6 Week 250 Hour Forklift Maintenance Checklist Electric
6 Week 250 Hour Forklift Maintenance Checklist Electric
6 Week 250 Hour Forklift Maintenance Checklist Electric
Unit Number:
Forklift Make:
Forklift Model:
Forklift Serial Number:
Hour Meter:
Note: This checklist was adapted from Toyota’s 7FBE15-20 electric forklift operator’s manual. It is not meant to be exhaustive. Please consult the
operator’s manual for your particular forklift before performing maintenance.
Hydraulics (Cylinders, Pump,
Control Valve & Levers)
Pin and hydraulic cylinder shaft support for wear and damage
Hydraulic cylinders for uneven movement
Oil pump for leakage and unusual noise
Hydraulic tank oil level and for leaks and contamination
Hydraulics (Cylinders, Pump,
Control lever linkage for operation and looseness
Control Valve & Levers)
Oil control valve for leakage
Oil control valve for relief valve function
Oil pressure piping for leaks, deformation, damage, and linkage looseness
Hydraulic cylinder mounting for looseness and check for damage
Replace Hydraulic return oil filter (for new trucks)
Hydraulic cylinder natural drop and forward tilt
Lifting speed
Magnetic contactor for looseness and damage
Auxiliary contactor for contamination, contact, and abrasion
Microswitch operation and timing
Microswitch for damage and looseness
Electrical System (Ignition, Inspect Directional level for operation and damage
Starter, Wiring) Controller operation
Fuses for looseness
Wiring harness for deterioration and damage
Wiring for looseness in connecting parts and taping condition
Clean Interior controller and check for damage
Overhead guard for cracks, damage, and deterioration
Load backrest for cracks, deformation and damage
All lights for operation and mounting looseness
Horn for operation and mounting
Turn signals (if equipped) for operation and mounting
Instruments for operation
Safety Devices Inspect Back-up buzzer (if equipped) for operation and mounting
Operator presence sensing system (OPSS) function
Seat mounting for looseness and damage
Seat belt for damage and operation
Seat switch for operation
Rear view mirror (if equipped) for dirt, damage, and reflection
Load backrest for looseness