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J Food Sci Technol (October 2015) 52(10):6125–6135

DOI 10.1007/s13197-015-1766-7


Smart packaging systems for food applications: a review

K. B. Biji & C. N. Ravishankar & C. O. Mohan &
T. K. Srinivasa Gopal

Revised: 3 February 2015 / Accepted: 5 February 2015 / Published online: 17 February 2015
# Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) 2015

Abstract Changes in consumer preference for safe food have like heat, light, presence or absence of moisture, pressure,
led to innovations in packaging technologies. This article reviews microorganisms, gaseous emissions and so on. It also provides
about different smart packaging systems and their applications in the consumer with the greater ease of use and time saving
food packaging, packaging research with latest innovations. convenience and contain product of various size and shapes
Active and intelligent packing are such packaging technologies (Yam et al. 2005; Marsh and Bugusu 2007). The key safety
which offer to deliver safer and quality products. Active packag- objective for traditional packaging materials which comes in
ing refers to the incorporation of additives into the package with contact with food is to be inert as possible. While the smart
the aim of maintaining or extending the product quality and shelf packaging systems like active and intelligent packaging con-
life. The intelligent systems are those that monitor the condition cepts are based on the useful interaction between packaging
of packaged food to give information regarding the quality of the environment and the food to provide active protection to the
packaged food during transportation and storage. These technol- food. Most important innovative packaging systems which are
ogies are designed to the increasing demand for safer foods with currently being used in food industry are described in detail in
better shelf life. The market for active and intelligent packaging this review (Tables 1 and 2).
systems is expected to have a promising future by their integra-
tion into packaging materials or systems.

Active packaging
Keywords Active packaging . Intelligent packaging .
Freshness indicator . RFID
Packaging may be termed active when it performs some role
other than providing an inert barrier to the external environ-
ment (Rooney 1995). Active packaging can be defined as a
system in which the product, package and the environment
interact in a positive way to extend the shelf life or to achieve
Introduction some characteristics (Miltz et al. 1995). It has also be defined
as a type of packaging that changes the condition of the pack-
Traditional food packaging is meant for protection, communi- aging to extend shelf life or to improve safety or sensory
cation, convenience and containment (Paine 1991; Robertson properties while maintaining the quality of the packaged food
2006). The package is used to protect the product from the (Ahvenainen 2003). According to regulation 1935/2004/EC
deteriorative effects of external environmental conditionals and 450/2009/EC active materials and articles are intended
to extend the shelf life or to maintain or improve the condition
of packaged food. They are designed to deliberately incorpo-
K. B. Biji : C. O. Mohan : T. K. Srinivasa Gopal
Fish Processing Division, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries
rate components that would release or absorb substances into
Technology, CIFT Junction, Willingdon Island, Matsyapuri, or from the packaged food or environment surrounding the
Cochin 682029, India food (Sivertsvik 2007; Floros et al. 1997).The goal of active
packaging is to enhance the preservation of food in the pack-
C. N. Ravishankar (*)
ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Technology, CIFT Junction,
age and prolonging shelf life involves application of various
Willingdon Island, Matsyapuri, Cochin 682029, India strategies like temperature control, oxygen removal, moisture
e-mail: [email protected] control, addition of chemicals such as salt, sugar, carbon
6126 J Food Sci Technol (October 2015) 52(10):6125–6135

Table 1 Commercially available active packaging systems

Trade Name Manufacturer Principle Type

Ageless Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co. Ltd., Japan Iron based Oxygen scavenger
Freshilizer Toppan Printing Co. Ltd., Japan Iron based Oxygen scavenger
Freshmax, Freshpax, Fresh Pack Multisorb Technologies, USA Iron based Oxygen scavenger
Oxyguard Toyo Seikan Kaisha Ltd., Japan Iron based Oxygen scavenger
Zero2 Food Science Australia, Australia Photosensitive dye Oxygen scavenger
Bioka Bioka Ltd., Finland Enzyme based Oxygen scavenger
Dri-Loc® Sealed Air Corporation, USA Absorbent pad Moisture absorber
Tenderpac® SEALPAC, Germany Dual compartment system Moisture absorber
Biomaster® Addmaster Limited, USA Silver based Antimicrobial packing
Agion® Life Materials Technology Limited, USA Silver based Antimicrobial packing
SANICO® Laboratories STANDA, Antifungal coating Interleavers
Neupalon Sekisui Jushi Ltd., Japan Activated carbon Ethylene scavenger
Peakfresh Peakfresh Products Ltd., Australia Activated clay Ethylene scavenger
Evert-Fresh Evert-Fresh Corporation, USA Ativated zeolites Ethylene scavenger

dioxide or natural acids or a combination of these with effec- the package by coating, micro perforation, lamination, co ex-
tive packaging (Robertson 2006; Restuccia et al. 2010). These trusion, or polymer blending. (Brody et al. 2008).
developments in active packaging have led to advances in
many areas including delayed oxidation in muscle foods, con-
trolled respiration rate in horticultural products, microbial Oxygen scavengers
growth and moisture migration in dried products. In addition,
active packaging also manipulates the selectivity to modify The most widely used active packaging technology for foods
the atmospheric concentration of gaseous compounds inside today are oxygen scavengers. The presence of oxygen in a

Table 2 Commercially available intelligent packing systems

Trade Name Manufacturer Type

O2 Sense TM Freshpoint Lab Integrity indicator

Novas® Insignia Technologies Ltd. Integrity indicator
Ageless Eye® Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Inc. Integrity indicator
Freshtag® COX Technologies Freshness indicator
Sensorq® DSM NV And Food Quality Sensor International Freshness indicator
Timestrip Complete® Timestrip UK Ltd. Time temperature
Timestrip®PLUS Duo Timestrip UK Ltd. Temperature indicator
Monitormarktm 3MTM, Minnesota Time temperature indicator
Fresh-Check® Temptime Corp Time temperature indicator
Onvutm Ciba Specialty Chemicals And Freshpoint Time temperature indicator
Checkpoint® Vitsab Time temperature indicator
Cook-Chex Pymah Corp Time temperature indicator
Colour-Therm Colour Therm Time temperature indicator
Thermax Thermographic Measurements Ltd. Time temperature indicator
Timestrip® Timestrip Ltd. Integrity indicators
Novas® Insignia Technologies Ltd. Integrity tndicators
Easy2log® CAEN RFID Srl RFID
Intelligent Box Mondi Plc RFID
CS8304 Convergence Systems Ltd. RFID
Temptrip Temptrip LLC RFID
J Food Sci Technol (October 2015) 52(10):6125–6135 6127

package accelerates the oxidative deterioration of food. produce (Labuza 1996). Therefore high CO2 levels (10–80 %)
Oxygen facilitates the growth of aerobic microbes, off flavor are desirable for such food items to extend the shelf life
and odour development, colour changes and nutritional losses (Labusa1996). In the case of oxygen scavenger packs, oxygen
and overall shelf life stability of muscle foods (Hogan and removal creates a partial vacuum which may result in package
Kerry 2008). Therefore control of oxygen levels in food pack- collapse in flexible packages. Also when a package is flushed
ages is important to limit the rate of such spoilage reactions in with a mixture of gases including CO2 and O2, the CO2 dis-
food. Even though the oxygen sensitive foods can be packed solves in the product creating a partial vacuum (Kerry et al.
in modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) or vacuum pack- 2006; Vermeiren et al. 1999) due to the solubility of CO2 at
aging, but it do not remove oxygen completely. Oxygen which lower temperatures (Sivertsvik et al. 2004). The method of
permeates through the packaging film cannot be removed dissolving sufficient amount of CO2 into the product in one
through the system. By the use of oxygen scavengers, which to two hour in pure CO2 prior to retail is called as soluble gas
absorbs the residual oxygen after packaging, quality changes stabilization (SGS) (Sivertsvik 2000). Commercial manufac-
in oxygen sensitive foods can be minimized (Vermerien et al. turers of CO2 releasers include Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Co.
1999; Kerry et al. 2006). The oxygen absorbers are designed Ltd. (Ageless TM type G), and Multisorb Technologies Inc.
to reduce oxygen levels to less than 100 ppm in package (FreshPax Type M)® USA. Standard MAP tray with perforat-
headspace. The commercially available oxygen scavengers ed false bottom with sachet can be applied for muscle
utilize one or more of the following technologies: iron powder foods. The exudates from the food acts with the sachet
oxidation, ascorbic acid oxidation, photosensitive dye oxida- to release CO2 to the package and prevents package
tion, enzyme oxidation, saturated fatty acid oxidation, collapse (Kerry et al. 2006).
immobilized yeast on solid material etc. (Floros 1997; Carbon dioxide scavengers are used to remove excess CO2
Vermeiren et al. 1999). Majority of currently available oxygen in packages. CO2 scavengers are mainly used in fresh roasted
scavengers are based on iron powder oxidation in the form of coffees which produce significant amount of CO2 if hermeti-
small sachets containing various iron based powders contain- cally sealed in packs directly after roasting leads to the burst-
ing as assortment of catalysts. The chemical substances react ing of package (Day 2008). Mitsubishi Gas Chemical
with the water supplied by the food to produce a reactive Company offers sachets specially for CO2 scavenging. The
hydrated metallic reducing agent that scavenges oxygen with- use of CO2 scavengers replaces the ‘aging’ process after cof-
in the food package (Day 2008). The oxygen scavengers could fee roasting and thereby prevents the loss of desirable coffee
be used to create oxygen free conditions in the headspace of volatiles (Brody et al. 2001).
packages with medium barrier properties (Sivertsvik 2003,
2007). The oxygen scavengers can be used alone or in com-
bination of MAP. Relatively inexpensive oxygen scavengers Antimicrobial packing
are used to remove the residual oxygen remaining in the MAP
(Day 2003, 2008; Robertson 2006). An alternative to sachets Antimicrobial packing is a form of active packaging in which
include package inserts in the form of cards, sheets or layers the packaging acts to reduce, inhibit or retard the growth of
coated onto the inner walls of the package (Rooney 1995). microorganisms that may be present in the packaged food or
Incorporation of oxygen scavenger into the package elimi- packaging material itself (Appendini and Hotchkiss 2002). To
nates the risk of accidental rupture of the sachets and inadver- control undesirable microorganisms on foods, antimicrobial
tent consumption of their contents (Suppakul et al. 2003). substances can be incorporated in or coated onto food pack-
Oxygen scavenging compounds can be dispersed or blended aging materials (Labuza and Breene 1989). Natural antimicro-
with high permeability films like polyethylene. Which allow bial agents include extracts from spices like cinnamon,
rapid diffusion of oxygen and water from the headspace or allispice, clove, thyme, rosemary, oregano and other plant
from food to the reactive ingredients. However the capacity of extracts like onion, garlic, radish mustard and horseradish.
oxygen scavenging plastic films and laminates are consider- Other natural antimicrobials are derived from substances pro-
ably lower than iron based oxygen scavenger sachets or labels duced from fungal and bacterial action like polypeptide nisin,
(Day 2008). natamycin, pediocin, and various bacteriocins (Nicholson
1997). Antimicrobial package material can be classified into
two types: those containing antimicrobial agents that migrate
Carbon dioxide absorbers and emitters to the surface of the packaging material, and those are effec-
tive against surface microbes without migration of the active
Carbon dioxide can be added to the packaging environment to agent to the foods (Han 2000). The direct surface application
suppress the microbial growth in certain products such as of antibacterial substances onto food have limited applications
fresh meat, poultry, fish, cheese, and backed goods (Lopez- because the active substance are neutralized on contact or
Rubio et al. 2004) and to reduce the respiration rate of fresh diffuse rapidly from the surface to the food. The incorporation
6128 J Food Sci Technol (October 2015) 52(10):6125–6135

of antimicrobial agent to meat formulations may result in par- of microbes (Brody et al. 2002). Examples of antimicrobials
tial inactivation of active compounds by meat constituents and with functional groups are peptides, enzymes, polyamines and
therefore exert a limited effect on surface micro flora organic acids. Some polymers like chitosan are inherently
(Quintavalla and Vicini 2002). antimicrobial and are used in films and coatings.
The antimicrobial food packaging material has to extend Chitosan has been used as a coating to protect fresh
the lag phase and reduce the growth phase of microorganisms vegetables and fruits from fungal attack. It also acts as
in order to extend the shelf life and shelf life safety (Han a barrier between the nutrients contained in the product
2000). The major potential food applications for antimicrobial and microorganism (Cuq et al. 1995).
agents include meat, poultry, bread, cheese, fruits and vegeta- Antimicrobial edible coatings and films prepared from
bles (Labuza 1987). Bioactive agents including antimicrobials polysaccharides, proteins and lipids have variety of advan-
are incorporated into polymers are used for drug and pesticide tages like biodegradability, edibility, biocompatibility, aesthet-
delivery, textiles, surgical implants and other biomedical de- ic appearance, barrier properties etc. Whey protein coatings
vices. Silver substituted zeolite is the most common antimi- and films can incorporate adequate amounts of edible antimi-
crobial agent used in Japan. Silver ions inhibit a wide range of crobial agents like lysozyme, nisin, potassium sorbate etc.
metabolic enzymes and it has a strong antimicrobial activity (Gennadios et al. 1997; Cha and Chinnan 2004; Lopez-
with a broad spectrum. The silver zeolite is laminated as a thin Rubio et al. 2004). Ming et al. (1997) used pediocin or nisin
layer on the food contact surface of the laminate. Silver ions fixed on cellulose casing to inhibit the growth of Listeria
release from the laminate when the aqueous solution from the monocytogenes on ham, Turkey meat and beef. Nisin and
food enters the exposed cavities of the porous structure lysozyme in soy protein and corn zein films are used to inhibit
(Ishitani 1995; Quintavalla and Vicini, 2002). Commercial Lactobacillus plantarum and Escherichia coli on laboratory
examples of silver substituted zeolites include Zeomic®, media (Dawson et al. 1997; Padgett et al. 1998).
Apacider®, AgIon, Bactekiller and Novaron. Antimicrobial
enzymes like lactoperoxidase and Lactoferrin, antimicrobial
peptides like megainins, cecropines, defensins, natural phe- Moisture control
nols like hydroquinons and catechins, fatty acid esters, anti-
oxidant phenolic, antibiotics and metals like copper are incor- A major cause of food spoilage is the presence of moisture and
porated into polymers (Hotchkiss 1997; Appendini and the purpose of moisture regulator is to lower the water activity
Hotchkiss 2002). of the product to suppress the microbial growth (Vermeiren
Packaging systems that release volatile antimicrobials in- et al. 1999). In the case of fresh fruits and vegetables, respira-
clude chlorine dioxide, sulphur dioxide, carbon dioxide and tion followed by condensation occurs when one part of the
ethanol. In this system, polymer need not be directly in contact package is cooler than the other areas. Soluble nutrients leach
with the food. Here the antimicrobial agents are directly in- into the water causing low consumer appeal and microbial
corporated into the polymer or into the carriers that may be spoilage. Moisture content in the pack causes softening of
extruded or coated into the packaging materials. The packag- dry crispy products, caking of hygroscopic products like milk
ing material used for the volatile antimicrobial system should powder, instant coffee powder, sweets etc. (Anon 1995;
possess high barrier properties to prevent the loss through Vermeiren et al. 1999).
permeation (Appendini and Hotchkiss 2002). Spraying etha- Moisture absorbent pads, sheets and blankets are used for
nol onto foods or sachets generating ethanol can be applied. controlling liquid from foods like fish, meat, poultry, fruits
Ethicap® and Antimold® are ethanol releasing sachets acts by and vegetables. Large sheets and blankets are used for absorb-
absorbing moisture and releasing ethanol vapour (Smith et al. ing melted ice during the air freight transportation of chilled
1995). Ethanol vapour generators are mainly used for high fish (Day 1998). Drip absorbent sheets basically consist of
moist bakery products, cheese and fish. Heating the product two layers of a micro porous polymer like polyethylene or
before consumption can be used to evaporate the ethanol from polypropylene sandwiched with a superabsorbent polymer in
the product. Chlorine dioxide is another antimicrobial agent the form of free flowing granules (Rooney 2005).
effective against bacteria, fungi and viruses. Chlorine diox- Thermarite® Pvt. Ltd. (Australia), Toppan TM (Japan),
ide can be generated by using sodium chlorite and acid Peaksorb® (Australia), LuquasorbTM (Germany), Fresh-R-
precursors which are embedded in a hydrophobic and hy- PaxTM (Atlanta) are some of the commercial moisture absor-
drophilic phase of a copolymer. Moisture from the food bent sheets, blankets and trays. Desiccants are mainly used in
when come in contact with the hydrophobic phase, acid is products like cheese, chips, nuts, candies, spices etc.
released which reacts with the sodium chlorite releasing Desiccants like silica gel, molecular sieves, calcium oxide
chlorine dioxide (Smith et al. 1995). are used for dry foods while micro porous bags or pads of
Some antimicrobial packaging uses covalently inorganic salts and protected layer of solid polymeric humec-
immobilized antibiotics or fungicides to suppress the growth tants are used to buffering the humidity inside the cartons
J Food Sci Technol (October 2015) 52(10):6125–6135 6129

(Day 1998; Brody et al. 2001). Commercial examples of sa- Korean companies in United States and Australia. Electron
chets include MINIPAX® (USA), STRIPPAX® (USA), deficient nitrogen containing trienes incorporated ethylene
Desipak® (USA), Tri-Sorb® (USA), 2-in-1TM (USA), and permeable packaging is also used to scavenge ethylene from
the moisture absorbing labels include DesiMax® (USA) fresh produce. Films used are silicon polycarbonates, polysty-
(Vermeiren et al. 1999). renes, poly ethylenes and polypropylenes (Brody et al. 2001).
Use of 1-methylcyclopropane (1-MCP) is another alternative
to minimize the effect of ethylene (Blankenship and Dole,
Antioxidant release 2003).

Antioxidants are widely used in food to improve the oxidation

stability of the food to prolong the shelf life. Antioxidants are Flavor or odour absorbers and releasers
incorporated in packaging films as a source of antioxidants in
some foods since the increased consumer demand for reduced The volatile compounds that accumulate inside the package as
antioxidants and additives in foods. Antioxidant incorporation a result of food degradation such as aldehydes, amines and
can also stabilize the polymer inorder to protect the films from sulfides can be selectively scavenged (Day 2008). Flavor
degradation (Smith et al. 1990; Rooney 1995). The effect of scavengers prevent the cross contamination of pungent odour
Butylated Hydroxy toluene (BHT) incorporated HDPE packs while transportation of mixed loads. Odour proof packages
for oat flake was studied by Han et al. (1987). The outward were developed for the transportation of Durian fruit by
migration of BHT was 70 % and 25 % of the BHT was found Morris (1999). The package consist of an odour impermeable
in the cereal. The outward loss can be prevented by using an plastic like polyethylene tetraphthalate (PET) or polyethylene
extra polymer layer with low permeability (Miltz et al. 1995). of suitable thickness together with a port to allow for the
But the effect of BHT on human health is been questioned due passage of respiratory gases and a sachet made from a mixture
to accumulative effect of BHT in human adipose tissue of charcoal and nickel to absorb odor. Volatile amines formed
(Wessling et al. 1998). Incorporating natural antioxidants like due to the protein breakdown in fish muscle can be removed
Vitamin C, and E on packaging films can reduce oxidative by incorporating acidic compounds like citric acid in polymers
reactions like development of rancid odour and colour chang- (Hoshino and Osanai, 1986). The ANICO bags (Japan) made
es in fatty fishes. Vitamin E is also safe and effective for low to from film containing ferrous salt and an organic acid such as
medium water activity cereal and snack food products citric acid or ascorbic acid is capable of oxidizing the amines
(Labusa and Breene 1989; Day 2003) and proved to be stable (Rooney 1995). Flavor scalping of polyethylene was studied
under processing conditions with excellent solubility in by Sajilata et al. (2007). Use of high barrier packaging mate-
polyole fins (Wessling et al. 1998; Vermeiren et al. 1999). rials can also prevent the absorption of other nonfood odours
like taints (Brody et al. 2008).

Ethylene scavengers
Other active packaging systems
Ethylene is a natural plant growth hormone which accelerates
respiration of fruits and vegetables, induces fruit ripening, Packaging of ready meals in self heating packaging is an im-
fruit softening and senescence even at low concentration portant application of active packaging in future. According to
(Abeles et al. 1992). It causes yellowing of vegetables, russet EC/450/2009, self heating packaging is packaging with the
spotting on lettuce and has detrimental impact on shelf life of ability to heat food contents without external heat sources or
many fruits and vegetables (Zagory 1995). Potassium perman- power. Self-venting packaging is packaging that controls the
ganate immobilized on inert minerals are available in sachets steam or pressure in the pack, venting the steam when the
for packages and blankets that can be placed in product hold- r e q u i r e d p r e s s u r e t e m p e r a tu r e l e v e l i s r e a c h e d .
ing rooms without integrating into the food contact packaging Microwavable active packaging is designed to ameliorate
material (Labuza and Breene, 1989; Day 2003). Activated the heating behavior of food by shielding, field modification
carbon base with various metal catalysts also removes ethyl- and use of susceptors (Regier 2014). Microwave susceptors
ene effectively. Activated charcoal impregnated with palladi- consist of aluminium or stainless steel deposited on substrates
um catalyst is also used to scavenge ethylene from fresh pro- like polyester film or on paperboard resulting in even heating,
duce. SedoMate® (Japan), NeupalonTM (Japan), Hatofresh® surface browning and crisping (Perry and Lentz 2009;
(Japan) is some of the commercial sachets based on activated Ahvenainen 2003; Kerry et al. 2006). Sira CrispTM (Sirane
carbon capable of scavenging ethylene (Rooney 2005; Ltd.) and SmartPouch® (VacPacInc) are some of the commer-
Takashi 1990). Use of activated clay (zeolite) that is embed- cially available microwave susceptors (Sirane 2011; VacPac
ded in polyethylene bags are marketed by Japanese and 2014). Steam valves which allow the easy release of steam
6130 J Food Sci Technol (October 2015) 52(10):6125–6135

during microwave cooking are also attached along with the Biosensor
active microwave packs. FlexisTM Steam Valve (Avery
Dennison Corp) is a commercial pressure sensitive steam Biosensors are used to detect, record and transmit information
valve that can be applied to most of the flexible food packag- pertaining to biological reactions (Yam et al. 2005).
ing lidding films or moulded containers for the purpose of Biosensors contain bioreceptors and transducers (Alocilja
steaming or cooking convenience food in a microwave oven. and Radke 2003). The bioreceptor recognizes the target ana-
It provides a hermetic seal that initially protects the contents of lyte and the transducer converts biochemical signals into
the product and becomes self venting during cooking process. quantifiable electronic response (Yam et al. 2005). The
It regulates a gradual temperature balance throughout the bioreceptors may be either organic or biological materials like
cooking process to maintain food quality (Avery Dennison enzyme, hormone, nucleic acid, antigen, microbes etc. The
2011). transducers may be of optical, acoustic or electrochemical.
Food Sectinel System® (SIRA Technologies Inc.) is a com-
mercial biosensor developed to detect the food pathogens.
Specific antibodies are attached to the membrane forming part
Intelligent packaging
of the sensor or the barcode. The pathogens cause localized
dark bar formation results the barcode unreadable (Yam et al.
The concept of internal migration of preservatives to food and
2005). ToxinGuard® (Toxin Alert, Canada) is visual diagnos-
the communication function of the package to facilitate deci-
tic system based on antibodies printed on polyethylene based
sion making are related with intelligent packing (Oltis and
plastic packaging material which detect the targeted pathogens
Yalcin 2008). According to EC/450/2009, intelligent materials
such as Salmonella sp., Campylobacter sp., E coli., Listeria
and articles means materials and articles which monitor the
sp. (Bodenhamer et al. 2004). Pospiskova et al. (2013) devel-
condition of packaged food or the environment surrounding
oped a biosensor for the detection of biogenic amines formed
the food. Intelligent packaging systems provide the user with
due to the decarboxylation of amino acids or by amination and
information on the conditions of the food or its environment
transamination of aldehydes and ketones due to microbial ac-
(temperature, pH).It is an extension of the communication
tion. Biosensors for the detection of xanthine, (adenine nucle-
function of traditional packaging and communicates to the
otide degradation product in animal tissue) was developed by
consumer based on its ability to detect, sense and record the
Arvanitoyannis and Stratakos (2012) by immobilization of
changes in the products environment (Restuccia et al. 2010;
xanthine oxide onto the electrodes made of materials such as
Realini and Marcos, 2014). In contrary to active components,
platinum, silver and pencil graphite (Devi et al. 2013; Dolmaci
intelligent components do not have the intention to release
et al. 2012; Realini and Marcos 2014).
their constituents into the food. The intelligent packaging
can also contribute to improving Hazard Analysis and
Gas sensor
Critical Control Points’ (HACCP) and Quality Analysis and
Critical Control Points’ (QACCP) systems (Heising et al.
Gas sensors are used for detecting the presence of gaseous
2014), which are developed to onsite detection of unsafe food,
analyte in the package. It include oxygen sensors, carbon di-
identify potential health hazards and establish strategies to
oxide sensors, water vapour sensor, ethanol sensor, metal ox-
reduce or to eliminate their occurrence. It also helps to identify
ide semiconductor field effect transistors, organic conducting
processes that strongly affect the quality attributes and effi-
polymers and piezoelectric crystal sensors etc. (Kress-Rogers
ciently improve the final food quality (Vanderroost et al.
1998, Kerry et al. 2006).Optical oxygen sensors are been de-
2014). Basically there are three intelligent systems; sensors,
scribed by Papkovsky et al. (2002). Such systems are based on
indicators and radiofrequency identification (RFID) systems
the principle of luminescence quenching or absorbance chang-
(Kerry et al. 2006; Vanderroost et al. 2014).
es caused by direct contact with the analyte. Optochemical
sensors are used to detect the quality of products by sensing
gas analyte such as hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide and
Sensors volatile amines (Wolfbeis and List 1995). The optochemical
sensing methods are of three types including fluorescence
A sensor can be defined as a device used to detect, locate or based system using a pH sensitive indicator, absorption based
quantify energy or matter giving a signal for the detection or colourimetric sensing and energy transfer approach using
measurement of a physical or chemical property to which the phase fluorimetric detection (Neurater et al. 1999; Mills
device responds (Kress-Rogers 1998; Kerry et al. 2006). et al. 1992).pH sensitive dyes can be used to develop sensors
Sensors provide continuous out put of signals. Most of the for the detection of basic volatile amines in fish, meat and
sensors contain two main functional parts, a receptor and a poultry. Indicators based on methyl red/cellulose membrane,
transducer. curcumin/bacterial cellulose membrane respond through
J Food Sci Technol (October 2015) 52(10):6125–6135 6131

visible colour changes to volatile amines released during fish system consist of an array of either chemical or biosensors
spoilage (Kuswandi et al. 2012, 2014). with partial specificity and statistical methods enabling the
recognition of simple of complex flavor, odour or savour
Printed electronics (Gardner and Bartlett 1993;Vanderroost et al. 2014).
Electronic nose system was proved to be successful in the
Printed electronics is an emerging technology on flexible sub- quality evaluation of fresh yellowfin tuna and vacuum packed
strates using electrically functional inks. The unique proper- beef (Blixt and Borch 1999; Dobrucka and Cierpiszewski
ties of printed electronic sensors include light weight, benda- 2014). The aroma emitted by fruits and vegetable
ble, rollable, portable and foldable. Possibility of creating sen- canindicate the quality of marketed products. Gomez et al.
sors on a variety of substrates each shaped and individually (2006) studied the volatile compounds produced during vari-
tailored to operate uniquely (Vanderroost et al. 2014). The ous stages of tomato using PEN 2 E nose and differentiated
flexible printed chemical sensors contain a receptor printed the ripeness stages. Rajamaki et al. (2004) studied the quality
on top of a printed transducer. Molecular imprinting is another of modified atmosphere packed broiler chicken cuts using
promising technique for selected molecules. The analyte mol- electronic nose. The electronic nose results were compared
ecules are incorporated into a pre polymeric mixture and with those obtained by microbiological, sensory and head
allowed to form bonds with the pre polymer. Once the poly- space gas composition analysis. The e-nose could clearly dis-
mer has formed, the analyte molecules are removed leaving tinguish the chicken packages with deterioration from fresh
the cavity with the analyte molecules shape. The targeted packages.
molecule can thus be identified since the shape of the cavity
is specific to the molecule of interest (Realini and Marcos
2014; Kelly et al. 2005). Indicators

Chemical sensor Indicators can be defined as substances that indicate the pres-
ence, absence or concentration of another substance or the
The chemical sensor or the receptor is a chemical selective degree of reaction between two or more substance by means
coating capable of detecting the presence, activity, composi- of a characteristic change, especially in colour (Hogan and
tion, concentration of particular chemical or gas through sur- Kerry 2008).
face adsorption. Presence of particular chemicals are being
observed and converted into signals by transducer.
Transducers are of either active or passive depends on the Freshness indicators
external power requirement for measurement (Vanderroost
et al. 2014). Carbon nano materials like nanoparticles, graph- Freshness indicators provide the product quality information
eme, graphite, nano fibers and nanotubes are applied in chem- resulting from microbial growth or chemical changes within a
ical sensors because of their excellent electrical and mechan- food product. The reaction between the microbial growth me-
ical properties along with the high specific surface area tabolites and the integrated indicators within the package pro-
(Vanderroost et al. 2014). Nano based sensors can be used to vide visual information regarding the microbial quality of the
detect pathogens, chemical contaminants, spoilage, product product (Kerry et al. 2006; Kuswandi et al. 2013). In 1999,
tampering, track ingredients or products through the process- COX Technologies, USA launched FreshTag® colourimetric
ing chain (Nachay 2007; De-Azeredo 2009; Liu et al. 2007). indicator labels that react to volatile amines produced during
Recent advance in sensors are the use of optical transducers storage of fish and seafood products (Hogan and Kerry 2008),
which do not need the electrical power and it can be read however the product was discontinued in 2004 (Kerry 2014;
out from a distance by using VU, visible or IR light. Realini and Marcos, 2014). A colourimetric chitosan bio
Silicon based such optical transducers are composed of based pH indicator was developed by Yoshida et al.(2014)
optical circuits which are integrated in silicon semicon- with a potential to be used as indicators of metabolites derived
ductor material (Yebo et al. 2012). from microbial growth such as n-butyrate, L-lactic acid, D-
lactate and acetic acid. Carbon dioxide produced in meat prod-
Electronic nose ucts during storage is also an indication of food spoilage.
Carbon dioxide indicators were developed by the researchers
Electronic nose are other systems used to mimic the mamma- of Sejong University consisting of aqueous solutions of chi-
lian olfactory system within in an instrument designed to ob- tosan or whey protein isolate. The carbon dioxide presence
tain repeatable measurements allowing identification and clas- was detected by the changes in transparency by the pH depen-
sification of aroma mixtures present in the odour. It generates dent whey (Jung et al. 2012; Lee and Ko 2014). The disad-
a unique response to each flavor, odour or savour. Nose vantages of freshness indicator on colour changes are colour
6132 J Food Sci Technol (October 2015) 52(10):6125–6135

changes indicating contamination can occur in products free Oxygen comes through leakage may also be consumed by the
from any significant sensory or quality deterioration. The natural microbes present in the food (Mattila- Sandholmand
presence of certain target metabolite is not necessarily an in- et al. 1998).
dication of poor quality (Hogan and Kerry 2008), Ageless Eye®(Mitsubishi Gas Chemical company) is ox-
ygen indicator tablets which indicate the presence or absence
of oxygen by colour change. It indicate the lack of oxygen
Time temperature indicator (TTI) (<0.01 %) by turning pink. At an oxygen level of 0.5 % or
more, the tablet turns blue. The presence of oxygen will be
Temperature is one of the most important environmental fac- indicated in five minutes or less, while the change from blue to
tor determining the kinetics of physical, chemical and micro- pink may take three hours or more (Mitsubishi Gas Chemical
bial spoilage in food products. According to EC/450/2009, 2014). EMCO Packaging, (UK) has launched reversible and
Time temperature indicators are meant to give information non reversible oxygen indicator labels for the visual indication
on whether a threshold temperature has been exceeded over of pack integrity (EMKO packaging 2013).
time and or to estimate the minimum amount of time a product
has spent above the threshold temperature (time temperature
history). These labels provide visual indications of tempera-
ture history during the distribution, and storage. There for they Radiofrequency identification (RFID)
can inform about the temperature abuse for chilled or frozen
products. There are three basic types of TTI available in mar- Radiofrequency identification (RFID) is an automatic identi-
ket: critical temperature indicators, partial history indicators fication technology that uses wireless sensors to identify items
and full history indicators (Singh 2000). Basically TTIs are and gather data without human intervention. An RFID is
small tags or labels that keep track of time-temperature of a based on tags and readers (Tajima 2007; Hong et al. 2011).
perishable commodity from the point of production to the end Most RFID tags store some sort of identification number
consumer (Fu and Labuza 1995). Currently available com- based on which reader can retrieve information about the ID
mercial TTIs are diffusion, enzymatic and polymer based sys- number from a database and acts upon it accordingly
tems. 3 M Monitor Mark® and Freshness Check® of 3 M (Todorovic et al. 2014). RFID tags are of two categories; pas-
Company, USA are commercial diffusion based time temper- sive and active. Passive tags rely on the power supplied by the
ature indicators. The VITSAB® is an example of commercial reader. When radio waves from the reader are encountered by
enzymatic TTI in which a colour change induced by a drop in a passive RFID tag, the coiled antenna within the tag forms a
pH resulting from the controlled enzymatic hydrolysis of a magnetic field. The tag draws energy from it and sends the
lipid substrate. Lifelines Freshness Monitor®, Fresh-Check information encoded in the tags memory. Semi passive RFID
(lifelines Technology Inc., USA) are temperature dependent tags use battery to maintain memory in the tag or power the
polmerisation reaction TTIs. OnVu TM (Ciba Speciality electronics that enable the tag to modulate the Electro mag-
Chemicals, Inc., Switzerland) contain benzopyridines, an or- netic waves emitted by the reader antenna. Active RFID tags
ganic pigment that change colour with time at rates deter- are powered by an internal battery, used to run the microchips
mined by temperature (Hogan and Kerry 2008). The indicator circuitry and to broadcast a signal to the reader (Vanderroost
is activated by exposure to UV light to become dark blue and et al. 2014).
the colour gradually fades with time (O’Grady and Kerry RFID has been successfully applied to traceability control
2008). FreshCode (Varcode Ltd.) and Tempix (Tempix AB) and supply chain management processes because of its ability
are based on barcodes printed with fading inks that disappear to identify, categorize and manage the flow of goods (Jones
due to temperature abuse (Tempix, 2014; Varcode 2014). et al. 2004; Sarac et al. 2010; Ruiz-Garcia and Lunadei 2011).
Studies indicate that RFID is more advanced than the zebra
black and white paper; the barcode system for food traceabil-
Integrity indicators ity (Jedermann et al. 2009).It provides supply chain visibility,
which enables fast automated processes at the supply chain
A leak indicator to package ensures package integrity through- visibility which enables fast and automated processes at sup-
out the production and distribution chain. Visual oxygen indi- ply chain level such as exception management and informa-
cators in MAP foods with low initial oxygen are studied by tion sharing (Tajima 2007). Mountable, non integrated and no
Davies and Gardner (1996); Mattila-Sandholm et al. (1995). flexible sensor based RFID with tags are available in the mar-
Visual oxygen indicators with redox dyes change its colour ket to monitor the temperature, relative humidity, light expo-
with changes in oxygen concentration. Disadvantage of such sure, pressure and pH of products. These tags detect the pos-
system is that the device should be highly sensitive and the sible interruptions of cold chain which are harmful to the food
residual oxygen in the package are susceptible to indicators. quality and safety (Vanderroost et al. 2014).
J Food Sci Technol (October 2015) 52(10):6125–6135 6133

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