Sesión 13 Cubism 2020
Sesión 13 Cubism 2020
Sesión 13 Cubism 2020
Daniel Monje
What is cubism?
1914ish -- 1918ish
Analytical and synthetic.
Members: Pablo Picasso,
Analytic cubism (split reality
George Braque (Most into rectangular planes ..
important) Where do these planes come
Juan Gris, Robert Delaunay, from? Cezanne, African art,
Frantisek Kupkay, Fernand Enistein?
Léger, Gino Severini, Liubov
Synthetic cubism (posterior)
Popova, Alexandra Ekster The object is synthesized, to
(The other guys) split it the idea is to synthesize
it again ... (importance of the
The cartel of cubism
Why did it start?
Natural consequence of the
The problem of abstraction:
revolutionary process, within "Rationalize the forms"
the field of bourgeois art.
The geometric as opposed to
The cinema, the theory of impressionism and
relativity, the foreign, Paris, expressionism ... (Does it
Cezzane, Cezzane, sound familiar?)
Paul Cézanne
Portrait of a peasant, 1905-1906
Portrait of picasso,
Juan Gris 1912
Robert Delaunay
Woman with
umbrella, 1913