GJESM - Volume 10 - Issue 2 - Pages 837-856

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Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage.

10(2): 837-856, Spring 2024, Serial #38

Global Journal of Environmental Science and Management


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Life cycle assessment of cocoa farming sustainability by implementing compound

I. Idawati1,2,*, N.A. Sasongko2,3, A.D. Santoso2, A.W. Sani2,4, H. Apriyanto2, A. Boceng5
Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Andi Djemma University, Palopo, Indonesia
Research Center for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National Research and Innovation Agency,
Jakarta, Indonesia
Republic of Indonesia Defence University, Indonesia Peace and Security Centre, Bogor Indonesia
Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Agriculture, Moeslim University of Indonesia, Makassar, Indonesia

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The global competitiveness of the cocoa processing industry
Article History: is enhanced through the implementation of technical policies as a sustainable economic sector.
Received 01 June 2023 The effort is motivated by the potential of large cocoa production and the international market
Revised 06 September 2023 demands for the industry to apply innovative, effective technology and comply with sustainability
Accepted 15 October 2023 standards (environment, social, and economic). Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the
environmental impact assessment of cocoa production from upstream to downstream processes
in North Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi.
Keywords: METHODS: Data were collected from 321 respondents actively working and had at least
Cocoa 8 years of experience in cocoa cultivation and production. Respondents included staff of the
Compound fertilizer Masagena Farmers’ Cooperative from Chalodo Sibali Resoe Industry, Masamba City, and North
Farmers Luwu Regency, and the secondary data were obtained from a literature review. In addition, the
Life cycle assessment (LCA) environmental impact was determined using the Midpoint Recipe method and the ecoinvent
3.8 database. This was conducted based on the International Standard Organization of life cycle
Sustainability assessment 14040 and 14044 with a function unit of 1 kilogram chocodate cashew production.
FINDINGS: The results showed that reducing chemical fertilizer was environmentally preferable
to decreasing all the impact categories assessed since the total potential global warming impact
from chocodate cashew production was 2.092 kilogram carbon dioxide equivalent. In this context,
electricity and fertilizer were the main contributors to environmental pollution, accounting for
0.438 kilogram carbon dioxide equivalent and 0.215 kilogram carbon dioxide equivalent at 20.97
percent and 10.27 percent, respectively.
CONCLUSION: The reduction in the use of inorganic nitrogen, phosphate, potassium fertilizer,
from 3.75 to 1.25 kilogram perkilogram cocoa, or the adoption of bio-based nitrogen, phosphate,
potassium fertilizer at a rate of 2.5/ kilogram, could substantially mitigate the environmental
impact. This mitigation resulted in a 16 percent decrease in global warming potential, reducing
from 2.092 to 1.745 kilogram carbon dioxide equivalent. In addition, valuable insights were
provided into the scope of life cycle assessment studies and contributed to the selection of
sustainable cacao farming systems. These results could be relevant to life cycle assessment
practitioners, stakeholders, and governments in offering valuable insights for the formulation of
DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2024.02.26 policies and programs for developing cacao farming in the future.

This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).


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*Corresponding Author:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +62 853 9744 0270
ORCID: 0009-0007-5276-8176
Note: Discussion period for this manuscript open until July 1, 2024 on GJESM website at the “Show Article”.
I. Idawati et al.

INTRODUCTION environmentally friendly cocoa cultivation and

Indonesia is the world’s largest processed cocoa processing methods. Compared to other agricultural
producer, accounting for approximately 15 percent products, cocoa liquor, butter, and powder have
(%) of global chocodate consumption, and the fifth relatively low environmental impacts (2–4 kilogram
producer after Ivory Coast, Ghana, Nigeria, and carbon dioxide equivalent (kg CO2-eq) (Misselbrook et
Cameroon (Beg et al., 2017). Cocoa bean production al., 2000). Even though cocoa is a plantation crop with
was 220,000 tonnes and 231,000 tonnes in 2019 and a relatively lower impact, it is crucial to address and
2020, respectively. Cocoa represents a strategically mitigate its environmental footprint, considering the
important export commodity with the potential to role as a food crop and staple source of sustenance
yield substantial profits as an export commodity. In for the Indonesian population. Beside greenhouse
addition, it is a leading commodity in international gas (GHG), cocoa production also presents significant
trade, along with rubber, palm oil, and coffee. The emissions of ammonia (NH3) and methane (CH4) due
large production capacity contributes as one of cocoa to fertilizer use, with NH3 emissions contributing to
planting hearts, reaching 61.4% of the national cocoa acidification (Fardet and Rock, 2020). Nitrous oxide
area to the economy in all circumstances. Despite the (N2O) and NH3 must be addressed to minimize GHG
impact of the coronavirus outbreak, cocoa processing emissions from cocoa production. This impact can be
industry continued to contribute to foreign exchange. measured through a framework known as life cycle
This was evident in the export value of domestically assessment (LCA) which characterizes and depends
processed cocoa products in 2020, which amounted to on the flow of input, output, energy, and emissions
approximately 1.12 billion United States dollars (USD), in the supply chain. Therefore, physical, social, and
marking an increase of 12% compared to the previous economic changes to the environment influence
year (Parra-Paitan and Verburg, 2022). In addition the interpretation of analysis results. Physical
to high production capacity, the products have a environmental impacts include measuring the soil
distinctive taste that increases their competitiveness potential of hydrogen (pH), implementing good
in the global trade market. Processed cocoa products agricultural practice (GAP), soil and air management
in the form of liquor, butter, powder, and cake are technology, and types of plant varieties. In economic
exported to large international markets including terms, farmers’ management of essential production
the United States, Netherlands, India, Germany, inputs, including fertilizer usage (Samimi et al., 2023),
and China (Harya et al., 2018). Despite their high the quantity of entries, specifications, labor allocation,
product competitiveness, the added value is still low, and financial record-keeping in the industry, plays an
due to a relatively slow cocoa processing industry. important role. Concurrently, in the social context,
This is affected by the low quality of production the interplay between farmers is of great significance.
from smallholder plantations, namely 92.34% with This comprises their inclusion in group activities,
a total of 1,400,636 micro, small and medium-sized community initiatives, and the pursuit of information
enterprises (MSMEs) as producers (Tothmihaly et al., regarding cocoa production enhancement through
2019). Cocoa production from farmers significantly interactions with government agencies, corporations,
contributes to the global value chain since it is and other pertinent stakeholders (Idawati et al., 2018;
exported to numerous countries. Similar to the Idawati and Ariyanto, 2019; Recanati et al., 2018).
exports from the agricultural and plantation sectors, The International Organization for Standardization
efforts are needed to increase value-added products (ISO) 14040-14044 provides guidelines for the design
and maintain product competitiveness in the global and execution of LCA studies. LCA method can
trade market. The strategic and technical measures identify and mitigate the main causal effects of the
include enhancing crop productivity, elevating the use of materials resulting in negative environmental
quality of processed cocoa products, maintaining impacts at all stages of the supply chain (Konstantas
the policy of export duty tariffs for cocoa bean, et al., 2018). Therefore, this study aims to investigate
enhancing infrastructure, and fostering a conducive the environmental impacts of improved nitrogen
and productive industry environment. Furthermore, fertilizer application in cocoa production, from cradle
it is important to be in line with the global to grave (Ramos et al., 2022). The results may be
market preferences, which increasingly demand used to improve the environmental sustainability

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(2): 837-856, Spring 2024

of market-oriented cocoa production systems. The are: 1) assess the most significant environmental
quantifiable benefits are the direct assessment of impacts and identify critical phases and hotspots, 2)
cocoa production systems to inform policymakers compare the environmental performance of various
on regulation and environmental impact mitigation production system modifications, and 3) propose
measures, assist farmers in implementing GAP, methods to reduce negative environmental impacts
and educate consumers on the benefits of more and encourage more sustainably produced cocoa
sustainably produced goods (Bianchi et al., 2021; using LCA results. This study was carried out at the
Santoso et al., 2023). The results have the potential Masagena Farming Cooperative in Pongo Village and
to assist entrepreneurs in evaluating the viability of PT Chalodo Sibali Resoe Industry, Limited company
cacao production supply system, with a specific focus (Ltd), Masamba City, North Luwu Regency, South
on identifying the variables influencing the systems. Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, from 2022 to 2023.
The analysis includes categorizing the effects of cocoa
production on the global warming potential (GWP), MATERIALS AND METHODS
freshwater eutrophication potential (FEP), marine The total area of cocoa plantation in North Luwu
eutrophication potential (MEP), and acidification Regency was 40,814.56 hectare (ha) and 38,367.04
terrestrial potential (ATP) emissions. The objectives ha in 2020 and 2021, respectively, operated by

Fig. 1: Framework LCA stages of chocodate cashew production processes

Fig. 1: Framework LCA stages of chocodate cashew production processes
Cocoa farming system

29,481 heads of families and 26,567 farmers, with LCA framework. The initial stage included determining
a production rate of 87.10 tons/ha. The number of objectives and scope, life cycle inventory (LCI), life cycle
farmers in 2021 was 26,567, with a total land area impact assessment (LCIA), and interpretive analysis
of 38,367.04 Ha. This analysis is a case study of the of the potential global warming impacts of chocodate
Masagena Farming Cooperative with a land area cashew production. The characterization results in Table
of 2,424 ha, owned by 1,616 active farmers. The 3 are presented based on the cases of (Rahmah et al.,
calculation of the representative sample size from the 2022), as shown in Fig. 1.
total population of 1,616 using the Slovin formula is
321 farmers, as shown in Eq. 1 (Sevilla, 2007). Study area
This study was conducted at the Masagena Farmers’
Cooperative in the functional unit of 1 kg chocodate
 1 cashew from the total production in one harvest season
(6 months/production) of Pongo Village and PT Chalodo
Where; n is the number of samples, and N is the Sibali Resoe Industry, Ltd., in Masamba City, North Luwu
total population. Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia, from
The method used adhered to the ISO 14040:2006 series October 2022 to September 2023 Fig. 2.

Fig. 2: Geographic location of the study area in Indonesia and detailed cocoa field study location

Fig. 2: Geographic location of the study area in Indonesia and detailed cocoa field study location
Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(2): 837-856, Spring 2024

Table 1. Previously study GWPTable

impact category for
1. Previously 1 kgGWP
study chocodate
category for 1 kg chocodate production

No Boundary Unit faction Total GWP (kg CO2-eq)

1 Cradle to gate 1 kg of chocodate bar 1.65-4.21
2 Cradle to gate 1 kg chocodate, packed 2.1-4.1
3 Cradle to gate 1 kg chocodate 2.62
4 Cradle to gate 1 kg chocodate 7.3

Functional units The scope of analysis, shown in Fig. 3, includes

The functional unit was produced from the cocoa cultivation (land preparation, nursery, storage
production process of 1 kg chocodate cashew and garden maintenance, harvesting, post-harvest),
production. This referred to the use of inputs and chocodate bar processing (cleaning, roasting,
outputs of materials from the cultivation, processing, dispeller, stone mill, milling, press, dismillcake,
and transportation stages, LCI and LCIA stages mixing, ball mill), printing and packaging, marketing
(Permatasari et al., 2019). In this study, the standard distribution, transportation to consumers, and waste
results for calculating the impact of global warming (cradle to grave).
are based on existing databases. The results were
also compared to several previous studies (Busser Data collection
et al., 2009; Rancanati et al., 2018; Boakye-Yiadom, The data collected covered the use of fertilizers,
et al., 2021; Dianawati, et al., 2023), as presented in pesticides, granulated sugar, cashews, milk,
Table 1. packaging, transportation, and power generation.
In this context, the data regarding land preparation
Life cycle inventory (LCI) analysis consists of the use of gasoline, oil, application of
LCI is the second framework of LCA method which compost, herbicides, and electricity. This is followed
consists of recording several data from upstream by the nursery which consists of seeds, soil, water,
to downstream used in the production process. plastic polybags, UV (Ultraviolet) plastic for the
These stages constitute activities ranging from the roof, electricity, and the administration of organic
initial cultivation in the garden to the inclusion of fertilizer mixed with soil at cocoa nursery. The next
the Masagena Farmers’ Cooperative, subsequent stage of seed planting consists of input polybags,
processing in industry, distribution through retailers, fertilizer using nitrogen phosphate kalium (NPK)
and reaching the end consumers. The inventory fertilizer (inorganic fertilizer), herbicides in the weed
analysis is divided into two stages, namely data cleaning process, fungicides functioning to control
collection and analysis (Waluyo et al., 2018). Primary plant pest organisms (PPO) in cocoa plants, electricity
data were obtained through field observation and use, and water. Cocoa plant maintenance requires
interviews using a questionnaire on input and output NPK fertilizer, liquid organic fertilizer, insecticides,
materials. In this context, simple random sampling herbicides, fungicides, water, and gasoline. The
was used to obtain 321 farmers consisting of members harvest and post-harvest stages include the use of
of the Masagena Farmers’ Cooperative, and 5 staff of plastic sacks/bags and gasoline, followed by the
PT Chalodo Sibali Resoe Industry Ltd., Masamba City, harvest transportation to the farmers’ house or to
North Luwu Regency, as well as individuals included the location where the wet cocoa bean is purchased.
in the process of chocodate cashew production. Subsequently, the process of fermentation and drying
Concerning the criteria for the survey, respondents of the seeds comprises the use of sunlight with a
were actively working and had at least 8 years of UV plastic roof, paranet mats (simple greenhouse),
experience in cocoa cultivation and production. plastic sacks/bags, wooden boxes, and banana leaves
Meanwhile, LCI and environmental impact were covering the boxes. Table 2 shows the results of the
determined using the ecoinvent 3.8 database and the inventory analysis from the input-output system in
Midpoint Recipe (H) method based on the ISO 14040 cocoa production process, including pre-harvesting
and 14044 standards. The base unit of function was and harvesting. Cocoa bean processing consists
selected as 1 kg chocodate cashew production. of sorting, roasting, and deshelling skin from the

I. Idawati et al.

Fig. 3: System boundary of chocodate cashew production processes

nibs using a plastic bag container, LPG (Liquefied Data analysis

Petroleum Gas), and electricity, respectively. The The collected data were translated into values
obtained nibs are convertedFig.into3:aSystem
coarseboundary of chocodate
paste using related cashew production
to functional units.processes
The adjusted data were
a stone mill and electricity, which is then refined in a entered using the Midpoint Recipe (H) 2016 method
milling machine to produce liquor. Furthermore, the and aggregated to produce inventory tables (Muñoz
liquor is pressed to separate cocoa butter and cake. et al., 2014).
In the next stage, the cake is mashed in a dismillcake
machine to produce cocoa powder which is mixed Life cycle impact (LCI) assessment
with several additional ingredients to make the final Inventory analysis was carried out to calculate the
chocodate paste product. This paste is fed into the ball possibility of environmental impacts by identifying
mill to produce a ready-to-mold paste which is put in a the input and output materials used (Caicedo-Vargas
cooler before molding into the final products, such as et al., 2022; Ntiamoah and Afrane, 2008). The stages
chocodate cashew. Subsequently, cashew is packaged of measuring the environmental impact of using
using several layers of packaging before distributing. organic fertilizer on cocoa production are carried out
The main data are the source of cocoa bean (the in stages.
distance from the Masagena Farmers’ Cooperative 1. Due to the limitations of the organic fertilizer
to the industry), types, sources, and transportation dataset, the material input process uses analytical
related to the distribution of purchases of materials laboratory data information.
such as sugar, cashew nuts, milk, and others. Table 3 2. Information on the composition of organic
shows the electricity and water usage as well as the fertilizer was gathered and calibrated according to the
packaging materials. emission factors sourced from the relevant database.

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(2): 837-856, Spring 2024

Table Table
2: Inventory datadata
2: Inventory of the
of input andand
the input output of of
output cocoa cultivation
cocoa cultivation

Amount/6 months Amount/1 kg

Unit process Material Unit
production production
Land preparation Land use ha 1 0.002
input Compost kg 4,500 9
Gasoline L 10 0.02
Herbicide L 10 0.02
Lubricant L 10 0.02
Groundwater L 51,000 102
Plastic bag kg 15 0.03

Output Land use ha 1 0.002

Herbicide bottle kg 0.5 6.94E-06
Lubricant bottle kg 0.02 2.78E-06
Waste lubricant L 0.02 2.78E-06
Nursery input Land use ha 1 0.002
Cocoa tree tree 650 1.3
Soil kg 800 1.6
Groundwater L 1,600 3.2
Polybag plastic/satellite super kg 1,500 3
Roofing plastic/UV/polycarbonate kg 35 0.07
Electricity L 100 0.2
Liquid an-organic fertilizer kWh 0,05 6.94E-06
kg 2 0.004

Output Cocoa tree tree 625 1.25

Polybag plastic kg 775 1.55
Roofing plastic kg 5 0.01
Liquid an-organic fertilizer kg 25 0.05
Plastic kg 0.25 3.47E-05
Planting and Farm Cocoa tree tree 610 1.22
Maintenance input Nitrogen kg 1,875 3.75
NPK Phosphorus kg 1,875 3.75
Potassium kg 1,875 3.75
Organic fertilizer kg 900 1.8
Liquid organic fertilizer kg 36 0.072
Herbicide kg 32 0.064
Fungicide kg 15 0.03
Insecticide L 15 0.03
Irrigated water L 100,000 200
Gasoline L 100 0.2
Cocoa tree tree 605 1.21
NPK Phonska Plastic kg 10 0.02
Organic fertilizer plastic kg 3 0.006
Liquid organic fertilizer Plastic kg 8 0.016
Herbicide bottle kg 3 0.006
Fungicide bottle kg 1 0.002
Insecticide bottle kg 1 0.002

Harvesting input Cocoa tree tree 600 1.2

Wet cocoa bean kg 1,400 2.8
Plastic bag kg 0.5 6.94E-06
Gasoline L 30 0,06

Output Wet cocoa bean kg 1,350 2.7

Plastic bag/polypropylene kg 0.5 0.001
Gasoline L 30 0.06

Cocoa farming system

Continued Table 2: Inventory data of the input and output of cocoa cultivation

Amount/6 months Amount/1 kg

Unit process Material Unit
production production
Transportation to Wet cocoa bean kg 1,400 2.8
fermentation Input Plastic bag kg 0.4 5.56E-06
Gasoline L 26 0.052

Output Wet cocoa bean kg 1,400 2.8

Plastic bag /polypropylene kg 0.4 5,56E-06
Fermentation Wet cocoa bean kg 1,400 2.8
Input Wood fermentation kg 50 0,1
Banana leaf L 0.2 2,78E-06
Plastic bag kg 0.5 6,94E-06

Output Wet cocoa bean kg 1,300 2.6

Plastic bag /polypropylene kg 0.5 6.94E-06
Drying input Wet cocoa bean kg 1,250 2.5
Plastic UV kg 0.7 9.72E-06
Paranet mat kg 4 0.008
Plastic bag kg 10 0.02

Output Dry cocoa bean kg 550 1.1

Plastic bag /polypropylene kg 18 0.036
Transportation to Dry cocoa bean kg 500 1.1
manufacturing Plastic bag kg 0.2 1
Gasoline kg 26 2.78E-06
Output Dry cocoa bean kg 500 1
Plastic bag /polypropylene kg 0.2 0.0004

The ISO 14040 guidelines show that there are four (WS), terrestrial acidification potential (TAP), global
optional elements, namely normalization, scoring, warming potential (GWP), marine eutrophication
clustering, and data quality analysis. This guide (MEP), land use potential (LUP), ozone depletion
applies the results of inventory data to classify and potential (ODP), and mineral resources scarcity
characterize potential environmental impacts. In (MRS).
this context, the classification and characterization
using mandatory elements are considered to be Study limitations
sufficient to achieve the stated objectives. According The scope of this study is restricted to North
to (Armengot et al., 2021), in the classification Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi Province, Indonesia.
stage, generating the inventory data from the Therefore, it is not possible to generalize the results
calculation results is performed by multiplying the to the entire country. In this context, the expansion of
relevant emission mass value. This is achieved by the scope to include other cocoa production locations
the appropriate characterization factor provided by is a valuable prospect for future investigations. In this
the ecoinvent 3.8 databases to produce the indicator technical assessment, there are several limitations:
results for inventory items. The impact category is 1. The characterization factor of the material
the impact score or characterization results obtained is not found in available databases, hence, the value
from the sum of the indicators in each category. is adjusted by the characterization factor from the
In this study, the characterization obtained is dominant constituent materials.
grouped into environmental impacts of freshwater 2. All infrastructure and equipment that
ecotoxicity potential (FEcP), human carcinogenic supports cacao production are not included in impact
toxicity (HCP), freshwater eutrophication potential calculations.
(FEP), ozone depletion potential (ODP), human non- 3. The transportation data used are the result
carcinogenic toxicity potential (HnCT), water scarcity of accommodation with the sharing loading method.

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(2): 837-856, Spring 2024

Table 3: Inventory data of the inputs and outputs of cocoa processing

Table 3: Inventory data of the inputs and outputs of cocoa processing
Amount/6 month Amount/1 kg
Unit Process Material Unit
production production
Cleaning input Dry cocoa bean kg 450 0.9
Plastic bag/polypropylene kg 0.1 1.39E-06

Output Dry cocoa bean kg 450 0.9

Roasting input Dry cocoa bean kg 450 0.9
LPG Dutching-Alkaline kg 3 0.006

Output Roasted cocoa bean kg 449 0.898

Desheller input Roasted cocoa bean kg 449 0.898
Electricity kWh 840 1.68
Shell/husk kg 20 0.04

Output Nibs kg 429 0.858

Stonemill input Nibs kg 429 0.858
Electricity kWh 820 1.64
Coarse pasta kg 427 0.854
Milling input Coarse pasta kg 427 0.854
Electricity kWh 320 0.64

Output Cocoa liquor kg 420 0.84

Pressing input Cocoa liquor kg 420 0.84
Electricity kWh 240 0.48
Cocoa Butter kg 110 0.22

Output Cake kg 310 0.62

Dismillcake input Cake kg 310 0.62
Electricity kWh 600 1.2

Output Cocoa powder kg 300 0.6

Mixing input Cocoa powder kg 300 0.6
Powdered milk kg 3 0.006
Sugar kg 3 0.006
Vanilla kg 0.7 9.72E-06
Lecithin kg 0.5 6.94E-06
Cashew nuts kg 2.2 0.000169
Dates kg 1.2 8.61E-05
Water L 5.0 0.000417
Electricity kWh 340 0.68
Output Brown fat kg 70 0.14
Chocodate paste kg 400 0.8
Ballmill input Chocodate paste ready to print
Electricity kg 400 0.8
kWh 100 0.8
Chocodate paste ready to print
Output kg 400 0.2
Moulding input Chocodate paste ready to print kg 400 0.8
electricity kWh 100 0.2

Output Chocodate cashew kg 408.6 0.817

Packaging input Chocodate cashew kg 408,6 0.817
Metallic paper kg 0.001 0.000002
Parchment paper kg 0.01 1.39E-06
Wire tape kg 0.002 0.000004
Stand pouch kg 0.02 2.78E-06
Plastic bag kg 0.1 1.39E-06
Cardboard box kg 0.5 6.94E-06

Output Chocodate cashew kg 500 1

I. Idawati et al.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION relative contribution of each studied life cycle stage
The characterization results obtained in this study as shown in Fig. 4. The largest relative contribution in
are presented in Table 4. In this context, the global cocoa cultivation stage is LUP, MEP, MRS, ODP, and WS
warming potential and the land use potential are 2.092 at 82%, 79.5%, 78.8%, 78%, and 77.8%, respectively.
kg CO2-eq, 2.084 kg 1,4-DCB (Dichlorobenzene), and The largest and similar stages of chocodate bar
1.102. The amount of square meter (m2) of change processing are Marine ecotoxicity potential (MEcP)
of land cover square meter of change of land cover at 88%, Freshwater eutrophication potential (FEP),
(m2a crop eq). Ionizing radiation (IR), Human carcinogenic toxicity
Table 4: Characterization results for 1 kg chocodate cashew production
The environmental impact is described by the (HCT), and GWP at 67%. At the post-harvest stage, the

Table 4: Characterization results for 1 kg chocodate cashew production

Environmental impact category Total impact score Unit

Marine ecotoxicity 0.124 kg 1,4-DCB
Freshwater ecotoxicity potential 0.101 kg 1,4-DCB
Human carcinogenic toxicity potential 0.086 kg 1,4-DCB
Human non-carcinogenic toxicity potential 2.084 kg 1,4-DCB
Terrestrial ecotoxicity 6.812 kg 1,4-DCB
Freshwater eutrophication potential 0.001 kg P eq
Fossil resource scarcity 0.467 kg oil eq
Ozone formation, terrestrial ecosystem 6.812 kg NOx eq
Ionizing radiation 0.204 kBq Co-60 eq
Ozone formation 0.007 kg NOx eq
Water scarcity potential 0.093 M3
Terrestrial acidification potential 0.012 kg SO2 eq
Global warming potential 2.092 kg CO2 eq
Fine particulate matter formation 0.005 kg PM2.5 eq
Marine eutrophication potential 0.001 kg N eq
Land use potential 1.102 m2a crop eq
Stratospheric ozone depletion potential 7.10454E-06 kg CFC11 eq
Mineral resource scarcity potential 0.001 kg Cu eq







Cacao Beans Cultivation Post Harvesting Chocolate Bar Processing Transportation Waste

Fig. 4: Contribution by different production stages to the overall environmental impact score

Fig. 4: Contribution by different production stages to the overall environmental impact score
Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(2): 837-856, Spring 2024

scarcity of fossil resources scarcity (FRS) is very small, the analysis indicate that the highest environmental
and at the transportation stage, the biggest source impact is at cocoa cultivation stage, namely LUP at
of environmental impacts is the formation of ozone, 82%, where land use with one type of NPK fertilizer
terrestrial ecosystems, and Terrestrial ecotoxicity is the main cause of the environmental impact at the
potential (TEP) at 38%. production stage of 0.215 kg CO2 eq or 10.27%. The
LCA can present a more comprehensive picture use of NPK fertilizer at the stage of maintaining the
of the environmental impact of a product or activity garden contains several nutrients needed by plants
through the results of combining the weighing with high levels of N, P, and K (inorganic fertilizers).
and normalization stages. This enables decision- This is achieved by physically mixing three quality raw
makers to prioritize and direct improvement efforts materials which include urea granules, diammonium
or mitigation stages to address the most significant phosphate granules (DAP)/(NH4)2HPO4, and Potassium
environmental impacts to realize more sustainable chloride (KCL) flakes (Albaugh et al., 2021). The global
products or activities. According to Fig. 5, the impact warming potential is due to the fertilization process as
assessment of the life cycle normalization of cocoa the main concern regarding environmental impacts.
production with the largest environmental impact In this context, phosphate emission is the main
is MEcP, followed by FEcP, with LUP the third lowest contributor to heavy metals from the production
after ODP. of P contained in NPK fertilizer at the cultivation
stage. Therefore, improvement measures must be
Cocoa cultivation stage focused on reducing the use of fertilizer to design a
The stages of cocoa bean cultivation consist of sustainable cocoa industry (Suh and Molua, 2022).
land preparation, nursery, garden planting and These measures should be implemented with minimal
maintenance, harvesting, and post-harvesting. Fig. resource input to preserve limited resources, and
4 shows that the environmental impacts have the manage waste, water, and soil pollution (Armengot
highest average distribution at cocoa bean cultivation et al., 2021; Ratnawati et al., 2023). Other beneficial
stage, particularly LUP, MEP, MRS, ODP, and WS is approaches include using compost, avoiding the use
77–82 %, while at the very small post-harvesting of chemicals, enhancing integrated pest management
stage the impacts are due to from FRS. The results of through the right plants, and implementing efficient

Fig. 5: Fig.
Life cycle impact assessment normalization of cocoa production
impact assessment normalization of cocoa production

I. Idawati et al.

irrigation and xeriscaping. This effort is closely related Charcoal briquettes are produced from burning cocoa
to the technical ability of farmers in adopting GAP pod shell and can be an alternative energy source
to provide farmers with an understanding of the produced on a household scale. These materials can
dependence of cocoa plant on climatic elements, be a source of C and N used by microbes in the soil
such as rainfall fluctuations, availability of quality through the decomposition process during the rainy
infrastructure, soil management to reduce land season to reduce CO2 emissions. In this context, land
degradation, nutrient balance, resource capacity to use and the presence of drainage channels cause
access environmentally friendly technology (Idawati an increase in CO2 emissions due to a decrease in
et al., 2023). The use of agricultural machinery the groundwater level. Therefore, increased oxygen
and equipment in cocoa production remains quite levels accelerate the process of decomposition of
rudimentary and labor-intensive. This is attributed organic matter in the soil. This effect occurs when the
to the small-scale nature of the plantations, typically process of litter by soil microorganisms decomposes
ranging from 1 to 2 ha/farmer, and the heavy reliance and can become a source of organic matter in
on rainfall for production. The drying of cocoa bean the soil (Nuriana and Anisa, 2014). This method
is managed at the Masagena Farmers’ Cooperative, should be followed by more farmers to minimize
using a basic greenhouse system where sunlight the dependence on chemical fertilizer. Meanwhile,
serves as the primary source for the drying process. important environmental issues are land degradation
Therefore, improvement measures must be focused and loss of biodiversity due to excessive use of
on constructive and vegetative methods through fertilizer by farmers. The monoculture system applied
government, private, and community policies as with the same cocoa clones reduces or eliminates
well as land use depending on suitability and cost the diversity of natural flora and fauna as an effort
requirements. These actions should be regulated to balance the ecosystem through the application of
by spatial policies and market forces through agroforestry system (Akrofi-Atitianti et al., 2018). This
landscape configuration, agricultural location, and system establishes native vegetation such as forests
intensification of practices by reducing the use of by combining plants with plantations and replacing
chemicals and introducing organic fertilizers (Mugiyo chemical pesticides with more environmentally
et al., 2021). An essential impact during cocoa friendly biopesticides.
cultivation stage is the substantial generation of solid
waste post-harvesting. Specifically, the accumulation Cocoa processing stage
of cocoa pod shell in large quantities merits Cocoa or chocodate bar processing stage has the
significant attention and consideration (Walkiewicz et most significant environmental impact on MEcP, FEcP,
al., 2021). Approximately 67% of the weight of fully WS, MEP, and LUP. Furthermore, it has the largest
ripe cocoa pod is composed of the fruit skin. Among contribution to FEP and FEcP at 27.21% and 24.78%,
the environmental impacts, cocoa pod shell waste and in electricity usage which is the main cause of
is not assessable through LCA method. Therefore, the environmental burden at 0.438 kg CO2 eq, or
it becomes important to manage this waste by 20.97%. Electricity usage was identified as the main
implementing processes such as garden sanitation, environmental impact contributor at PT Chalodo Sibali
as recommended in GAP, in line with the principles Resoe Industry Ltd., in the manufacturing of chocodate
of sustainable agriculture. Furthermore, solid cocoa cashew (Perez et al., 2021). Therefore, it is important
pod shell waste can be converted into a liquid form, to enhance the efficacy of electrical energy use in the
which serves as valuable compost and even be energy-intensive apparatus. In this context, there is a
commercialized. An innovative application for cocoa suggestion to substitute the utilization of electricity
pod shell waste includes its transformation into with natural gas due to the recognized comparative
charcoal briquettes, presenting a relatively recent environmental friendliness. The derivative of the
alternative energy source at the household level. This processing sector, namely cocoa shell/husk, has
multifaceted approach addresses waste management transformed in its classification from solid waste to a
and contributes to sustainable practices as well as marketable commodity, after processing and packaging
alternative energy solutions (Duan et al., 2020). procedures (Barišić et al., 2020).

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(2): 837-856, Spring 2024

Marketing distribution stage of different scenarios by analyzing the effect of

The marketing distribution and transportation stage input parameters on the LCIA output. The sensitivity
has an environmental impact with a low contribution analysis for environmental impacts was applied for
to the category. The effects of transportation on the use of fertilizers at cocoa cultivation stage.
consumers consist of FEP, ODP, HnCT, TAP, and The impact of changing scenarios on GWP and
GWP, and the biggest impact on waste is HCT. The LUP is presented in Fig. 6. The results show that by
transportation stage includes transportation to changing the input of Phonska NPK fertilizer (Inorganic
consumers as the most relatively environmentally fertilizer) to be more efficient, GWP decreases to
friendly because the category of impact is not 1.745 kg CO2 eq. Changes in GWP through the level of
considered significant. This is because the marketing fertilizer input in the design of an information system
process outside Masamba City has not been optimal have a more significant effect on the results of the
and the production is on a small scale. environmental impact characterization compared to
the base case using NPK fertilizer. Therefore, a high
Improvement analysis percentage of NPK affects the GWP impact through
Modifications are offered as models and N2O emissions compared to synthetic or organic
improvement options for reducing potential fertilizer, manure, plant straw, and waste output.
environmental impacts. The base case of cocoa In this context, the use of high chemical inputs is
cultivation, cocoa processing, and transportation is in significant for a high GWP. The analysis shows a
North Luwu Regency, and the proposed improvement significant issue with fertilizer usage, with a rate of
options are presented in Table 5. From the results of 3.75/kg of cocoa. Therefore, fertilizer use needs to be
the environmental impact analysis of the three stages, reduced to 1.25/kg which leads to a reduction in GWP
the biggest impacts are GWP and LUP. Therefore, from 2.09 to 1.745 kg CO2 -eq.
Table 5: Proposed improvement options
improvement options can be recommended using the The use of compound (NPK) fertilizer on cocoa
improvement analysis, to determine the calculation provides a very complex response and requires an

Table 5: Proposed improvement options

Life cycle stage Base case Proposed improvement options
Cocoa production NPK fertilizer (compound fertilizers) 1. Reduction of petrochemical-based NPK fertilizer
based on petrochemicals (compound fertilizer)
2. The use of bio-based NPK fertilizer (compound

Fig. 6: Comparison of potential environmental impacts between the base case using NPK fertilization and the assumed case of reduc-
ing NPK fertilization for cocoa production stage.

Fig. 6: Comparison of potential environmental impacts between the base case using NPK fertilization and the
assumed case of reducing NPK fertilization for cocoa production stage.
I. Idawati et al.

optimal fertilization strategy to transmit various land Various land use categories have been evaluated for
suitability criteria to eliminate cocoa. The results of the effects of change, and different intensities due to
(Singh et al., 2021; Amponsah-Doku et al., 2022) sustainability of food, livestock, and processed wood
provide information that variations in response to production (Accatino et al., 2019). According to
the use of cocoa fertilizer are caused by rainfall, (Alkemade et al. 2009); Bellard et al. (2012), the
slope, and soil conditions, composition, type, and impact of global warming shows a direct correlation
time of fertilizer application. Therefore, it is necessary with the increase in sea surface temperatures, which
to recommend the right type of fertilizer, dose, and can hinder the proliferation of phytoplankton and
time to increase the productivity, and longevity of affect mean species abundance (MSA) as well as the
cocoa plants, reduce ecological restoration of the native species in the future. This phenomenon is
soil, and increase the cost-benefit ratio of fertilization. anticipated to yield varying responses to escalating
According to Doe et al., (2022), there has been global average temperatures, exerting differential
ecological restoration of cocoa agricultural soils, effects on biomes and species groups across distinct
specifically in organic carbon (OC), pH, iron (Fe), and regions. The result indicate that environmental
Aluminium (Al). In this context, it is necessary to impacts are vulnerable to changes in the amount of
improve OC and soil pH conditions while trying to material inputs and outputs. In this context, the use
adjust Fe and Al levels to Sustainable cocoa farming of NPK fertilizer is associated with a substantial
in Ghana. The fertilization mechanism evaluated environmental impact, with the most consequence
constitutes a significant concern related GWP. being a significant escalation in the impact of climate
Furthermore, this study assessed the emissions change on MSA of indigenous species. This outcome
resulting from the decomposition of cocoa pod shell is anticipated to yield distinct responses to the rising
when incorporated into the soil as part of the global average temperatures within various biomes
composting process. The results indicate that the and among different species groups across diverse
release of CH4 and N2O in the biodegradation process regions. The results indicate that environmental
depended on the specific composting technology impacts are vulnerable to changes in inputs and
used and the duration of time. Approximately 8.50 kg outputs. Agricultural landscapes in tropical drylands
of cocoa pod shell yield 1 kg of cocoa. The residual aim to create future groundwater and food security,
matter remaining in the soil has the potential to as well as energy availability through land
generate 2.60 kg CH4 and 4 gr N2O, equivalent to 7.69 conservation management. This include restoration
kg CO2 eq. Furthermore, the process of composting of degraded ecosystems, increased agricultural
the waste resulted in the release of 34 grams of CH4 diversification, and individual initiatives at larger
and 2.55 g of N2O. These emissions together equal a spatial scales (Soulsbury et al., 2021). In this context,
contribution of 1.61 kg CO2 eq. In this context, the it is necessary to apply a sustainable cocoa
approach has the potential to decrease the carbon agroforestry landscape design with an energy-saving
footprint (CF) associated with cocoa production by 6 concept in a spatial and regional arrangement with a
kg CO2 eq. The process of immersing cocoa pod shell pattern of placement of trees and air spaces. This
into the soil has a significant effect on the CF due to sustainable landscape should be developed with soil
the emissions from the anaerobic breakdown of management strategies such as compost production
organic waste. These account for approximately 85% and plantation waste handling to maintain and
of the total emissions observed in the two enhance healthy soil, support the diversity of soil life,
technologies examined. The result supports the need as well as integrate renewable energy technologies
for action in making decisions regarding the mitigation (Santeramo and Lamonaca, 2021). Despite the
of GHG emissions. Organic fertilizer is potential viable inherent constraints associated with the use of LCA
solution for minimizing the negative environmental method in developing nations, the valuable
impacts linked to GAP (Nemecek et al., 2011). The environmental insights provided should be
high impact besides the GWP is the LUP of 1.102, considered. The methods enable the identification of
decreasing to 0.492 m2a crop eq from the basic case important environmental concerns and can facilitate
applied by farmers (Fig. 6). Currently, LUP is the the implementation of sustainable solutions. This
leading cause of biodiversity decline worldwide. case study has proven successful in measuring and

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(2): 837-856, Spring 2024

identifying several important impacts related to the such trees. A sustainable approach to food systems,
upstream-to-downstream cocoa production process which emphasizes the augmentation of production
(Sasongko et al., 2018). Sustainable cocoa production, and consumption, must be obtained with the
commencing at the upstream stage, includes a series ecological surroundings. This includes the
of measures. These initiatives begin with land establishment of a circular food system, with the
preparation and extend to the reduction of bio-based overarching goal of advancing global food security by
inorganic fertilizers and pesticides. Furthermore, the minimizing external inputs carrying adverse
adoption of cocoa agroforestry practices, which environmental impacts. In this context, this current
integrate productive shade crops, plays an important study aims to protect natural resources by closing the
role. The sustainable practices enhance both cocoa cycle of nutrients and carbon in circular food systems
cultivation and provide additional income streams for (Sasongko and Pertiwi, 2023). Regenerative
farmers. Furthermore, cocoa industry can consider agriculture is an approach that promotes soil and
using a full electricity network with the use of water conservation by applying cocoa agroforestry
photovoltaics (PV) as an energy source (Rosmeika et landscapes. This improves the quality management
al., 2023). The use of PV as an energy source in of agricultural land by implementing rehabilitation
electric vehicles that use a full network has reduced and revitalization of the entire ecosystem and
the environmental impact significant to GWP, FEP, contributing to various ecosystem services. The
ODP, POFP, and TAP. A study conducted in Columbia concept of cocoa agroforestry landscapes, which
made a significant contribution to the environmental includes mixed cropping systems in a single land area
impact caused by the assessment of the life cycle of is a significant catalyst for global environmental
cocoa production. In this context, the production change. This approach adds economic value and
with a composting system carried out in handling bears responsibility for a substantial portion of total
cocoa pod shell waste by immersing in the soil or greenhouse gas emissions. The outcomes are
rotting outside can be a source of emissions. However, achieved through the promotion of agroecosystem
these emissions cannot be predicted precisely diversity and the integration of comprehensive
because of the different management systems for environmental management practices (Sgroi, 2022).
cocoa plantations. The difference depends on the According to (Schroth et al., 2016), a mixed cropping
treatment of farmers based on crop needs, number system contains a variety of forestry crops (teak,
of family dependents, soil conditions, type and pepper, dogfruit, cloves), fruits (durian, rambutan,
dosage of chemical fertilizers, need for future demand mango, etc.), short-term crops (banana, papaya,
for food products, as well as other considerations cassava, corn, patchouli), medicinal plants, and farm
such as energy consumption from CO2 emissions animals such as chickens. This system includes cocoa
(Cheng et al., 2011). According to (Ortiz-Rodríguez et land with a planting density of 4×4 m2 which provides
al., 2016), the potential for global warming emissions many ecosystem benefits, such as climate mitigation,
from cocoa plantations in Colombia produces 2–4 kg carbon sequestration, biodiversity, nutrient cycling,
CO2 eq/kg cocoa. Therefore, a way to achieve a and maintenance of soil fertility. Cocoa agroforestry
constant level of reduction in N2O emissions is to is a sustainable forest intensification and protection
maintain the use of balanced fertilization doses. The policy implemented in the plantation landscapes as
application of agroforestry landscape systems and the key to environmental sustainability. Cocoa
conventional management has an environmental agroforestry with Melina trees (Gmelina arborea) is
impact measured in GWP kg CO2-eq/ kg of the same an alternative approach when there is a decrease in
magnitude, even though the impact may be lower cocoa yields due to plant age. This reduces the impact
(Schreefel et al., 2020). (Asitoakor et al. 2022; Sassen of agricultural production systems, increases farmer
et al., 2022) show that the agroforestry system is an productivity and income, reduces CO2 emissions, and
effort to conserve biodiversity and provide ecosystem increases carbon sequestration (Ballesteros-Possú et
services since P is available in the soil around cocoa al., 2022; Udawatta and Jose, 2011). Some relevant
plants. This level of productivity can be attained when environmental impacts due to cocoa production
shade trees are incorporated, resulting in higher include GWP and LUP, such as loss of biodiversity and
yields compared to cocoa plant cultivated without the need for soil management due to the excessive

I. Idawati et al.

use of chemical fertilization (Gaidajis and Kakanis, industrial development, focusing on economic and
2020; Rahmah et al., 2022). social aspects and their impact on the environment.
The following recommendations are possible:
CONCLUSIONS 1. Environmentally friendly: The improvement
In conclusion, fertilizer use during the cultivation analysis shows that by reducing the application of
stage of chocodate cashew production was reported inorganic fertilizer, specifically by decreasing the
to directly impact GHG emissions. This made a usage of potassium nitrogen phosphate from 3.75 to
significant contribution to MEP due to the N and P 1.25/kg cocoa, or by transitioning to vegetable-based
derivatives contained in NPK fertilizer. LCA results potassium nitrogen phosphate at a rate of 2.5/kg, it
focused on considering environmental elements is possible to significantly mitigate the environmental
and consequences as a tool used to plan sustainable impact. This reduction amounts to approximately
development, explaining the principles, methods, and 16%, leading to a decrease in the global warming
benefits to policymakers and decision-makers. In this potential from 2,092 to 1,745 kg CO2-eq.
context, this study represented one of LCA analysis 2. Reducing the use of NPK fertilizer and
conducted in cocoa industry, particularly in South replacing with environmentally friendly organic
Sulawesi. The objective of implementing the method fertilizer. Recommended organic fertilizer includes
was to measure the potential environmental impacts compost, bokasi, petrogenic, and several liquid
of cocoa cashew produced by PT Chalodo Sibali organic fertilizers for cocoa plant used to reduce
Resoe Industry. Furtehrmore, LCA was carried out to chemical fertilizers. Furthermore, there are
build a scientific basis for analyzing improvements recommendations for fertilizer other than Phonska
in production sustainability. An assessment was NPK, namely Rainbow NPK and the need to use lime
conducted on the life cycle sustainability of cocoa to reduce the soil dryness.
farming by applying compound fertilizer at various 3. Economically: The augmentation of cocoa
stages of chocodate cashew production process. agricultural production can be achieved by adopting
The results showed that reducing the use of agricultural practices rooted in regenerative and
chemical fertilizers was better for the environment circular principles. This includes the provision of
to reduce the categories of impacts assessed. In organic inputs and the integration of diverse varieties
this context, the total potential global warming of cocoa clones in a single cocoa agroforestry
impact from chocodate cashew production was landscape system.
equivalent to 2,092 kg CO2. The main contributors to 4. Socially: The capacity of farmers can be
environmental pollution were electricity and fertilizer increased through counseling and training in the
which contributed 0.438 kg and 0.215 kg CO2-eq at manufacture and use of organic fertilizer.
20.97% and 10.27%, respectively. The largest relative 5. Science and technology: The data collection
contribution at cocoa cultivation stage was LUP at can be used for comparison in future studies. Further
82%, followed by MEP, MRS, ODP, and WS at 80%. analysis is needed regarding alternative electricity
Chocodate bar processing stages are MEcP at 88%, sources for cocoa industry, ranging from fossil fuels to
FEP, IR, HCT, and GWP at 67%. At the post-harvest new renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic
stage, FRS was very small but at the transportation solar cells.
stage, the largest impact contribution was ozone
formation, land ecosystems, and TEP potential at AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
38%. Based on input in sequence, electricity and I. Idawati performed the literature analysis,
fertilizer contributed 0.438 kg CO2-eq (20.97%) and experimental activities, writing of the manuscript,
0.2148 kg CO2-eq at 20.97% and 10.27%, respectively. and analyzed the manuscript critically for significant
intellectual content. N.A. Sasongko performed the
RECOMMENDATIONS literature analysis, data, and information collection,
North Luwu Regency = is one of the largest cocoa writing of the manuscript, and analyzed the manuscript
producers in Indonesia. For the development of critically for significant intellectual content. A.D.
internationally competitive and sustainable products, Santoso performed the data and information
it is important to understand the importance of collection, data handling, validation, and LCA data

Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(2): 837-856, Spring 2024

analysis. W.S. Agam performed the experimental jurisdictional claims in published maps and
activities, data handling, validation, and LCA data institutional afflictions.
analysis. H. Apriyanto performed the experimental
activities, writing of the manuscript, and validation. ABBREVIATIONS
A. Boceng performed the experimental activities, % Percent
writing of the manuscript, and administration.
Al Aluminium
ATP Acidification terrestrial potential
This study was supported by the Postdoctoral CO2 Carbon dioxide
Scheme at Research Center for Sustainable CF Carbon footprint
Production System and LCA, National Research, and
CFC Chlorofluorocarbon
Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia 2022-2023),
Indonesian Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP) CH4 Methane
Ministry of Finance Indonesia; [No. 0005245/TRP/M/ DAP Diammonium phosphate
ASN-2022], Andi Djemma University Faculty of
Eq Equivalent
Agriculture, the Masagena Farmers’ Cooperative, PT
Fe Iron
Chalodo Sibali Resoe Industry Ltd., and North Luwu
Regency Government. FEP Freshwater eutrophication
CONFLICT OF INTEREST FEcP Freshwater ecotoxicity potential
The author declares no conflict of interest regarding FRS Fossil resources scarcity
the publication of this manuscript. In addition, the
ethical issues, including plagiarism, informed consent, GAP Good agricultural practice
misconduct, data fabrication and falsification, double GHG Greenhouse gas
publication and submission, and redundancy have GWP Global warming potential
been completely observed by the authors.
ha Hectare
OPEN ACCESS HCT Human carcinogenic toxicity
©2024 The author(s). This article is licensed under HnCT Human non-carcinogenic toxicity
a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International potential
License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation,
IR Ionizing radiation
distribution, and reproduction in any medium or
format, provided appropriate credit is given to the ISO International organization for
original author(s) and the source, provide a link to standardization
the Creative Commons license, and indicate when KCl Potassium chloride
changes were made. The images or other third-party kg Kilogram
material in this article are included in the article LCA Life cycle assessment
Creative Commons license unless indicated otherwise
in a credit line to the material. Furthermore, when LCIA Life cycle impact assessment
material is not included in the article Creative LCI Life cycle inventory
Commons license and your intended use is not LUP Land use potential
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the
permitted use, you will need to obtain permission Ltd Limited
directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy m 2
Square meter
of this license, visit: http://creativecommons.org/ m a crop eq
Square meter of change of land
licenses/by/4.0/. cover

PUBLISHER NOTE MEcP Marine ecotoxicity potential

GJESM Publisher remains neutral concerning MSA mean species abundance

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Idawati, I., Ph.D., Lecturer, 1Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Andi Djemma University, Indonesia. 2Research Center
for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Jakarta 10340, Indo-
 Email: [email protected]
 ORCID: 0009-0007-5276-8176
 Web of Science Researcher ID: -
 Scopus Author ID: 57204941378
 Homepage: https://unanda.ac.id/
Sasongko, N.A., Ph.D., Senior Researcher, 1Research Centre for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National
Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia. 2Republic of Indonesia Defence University (UNHAN), Indonesia Peace and Security Centre,
Bogor Indonesia.
 Email: [email protected]
 ORCID: 0000-0002-6546-1348
 Web of Science Researcher ID: IUM-2301-2023
 Scopus Author ID: 56709544200
 Homepage: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nugroho-adi-sasongko-94558ab9/
Santoso, A.D., Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Research Centre for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National Re-
search and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.
 Email: [email protected]
 ORCID: 0000-0003-3595-9265
 Web of Science Researcher ID: HJY-1972-2023
 Scopus Author ID: 56516534000
 Homepage: https://brin.go.id/
Sani, A.W., MT., Junior Researcher, 1Research Centre for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National Research
and Innovation Agency, Indonesia. 2Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Gajah Mada, Yogyakarta,
55281, Indonesia.
 Email: [email protected]
 ORCID: 0000-0002-9469-7640
 Web of Science Researcher ID: NA
 Scopus Author ID: NA
 Homepage: https://brin.go.id/
Apriyanto, H., PhD., Senior Researcher, Research Centre for Sustainable Production System and Life Cycle Assessment, National Re-
search and Innovation Agency, Indonesia.
 Email: [email protected]
 ORCID: 0000-0002-5526-7218
 Web of Science Researcher ID: NA
 Scopus Author ID: NA
 Homepage: https://brin.go.id/
Boceng, A., Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Faculty of Agriculture, Moeslim University of Indonesia.
 Email: [email protected]
 ORCID: 0000-0002-7058-1192
 Web of Science Researcher ID: NA
 Scopus Author ID: NA
 Homepage: https://fp.umi.ac.id/


Idawati, I.; Sasongko, N.A.; Santoso, A.D.; Sani, A.W.; Apriyanto, H.; Boceng, A., (2024). Life cycle assessment
of sustainable cocoa production system in North Luwu, Sulawesi: Impact of inorganic fertilizer ratio
adjustment. Global J. Environ. Sci. Manage., 10(2): 837-856.

DOI: 10.22034/gjesm.2024.02.26
URL: https://www.gjesm.net/article_708395.html


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