Detailed Lesson Plan in Social Studies Grade 10

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At the of the lesson, the students can be able to

a) Define what is Globalization and its types.

b) Examine the cause and effect of Globalization through the use of graphic organizer.
(Cause and Effect graphic organizer)
c) Formulate their own solution how to address the different environmental issues cause by
Globalization through
d) Recite their own original poem about Globalization.


Topic: Globalization

Sub Topic: Cause and Effect of Globalization


Materials: Laptop,PowerPoint Presentation by Canva, Video Presentation

Strategies/Approaches/Methods: Lecture method/Inquiry Based Learning, Graphic Organizer




Preliminary Activities

a. Opening Prayer

 Good afternoon everyone. Before we  Kris will lead the opening prayer.
start. Let us pray first. Kris Can you please
lead the Prayer.
 Before you sit down. Can you please  Class pick up all the pieces of paper.
arrange your chair and pick up all the
pieces of paper in the floor.

b. Classroom Management
 Again, good afternoon everyone. Please
say present when I call your name.  Class answer upon hearing their names in
 Well I guess everyone is present today. attendance.
You all deserve an applause.  Class applauded themselves.

c. Review
 Before we go on to another lesson this
morning. Let us have a quick recap from  The class answer the question.
yesterday discussion. Raise your hand if
you want to answer.

d. Motivation
 The teacher will show 8 jumbled words to
the class. She will let the class arrange  The class will arrange the jumbled words
the words. when the teacher call their group name.
 The Teacher will divide the class into 3
 The Teacher will ask the student’s to give 1) Economic- deals with the making,
short ideas about the jumbled words. distributing, selling and purchasing of goods
(1) ECONOMIC – MICNOECO and services.
(2) GLOBALIZATION – 2) Globalization- it is the process of integration
TIONBALIZAGLO and international influence of economies and
(4) POLLUTION – TIONPOLLU 3) Political – relating to the ideas or strategies of
(5) CULTURAL – CULRALTU a particular party or group in politics.
(6) TRANSPORTATION – 4) Pollution- undesirable change that take place
TATIONTRANSPO in the environment which is harmful to both
(7) TRADE- DETRA living and nonliving things.
(8) POPULATION- TIONPUPO 5) Cultural – relating to the habits, beliefs, and
traditions of a certain people.
 Thank you everyone for your 6) Transportation – the action of transporting
participation. And now let us proceed someone or something or the process of
with our lesson for todays. being transported.
7) Trade – action of buying and selling goods
e. LESSON PROPER and services.
a.Discussion 8) Population – inhabitants of a particular town,
 Presenting of PowerPoint presentation. area or country.

 What is Globalization?
Globalization refers to the speedup of
movements and exchanges (of human
beings, goods and services, capital,
technologies or cultural practices) all over
the planet.
 The teacher will call a group to read the
slides.  Group 2 will read the slides.

 According to World Health Organization,

Globalization can be defined as the
[interconnectedness and
interdependence of people and countries.
It is generally understood to include two
interrelated elements. The opening of
international borders to increasingly fast
flow of goods, service, finance, people
and ideas; and the changes in institutions
and policies at national and international
levels that facilitate or promote such

 Thank you group 2. So when we say

Globalization refers to the increasing
connectedness and interdependence of
world cultures and economies.

 Let’s proceed to the three types of it.

Group 1 read the first types.

What are the three types of globalization?

1. Economic globalization

 The focus of it is on the integration of

international financial markets and the
coordination of financial exchange.  Group 3 will read the slide.
2. Political globalization

 This type covers the national policies that

bring countries together politically,
economically and culturally.
Organizations such as NATO and the UN
are part of the political globalization

Group 1 please read the third type.

3. Cultural globalization.

 This aspect of globalization focuses in a

large part on the technological and
societal factors that are causing cultures
to converge. These include increased
ease of communication, the
pervasiveness of social media and access
to faster and better transportation.
 Does cultural globalization is important?

 What do you think Class?

 Yes, that’s right, Cultural identity

provides the global significance of local
knowledge and the sense of self,
community and nation.

 Let’s move on to the next.

Cause Globalization
1. Improved Communications

The development of communication technologies

such as internet, email and mobile phones have
been vital to the growth of globalization because
they help MNCs to operate throughout the
world. The development of satellite TV channels
such as Sky and CNN have also provided
worldwide marketing avenues for the concept
and products of globalization.

2. Improved Transport –
The development of refrigerated and container
transport, bulk shipping and improved air
transport has allowed the easy mass movement
of goods throughout the world. This assists

3. Free Trade Agreements –

MNCs and rich capitalist countries have always
promoted global free trade as a way of increasing
their own wealth and influence. *International
organizations such as the World Trade
Organization and the IMF also promote free

4. Global Banking –
Modern communication technologies allow vast
amounts of capital to flow freely and instantly
throughout the world. *The equivalent of up to
$US1.3 trillion is traded each day through
international stock exchanges in cities such as
New York, London and Tokyo.

5. The Growth of MNCs

- The rapid growth of big MNCs such as Microsoft,
McDonalds and Nike is a cause as well as a
consequence of globalization. *The investment of
MNCs in farms, mines and factories across the
world is a major part of globalization.

*Globalization allows MNCs to produce goods

and services and to sell products on a massive
scale throughout the world.

The Effects of Globalization

1. Changed Food Supply - Food supply is no

longer tied to the seasons. We can buy food
anywhere in the world at any time of the year.

2. Division of Labor - Because MNCs search for

the cheapest locations to manufacture and
assemble components, production processes may
be moved from developed to developing
countries where costs are lower

3. Less Job Security - In the global economy jobs

are becoming more temporary and insecure. *A
survey of American workers showed that people
now hold 7 to 10 jobs over their working life.

4. Damage to the Environment - More trade

means more transport which uses more fossil
fuels and causes pollution.

5. Cultural Impact - Websites such as YouTube

connect people across the planet. As the world
becomes more unified, diverse cultures are being
ignored. *MNCs can create a monoculture as
they remove local competition and thereby force
local firms to close.

Activity 1
Group Activity
 Within your respective group.
 Discuss with your group mates the cause
and effect of Globalization with the use
of Cause and Effect graphic organizer and
explain how these things affects our daily
 I will give you until tomorrow at 1pm to
submit the group activity. You have the
will to choose which format you will use.
Its either PPT or pdf no Ms. Word.

F. Generalization
For the generalization, the teacher will ask the
following questions based on discussion:
1. What is globalization?
2. What are the three types of globalization?
3. How globalization affects your life as citizen of
this country?

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