Tofu Mampang Prapatan

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Sukmana et al.

/ IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

Global Warming Impacts Study on Tofu Products in Mampang Prapatan Small and
Medium Enterprises with Life Cycle Assessment Methods
Bayu Sukmanaa, Isti Surjandarib, Muryantoc *, Arief Ameir Rahman Setiawanc, Edi Iswanto Wilosoc

Environmental Sciences School, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 10430,
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, 16424,
Research Centre for Chemistry, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Serpong, 15314, Indonesia.

First submission: 15th June 2018, Revised submission: 17th September 2019, Acceptance: 11th Desember 2019
©IJoLCAS 2019

Global warming issue can be caused by greenhouse gas emissions which come from human activities. Along with the
increase of daily needs, humans activities on food production also increase, which include the production of tofu. Tofu is a
traditional Indonesian specialty made from soybeans and served as a side dish. The purpose of this study was to determine the
impact of global warming from tofu products of Mampang Prapatan's Small Tofu and Medium Enterprises. The method used
in this study was the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method using SimaPro 8.4 software with a 1 kg tofu as functional unit. The
data collected in this study was based on the average data of tofu production for 3 months, from January to March 2018. This
include the process of soybean cultivation, transportation for shipping soybeans, and use of water, wood and electricity. The
scope of this study is from cradle (soybean cultivation) to gate (tofu products). The results showed that SMEs Mampang
Prapatan has the potential impact of global warming with a value of 3.84 kg CO 2-eq, while the value of global warming in the
production process with the scenario of waste water treatment and the use of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as fuel for boiling
pulp was 4.49 kg CO2-eq. Based on the results of this study, the intervention that can be proposed is to optimize the use of raw
materials for production to reduce the impact of CO2-eq kg global warming.

Keywords: Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Global Warming, LCA, Tofu


Isu pemanasan global terutama diakibatkan oleh adanya emisi gas rumah kaca (CO 2) yang berasal dari aktivitas manusia.
Seiring dengan bertambahnya kebutuhan pangan, maka aktivitas manusia untuk memproduksi bahan pangan juga meningkat,
termasuk pangan tahu. Tahu adalah makanan khas tradisional Indonesia yang berbahan baku kedelai dan dijadikan sebagai
hidangan lauk pauk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui dampak pemanasan global dari produk tahu pada Usaha Kecil
Menengah Tahu Mampang Prapatan. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah metode Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
dengan bantuan software Simapro 8.4 dengan unit fungsional 1 kg tahu. Data yang dikumpulkan pada penelitian ini adalah data
rata-rata produksi tahu selama 3 bulan, yaitu Bulan Januari - Bulan Maret 2018. Data LCA pada penelitian ini meliputi proses
budidaya kedelai, proses transportasi pengiriman kedelai, air, kayu bakar, dan penggunaan listrik. Batasan penelitian ini adalah
dari cradle (budidaya kedelai) sampai gate (produk tahu). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa UKM Tahu Mampang Prapatan
memiliki potensi dampak pemanasan global dengan nilai sebesar 3.84 kg CO 2-ek, sedangkan nilai pemanasan global pada
proses produksi tahu dengan skenario proses pengolahan limbah cair dan penggunaan Liquified Petoleum Gas (LPG) sebagai
bahan bakar proses perebusan bubur kedelai sebesar 4.49 kg CO2-ek. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini emisi gas rumah kaca
(CO2) yang dikeluarkan, maka intervensi yang dapat dilakukan adalah mengoptimalkan penggunaan bahan baku produksi untuk
menekan dampak pemanasan global kg CO2-ek.

Kata kunci : Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca, Pemanasan Global, LCA, Tahu

Corresponding and main contributor author. Tel.: +6221 756 0929
E-mail address.
Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

1. INTRODUCTION In addition, the tofu industry is required to have a

strategy in carrying out the tofu production process; this
Global warming issue caused by greenhouse gas
is in order to protect the environment from these
emissions from human activities around the world is the
production activities and to adhere with government
global issue that needs to have a solution to decrease
regulations. The tofu production process has a potential
the environmental impact[1], because global warming
of environmental impacts. The environmental impact
affects the environment and climate change.
that becomes an international issue is the impact of
Greenhouse gases are a number of gases that cause a
global warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions
greenhouse effect and one of them the dominant gas is
and resulting in climate change. Climate change is the
carbon dioxide (CO2)[2]. Regulations related to the
most serious challenge faced in the 21st century[11].
limits of greenhouse gas emissions originating from
human activities started to be regulated by the In the tofu industry, energy plays an important role
government. The Indonesian government made a in several processes for making tofu, some of them are
commitment to tackle climate change, among others, as fuel and electricity. Waste water released from tofu
through a commitment to reduce greenhouse gases by production activities also has the potential for
26% with its own efforts and up to 41% with environmental impacts which can pollute the rivers
international support in 2020[3]. Presidential around the industrial area. The policy of waste water
Regulation No. 61/2011 concerning the National treatment is highly necessary to reduce waste water
Action Plan (RAN) declined Greenhouse gases discharge to environment.
regulation and provided guidance to central, regional,
business/private and communities in implementing The purpose of this study is to determine the impact
various activities/programs to reduce GHG emissions of global warming from tofu products in Mampang
on 2010-2020[3]. The regulation described the aim to Prapatan Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).
reduce GRK emissions on 5 main sectors / sectors, Modelling was carried out in two scenarios, (i) the
namely: (a) forestry and peat land, (b) agriculture; (c) utilisation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) as fuel
energy and transportation; (d) industry, and (e) waste and (ii) waste water treatment. LCA method was used
management. to assess the impact of global warming in this study to
find out the greenhouse gas emissions released in the
The advancement of human civilizations will production process and the environmental impact from
influence energy utilisation, therefore effects of waste water[12].
greenhouse gas emissions, especially CO2, will affect
global warming potential faster[4]. By 2050, it is 2. MATERIAL AND METHODS
estimated that the impact of global warming will be 2.1. Data Source and Product Systems
indicated by the food crisis caused by climate change
due to greenhouse gas emissions[5]. Food industry The research was conducted in tofu SMEs at
production activities are human activities which are Mampang Prapatan and managed by Mampang Sub-
assisted by the use of technology managed by District, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. The location was
management systems to produce quality food products. selected because it is close to the river because
The occurring impact of global warming makes therefore waste dumps carried out by SMEs will easily
countries in the world to commit to emphasise the have the potential to cause negative effects on the
industrial world, one of which is the food industry environment[13]. The study was conducted in January
which help to prevent climate change by keeping global 2018-March 2018. In this study, the data collected
temperature rise below 2 °C and to reduce greenhouse includes: soybean raw material data, transportation of
gas emissions resulting from the process industry[6]. raw material, water utilisation, electricity, and firewood
as fuel Figure 1).
Food security is the one of the important issues for
Indonesia[7]. This has become a business opportunity The data collected in this study was from the
in the food industry. The tofu industry has a high average production for 3 months and the data became a
market potential because most Indonesians consume sample for production[14]. The inventory data consists
tofu. Tofu is a traditional Indonesian specialty made of primary data that was taken directly from the tofu
from soybeans and is served as a side dish with the main industry and secondary data that was obtained from
food as a source of vegetable protein[8]. The level of supporting information sources in the tofu industry.
consumption of tofu and tempeh in Indonesia reached Google map website application[15] and sea distance
18.6 kg/capita/year in urban areas and 13.9 website application[16] were used to calculate distance
kg/capita/year in rural areas[9]. Based on the level of between the location of raw materials, distributors, and
consumption of foods derived from soybeans, soybean the factory location[17]. This inventory data was used
needs are relatively high because it is the raw material to analyse global warming effects caused by
for tofu production, therefore Indonesia is the high greenhouse gas emissions and to determine input
importer of soybeans[10]. sources used in the system [18]. Some inventory data

Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

was also provided by ecoinvent 3.0 database in the Life E = AD * EF

Cycle Inventory (LCI) application on SimaPro 8.4 [19] Where:
to determine inventory data that was not available in the
study location. Based on the obtained data, this study E = emission
discussed the impact of global warming originated AD = Activity data
from greenhouse gas emissions released during the EF = emission factor (kg CO2 –eq / AD)
production process to make 1 kg of tofu. The mass 1 kg
of tofu is considered as a function unit of this study. The The value of emission factors (EF) used in this study
function unit is the product unit selected in the study were presented in Supplementary Materials (SM) 5 and
[20]. the calculation method was done using SimaPro 8.4.
2.3. Boundary system
The LCA method was used in this study to analyse
the impact of CO2 emissions generated from the tofu
production. Figure 2 shows that 1 batch of tofu
production requires 10 kg of soybean raw material and
235 litres of water to produce 27 kg of tofu. There are
three types of processes that occur in the production,
namely background process, foreground process, and
multifunctional process. Background process is a
process that is out of the tofu industry’s control, such
as cultivating soybean on the farm and transporting
Figure 1. Flow diagram of tofu production in industry Tofu soybean to the tofu industry. Furthermore, foreground
Mampang process is a process that is under the control of the tofu
industry such as tofu production from raw material to
This research has boundary system, which is data tofu product prior to be sold on the market. This process
processed from cradle to gate, starting from data of consists of soaking soybeans, cleaning soybeans,
soybeans raw material which comes from soybeans grinding soybeans, boiling soybeans, screening
cultivation in Chicago, US up to the final process where soybeans, making soybeans curd, pressing process, to
the tofu product is ready for sale by tofu SMEs at it finally becomes a tofu product. Whereas the
Mampang Prapatan. multifunctional process is a process that is capable of
2.2. Method of LCA producing several product results, this occurs in the
soybean screening process which produces co-product
The impact of global warming was analysed in this of soybean pulp and tofu products. The soybean pulp is
research using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) method classified as a co-product; this is because soybean pulp
using International Standard (ISO) 14040[21]. LCA is re-used as animal feed, and does not become waste
method consists of steps determine the purpose and that threatens the environment.
limitation of the research, life cycle inventory, life This research used primary data based on site
cycle assessment, and interpretation. [21]. The input and secondary data which was not found in the research
data from the tofu industry was based on the LCA location that can be obtained from the ecoinvent 3.0
method, in which the data was analysed according to data which was described in SM 3. Therefore, all of the
the actual data on the field and inventoried to be
data was then processed by LCA modelling.
analysed based on the research boundaries. The LCA
method can also be used as a determinant of Tofu production produces wastewater during the
implementing appropriate scenarios to address production process. There are two type wastewater in
environmental problems [22]. The system boundary on this industry, namely top wastewater and bottom
this research is illustrated in Figure 2. wastewater. Top waste water is waste water containing
soybean skin. Soybean skin is the output from the
The Environmental Cycle Impact Analysis (LCIA) soaking process of soybeans. Recently, this waste is
used in this study is only the single issue impact directly discharged into the river. Furthermore, bottom
category, which is Global Warming Potential (GWP waste water is waste water originating from several
100). The amount of heat trapped in certain gases was stages of the process in tofu product and this waste
compared to CO2 with the same mass in the period of
water contains chemicals that threaten the environment.
100 years. The calculation of the amount of CO2 –eq
emissions per kg referred to the IPCC 2013 GWP 100a
as shown in Equation below.

Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

Figure 2. System boundary tofu of LCA study

The potential of river pollution caused by waste 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
water threatens the quality of the river, therefore a
3.1. Inventory Analysis
scenario for waste water treatment plant (WWTP) is
needed. This waste water treatment aims to treat waste This study researched the use of energy during the
water before being discharged directly into the river. process which results in greenhouse gas emissions. The
impact assessment or Life Cycle Impact Analysis
2.4. Inventory Data (LCIA) in this study was performed to analyse the
Data used in this research is the average data of impact of global warming to produce 1 kg unit of tofu.
production tofu process from January to March and Inventories of production processes in the tofu industry
showed on Table 1. The production process for 3 are shown in Table 1.
months has a relatively similar production level
because the level of demand for these 3 months is

Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

Table 1. Inventory of data for making 1 kg tofu

Process Input Total Unit
Soybeans Raw Materials (Background Process)
Soybeans cultivation Soy bean seeds 10 kg
Soybeans Transportations (Background Process)
Chicago to Portland Maine Train 1739.7 km
Portland Maine to Cigading Shipping 16297.8 km
Cigading to Industry tofu Mampang Prapatan Truck 116 km
Raw materials support (Foreground Process)
Water used Water 235 l
Energy used (Foreground Process)
Electricity energy used Electric 0.2 kWh
Wood fire energy used Wood fire 46 kg
Transportation of Bogor fire wood to tofu industry in Mampang Truck 50 km
Production Process (Foreground Process)
1.Soaking soybeans Soybeans 10 kg
water 25 l
2.Cleaning soybeans Stretchy soybeans 12 kg
water 20,75 l
3.Grinding soybeans Clean soybeans 14 kg
water 32,75 l
4. Boiling soybeans Soybeans curd 46,75 kg
water 50 l
5. Screening soybeans Cooking curd 81,75 kg
water 26,75 l
6. Soybeans curd Soybeans juice 92.9 kg
Coagulants 27,75 kg
7. Pressing process Glob tofu 35,3 kg
Tofu (Foreground Process)
Tofu ready for sale Tofu 27 kg
Primary data
Primary data, calculated using Google maps application and Sea Distance

The inventory data shown in Table 1 are production process. The type of electricity chosen in this study was
average data in each batch and detailed assumptions originated from ecoinvent 3.0 data, namely electricity
used are presented in SM 4. All of these data have the originating from the National Electricity Company.
same criteria and types of actual conditions. Every 1
batch requires 10 kg of soybean as raw material. One Furthermore, the energy used for the tofu
working day or 8 hours of work time produces 60 production process is the energy derived from burning
batches of tofu production process. The raw materials firewood. The type of firewood found in this study was
used by SMEs Tofu Mampang Prapatan were imported originated from data derived from ecoinvent 3.0.
from America. Firewood is the main energy for the evaporation
process of water in a boiler system that used to produce
Based on the transportation calculation explained in steam water. This steam water is used to cook soybean
Table 1, data of transportation use for the process of curd. The firewood originates from Bogor, therefore
transporting the raw materials of soybean was the data for transportation of firewood used in this study
calculated from the soybean cultivation location in was based on the distance from Bogor to the SMES
Chicago to SMEs Tofu Mampang Prapatan. Tofu Mampang Prapatan and the type of vehicle used.
Transportation data was obtained by calculating the The distance calculation of firewood shipping was
distance between the places and type of vehicle used. aided with Google map software. In the next stage, data
Data regarding distances was obtained with the help of inventory that has been collected was calculated and
Google map software and sea distance. The soybean processed using SimaPro 8.4 software to evaluate the
shipping pathway used in this study is a common impact of global warming. The results of calculations
American soybean distribution route used to ship to and processed data inventory are displayed in the form
various countries [23]. The type of vehicle chosen in of LCA diagrams.
this study was done using the secondary data from
ecoinvent 3.0. In this case, there are three types of 3.2. Impact Assessment
soybean shipping transportation modes, namely trains, 3.2.1. Global Warming
ships, and trucks.
The processes that exist in this industry that use
Tofu production used electric energy to run a water energy that have the potential to contribute to
pump to provide water availability during the greenhouse gas emissions are the transportation
production process and has the role of running a process, the tofu production process, and the electricity
grinding machine which used in the soybean grinding process. The process carried out by humans is not
Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

analysed for its environmental impact, because energy of germs, resulting in foul odour and causing pollution
factors that support human activities are very complex, to the river [9]. One of the effects of greenhouse gas is
therefore the human energy was ignored. The highest caused by methane gas emissions, in which methane is
percentage of the impact value of global warming listed a hydrocarbon gas that is mostly derived from nature
in Table 2 is the transportation process for the delivery and produced by the decomposition of anaerobic
of soybean raw materials from soybean cultivation to organic matter [24].
Mampang Tofu SMEs, which is 1.61 kg CO2-eq and the
A policy needs to deal with the tofu industry waste
second percentage is soybean cultivation, which is 1.53
to create a scenario for waste treatment, therefore the
kg CO2-eq.
tofu industrial waste water can be processed before
The transportation calculation results in the highest being discharged directly into the river.
percentage because fuel energy is needed in
This paper also modelled the waste treatment
transportation to energise the modes of transportation.
scenario according to field conditions. This aims to
Soybean cultivation was ranked second there is a
determine the impact of global warming that occurs if
considerable amount of energy used to cultivate
there is a scenario of waste treatment in the tofu
soybeans into superior soybean seeds, which were
industry. The waste treatment scenario chosen in this
electricity and fuel energy. Based on the results of
study refers to the ecoinvent 3.0 data, namely waste
inventory data collection and determining the value of
water treatment for domestic waste water organic. The
impacts, these results can be used to interpret and draw
process of waste water treatment for waste water was
conclusions regarding the goals and scope of LCA
originated and contaminated by waste containing
research. Furthermore, the data was calculated and
organic or soybean skin and waste water originated
processed, hence the resulting LCA diagram was
from the tofu production process. The greenhouse gas
produced with SimaPro 8.4 software as attached to SM
emissions come from the waste treatment process,
therefore the total value of the overall level of global
3.2.2. Waste treatment warming impacted to the environment during the
production process with a scenario of waste water
In accordance with the purpose of this study, waste
treatment is 4.76 kg of CO2-eq and non-waste water
water was also considered as an impact of global
treatment process is 3.84 kg of CO2- eq. Table 2 shows
warming. This waste water comes from the ongoing
the value of the global warming impact from the
production process and must be handled properly.
production of 1 kg of tofu.
Tofu industry produces top waste water and bottom
WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant) used in this
waste water. Table 3 explained the amount of waste
scenario is a WWTP that has a function to treat organic
water released from each production process. Waste
waste from soybeans and emissions data which
water released by the tofu industry has the effect of
obtained from secondary from ecoinvent 3.0. The uses
greenhouse gas emissions and it has an impact on the
of WWTP in the waste treatment process that come
environment surrounding the industry, especially the
from the process of tofu production generate organic
river environment. This waste water contains solids
waste. The organic waste in WWTP will form methane
which produce toxic substances and induces the growth

Table 2. The value of the impact of global warming on the production process at 1 kg of tofu
Without cesspool process (current
Impact Process of global warming Process type condition)
Kg CO2-eq %
Soybeans cultivation Background process 1.53 39.84
Soybeans transportation Background process 1.61 41.93
Production Process
1. Soaking soybeans Foreground process 0.02 0.52
2. Cleaning soybeans Foreground process - -
3. Grinding soybeans Foreground process 0.04 1.04
4. Boiling soybeans Foreground process 0.57 14.84
5. Screening soybeans Foreground process 0.02 0.52
6. Soybeans curd Foreground process 0.05 1.30
7. Pressing (Tofu) Foreground process - -
Total 3.84 100

Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

Table 3. Inventory data waste water for making 1 kg of tofu

Process Output Total Unit
Production Process (Foreground Process)
1. Soaking soybeans Waste water below 21 Kg
Top waste water 2 kg
2. Cleaning soybeans Waste water 18.75 kg
3. Boiling soybeans Waste water 15 kg
4. Soybeans curd Waste water 55.35 kg
5. Pressing process Waste water 8.3 kg

In this study, methane gas has a value of greenhouse process. It should be noted that greenhouse gas
gas emissions, however the impact is not examined in emissions is smaller when the combustion process uses
this study, therefore further research is needed to natural gas instead of firewood.
minimise the methane gas that exits the WWTP system.
Base on the waste treatment scenario, so this paper will
comparison impact global warming between without
waste water treatment process scenario and with waste
water treatment process is shown in Table 4. The results
of this study showed that the level of global warming
produced by the tofu industry in Mampang Prapatan
with a scenario of waste water treatment has a higher
global warming rate compared to the case without Figure 3. Scenario of WWTP at SMEs Mampang Prapatan
waste water treatment. The calculation and processing The research conducted by Meija [1] stated that
of data with the scenario of waste water treatment global warming in the United States reached 0.982 kg
displayed in the form of LCA diagrams with SimaPro CO2-eq/kg. The research conducted by Meija has
8.4 software are shown in appendix SM 2. smaller global warming impact compared to the case in
The high level of global warming in the scenario of SMEs Tofu Mampang Prapatan due to the same
waste treatment with a value difference of 0.92 kg dominant factors as stated by Blonk, namely (1) the
CO2-eq compared to the scenario without waste research was conducted in the United States, where the
treatment is a common problem that occurs due to the United States is a source of soybeans, therefore
additional waste treatment process. This waste greenhouse gases emissions from the soybeans
treatment process has CO2 gas emissions released in the transportation process are smaller. (2) The use of
system, therefore proves that the waste water treatment natural gas energy for boiler processes in the tofu
plant used to degrade organic material has the effect of industry, As noted before greenhouse gas emissions is
forming methane and carbon dioxide (CO2) gases [24]. smaller when the combustion process uses natural gas
compared to firewood. In terms of soybean cultivation
In this research location, based on the difference in SMEs Tofu Mampang, the value of global warming
between the case where the scenario was carried out is greater than the results of the overall study by
and the case without the scenario, it can be concluded Meija[1]. This is because Meija [1] study did not take
that the value global warming impact due to greenhouse soybean cultivation into account.
gases that take place during the production process has
different levels due to influence factors. Table 5 Furthermore, the research conducted by Wahyudi
explains the important role of factors that influence the stated that the impact of global warming in the Tofu
level of greenhouse gas emissions based on research Industry of Kajen Village was 1.849 kg CO2-eq/kg tofu.
conducted by other researchers. Meanwhile, the results of research conducted by
Sahirman stated that global warming released by the
Table 5 shows the results of research conducted by Tofu Kalisari Industry was 1.98 kg CO2-eq/kg tofu. The
Blonk [25] which stated that global warming in the research of Wahyudi [26] and Sahirman [27] have
Netherlands was 1.9 kg CO2-eq/kg tofu. Blonk’s result nearly the same global warming impact value; this is
had a smaller global warming impact compared to the because the limitations of the research conducted by
case in SMEs Tofu Mampang Prapatan due to the these two studies are gate. Due to differences in
dominant factors, namely (1) the research location is in research limitations, greenhouse gas emissions are
the Netherlands, which is closer to the United States as released in the production process is smaller compared
a source of soybeans compared to Indonesia, therefore to the case in SMEs Tofu Mampang Prapatan. This is
greenhouses gas emissions in the process of because greenhouse gas emissions in the soybean
transporting soybeans is smaller. (2) The Netherland transportation process are ignored.
research used natural gas energy for the tofu production

Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

Table 4. Comparisons of Impact global warming in every process and source energy

Global warming impact from the process Process type Without waste water With waste water
treatment process treatment process
kg CO2-eq % kg CO2-eq %
Soybeans transportation Background 1.61 42.14 1.61 34.30
Soybeans cultivation Background 1.53 39.84 1.53 32.10
Use of firewood in industry Foreground 0.59 15.32 0.59 12.20
Use of electric in industry Foreground 0.11 2.70 0.11 2.20
Waste water treatment Foreground - - 0.92 19.20
in industry process
Total 3.84 100 4.76 100

Table 5. Recent study of the effects global warming on tofu products

Blonk[25] Meija[1] (2017) Wahyudi[26] Sahirman[27] Research without Research
(2008) (2017) (2014) waste water with waste
treatment water
System Cradle to gate Cradle to gate Gate to gate Gate to gate Cradle to gate Cradle to gate
boundary to retail
Research The United Nation Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia
Location Netherlands
Purpose To understand the impact global warming from tofu production
Inventory The process The process of The process of The process of The process of The process
Data of making making tofu, making tofu, making tofu, making, tofu of making
tofu, information, information, transportation. information, tofu,
transportation transportation, transportation, transportation, transportation
, soybean electricity use, electricity use, waste electricity use, , electricity
plantation, waste treatment treatment waste treatment use, separated
distribution, liquid and
packaging, solid waste
and tofu treatment.
Trans- 1. Delivery of 1. Shipping 1. Sending soybeans Shipping from 1. Shipping 1. Shipping
portations soybeans soybeans from local traders industry to market soybeans from soybeans
from from a place to the industry. the place of from the
cultivation of cultivation 2. Delivery of cultivation to place of
to industry to industry. firewood from the port. cultivation to
2. Shipping 2. Shipping market to 2. Soybean the port.
from packaging industry. delivery from 2. Soybean
industry to materials. 3. Shipping port to industry delivery from
market information from 3. Delivery of port to
3. Shipping industry to firewood from industry.
pulp from market. market to 3. Delivery of
industry to 4. Shipping tofu industry firewood
consumers from industry to from market
consumer. to industry.

Fuel Natural gas Natural gas Firewood Firewood Firewood Firewood

1 kg of tofu

impact (kg 1.9 0.982 1.849 1.98 3.84 4.76

The results of comparison between the SMEs impact can be seen in Table 2. The highest contributing
Tofu Mampang Prapatan and the research conducted in factors are the soybean transportation process and
other places that contribute to the high global warming
Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

Table 6. The scenario of replacing firewood with LPG

Process impact of Global warming With firewood energy With LPG energy

kg CO2-eq kg CO2-eq

Using energy for boiler process in the industry 0,59 0,31

soybean cultivation because these two factors use recommended to reduce the level of COD and load of
a lot of energy sources. In other studies, the process of waste in the river, thus the damp waste treatment
soybean cultivation was not taken into account, hence improves the environmental quality of the waste water
the value of global warming was smaller compared to of tofu industry [27]. Due to the high value of the
this study. global warming impact on the scenario of waste
management, it is highly recommended to reduce the
3.2.3. Scenario using of Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG usage in the scenario, therefore global warming
The fuel usage factor in the boiler system also value can be reduced by 4.49 kg CO2-eq.
gives high contribution to the value of global warming The comparison of the global warming value in
impact. The research conducted at SMEs Tofu each research location results in a variety of values due
Mampang Prapatan found that the process uses to differences in boundary systems that have been set
firewood as its fuel energy source. The value of global by the researchers, selected inventory data, production
warming impact from firewood is higher compared to sites, transportation data, as well as energy materials
natural gas from fuel which was carried out on Blonk used for the production process. These differences are
and Meija research locations. The high global warming natural if the comparison factors are different, therefore
impact from heating value conditions in this study the comparison factor must be equated to be able to
became the consideration for the scenario substituting compare the level of global warming. According to
fuel wood to another fuel with smaller value global Table 4, what really needs to be emphasised is the
warming impact. The condition that can be carried out origin of the soybean raw materials, as long as the
according to the location of this research is the use of soybean raw materials are used in industries in
LPG as a firewood substitute, because natural gas is not Indonesia, especially in this study are from the United
available at this research site. States, this certainly contributes the most greenhouse
gas emissions or hotspots produced during soybeans
This scenario used LPG fuel data from ecoinvent 3.0. transportation. Furthermore, this study also calculated
The boiling process of 10 kg soybean raw material soybean cultivation in detail, thus soybean cultivation
requires energy of 40.102 kcal[28]., therefore it contributes to global warming which ranked second
requires 0.87 kg in this scenario. The type of LPG after transporation. Such conditions require a policy
chosen in this study was LPG which has the same that can be carried out by the SMES Tofu Mampang
criteria and types between the conditions thus it is Prapatan. The policy can be started from the use of raw
possible to be done on the SMES Tofu Mampang materials in the production process, as well as
Prapatan. increasing efficiency of firewood and electricity usage.
In terms of energy used for the boiler process, it should
Table 6 shows the value of global warming impact be in accordance with Table 6 which explains that the
if a scenario to replace firewood to LPG is in place. The scenario of using LPG can reduce the value of the
result of using LPG was 0.31 kg CO2-eq, therefore total global warming impact.
process with the scenario of waste treatment and the
scenario of using LPG was 4.49 kg CO2-eq/kg tofu. 4. CONCLUSIONS
These results prove that the use of LPG fuels has a
better impact and has a smaller global warming value 1 kg of tofu production has global warming impact of
compared to firewood usage. 3.84 kg CO2-eq. If waste water treatment is included in
the calculation, the impact of global warming increases
3.3. Repairing Analysis and Interpretation to 4.76 kg CO2-eq, and if a scenario of replacing LPG
to firewood is used, the impact of global warming
This research shows that using waste treatment decreased to 4.49 kg CO2-eq/kg tofu.
process at SMES Tofu Mampang Prapatan has a higher
impact on global warming with a value of 4.76 kg CO2- This research recommends waste treatment scenario to
eq compared to the case without waste treatment be done by the industry in order to protect the quality
process with a value of 3.84 kg CO2-eq. This is because of river environment from the impact of waste water.
the plant releases greenhouse gas emissions when the Furthermore, the scenario of using LPG as a substitute
process takes place. Based on the field condition, the for firewood is very useful to reduce the value of global
scenario of a waste water treatment process is strongly warming impact from the boiler process. Although the
results are higher, it can reduce waste. The process to
Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

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Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)


SM 1. The results of diagram LCA tofu without waste water treatment
1 kg
7. Tofu (Pencetakan)

1 kg 3.84 kg CO2 eq
6. Soybeans curd
7. Pressing process 0.0 kg CO2-eq
3.84 kg CO2-eq
1.31 kg
6. Penggumpalan

3.84 kg CO2 eq

13.7 kg
6a. Aci

3.55 kg CO2 eq

5. Screening soybeans
0.01 kg CO2-eq
45.9 kg
5. Penyaringan kedelai

3.84 kg CO2 eq

4. Boiling soybeans
40.4 kg
4. Perebusan bubur
0.60 kg CO2-eq

3.83 kg CO2 eq

3. Grinding soybeans
0.06 kg CO2-eq 23.1 kg 31.4 kg
3. Penggilingan kedelai 4b. Proses boiler

3.23 kg CO2 eq 0.589 kg CO2 eq

2. Cleaning soybeans 6.91 kg

2. Pencucian kedelai
0.352 MJ
Electricity, medium
22.8 kg
4a. Transportasi kayu
voltage {ID}| market for bakar

0.06 kg CO2-eq 3.17 kg CO2 eq

| Alloc Def, U

0.106 kg CO2 eq 0.572 kg CO2 eq

1. Soaking soybeans 5.93 kg

1. Perendaman kedelai
0.352 MJ
Electricity, medium
voltage {ID}| electricity
22.8 kg
Wood waste,
1.71 tkm
Transport, truck <10t,
EURO3, 50%LF,
voltage transformation combusted in default/GLO Mass

0.01 kg CO2-eq 3.17 kg CO2 eq 0.106 kg CO2 eq 0.148 kg CO2 eq 0.637 kg CO2 eq

4.94 kg 0.366 MJ
1d. Kedelai Electricity, high voltage
{ID}| market for | Alloc
Def, U

3.16 kg CO2 eq 0.106 kg CO2 eq

Background process
Transportation of
shipping soybean 4.94 kg
1c. Transportasi ke
Foreground process

1.61 kg CO2-eq 3.16 kg CO2 eq

4.94 kg
1b. Transportasi
Portland Maine to

2.95 kg CO2 eq

Soybeans cultivation 4.94 kg

1a. Transportasi
80.8 tkm
Transport, freight, sea,
Chicago to Portland transoceanic ship

1.53 kg CO2-eq Maine

2.03 kg CO2 eq
{GLO}| processing |

0.924 kg CO2 eq

4.94 kg 8.64 tkm 1.04E-12 p 0.183 kg

Soybean grains, at Transport, freight train Port facilities {GLO}| Heavy fuel oil {RoW}|
field/kg/US {US}| market for | Alloc market for | Alloc Def, market for | Alloc Def,
Def, U U U

1.53 kg CO2 eq 0.501 kg CO2 eq 0.168 kg CO2 eq 0.0905 kg CO2 eq

7.06E-5 m3 0.444 MJ 0.466 kg 8.64 tkm 6.95E-13 p 0.183 kg

Diesel, combusted in Electricity, at grid, US, Quicklime, at plant/US Transport, freight train Port facilities {RoW}| Heavy fuel oil {RoW}|
industrial 2008/RNA U {US}| diesel | Alloc Def, construction | Alloc Def, petroleum refinery
equipment/US U U operation | Alloc Def, U

0.226 kg CO2 eq 0.0859 kg CO2 eq 0.653 kg CO2 eq 0.501 kg CO2 eq 0.13 kg CO2 eq 0.0841 kg CO2 eq

0.321 MJ 0.0802 kg 0.000813 my 0.425 MJ 0.363 kg

Electricity, bituminous Bituminous coal, Railway track {RoW}| Electricity, medium Petroleum {GLO}|
coal, at power plant/US combusted in industrial market for | Alloc Def, voltage {RAS}| market market for | Alloc Def,
boiler/US U group for | Alloc Def, U U

0.0963 kg CO2 eq 0.237 kg CO2 eq 0.101 kg CO2 eq 0.126 kg CO2 eq 0.0894 kg CO2 eq

0.000813 my 0.243 MJ
Railway track {RoW}| Electricity, medium
construction | Alloc Def, voltage {CN}| market
U group for | Alloc Def, U

0.101 kg CO2 eq 0.0782 kg CO2 eq

Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

SM 2. The results of diagram LCA tofu with waste water treatment

1 kg
7. Tofu (Pencetakan)

1 kg 4.76 kg CO2 eq
6. Soybeans curd
7. Pressing process 0.06 kg CO2-eq
4.76 kg CO2-eq
1.31 kg
6. Penggumpalan

4.75 kg CO2 eq

13.7 kg
6a. Aci

4.34 kg CO2 eq
5. Screening soybeans
0.06 kg CO2-eq
45.9 kg
5. Penyaringan kedelai

4.69 kg CO2 eq

4. Boling soybeans
40.4 kg
4. Perebusan bubur
0.81 kg CO2-eq
3. Grinding 4.68 kg CO2 eq

0.05 kg CO2-eq
23.1 kg 31.4 kg
3. Penggilingan kedelai 4b. Proses boiler

3.87 kg CO2 eq 0.589 kg CO2 eq

2. Cleaning soybeans
0.27 kg CO2-eq
6.91 kg 0.352 MJ 22.8 kg
2. Pencucian kedelai Electricity, medium 4a. Transportasi kayu
voltage {ID}| market for bakar
| Alloc Def, U

3.82 kg CO2 eq 0.106 kg CO2 eq 0.572 kg CO2 eq

5.93 kg 0.352 MJ 22.8 kg 1.71 tkm

1. Perendaman kedelai Electricity, medium Wood waste, Transport, truck <10t,

1. Soaking soybeans voltage {ID}| electricity

voltage transformation
combusted in
EURO3, 50%LF,
default/GLO Mass

3.55 kg CO2 eq 0.106 kg CO2 eq 0.148 kg CO2 eq 0.637 kg CO2 eq

0.39 kg CO2-eq
4.94 kg 29.4 kg 0.366 MJ
1d. Kedelai Waste water treatment, Electricity, high voltage
domestic waste water {ID}| market for | Alloc
according to the Def, U

3.16 kg CO2 eq 0.841 kg CO2 eq 0.106 kg CO2 eq

Transportation of 4.94 kg

soybeans shipping 1c. Transportasi ke


1.61 kg CO2-eq 3.16 kg CO2 eq

4.94 kg
Background process
1b. Transportasi
Portland Maine to

Soybeans cultivation 2.95 kg CO2 eq

Foreground process
1.61 kg CO2-eq
4.94 kg 80.8 tkm
1a. Transportasi Transport, freight, sea,
Chicago to Portland transoceanic ship
Maine {GLO}| processing |

2.03 kg CO2 eq 0.924 kg CO2 eq

4.94 kg 8.64 tkm 1.04E-12 p

Soybean grains, at Transport, freight train Port facilities {GLO}|
field/kg/US {US}| market for | Alloc market for | Alloc Def,
Def, U U

1.53 kg CO2 eq 0.501 kg CO2 eq 0.168 kg CO2 eq

7.06E-5 m3 0.444 MJ 0.466 kg 8.64 tkm 6.95E-13 p

Diesel, combusted in Electricity, at grid, US, Quicklime, at plant/US Transport, freight train Port facilities {RoW}|
industrial 2008/RNA U {US}| diesel | Alloc Def, construction | Alloc
equipment/US U Def, U

0.226 kg CO2 eq 0.0859 kg CO2 eq 0.653 kg CO2 eq 0.501 kg CO2 eq 0.13 kg CO2 eq

0.321 MJ 0.0802 kg 0.000813 my 0.425 MJ

Electricity, bituminous Bituminous coal, Railway track {RoW}| Electricity, medium
coal, at power plant/US combusted in industrial market for | Alloc Def, voltage {RAS}| market
boiler/US U group for | Alloc Def, U

0.0963 kg CO2 eq 0.237 kg CO2 eq 0.101 kg CO2 eq 0.126 kg CO2 eq

0.000813 my
Railway track {RoW}|
construction | Alloc Def,

0.101 kg CO2 eq

Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

SM 3. The results diagram LCA tofu with waste water treatment and LPG usage
6. Soybeans curd
0.06 kg CO2-eq
1 kg
7. Pressing process
4.49 kg CO2-eq
5. Screening soybeans
0.01 kg CO2-eq

3. Grinding soybeans 4. Boiling soybeans

0.05 kg CO2-eq 0.54 kg CO2-eq

2. Cleaning soybeans
0.27 kg CO2-eq

1. Soaking soybeans
0.39 kg CO2-eq

Transportation of
soybeans shipping
1.61 kg CO2-eq

Soybeans cultivation
1.53 kg CO2-eq Background process

Foreground process

Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

SM 4. Ecoinvent 3.0 Data as Secondary Data in Inventory Data

4.1. Use of raw materials

4.1.1 Soybeans raw materials
Data of soy beans raw materials originating from America used secondary data from ecoinvent 3.0 database.

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Soybeans Soybean grains, at field/kg/US

4.1.2 Water for raw materials

The use of raw water from ground water used secondary data from ecoinvent 3.0 database.

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Water Water, ID (Indonesia)

4.2. Transportations Usage

The use of transportation in the boundary system is one of the activities in the material chain of the tofu production
process. Data regarding types of transportation and fuel usage by the transportation mode was obtained from
secondary data from ecoinvent 3.0 database.

4.2.1 Soybeans of Transportations.

The mode transportations used to ship soy beans from the cultivation place to the industry.

a. Train Transportations

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Train Transport, freight train {US} | market for | AllocDef,

b. Ship Transportations

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Ship Transport, freight, sea, transoceanic ship{GLO} |
processing | AllocDef, U

c. Truck Transportations

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Truck Transport, truck <10t, EURO3, 50%LF, default/GLO

4.2.2 Firewood Transportations

The truck transportation used to delivery firewood from cutting wood location to the industry.

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Truck Transport, truck <10t, EURO3, 50%LF, default/GLO

Sukmana et al. / IJoLCAS 3, 2(2019)

4.3. Electric Energy Usage

The electrical energy usage is an activity in the tofu industry to obtain and process the production using electricity
in the process of providing clean water and soybean grinders. The type of electrical energy was determined using
secondary data from ecoinvent 3.0 database.

a. Electrical energy to drive the water pump.

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Electricity Electricity, medium voltage {ID}| market for |
AllocDef, U

b. Electrical energy to drive a soybean grinding machine.

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Electricity Electricity, medium voltage {ID}| market for |
AllocDef, U

4.4. Firewood usage

The firewood usage is an activity in the tofu industry to obtain and process the production using firewood in the
boiler process to assist with the boiling process of soybean curd. The type of firewood was determined using
secondary data from ecoinvent 3.0 database.

Firewood usage for the steam boiler process

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Firewood Wood waste, unspecified, combusted in industrial
boiler / US
4.5. LPG Usage
The LPG usage is an activity in the tofu industry to obtain and process the production by using LPG in the boiler
process to assist with the boiling process of soybean curd. LPG is used as a substitute for firewood. The type of
natural gas was determined using secondary data from ecoinvent 3.0 database.

Name of Input Process Ecoinvent 3.0

Liquefied Petroleum Gas Liquefied petroleum gas {RoW}| market

SM 5. Emission Factors

Inventory Unit Emission Factors References

Soybeans transportation kg CO2-eq 1.61 Ecoinvent 3.0
Soybeans cultivation kg CO2-eq 1.53 Ecoinvent 3.0
Firewood kg CO2-eq 0.59 Ecoinvent 3.0
Electric kg CO2-eq 0.11 Ecoinvent 3.0
WWTP kg CO2-eq 0.92 Ecoinvent 3.0
LPG kg CO2-eq 0.31 Ecoinvent 3.0


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