Ijcb 24 Q 3 A 6
Ijcb 24 Q 3 A 6
Ijcb 24 Q 3 A 6
Policy Transmission∗
We are grateful to an anonymous referee and the editor, Huberto Ennis, for
their comments and suggestions. We are also grateful to Giovanni Dell’Ariccia,
David Pothier, and Kartik Anand for detailed and insightful feedback. We
thank Diana Bonfim, Olivier Darmouni, Falko Fecht, Thomas Gehrig, Hendrik
Hakenes, Yann Kobi, Jochen Mankart, Yuliyan Mitkov, Steven Ongena, and
Jeremy Stein as well as seminar and conference participants at the Banking
Theory Brown Bag, Catolica Lisbon, Deutsche Bundesbank, and the Danish
Central Bank’s 7th Annual Meeting on New Developments in Business Cycle
Analysis for valuable discussions and comments. Eva Schliephake thankfully
acknowledges support from the Lamfalussy Fellowship Program sponsored by
the European Central Bank, according to clause 8 of the Fellowship Agree-
ment as well as the support from FCT — Portuguese Foundation of Science and
Technology for the project PTDC/EGE-ECO/6041/2020. The views expressed
in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those
of the Deutsche Bundesbank, the ECB, or the Eurosystem. Author contact:
Koenig: [email protected]. Schliephake (corresponding author):
[email protected].
258 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
1. Introduction
We use the term “loan risk channel” to refer to the indirect effect of the
risk-free rate on loan issuance via changes in monitoring incentives. Our loan
risk channel should be distinguished from the “risk-taking channel,” which refers
to the direct effect of the risk-free rate on risk-taking incentives (Dell’Ariccia,
Laeven, and Marquez 2014).
260 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
We could also allow the banker to invest in risky fixed-income securities, pro-
vided that their payoffs are uncorrelated with the payoffs from the bank’s loans
and that a no-arbitrage condition ensures that their expected return matches the
risk-free rate.
In practice, banks often adjust deposit volumes by changing the rate offered
on deposits. Empirically, in particular at low rates, rate adjustments and, by
extensions, adjustments in deposit volumes, occur rather infrequently (Paraschiv
2013; Jobst and Lin 2016; Döpp, Horovitz, and Szimayer 2022), suggesting an
imperfect adjustment between loans and deposits.
262 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
is bound to hold more deposits than what she needs to fund her opti-
mal loan issuance. Any residual deposits are invested in safe assets
whose return moves in lockstep with the risk-free rate. Put differ-
ently, although the banker can trade off loan issuance and safe assets
at the margin, she cannot shrink her balance sheet by issuing fewer
deposits and disposing of safe assets completely.
We consider several extensions of this baseline model to probe
the robustness of its mechanism. First, we analyze the effect of
insured deposits on the possibility of transmission reversal. Deposit
insurance (if not fairly priced) provides an exogenous subsidy to the
banker that increases her profits. As a consequence, deposit insur-
ance mitigates the problem of transmission reversal. In the limit,
when all deposits are insured, the reversal rate ceases to exist. Thus,
ceteris paribus, a transmission reversal constitutes less of a problem
for banks that are funded with a larger share of insured deposits.
Second, we relax the admittedly stark assumption that the
banker cannot adjust the intensive margin of her deposits and the
size of her balance sheet. Instead, we allow the banker to endoge-
nously choose deposits and safe assets. We consider two variants of
the model that both preserve the safe asset effect. In the first, we
assume that the bank faces random inflows or outflows to deposi-
tors’ accounts. These random changes to deposits are matched on
the banker’s balance sheet by inflows and outflows of central bank
reserves. As a consequence, the bank may end up holding excess
reserves with a certain probability. This extension illustrates that the
presence or absence of the safe asset effect depends on the banker’s
ability to optimally adjust her safe asset position. In particular, we
recover the results in the benchmark model if the probability of
a deposit inflow (i.e., ending up with excess reserves) approaches
unity, whereas the safe asset effect disappears if the probability of
random reserve changes goes to zero. In the second variant, instead
of random deposit flows, we assume that the banker faces a liquid-
ity requirement that forces her to hold safe assets equal to a certain
share of her deposits (as in Brunnermeier, Abadi, and Koby 2023). In
this case, the portfolio adjustment and the loan risk channel always
move in the same direction, but both switch signs once the safe asset
effect dominates the deposit pass-through effect. The dominance of
the safe asset effect becomes a necessary and sufficient condition for
the reversal of monetary transmission.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 263
In Dell’Ariccia, Laeven, and Marquez (2014), the total effect of interest rates
on loan rates is unambiguously positive, so that a reversal of transmission cannot
264 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
2. Model Setup
The lower bound u reflects the idea that depositors would switch
to other assets, such as non-interest-bearing cash holdings, once the
risk-free rate becomes too low. The lower bound is not necessarily
equal to zero, as negative rates could still be compensated for in
the form of non-pecuniary benefits of deposits, such as the safety
and ease of making payments. The lower bound on u(·) is the key
assumption needed for the mechanism of our model, whereas the con-
tinuity and convexity assumptions are made for the sake of technical
tractability and can easily be dropped (see Section 4.3).
To further simplify the exposition of the model, we assume that
the banker cannot adjust the “intensive margin” of her deposits.
That is, she either raises an amount D or no deposits at all. We
relax this assumption in Section 4.2 where we allow the banker to
choose deposits endogenously.
Section 4.1 considers the effect when the banker also issues insured deposits.
266 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
by a demand curve L(rL ), with L (rL ) < 0 and L (rL ) ≤ 0, where
rL denotes the gross interest rate the banker charges on loans.
Loans are risky and are repaid in period 1 with probability
q ∈ (0, 1). The banker can exert unobservable monitoring effort to
influence the repayment probability of her loans. We assume that
monitoring translates one-to-one into the repayment probability, i.e.,
the banker can choose q directly. Monitoring involves a private cost6
κ 2
c(q) = q , where κ > 0.
Alternatively, the banker can invest in a risk-free asset that yields
the gross risk-free return r in period 1. One can think of the risk-free
asset as government bonds or reserves held with the central bank.7
The amount invested in the risk-free asset is denoted by R.
The bank’s funding constraint in period 0 is given by
R + L = D. (1)
For analytical tractability, we assume that monitoring costs do not depend on
the banker’s loan issuance. For example, c(q) may represent setup costs for risk-
management systems that, once in place, can be used to process a large number of
loans. As we show in Appendix A.2, our results remain qualitatively unchanged if
we assume a cost function that scales with the loan volume, c(q, rL ) = κ2 q 2 L(rL ).
The asset can be risky as long as its payoffs are not correlated with the bank
loan risk and a no-arbitrage condition holds so that the asset’s expected return
equals the risk-free rate.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 267
κq 2
Π = q (rL L(rL ) + rR − rD D) − . (2)
The first-order condition for the optimal monitoring choice
All derivations can be found in the appendix.
268 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
u(r) − (1 − q̂) rR
rD = (5)
into condition (3) and solve for the optimal monitoring choice q̂.9
where η(rL ) ≡ −L (rL )rL /L(rL ) denotes the loan demand elasticity
and ρ ≡ R/D.
The equation that pins down q̂ is quadratic and has two solutions. Follow-
ing Allen, Carletti, and Marquez (2011), we choose the larger of the two roots.
Moreover, as Dell’Ariccia, Laeven, and Marquez (2014), we focus on the interior
solution where q̂ < 1 and abstract from the corner solution where q̂ = 1. There
is a sufficiently large range of values for κ such that the interior solution exists.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 269
lower than the inverse loan demand elasticity, 1/η(rL ), which is the
standard condition for the profits of a monopolistic bank to (locally)
increase in rL (Freixas and Rochet 1997).
Whether a lower risk-free rate increases profits and leads to
higher monitoring depends on the relative magnitude of two effects.
On the one hand, a marginal reduction in the risk-free rate lowers
the value of the depositors’ outside option and thereby reduces the
banker’s expected deposit funding costs. This deposit pass-through
effect increases profits by an amount u (r)D and incentivizes the
banker to increase monitoring. On the other hand, a marginal reduc-
tion in the risk-free rate reduces the banker’s return on safe assets.
This safe asset effect reduces profits by R and induces the banker to
reduce monitoring. Thus, a lower risk-free rate decreases monitoring
if the deposit pass-through effect is smaller than the safe asset effect,
i.e., if
Since the volume of deposits is fixed, the optimal loan rate is independent
of the costs of deposits as in the textbook version of a monopolistic bank with
separable loan and deposit choices (Freixas and Rochet 1997). In Section 4.2, we
show two variants of the model where the banker can choose the deposit volume.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 271
Note: To the right (left) of r, the loan risk channel amplifies (weakens) the port-
folio adjustment channel, as can be seen from the change in the slope of the red
curve at r.
∂ q̂
r<r ⇒ > 0. (10)
Figure 3 illustrates Proposition 1. Note that the lower bound on
u(r) implies that for r < u−1 (u), the deposit pass-through becomes
fully impaired, i.e., u (r) = 0. At this level of the risk-free rate,
the banker is unable to pass a lower risk-free rate through to her
depositors and she becomes unable to further reduce her expected
funding costs. The dashed curve in Figure 3 shows the marginal
required deposit rate, u (r), which becomes flat below u−1 (u) when
the pass-through is fully impaired. However, by Assumption 3, the
272 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
Observe that condition (10) is only a sufficient condition. It does not rule
out the possibility that the safe asset effect dominates the deposit pass-through
effect at a higher level of the risk-free rate (above r̄). Whether such a case can
arise depends on the other properties of u(r) and L(rL ), such as the curvature
or magnitude of its rate of change.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 273
Note: For r ∈ (r̂, r), the loan risk channel weakens the portfolio adjustment
mechanism. For r < r̂, the loan risk channel dominates and monetary transmis-
sion reverses.
Note: The transmission of changes in the risk-free rate depends on the prevailing
level of the risk-free rate. For r > r, a lower risk-free rate, r, reduces risk-taking
and raises loan issuance. For r ∈ [r̂, r], a lower r raises risk-taking and weakens
loan issuance. For r < r̂, risk-taking is too strong and transmission into loans
• higher safe asset holdings, higher loan rates, and a lower loan
• higher bank risk-taking;
• weaker monetary policy transmission.
Our results remain qualitatively unchanged if insured and uninsured
depositors have different outside options. We discuss this case in Appendix A.3.
For simplicity, we assume that, after default at maturity, the bank’s cash
flows from reserves are split on a pro rata basis among all depositors, insured
and uninsured.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 277
∂ q̂(rL , r, δ)
> 0 ⇔ u (r) < ρ.
An increase in δ increases monitoring: ∂∂δq̂ > 0. This “char-
ter value effect” of deposit insurance is described in Cordella,
Dell’Ariccia, and Marquez (2018). Because the deposit rate is
given when the banker chooses her monitoring, a higher share of
insured deposits amounts to a greater implicit subsidy from the
deposit insurance, thereby reducing the repayments to depositors
and increasing the banker’s profits. As a consequence, higher deposit
insurance coverage strengthens monitoring incentives.14
The banker’s expected profit takes the same form as before in
Equation (7) except that the implicit subsidy from funding with a
share δ of insured deposits is added. Substituting the average deposit
rate and the optimal monitoring choice into the expected profits
κq̂(rL , r)2
Π = q̂(rL , r)L(rL ) + rR − (u(r)D) − + S(δ, rL , r, R),
where S(δ, rL , r, R) ≡ δ(1 − q̂(rL , r, δ))(u(r)D − rR) is the implicit
subsidy from the deposit insurance. The subsidy is equal to the part
of insured deposit funding costs that has to be covered by the deposit
insurance in case of bank default. As can be seen from the expres-
sion for S(·), an increase in R reduces the implicit subsidy. This is
because the deposit insurance can rely on a larger amount of safe
assets to cover (part of) its liabilities in case the loans fail.
The transmission of monetary policy works as before through
the portfolio adjustment and loan risk channels. Since optimal mon-
itoring increases in the risk-free rate whenever the safe asset effect
dominates the deposit pass-through effect, the condition for the loan
risk channel to weaken monetary transmission remains formally the
same as in the benchmark model with δ = 0.
However, the presence of insured deposits changes the relative
importance of the portfolio adjustment and loan risk channels in
the transmission of monetary policy.
Cordella, Dell’Ariccia, and Marquez (2018, Proposition 1) show that the char-
ter value effect occurs if the share of deposit liabilities that are priced “at the
margin” is sufficiently small. This is the case for our specification because we
abstract from such deposits entirely.
278 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
Inflows to deposit accounts automatically add to the bank’s central bank
reserves. Outflows from deposit accounts need to be covered by running down
reserves or by additional borrowing from the central bank.
Allowing for a symmetric interest rate corridor around the main policy rate
by making the standing borrowing rate higher than the standing deposit rate
would complicate our analysis without altering the main results.
280 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
Lemma 2 shows that the bank borrows from the central bank on
a permanent basis as long as this is feasible (i.e., if σ > 0). Even
though the bank does not hold a positive level of reserves ex ante,
the possibility that it ends up with a positive reserve balance due to
random deposit inflows implies that the loan risk channel can still
mitigate and even dominate the portfolio channel.
∗ σ
∂ q̂(rL , r) r q̂(r L , r)F 1−σ
∗ > 1+ . (13)
∂r q(rL , r) 1 − F 1−σ σ
See the appendix for details.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 281
Consider the extreme case where the bank can finance its entire
loan portfolio by borrowing from the central bank ex ante, i.e.,
lim σ → 1. In this case, a reversal rate would cease to exist.18 This
case is similar to the case with full deposit insurance, δ = 1, in
Section 4.1. The entire risk of the bank’s loan issuance and the
bank’s exposure to interest rate risk would be borne by the cen-
tral bank, and lower policy rates would unambiguously increase the
bank’s profit.19
The right-hand side of Equation (13) converges to ∞, while the left-hand
side assumes a finite value, implying that the condition could never be satisfied.
We abstract from the possibility that the central bank can risk-adjust its
interest rate when lending to the banker. In practice, central banks are able to
282 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
achieve some degree of risk adjustment by lending against collateral and applying
haircuts to riskier asset classes.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 283
Note: For r > r, the portfolio adjustment and the loan risk channel are positive,
while they become negative for r < r.
The continuity and convexity assumptions ensure that r ≥ u−1 (u) and that
at r = r there is no discontinuity so deposit pass-through and safe asset effect
are balanced at the margin.
Changing the ordering between the outside option and the risk-free rate
would, however, change the implications derived in Hypothesis 1. In this case,
an exogenous increase in deposits would increase the banker’s expected profit
and therefore increase her incentives to monitor and lead her to issue more loans.
Note, however, that u(r) < r would allow the bank to make a risk-free profit from
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 285
5. Conclusion
issuing deposits. To the extent that the bank could control the level of deposits
(as in Section 4.2), the banker would issue as much deposits as possible.
286 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 287
A.1 Proofs
Proof of Lemma 1. Maximizing expected profits for a given deposit
rate rD with respect to q yields the first-order condition
rL L − rD D + rR − κq = 0.
u(r)D − rR
φ(q, rL , r) ≡ rL L − − κq = 0.
∂φ u(r)D − rR
= − κ < 0.
∂q q2
Moreover, we have
∂φ R − u (r)D
∂r q
∂φ r
= rL L (rL ) + L(rL ) − L (rL ).
∂rL q
= q̂(rL , r) (rL L (rL ) + L(rL )) − rL (rL )
∂ q̂
+ (rL L(rL ) − κq̂) = 0
288 International Journal of Central Banking July 2024
= q̂(rL , r) rL L (rL ) + L(rL ) − L (rL )
q̂(rL , r)
u(r)D − rR
× 1− = 0.
u(r)D − rR − q̂ 2 κ
q̂ and the second bracket are positive, so that the optimal rL satisfies
condition (8) in the text.
The second-order condition, evaluated at the critical point rL ,
r L (rL
∗ ∗
)L(rL )
rL L (rL
) + 2L (rL
) − L (rL
)=− ∗ + 2L (rL
) < 0,
q̂ L (rL )
which is satisfied since L(·) is a decreasing and concave function.
Thus, rL maximizes the bank’s profits.
Applying the implicit function theorem to the first-order condi-
tion evaluated at rL yields
drL ∂r∗ ∂r∗ dq̂
= L+ L
dr ∂r ∂q dr
L (rL ∗
+ q̂r2 L (rL
∗ ∂ q̂
− q̂ ) ∂r L (rL∗
) ∂ q̂ r
= − L (r∗ )L(r∗ ) ≷0 ⇔ − 1− ≷ 0,
− LL(r∗ ) L + 2L (rL ∗) q̂ ∂r q̂
dq̂ ∂ q̂ ∂ q̂
where we replaced dr with ∂r because ∂r L
= 0 when evaluated at
rL = r L .
Equation (A.1) implies that the loan risk channel weakens the
portfolio channel whenever ∂ q̂/∂r > 0, which is equivalent to
u (r) < ρ (cf. Lemma 1).
Next, we show the existence of a value r̄ such that for all r < r̄, we
must have u (r) < ρ. Note that by Assumption 3, for all r < u−1 (u)
we have ρ = R/D = 1 − L(rL (r))/D > 0 = u (r). If r becomes suffi-
ciently large, R converges to a positive and finite value, while u (r)
diverges (because of the strict convexity of u(·) for r > u−1 (u)) so
that we have u (r) > ρ for sufficiently large r. Thus, there exists a
smallest value r such that u (r) = ρ. For all r < r, we have u (r) < ρ.
Note that the partial effect of rL on q̂ is irrelevant for determining the sign
of the second-order condition since ∂ q̂/∂rL = 0 when evaluated at rL .
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 289
dq ∗ u(r) − r ∗
drL u(r) − r
∝− <0 and ∝ > 0.
dD q∗ dD q∗
dL∗ ∗ drL
∗ ∗
= L (rL ) < 0 and dR = dD − L (rL
) > 0.
dD dD dD
Finally, note that the latter implies also a higher reserves-deposit
ratio ρ because ρ < 1 and L (rL
∗ drL
) dD < 0 such that we obtain
dρ 1 drL
= 1 − ρ − L (rL
) > 0.
dD D dD
dκq̂ 2
∂ r̂ dκ
= >0 and
∂κ −ru (r)D − 2κq̂ ∂r
∂ q̂
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 291
∂ q̂ r δ q̂
−1− = 0.
∂r q̂ 1−δ
κq 2
Π = q (rL L(rL ) + r R − rD D) − .
φ(rL , D, r) = rL L(rL ) + r R
u(r)D − (1 − q)r −1
(R + xD) dF (x)
− − κq = 0.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 293
= q((rL − r)L + L) − (1 − q)rL dF (x)
∂rL −ρ
= q(rL L + L) − rL + (1 − q)rL dF (x),
as well as
= qr − u(r) + (1 − q)r (1 + x) dF (x)
∂D −ρ
= r − u(r) − (1 − q)r (1 + x) dF (x) < 0,
For rL to be the optimal loan rate in equilibrium, we must have
∂ Π
∂r 2
< 0. Therefore, dr
dr < 0 if and only if the numerator is negative.
Using the first-order condition ∂rL = 0, we can simplify to
r 1−σ ∂ q̂ 1−σ r ∂ q̂
1− dF (x) > 1 − (1 − q̂) dF (x) ⇔
q̂ −1 ∂r −1 q̂ ∂r
1 − (1 − q̂) −1 dF (x)
> 1−σ
σ ,
1 − −1 dF (x)
∂ r̂ ∂ψ/∂σ
By the implicit function theorem, ∂σ = ∂ψ/∂r < 0, because
F ( 1−σ )
1−F ( 1−σ ) strictly increases in σ as the distribution function F (·),
is an increasing function and at r = r̂, we have ∂ψ/∂r < 0.
Proof of Proposition 6. The banker’s optimal monitoring choice is
the same as in the benchmark model, i.e., q̂ is given by the implic-
itly defined function q̂(rL , r). Substituting q̂ and the deposit rate
into the expected profits yields
u(r) − ρr κq̂ 2
Π = q̂rL L(rL ) − L(rL ) − .
1−ρ 2
Using the expression for ∂ q̂/∂rL implies that the optimal loan
rate rL must satisfy
∗ (u(r) − ρr)
rL − L (rL
∗ ∗
) + L(rL ) = 0.
q̂(1 − ρ)
The second-order sufficient condition is satisfied when evaluated at
rL . Totally differentiating the first-order condition yields
L (rL ) (u(r)−ρr)L(rL )
u (r) − ρ
(u(r)−ρr)L(rL )
drL q̂ κ− q̂ 2
= · .
dr ∂2Π
∂ q̂(rL , r) R − u (r)D
= ≷ 0.
∂r cL(rL ) − u(r)D−rR
q 2
Given q̂(rL , r), the bank maximizes its profits by choosing the
loan rate rL . The profit function is given by
q̂(rL , r)rL L(rL ) + r(D − L(rL )) − u(r)D − q̂(rL , r)2 L(rL ).
Differentiating with respect to rL yields the first-order condition
that pins down rL :
r c
q(rL , r) rL L (rL ) + L(rL ) − L (rL ) − q(rL , r)L (rL )
q(rL , r) 2
∂q(rL , r)
+ (rL L(rL ) − cq(rL , r)L(rL )) = 0.
Dividing the latter equation by q̂ and adding and subtracting
cq̂L /2, we obtain
rL L (rL ) + L(rL ) − L (rL ) − cq(rL , r)L (rL )
q(rL , r)
∂q(rL , r) 1 c
+(rL L(rL ) − cq(rL , r)L(rL )) + q(rL , r)L (rL ) = 0.
∂rL q̂rL , r) 2
rL L (rL ) + L(rL ) − L (rL ) − cq(rL , r)L (rL )
q(rL , r)
u(r)D − r(D − L(rL )) ∂ q̂(rL , r) c
+ + q(rL , r)L (rL ) = 0.
q(rL , r)2 ∂rL 2
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 297
∂φ r
≡ φrL = rL L (rL + L(rL ) − (q̂ + (1 − δ)(1 − q̂)) L (rL ).
∂rL q̂
Given the implicitly defined function q̂(rL , r), we next turn to the
banker’s optimal choice of rL . Substituting the uninsured deposit
rate and q̂ into the profit function, we obtain
π(rL ) = q̂rL L(rL ) + (q̂ + (1 − q̂)(1 − δ))rR
− (δuI (r) + (1 − δ)u(r))D − q̂ 2 .
The first-order condition for rL is given by
π (rL ) = q̂ rL L + L − (q̂ + (1 − δ)(1 − q̂)) L
∂ q̂
+ (rL L + δ(rR − uI (r)D) − κq) = 0.
Vol. 20 No. 3 Bank Risk-Taking and Impaired Monetary Policy 299