Tender Notice
Tender Notice
Tender Notice
Certified Organization
E-mail id : [email protected]
745 / E-Tender /117
On behalf of Chairman, UP Jal Nigam (Urban), C&DS, UP Jal Nigam invites percentage rate e-
tenders on a two-bid system from eligible and approved contractors/ firms registered with C&DS, U.P.Jal
Nigam (Urban) in appropriate class in Building works. Bidders are advised to carefully note the
eligibility/ qualification requirements prescribed for the bid. They should submit their bids only if
they consider themselves eligible and are in possession of all the requisite documents.
Sl. Name of work Estimated Earnest Cost of Period Class Last date Time, date
No. & Location cost put to Money bid of of & time of & place of
bid in Rs. in Rs. docume comple Contra Submission opening of
Lacs nt tion ctor of bid as Technical Bid
(excluding specified in
GST, but the bid
including documents
labour cess)
Dmx Controlled “B” At 17:00 Hrs
Facade Lighting and on 17-07-2024
Rs. 10000.00 + 1800.00
Up to 17-07-2024 till
12 Months (i/c rainy
season, if any)
15:00 Hrs
Controlled Manager
Rs.386.43 Rs 7.73
1 Plumbing Less
Lacs Lacs
Unit30 C and
Technology Water DS UP Jal
Shooter At Nigam
Shaheed Muesuem Shahjahanpur.
1. The Bid document may be downloaded from "https://etender.up.nic.in" w.e.f 20-06-2024
2. The Bid should be valid for 120 days from the last date of submission of bids. Bid once
submitted, cannot be withdrawn.
3. If the date of opening of technical bid happens to be a holiday, the bid shall be opened on
the next working day at the same time for which no separate communication shall be
4. Bidders having criminal record will not be allowed to participate in Bid process.
5. A person registered with any State Bar Council will not be eligible to participate in the Bid.
6. Contractors who inter alia fulfill the following requirements shall be eligible to apply.
i) The bidder should be registered with C&DS in appropriate class of Building works.
ii) Firm should have successfully completed by single contract/orders, similar works (of a single
project) during last Ten years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which
applications are invited satisfying either of following conditions:
a. Three similar works each costing not less than 30% of estimated cost of work put to
b. two similar works each costing not less than 40% of estimated cost of work put to bid
c. one similar work costing not less than 60% of estimated cost of work put to bid,
and provided, at least one completed work of similar nature (either part of a or b or c)
costing not less than the amount equal to 30 % of the estimated cost put to tender
should have been executed with some Central/ State Government Organisation/
Central Autonomous Body/ Central/ State Public Sector undertaking/Nigam and
remaining work experience should satisfy the requirements of a, b or c above with
works successfully executed for reputed private organisations which must be a duly
incorporated entity under the companies Act 1956/2013.
Certificates issued by private organisations must be supported by Form 26AS/TDS
certificate. The certificate should clearly indicate scope of work, date of completion,
completed value, name of work, agreement/order no., date of start etc. in Form VI-B
to verify eligibility wherever required, the Certificate should also be supported by
schedule/ final bill (certified).
All the performance certificates submitted should be clear and exhaustive enough to
establish similarity with the work under Bid. Ambiguous Performance Certificates
will not be considered for evaluation.
d. Joint Venture- Not Allowed.
iii) Should have average annual financial turnover during the immediate last 3 (three) consecutive
financial years ending 31.03.2023 or latest on construction work should be at least 30% of the
project cost put to tender.
iv) Should not have incurred any loss in more than two years during last 5 (five) audited balance
sheets of consecutive years ending 31.03.2023 or latest. Further the Bidder must have a positive
net worth. At the time of submission of bid, contractor has to upload Certificate from
Statutory Auditor of the firm mentioning year wise financial Turnover (With UDIN NO.)
on construction work of last 5 years. Further details, if required, may be asked from the
contractor after opening of technical bids.
v) Should have a solvency of minimum 40% of the estimated cost put to tender, in support of
which a certificate will be required to be submitted.
Solvency Certificate issued by any Scheduled Commercial Bank shall be accepted,
which will be valid for a period of one year from the date of issue unless otherwise
Solvency Certificate issued by District Magistrate will also be accepted, which will
have a validity of one year from date of issue unless otherwise mentioned.
vi) The value of executed works/ turnover shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the
actual values @ 7% per year calculated from the date of completion to last date of submission of
tenders. A typical index is given below.
vii) For Executed work
Financial Year Escalation/ Enhance factor
2023-2024 1.00
2022-2023 1.07
2021-2022 1.14
2020-2021 1.21
2019-2020 1.28
b. Earnest Money:-
EMD will be 2% for works up to Rs. 5.00 Cr. and 1% or Rs. 10.00 Lac whichever is
higher for works above 5.00 Cr.
EMD up to Rs. 20.00 Lac may be paid through RTGS by any scheduled commercial
EMD above Rs. 20.00 Lac should be in the form of RTGS/FDR/Bank Guarantee
issued by any scheduled commercial bank.
Validity of BG will be at least 45 days beyond the validity of tender.
c. The bidder shall deposit tender fees and earnest money separately in account mentioned as
above and quote UTR No., date and amount of deposit in the capability statement available
on portal. Further he shall upload digitally signed copies of original receipts of bank
showing clearly the above details and/or the Bank Guarantee/FDR. It is made clear that
Tender Fee and Earnest Money deposited in any other form besides as mentioned above
sub-paras shall render the bid non-responsive.
d. In case EMD is submitted in the form of Bank Guarantee also, bidder should ensure that
such Original Bank Guarantee/FDR is mandatorily deposited in the office of
undersigned on the next working day (during office hours) of opening of Technical Bid,
either in person or by Speed Post. The liability for timely submission shall lie with the
Bidder, the department shall not be responsible for delay on account of any reason
15. All the Bank Guarantees submitted towards EMD/Performance Security/Additional Performance
Security shall be issued by a Bank located either in the city of tender inviting authority or at
16. The bidder will, in addition to other documents, upload scanned and digitally signed copies of
originals of proof of cost of bid document i.e. Tender Fees, Earnest Money deposit as described
above, Character Certificate, Solvency Certificate and Standard Affidavit in prescribed Form 'I-C'.
17. All the documents as specified in the technical bid/eligibility bid document should be uploaded
within the period of bid submission. The department will not be liable for incomplete/inaccurate /
non-submission of bid for any reason whatsoever including technical reasons. It is made clear that
separate submission of originals of any documents (except Bank Guarantee) other than scanning
and uploading them, are not required unless called for after opening of financial bid.
18. The bid submission shall become invalid if:
(i) The bidder is found ineligible.
(ii) The bidder does not upload all the documents as stipulated in the bid document.
(iii) If any discrepancy is noticed between uploaded documents and originals/hard copies
submitted later.
(iv) If subsequent to due date of submission of bid and/or after its submission bidder makes any
further communication/ representation with the department with regard to the bid (whether
technical or financial) than otherwise called for by the undersigned as a clarification.
19. Performance guarantee/security Money 10% of the contract cost will have to be submitted at the
time of singing the contract in the form of FDR/Bank Guarantee from any scheduled commercial
20. In order to safe guard against contractors leaving the works after quoting very low rates below the
BOQ amount, the Bidder shall have to submit additional security/performance security to be
deposited by the firm shall be at following rates:-
a. Upto 10% below the estimated cost of works - Nil
b. Above 10% and upto 15% below the estimated cost of works - @ 1.00% for each 1.00%
quoted below.
c. Beyond 15% below - @ 2.00% for each 1.00% quoted below.
21. Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy
themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is
practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they
may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks,
contingencies and other circumstance which may influence or affect their bid. A bidder shall be
deemed to have full knowledge of the site, whether he inspects it or not, and no extra charge
consequent to any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The bidder shall be responsible
for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools & plans, water, electricity access,
faculties for workers and all others services required for executing the work unless otherwise
specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a bid by a bidder implies that he
has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the instructions,
scope and specifications of the work to be done and local conditions and other factors having a
bearing on the execution of the work.
22. The available bid capacity of the bidder at the expected time of bidding shall be more than the total
estimated cost of the work for which the tender is invited.
The available Bid Capacity shall be assessed using following formula:-
Assessed Available Bid Capacity
= 2 x A x N – B Where,
A= Maximum turnover during the last five financial year (corrected to the current level of value).
N= Stipulated period of execution of the work for which the tender is invited in years.
B= value of existing commitments to be completed during the execution period of bid.
The turnover shall be corrected to the current level of value by multiplying with the updation factor
given below:-
Financial Year Escalation/ Enhance factor
2022-2023 1.00
2021-2022 1.07
2020-2021 1.14
2019-2020 1.21
2018-2019 1.28
23. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bids is strictly prohibited and the bids
submitted by the bidders who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection &will be debarred from
future tender in C&DS, U P Jal Nigam.
24. The bidder shall not be permitted to bid for works under supervisory control of General Manager
and Project Manager concerned who is responsible for execution of work, in which his near relative
is posted. He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or
are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any officer in the C&DS. Any
breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved
list of contractors of C&DS and make him liable for black listing.
25. No Engineer or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or Administrative duties in an
Engineering Department of the STATE GOVERNMENT/State department Undertaking is allowed
to work as a contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government service,
without the prior permission of the Government of U.P. in writing. This contract is liable to be
cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who
had not obtained the permission of the Government of U.P. as aforesaid before submission of the bid
or engagement in the contractor's service.
26. The Bidder has to submit an affidavit on Rs 100.00 stamp paper while Bidding, stating that he/she
will provide all necessary Manpower (Engineer/Supervisor), Machinery and Vehicle as per details
mentioned in Tender Document, failing which their bid may be considered as non-responsive.
https://etender.up.nic.in) :
Sl. No. Documents in original to be scanned and uploaded.
1 Original receipt of Bank of RTGS/NEFT, Bank Guarantee/FDR for Tender Fees and
Earnest Money Deposit.
2 General information in Form-I
3 Declaration on Form - I A (Earnest Money)
4 Declaration on Form - I B (Affidavit of Bid Validity)
5 Standard Affidavit (Original Copy) on Form- I-C
6 Character Certificate (Original Copy) on Form I-D of all partners on approved format of
issuing state.
7 Financial information in Form- II-A
8 Solvency Certificate (Original Copy) issued by Bank on Form II-B or issued by District
9 Details of similar works executed in Form-III
10 Information regarding available bid capacity in Form-IV.
(The affidavit is to be typed on stamp paper worth Rs. 100/- duly signed and notarized
with date, affixing a revenue stamp of Rs. 2/- only)
11 Details of technical personnel with bidder in Form-V
12 Format for performance report in Form-VI (A&B)
13 Details of construction plants and equipment with the bidder in Form-VII
Sl. No. Documents in original to be scanned and uploaded.
14 Litigation history on Form- VIII (The affidavit is to be typed on stamp paper worth Rs.
10/- duly signed and notarized with date, affixing a revenue stamp of Rs. 2/- only)
15 Letter Submitting Bid- Form-IX
16 ITR of corresponding Balance sheet must be submitted.
17 Affidavit on Rs 100.00 stamp paper for Manpower (Engineer/Supervisor), Machinery
and Vehicle.
18 Certificate of registration for GST, PAN, EPF/ESI etc.
19 Certificate of registration with C&DS in appropriate class.
20 Capability Statement
(should be carefully and accurately filled in and uploaded on portal)
21 Aadhar No. and Certificate
(In case of bidding company being an Individual/Sole proprietorship firm.)
22 ITR for corresponding submitted balance sheets
23 The bidders whose work has been rescinded in any other contract during last 5 years shall
not be eligible for participation in this tendering (The affidavit is to be typed on the stamp
paper worth Rs. 100/- duly signed and notarized with date, affixing a revenue stamp of Rs.
2/- only)
24 Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- (Rupees One Hundred Only) along with
the bid document as stated in Clause No. 25 of NIT.
25 Preliminary Bar-Chart is mandatory.
(Raghubansh Ram)
Project Manager
Unit-30, C&DS, U P Jal Nigam(urban)
Endt. No. and Date as above:-
1. District Magistrate, Shahjahanpur
2. Director, C&DS, U P Jal Nigam(Urban), Lucknow.
3. Chief General Manager (1), C&DS, U P Jal Nigam(Urban), Lucknow.
4. Executive Engineer, (EDP Cell), UP Jal Nigam(Urban), Lucknow with the request to upload
the NIT on jn.upsdc.gov.in.
5. General Manager (N-03/Nodel/Monitoring), C&DS, U P Jal Nigam(Urban), Lucknow.
6. Finance Officer, C&DS, U P Jal Nigam(Urban), Lucknow.
7. Public Relations Officer, U P Jal Nigam(Urban), Lucknow with the request to upload the
NIT on the website.
8. Project Manager (Technical), C&DS, U P Jal Nigam(Urban), Lucknow.
9. EDP Cell, C&DS, U P Jal Nigam(Urban), Lucknow with the request to upload the NIT on
Project Manager
An ISO 9001-2015
Certified Organization
E-mail id : [email protected]
745 / E-Tender /117
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