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Sesión 13 Cubism 2020

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Cubism, the children of Cezanne.

Daniel Monje
What is cubism?

1914ish -- 1918ish 
Analytical and synthetic.

Members: Pablo Picasso, 
Analytic cubism (split reality
George Braque (Most into rectangular planes ..
important) Where do these planes come

Juan Gris, Robert Delaunay, from? Cezanne, African art,
Frantisek Kupkay, Fernand Enistein?
Léger, Gino Severini, Liubov 
Synthetic cubism (posterior)
Popova, Alexandra Ekster The object is synthesized, to
(The other guys) split it the idea is to synthesize
it again ... (importance of the
The cartel of cubism
Why did it start?

Natural consequence of the 
The problem of abstraction:
revolutionary process, within "Rationalize the forms"
the field of bourgeois art. 
The geometric as opposed to

The cinema, the theory of impressionism and
relativity, the foreign, Paris, expressionism ... (Does it
Cezzane, Cezzane, sound familiar?)
Paul Cézanne
Portrait of a peasant, 1905-1906

Cézanne showed the importance of

the pictorial plane, the importance of
the chromatic planes, the
"decomposition" of the planes -
disengaged and not perfectly
coupled, as happens in academic
painting -, |

"Cezanne was my one and only

The Basket of Apples
Mont Sainte-Victoire and chateau noir 1904-1906
The Park of Carrières-Saint-Denis 1909 George

We are still not in cubism but we can talk

about "cubisish" - Matisse and critics of the
moment talked about cubes and cubism
(1908), Louis Vauxcelles and Charles
The harem (1906,
Cleveland Museum of
Study for the
head of
"Naked with
cloths", 1907
The "African" treatment of the Nude
makes this an independent work: the
painting is flat and the figure is arranged
segmented on that plane, with very sharp
linearity and an intense brushstroke
instead of the traditional modeling: in the
"plumeado" the segments are
autonomous with regard to the reason
they recreate, are lines, nothing more,
segments that, as such, we can find in
other figures, do not represent volume or
shadow, indicate it.
Pablo Picasso
Glasses and
fruits, 1908

Just like Cezanne

The deposit at
Horta de Ebro
The deposit at Horta de Ebro

Le village de Gardanne (1885-

1886) /// Next slide ///
Picasso has introduced different,
and still contradictory, points of
view in the representation of
Horta .... Horta extends in the
plane, not in depth.
Le village de Gardanne (1885-1886)
Georges Braque, 1907, the road to
L'Estaque (Le Viaduc de l'Estaque), oil,
65.1 x 80.6 cm
Analytical cubism.

Sobre lo
cotidiano. El el
tema no es
(como en el

Desaparece la
perspectiva y
el punto de
vista único!!
Woman with mandolin,
1910 Braque.
Braque makes a "concession" to traditional figuration
when he paints the left hand, the one that touches the
strings of the mandolin

Horizontal brush strokes (that's what, brush strokes,

pictorial objects), similar to those of Cezanne.
Illuminated Center
Man with clarinet, 1911-
1912 Picasso.
Vertical and horizontal axes, with special
attention to the vertical center. The various
more or less geometric fragments are arranged
all over the surface around these axes, the
brushstrokes follow the same criteria
Portrait of Daniel-
Henry Kahnweiler,
1910 Picasso
1911, Still life
with a bottle of

oil on canvas, 61.3 × 50.5

cm, Metropolitan Museum
of Art, New York
El aficionado

1912. Óleo sobre lienzo. Kunstmuseum Basel, donado

por el doctor h. c. Raoul La Roche 1952

After attending a bullfight in Nimes,

Picasso portrays a bullfighter with a
mustache and a hat from Cordoba. In
his hands he carries a banderilla and
a guitar; On the right there is a closed
bottle with a cork. The painted letters
provide information about the
character's hobbies. This was a
resource widely used by Picasso and
Braque in his cubist compositions
since 1910. Here we can already see
an evolution towards simplified and
little-faceted forms, which are
beginning to move away from analytic
Synthetic Cubism

The thing there. I mean
replace the painted signs with
real fragments. The plane
supports whatever you want!

Recompose what has been
deconstructed, but in the mind
of the spectator

It's Picasso's because Braque
is in the war. (Picasso is
1913–14, Head (Tête), cut and pasted colored paper,
gouache and charcoal on paperboard, 43.5 × 33 cm,
Still life with chair grid 1912
Still life with chair grid 1912

It is a collage. Picasso has
introduced a rubber with the
impression of the grid of a chair
and has painted various motifs,
some of which "invade" the
rubber: cups, the head of a
newspaper, etc.

Elements allude to urban daily
life, reason for many of his
cubist works.

New, different way of
contemplating the phenomenon:
Glass and bottle of
Suze (1912)
1913, Femme assise dans un fauteuil (Eva), Mujer
con camisa en una poltrona, oil on canvas, 149.9 ×
99.4 cm, Leonard A. Lauder Cubist Collection,
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Cabeza de hombre,
1913 Picasso
the guitar.
1913 Picasso

Cubism begins to become more

rational and abstract.
Picasso post-
cubism (...ish)

La flauta de Pan (1923) Description: Oil

on canvas. 205 x 174.5 cm. Location:
Picasso Museum. Paris Author: Pablo
The three
La danza 1925
His relationship with the surrealist avant-garde
movement during this period was also patent.
Facts all that are reflected in the pictorial work.

Trimmed against the light in the

profile of the window, we can see
the silhouette of an image, which
corresponds to Ramón Pichot,
friend of the artist of the Bateau-
Lavoir years. Picasso receives the
news of his death during the
realization of the work, and decides
to include it in this dwarven form in
the composition of the painting.
The kiss 1925
A classic theme, seen in a modern way and
revisited by Picasso.

Cubism is never going to leave Picasso.

Si nos queda tiempo Monje trae un documental sobre la vida de
Picasso.... Pero está hecho con una perspectiva surrealista-
machista en la que se intenta poner a Picasso como un “genio-

Este documental tiende a olvidar las largas horas de trabajo de

Picasso para ser lo que fue y ya se concentra demasiado en el
chisme. Es como Lust for life para van gogh (¿la vieron cierto?).

En fin, si no da tiempo la ven en la casa, está en youtube y se

llama “Pablo Picasso . Un alma primitiva” (o se la piden a Monje)
What does Cubism want?

Show fragments of everyday life? Of modern life? Rebuild
reality? Dehegemonize the point of view?

Alberto Giacometti "His cubist paintings are for me, first of all, the
documents, the reflections of that everyday life; for them [Braque,
Picasso and his friends] their paintings concretized the immense
and stimulating opening towards the future and the immediate
freshness of all things"
Juan Gris the
smoker (Frank
Haviland), 1913

Playing cards ...

Intense contrasts

Located in a black space
Juan Gris Botella
y frutero, 1919
In general in Gris we
can find more pictorial
"preciosity" than in
Juan Gris,
Bottle water,
bottle and Fruit

Portrait of picasso,
Juan Gris 1912
Robert Delaunay
Woman with
umbrella, 1913

the decomposition in planes does not

completely eliminate the figuration, but,
above all, a painting that uses the curved
rhythms to create a dynamic sensation: a
rhythm that has its origin and starting point,
the umbrella that holds the woman.
Fernand Léger /// The staircase (second estate), 1914
Fernand Léger
The disc, 1918
Far from turning that objectuality
into a critique of the alienation
implicit in the mechanical-
industrial reality, the artist opts
for a monumentality that exalts
urban life and that, when faced
with the representation of
organic motives - plants and all
kinds of vegetables, water,
clouds, landscapes-, endows
them with the same mechanical-
industrial characteristics

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