04 Hmef5143 CG
04 Hmef5143 CG
04 Hmef5143 CG
HMEF5143 Sociology of Education is one of the courses offered by Faculty of
Education and Language at Open University Malaysia (OUM). This course is
worth 3 credit hours and should be covered in 15 weeks.
This course is offered to learners pursuing the Masters of Education programme.
As an open and distance learner, you should be able to study independently and
optimise the learning modes and environment available to you. Before you begin
this course, please confirm the course material, the course requirements and how
the course is conducted.
It is a standard OUM practice that learners accumulate 40 study hours for every
credit hour. As such, for a three-credit hour course, you are expected to spend
120 study hours. Table 1 provides an estimation of how the 120 study hours
could be accumulated.
Study Activities
Reading the course content and studying the module 55
Attend 5 seminars sessions (3 hours for each session) 15
Online participation 15
Revision 15
Completing assignments 20
By the end of this course, you should be able to:
4. Explain how schools socialise its learners and education is both a provider
of opportunity and reinforcer of inequality in contemporary society;
This course is divided into 9 topics, and further reading materials are also
provided to enhance learnersÊ understanding of the course. The synopsis for each
topic is presented below:
Topic 5 focuses on students, their characteristics and how these relate to the
school organisation, the school climate and overall academic achievement. A
discussion on the factors that contribute toward school dropouts and school
failures is also included in this topic.
Topic 6 highlights the informal school system, drawing attention to the concept
of the hidden curriculum and how it influences studentsÊ learning experiences
and academic achievement. The topic also includes discussions on how social
interactions and relationships of participants are shaped by the power dynamics
of the informal system.
Topic 7 examines the social structure of the school by focusing on the different
components and subsystems that characterise a school as an organisation.
Topic 9 explores the role of school in preparing learners for transition from
school to the workplace and discusses the reality that young people face in their
schooling and when they join the workforce.
Learning Outcomes: This section refers to what you should achieve after you
have completely covered a topic. As you go through each topic, you should
frequently refer to these learning outcomes. By doing this, you can continuously
gauge your understanding of the topic.
Summary: You will find this component at the end of each topic. This component
helps you to recap the whole topic. By going through the summary, you should
be able to gauge your knowledge retention level. Should you find points in the
summary that you do not fully understand, it would be a good idea for you to
revisit the details in the module.
Key Terms: This component can be found at the end of each topic. You should go
through this component to remind yourself of important terms or jargon used
throughout the module. Should you find terms here that you are not able to
explain, you should look for the terms in the module.
No prior knowledge required.
Please refer to myINSPIRE.
Ballantine, J. M., & Hammack, F. M. (2013). The sociology of education: A
systematic analysis (7th ed). Singapore: Pearson.
Ballantine, J. H., & Spade, J. (2007). Schools and society: A sociological approach
to education. Los Angeles, CA: Pine Forge.
Levine, D., & Levine, R. (2003). Society and education. Boston, MA: Allyn and
Bills, D. (2004). The sociology of education and work. Malden, MA: Wiley