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1 s2.0 S0960852421014619 Main
Bioresource Technology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biortech
Keywords: In this study, techno-economic analysis of the sustainable production of polylactic acid (PLA) and biodiesel from
Food waste Food Waste (FW), with a plant capacity of 50 tons/day, was investigated. In addition, FW of four countries
PLA (China, India, Brazil, and the USA) with different compositions of water, protein, lipid and carbohydrate were
proposed. Each country has different PLA production rates based on carbohydrate and biodiesel production
Techno-economic analysis
based on fat. In this study, the FW composition of the USA shows better economic feasibility than other countries.
Energy integration
The actual minimum selling price is 6.53 (China), 5.35 (India), 4.75 (Brazil), and 4.29 (US) $/kg. The uncertainty
of the MSP was analyzed based on various input limits. The sensitivity analysis was conducted based on
biodiesel-selling price, PLA-selling price, income tax, and project lifetime on techno-economic analysis param
eters, such as ROI, payback period, IRR and NPV were investigated.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Han).
Received 6 September 2021; Received in revised form 7 October 2021; Accepted 8 October 2021
Available online 12 October 2021
0960-8524/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Rajendran and J. Han Bioresource Technology 343 (2022) 126119
bodies. Microplastic particles are often present in human drinking water product revenue and the uncertainty of MSP based on FW composition
and food, and according to World Wide Fund (WWF), each person using Monte Carlo simulation. The sensitivity analysis explains the ups
consumes approximately 5 g of plastic every week (Kantai, 2020). Long- and downs in economics based on different considerable factors. In the
time degradation and CO2 emission are unfavorable to the environment integrated process, byproducts play a considerable positive impact on
(Emadian et al., 2017). Bioplastics are sustainable solutions to reduce economics. A comprehensive comparison based on economics is
the environmental impact of chemically derived plastic and plastic considered as a novelty of this work. The main objective of the present
demand. work was to investigate the economic feasibility of integrated PLA and
Bioplastics are natural polymers from renewable biological sources, biodiesel production from different FW compositions. The integrated
which are degradable (Samantaray et al., 2020). Bioplastics are pro PLA and biodiesel production and economic parameters were investi
duced from various sources, such as agricultural residues, plant-based gated using SuperPro software.
residues, FW, wastewater, algae sources. Bioplastic reduces GHG emis
sion, energy consumption, and is easily degradable than petroleum- 2. Materials and methods
based plastics (Bilo et al., 2018). Starch-based bioplastic compared to
polystyrene reduces the usage of nonrenewable sources (50%) and GHG 2.1. Simulation scenario
(60%) (Emadian et al., 2017; Razza et al., 2015). In 2020, global bio
plastic production is approximately 2.11 million tons, including biode The simulation was conducted using SuperPro software V10. This
gradable bioplastics (58.1%) such as poly(butylene adipate-co- simulation focused on oil extraction, biodiesel production, bio
terephthalate), Poly (butylene succinate), poly (lactic acid), Ploy mass–glucose conversion, lactic acid production, lactide conversion, and
(hydroxyalkanoates), starch blends and nonbiodegradable bioplastics PFA synthesis. The plant capacity is 50 tons of FW per day. This simu
(41.9%) such as ploy(ethylene), Polyethylene terephthalate, Polyamide, lation focuses on China, India, Brazil, and the USA’s FW composition.
Polypropylene, Polytrimethylene terephthalate. The estimated bio The input raw materials, equipment size and cost, utilities, and con
plastic production in 2025 is approximately 2.87 million tons, which sumables were modified based on FW composition. The plant con
includes 37.3% (1.07 million tons) of non-biodegradable bioplastic and struction, startup, and lifetime duration are 1 yr, 4 months, and 20 yr,
62.7% (1.8 million tons) of biodegradable bioplastic (PlasticEurope, respectively. The 100% operating capacity is maintained each year. The
2020). income tax percentage was 25%. The plant’s annual operating period is
FW contains a high amount of organic nutrients, which are low-cost 330 days (7920 h).
feedstock for value-added product production, such as biofuels, chem
icals, fertilizers, and bioplastic. Recently, studies focus on bioplastic 2.2. Process-flow design
production from FW because of its carbohydrate content and availabil
ity. Bioplastic from FW proposed more socio-economic and environ The simulation was performed based on various published experi
mental advantages, such as sustainable food-waste management and mental works, such as oil extraction (Mofijur et al., 2020), biodiesel
plastic replacement. The PLA production involves reaction and purifi production (Degfie et al., 2019), biomass hydrolysis (Kwan et al., 2016),
cation steps, which increased the production cost and minimum selling lactic acid production (Kwan et al., 2016), lactic acid purification (Lee
price of PLA. Recent studies proposed the conversion of FW into biofuels et al., 2017), lactide conversion (Upare et al., 2016), and PLA synthesis
(biodiesel, biomethane, biohydrogen, and biohythane.), value-added (Rahmayetty et al., 2018). The major components of FW are water,
products (bioplastic, organic acids, and single-cell protein), and spe carbohydrate, fat, and protein. The proportion of food-waste composi
cial chemicals (pharmaceutical, antioxidants, Flavonoids, fragrances, tion in each country varies according to the food culture of the people. In
and adhesive). Certain FW conversion techniques are not economically this study, techno-economic analysis of PLA and biodiesel production
feasible (Cristóbal et al., 2018). The integrated-biofuel recovery and from FW is evaluated based on four countries (China, India, Brazil, and
value-added product separation technology are good for sustainable United States) FW composition.
food-waste valorization (Yukesh Kannah et al., 2020). To reduce the size of the particle, the FW was transferred to bead mil
FW contains 5%–30% lipid content, 30%–60% starch, 5%–10% using a belt conveyor. The particle size impacts the oil extraction; large
protein and water content (Chen et al., 2019; Karmee et al., 2015; Kwan size particles reduce the solvent infiltration and oil release. The FW
et al., 2016; Pleissner and Lin, 2013). The literature was used, as a guide, contains high water content, which was removed using a spray dryer.
for simulating oil extraction and biodiesel production from FW. The PLA The high moisture dilutes the solvent and reduces the oil yield by
production from FW involves three steps: lactic acid production, lactide complicating the separation process. Manimaran et al. study the effect of
conversion, and PLA production from lactide (Hu et al., 2017). Kwan water and element size on oil extraction from Trichosanthes cucumerina
et al. synthesized lactic acid from FW using fungal hydrolysis and seeds (Manimaran et al., 2020). Oil yield reduced when the moisture
fermentation, with Lactobacillus casei Shirota techniques. In this study, content and particle size were more than 6% and 0.2 mm, respectively.
94 g/L of lactic acid was produced from FW. Lactic acid purification is The 1:22.5 (w/v) ratio of FW and n-hexane were transferred to the
essential for pure PLA production. Lee et al. proposed a membrane- mixture and settler (assumed as ultrasonicator). The oil extraction time
integrated separation process for lactic acid purification and obtained was 34 min, and the amplitude was 32%. The solvent oil extraction with
high purity lactic acid (greater than99.5%) (Lee et al., 2017). The high n-hexane is a wildly used technique because of its high quality and yield
yield 94% of lactide from lactic acid using a heterogeneous catalyst, (Bhuiya et al., 2020; Jahirul et al., 2013). The n-hexane is a non-polar
SnO2-SiO2 (Upare et al., 2016). Rahmayetty et al. reported L-lactide solvent that extracts almost 99.3%–99.7% of oil (Topare et al., 2011).
ring-opening polymerization using Candida rugosa lipase as a biocata The solvent and oil mixture was transferred to a flash evaporator, where
lyst, and the yield of the PLA was 93% (Rahmayetty et al., 2018). the solvent was recovered and recycled, while the solvent-free oil was
The previous study concluded that FW is considered a sustainable separated and used for biodiesel production. The oil-free biomass with
source for bioplastic production. The composition of FW plays an 1% of n-hexane was used for lactic acid production. The biodiesel syn
important role in FW valorization, which depends on the people food thesis was conducted at optimized conditions, such as methanol to oil
habits, which vary in each country. In this study, the top four FW pro molar ratio 1:8, CaO nanocatalyst concentration, 1 wt%, time, 90, min
ducing countries were selected such as China, India, Brazil, and the USA and temperature, 50 ◦ C, and conversion rate, 96%. The CaO affected the
and investigated the economic feasibility of bioplastic (PLA) production biodiesel conversion, and it shows several benefits, such as ease of re
based on different FW compositions which were obtained from the covery and reuse. In addition, it is environmentally and economically
literature (Byun et al., 2021). This study presents the fluctuation of the feasible (Degfie et al., 2019). After the reaction, the solid catalyst was
minimum selling price (MSP) of PLA based on feedstock price and by- recovered using a centrifuge. In this study, the recovered catalyst was
N. Rajendran and J. Han Bioresource Technology 343 (2022) 126119
not reused because the catalytic efficiency reduced after each cycle. It is 2.4 g/L. The centrifuge and microfilter were used to remove the solid
considered a revenue stream (50% of raw catalyst cost). The excess biomass and fungal cell debris. The hydrolyzed glucose solution was
methanol in the mixture was recovered and recycled in a flash evapo used for lactic acid fermentation by Lactobacillus casei Shirota (Inoculum
rator and cooling unit. Decanter was used to separate crude glycerol and size 2% (v/v)). 10 M NaOH solution was used in the fermentation pro
biodiesel. Finally, distilled water was used to wash the crude biodiesel to cess to maintain the pH at 6.0. The fermented mixture contains lactic
obtain pure biodiesel. Crude glycerol and pure biodiesel are considered acid with a concentration of 94 g/L (0.94 g/g sugar) (Kwan et al., 2016),
revenue streams. which was purified using a membrane-integrated separation process
A spray dryer was used to remove the remaining 1% of n-hexane (Lee et al., 2017). In this purification process, ultrafiltration and nano
from biomass. Hydrolysis is an essential and initial step of biomass filtration are integrated with vacuum-assisted evaporators. Cell debris,
valorization. In this study, the hydrolysis of residual FW biomass was unreacted glucose, and excess water were removed using UF, NF, and
conducted with fungal mash enzyme source of Aspergillus awamori and VE, respectively. In this purification process, high purity (95%) lactic
Aspergillus oryzae, and a solid-to-liquid ratio of 30% (w/v). The hydro acid was recovered and used for lactide production. The single-step
lyzed mixture contains solid biomass, glucose, fungal cell debris, and continuous process of lactide conversion from lactic acid was conduct
excess water. The concentration of glucose in hydrolysis was 100.2 ± ed using novel nanocomposite catalyst SnO2-SiO2 and the conversion
N. Rajendran and J. Han Bioresource Technology 343 (2022) 126119
rate was 94% . The novel process shows the better quality and produc Table 1
tivity of lactide. The pure lactide was synthesized from crude lactide Total Capital Investment Calculation.
using the crystallization technique. In this process, ethanol is the dis Total Capital Investment
solving agent. After the crystallization process, the excess ethanol was
Direct Fixed Capital (DFC)
recovered and reused for the next cycle (Upare et al., 2016). The pure
lactide was transferred to the reactor and melted at 120 ◦ C for 1hr. The Direct Cost
N. Rajendran and J. Han Bioresource Technology 343 (2022) 126119
Table 2 require more solvent to improve the conversion efficiency. Solvent re
Economic parameters of PLA and biodiesel production from 50 tons of food covery and recycling processes are necessary for the sustainable- and
waste. economically feasible process (Naveenkumar and Baskar, 2020). Before
Parameters China India Brazil US heat integration, 328.65, 328.68, 305.09, 305.65 MW/kg PLA of heat
Total Capital 41,891,000 45,065,000 48,217,000 47,320,000
energy was used in China, India, Brazil and the USA respectively. The
Investment process with heat integration saved 15.37, 18.47, 15.86 and 14.35 MW/
Capital Investment 41,891,000 45,065,000 48,217,000 47,320,000 kg PLA in China, India, Brazil and the USA scenario respectively. In the
Charged to This steam section, approximately 91–93% of steam was used in P-1 (Dryer),
P-21 (Multi-effective evaporation) and P-8 (Flash evaporator). In the
Operating Cost ($/Yr) 12,252,000 13,651,000 15,027,000 12,782,000
Main Revenue 9,807,000 12,994,000 15,489,000 14,669,000 cooling section, P-38 and P-39 used a large amount of cooling water
Other Revenues 2,074,566 2,579,271 3,333,726 3,077,874 (93–94%). The utilization of large heat energy affects the process energy
Total Revenues 11,882,000 15,573,000 18,822,000 17,747,000 efficiency. The alternative drying process, oil extraction techniques and
($/Yr) low solvent utilization improve overall energy efficiency.
Cost Basic Annual 1,880,551 2,491,601 2,970,102 2,812,807
Unit Production Cost 6.51 5.48 5.06 4.54 3.4. Minimum selling price of PLA
Unit Production 6.32 6.25 6.34 6.31
Revenue In this scenario, the minimum selling price ($/kg) of PLA was 6.53
Gros Margin (-3.11) 12.34 20.16 27.98
(China), 5.35 (India), 4.75 (Brazil), and 4.29 (USA). The pert distribu
Return on Investment 8.35 12.42 15.12 17.11
Payback Time (Yr) 11.98 8.05 6.62 5.84 tion graph of the Monte Carlo simulation used in uncertainty analysis is
IRR (After Taxes) (%) 4.14 10.55 15.55 18.36 shown in Fig. 4. The 90% confidence level was marked in the graph,
NPV (at 10% Interest) (-12532000) 1,456,000 18,271,000 26,902,000 which varies based on each country’s carbohydrate percentage. 90%
confidence levels are between 5.265 and 6.652 $/kg (China), 4.710 and
6.268 $/kg (India), 4.594 and 5.562 $/kg (Brazil), and 4.2 and 5.321
and NPV. In the overall analysis, the USA shows the most economic
$/kg (the USA). In this study, the USA shows the lowest minimum selling
feasibility with high ROI (17.11%) and IRR (18.36%), short payback
price limits (4.2 to 5.321 $/kg) however, it was more expensive than
period (5.84 yr), and positive NPV values (26.9 M$). The PLA produc
petroleum polymers (PP: 1.78 $/kg, HDPE: 1.52/kg). The reason is a
tion of Brazil is more than the USA, but the economically USA shows
large number of unit operations and solvent usage. Technological
more feasibility than Brazil due to high capital investment, operating
development and reduction of solvent usage reduce the production cost
cost and low biodiesel yield. The working capacity and byproducts also
of PLA. In addition, the mixture of PLA with other co-polymers is a
play a major role in economics. China shows a negative NPV which was
method to reduce the minimum selling cost (Claro et al., 2016). The
not a profitable process. In this integrated process, China shows high
actual market PLA price is varied from 0.4 to 9 $/kg, based on purity and
unit production cost of PLA was 6.51 $/kg and the USA shows low unit
seller (Claro et al., 2016; Fahim et al., 2019; Jem et al., 2010). Kwan
production cost was 4.54 $/kg. The schematic of the overall study is
et al. investigated the PLA production from FW, and the selling price of
shown in Fig. 3. The economic analysis of the scenarios is shown in
PLA was determined at 5.215 $/kg (Kwan et al., 2018). The byproducts
Table 2.
from the process help to reduce the MSP of PLA. The minimum selling
price of PLA was studied based on biodiesel price, shown in Fig. 5 (a).
3.3. Heat integration
Fig. 2. Annual operating cost breakdown (a) China, (b) India, (c) Brazil, (d) USA.
N. Rajendran and J. Han Bioresource Technology 343 (2022) 126119
Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of the overall process of PLA and biodiesel production.
Fig. 4. Uncertainty analysis of MSP of PLA using Monte Carlo simulation (a) China, (b) India, (c) Brazil, (d) USA.
3.5. Sensitivity analysis project lifetime (15 to 30 years). The high-income tax shows a negative
impact on ROI, payback period, and IRR. The high biodiesel and PLA-
The economic parameters such as ROI, payback period, IRR, and selling price show a positive impact on ROI, payback period, and IRR.
NPV were investigated based on various biodiesel-selling price (0.64 to The value of NPV in China shows negative value in most conditions,
1.04 $/kg), PLA-selling price (4 to 8 $/kg), income tax (10 to 30%), and However, NPV shows a positive value when the selling price of PLA is
N. Rajendran and J. Han Bioresource Technology 343 (2022) 126119
Fig. 5. (a) Effect of biodiesel price on MSP of PLA, (b) Effect of biodiesel price on economic factors, (c) Effect of PLA price on economic factors, (d) Effect of income
tax (%) on economic factors.
increased 6 to 7$/kg. The value of NPV in India shows a negative value Acknowledgements
when the selling price of PLA decreased by 6 to 5 $/kg and the project
lifetime decreased by 20 to 15 years. In Brazil and USA scenario, This research was supported by Basic Science Research Program
negative NPV shows when PLA price is decreased 5 to 4 $/kg. The through the National research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the
complete sensitivity analysis was shown in Fig. 5(b) to 5(d) and Sup Ministry of Education (2019R1I1A3A01061118), Technology Develop
plementary Materials, and the values are shown in Supplementary ment Program to Solve Climate Changes of the National Research
Materials. Foundation (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Science and ICT
(2020M1A2A2080858), and the Carbon-to-X (C2X) R&D project (no.
4. Conclusion 2020M3H7A1096361) sponsored by the National Research Foundation
(NRF) of the Ministry of Science and ICT.
This study showed the technical process and economic analysis of
PLA and Biodiesel from four countries FW. The USA FW composition Appendix A. Supplementary data
was economically feasible with high ROI and IRR, short payback period,
and positive NPV values. FW composition, working volume and by- Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.
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