NUTRIREA-3 - Lancet Respiratory Medicine
NUTRIREA-3 - Lancet Respiratory Medicine
NUTRIREA-3 - Lancet Respiratory Medicine
Lancet Respir Med 2023; Background The optimal calorie and protein intakes at the acute phase of severe critical illness remain unknown. We
11: 602–12 hypothesised that early calorie and protein restriction improved outcomes in these patients, compared with standard
Published Online calorie and protein targets.
March 20, 2023
S2213-2600(23)00092-9 Methods The pragmatic, randomised, controlled, multicentre, open-label, parallel-group NUTRIREA-3 trial was
See Comment page 580
performed in 61 French intensive care units (ICUs). Adults (≥18 years) receiving invasive mechanical ventilation and
Movement, Interactions,
vasopressor support for shock were randomly assigned to early nutrition (started within 24 h after intubation) with
Performance, UR 4334, Nantes either low or standard calorie and protein targets (6 kcal/kg per day and 0·2–0·4 g/kg per day protein vs 25 kcal/kg
Université, Nantes, France per day and 1·0–1·3 g/kg per day protein) during the first 7 ICU days. The two primary endpoints were time to
(Prof J Reignier MD, readiness for ICU discharge and day 90 all-cause mortality. Key secondary outcomes included secondary infections,
J-B Lascarrou MD); Médecine
Intensive Réanimation, CHU de
gastrointestinal events, and liver dysfunction. The trial is registered on, NCT03573739, and is
Nantes, Hôtel-Dieu, Nantes, completed.
France (Prof J Reignier,
J-B Lascarrou); Service de Findings Of 3044 patients randomly assigned between July 5, 2018, and 8 Dec 8, 2020, eight withdrew consent to
Médecine Intensive
Réanimation, Centre
participation. By day 90, 628 (41·3%) of 1521 patients in the low group and 648 (42·8%) of 1515 patients in the
Hospitalier d’Argenteuil, standard group had died (absolute difference –1·5%, 95% CI –5·0 to 2·0; p=0·41). Median time to readiness for ICU
Argenteuil, France discharge was 8·0 days (IQR 5·0–14·0) in the low group and 9·0 days (5·0–17·0) in the standard group (hazard ratio
(G Plantefeve MD); Service de
[HR] 1·12, 95% CI 1·02 to 1·22; p=0·015). Proportions of patients with secondary infections did not differ between
Médecine Intensive
Réanimation, Hôpital Cochin, the groups (HR 0·85, 0·71 to 1·01; p=0·06). The low group had lower proportions of patients with vomiting (HR 0·77,
Groupe Hospitalier Paris 0·67 to 0·89; p<0·001), diarrhoea (0·83, 0·73 to 0·94; p=0·004), bowel ischaemia (0·50, 0·26 to 0·95; p=0·030), and
Centre-Université Paris Cité, liver dysfunction (0·92, 0·86–0·99; p=0·032).
AP-HP, Paris, France
(Prof J-P Mira MD); Service de
Médecine Intensive Interpretation Compared with standard calorie and protein targets, early calorie and protein restriction did not
Réanimation, Hôpital Edouard decrease mortality but was associated with faster recovery and fewer complications.
Herriot, Hospices Civils de
Lyon, Lyon, France
Funding French Ministry of Health.
(Prof L Argaud MD); Service de
Médecine Intensive
Réanimation, CHU Angers, Copyright © 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Angers, France
(Prof P Asfar MD); Service de
Médecine Intensive
Introduction death.3,4 International guidelines recommend starting
Réanimation, Hôpital Européen Critical illness requiring organ support is associated with nutritional support within 48 h after ICU admission, via
Georges Pompidou, AP-HP, both mortality and prolonged recovery in survivors. A key the enteral route if not contraindicated, with targets of
Paris, France period is the acute phase characterised by organ failure, 20–25 kcal/kg per day and 1·2–2 g/kg per day of protein
(Prof N Aissaoui, MD); Service de
Médecine Intensive
anorexia, metabolic disorders, endocrine dysfunction, at the acute phase.5,6 These targets are rarely achieved in
Réanimation, Hôpital Nord and major hypercatabolism with severe muscle wasting.1,2 patients with severe critical illnesses, who frequently
Franche Comté, Trevenans, Nutritional support is crucial at this phase. Greater calorie experience gastroparesis responsible for intolerance to
France (J Badie MD); Service de and protein deficits have been shown to be associated enteral nutrition.7
Médecine Intensive
Réanimation, Centre
with higher risks of health-care-associated infections, Data from studies conducted in the past 10 years
Hospitalier de Saint Malo, intensive care unit (ICU)-acquired weakness, prolonged challenge the appropriateness of these standard calorie
Saint-Malo, France invasive mechanical ventilation, long ICU stays, and and protein targets during the acute phase of critical
de Santé Publique, Service de an emergency procedure by the ICU physician, in for chronic bowel disease; dying patient, not-to-be-
Médecine Intensive compliance with French law. The electronic case-record resuscitated order, or other treatment-limitation decision
Réanimation, Hôpital Saint
Antoine, AP-HP, Paris, France
form and database organisation were approved by the at ICU admission; pregnancy, recent delivery, or lactation;
(Prof B Guidet MD); CHU de appropriate committees as required by French law. The adult under guardianship; and correctional facility inmate.
Nantes, Inserm, Nantes study protocol has been published elsewere.20
Université, Anesthesie Randomisation and masking
Reanimation, CIC 1413, Nantes,
France (Y Hourmant MD);
Participants All patients treated with invasive mechanical ventilation
Service de Réanimation The trial was conducted in the 61 French ICUs listed in and vasoactive drugs for shock within 24 hours after ICU
Chirurgicale, Hôpital Saint-Eloi, the appendix (pp 3–8). Adults (≥18 years) admitted to any admission were screened for eligibility by the ICU
CHU de Montpellier, of the participating ICUs were eligible if they were physicians and clinical research nurses, around the clock
Montpellier, France
(Prof S Jaber MD); PhyMedExp,
receiving invasive mechanical ventilation, with an and 7 days a week. Investigators at each centre used a
Inserm, CNRS, Montpellier, expected duration of at least 48 h after inclusion and secure, computer-generated, interactive, web-response
France (Prof S Jaber); Service de initiation either in the ICU within the past 24 h or before system to randomly assign consecutive eligible patients
Médecine Intensive ICU admission having occurred within the past 24 h, in a 1:1 ratio to one of the two early nutritional-support
Réanimation, Centre
Hospitalier de Valenciennes,
concomitantly with vasoactive therapy (adrenaline, groups defined by low versus standard calorie and
Valenciennes, France dobutamine, or noradrenaline) for shock, and if nutritional protein targets. Randomisation was stratified by centre
(F Lambiotte MD); Service de support was expected to be started within 24 h after using permutation blocks of variable sizes. The
Médecine Intensive
intubation (or within 24 h after ICU admission when investigators could not access the randomisation list and
Réanimation, Centre
Hospitalier Emile Roux, Le Puy- intubation occurred before ICU admission). Exclusion were unaware of block size. Given that the volume and
en-Velay, France (C Leroy, MD); criteria were specific nutritional needs, such as pre- delivery of enteral and parenteral feeding preparations
Service de Médecine Intensive existing long-term home enteral or parenteral nutrition cannot be masked, masking of physicians and nurses
was not feasible. The electronic case-report form was a
10 767 patients assessed for eligibility secure, interactive, web-response system that was
available at each study centre and was provided and
managed by the biometrics unit of the Tours University
7723 excluded
5507 met exclusion criteria
Hospital (CIC INSERM 1415, Tours, France).
1651 started invasive mechanical ventilation >24 h
earlier or started nutritional support before Procedures
invasive mechanical ventilation or vasoactive
drug initiation The calorie and protein targets for the acute phase,
581 had an expected invasive mechanical defined as the first 7 days after ICU admission, were
ventilation duration of <48 h
3017 had treatment-limitation decisions
6 kcal/kg per day and 0·2–0·4 g/kg per day in the low
172 had pre-existing nutritional support group versus 25 kcal/kg per day and 1·0–1·3 g/kg per day
39 women were pregnant in the standard group. On day 8, the targets were changed
47 were under guardianship or were correctional
facility inmates to 30 kcal/kg per day for calories and 1·2–2·0 g/kg per
2216 were eligible but not randomised day for protein in both groups. The daily nutritional
808 patients or relatives could not receive intake required to meet the assigned calorie target was
information about the study or refused
participation calculated based on bodyweight. In patients with obesity
702 were inadvertently omitted from the study (BMI >30 kg/m²), the bodyweight yielding a BMI of
inclusion process
352 were admitted at a time when no research
30 kg/m² was used. In patients whose BMI was below
staff were available or trial organisation 18·5 kg/m², we used the corrected bodyweight computed
difficulties were occurring as half the sum of the ideal and actual bodyweights. The
85 were excluded by the physician in charge
269 were enrolled in another trial calorie to protein ratios of nutrient preparations currently
available in French hospitals ensured that the protein
intake complied with the assigned target.
3044 randomly assigned
In both groups, the assigned feeding strategy was
initiated as soon as possible after randomisation and no
later than 24 h after intubation (or after ICU admission
1525 allocated to the low group 1519 allocated to the standard group in patients intubated before ICU admission). It was
continued until extubation and withdrawal of vasoactive
drugs, death, or end of day 7 from admission, whichever
4 included under the emergency 4 included under the emergency
consent procedure did not confirm consent procedure did not confirm occurred first. Patients who were reintubated within
their willingness to participate their willingness to participate 7 days after inclusion were managed until the end of the
acute phase using the feeding strategy they were assigned
1521 included in the primary outcome 1515 included in the primary outcome to initially. Nutritional support was started at the flow
analysis analysis rate (mL/h) that achieved the calorie target on day 1 and
was delivered continuously over the 24 h cycle, with no
Figure 1: Trial profile interruptions.
Réanimation, Centre
During the acute phase, bedside physicians determined control and insulin-therapy protocols were applied. Hospitalier Jacques Puel, Rodez,
the best feeding route each day, according to clinical Additional water, electrolytes, vitamins, and trace elements France (P Letocart MD); Service
considerations, to ensure that the calorie target was were given intravenously according to the needs of each de Médecine Intensive
Réanimation, Centre
achieved.21,22 After the acute phase, enteral feeding patient, as assessed by the physician in charge, using the
Hospitalier de Bigorre, Tarbes,
remained the preferred route in patients without standard preparations and protocols available at each France (B Madeux MD); Service
contraindications.5,6 At each centre, the usual blood-glucose centre. de Médecine Intensive
Additional details of the interventions and protocols for Réanimation, CHU Amiens-
Picardie, Amiens, France
Low group Standard group providing nutritional support, including measures
(Prof J Maizel MD); Service de
(n=1521) (n=1515) designed to evaluate tolerance, have been published Médecine Intensive
Age, years 66 (13) 66 (13) previously.20 All participating ICU staff members Réanimation, CHU de la
attended training in the study procedures and protocols Réunion, Saint-Denis,
La Réunion, France
Men 1010 (66·4%) 1026 (67·7%) for providing nutritional support and managing (O Martinet MD); Service de
Women 511 (33·6%) 489 (32·3%)
intolerance to enteral nutrition.20 Médecine Intensive
Réanimation, CHU de la
McCabe score
Guadeloupe, Abymes,
0—no fatal underlying 1051 (69·5%) 1054 (69·7%) Guadeloupe, France
Low group Standard group
disease (F Martino MD); Service de
(n=1521) (n=1515)
1—death expected 389 (25·7%) 378 (25·0%) Médecine Intensive
within 5 years (Continued from previous page) Réanimation, Hôpital Raymond
2—death expected 73 (4·8%) 81 (5·4%) Ongoing treatments§ Poincaré, AP-HP, Garches,
within 1 year France (V Maxime MD); Inserm
Prone position 90 (6·0%) 93 (6·1%)
U 1173, Université de Versailles-
Pre-existing illness at ICU 1059 (70∙2%) 1066 (70·9%) Sedative agents 1368 (90·5%) 1351 (89·3%) Saint Quentin en Yvelines,
NMBA 483 (32·0%) 497 (32·8%) Versailles, France (V Maxime);
Pre-existing illness at ICU admission Service de Médecine Intensive
Insulin 593 (39·2%) 664 (43·9%)
Chronic renal failure 184 (12·2%) 180 (12∙0%) Réanimation, CHU de Tours,
Antiulcer medication 656 (43·4%) 686 (45·3%)
Liver disease 139 (9·2%) 150 (10·0%)
Prokinetic agents 39 (2·6%) 52 (3·4%) Tours, France (E Mercier MD);
Cardiovascular disease 292 (19·5%) 298 (19·9%) Service de Médecine Intensive
Antimicrobial treatment 1298 (85·8%) 1290 (85·1%)
Chronic respiratory 195 (13·0%) 155 (10·4%) Réanimation, Centre
Dialysis 161 (10·6%) 183 (12·1%)
failure Hospitalier Régional d’Orléans,
Other parameters Orléans, France (M-A Nay MD);
Neurological disease 209 (13·9%) 192 (12·8%)
FiO₂ 50·0 (40·0–80·0) 60·0 (40·0–90·0) Médecine Intensive-
Cancer or immune 395 (26·2%) 407 (27·1%)
PEEP, cmH₂O 7·0 (5·0–10·0) 7·0 (5·0–10·0) Réanimation, CHU Lille, France
(Prof S Nseir MD); CNRS, Inserm,
Oesophageal, gastric, or 116 (7·7%) 99 (6·6%) Glucose, mmol/L¶ 8·8 (6·7–12·0) 9·5 (7·1–12·8)
UMR 8576– U1285, Unité de
duodenal ulcer Serum creatinine, 128·5 (84·0–215·0) 130·0 (85·0–211·0) Glycobiologie Structurale et
Diabetes 374 (24·9%) 384 (25·6%) µmol/L|| Fonctionnelle, Université de
Weight, kg 76·5 (65·0–89·5) 77·0 (65·3–90·0) Lactate, mEq/L 2·4 (1·5–4·6) 2·7 (1·6–4·9) Lille, France (Prof S Nseir);
Service de Médecine Intensive
BMI, kg/m² 26·7 (23·0–31·1) 27·0 (23·0–31·5) Bilirubin, µmol/L 13·0 (8·0–25·0) 13·0 (8·0–26·0)
Réanimation, Hôpital
Pre-existing malnutrition* C-reactive protein, mg/L 137·0 (42·0–266·0) 144·0 (51·0–273·8) Avicenne, AP-HP, Bobigny,
None 1362 (90·0%) 1379 (91·2%) Pre-albumin, g/L 0·10 (0·06–0·15) 0·11 (0·06–0·17) France (J Oziel MD); Service de
Albumin, g/L 25·0 (20·0–29·6) 25·0 (20·0–29·9) Médecine Intensive
Moderate 64 (4·2%) 62 (4·1%)
Réanimation, Centre
Severe 87 (5·8%) 71 (4·7%) Time from intubation to 14·8 (8·7–20·0) 15·1 (8·8–19·8)
Hospitalier de Pau, Pau, France
randomisation, h
SAPS II† 60 (48–74) 61 (48–74) (W Picard MD); Service de
SOFA score‡ 10 (8–13) 10 (8–13) Data are mean (SD), n (%), or median (IQR). Denominators might vary slightly Médecine Intensive
according to missing data. ICU=intensive care unit. SAPS II=Simplified Acute Réanimation, CHU de
Medical diagnosis at 1253 (82·8%) 1258 (83·1%) Besançon, Besançon, France
Physiology Score version II. SOFA=Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.
admission (Prof G Piton MD); Université de
NMBA=neuromuscular blocking agent. FiO₂=fractional concentration of oxygen
Acute illness at ICU admission in inspired air. PEEP=positive end-expiratory pressure. *Severe pre-existing Franche Comté, Equipe EA
Cardiac arrest 185 (12·2%) 209 (13·8%) malnutrition was defined as BMI <18∙5 kg/m² or weight loss >10% within the past 3920, Besançon, France
6 months and moderate pre-existing malnutrition as BMI 18∙5–19∙9 kg/m² or (Prof G Piton); Service de
Acute heart failure 232 (15·3%) 253 (16·7%)
weight loss >5% within the past 6 months; patients who did not meet these Médecine Intensive
Acute central nervous 109 (7·2%) 112 (7·4%) criteria were classified in the none category. †SAPS II values can range from Réanimation, CHU François
system failure 0 (lowest level of critical illness) to 163 (most severe level of critical illness with Mitterrand, Dijon, France
Acute respiratory failure 686 (45·3%) 654 (43·2%) 100% predicted mortality); a score of 50 predicts a 46∙1% risk of death; the SAPS II (Prof J-P Quenot MD); Lipness
was determined 24 h after ICU admission. ‡SOFA scores can range from 0 (no Team, Inserm, LabExLipSTIC
Trauma 25 (1·7%) 28 (1·8%)
organ failure) to 24 (most severe level of multi-organ failure); the SOFA sub-score France (Prof J-P Quenot) and
Miscellaneous 278 (18·3%) 258 (17·7%) values at ICU admission are reported in the appendix (p 18). §Antimicrobial Inserm Centres d’Investigation
Cause of shock treatments included antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and antifungal drugs; antiulcer Clinique, Département
treatments included proton-pump inhibitors and histamine-2 receptor d’Epidémiologie Clinique
Cardiac 254 (16·8%) 283 (18·7%)
antagonists; prokinetic agents were metoclopramide and erythromycin. (Prof J-P Quenot), Université de
Sepsis 889 (58·7%) 874 (57·7%) ¶To convert glucose values to mg/dL, multiply by 18∙02. ||To convert creatinine Bourgogne, Dijon, France;
Other 372 (24·5%) 357 (23·6%) values to mg/dL, multiply by 0∙113.
Service de Médecine Intensive
(Table 1 continues on next page) Table 1: Baseline characteristics of the participants
Réanimation, CHU de Rennes,
Rennes, France (F Reizine MD);
Day 90 mortality was reported as the point estimate with p=0·41). The results were similar after exclusion of Service de Médecine Intensive
the 95% CIs in each group. The difference in proportions, three patients with missing data on day 90 mortality Réanimation, Université de
Grenoble-Alpes, Inserm U1042,
with 95% CIs, was also estimated. Day 90 mortality was (estimated difference –1·6%; –5·1 to 1·9; p=0·37). Time
Grenoble, France
compared between the two groups using the χ² test. to readiness for ICU discharge was 8·0 days (Prof N Terzi MD); Service de
Time to readiness for ICU discharge was evaluated (IQR 5·0–14·0) in the low group and 9·0 days (5·0–17·0) Médecine Intensive
using a Fine-and-Gray model with death in the ICU as a in the standard group (hazard ratio [HR] 1·12, 95% CI Réanimation, Centre
Hospitalier de Lens, Lens,
competing risk. Secondary outcomes expressed as 1·02 to 1·22; p=0·015; figure 2).
proportions were compared between the two groups by
applying the χ² test. Outcomes reported as cumulative
incidences were analysed using the competing-risk A B
approach, with death, ICU discharge, or hospital 40 Low group 150
Standard group
discharge as the competing event. Changes over time
received (%)
necessary. Statistical analyses for secondary endpoints 20
were not adjusted for multiplicity. The findings should
therefore be interpreted as exploratory. Continuous data 50
were analysed by applying Wilcoxon’s nonparametric
test. SAS (version 9.4) and R (version 3.3.1) were used for
0 0
the statistical analyses. The trial is registered with (NCT03573739) under the name
12 50
Non-nutritional calories received
1·5 15
groups (table 1; appendix p 19).
By day 90, 628 (41·3%) of 1521 patients in the low group 1·0 10
and 648 (42·8%) of 1515 patients in the standard group
had died (absolute difference –1·5%, 95% CI –5·0 to 2·0; 0·5 5
0 0
Figure 3: Daily calorie intake, protein intake, SOFA score, and glucose control
25 250
during the intervention period (days 0–7)
Nutritional calories received daily (A), percentages of the calorie targets
20 200
supplied (B), non-nutritional calories received daily (C), and total calories received
Glucose (mmol/L)
daily (D), during the intervention period (from day 0 to day 7), in both groups.
15 150
Insulin (IU)
(E) Protein amounts administered daily during the intervention period in both
groups. Bodyweight measured on admission was used throughout the ICU stay
to calculate calorie and protein targets. (F) Differences between the low and 10 100
standard groups for the SOFA score during the intervention period ; SOFA scores
can range from 0 (no organ failure) to 24 (most severe level of multiorgan 5 50
failure). Differences between the low and standard groups for daily blood glucose
concentrations (G) and daily insulin intake (H); box plot represents median (IQR),
0 0
and the lower whisker represents the 25th percentile minus 1·5 times the IQR and
the upper whisker the 75th percentile plus 1·5 times the IQR; if the box plot
contains no horizontal line, the median value is the same as the 75th percentile. Time since randomisation (days) Time since randomisation (days)
ICU=intensive care unit. SOFA=Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.
Table 3: Outcomes
cumulative incidence of patients whose blood lactate mobilisation; or Medical Research Council (MRC) score
returned to normal and a faster SOFA score decrease, at ICU discharge (table 3; appendix pp 15–17, 22).
compared with the standard group (table 2, figure 3F,
SOFA mean difference –0·08; 95% CI –0·13 to –0·02; Discussion
p=0·008). In this multicentre randomised trial, day 90 all-cause
Time to weaning off invasive mechanical ventilation mortality did not differ between low versus standard
was significantly shorter in the low group than in the calorie and protein intakes during the acute phase of
standard group (table 3). Adverse gastrointestinal events critical illness requiring invasive mechanical ventilation
(including vomiting, diarrhoea, and bowel ischaemia) and vasoactive support. However, compared with
were significantly less common in the low than in the patients receiving standard calorie and protein intakes,
standard group (table 3). The cumulative incidence of those receiving low intakes had a shorter time to
patients with liver dysfunction was lower in the low readiness for ICU discharge analysed with death as a
group compared with the standard group (table 3). The competing event. The low feeding strategy was
groups were not different for 28 day, ICU, or hospital associated with a shorter duration of invasive
mortality; vasoactive drug or renal replacement therapy mechanical ventilation and fewer gastrointestinal and
use; frequency of ICU-acquired infections; out-of-bed hepatic complications.
Compared with standard intakes, low intakes were not concentrations and in mortality. Finally, the larger fluid
associated with adverse outcomes. All-cause mortality intake in the standard group could have contributed to
was non-significantly lower in the low versus the the higher frequency of prone positioning and longer
standard group, in keeping with previous studies.10,16–18 duration of invasive mechanical ventilation. However,
All-cause mortality should be viewed as a marker of the two trials investigating intravenous fluid restriction in
safety of interventions in patients with severe critical patients with acute lung injury or septic shock produced
illness, and there is no evidence from our trial that low conflicting results.29,30 Moreover, two-thirds of our
calorie and protein intakes were associated with increased patients received enteral feeding only, and the effect of
risks. More specifically, infections were not more the enteral fluid intake is unknown.
common. Observational ICU studies suggested an One limitation of our trial is that neither the patients
association between calorie deficiency and infections,4 nor the health-care staff could be masked to the
but this finding was not replicated in randomised trials intervention. However, the nutritional protocols were
of permissive or trophic underfeeding.16,17 The standardised. Moreover, regarding the primary outcomes,
TARGET trial found no benefits from increasing the day 90 mortality was objective and time to readiness for
enteral calorie supply.10 In the EpaNIC randomised trial ICU discharge was determined according to predefined
of early versus late parenteral nutrition to supplement criteria and checked daily by bedside physicians. A
insufficient enteral intakes, mortality was similar in the similar strategy regarding this endpoint has been used
two groups, but benefits in the late group included fewer previously in studies on nutrition in the ICU.13,14 We also
ICU-acquired infections and shorter durations of used pre-established definitions or adjudication for the
mechanical ventilation, renal replacement therapy, and secondary outcomes. These methodological features
ICU stay.13 In our trial, ICU-acquired infections were less reduce any potential biases related to the absence of
common than in EpaNIC despite greater critical illness blinding, bed availability, and variations across ICU
severity and higher mortality of patients, perhaps because physicians in assessing readiness for ICU discharge.
all infections were adjudicated by an independent Duration of the intervention was from day 1 to day 7 in all
committee. Despite the lower values for glycaemia and patients except those weaned off invasive mechanical
proportion of insulin-treated patients in the low group, ventilation and vasopressor support before day 7.
the frequency of hypoglycaemia was not different Duration of the acute phase of critical illness can vary
between the two groups. The association of the low across patients. No clinical or laboratory criteria are
strategy with important benefits, without adverse available to determine the end of the acute phase, and the
outcomes, supports targets as low as 6 kcal/kg per day for first 7 days after ICU admission is a well accepted range
calories and 0·2–0·4 g/kg per day for protein during the used in guidelines.5 Finally, we adjusted for multiplicity
acute phase of critical illness. in the interim analyses but not for multiple outcomes in
The mechanisms involved in clinical benefits from the final analysis. Both decreasing mortality and
calorie and protein restriction are unclear. Anorexia expediting recovery are central goals of critical care
during the acute phase of critical illness is considered an medicine. In previous randomised trials, nutritional
adaptive process with benefits including a heightened interventions affected time to readiness for ICU
immune response and decreases in metabolic distur discharge but not mortality.13,14 In the current trial, time to
bances.23 Macronutrient restriction might contribute to readiness for ICU discharge should be viewed as an
preserve the neuroendocrine response in acute critical efficacy outcome and mortality as a safety outcome.
illness.24 Evidence exists identifying autophagy as a key Adjusting for multiple outcomes would have required an
mechanism for safeguarding cellular integrity, notably even greater number of patients than the large sample
in the muscle, and therefore making a major contribution included, thus strongly limiting trial feasibility. It is
to recovery after severe critical illness.25 Increased worth noting that the best methods for taking multiple
macronutrient intakes could suppress autophagy, outcomes into account are debated.31
thereby decreasing the clearance of damaged cell Our trial also has important strengths. The design was
components.25,26 The higher frequencies of gastro pragmatic. More specifically, the feeding route during
intestinal and hepatic complications in our standard the acute phase was at the discretion of the bedside
group compared with the low group can be ascribable to physicians, based on previous trials showing no outcome
a greater mismatch between oxygen needs and supply.27 differences between the enteral and parenteral routes.21,22
Another possibly relevant finding is the higher blood Standard enteral and parenteral preparations routinely
glucose concentration in the standard group, although used in ICUs were administered. These preparations
the effects of blood glucose control remain controversial.28 ensure that both calorie and protein targets are easily
Although refeeding syndrome might be considered met, as shown by our data. Complements were not given,
given the higher proportion of patients with except for electrolytes and micronutrients when required.
hypophosphataemia in the standard group, any effect These conditions, combined with the large number of
would be limited given the absence of between-group participating centres, support the external validity of our
differences in blood potassium and magnesium findings. NUTRIREA-3 shows the benefits of limiting
both calorie and protein intakes versus standard calorie 2 Hermans G, Van den Berghe G. Clinical review: intensive care unit
and protein targets during acute critical illness. Previous acquired weakness. Crit Care 2015; 19: 274.
3 Compher C, Chittams J, Sammarco T, Nicolo M, Heyland DK.
studies assessed restriction of either only calories or only Greater protein and energy intake may be associated with improved
protein. Of note, the calorie and protein targets differed mortality in higher risk critically ill patients: a multicenter,
markedly between our two trial groups. The standard multinational observational study. Crit Care Med 2017; 45: 156–63.
4 Villet S, Chiolero RL, Bollmann MD, et al. Negative impact of
group complied with guidelines and the restricted group hypocaloric feeding and energy balance on clinical outcome in ICU
with the hypothesis that intakes seen in individuals with patients. Clin Nutr 2005; 24: 502–09.
anorexia might provide benefits. The trial procedures 5 Singer P, Blaser AR, Berger MM, et al. ESPEN guideline on clinical
were rigorously followed and, in both groups, the calorie nutrition in the intensive care unit. Clin Nutr 2019; 38: 48–79.
6 Taylor BE, McClave SA, Martindale RG, et al. Guidelines for the
and protein intakes were near the targets. From day 8 provision and assessment of nutrition support therapy in the adult
onwards, the observed total calorie intakes were below critically ill patient: Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM) and
30 kcal/kg per day, indicating that overfeeding did not American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (A.S.P.E.N.).
Crit Care Med 2016; 44: 390–438.
occur. Last, we included a well defined and representative 7 Reintam Blaser A, Starkopf J, Kirsimagi U, Deane AM. Definition,
population of critically ill patients who required at least prevalence, and outcome of feeding intolerance in intensive care:
invasive mechanical ventilation and vasoactive drugs and a systematic review and meta-analysis. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2014;
58: 914–22.
who were at high risk for death or protracted recovery 8 Casaer MP, Van den Berghe G. Nutrition in the acute phase of
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