Wang 2007
Wang 2007
Wang 2007
wavelengths from 220 to 420 nm, at 5 nm intervals in the hydrophobic neutrals; HOB, hydrophobic bases.
excitation domain. Spectra were then concatenated into an
excitation emission matrix (EEM). The three-dimensional
plots and contour maps were produced using the OriginPro increased, and finally, the genotoxicity of sample C did not
7.5 program. All contour maps were plotted using the same change that much. After analyzing their water quality data
scale range of fluorescence intensities and number of (Table 1), it is found that the NH3sN concentration of samples
contours. A, D, and E was much lower than that of sample B, and that
the NH3sN concentration of sample C was midway between
Results and Discussion them. The NH3sN concentration was, therefore, hypoth-
esized to be the key parameter resulting in the differing
Characteristics of the Wastewater Samples Used. Table 1
patterns of genotoxic change during chlorination.
shows the characteristics and genotoxicity of wastewater
samples Α∼G. Their genotoxicity ranged within equivalent To investigate the effects of ammonia nitrogen, NH4Cl
of 4.5-56.5 µg of 4-NQO per liter, and there were no obvious was added to samples D and E which had low NH3sN
relationships between the genotoxicity and the value of COD, concentrations originally. After samples D and E with altered
NH3-N, DOC, and UV254. Since the effluents from biological NH3sN concentrations were disinfected with 10 and 30 mg/L
wastewater treatment systems contain a variety of types of of chlorine for 30 min, both the genotoxicity and the total
DOM (4), the genotoxicity was considered to derive from residual chlorine were measured (see Figure 2). From Figure
complex mixtures and, therefore, could not easily be 2(a) and (b), it can be seen that the genotoxicity of chlorinated
estimated from the conventional water quality indices. wastewater D and E did increase obviously with an increasing
Effect of Chlorination on Wastewater Genotoxicity. The NH3sN concentration. When NH3sN was low (<10∼20 mg/
genotoxicity of samples Α∼E after disinfection with differing L), the genotoxicity after disinfection was lower than that
chlorine dosages is shown in Figure 1. It can be seen that before disinfection, and when NH3-N was high (>10∼20
with chlorine dosage increasing, the genotoxicity of samples mg/L), the genotoxicity after disinfection was higher than
A, D, and E decreased, while the genotoxicity of sample B that before disinfection.
FIGURE 3. Changes in genotoxicity after chlorination of sample F, sample G and their fractions following the addition of differing amounts
of ammonia nitrogen. (a) Genotoxicity of sample F and its fractions. (b) Genotoxicity of sample G and its fractions. SF, sample F without
fractionation; SG, sample G without fractionation; HIS, hydrophilic substances; HOA, hydrophobic acids; HON, hydrophobic neutrals; HOB,
hydrophobic bases. Error bars represent the standard deviation based on triplicate analyses.
During chlorination, ammonia nitrogen quickly reacted under a low NH3sN concentration could reduce the geno-
with free chlorine and changed it to combined chlorines toxicity of wastewater, while disinfection of the wastewater
(chloramines). Because the reactivity of combined chlorines with free chlorine under a high NH3sN concentration might
is much weaker than that of free chlorine, combined chlorines increase the genotoxicity.
were more slowly consumed during the reaction with DOM It should be noted that a recently discovered DBP,
in wastewater. This is the reason why the total residual iodoacetic acid, found in U.S. drinking water treated with
chlorine after 30 min chlorination increased with an increas- chloramines turned out to be the most toxic DBP ever found
ing NH3sN concentration as shown in Figure 2(c) and (d). (18). Choi (19) pointed out that chloramines could produce
Because of the weak reactivity of combined chlorines, N-nitrosodimethylamine as a DBP. Zheng (20) reported that
ammonia nitrogen was reported to decrease the formation chlorination of publicly owned treatment works secondary
of typical DBPs, such as THMs and HAAs during chlorination effluent containing residual ammonia could lead to chlo-
of drinking water and wastewater (16, 17). However, the ramination of organic compounds and the resulting produc-
results in this study suggest that disinfection with free chlorine tion of cyanogen chloride and free cyanide. All of these
FIGURE 5. Fluorescence spectroscopy of fractions of sample G before chlorination. HIS, hydrophilic substances; HOA, hydrophobic acids;
HON, hydrophobic neutrals; HOB, hydrophobic bases.
findings warned us that chlorination with a high NH3sN Effect of Chlorination on the Change in Genotoxicity of
concentration or chloramination of wastewater might be Different DOM Fractions. In order to discover the main
potentially harmful to the ecological system. precursors in causing the changes in wastewater genotoxicity,