end of each session, answer this question
with the other growth questions:
• Did you make progress towards your goal against Empowered Doomed
Urban, monastic
Polite, cautious
Fighting style:
Precise limbs of earth, stone, and rock
emerging as needed
©2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
Nyanchi is my ward—they need me to have their back,
end of story.
Moment of Balance
Roku Era
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
boin, THE Guardian
Protector’s Burden
Suspicious Mind
You take it upon yourself to protect the people When you watch a person carefully to figure
them out, roll with Focus. On a 7-9, hold 1. On a
FOCUS [+3]
around you in general, but you have someone
in particular you keep safe. 10+, hold 2. Spend your hold, 1-for-1, to ask their
Your ward: Nyanchi
player questions while you observe or interact HARMONY [0]
with them; they must answer honestly.
When they mark a condition in front of you,
mark fatigue or a condition. Your ward can
• Are you telling the truth? PASSION [+1]
• What are you truly feeling?
always call on you to live up to your princi-
• What do you really want right now?
ple—without shifting their balance away from
• What are you worried about?
center—and they take +1 to do it.
• What are you about to do?
At the beginning of each session, roll, taking +1
for each yes: Furrowed Brow
Take +1 Focus (max +3).
• Do you believe your ward listens
to you more often than not? Martyr Complex
• Have you recently protected them When you have a total of 8 between conditions
or helped them with a problem? marked, highest principle, and fatigue marked,
• Is there an immediate threat to your take +1 ongoing to all moves.
ward that you are aware of?
On a 7-9, hold 1. On a 10+, hold 2. At any time, Wait and listen
spend the hold to: When you assess a situation while taking the
time to use your extraordinary skills to absorb
• Take a 10+ without rolling on any hidden or deep information, mark 1-fatigue, roll
move to defend or protect them with Focus instead of Creativity, and become
• Track them down even if they Prepared.
are hidden or avoiding you
• Figure out what they’re up to
without them knowing
On a miss, hold 1, but...you’re drifting apart on
different paths. By the end of the session, you
must choose one:
• Decide you’re the only one who can keep
them safe; shift your balance twice toward
defend & maneuver
Self-Reliance and keep them as your ward
Step into the way of blows intended for allies;
• Decide they can handle life without your
when any ally within reach suffers a blow this
protection; shift your balance twice toward
Trust and switch your ward to a new person
exchange, you can suffer it for them. If you also
use Retaliate this exchange, deal an additional
You may also switch your ward if they leave 1-fatigue each time.
play or are no longer present for some reason.
When you switch your ward, you can switch to Conditions
an NPC (if the GM agrees).
Rock Column afraid
-2 to intimidate and call someone out
advance & attack
Pin a foe with a column of earth. Inflict Impaired
-2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation
on a single combatant. If they are already
Impaired, inflict Trapped. If they are already insecure
-2 to trick and resist shifting your balance
GROWTH Trapped, inflict Doomed.
Growth Question -2 to push your luck and +2 to deny a callout
At the end of each session, answer this question with troubled
the other growth questions: -2 to plead and rely on your skills or training
• Did you pursue a desire or goal of your own, outside
of protecting others?
Growth Advancements Empowered Doomed
Privilege, outlaw
Fighting style:
Concentrated balls of water and ice
©2023 Viacom International Inc. All Rights Reserved. Nickelodeon, Avatar Legends and all related titles, logos and characters are trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
Moment of Balance
Roku Era
T h e ro l e P l ay i n g G a M e
zeebee, tHE Rogue
Bad Habits CREATIVITY [+2]
You’ve picked up some bad habits over the When you indulge a bad habit on your own,
years. Most other people are pretty set on shift your balance toward Survival, and roll with FOCUS [0]
trying to get you to stop. But maybe you can Survival. On a hit, you pull it off and vent your
bring your friends along for the ride... The 4 frustrations; clear fatigue or conditions equal HARMONY [-1]
bad habits you indulge are: to your Survival (minimum 0). If you have no
fatigue or conditions, mark growth. On a 10+,
Casual thievery and pickpocketing
Vandalism or sabotage you also gain a windfall, a boon or opportu- PASSION [+2]
nity—your bad habits paid off this time. On a
miss, you’re caught by someone dangerous or
Daredevil stunts
powerful, and they complicate your life.
“Charming” insults of dangerous people
When you indulge a bad habit with a friend,
shift your balance toward Friendship, and roll friendship
Gambling with Friendship. On a hit, you and your friend
pull it off and grow closer; each of you makes
Any necessary skills or talents related to your the other Inspired. On a 10+, you also obtain
bad habits are considered to be part of your some useful resource or information, and
background. become Prepared. On a miss, something goes
terribly awry; you can either take the heat your-
self, or shift your Balance twice toward Survival
and leave your friend in the lurch.
Moves Techniques
Slippery Eel-Hound
When you defend and maneuver and choose to use Sweep the Leg
Seize a Position to escape the scene, foes must mark advance & attack
an additional 2-fatigue to stop you, and you may
bring any allies within reach when you retreat. You attack where an enemy is weakest or most
off-balance; if your foe has a total of 3 or more fatigue
Casing the Joint
When you assess a situation, add these questions to
and conditions marked, inflict 2-fatigue. If your foe
has fewer than 3 total fatigue and conditions marked,
the list. You may always ask one extra question from inflict 2-fatigue, but you must mark fatigue as well.
these options, even on a miss.
• What here is most valuable or interesting to me?
• Who or what is most vulnerable to me? Ice Gauntlet FATIGUE
• Who here is in control/wealthiest/ defend & maneuver
has the most power? Cover your hand with a sheathe of ice. Become
Prepared. When you next make an attack, inflict an
roguish charm additional 1-fatigue. afraid
When you plead with an NPC or guide and comfort -2 to intimidate and call someone out
someone by flattering them and empathizing with
them, mark 1-fatigue to roll with Creativity instead angry
of Harmony. -2 to guide and comfort and assess a situation