04 HPGD1103 CG

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Table of Contents
Welcome to HPGD1103 xii

What is this Course All About? xii

Description of the Course xii
Objectives of the Course xii

How Can You Get the Most from this Course? xiii
Learning Package xiii
Course Synopsis xiii
Organisation of Course Content xiii

How Will You be Assessed? xvi

Assessment Format xvi

What Forms of Support Will You Get in Studying the Course? xvi
Seminars xvi
MyINSPIRE Online Discusions xvi
Facilitator xvii
Library Resources xvii
Learner Connexxions xvii

Final Remarks xvii

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Welcome to HPGD1103 Curriculum Development. This is one of the required
courses for the Post Graduate Diploma in Teaching programme at Open
University Malaysia. You are encouraged to tap into your experiences as a
teacher, instructor, lecturer or trainer to relate to the concepts and principles that
will be discussed. This is a 3-credit course conducted over a semester of 14


Description of the Course
Educators are often faced with the task of conceptualising and developing
different types of curriculum for various levels of education. An understanding
of the development process would be useful for those involved in such activities.
The course explores the various definitions of curriculum, followed by discussion
on how philosophical beliefs, psychological perspectives, societal demands and
the legacy of history impact the curriculum. Next, the curriculum development
process is discussed with particular emphasis on curriculum planning,
curriculum design, curriculum implementation and curriculum evaluation.
Finally, the course focuses on the issues and future trends in curriculum
development in the context of todayÊs dynamic society.

Objectives of the Course

The course aims to develop an understanding of the following areas:

1. Compare, apply and disseminate the various definitions of curriculum;

2. Explain and formulate how philosophy, psychology, history and society

impact curriculum;

3. Elaborate the four phases of the curriculum development process, namely;

planning, design, implementation and evaluation as well as describe the
phase that is most related to teaching and learning;

4. Evaluate the issues of curriculum development;

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5. Apply curriculum concepts, principles and theories to the teaching and

learning environment; and

6. Demonstrate an ability to communicate ideas in written form.



Learning Package
In this Learning Package, you are provided with THREE sets of course materials:

1. The Course Guide, which you are currently reading;

2. The Course Assignment Guide (which describes the assignments to be
submitted and the examination you have to sit for); and
3. The Course Content (consisting of 10 topics).

Please ensure that you have all of these materials at the start of the course.

Course Synopsis
This course is divided into 10 topics. The synopsis for each topic can be listed as

Topic 1 examines different definitions of curriculum, what is the hidden

curriculum, approaches in viewing curriculum and a brief introduction to the
curriculum development process.

Topic 2 analyses four main philosophical beliefs (perennialism, essentialism,

progressivism and reconstructionism) and how they influence curriculum.

Topic 3 evaluates four psychological perspectives (behaviourism, cognitivism,

humanism and constructivism) and how they influence curriculum.

Topic 4 explores how societal forces and demands (culture, work, technology
and globalisation) influence curriculum. The curriculum of the United States and
Japan are examined to show how curriculum has changed over time.

Topic 5 compares the curriculum development models of Tyler, Taba, Alexander

and Saylor and the tasks involved at different levels of curriculum planning.
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Topic 6 examines the criteria for content selection (significance, utility,

learnability, feasibility and utility), the principles of content organisation
(sequence, scope, integration and balance) and models of curriculum design
(subject-matter, learner-centred and problem-centred).

Topic 7 discusses curriculum implementation as a change process, the categories

of curriculum change, the resistance to change, why people resist change and the
role and responsibilities of people involved in curriculum implementation.

Topic 8 compares three curriculum evaluation models (CIPP, Stakes

Countenance model and Eisner's Connoisseurship model) and the techniques of
data collection for decision making.

Topic 9 critically evaluates different curriculum issues such as the impact of

globalisation, the knowledge economy, national unity and citizenship education.

Topic 10 focuses on character curriculum suggest possible scenarios of future in

determining the curriculum.

Organisation of Course Content

In distance learning, a print module such as this replaces the university lecturer.
This is one of the main advantages of distance learning where specially designed
study allows you to study at your own pace, anywhere and at anytime. Think of
it as reading the lecture instead of listening to a lecturer. In the same way that a
lecturer might assign something for you to read or do, the module tells you what
to read, when to read and when to do the activities. Just as a lecturer might ask
you questions in class, your module provides exercises for you to do at
appropriate points.

To help you read and understand the individual topics, numerous realistic
examples support all definitions, concepts and theories. Diagrams and text are
combined into a visually appealing, easy-to-read module. Throughout the course
contents, diagrams, illustrations, tables and charts are used to reinforce
important points and simplify the more complex concepts. The module has
adopted the following features in each topic:

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This is a listing of what you should be able to do after successful
completion of a topic. In other words, whether you are be able to explain,
compare, evaluate, distinguish, list, describe, relate and so forth. You
should use these indicators to guide your study. When you have finished a
topic, you must go back and check whether you have achieved the learning
outcomes or be able to do what is required of you. If you make a habit of
doing this, you will improve your chances of understanding the contents of
the course.

Lists the headings and sub-headings of each topic to provide an overview of the
contents of the topic and prepare you for the major concepts to be studied and


These are situations drawn from research projects to show how

knowledge of the principles of research methodology may be applied to
real-world situations. The activities illustrate key points and concepts
dealt with in each topic.


Questions are interspersed at strategic points in the topic to encourage

review of what you have just read and retention of recently learned
material. The answers to these questions are found in the paragraphs
before the questions. This is to test immediately whether you
understand the few paragraphs of text you have read. Working
through these tests will help you determine whether you understand
the topic and prepare you for the assignments and the examination.

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The main ideas of each topic are listed in brief sentences to provide a review of
the content. You should ensure that you understand every statement listed. If
you do not, go back to the topic and find out what you do not know.

At the end of each topic a list of articles and topics of books is provided that is
directly related to the contents of the topic. As far as possible the articles and
books suggested for further reading will be available in OUMÊs Digital Library
which you can access and OUMÊs Library. Also, relevant internet resources are
made available to enhance your understanding of selected curriculum concepts
and principles as applied in real-world situations.


Assessment Format
Pleas refer to myINSPIRE.


There are 15 hours of seminars or face-to-face interaction supporting the course.
This consists of or FIVE tutorial sessions of 3 hours each. You will be notified of
the dates, times and location of these tutorials, together with the names and
phone number of your facilitator, as soon as you are allocated into a tutorial

MyINSPIRE Online Discussion

Besides the face-to-face tutorial sessions, you have the support of online
discussions. You should interact with other students and your tutor using
myINSPIRE. Your contributions to the online discussion will greatly enhance

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your understanding of course content, how to go about doing the assignments

and preparation for the examination.

Your facilitator will mark your assignments and provide assistance to you during
the course. Do not hesitate to discuss during the seminar sessions or online if:

You do not understand any part of the course content or the assigned

You have difficulty with the self-tests and activities.

You have a question or problem with the assignments.

Library Resources
The Digital Library has a large collection of books and journals which you can
access using your student ID.

Learner Connexxions
This online bulletin provides interesting and relevant information to help you
along the programme. There are can be useful study hints and you can read
about the experiences of other distant learners.

Once again, welcome to the course. To maximise your gain from this course you
should try at all times relate what you are studying with the real-world of
classrooms, schools and learners. Look at the environment in your institution
and ask yourself whether they provide opportunities for research. Most of the
ideas, concepts and principles you learn in this course have practical
applications. It is important to realise that much we do in education and training
has to be based on sound theoretical foundations. The contents of this course
provide the principles for doing research in education whether it is in a school,
college, university or training organisation.

We wish you success with the course and hope that you will find it interesting,
useful and relevant towards your development as a professional.

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Copyright © Open University Malaysia (OUM)

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