Nickel Industries AU Dec 23
Nickel Industries AU Dec 23
Nickel Industries AU Dec 23
* Based on an average A$/US$ exchange rate of 0.6512 during the December quarter, US$135.4M of EBITDA from
RKEF, HPAL and Hengjaya Mine operations (100% basis) represents A$207.9M.
^ Combination of EBITDA from trading of Tsing Creation International Holding Limited (‘Tsing Creation’), a Hong Kong
entity in which the Company owns a 100% interest and the Company’s 10% interest in PT Huayue Nickel Cobalt
(‘HNC’), which is held through Tsing Creation. As the Company’s investment in HNC is carried at fair value, the
EBITDA attributable to HNC will not be recorded in the Company’s consolidated financial statement.
The Directors are pleased to present the December 2023 Quarterly Activities Report for Nickel Industries Limited (Nickel
Industries or the Company) and its controlled entities (the Group).
For the quarter under review, the Company held an 80% interest in the Hengjaya Nickel (HNI), Ranger Nickel (RNI), Angel Nickel
(ANI) and Oracle Nickel (ONI) rotary kiln electric furnace (RKEF) projects, an 80% interest in the Hengjaya Mine, a 10% interest
in the Huayue Nickel Cobalt HPAL (HNC) project and acquired a 13.75% interest in the Excelsior Nickel Cobalt project (ENC),
which is under construction.
Commenting on the December quarter’s activities, Managing Director Justin Werner said:
“We are pleased to report yet another record quarter of EBITDA from operations despite challenging nickel market conditions
which has seen a record number of nickel operations globally become loss making or stop production. The results once again
highlight our unique position as one of the world’s largest diversified, low-cost nickel producers.
Our biggest achievement is over 16.7 million man hours were worked across our entire operations for 2023 LTI free which is
a tremendous result. We continue to focus on being an ESG leader in the nickel industry and during the quarter were proud to
announce receiving a ‘Green PROPER’ rating from the Indonesian Environmental and Forestry department for the second
consecutive year (one of only two nickel companies to receive this rating), our first trial of EV trucks, the signing of an
Operational Lease Agreement for Indonesia’s largest solar project 200MWp + 20MHw Battery Energy Storage System and an
invitation to present at the COP28 summit in Dubai where we unveiled our carbon emission reduction target of 50% by 2035
and net zero by 2050.
Given the two recent back-to-back record quarters which have delivered us EBITDA from operations of US$256 million
combined we are pleased to announce an increased final dividend for 2023 of 2.5 cents per share which is a 25% increase on
our 2023 interim dividend of 2 cents per share – this reflects our ability to deliver strong EBITDA and production in a weak
nickel price environment and our very strong balance sheet.”
Hengjaya Mine
During the December quarter there were no lost time injuries (LTI) recorded at the Hengjaya Mine, with over 10.17 million work
hours registered since the last reported LTI in November 2021. This gives the Hengjaya Mine a LTI frequency rate (LTIFR) of
0.10 and a total recordable incident frequency rate (TRIFR) of 0.98 for each million work hours.
Safety and career development training continued at the mine site, including supervisory and ISO 45001-2018 standards and
reporting components which are currently focusing on Health and Safety certification. With the new haul road to IMIP now in
operation, there has been an increased focus on contractor management, the use of mobile equipment and the introduction of
new safe work procedures for long distance road-haulage.
RKEF Operations
For the quarter ended to 31 December 2023, 2,595,994 cumulative work hours without an LTI were achieved across Nickel
Industries’ RKEF operations.
For the twelve months to 31 December 2023, 11,144,676 cumulative work hours without an LTI were achieved across Nickel
Industries’ RKEF operations.
Group Safety
16,718,448 LTI-free man hours across all of Nickel Industries’ projects were achieved in 2023. The Company will continue to
strengthen its 'best practice' mining and all processing standards. In addition to the Hengjaya Mine, all of our operations
continue to focus on our safety training, risk assessments and change management. The Company remains committed to
continuous improvement throughout all operations and will continue to work collaboratively with stakeholders to drive positive
environmental, safety, social, and governance outcomes.
RKEF operations
Key reporting metrics – current and previous quarter
Production HNI RNI ANI ONI Total
NPI production tonnes - 41,246 82,162 108,768 232,176
NPI grade % - 12.0 14.8 11.3 12.6
Nickel in NPI tonnes - 4,936 12,127 12,304 29,367
- September quarter tonnes - 4,974 12,127 11,461 28,561
US$M 8.3 5.8 41.9 29.1 85.1
- September quarter US$/M 10.4 6.3 40.7 40.1 97.6
September December %
Summary RKEF metrics
quarter quarter movement
Production (100%) tonnes 33,852 34,450 1.8
Production - NIC attributable tonnes 26,692 27,560 3.3
Tonnes sold tonnes 34,263 34,427 0.5
Sales revenue US$M 457.1 429.2 (6.1)
RKEF EBITDA US$M 97.6 85.1 (12.8)
RKEF EBITDA/tonne sold US$/t Ni 2,849 2,473 (13.2)
1 As the NPI produced by ANI is all exported, final contract pricing and consequently revenue and EBITDA numbers are affected by the final settlement
variance, and adjustments which cross over quarterly period will be taken up in the following quarter.
2 EBITDA is defined as profit/(loss) for the period, plus depreciation and amortisation costs, plus net financial income/(costs), plus tax expenses. As a
result, EBITDA includes any impact from FX adjustments and also includes other adjustments not directly related to the sale of NPI and nickel matte.
ONI’s ramp-up has underpinned continued strong production growth during 2023
Despite achieving a record 34,427 tonnes of nickel metal sold, revenues fell 5.9% for the quarter on the back of softer contract
prices which fell 7.1% from the September quarter in line with a widespread decline in pricing across the entire nickel complex.
Growing market concerns of a short-to-medium oversupply of both class-1 and class-2 nickel have fuelled a sharp decline in
nickel prices over the last six months, resulting in a material percentage of the production cost curves for each respective class
of nickel being uneconomic at current prices. The integrated nature of the Company’s operations and its position in the bottom
quartile of the class-1 and class-2 cost curves has resulted in a significant financial outperformance relative to its global nickel
In early 2024, the Company has seen a marginal improvement in NPI prices compared to the multi-year lows witnessed in
December 2023.
Operating costs
During the quarter operating cash costs continued to fall modestly across most operations as nickel ore pricing eased in line
with the softer LME nickel price while softer coal process also saw a modest easing in electricity pricing which ran at ~7.2c/kwh
at Hengjaya Nickel and Ranger Nickel and at ~4.6c/kwh at Angel Nickel and Oracle Nickel.
Overall, Angel Nickel’s cash costs were higher (+1.3%) due to a slight increase in the cost of reductant agent utilised during
the quarter, but overall EBITDA at Angel Nickel increased slightly relative to the September due to the impact of FX losses in
the September quarter.
Despite operating costs continuing to trend lower across the quarter, the sharper decline in contract pricing (outlined above)
translated into lower RKEF EBITDA and reduced EBITDA per tonnes sold margins from the September quarter.
HPAL Operations
Huayue Nickel Cobalt Project
The Company holds a 10% interest in the HNC project, through its 100% owned subsidiary Tsing Creation International Holding
Limited (Tsing Creation), which in turn holds a 10% equity interest in PT Huayue Nickel Cobalt, operator of the HNC project.
During the December quarter the HNC Project produced 18,226 tonnes of nickel and 1,370 tonnes of cobalt in mixed hydroxide
precipitate (MHP). Nickel Industries’ attributable share of HNC production was 1,823 tonnes of nickel and 137 tonnes of cobalt.
Whilst HNC undertakes its own sales of MHP, offtake is also distributed to Tsing Creation for sale. The combined EBITDA of the
Company’s 100% interest in Tsing Creation and its 10% indirect interest in HNC for the December quarter was $8.3M
During the quarter, material progress was made at the Company’s Excelsior Nickel Cobalt project (ENC Project) and the ENC
Project remains on track for completion and commissioning within the contractual two-year delivery timeframe – this clearly
distinguishes it from numerous other nickel projects globally, where a combination of the current nickel price environment and
an inability to secure funding has seen numerous previously announced projects either significantly delayed or indefinitely
With the Company fully funded for its 55% share of the ENC Project and construction progressing well, the Company is well
positioned to secure a material ‘first-mover’ advantage amongst the next generation HPAL projects. The Company is receiving
strong interest from numerous global EV and battery makers for both direct investment in, and offtake opportunities from, the
ENC Project.
Mining operations
Hengjaya Mine (80% interest held by Nickel Industries)
During the December quarter, the Hengjaya Mine delivered record mine ore production of 4,564,098 wet metric tonnes (wmt)
of ore, up 25.7% from 3,629,990 wmt in the September quarter. EBITDA increased 81.6% to US$42.0M, due to the increase
in saprolite and limonite ore sold. Stockpiles of limonite had increased to 13.13 million wmt by the end of the quarter.
The Hengjaya Mine finished the year with a very pleasing record result for 2023, mining 3,832,833 wmt of saprolite, this
combined with the 9,568,456 wmt of limonite ore resulted in a combined total of 13,401,289 wmt, an increase of ore production
of 97.2% versus 2022 year of 6,792,851 wmt.
The trucking of limonite ore on the new haul road between Hengjaya Mine and IMIP commenced in September. Whilst there
were initial delays in commissioning and ramping up the limonite haulage fleet, the mine haul road is now fully operational
with a full complement of trucks and the Company anticipates a significant increase in limonite sales during 2024.
Finance 4
Balance sheet
At 31 December 2023, the Group held:
Cash and cash equivalents: US$778.7M (30 September 2023 - US$827.6M);
Trade receivables: US$314.6M (30 September 2023 - US$258.2M); and
Inventories: US$209.2M (30 September 2023 - US$214.8M).
Cash and cash equivalents of US$778.7M were held by Group companies as follows:
US$639.4M held by Nickel Industries;
US$115.4M held by the Indonesian RKEF entities and their related entities (Nickel Industries interest: 80%);
US$16.1M held by Hengjaya Mine (Nickel Industries interest: 80%); and
US$7.8M held by Tsing Creation (Nickel Industries interest: 100%).
Trade receivables of US$258.2M reported at the end of the September quarter have been received in full.
Inventories (valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value) of US$170.9M were held by Group companies as follows:
US$173.7M held by the RKEF entities, being nickel matte of US$8.0M, NPI of US$11.8M and raw materials of
US$153.8M; and
US$35.5M of nickel ore held by Hengjaya Mine.
The Hengjaya Nickel, Ranger Nickel and Angel Nickel project distributed dividends, net of withholding tax, during the December
quarter to Nickel Industries and Shanghai Decent (and its associates), in proportion to their ownership interests. Nickel
Industries received US$50.1M and Shanghai Decent received US$12.5M.
Nickel Industries also received US$3.9M in loan repayment from PT Hengjaya Mineralindo (PTHM), the operator of the Hengjaya
Mine. This loan repayment represented the repayment of all intercompany loans from the Company which have funded the
development of the Hengjaya Mine to the world-class operation it is today. As a result, in the March 2024 quarter, PTHM will
commence the payment of dividends, which will increase the Company’s pool of conduit foreign income from which it is able
to pay conduit foreign income dividends.
The following cashflow waterfall provides a reconciliation of cash movements for the Group during the December 2023 quarter.
Whilst the four RKEF lines and power plant of Oracle Nickel were in operation during the quarter, some additional construction
expenditures were made during the quarter. Ongoing RKEF construction costs of Oracle Nickel are funded by the Company’s
operating partner, Shanghai Decent, via the Company’s 80%-owned Indonesian operating entity PT Oracle Nickel Industry and
appear in the Group’s cashflow. A final settlement of construction contributions due from Shanghai Decent and the assignment
of 80% of the construction loans in favour of Nickel Industries will be made during the March quarter.
Expenditure on mine production and development activities at the Hengjaya Mine during the quarter totalled US$44.3M, of
which US$3.2M was capex.
No expenditure on exploration activities was undertaken at the Hengjaya Mine during the quarter. Additional expenditures
shown in the waterfall above by PTHM, operator of the Hengjaya Mine relate to administration costs and taxes paid. Additional
exploration expenditure across new project opportunities totalled US$9.3M.
Corporate highlights
Progression of solar energy initiatives
Completion of binding agreements with renewable energy company PT Sumber Energi Surya Nusantara (SESNA) to develop,
install, operate and maintain a 200MWp + 20MWh battery solar project within the IMIP – the largest solar power project in
Indonesia. The project will power the Company's Hengjaya, Ranger and Oracle Nickel processing operations and could provide
a clean renewable energy source for its potential future ENC HPAL project, which will be targeted to be one of the lowest
carbon-emitting projects globally. A signing ceremony for the Operational Lease and Service Agreement (OLSA) in Jakarta was
attended by Nickel Industries' Managing Director Justin Werner on 4 October 2023.
At the conference the Company announced its future emission targets, committing to a 50% reduction in carbon intensity by
2035 and net zero emissions by 2050, outlining some of the current and future initiatives that are going to be implemented, to
reduce its carbon footprint and support the sustainability of the environments and communities in its area of operations.
In October 2023 the Company executed financing facilities totalling US$400M with PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk
Singapore Branch (BNI), a tier-1 Indonesian Bank, to support the Company’s funding obligations in relation to the ENC Project.
The facilities comprise a 5-year senior term loan facility (the Facility) of US$350M, split across two tranches:
tranche A: US$200M (secured against the Company’s Angel Nickel Project and associated shareholder loans); and
tranche B: US$150M (unsecured).
In addition, the Company has secured a US$50M revolving credit facility (RCF), for general working capital purposes.
The interest rate applicable on the Facility will be a margin above the Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) (currently
~5.3%), according to the following schedule:
The Facility, along with placement funds of A$943M (~US$600M) received from United Tractors, in addition to the Company’s
existing cash and strong ongoing cash flows from its existing operations, leaves the Company comfortably positioned to fund
its share of the ENC acquisition payments (US$1.265 billion) over the Project construction period of 2023 to 2025 as outlined
The acquisition was completed via an initial payment of US$126.5M to secure 5.5%, followed by a payment of US$189.8M to
acquire a further 8.25% interest, in line with the acquisition payment schedule below. Payments were made to the Singaporean
incorporated holding company, Excelsior International Investments Pte. Ltd, the ultimate owner of the ENC Project.
The US$189.8M payment was made via the maiden drawdown of tranche A of the Facility with BNI.
Board Changes
In November, following his retirement as President Director of Shanghai Decent, Mr Huang Weifeng also retired as a Non-
Executive Director of the Company. His position as Non-Executive Director and a representative of Shanghai Decent will be
taken by Mr Wang Haijun. Mr Wang is also replacing Mr Huang as President Director of Shanghai Decent.
Additionally in November Mr Mark Lochtenberg retired as a Non-Executive Director of the Company. Mark joined the Board of
the Company in March 2017, prior to the Company’s listing on the ASX the following year.
In December the Company announced the retirement of Mr Rob Neale who had served as the Company’s Chairman since April
2018, leading the Company through its Initial Public Offering in August 2018 to its current position as a global-top 10 nickel
Company founder and current Deputy Chairman Norm Seckold has replaced Rob as Executive Chairman.
Following commissioning of line 1 of the ENC Project.
As the Company continues to take a leadership role in advancing the sustainability of Indonesia’s nickel industry the Company
commenced the trial of EVs across both its IMIP and Hengjaya Mine operations with each EV expected to deliver significant
emission savings compared with traditional vehicles.
With the recent opening of the Hengjaya Mine to IMIP haul road facilitating a significant increase in ore volumes being
transported, the introduction of EVs to the Company’s haulage fleet is set to drive operational efficiencies and materially reduce
the Company’s emissions profile.
The contract, commencing January 2024 and running for an initial 6-month term, will result in nickel matte from the Company’s
Hengjaya Nickel Project being sold to Glencore. This initial sales contract represents a maturing of the Company’s nickel matte
business and an important diversification of its customer base into western markets closely linked with the global EV supply