New Revised Scheme and Syllabus B Com Gjust-Hisar 2021-22

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Scheme of Examination for B.Com. (General) and B.Com. (Honours)

w.e.f. Session 2021-22

B.Com. (General):

A student pursuing B.Com. (General) has to study all the courses in first and second semester. In 3rd, 4th,
5th& 6th semesters, besides five compulsory courses a student will have to choose one optional course in
each of these semesters.
B.Com. (Hons.):

A student pursuing B.Com. (Hons.) has to study all the courses in first and second semester. In 3rd, 4th,
5th& 6th semesters, besides five compulsory courses a student will have to choose two optional courses in
each of these semesters.


B.Com. Ist Semester

Course Code Course Title External Internal Total Marks
BCOM 101 Financial Accounting-I 70 30 100
BCOM 102 Micro Economics 70 30 100
BCOM 103 Principles of Business Management 70 30 100
BCOM 104 Computer Applications in Business 40+30 30 100
BCOM 105 Business Mathematics 70 30 100
EVS-201_L Environmental Studies 70 30 100
B.Com. IInd Semester
Course Code Course Title External Internal Total Marks
BCOM 201 Financial Accounting-II 70 30 100
BCOM 202 Macro Economics 70 30 100
BCOM 203 Business Communication 70 30 100
BCOM 204 Marketing Management 70 30 100
BCOM 205 Organisational Behaviour 70 30 100
BCOM 206 Business Environment 70 30 100

B.Com. IIIrd Semester

Course Code Course Title External Internal Total Marks
BCOM 301 Corporate Accounting 70 30 100
BCOM 302 Business Statistics-I 70 30 100
BCOM 303 Business Laws 70 30 100
BCOM 304 Computerized Accounting System 40+30 30 100
BCOM 305 Indian Financial System 70 30 100
Optional Courses
BCOM 306 (i) Rural Marketing 70 30 100
(ii) Fundamentals of Insurance 70 30 100
(iii) Counseling Skills 70 30 100

B.Com. IVth Semester

Course Code Course Title External Internal Total Marks
BCOM 401 Cost Accounting 70 30 100
BCOM 402 Business Statistics-II 70 30 100
BCOM 403 Auditing 70 30 100
BCOM 404 Company Law 70 30 100
BCOM 405 Entrepreneurship Development 70 30 100
Optional Courses
BCOM 406 (i) Retail Management 70 30 100
(ii) India’s Foreign Trade and Policy 70 30 100
(iii) Labour Laws 70 30 100

B.Com. Vth Semester

Course Code Course Title External Internal Total Marks
BCOM 501 Management Accounting 70 30 100
BCOM 502 Financial Management 70 30 100
BCOM 503 Banking Law and Practice 70 30 100
BCOM 504 Income Tax-I 70 30 100
BCOM 505 Business Ethics 70 30 100
Optional Courses
BCOM 506 (i) Supply Chain Management 70 30 100
(ii) Public Finance and Indian Polity 70 30 100
(iii) Human Resource Management 70 30 100
B.Com. VIth Semester
Course Code Course Title External Internal Total Marks
BCOM 601 Sales Management 70 30 100
BCOM 602 Financial Services 70 30 100
BCOM 603 Goods and Services Tax 70 30 100
BCOM 604 Income Tax-II 70 30 100
BCOM 605 Comprehensive Viva-voce 100 - 100
Optional Courses
BCOM 606 (i) Digital Marketing 70 30 100
(ii) Investment Management 70 30 100
(iii) Training and Development 70 30 100

Important Notes:

1. The Internal Assessment awarded to a student in any particular course will be based on
performance of the students in Two Minor Tests, Attendance and Co-Curricular Activities
(which may include Attendance, Home-Assignment, Presentations, Live Assignment,
Brainstorming, Role Playing, Book Review, Field-Visit, Industrial Visit, Exhibition, Case-
Study, Mock-Test, Surprise Test, Rapid-Round Session, Open-Book Test, Live
Assignment, Quiz, Business-Game, Group Discussion, Declamation, Extempore, Viva-
Voce, etc.). However, the weightage of minor test would be 15 marks and the remaining
marks would be for other 4-5 activities.

2. For Paper 104 “Computer Applications in Business”, three periods per week would be
dedicated to theory and three periods would be for practicals. Moreover, the credit is
related with hours devoted to a paper and not related to marks.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents
Financial Accounting: Meaning, nature, scope, objectives, advantages and limitations, Book-
keeping, accounting and accountancy, Branches of accounting, GAAP vs. FASB, Accounting
equation, Accounting concepts and conventions.
Accounting cycle: Classification of accounts, Journal, Rules of debit and credit, Compound
journal entry, Ledger, Rules regarding posting, Trial balance, Sub-division of journal.
Capital and Revenue: Classification of income, expenditure and receipts, deferred revenue
expenditure, Provisions and Reserves: Kinds of provisions and reserves, Difference between
provision and reserve. Depreciation Accounting: Concept, causes of depreciation, Need for
providing depreciation, factors determining the amount of depreciation, methods of charging and
recording depreciation.
Accounting for not-for profit organizations: Receipt and Payment Account, Income and
Expenditure Account, Receipt and Payment Account versus Income and Expenditure Account.
Financial statements of profit-making entities: Manufacturing Account, Trading Account, Profit
and Loss Account, Balance Sheet, Difference between Profit and Loss Account and Balance
Sheet, Adjustments in final accounts.
Suggested Readings
1. Gupta R.L. and Radha Swami M., Financial Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons., New
2. Monga J. R., Ahuja Girish and Sehgal Ashok: Financial Accounting, Mayur Paper Back,
3. Shukla M. C., Grewal T.S. and Gupta S. C.; Advanced Accounts, S. Chand and
Company, New Delhi.
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours
Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal
Course Contents
Basic economic concepts: Nature and scope of microeconomics; circular flow of economic
activity, positive and normative economics, deductive and inductive methods of analysis,
assumptions of economics, production possibility frontier.

Theory of demand, demand function, elasticity of demand, Theory of supply, Supply function;
Elasticity of supply, the consumer surplus, shift in supply and demand curve and market/ price
equilibrium, exceptions of law of demand and supply,
Theory of consumer behavior: Law of diminishing marginal utility, Cardinal utility approach-
consumer equilibrium with single commodity and multi commodity model. Ordinal utility
approach - Indifference curve, IC Map, characteristics, IC analysis, consumer equilibrium, price
effect- Income and substitution and their analysis, derivative of demand curve through cardinal
and ordinal utility approach.

Laws of production: Law of variable proportion, Returns to a scale, Production isoquants,

marginal rate of technical substitution, optimal combination of resources, the expansion path,
returns to scale using isoquants.

Theory of Cost: Social and private costs of production, long run and short run costs of
production. Traditional theory of cost, Modern theory of cost, Economies and diseconomies of
scale. Concepts of revenue: marginal and Average. Relationship between average and marginal

Market: price and output determination under perfect competition, determination of price and
output under monopoly, price discrimination under monopoly, price and output under
Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly characteristics, Cornout’s model and Kinked demand curve
model, cartel with profit maximization through market sharing and price leadership, sales
Suggested Readings
1. Koutsoyiannis. “Modern Microeconomics”, International Edition, Palgrave Macmillan.
2. Sen, A. “Microeconomics: Theory and Applications”, Oxford University Press, New
3. Stigler, G. “Theory of Price”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents

Business: Nature and scope of Business; Forms of Business, Management: Definition,
characteristics, scope and importance of management; Functional areas of management;
Management and Administration; Levels of Management; Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles.
Approaches to Management: Classical and Neo classical approach, Behavioral approach,
Management science approach, Systems approach and Contingency approach-Highlighting the
contributions of Henry Fayol, F.W. Taylor and Peter F. Drucker; Contemporary developments in
approaches; Theory Z, McKinsey -7’s, Quality Management.
Planning: Definition, Nature, Objectives and importance, Planning Process, Types of Plans,
Barriers to Effective Planning. Organizing: Definition, Nature, Principles of Organisation, Types
of Organisation, Organizational Structure, Authority, Delegation and Centralization vs.

Staffing: Meaning, importance and scope, Matching job and people. Motivation: concept,
objectives & significance. Leadership: concept, significance & functions, Leadership styles,
approaches to leadership. Controlling: meaning and characteristics of control, process of control,
prerequisites of an effective control system; controlling techniques.

Suggested Readings

1. Management: Stephen P. Robbins, Pearson

2. Principles of Management: T Ramasamy, Himalaya Publication
3. Management Theory and Practices: P Subba Rao, Himalaya Publishing House
4. Essential of Management: Harold Kontz, McGraw Education
External Theory Marks: 40
External Practical Marks: 30
Internal Assessment Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of eight short type
questions carrying one mark each is compulsory. It covers the entire syllabus. Candidate
is required to attempt four questions selecting one question from each unit from the
remaining eight questions carrying 8 marks each.

Course Contents

Introduction to Computers: Definition, components and characteristics of computers; Input and
output devices: memory and mass storage devices; Introduction to modern CPU and processors,
Computer software: introduction, types of software: system, application and utility software.
Microsoft Word, Excel and Power point.
Information Technology and Business: concepts of data, information and information system,
effects of IT on business; Types of information system: Transaction Processing System (TPS),
Management Information System (MIS).
Introduction to E-commerce; e-commerce and World Wide Web; e-commerce application
services; e-commerce models: B2B, B2C, C2C, G2C. M-commerce and e-governance: an
Online payment system, Payment gateways, Risk management options for E-payment systems,
Plastic money-Debit, Credit card and other Smart cards, Digital certification and Digital

Practical (External): Microsoft Word, Excel and Power point.

Suggested Readings
1. Leon, Alexis: Fundamental of Information Technology, Vikas Publication House (P)
Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Mansfield, Ron: The Compact Guide to Microsoft Office, BPB Publication, Delhi.
3. E-commerce: Sushil Goyal; Aarti Books.
4. E-commerce: Satyajee srivastva; Anand Publications.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents

Matrices and Determinants: concept of matrix, types, and algebra of matrices; properties of
determinants; calculation of values of determinants up to third order, adjoint of a matrix,
elementary row or column operations; Finding inverse of a matrix through adjoint and
elementary row or column operations; solution of a system of linear equations having unique
solution and involving not more than three variables.
Linear inequalities: graphical solution of linear equalities in two variables, solution of system of
linear inequalities in two variables.
Linear programming-formulation of equation: graphical method of solution; problems relating to
two variables including the case of mixed constraints; cases having no solution, multiple
solutions, unbounded solution and redundant constraints.
Logarithms and Anti-logarithms, Permutations and Combinations.

Suggested Readings
1. Allen R.G.D. : Basic Mathematics; Macmillan, New Delhi.
2. Holden: Mathematics for Business and Economics; Macmillan India, New Delhi.
3. Kapoor, V.K. : Business Mathematics; S.Chand & Sons, Delhi.
4. Loomba Paul: Linear Programming; Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours
Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Multidisciplinary nature of Environmental studies: Definition, scope and importance, need for
public awareness: concepts, structure and function of an ecosystem: Producers, consumers and
decomposers, Energy flow in the ecosystem, Ecological succession, food chains, Food webs and
ecological pyramids: Introduction, Characteristics, structure and function of different ecosystems
such as Forest ecosystem, Grass land ecosystems Desert ecosystem, Aquatic ecosystem (Ponds,
Stream, Lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries); Biodiversity: Introduction, Definition: genetic, species
and ecosystem diversity, Bio-geographical classification of India, Ecosystem & biodiversity
services: ecological, economic, social, consumptive use, productive use, social ethical, aesthetic
and option values: Biodiversity at global, national and local level, Indian as a mega-diversity
nation, Global Hot-spot of biodiversity, Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of
wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts, Biological invasions econgered and endemic species of India,
Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.
Renewable and non-renewable resources, Natural resources and associated problems, Forest
resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies, Timers extraction, mining,
dams and their effects on forests and tribal people; Water resources: Use and over utilization of
surface and ground water, floods, droughts conflicts over water, dams benefits and problems;
Mineral resources: Use of exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and mineral
resources; Food resources: World food problems; changes caused by agriculture and
overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity:
Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of
alternate energy sources, case studies; Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man
induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification.
Definition of environment Pollution; Causes, effects and control measures of: Air Pollution,
Water Pollution, Noise pollution, Nuclear hazards and human health risk; Solid water
Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes; Pollution case
studies; Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides; Climate change,
global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion; different laws related to environment:
Environment Protection Act, Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, Water (Prevention
and control of Pollution) Act, Wildlife Protection Act, Forest Conservation Act.; International
agreements: Montreal & Kyoto Protocol & Nature reserves, tribal populations and human health,
Concepts of sustainability & sustainable development, water conservation, rain water harvesting,
watershed management, Resettlement and rehabilitation of project affected persons; case studies;
Environment ethics: role of India and other religion and cultures in environmental conservation,
Environmental communication and public awareness, case studies (e.g. CNG vehicles in Delhi);
Human Population growth: Impact on environment, human health & welfare, Environmental
movements: Chipko, Silent valley, Bishnois of Rajasthan.
Filed Work: visit to a local area to document environmental assets-river.
/forest/grassland/hill/mountain, Study of simple ecosystems-ponds, river, hill slopes etc.; Study
of common plants, insects, birds; visit to a local polluted Site-

Suggested Readings

1. Earth Bharucha, “Environmental Studies for Undergraduate Courses, University Grants

Commission and Amarati Vidyapeeth Institute of Environment Education and Research,
pune, University press pvt.Ltd. (India)
2. Fundamental concepts in Environmental studies by Dr. D.D Mishra. S. Chand
3. Essentes of Ecology) and Environmental science by Dr. S.V.S. Rana, PHI Learning
Pvt.Ltd. Delhi.
4. Environmental Chemistry by Anil Kumar De. Wiley Eastern Limited.
5. Environmental Science by T.G. Miller, Wadsworth Publishing Co, 13 th edition.
6. Ecog, and Environment by P.D. Sharma, Rastogi publications.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents
Royalty Accounts: Meaning of royalty, lessor, lessee, minimum rent, short working, re-coupment
of short workings, Journal entries and ledger accounts in the books of lessee (including minimum
rent account) Sub Lease – meaning. Consignment Accounts: Features, need and importance of
consignment, Difference between consignment and sale, Accounting procedure, Valuation of
unsold stock.
Joint Venture Accounts: Meaning and features, Joint Venture and Consignment, Accounting
procedure for joint venture; Branch Accounts: Types of home branches- Dependent branch,
Accounting procedure for dependent branches, Independent branch; Foreign Branch: Meaning,
conversion of branch trial balance.
Hire-purchase and instalment payment system: Characteristics of hire-purchase system,
accounting treatment regarding hire-purchase, accounting treatment in case return of goods due
to non-payment of instalments, Difference between hire purchase system and credit sale,
Instalment payment system: Meaning and characteristics, difference between hire purchase
system and instalment payment system, Accounting treatment of Instalment payment system,
Partnership Accounts: Features of partnership, partnership deed, fixed v/s fluctuating capital
accounts, Methods of valuation of goodwill of a partnership firm, Admission, retirement and
death of a partner, Dissolution of Partnership firm- Insolvency of partners (including Garner v/s
Murrey Rule).
Suggested Readings

1. Gupta R.L. and Radha Swami M., Financial Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons., New
2. Monga J. R., Ahuja Girish and Sehgal Ashok: Financial Accounting, Mayur Paper Back,
3. Shukla M. C., Grewal T.S. and Gupta S. C.; Advanced Accounts, S. Chand and
Company, New Delhi.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours
Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal
Course Contents
Macro economics: Meaning, Nature, Scope and importance of Macro economics, Circular Flow
of Income and Expenditure, National Income: concept and measurement. Principle of effective
Demand: Aggregate Demand and Supply, Income determination in open and closed economy
Classical macroeconomics; Say’s law, equilibrium output and employment, New classical
models of output determination, Introduction to Keynes model of income determination.

Consumption function: average and marginal propensity to consume, relationship between APC
and MPC, consumption hypothesis; permanent income hypothesis and relative income
hypothesis, life cycle hypothesis.
Savings, and Investment: The Investment function, Induced and autonomous investment MEI
and MEC, The Saving function, Savings and Investment equality. The concept of investment
multiplier, Static and Dynamic, Balanced Budget multiplier and foreign trade multiplier The
principle of Acceleration and super Multiplier.

The Business Cycle: Definition and Phases, Business Cycle Fluctuations, Managing the Business
Nature and definition of Money, Money and near money, inside money and outside money,
Keynesian theory of money, Supply of money, High powered money and the money multiplier.
Inflation: Meaning, Causes of Inflation, types of Inflation, The economic impact of inflation,
optimal rate of inflation, AS-AD framework (Demand pull and cost push inflation), The phillips
Suggested Readings
1. Dornbusch, R. and S. Fischer. “Macroeconomics”, McGraw-Hill.
2. Mankiw, N.G. “Macroeconomics”, Macmillan.
3. Romer, David. “Advanced Macroeconomics”, New York: McGraw-Hill.
4. Jha, R. Contemporary. “Macroeconomic Theory and Policy”, Wiley Eastern.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Business Communication – Nature and process, forms of communication, role of communication
skills in business, communication networks, barriers to communication.


Communication Skills: Listening skills – cognitive process of listening, barriers to listening,

speaking skills, public speaking, body language and para language


Written Communication –structures and layout of business letters; types of letters: sales letters,
order and supply letters, claim letters, employment letters; writing memo, notice and circular.


Business Reports – Purpose and types, framework of business reports, presentation of reports.
Meetings: issuing notice, agenda of meeting and recording of minutes of meetings.

Suggested Readings

1. Koneru, Arun, Professional Communication, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

2. Monipally, M.M., Business Communication Strategies, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. McGrath, E.H., Basic Managerial Skills for All, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
4. Rai, Urmila and S.M. Rai, Business Communication, Himalaya Publishing House,
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Introduction to Marketing; difference between marketing and selling; core concepts of
marketing; marketing mix; marketing process; marketing environment.

Determinants of consumer behaviour; consumer’s purchase decision process (exclude industrial
purchase decision process).Market segmentation, targeting, and positioning. Marketing research
and marketing information system.

Product decisions: New Product Development; product line decisions; Product Life Cycle;
Branding decisions; packaging and labeling decisions. Pricing decisions.

Marketing channels: Retailing, wholesaling, warehousing and physical distribution; conceptual
introduction to supply chain management; conceptual introduction to customer relationship
marketing. Promotion mix: personal selling, advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct

Suggested Readings

1. Kotler, Philip, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy & Mithileshwar Jha, Marketing
Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi
2. Palmer: Introduction to Marketing, Oxford University Press.
3. Saxena, Rajan, Marketing Management, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
4. Zikmund, William G, Marketing, Cengage Learning, New Delhi

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents

Organisational Behaviour: concepts, determinants, challenges and opportunities of OB.
Contributing disciplines of OB. Organizational Behaviour Models.

Individual Behaviour: Nature of People, Factors affecting Individual behaviour; Personality:
Determinants, Traits and Theories of personality. Learning: Characteristics and theories of
learning. Perception: Perceptual Process, Factors Affecting Perception, Theories of Perception
and Perceptual Errors. Attitudes: Definition, Theories of Attitude Formation.

Interpersonal Behaviour: Transactional Analysis; Group Behavior: Definition, Types of groups,
Group Formation and Group Development Process, Group Decision Making. Group Dynamics:
Meaning and Concept, Group Roles, Group Norms, Group Cohesiveness and its relation to

Organizational Behaviour in changing Environment: Organizational Change, Organizational
Conflict, Organizational Development, Organizational Culture and Climate, Managing
Employee Stress, Managing Emotions in Organizations: Emotional Intelligence

Suggested Readings

1. Organisational Behaviour- Stephen. P. Robbins, Timothy. A Judge Seema Sanghi-

Pearson Education, PHI
2. Understanding Organizational Behaviour – UdayPareek, Oxford Press.
3. Organisational Behaviour – K. Aswathappa, Himalya Publishing House
4. Organisational Behaviour- SubbaRao, Himalya Publishing House.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Business Environment – Meaning, Nature and Significance, A brief overview of business
environments and their impact on business and strategic decisions – political environment, socio-
cultural environment, legal environment, economic environment, political environment, global
Globalized Business Environment; Meaning and rationale for Globalization; Composition and
Direction of Foreign Direct Investments; WTO and the trading blocks; Opportunities and
challenges for MNCs in India; Indian Foreign Trade and its Impact on Balance of Payment.
Concepts of Economic systems; Economic Reforms; Recent Monetary and Fiscal Policy and
their impact on Business Environment; Privatization in India; Public sector enterprises; Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises- growth, significance, problems and remedial.
Social Responsibilities of Business; Social Responsibility Models; The Evolving Idea of Social
Responsibility in Indian Scenario; Social Audit – Nature, Evolution and Benefits; Ethics and
Business Environment, Corporate Governance - factors influencing corporate governance,
Regulatory framework.

Suggested Readings
1. Cherunilam, Francis, Business Environment, Himalya Publishing House.
2. Misra, S.K. & Puri, V.K., Indian Economy, Himalya Publishing House.
3. Khujan Singh, Business Environment – Theory and Practice, IAHRW Publications
4. Paul Jastin, Business Environment, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
5. Economic Survey, Govt. of India.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question papers.

Course Contents

Valuation of Goodwill and Valuation of Shares: Concepts and Methods of Vaulation.

Accounting for Share Capital & Debentures: Issue, Forfeiture and Re-issue of Forfeited Shares.


Book building: Concept & Process; Issue of Right and Bonus Shares; Buy Back of Shares;
Redemption of Preference Shares; Issue and Redemption of Debentures; Final Accounts of
Companies; Internal Reconstruction: Concept and Accounting Treatment excluding Scheme of


Accounts of Holding Companies: Preparation of Consolidated Balance Sheet with One

Subsidiary Company, Relevant Provisions of Accounting Standard 21.


Amalgamation of Companies: Concept and Accounting Treatment as per Accounting Standard

14 (excluding Intercompany Holdings).

Suggested Readings

1. Gupta, Nirmal. Corporate Accounting, Sahitya Bhawan, Agra

2. Shukla, M.C., T.S. Grewal, and S.C. Gupta. Advanced Accounts, S. Chand & Co., New
3. Maheshwari, S.N. and S. K. Maheshwari. Corporate Accounting, Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents

Introduction of statistics: Development, Definition, Scope and Limitations. Collection of data-

methods, methods of collecting primary data, classification –Functions, Rules and bases of
classification, Frequency distribution and its types, Tabulation-meaning, types, parts and
requisites of good table .

Presentation through diagrams –general rules, types and choice of diagram. Graphic presentation
–general rules for graphing, graphs of frequency distribution and histograms.
Concept and measures of central tendency: Mathematical averages, positional average and
partition values.

Measures of dispersion in detail: Absolute and relative measures of dispersion-Range, Quartile

deviation, Mean deviation, Standard deviation ,Variance.
Measures of Skewness - Karl Pearson’s, Bowley’s and Kelly’s coefficient of skewness,
coefficient of skewness based on moments.

Correlation -Types, methods-Scatter diagram method, Karl Pearson’s coefficient of correlation,
standard error of estimate, Co-efficient of determination.
Regression –Linear and non linear. Lines of regression, coefficients of regression, correlation vs.
regression analysis

Suggested Readings

1. Gupta S.P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons.

2. Vohra N.D., Business Statistics, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Indian Contract Act: Meaning and essentials of a valid contract; offer and acceptance;
consideration; capacity to contract; consent and free consent; consideration; void agreements;
quasi contract; performance of contracts; different mode of discharge of contract; remedies for
breach of contract.

Contracts of Indemnity and Guarantee; bailment and pledge; contract of agency.

Sale of Goods Act– Definition and essential of a contract of sale, conditions and warrantees,
transfer of property; performance of contract of sale; right of unpaid sailor; remedies for breach
of contract.

Negotiable Instrument Act – Meaning and essential elements of a negotiable instruments; types
of negotiable instrument; holder and holder in due course; negotiation of negotiable instruments;
dishonour of negotiable instruments.
Meaning and scope of Information Technology Act; digital signature; electronic governance;
regulation of certifying authority; digital signature certificates; duties of subscribers; penalties
adjudication and offences.

Suggested Readings
1. Kapoor, N.D., Business Law, Sultan Chand & Sons
2. Balachandaran, Business Law, TMH, Delhi
3. Kuchhal, M.C., Mercantile Law, Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
4. Maheshwari S.N. & Maheshwari, Business Regulatory Framework, Himalaya Publishing

External Marks: 40
Internal Marks: 30
Practical: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of eight short types
questions carrying one (1) mark each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The
student shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each
unit in addition to compulsory question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Course Contents

Introduction: installation of Tally, ERP9 – Licensing configurations – Tally Vault Password –
Security Control in Tally, ERP9 – Splitting Company Data – Backup and Restore.
Accounting: voucher entry, budget, cost center, balance sheet, profit and loss account,
currency, debit note, credit note, interest calculation.
Inventory: stock item, sales order, purchase order, delivery note, rejection out. Computerized
Tax Liability Calculation.
Payroll: Salary Accounting – Introduction to Payroll – Payroll Masters – Payroll Vouchers –
Overtime Payment – Gratuity – Advanced Payroll Transactions Basic Salary, Overtime,
Bonus, Gratuity, Loan, ESI, Provident Fund, Pension, Commission.

Practical: The candidates should be able to make journal entries, ledger, trial balance and
balance sheet and record, other business operations on computerized accounting software,
such as Tally, ERP (Latest Version).

Suggested Readings

1. Ashok, K. Nadhavi, Kishor K. Nadhavi, Implementary Tally 9, BPB Publications, New

2. A.K. Nadhavi, K.K. Nadhavi, Tally Instant Reference (Accounts. Inventory,
Advanced), BPB Publications, New Delhi.
3. Ashok K. Nadavi, Tally Training Guide (Financial Accounting, Invoicing &
Inventory), BPB Publications, New Delhi.
4. A.K. Nadhavi, Managing VAT with Tally 9 (Taxation), BPB Publications, New Delhi.
5. A.K. Nadhavi, K.K. Nadhavi, Implementing Tally Payroll, BPB Publications, New
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Introduction: nature and role of financial system; Financial system and economic
development; An overview of Indian financial system.

Components of financial system: Financial markets and financial instruments: money and
capital markets: Money market: meaning, constituents instruments and functions, recent
developments in Indian money market; Capital market: primary and secondary market;
Depository system, recent developments in Indian capital market; SEBI: its formation, role and
recent developments.
The Debt Market: meaning, features, participants, instruments; private, PSUs & Government
securities market. Financial institutions: Reserve Bank of India: organization, management
and functions; credit creation and credit control.
Commercial banks: meaning and functions, structure and recent developments in commercial
banking in India; E-banking, NPA’s in Commercial Banks, Payment Banks. Development
banks: concept, objectives and functions; recent developments in development banking.

Suggested Readings

1. Bhole, L.M.: Financial Markets and Institutions, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.
2. Ghosh, D: Banking Policy in India, Allied Publications, Delhi.
3. Khan, M.Y: Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi.
4. Reserve Bank of India, Various Reports, RBI Publication, Mumbai.
5. Varshney, P.N: Indian Financial System, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Course Contents

Rural Markets: Characteristics and Dimensions. Rural vs. Urban Markets. Rural marketing:
Definition and relevance. Macro and micro environmental factors affecting rural marketing.
Constraints in rural marketing and strategies to overcome.


Rural consumer profile, rural consumer decision making process, factors affecting rural
consumer decision making. 4A’s of rural marketing: Affordability, availability, awareness, and


Segmenting rural markets: Bases and strategies. Product strategies for rural markets, Branding,
Packaging, warranties and after-sales service. Pricing methods and strategies for rural markets.


Promotion strategies including advertising, sales promotion and personal selling for rural
markets. Traditional and emerging channels of distribution in rural markets. Marketing of
agricultural inputs.

Suggested Readings
1. Balram Dogra, Karminder Ghuman, Rural Marketing: Concepts and Practices, McGraw
2. Rajagopal, Management of Rural Business, Wheeler
3. Neelamegham, Marketing in India: Cases and Readings, Vikas Publishing
4. Gopalswamy, Rural Marketing, Wheeler

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Introduction to insurance: life and general insurance; purpose, need and principles of
insurance; insurance as a social security tool.
Contract of life insurance: principles and practice of life insurance; parties to the contract, their
rights and duties; claims settlement procedure.

Fire insurance: principles of fire insurance contracts; fire insurance policy, conditions,
assignment of policy, claims settlement procedure.

Marine insurance: marine insurance policy and its conditions, premium, double insurance;
assignment of policy warranties, voyage; loss and abandonment; partial losses and
particular charges; salvage; total losses and measures of indemnity; claims settlement
Accident and motor insurance: policy and claims settlement procedures. Insurance
intermediaries – role of agents and procedure for becoming an agent; cancellation of license;
revocation/ suspension/termination of agent appointment; code of conduct; unfair practices.

Suggested Readings

1. Gupta, O.S.,Life Insurance, Frank Brothers, New Delhi.

2. Insurance Regulatory Development Act.
3. Karam Pal, Bodla B.S. & Garg M.C., Insurance Management, Deep & Deep
Publications, New Delhi.
4. Mishra, M.N., Insurance Principles and Practice; S. Chand and Co., New Delhi.
5. Vinayakam N. Radhaswamy and Vasudevan, S.V.: Insurance-Principles and
Practice, S.Chand and Co., New Delhi.
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Counseling: Meaning, scope and Importance. Workplace Counseling: Concept, need and Scope,
Types of counseling, goals of counseling. Counselor: Roles and responsibilities in organizational
setting. Guiding principles of Counseling.
Behavioural Counseling approach, Cognitive approach, Psycho-analytical approach, Therapeutic
Approach, Humanistic Approach.
Process of Counseling, Counseling Theories, Skills and Techniques of counseling. Models of
Counseling in Organizations. employee assistance programs; Organization Culture and its
Impact, Counseling as a form of Organizational Change.
Counseling strategies for stress management, performance management and work life
management. Problems and issues in selecting appropriate counseling interventions. Ethics in
counseling. Legalities involved in counseling as an approach in organizational settings.

Suggested Readings
1. Cormer, L.S., and Hackney, H., The Professional Counselor's Process Guide Helping,
Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall Inc.
2. Moursund, J., The Process of Counseling and Therapy, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall
3. Munro, C A, Counseling: A Skills Approach, Methuen.
4. Reddy, Michael, Counseling at Work, British Psychological Society and Methuen.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents

Cost Accounting: Meaning, objectives and functions, Distinction between cost accounting and
financial accounting, Cost concepts and classification, Installation of a costing system.
Preparation of cost sheet,


Accounting for material and labour: Material control, Pricing of material issues, treatment of
material losses. Accounting and control of labour cost, treatment of over time, idle time and
fringe benefits. Incentive Schemes.


Job costing, batch costing and contract costing. Process costing.


Standard costing and variance analysis (material, labour and overhead). Responsibility
accounting and reporting.

Suggested Readings

1. Lall Nigam B M and Jain I C, Cost Accounting Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall of
2. J Madegowda, Advanced Cost Accounting, Himalaya Publishing House, Mumbai.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents
Probability: Concept and evolution, Terminology, Concept, Mathematical and statistical
probability, addition and multiplication theorem and mathematical expectations, Rule for the
inverse probability.
Theoretical distributions: Probability function and constants of binomial distribution, constants
and utility of Poisson distribution, Properties of Normal distribution, Relation between normal
and Poisson distribution.
Index Numbers- uses, types of index numbers, problems in the construction of index number
methods of constructing price and quantity index by different methods-simple and weighted,
Tests of consistency –unit test, time and factor reversal test.

Time Series: Components and models of time series, Measurement of trend by different
methods-graphic method, least square method, analysis of time series.

Suggested Readings
1. Gupta S.P., Statistical Methods, Sultan Chand & Sons.
2. Vohra N.D., Business Statistics, McGraw Hill Education (India) Private Limited.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Course Contents

Introduction: Meaning, Objectives and Scope of Auditing; Types of Audit: Internal and External
Audit, Proprietary and Efficiency Audit. Audit process: Audit programme; Audit Documentation
and Evidences.


Internal Control; Internal check vs. internal control. Fraud and Responsibilities of the Auditor in
this regard. Vouching: Meaning, Objectives and Importance. Verification of Assets and Liabilities.

Audit of Limited Companies: Company Auditor – Appointment, Powers, Duties and Liabilities,
Directions of Comptroller and Auditor General of India, Audit of Banks. Audit Reports: various types of
Audit Reports.

Investigation: Meaning, Nature, Procedure and Objectives, Investigation and Due Diligence.
Professional Ethics of Auditing.

Suggested Readings

1. Basu, S. K., Fundamentals of Auditing, Pearson Publications, New Delhi.

2. Grover, L.C.B.; Principle of Modern Company Law, Stevens & Sons, London.
3. Jha, Aruna, Auditing, Taxmann Publications, New Delhi

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Meaning and nature of company, kinds of companies, formation and incorporation of company,
Memorandum of Association; Articles of Association, Doctrine of indoor management.

Meaning and definition of prospectus; misstatement in a prospectus and their consequences.
Membership of a company, Meaning, need and requisitions of valid meeting; voting, proxy and
resolutions; kinds of general body meetings.

Meaning, qualification, appointment and removal of directors; duties and liabilities of directors;
remuneration of directors; distinction between managing director and manager; distinction
between managing director and whole time director; meetings of board of directors. Inspection
and investigation.
Compromise, arrangements and amalgamations: Prevention of oppression and mismanagement.
Meaning and modes of winding up of a company; power and duties of a liquidator in winding up.

Suggested Readings

1. Kapoor G.K., Corporate Law, Taxmann’s Publications, New Delhi

2. Singh Avtar, Company Law, Eastern Book Company, Lucknow
3. Bagrial, Ashok K, Company Law, Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd, Delhi.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents

Entrepreneurship- Meaning, Nature and Scope. Characteristics and Qualities of a Successful

Entrepreneur. Role of Entrepreneurship Development in the Economic Development. Women
entrepreneurship. Rural entrepreneurship.


Factors affecting entrepreneurship growth. Entrepreneurial motivation. Entrepreneurial

competencies. Role, relevance and achievements of Entrepreneurial Development Programmes
(EDP); Role of government in organizing EDP’s-critical evaluation.


Micro and small enterprises. Opportunity Identification and selection. Formulation of business
plans. Project appraisal.

Financing of Enterprise. Institutional finance to entrepreneurs. Institutional support to

entrepreneurs. Government policy for small-scale enterprises.

Suggested Readings

1. Dollinger Marc J, Entrepreneurship: Strategies and Resources, Irwin Press

2. Hisrich Robert D and Peters Michael P, Entrepreneurship, TMH New Delhi
3. M B Shukla, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Kitab Mahal,
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours
Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents

Retailing : Concept, importance, functions, organized vs. unorganized retail, key drivers of growth of
retailing in India. Understanding retail customer.


Theories of retailing. Retail formats: Store and Non- store formats. Retail Locations: Planned
and Unplanned, Retail Site Characteristics, and Site Evaluation. Store Layout and Design.


Merchandise planning and process. Forecasting sales. Retail mix: Developing Assortment Plans,
National Brands and Private Labels; Retail Pricing- Setting Retail Prices, Price Adjustments,
Pricing Strategies.


Retail Communication Mix. Logistics in retail. Human Resource Management in Retailing –

Manpower planning, recruitment, training, and compensation. Use of Information Technology in

Suggested Readings

1. Pradhan, S., Retailing Management Text and Cases, Mc Graw Hill Education, New Delhi
2. Levy, Micheal, Weitz, Barton, A. and Pandit, Ajay, Retailing Management, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. Berman, Barry and Evans, Joel, R., Retail Management; A Strategic Approach;
PHI/Pearson Education; New Delhi
4. Newman, Andrew, J. & Cullen, Peter, Retailing: Environment & Operations, Vikas
Publishing House; New Delhi.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours
Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents

India’s foreign trade’s recent trends and directional pattern in global context, Objectives of
foreign trade policy, Major exports and imports of India, General provisions regarding imports
and exports, Prohibited and restricted items for export and import.
Ministry of Commerce, role of export promotion council in international trade, Role of central
board of excise and custom, Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) and its role in India’s
trade policy, Quality complaints and other trade Disputes in international trade
Special Economic Zones, Agriculture Export Zones, Export Oriented Units, Role of State Trading
Organizations in India, Foreign Direct Investment and its role in India, Multinational Corporations
and their entry modes adopted by Multinational Corporations, Merchandise Exports from India
Scheme (MEIS), Service Exports from India Scheme (SEIS), export promotion capital goods
(EPCG) scheme
Tariff and non-tariff trade barriers, Free trade Areas and its impact on Indian Trade, Pros and
cons of free trade area, Role of WTO in India’s foreign trade policy.
Foreign exchange market, exchange rate systems, Determination of Exchange Rates, Exchange
Rate Management in India.

Suggested Readings
1. Latest Foreign trade policy.
2. Export-Import Policy, Nabhi Publications.
3. Paras Ram, Export, What, Where & How, Anupam Publications.
4. Bhalla, V.K., International Business Environment and Management, Anmol Publications

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents

Labour Laws: Need, Objectives and Principles. Categories of Labour laws. International Labour
Organization. Indian Constitution and its influence on Labour Laws.

Industrial Disputes Act: scope and object, definitions, authorities, reference of disputes;
procedure, powers and duties of authorities, award and settlement, strikes and lockouts, layoff
and retrenchment, penalties. Factories Act: object, definitions, health, safety, welfare measures,
employment of women and young persons, leave with wages, special provisions, penalties and


The Payment of Wages Act: object and scope, definitions, persons responsible to pay wages,
fixation of wage periods, time of wage payment, deductions, records, authorities, claims, appeal.


Workmen’s Compensation Act, Employees’ State Insurance Act, Employees Provident Fund.

Suggested Readings

1. Kapoor, N.D., Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand and Sons.

2. Taxmannn’s Labour Laws, Taxmann Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
3. Srivastava, S. C., Industrial Relations and Labour Law, Vikas Publishing House.
4. Latest Bare Act of each Act.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents

Management Accounting: Meaning, Scope, Importance and Techniques. Distinction between

Financial Accounting and Management Accounting, Distinction between Cost Accounting and
Management Accounting.


Budgeting and Budgetary Control: Concept of Budgeting and Budgetary Control, Objectives and
Advantages of Budgetary Control, Types of Budgets and their Preparation, Essentials of a
Budgetary Control System. Performance Budgeting and Zero-Base Budgeting.


Marginal Costing: Meaning, Nature, Uses and Limitations, Break-Even Analysis, P/V Ratio,
Margin of Safety, Angle of Incidence, Decision involving Alternative Choices.


Financial Analysis: Meaning and Importance. Ratio Analysis: Meaning, Importance, Limitations
and calculations of ratios. Cash Flow Statement: Meaning, Uses and Preparation.

Suggested Readings

1. Hingorani, N.L. and Ramanathan, A.R., Management Accounting, New Delhi, Sultan
2. Khan, M.Y. and P.K. Jain. Management Accounting. Tata McGraw Hill, Publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
3. Drury, Colin. Management and Cost Accounting. Thomson Learning.
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents

Financial Management: Goals, functions and decisions. Time preference for money,
Organization of Finance Functions., Financial goal: profit maximization vs. wealth
maximization, Agency problems: Managers vs. shareholder’s goals. Time value of money.
Capital Budgeting decisions –Introduction, Nature and types of investment decisions, methods:
Pay-back period method, Net present value method, Internal rate of return method, profitability
index method, NPV vs. PI, Measures of operating and financial leverage
Management of working capital: Concept of working capital, Determinants of working capital.
Cash Management, Receivables Management: credit policy nature and goals. Inventory
Management: nature, need and objectives. Cost of capital of different sources of finance,
determining the components of cost of capital, the weighted average cost of capital.
Capital Structure Planning and Policy, Capital structure theories and its determinants, Dividend
Policies Models: Relevance and Irrelevance Models. Issues in Dividend Policies.
Suggested Readings

1. Pandey, I.M., Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi.
2. Chandra, P., Financial Management Theory and Practice, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Origin and Evolution of banks - Meaning and definition of banking; Structure of Indian Banking
System - Classifications of banks; Functions of commercial banks; Regulatory Framework and
Compliances - Banking Regulation Act 1949, Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002.
Banker and Customer relationship; their mutual rights and duties - lien - Power to combine
different accounts - Secrecy of account; Different Types of Accounts; Cheques: requisite of valid
cheque, crossing of cheques; Meaning and types of Endorsement.
Types of securities and precautions taken for banker’s advances and loans Guarantees, pledge,
lien, mortgage, charge - subject matters of collateral security; Factoring; Bill Discounting; Bank
Guarantees; Letters of Credit; Commercial Papers.
Contemporary and Emerging issues in Banking- Problem of NPAs; Capital adequacy norms;
Banking Ombudsman Scheme; Technology driven developments; Ethics and Corporate
Governance in Banks.

Suggested Readings
1. Gordon and Natarajan – Banking Theory Law and Practice, Himalaya Publishing House.
2. Tannan, M.L- Banking Law and Practice in India, Lexis Nexis
3. Maheshwari, S.N. - Banking Law and Practice, Kalyani Publishers
4. Sukhvinder Mishra- Banking Law and Practice, S. Chand.
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Important: The Examiner will set at least THREE numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents
Basic concepts of Income Tax: Assessee, Person; Income; Agricultural income; Previous year;
Assessment year; Gross total income; Total income; Advance Tax; Tax deducted at source;
Distinction between Capital and Revenue Receipts and Expenditure.
Residential Status & Basis of Charge; Scope of Total Income; Tax Rates; income which does not
form part of total income; Tax Management: Tax evasion, Avoidance and Tax planning.
Computation of Income under Various Heads: Income from Salary; Income from House
Property; Profit and Gains of Business or Profession; Capital Gains; Income from Other Sources.
Clubbing provisions and Set Off and Carry Forward of Losses; Deductions from Gross Total
Income: Deductions in respect of certain payments; Specific deductions in respect of certain
income; Rebates and Reliefs.

Suggested Readings
1. Girish Ahuja and Ravi Gupta, Systematic Approach, C.C.H. India Publications, New
2. Mehrotra H.C., Income Tax Law & Account, Sahitya Bhawan Publications, Agra.
3. Prasad, Bhagwati, Income Tax Law & Practice, Wishwan Prakashan, Bhopal.
4. Singhania V.K., Student’s Guide to Income Tax, Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd., New

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Course Contents

Business Ethics: Meaning, Nature and Growing Significance of Ethics in Business, Ethical
Principles in Business and Management, Theories of Business Ethics, Ethical Issues in Business.


Ethics in various functional areas of Business: Ethics in Finance, Ethics in HRM, Ethics in
Marketing, Ethics in Production and Operation Management, Ethics in Global Business, Ethics
in IT.


Ethical Decision-making, Ethical Dilemmas in Organization, Whistle Blowing, Social

Responsibility of Business and Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility under
Companies Act 2013.


Intellectual Property Rights: Patents, Copy-Rights, Trade Marks and Business Ethics, Ethical
Value System.

Suggested Readings

1. Manuel G. Velasquez, Business Ethics, Pearson Prentice Hall.

2. Kaushal, S.L., Business Ethics: Concepts, Crisis and Solutions, Deep and Deep
Publications Pvt. Ltd.
3. Rinku, Sanjeev and Khanna, P., Ethics and Values in Business Management, Ane Books
Pvt. Ltd.
4. Neeru Vasishth and Namita Rajput. Governance ethics and social responsibility of
business. Taxmann Publications Private Limited.
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Introduction to Logistics Management: Role, Scope and Evolution of Logistics
Management, Operational Objectives of Logistics and its relation to Supply Chain
Management. Concept of Customer Service: Components of Customer Service, Customer
Service Cost, Customer Service Measurement.
Transportation Decisions: Role of Transportation in Logistics, Elements of Transportation Cost,
Selection of Transportation Mode. Inventory Management: Role of Inventory Management in
Logistics, Elements of Inventory Costs, Decision Areas of Inventory Management,
Techniques of Inventory Control, Economic Order Quantity Under Conditions of Certainty and
Concept of Warehousing: Role and Types of Warehouses, Warehouse Functions, Information
and Order Processing: Role of Information System in Logistics Management; Order Processing:
Nature and Concept, Functions of Order Processing; Elements of Ordering cost.

Supply Chain Management: Nature and Concept, Importance of Supply Chain, Value Chain.
Components of Supply Chain, Understanding the Supply Chain Management - Participants in
Supply Chain, Role of a Manager in Supply Chain.

Suggested Readings

1. Chopra, S and Meindl, P, Supply Chain Management- Strategy, Planning and Operation,
Pearson Education.
2. Simchi-Levi, D et al., Designing and Managing the Supply Chain, The McGraw Hill
3. Sharma, S, Supply Chain Management-Concepts, Practices and Implementation, Oxford
University Press.
4. Handfield R.B. & Nochols, Jr. E. L., Introduction to Supply Chain Management, Prentice

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Course Contents
Public Finance; Meaning, nature, scope and importance of public finance; Public Finance versus
Private Finance; Fiscal policy and financial administration in public sector units; types of fiscal
policy; expansionary, contractionary and neutral fiscal policy; Financial autonomy and
accountability of public sector units.
Public Expenditure: Meaning and Classification. Public Debt: Meaning and Types. Principles of
Public Debt Management. Deficit financing and deficit budget; Effects of public expenditure on
production and distribution in India.
Public finance in India: sources of revenue of central and state Govt.; Role of Taxation; Merits
and Demerits of Direct and Indirect Tax Policy; Features of Good Tax System; Incidence and
Shifting of Taxation; financial relation between central and state.

Indian Constitution; Evolution, introduction, features; Citizen charters, transparency and
accountability. Role of civil services in democracy.

Suggested Readings

1. Musgrave, R.A., and P.B.Musgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Tata
McGraw Hill.
2. Bhatia, H.L., Public Finance, Vikas Publishing House.
3. Tayagi, B.P., Public Finance, S.Chand & Co.
4. M. Laxmikanth, Indian Polity, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Human Resource Management: Meaning, Concept and Importance of HRM, Evolution of HRM,
Functions, Role and responsibilities of HR Manager. Emerging Challenges of Human Resource
Human resource planning: objectives and importance of HRP, Job Analysis: Process of Job
analysis, Recruitment and Selection; Orientation and Socialization; Human resource retention
strategies. HR Outsourcing: Opportunities in India.
Human Resource Training and Development: Training Process, Methods of Manpower Training,
Difference between Training and Development. Potential and Performance Appraisal: Process,
need, methods and importance. Career Planning and Development.
Compensation Management for Human Resources: Concept of Wages and Salaries, Factors
affecting development of a sound compensation system, Types of wage rate systems. Group
incentive plans: meaning and categories. Employee Health, Safety and Welfare.
Suggested Readings

1. Aswathappa, K., Human Resource and Personnel Management, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Dessler, G., Human Resource Management, Pearson Education.
3. Venktesh, D.N. & Jyothi P., Human Resource Management, Oxford University Press.
4. Bohlander, G. & Snell, S., Human Resource Management, Cengage Learning.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents


Concept of Sales and Sales Management. Sales vs marketing. Modern Roles and Required Skills
for Sales Managers.


Sales Planning: Importance, approaches and process of sales planning. Sales Organization:
Purpose and structures. Determining size of sales force.


Territory Management: Need, procedure for setting up sales territories; Time management;
Routing. Sales Quotas: Purpose, types of quotas, administration of sales quotas.


Managing the Sales-force: Recruitment, selection, training, and compensation. Evaluating sales
force performance. Ethical issues in sales management.

Suggested Readings

1. Panda, T. K., Sahadev , S., Sales And Distribution Management, Oxford Publishing,
2. Still, Cundiff, Govoni , Sales Management: Decisions, Strategies & Case,– Prentice Hall,
3. Anderson R, Professional Sales Management, Englewood Cliff, New Jersey, Prentice
Hall, India.
4. Spiro, Rosann L., Gregory A. Rich, and William J. Stanton, Management of a Sales
Force, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston.
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Financial services: Concept and nature. Indian Financial system- structure and functions; An
overview of Financial markets in India; Money market and capital market- instruments,
participants and segments.
Merchant banking: Meaning, functions and Regulatory framework; Mutual Funds; Insurance;
Micro Finance Institutions.
Fund-based Financial Services: Leasing and hire-purchase, Consumer and housing finance;
Venture capital finance; Factoring services, Securitization.
Fee-based Financial Services: Stock Broking, Custodial services, Portfolio management service,
Wealth management service. Credit rating.

Suggested Readings
1. MY Khan – Indian Financial System, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
2. R. Shanmugham – Financial services, Wiley.
3. Bharti V. Pathak- Indian Financial System: Market, Institutions and Services, Pearson
4. H. R Machiraju- Indian Financial System, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The student
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to compulsory question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Course Contents

GST: meaning, taxable person, registration: procedure and documents required. Levy and
collection of GST.
Time and place of supply of goods and services, value of taxable supply. Computation of input
tax credit and transfer of input tax credit.
Tax invoice credit and debit note. Various returns to be filed under GST.
Payment of tax including TDS, Interest Provisions on delayed payment. Offences and penalties.

Suggested Readings

1. Ahuja Girish and Gupta Ravi, Practical approach to Income Tax, Wealth Tax and Central
Sales Tax (Problems and Solutions with Multiple choice questions); Bharat Law
House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
2. Central Excise Act.
3. Central Sales Tax Act.
4. Goods and Services Tax Act.
External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Important: The Examiner will set at least TWO numerical questions in the question paper.

Course Contents
Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability of various entities: Individual; Hindu Undivided
Family; Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT); Partnership Firm / LLP
Classification and Tax Incidence on Companies: Computation of taxable income and tax liability
of Company; Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT).
Procedural Compliance: Permanent Account Number , Tax Collection Account Number; Tax
Deduction at Source & Tax Collection at Source; Advance Tax & Self Assessment Tax; Income
tax authorities and their powers; different types of returns; Procedure of filing e-return and
revised return.
Recovery of Tax, Refunds; Assessment, Appeals & Revision: Procedure for assessment, Types
of Assessment, Appeals, Revisions, Search, Seizure, Penalty and Offences.

Suggested Readings:
1. Gaur and Narang, Income Tax Law & Practice, Kalyani Publishers, Jalandhar.
2. Girish Ahuja and Ravi Gupta, Systematic Approach, C.C.H. India Publications, New
3. Mehrotra H.C., Income Tax Law & Account, Sahitya Bhawan Publications, Agra.
4. Singhania V.K., Student’s Guide to Income Tax, Taxmann Publications Pvt. Ltd., New

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Course Contents


Introduction to digital marketing, advantages of digital medium over other media, Impact of
internet on consumer buying behaviour.


Domain names and types. Website hosting and types. Understanding basics of web analytics.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Introduction to SEO; understanding search engines; basics
of keyword research; On-page and off-page Search Engine Optimization.

Basics of Search Engine Marketing (SEM)


Content marketing; Affiliate marketing; Email marketing; Mobile marketing. Ethical and Legal
Issues in the field of digital marketing.

Suggested Readings

1. Parkin Godfrey, Digital Marketing: Strategies for Online Success, New Holland
2. Charlesworth A., Internet Marketing: A Practical Approach, BH Publications.
3. Chaffey Dave, Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Pearson

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus. In
addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit. The students
shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from each unit in addition
to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal marks.

Course Contents

Investment Management: Meaning, Nature and Importance of Investment Management,

Investment Process, Speculations v/s Investment, Gambling v/s Investment, Investment
Objectives, Concept of Return and Risk: Calculation, Tradeoff between Return and Risk.


Investment Avenues: Post Office Small Saving Schemes, Bank Deposits, Insurance Schemes,
Company Bonds & Deposits, Mutual Fund Schemes, Real Estate, Other Investment Avenues.


Financial Markets: Meaning and Functions, Capital Market, Money Marrket, New Issue Market,
Secondary Market, SEBI and its Regulations.


Security Analysis: Meaning and objectives. Fundamental Analysis: Economy Analysis, Industry
Analysis and Company Analysis.

Suggested Readings

1. Sharpe, William F., Investment. New Delhi, Prentice Hall of India.

2. Alexander, Gorden J. and Bailey, Jeffery V., Investment Analysis and Portfolio
Management, Dryden Press, Thomson Learning, Bombay.
3. Avadhani, V. A., Investment and Securities Market in India, Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Chandra, Prasanna, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Tata McGraw Hill

External Marks: 70
Internal Marks: 30
Time: 3 Hours

Note: Paper setter will set nine questions in all. Question No. 1 comprising of seven short types
questions carrying two (2) marks each are compulsory and will cover the entire syllabus.
In addition, eight more questions will be set comprising two questions from each unit.
The students shall be required to attempt five questions in all selecting one question from
each unit in addition to the compulsory Question No. 1. All questions shall carry equal

Course Contents
Training and Development: Concept, need and Importance. Training and learning: Meaning and
relationship between training and learning, learning process and curve, HRD and Training and
Development. Training Manager: Role, responsibilities and challenges.
Process of Training and Development: Training Need Assessment. Advantages and
disadvantages of basic need assessment techniques, Developing Objectives for Training
Program, Designing Effective Training Program.
Training and Development Program Implementation: Methods of Training, Technological
advancement in Training, Effective tools and aids for training, Developing a supportive training
Evaluation of Training and Development: Need, criterion and problems in evaluation, Process
and methods of evaluation. Transfer of training and training effectiveness. Strategic Training.
Emerging issues in Training and development.

Suggested Readings
1. Prior John, Handbook of Training and Development Jaico, Publishing House, Bombay.
2. Donald F. Michalak and Edwin G. Yager, Making the Training Process Work, Harper and
Row, New York.
3. Noe, R. A., Employee Training and Development, McGraw Hill
4. Blanchard, P. N., Thacker, J.W. and Ram, V.A., Effective Training: Systems, Strategies and
Practices, Allyn and Bacon

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