Monje Ramirez2004 PDF
Monje Ramirez2004 PDF
Monje Ramirez2004 PDF
The Bordo Poniente sanitary landfill in Mexico City currently receives 11,500 ton/day of solid wastes. The landfill has
been in operation since 1985, in what was formerly Texcoco Lake, now a dried-up lakebed. The physico-chemical
characteristics of the leachate generated by this particular landfill are altered by the incorporation of freatic saline water
present in the area. This paper reports the results from a study evaluating coagulation and ozonation as alternative
processes for removing and transforming recalcitrant organic matter from stabilized saline landfill leachate.
Coagulation with ferric sulfate was found to remove up to 67% of COD and 96% of leachate color. The remaining
33% COD was removed with ozone. Recalcitrant organic matter removal by ozonation is limited by the reaction kinetic
due mainly to ozone’s low reactivity with the organic compounds present in the leachates (amines, amides, alcohols,
aliphatic compounds, and carboxylic acids). However, ozone contributes greatly to changing the recalcitrant
characteristics of organic matter. Leachate biodegradability was found to be significantly enhanced through ozonation:
BOD5 values reach 265%, and the BOD5/COD ratio increases from 0.003 to 0.015. Infrared analysis of ozonated
leachates shows that the main by-products of recalcitrant organic matter ozonation are an increase in the hydroxyl and
carboxylic groups, and the presence of aldehydes groups.
r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Saline landfill leachates; Recalcitrant organic matter; Coagulation; Ozonation; Ozonation by-products
0043-1354/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2360 I. Monje-Ramirez, M.T. Orta de Velásquez / Water Research 38 (2004) 2359–2367
Chemical oxidation with ozone makes possible the 2.2. Saline-stabilized leachate coagulation
transformation of recalcitrant material into biodegrad-
able forms or CO2. In sanitary landfill leachates, Previous studies on leachate from this landfill, showed
oxidation with ozone has been studied under different that when alkalinity in the leachates is reduced, the
schemes (Table 1). As a single process, oxidation with coagulation process is thereby enhanced [19,26]. In this
ozone is not very effective. Due to the complexity of the study, the leachates were pH conditioned before the
leachates, high ozone doses are required and the reaction coagulation step, in order to reduce their high alkalinity
takes a long time. In combination with other methods levels. Concentrated H2SO4 (98%) was first added with
(biological, coagulation, PAC and CFMF), ozone slow agitation, until a pH value of between 3.5 and 4
enhances the overall efficiency of treatment removing was obtained. The mixture was then left to rest for 2 h.
COD, from 54% to 94% as shown in Table 1. In After that, a 32% sodium hydroxide solution was added,
countries such as France and Germany, ozone has been to achieve an initial leachate pH value of 8–8.5, and then
applied in advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) in order the leachate was left in contact with the solution for one
to reduce organic compound concentration, and the hour.
leachate thus treated is acceptable for direct discharge Coagulation experiments were performed with jar test
into surface water bodies (20–40 mg/L as BOD5, 150– equipment (Phipps & Bird Stirrer, Mod-7790-400).
200 mg/L as COD, 0.5 mg/L as AOX). However, According to the jar procedure, aluminum polychloride
AOPs are affected by some chemical parameters, (276 g Al2O3/L, Pax-16 Kemwater) or ferric sulfate
such as carbonates/hydrocarbonates, phosphate and (423 g Fe2SO4/L, Ferrix-3, Kemwater) was added to 1-L
chloride ions, or aliphatic alkyl compounds, because of conditioned leachate (lot 1) and mixed for 30 sec at
these parameters can interrupt the chain reaction 100 rpm. The dose of coagulant, the pH and the time of
of the generation of hydroxyl radicals [16,17]. The gentle agitation were evaluated as independent variables
direct reaction of ozone is not affected by water applying a factorial design of N=23 [20]. COD and
salinity [18]. color were measured as response parameters. The
The main objective of this study was to evaluate maximum and minimum levels of the aluminum poly-
coagulation–ozonation coupling processes as a treat- chloride dose were 2.0 and 1.0 g/L, respectively. In the
ment system for saline sanitary landfill leachates, in case of ferric sulfate, the maximum and minimum dose
order to remove and transform recalcitrant organic levels were 3.0 and 1.8 g/L, respectively. The pH interval
matter. (which was from 4 to 7), and the time for gentle
agitation (which varied from 10 to 30 min), were
also evaluated. After a sedimentation time of 30 min,
the supernatant was separated off for the relevant
2. Materials and methods analysis.
(3.5) 30 min
(1.7) 60 min
(1.6) 15 min
O3 + catalyst
3. Results
Biologically treated (900–1200)
Biologically treated (1740)
Old leachate (1610)
Steensen [15]
Table 2
Results of COD and color removal obtained by aluminum polychloride and ferric sulfate coagulation using a factorial design
Table 3 0.0
Optimal conditions for the coagulation process
Removal (%)
Ln (C/Co)
Conditions Color COD
the COD removal rate (k1).
3.2.3. The effect of ozone on the biodegradability of
recalcitrant organic matter
In order to determine the effect of ozone on
biodegradability, several tests on the BOD5 of the
20 oxidation effluent were carried out. An improvement
in the characteristics of biodegradability of the coagula-
tion-treated saline leachate was observed after ozona-
0 tion. Indicators of biodegradability were found to
0.0 0.3 0.6 0.9 1.2 1.5 increase significantly as a result of ozonation: with
Ozone dose (mg O3 /mgCOD) BOD5 rising to 265%, and BOD5/COD rising from
Fig. 2. Color removal in different types of landfill leachates by 0.003 to 0.015.
ozonation: (+) young leachate, Santa Fe Sanitary Landfill,
Mexico; (&) stabilized saline leachate, Bordo Poniente Sanitary
3.3. Infrared analysis of recalcitrant organic matter and
Landfill, Mexico; () stabilized saline coagulation treated
leachate, Bordo Poniente Sanitary Landfill, Mexico; (n) the by-products of ozonation
stabilized leachate, Fresh Kills Sanitary Landfill, USA [7].
The results of infrared analysis of the treated leachates
from saline landfills, are given in Fig. 4. The spectra
show multiple bands between 4000 and 2100 cm1. The
concentrations. The COD removal from coagulated band regions observed were 3500–3100 (N–H stretch),
leachate was about 33% after 120 min ozonation, 3500–3200 (H-bonded OH), 2900–2800 (aliphatic C–H
applying 1.7 mg O3/mg COD. The removal of COD by stretch), and 3400–2400 cm1 (carboxylic acid O–H
ozone can be represented as a pseudo-first-order kinetic strongly H-bonded). The spectrum of the organic
in assessed oxidation times, according to the expression fractions, obtained from saline landfill leachates treated
below with ozone, show significant differences. Substantial
changes are found in three regions: 3600–3200, 2800–
C 2100 and 2755 cm1 (C–H stretch), with a new peak
ln ¼ kt;
Co appearing in the last mentioned.
2364 I. Monje-Ramirez, M.T. Orta de Velásquez / Water Research 38 (2004) 2359–2367
Fig. 4. Infrared spectra of organic fractions obtained from leachates treated by solid-phase extraction (SPE) using a C18 column:
Leachates treated by coagulation (A) and by ozonation (B).
Table 4
Removal of recalcitrant organic matter by coagulation of conditioned and non-conditioned leachate
Table 5
Effects of ozone on recalcitrant organic matter from sanitary landfill leachates
RL: raw leachate; BTL: biologically treated leachate; CTL: coagulation treated leachate;
Table 6
Removal and transformation results of recalcitrant organic matter by coagulation-ozonation coupling processes
Leachate Color (U Pt–Co) Color removal COD (mg/L) COD removal BOD5/COD
(%) (%)
Transformation by ozone of recalcitrant organic more, the constant rates k1 and k2 (Fig. 3) are found to
matter into CO2, is a process markedly limited by be in the same order of magnitude as those published for
kinetic reaction (Fig. 3), due to the weak reactivity of TOC and color removal rates.
recalcitrant organic compounds. The higher ozone Table 6 shows the overall results for the removal and
consumption (B1.9 g O3/L) of coagulated leachate transformation of recalcitrant organic matter, by
during the ozonation process, can be attributed to the coagulation–ozonation coupling processes.
complexity of the landfill leachates. Research published regarding the chemical composi-
The removal of color and COD in saline-treated tion of recalcitrant organic matter, is limited. Further-
leachate, by using ozone, can be represented as a more, the identification of the by-products of ozonation
pseudo-first-order kinetic (Fig. 3). The same behavior has not been reported before now. In this study, infrared
was observed by Huang et al. [7] in typical stabilized analysis of chemical composition indicates that the
landfill leachate, where 0.01 and 0.06 min1 were the recalcitrant organic matter remaining after the coagula-
removal rate constants for TOC and color, respectively. tion stage, is mainly composed of amines, amides,
The most relevant effect of ozone in saline land- alcohols, aliphatic compounds, and carboxylic acids
fill leachate treatment was the transformation of (Fig. 4). The changes seen in the spectrum of oxidized
recalcitrant organic matter into biodegradable inter- organic material suggest the formation of hydroxyl
mediate products. In spite of the highly recalcitrant compounds. On the other hand, even though it was not
properties of leachates, ozone was found to have the possible to observe the strong absorption bands of the
capacity to increase the BOD5 of leachates up to 265% functional group CQO of the carboxylic acids (1780–
(Table 5). 1710 cm1 ‘‘stretch’’) and of the aldehydes (1740–
High levels of salinity in landfill leachates do not 1680 cm1 ‘‘stretch’’) in the spectrum, because of the
present any obvious obstacle to the effect of ozone in complexity of the sample itself, the presence of medium
reactions. This was confirmed by the efficiency of COD absorption bands and their response can be taken as
removal and the increase in BOD5. The results for weighty evidence of the formation of carboxylic acids
typical landfill leachates found during this current study, (3500–2700 cm1) and aldehydes (2900–2700 cm1). In-
are not significantly different from those found by other deed, carboxylic acids and aldehydes represent the main
authors, as can be seen in Table 5. With an average dose by-products generated by the ozonation of natural
of 1.4 mg O3/mg COD, around 37% of the COD is organic matter (humic substances) and of other organic
removed, and the BOD5 increases to 228%. Further- compounds [3].
2366 I. Monje-Ramirez, M.T. Orta de Velásquez / Water Research 38 (2004) 2359–2367
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