J 1365-2621 2007 01594 X
J 1365-2621 2007 01594 X
J 1365-2621 2007 01594 X
Original article
Effect of preservatives addition on the shelf-life extensions and
quality of flat bread as determined by near-infrared spectroscopy
and texture analysis
Mahmoud Abu-Ghoush,1* Thomas J Herald,2 Floyd Dowell,3 Feng Xie,3 Fadi M Aramouni2 & Ronald Madl4
1 Nutrition and Dietetics, The Hashemite University, Zarqa 13133, Jordan
2 Food Science Institute, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA
3 United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Grain Quality Research, Manhattan, KS 66502, USA
4 Department of Grain Science and Industries, Manhattan, KS 66506, USA
(Received 22 June 2006; Accepted in revised form 08 March 2007)
Summary Many people do not have refrigeration or frozen storage to inhibit mould growth and keep the Arabic bread
fresh for more than a few days. Therefore, shelf-life extension is necessary for this type of bread. The present
study hypothesised that the addition of preservatives may be done in Arabic flat bread (AFB) to extend shelf-
life. Thus, objectives of this study were to evaluate selected preservatives to inhibit mould growth and to
employ physical techniques, to monitor bread aging. Three preservatives, fumaric acid (0.2%, F), sodium
propionate (0.3%, P), and sodium propionate-fumaric acid mixture (PF) were used. Tensile tests, and near-
infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS) were used to monitor bread ageing. The addition of PF in the AFB
formula significantly increased the time of tearing at 0 day. For all treatments, the NIRS results showed high
R2-values between the actual storage days and NIRS predictions. The NIRS and texture analysis are
valuable tools to detect the effect of the preservatives on AFB shelf-life and quality.
Keywords Antimicrobial agents, flat bread, shelf-life, near-infrared spectroscopy, texture analysis.
2007 The Authors. Journal compilation 2007 Institute of Food Science and Technology Trust Fund
358 Effect of preservatives addition on the shelf-life extensions and quality of flat bread M. Abu-Ghoush et al.
between NIRS and TA measurements although NIRS After fermentation, the dough was scaled off into 24–
can follow the staling during storage better than TA. 60 g pieces. The pieces were rounded by hand into balls
The objectives of this study were to identify one or more and covered with plastic cover to prevent skin formation.
preservatives that may be included in an AFB formula- The dough rested for 10 min. The dough was dusted
tion to extend shelf-life. Secondly, to investigate if TA and lightly with flour and flattened by gentle hand pressure
NIRS could be used to detect the effect of preservatives after which the dough was passed through a two stages
addition on the changes associated with staling. roll sheeter. In the first stage, the gap between the rolls
was 10 mm, and in the second stage, the gap was set to
3 mm. The sheeted dough was transferred to a stainless
Materials and methods
board and covered with a piece of cloth to minimize
moisture loss. Then, the dough was transferred for final
Wheat collection and milling
proofing for 30 min at 86 F (30 C )and 70 ± 5% RH.
Jagger wheat from crop year June 2002 was collected The bread was baked at 400 C (752 F) for 90 s, on a
from a local farm in Manhattan KS. This Jagger wheat preheated aluminium tray (215–450 mm) that accom-
was used to obtain flour with approximately 74–75% modates two full size loaves. However, for consistent
extraction rate after the milling (milled in the Depart- results, one loaf was baked each time. Three batches of
ment of Grain Science and Industry, Kansas State bread, 24 loaves per batch were produced for each
University, Manhattan, KS, USA). The flour was treatment. After baking, the bread was cooled for
collected in 50 lb-bags (22.7 kg) and stored in a 10 min. Twelve loaves were stored in high density
)10 C freezer. Proximate analysis of the wheat and polyethylene bags at 23C ⁄ 50% RH and used for
the flour used in the bread production were conducted near-infrared spectroscopy at days 0, 1, 2, 3 for control
by the Analytical Laboratory of the Department of (C) and fumaric acid (F) treatments, and 0,1, 2, 3, and
Grain Science and Industry (Kansas State University, 7 days for propionate (P) and fumaric acid combined
Manhattan, KS, USA). Moisture content was deter- with propionate treatments (P–F) (These days were
mined by using AACC approved method 44–15 A. selected according to the mould appearance and bad
Crude protein was determined according to AACC bread quality which indicate ending loaves shelf-life).
approved method 46–16. Ash was determined according The other twelve loaves were stored in high-density
to AACC approved method 08–01. Falling number was polyethylene bags and used for texture, moisture, water
conducted according to AACC approved method 56– activity and colour evaluation for the same storage
81B (1995). Starch damage was determined according to periods and conditions and stored at 23 C ⁄ 50% RH.
approved method 76–30A using Chopin SD4. Flour After 2 h, the loaves were assessed with the quality
colour was determined using a colorimeter (Mini Scan parameters for day 0 quality evaluation.
Minolta CR-210, Minolta Corporation, Konica Minolta
Germany, Munich, Germany).
Arabic bread analysis
Arabic bread production
Mould growth on the AFB is an indicator of length of
Sodium propionate (0.3%) and fumaric acid (0.2%) shelf-life. Every AFB surface was checked every day for
were used as preservatives in four different Arabic the appearance of mould.
bread formulas. These preservatives were either used
alone or in combination. A mixture containing 1000 g Moisture content, water activity and (pH)
flour (14% moisture basis) , 1% yeast and 1% salt The moisture content of AFB was measured using
were mixed with and without preservatives (sodium AACC method 44–15A (American Association of Cer-
propionate 0.3% and ⁄ or 0.2% fumaric acid). Water eal Chemist., 1995). The AFB moisture content was
(53%; for a consistency of 850 BU was used). This measured at 0 day for all the treatments and after 3 and
consistency was found by experimentation to give the 7 days of storage at 23C and 50% RH. Water activity
most reliable prediction of baking absorption ( Qaro- was determined using an AQUA LAB CX-2 (Decagon
oni et al., 1987; Quail et al., 1990) when mixed with the CO, Pullman, WA, USA) after calibration with stand-
dry ingredients at different speeds. The dough was ard salt (AOAC, 1980).The pH was measured with a pH
mixed at: low speed for 3 min. and then at medium meter (Accumet portable AP63, Fisher Scientific,
speed for another 3 min ( 1 min beyond development Denver, Colorado, USA) with automatic temperature
time) by using Hobart planetary mixer (model C-100, compensation following the AACC method 02–05
Hobart, Troy, OH, USA) . After mixing, the dough (American Association of Cereal Chemist., 1995)-Electr-
was transferred into a covered plastic bowel, placed ometric method. The pH meter was calibrated with
into a proofing cabinet, allowed to ferment for 60 min buffer solutions of 4 and 7. The pH measurements were
at 86 F (30 C) and 70 ± 5% RH. made at ambient temperature.
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Effect of preservatives addition on the shelf-life extensions and quality of flat bread M. Abu-Ghoush et al. 359
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360 Effect of preservatives addition on the shelf-life extensions and quality of flat bread M. Abu-Ghoush et al.
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Effect of preservatives addition on the shelf-life extensions and quality of flat bread M. Abu-Ghoush et al. 361
70 a
65 a a a a a
60 a b b b b
b b
55 b b b
50 c
Force (g)
Figure 2 The tearing force of Arabic flat 15
bread produced with different preservatives 10
(control (C), fumaric acid (F), Sodium-Prop- 5
ionate (P), and Sodium propionate–fumaric 0
acid combination (PF)) at 0 , 3, and 7 days 0 1 2 3 7
storage. Days
protein systems (Toufeili et al., 1993; Sidhu et al., 1997). consistent than the tearing force results. These results
These changes as well as the differences in the pH were consistent with the results obtained by Toufeili
between different treatments may be responsible for the et al. (1998) who found that probing extensibility
changes in the firming of AFB during storage. (indicating the time of tearing) decreased significantly
(P < 0.05) as aging progressed. These changes could be
attributed to the retrogradation theories mentioned
Tearing time
above (Toufeili et al., 1993; Sidhu et al., 1997). Bread
The AFB-PF treatment exhibited a significantly higher staling is a complex process that involves a set of
tearing time compared to the other treatments at day 0 physiochemical chemical changes (moisture distribution,
(Fig. 3). After day 1, the PF treatment exhibited a 67% firmness, tearing properties). These changes could be
reduction in tearing time compared to day 0. Addition- responsible for the significant reduction in the bread
ally, all other treatments exhibited a significant decline tearing force and time during storage.
in tearing time from day 0 to day 1. The reduction in The R2 for the tearing force ranged between 0.61 and
tearing time may indicate loss of freshness. At day 3, 0.98, whereas with standard error of determinations
there was no significant difference between the control ranged between 5.1 and 9.1. However, the R2 for the
and PF treatment in tearing time, although there was a tearing time ranged between 0.84 and 0.99, with
significant difference between the control, PF from one standard error of determination between 0.28 and
side and F, and P from another, suggesting that adding 0.65. These results indicate the importance of using the
the PF combination to the flour did not affect on the tensile test by using texture analyzer to study the
AFB tearing time after storage compared to the control changes in Arabic bread over time.
while adding F and P separately affected the AFB
tearing time after storage.
Staling evaluation of Arabic flat bread using NIRS
The measure of tearing time vs. tearing force is
ostensibly a more sensitive indicator of a change in The cross-validation model was used to evaluate the
freshness. The tearing time results obtained were more effectiveness of the NIRS to measure staling within each
a C P F PF
6 b b
5 c
4 d d
e e f e e
f e
3 f f f f
Figure 3 The tearing time of Arabic flat bread
produced with different preservatives (control
(C), fumaric acid (F), Sodium-Propionate (P), 0
and Sodium propionate–fumaric acid combi- 0 1 2 3 7
nation (PF)) at 0, 3, and 7 days storage. Days
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362 Effect of preservatives addition on the shelf-life extensions and quality of flat bread M. Abu-Ghoush et al.
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Effect of preservatives addition on the shelf-life extensions and quality of flat bread M. Abu-Ghoush et al. 363
Control (C)
Fumaric Acid (F)
1.4 Propionate (P) Propionate
Fumaric Acid + Propionate (FP) (FP)
Fumaric Acid
& Kulp, 1996). This crystal form of starch may scatter storage with high correlations and low standard
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