MT Report Journal19
MT Report Journal19
MT Report Journal19
Abstract. Preharvest sprouting of malting barley causes substantial commercial losses to the grain industry. The use of
dormant barley varieties could reduce the risk of weather damage, but dormancy and water sensitivity are undesirable
during malting. Storage conditions largely determine the rate of postharvest breakdown of dormancy and water sensi-
tivity. This process may take months, to the disadvantage of handlers and maltsters. Our research has identified several
options for managing barley dormancy to provide opportunities to malt and export barley earlier. This would open the
door to the use of more dormant barley varieties to reduce preharvest sprouting. The use of agricultural chemicals to
break dormancy before or after storage is one possible option. Alternatively, the use of dry heat is an attractive option
avoiding market sensitivities to chemical use. Finally, by manipulating the storage process, postharvest dormancy
breakdown can be accelerated without compromising barley quality. Here we present preliminary results of a three-
year project that aims to understand the interaction between storage conditions, barley quality and dormancy.
Malting barley: storage, dormancy and processing quality
ment of Primary Industry were chosen for the experi- sensitivity (WS) were determined as described by Doran
ments. and Briggs (1992).
Nineteen chemicals were selected for assessment (Table
1). Duplicate 50 g samples were weighed into crystallising
dishes and placed into sealed desiccators containing Results and discussion
magnetic stirring paddles. Controls were exposed to the
same handling procedures, except for the chemical treat- The use of agricultural chemicals to break dormancy
ment. Chemicals were injected into desiccators, which were Nineteen chemicals were selected for assessment
placed on stirrer plates and the air mixed for 30 min and (Table 1). The compounds tested fell into two basic cate-
then kept at 25°C for 48 h. After exposure, samples were gories: gases and condensable vapours. The selection
vented in a fume cabinet for 48 h. Samples were tested included past, current and potential fumigants (shown in
immediately or stored at –18°C until assessment. italics in Table 1). Other chemicals were selected based on
Germination testing was based on the germination published data and likely low phyto- and mammalian
energy test developed by Doran and Briggs (1992) and toxicity. Doses were selected based on existing treatment
methods described in the International Rules for Seed schedules or, where this was not possible, on the doses
Testing (ISTA 1999). To define dormancy status, germina- used for related compounds. Doses were deliberately set
tion with water only was compared to germination in the high to speed up the screening process and to ensure that
presence of 0.05% gibberellic acid (GA3) solution. the compounds had low phytotoxicity—the most essential
Dormant (but not dead) grain will germinate in the characteristic of any chemical compound applied to
presence of GA3. For the purpose of rapid screening of malting barley. Very high doses were applied for
chemicals, phytotoxicity was classified as high (>51% compounds which were considered to be of very low
dead seeds), medium (21–50% dead seeds) and low toxicity. Details of doses and application techniques will
(<20% dead seeds). be published at the conclusion of the project.
Barley samples had to display persistent dormancy to
Heating experiments
be useful for chemical treatment trials. A clear distinction
To assess the effect of dry heat on dormancy, 40 g needed to be drawn between dormant kernels and kernels
samples of grain were rapidly heated to 60°C following which were non-viable, i.e. dead. The percentage of grain
the procedure developed by Beckett et al. (1998). that failed to germinate in the presence of gibberellic acid
Exposure times were 15, 30 and 60 minutes. The varieties (GA3) was considered to be a measure of non-viable
Stirling (Western Australia, 2002–2003 harvest, 11.1% (dead) grain. The difference between non-germinated
moisture content; MC) and Triumph (Tasmania, 2002– grain in the standard test and non-viable grain was taken
2003 harvest, 12.3% MC) were selected for treatment. to be an indication of dormancy. Based on germination
tests, treatments were assigned a phytotoxicity classifica-
Storage experiments tion (high, medium, low) and a classification based on
Stirling (from Western Australia), Sloop and Gairdner their effectiveness in breaking dormancy (the effects
(both from South Australia) from the 2001–2002 harvest ranged from a high, medium or low ability to break
were stored at 10, 12 and 14% MC and 15, 20, 25 and dormancy through to actually increasing dormancy). We
30°C. All samples had been graded as malting barley, would like to emphasise that phytotoxicity classifications
obtained immediately after harvest, and were conditioned were only for comparison between compounds tested in
to the required MC before storage under controlled labo- this experiment; they do not measure the safety of any of
ratory conditions. Germinative energy (GE) and water the treatments when applied to malting barley.
Table 1. Chemical treatments (past, current and potential fumigants are shown in italics).
Stored grain in Australia 2003
The phytotoxic and barley dormancy-breaking effects chemicals for breaking seed dormancy with large-scale
of the chemicals tested are shown in Table 2. Where the industrial applications in mind. We have concentrated on
effect of chemicals on dormancy breakdown was variable, chemicals that may be applied as in-bin treatments and
the range of responses has been listed in the table. Three which are likely to be available to industry in the near
of the compounds screened displayed considerable phyto- future. In this respect, ethyl formate seems to show the
toxicity and no assessment of dormancy-breaking capa- most promise.
bility was possible (Table 2). Ethanedinitrile and two of
the alcohols tested also showed unacceptable levels of The use of dry heat to break barley dormancy
phytotoxicity. The alcohols appeared to increase
Germination testing of barley samples before treat-
dormancy when applied at high concentrations. Ethane-
ment showed that germinative energy (GE) was 94% and
dinitrile decreased dormancy, but it was more phytotoxic
96%, and water sensitivity (WS) was 91% and 72% for
than current fumigants, but less toxic than hydrogen
Stirling and Triumph, respectively. After heat treatment at
cyanide or sulfur dioxide. The rest of the chemicals tested
60°C for 15–60 minutes, GE was found to increase
had low phytotoxicity. Of these compounds, ethyl and
slightly and there was a trend for a breakdown of WS.
methyl formate stand out as the chemicals most likely to
Much more work is required in this area, including treat-
reduce dormancy. Dichlorvos could also be considered as
ment of a variety of samples at range of temperatures and
a dormancy-breaking chemical. The other compounds
exposure times.
were less promising.
There are few published data on the use of vapour and
Breaking dormancy by manipulating the storage
gases to break seed dormancy. Many types of chemicals
can influence seed dormancy (Taylorson and Hendricks
1981). Cohn and Hillhorst (2000) summarise the literature Viable grain may not germinate under conditions that
on the effect of small organic molecules, including are considered suitable for germination, i.e. the grain is
alcohols and some esters, on the dormancy of a range of dormant. Non-germination of viable grain can also be
seeds, including cereals. Results vary between species and caused by an excessive amount of water used during
with application methods and range from breaking to germination testing, i.e. the grain is water-sensitive. In this
inducing dormancy. To the best of our knowledge, no case, low levels of germination signify a high level of
wide-ranging studies have been published on the use of water-sensitive grains, and an increase in germination
Malting barley: storage, dormancy and processing quality
means a breakdown of water sensitivity. Before storage, tures high enough to rapidly break dormancy, it is neces-
all three barley varieties displayed some level of WS and sary to carry out systematic studies on a range of current
low GE (Table 3). These characteristics were most Australian varieties stored at different moisture contents.
pronounced in Gairdner. Storage at 30°C for 1.5 months at An integrated strategy for managing barley dormancy in
14% MC led to a significant increase in GE and loss of the United Kingdom has been presented by Armitage and
WS in Gairdner and Stirling. In contrast, Sloop lost its Woods (1997). This project will contribute towards
ability to germinate over the same period. Further storage building models that will allow the development of a ther-
at 30°C had the same negative effect on Sloop, Stirling mally based integrated storage strategy for Australian
and Gairdner. malting barley.
Stored grain in Australia 2003
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Woods, J.L., Favier, J.F. and Briggs, D.E. 1994. Predicting the
Doran, P.J. and Briggs, D.E. 1992. Studies on germination tests.
germinative energy of dormant malting barley during stor-
Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 98, 193–201.
age. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 100, 257–269.
ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) 1999. Seed
Woods, J.L. and McCallum, D.J. 2000. Dormancy in malting
science and technology rules. Switzerland, International
barley: quantifying the effect of storage temperature on dif-
Rules for Seed Testing.
ferent varieties and the response to sudden cooling. Journal
Jacobsen, J.V., Pearce, D.W., Poole, A.T., Pharis, R.P. and
of the Institute of Brewing, 106, 251–258.
Mander, L.N. 2002. Abscisic acid, phaseic acid and gibberel-
lin contents associated with dormancy and germination of Woonton, B., Jacobsen, J., Sherkat, F. and Stuart, M. 2002.
barley. Physiologica Plantarum, 115, 428–441. Effect of post-harvest storage period on barley germination
Moor, T. 1987. Problems encountered in storage of sprout and malt quality. In: Proceedings of the 10th Australian
damaged barley. In: Mares, D.J., ed., Proceedings of the Barley Technical Symposium, Canberra, ACT, 16–20 Sep-
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Nagao, S. 1995. Detrimental effect of sprout damage on wheat
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