Curriculum Ttheory ND Practice
Curriculum Ttheory ND Practice
Curriculum Ttheory ND Practice
Published by Mzuzu University, Centre for Open and Distance Learning
P/Bag 201
©Mzuni 2013
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ISBN: 978-99908-57-64-1
I would like to thank all members of staff in the Department of Education and
Teaching Studies for their support and advice they gave to me when I was
developing this module.
Let me also thank my wife and my children for their patience and support they
usually render to me when doing my projects of various magnitude.
I wish also to recognise the role played by the Centre for Open and Distance
Learning , specifically so materials production, in facilitating the production of
this module through training, technical advice and editorial functions. Let me
also thank Mzuzu University for a token of financial support that enabled me
do some research to come up with this type of job.
At the helm of all these, remain God the Almighty Father who deserves
bountiful thanks for keeping me alive until today.
Unit 1 The Curriculum: What is it?-------- ------------------------------------------------1
Unit 2 Types of Curriculum-----------------------------------------------------------------10
Unit 3 Curriculum Development Models------------------------------------------------25
Unit 4 Situational Analysis and Needs Assessment-----------------------------------40
Unit 5 Learning Outcomes against Learning Experiences---------------------------50
Unit 6 Implementation of the Curriculum-----------------------------------------------59
Unit 7 Curriculum Evaluation--------------------------------------------------------------68
Introduction to Curriculum Theory and Practice
Unit 1 The Curriculum: what is it?
In Unit One you are going to study how different people have defined the term
“Curriculum”. How each one of them came up with his/her own definition of
the term “curriculum”. Therefore the differences in definitions of the term led
Professor Robert Zias (1976) to indicate that people should not spend a lot of
time on the definition because by doing so we would spend a lot of our
valuable time doing something not academically useful.
In the unit you will also study the three types of definitions and how the three
types of definitions apply to the term curriculum process. The unit has also
discussed the levels of the curriculum. Lastly you will study the four elements
of the curriculum.
Areas of emphasis
In Unit One there are four areas of emphasis that you must bear in mind as you
studying the unit. These areas are:
• The widest meaning of the term curriculum;
• The three types of curriculum definitions;
• The levels of the curriculum;
• The elements of the curriculum.
Key words
The key words or phrases you need to pay attention to are as follows:
The curriculum; Descriptive, Programmatic and Stipulative curriculum
definitions; Societal, institutional, instructional and experiential curriculum
levels; Purpose and Content Evaluation.
Prerequisite knowledge
From Module One; “An Introduction to the Art and Teaching Profession” you
must have studied about some of curriculum documents such as syllabuses,
schemes and records of work, text books and teachers’ guides. You must have
also studied the importance of these few documents and how useful they are in
the education system.
Materials needed
Mtunda FG & Safuli SDD. (1987) An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of
Teaching. Blantyre, Dzuka.
Urevbu, A. (1999) Curriculum Studies, Longman. Lagos, Nigeria.
Time required
Four hours
Learning objectives
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• define the term “Curriculum” in relation to imparting knowledge, attitudes
and skills to the learner in a school system
• describe the four areas of the curriculum that provide the widest and common
meaning of the term curriculum
• discuss briefly why a stipulative definition of the term curriculum is very
appropriate in a today’s dynamic society
• explain why the society level is the most influential level in curriculum
development process
• describe briefly each of the four elements of the curriculum.
What is curriculum?
Before going into the details of this course, let us talk about the word or term
Curriculum. What does the word mean? What do people who claim to know
what the word mean say? Do they say the same thing when they are talking
about the word curriculum? From what has been written by many theorists it
shows that many people have come up with different definitions of the word.
Robert Zais (1976 p13) says “a search for the correct definition of the term
Curriculum is not a productive enterprise”. What Zais is talking about is true
that looking for the correct term of the word curriculum is a waste of time and
energy because there are many definitions of the term.
However we will try to exposes some few definitions of the term. The word in
its widest meaning looks at four areas:
• What is taught (content),
• How it is taught (methods),
• Why is it taught (aims and objectives).
• Who are the major stakeholders in curriculum (students, teachers and the
The meaning of the term curriculum includes other aspects of the word which
are; evaluation, control and classroom interaction.
As earlier indicated that there are many definitions of the word, here are some
of them. I would expect you to look for some more definitions. Read them
carefully and find out how they are similar and how they differ.
“..any socially constructed or prescribed activities, selected in some way from the
culture of that society, that results in the transformation of the individual” (Alliistair
Ross 2000)
“..that series of things which children and youth must do and experience by way of
developing abilities to do the things well that make up adults the affair of adult life; and
to be in all respect what should be.” (Bobbit (1918)).
“.. the commonly-accepted definition of curriculum has changed from content of course
of study and lists of subjects and courses to all the experiences which are offered to
learners under the auspices or direction of the school.”(Doll (1964)).
“..all of the planned experiences provided by the school to assist pupils in attaining the
designated learning outcomes to the best of their abilities. (Neagley and Evans).
The definitions given above are just a few of the large number of definitions
formulated by different people. Because we have seen different definitions we
are therefore forced to blend some of these definitions into one or more in order
to come up with a definition that would satisfy our needs.
You have just read a list of definitions of the term curriculum, written by
different people.
Can you identify the similarities and differences of these definitions? Which
definition do you think is the best to you and why?
A descriptive definition is one which purports to describe adequately what is
being defined or the way in which the term is used. Dictionaries unusually
provide descriptive definitions. For example Chambers English Dictionary says
that the term curriculum came from a Latin word Currere meaning to run or
more precisely to run a course. Traditionally schools were established to run
courses for the youth. From the early usage of the word, today, according to
laymen the term curriculum is defined as a course of study, or syllabuses or a
collection of syllabuses, containing a body of subject matter officially taught in
Although this definition appears clear and simple but it is confusing and is
accused of being narrow in nature. Educators ask whether the term curriculum
mean Official curriculum – that is what is laid down in the syllabuses or the
Actual curriculum sometimes being referred to as the curriculum-in-use, that is,
what actually happens in the classrooms and schools. Some educationists call
this the hidden curriculum. The hidden curriculum refers to the non-academic
but educationally important to schooling. For example school life teaches one to
be friendly, respectful, polite, and obedient to authority, neatness, games and
“A programme of activities designed so that pupils will attain, as far as possible, certain
educational ends or objectives”.
“That the curriculum consists of content, teaching methods, and purpose may in its
rough and ready way to be sufficient definition with which to start. These three
dimensions interacting are the operational curriculum”( Urevbu, A. (1999).
The last two example definitions tell us what the curriculum should be. The
first definition implies that curriculum needs not to be organized knowledge; it
could be anything learnt in the school or those learnt outside the school. What
this definition says is what is learnt at school, at home, at workplace, or during
play. It is encompassed by the term curriculum. Thus, there are no clear
boundaries to what we might regard as curriculum,
The second definition, the term curriculum is used to mean a programme of
activities designed to promote certain ends of liberal education, that is, the
introduction of children to the main forms of knowledge which in Scheffler’s
view constitute human understanding. The definition rules out a curriculum
which simply describes what the learner should do.
The third definition incorporates the three dimensions; content, teaching
methods, and purpose. Curriculum is thus reduced to a linear and a mechanical
paradigm which appears to be a document for classroom teaching. It may be a
lesson plan or schemes of work or even a unit plan.
“Certain aspects of our way of life, certain kinds of knowledge, certain attitudes, and
values are regarded so important that their transmission to the next generation cannot
be left to chance in our society, but should be entrusted to specially trained professionals
(teachers) in elaborate and expensive institution (schools). Not everything in our
culture is regarded as of such importance, and in any case time is limited, so selection of
what is to be transmitted to the next generation has to be made. (Urevbu, A. (1999).”
The stipulative definition of the term curriculum does not say or imply that
schools can compensate for the society and schools cannot remedy all the ills of
the society and eliminate all the ills in our societies. Schools should therefore
not be blamed for all the imperfections of the society as a whole. Lawton
however admits that education can equip people to understand the society
better to improve it.
1 Among the three definitions of the term curriculum, why would you
think the Stipulative definition of the term be the most
• The Societal Level is the farthest curriculum removed from the learners
and is designed by the public including politicians, representative of special
interest groups, administrators at different levels and professional specialists.
These groups often decide on the goals, topics to be covered, time to be spent
and the materials to be spent.
Institutional curricula include the documents produced and used at the district
or school level. These documents would include lesson plans or teachers’
guides. This curriculum is sometimes referred to as Explicit Curriculum.
• The Instructional Curriculum level refers to the one that teachers plan
and deliver in schools. Teachers base instructional curricula on what has been
determined as necessary or desirable for their school board and their school
authority. This is true for the decentralized education systems like the ones in
the United State of America where each school district has its own curriculum.
Imagine that you have been invited to The Malawi Institute of Education as
a member of a particular curriculum committee, what level of the curriculum
is the curriculum you are going to involved in will be?
Elements of curriculum
The curriculum has four elements that are in consistent interaction and these
• Purpose (aims, goals and objectives),
• Content or subject matter,
• Methods or learning experiences,
• Evaluation.
It is the interaction of these elements in the social, political, economic,
technological and environmental context that constitutes a curriculum. Now let
us look at each element at a time.
Content: Subjects to
Methods or Learning be studied.
The purpose of the curriculum:
• Is based on the social aspirations of the society.
• Outlines the aims and goals of the programme and
• Is expressed as aims, goals and objectives.
Please note that the curriculum content must be applicable to the solution of the
problems affecting the society which uses it.
Methods or learning experiences
The methods or learning experiences outlined in the curriculum;
• Deal with teaching and learning experiences and
• Involve organizational strategies.
Flexible teaching methods facilitate learning.
Evaluation is used in curriculum process to:
• Select appropriate content based on the aims, goals and objectives of the
• Select appropriate methods to address the content and purpose.
• Check the effectiveness of methods and learning experiences used.
• Check the suitability and appropriateness of the curriculum in
addressing the social needs of the society.
• Give appropriate feedback to the learners teachers, planners, industry
and the society.
• Provide a rationale (the justification) for making changes.
1 Which level of the curriculum would provide a richer and more relevant
curriculum for the needs of the society?
2 Which level would give a more restricted curriculum?
3 Why would evaluation be a very useful curriculum element that would
help to improve the quality of the curriculum?
Unit summary
The term curriculum has a very wide selection of definitions. The many
definitions in general terms they all mean four main areas:
• What is taught (content)?
• How is it taught (methods)?
• Why is it taught (aims, goals and objectives)?
• Who are the major stakeholders in curriculum (learners, parents and the
Israel Scheffler came up with three types of curriculum definitions. These are
descriptive, programmatic and stipulative definitions. Among the three
stipulative definition gives a richer meaning to the term. It talks about the need
for selection from the society of what the learners will learn from the
There are four curriculum levels. Among the four the curriculum societal level
is the one which is remotest from the learner and its closer to the society. This
curriculum levels originates from the society. The other three levels bring the
curriculum very close to the learner. The learners and the other members of the
school participate in the formulation of curriculum.
The curriculum has four main elements that are in consistent interaction. These
four elements are;
• Purpose (aims, goals and objectives),
• Content or subject matter,
• Methods or learning experiences and
• Evaluation.
Try to answer the questions below:
1 Why doe Professor Robert Zais say that trying to come up with one
acceptable definition of the term curriculum is a waste of time?
2 Discuss briefly the four commonest elements of the curriculum that
provides its meaning?
3 Israel Scheffler discusses three types of definitions of the curriculum;
briefly describe each one of them?
4 Among the three types of definitions “stipulative definition calls for
the curriculum developers to select what is to be included in the
curriculum. Why is it so?
5 Why would the societal level of the curriculum provide a richer and a
more diverse field of the curriculum?
6 Discuss briefly each of the four elements of the curriculum?
Unit 2 Types of the Curriculum
In Unit two, you are going to study six types of curriculum. These six are not
strictly very different from each other but are very close. Their definitions are
related to each other. You will also study some of the theories of knowledge
that are an important source of curriculum decisions. The scope of curriculum
process is part of the knowledge you will study in the unit.
Areas of emphasis
In Unit two the areas of emphasis that you need to concentrate on are the
• The six types of curriculum;
• The four areas of curriculum perspectives,
• The three curriculum ideologies;
• The scope of curriculum process;
• The six factors that influence the curriculum design process.
Prerequisite knowledge
Module One - An Introduction to the Art and Teaching Profession, which you
have already studied by now, will help you to understand some of the concepts
in this unit. Concepts such as; types of curriculum have partly been covered in
Module one. However there are many concepts which are new and you will
need to pay a lot of attention to such terms and concepts.
Materials needed
Mtunda FG & Safuli SDD (1987) An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of
Teaching. Blantyre, Dzuka.
Urevbu, A. (1999) Curriculum Studies. Lagos, Longman.
Time required
Four hours
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• discuss briefly the six types of curriculum
• explain briefly what each one of the following philosophers believe in
terms of curriculum development. Rationalists, Empiricists,
Pragmatists and Existentialist
• discuss briefly the three curriculum educational ideologies
• identify at least five areas of the scope of curriculum process
• explain briefly why curriculum change is an important aspect in the
curriculum process
• define the term curriculum change.
Types of curricula
Curriculum can be classified into six types. Although their definitions are very
close but they are both meant to benefit the learner.
1 What is the difference between a Formal and a Core Curriculum?
2 How are the two curricula similar?
3 Explain why Tanner and Tanner do not like the term Hidden
Curriculum perspectives
Curriculum Perspectives are theories of knowledge which are an important
source of curriculum decisions. Zewii (1984), states that; “what goes into the
curriculum depends heavily on these perspectives. There are a number of
curriculum perspectives that you need to be familiar with. Some of these
perspectives are as follows;
• Rationalistic,
• Empiricist,
• Pragmatist
• Existentialist.
It is important to consider each perspective as it relates to the learner, teacher,
method to be used and the type of curriculum.
The table above summarizes the perspectives as they relate to the learner, teacher,
method and the curriculum. Adapted from Beach, D. M., and Reinhatz, J. (1989).
Curricula educational ideologies
Curriculum is developed and implemented for the benefit of the individual and
society. That is educational curriculum is driven by dimension of knowledge.
These dimensions are part of the educational ideologies. These ideologies exert
great influence on the type of curriculum design used, the stated purpose of the
curriculum and the nature of planned learner experiences.
Progressivism or poblem-solving
This ideology is based on pupil-centered education and the emphasis on
discovery learning. It also has a long history. It was a healthy and natural
rejection against the principles of classical humanism. One of the earliest
proponents of progressivism was Jean Jacques Rousseau (1774) and the idea of
progressivism was supported by John Dewey and other educationists more
The tendency for the learner to follow his/her impulses makes the learner to
discover his/her environment. What would this ideology be?
planning would enable one to resolve these complex questions and develop a
workable curriculum.
Curriculum planning is very important because today there are vast amounts of
what is to be learnt. There is therefore the need to select what is to be learnt.
The large amount of what is learnt is reflected by the fact that people who are
specialized sometimes do not know some of the things in their own areas of
specialization. There is therefore the need for curriculum planners to select
what has to be learnt.
Curriculum theory: Like the term philosophy, the term curriculum theory has a
wide range of definitions and meanings. An individual would define
curriculum theory in dealing with the explanation and application of general
principles related to curriculum. Such would include statements like:
• Intended consequences of implementing a curriculum;
• The problem whether someone is achieving the intended goals.
• One would also think about the best strategies to be used during the
implantation of the curriculum.
Looking at the term curriculum theory one would conclude that it serves two
functions in the curriculum.
It serves to organise data and facts so that they are understandable.
It also serves as a basis for action, since understanding must provide a basis for
Curriculum theory may take the form of a list of tricks of the trade of
curriculum process. It may be a series of steps for how to do what in the
curriculum process or a set of bald assertions about what the school is
supposed to be doing.
Curriculum construction: the term was traditionally defined to refer to all the
processes involved in the making of a curriculum. Some were referring the
same as curriculum engineering. Curriculum construction, some refer to it as
scientific curriculum making it an activity analysis of man’s activities into
particular and specialized units of behaviour. In curriculum construction one
deals with identifying and creating those experiences that prepares the student
to perform those activities. According to Franklin Bobbitt the skills that are
needed in adulthood are what constitute the curriculum of the school. However
John Dewey disagrees with Bobbitt’s view that education is for preparation for
adult life. Dewey says that education is a process of living and not a
preparation for the future living.
Dewey’s argument is that it is impossible to prepare someone for a remote
future. You never know what lies in the future. The child therefore can not be
taken as someone who will not decide for his own future destiny. The society is
always changing and we are always learning to cope with the changes. It is
therefore impossible for the school to provide an education that would prepare
someone for the future he/she does know about.
Imagine the coming in of the technological age; imagine the coming in of the
HIV/AIDS pandemic. Who knew about it in the 1950s, 1960s or 1970s? Did our
school curriculum include these? They were not included because we never
knew about them.
However in the course of living we have come across the HIV/AIDS and learnt
that it is deadly and that it must be included in our curriculum. The society is
now busy trying very hard and making sure that the youth are made aware
about it.
1 1 How are curriculum construction and curriculum design similar?
2 What are some of curriculum patterns?
Curriculum change
Curriculum change refers to an element of dealing with a curriculum that is
already in existence. For one reason or other there may be need to make some
changes to it for improvement. When talking about curriculum change one
thinks about one of the following:
• Curriculum revision,
• Curriculum renewal,
• Curriculum innovation and
• Curriculum improvement.
Curriculum change is inevitable and desirable. It will always occur. Any time
government changes one would expect a change in a lot of things one of them is
the curriculum. When the environment changes, the education system must
introduce change in the school curriculum to cope up with the changes in the
Curriculum Development
Curriculum development has the widest scope and number of definitions in the
curriculum process. Some people define curriculum development as:
• The process of writing books for schools and colleges.
• The general process of improving the entire instructional process.
• The process that determines how curriculum construction will proceed.
• The process that includes planning, implementation, and evaluation of
the curriculum process.
• The process of designing, developing, implementing and evaluating the
1 Curriculum Change is sometimes known by different names; what are
these names?
2 Curriculum development is the major activity in the curriculum
process; why is it so?
3 What would be the major activities of a curriculum development
Curriculum process
Curriculum process is a collective term that encompasses all of the
considerations about what a curriculum worker thinks about and ultimately
uses to make choices in the development and evaluation of a curriculum
project. Very rarely is the school curriculum developed from scratch, because
most of the new curricula represent those in existence. That is most of the
curricula work is an improvement of that which is being used.
In addition to look at what has been pointed out above, curriculum developers
prepare statements outlining the anticipated relationships among teachers,
students, and curriculum content. The developers then select and organize
content so that the relationship of the society and that of the teachers and
students can be realised. In developing curriculum developers usually selects a
particular model in developing a curriculum.
Most of the curriculum developers maintain that there are four major stages in
the process of curriculum development and these are:
• Formulating objectives,
• Selection and organization of content,
• Selection and organization of learning experiences and
• Evaluation.
Each of the four stages is broken into sub-stages.
Curriculum implementation
At the end of all the mechanical work of producing curriculum documents
such as syllabuses, text books, teacher’s guides, comes the implementation of
the new curriculum. Curriculum implementation brings in an element of
Introduced Change.
• This is one of the crucial stages of curriculum development process.
• This is when the administration requires a lot of cooperation from the
• because they (teachers) are the implementers of the new curriculum.
• They (teachers) are the people who will take the new ideas, skills,
knowledge and attitudes to the students.
• This is the time when the materials are taken to the classroom before the
• This is the time students would be introduced to new instructional
• This is the time when students would expect changes in teaching
• This is the time teachers would be expected to show their commitment to
their profession.
• This is the time students would be expecting new trends of
• This is the time when past examination papers would no longer be
Curriculum implementation does not occur all at once with all teachers in the
school system. Ideally, an implementation process allows sufficient time for
groups of teachers to tryout the new curriculum materials in pieces. One of the
most efficient ways of implementing a new curriculum is by conducting an
orientation course for groups of teachers who are going to use the materials.
These orientation courses could be done at all levels of all geographical areas
(national, divisional, district and zonal).
1 Why is curriculum implementation very crucial in the curriculum
2 Why are teachers an important factor in the implementation of the
curriculum process?
• Political considerations may play a part in the hiring of personnel. In
Malawi we have group of United States of American Peace Corps
Volunteers teaching in our secondary schools because of our political ties
with the US Government
• Funding of education is greatly influenced by politics.
• Entry into the educational institutions and the examination systems are
heavily influenced by politics.
In many countries, Christians and other religious groups live together and that
the different religious groups equally influence what should be included in the
curriculum. In such cases, the curriculum developers try to look and address
the interests of different social groups of community.
You may have a curriculum that is gender biased against the female members
of the society because it includes instructional materials that portray negative
attitudes towards women and girls. It is therefore possible for culture to have
both positive and negative influences on the curriculum.
The students you will be teaching after your graduation will need to be
employed. The skills needed by industry from those future employees should
be translated into the content and learning experiences of the curriculum. The
skills, knowledge base and attitudes required by industry should be developed
in the classroom.
You might have noticed in the news papers employers advertise for vacant
position to be filled. Each employer has his/her basic requirements for
knowledge and skills. Those who have the required qualification have the
chance of being recruited for the position. These skills and knowledge are
acquired at school. Therefore it is correct to say that “The market forces
(industry) dictate what should be included in the national curriculum. The
market force also subtly determines the quality of learners at different levels.
Some of the materials required by the school are the products of industry.
Without these materials, learning would be compromised. It is therefore crucial
that serious consideration be given to economic demands when designing the
There is need for many schools to introduce computer science as one of the
subjects on the curriculum. This is so because for those to be employed they
need to be computer literate. Without computer skills they would not function
in industry. Apart from computers, the school system has introduced a number
of other technologies which are helping teachers in their teaching. Therefore
curriculum designers cannot afford to ignore technology and its influence on
the curriculum.
Industrial wastes have polluted the world. For example, the ozone layer in the
atmosphere, which protects us from harmful radiation from the sun, is being
depleted. The world wants this situation redressed. It is through education that
this problem can be addressed. Consideration of the environment must be
included in the school curriculum so that learners can learn about the respect of
the environment. The careful protection of the environment would ensure the
survival of future generation.
The influence of child psychology
Apart from the factors listed above, curriculum design is also influenced by
child psychology. Theories of learning and child development have to be
considered when designing the content of the curriculum and how it is
delivered. Learning can be maximized by ensuring that activities and
experiences are introduced at the most teachable moment.
1 How would politics and society jointly influence curriculum design?
2 The country’s economy and level of technology could influence
curriculum design.
3 How would it be?
Unit summary
In Unit two you have studied different aspects of the curriculum process. You
looked at the four perspectives of the curriculum. These are rationalistic,
empiricist, pragmatist and existentialist. You also studied the curriculum
educational ideologies which are; Classical Humanist or Traditional,
Progressive or Problem-solving, and Social Reconstruction curriculum.
You also studied the scope of the curriculum process. The scope include:
curriculum planning, curriculum theory, curriculum construction, and
curriculum design and curriculum implementation. You also studied the six
factors that influence curriculum design. These factors are: political, the society,
the economy, technology, the environment and child psychology.
Self assessment
What have you learnt from Unit two?
Unit test
1 Explain briefly why Tanner and Tanner prefer to call what is
generally known as “Hidden Curriculum” as Collateral Curriculum?
2 Discuss briefly why Formal and Core Curricula are very close to each
3 What are curriculum perspectives? How are they important in
curriculum development process?
4 Briefly describe the classical humanistic ideology in curriculum
5 Discuss briefly how curriculum planning is very important in the
curriculum process?
6 Discuss briefly how the six factors mentioned in the unit influence
curriculum design.
7 Why is curriculum change unavoidable and inevitable?
Unit 3 Curriculum Development Models
In Unit three, you will study different curriculum development models, starting
with the Ralph Tyler’s through to Malcolm Skilbeck model. You will also study
how models are useful to the curriculum developer and why these models are
being used. The unit also tries to explain the weaknesses of each one of these
models, their differences and similarities.
Areas of emphasis
The following will be the main areas of emphasis in unit three;
• Why models are used in curriculum development process;
• The three types of curriculum models; Rational Objective Models,
Cyclic Models and Dynamic/Interactive Situational Models;
• Some of the shortfalls of curriculum models,
• Characteristics of rational objective models,
• Ralph Tyler’s and Hilda Taba’s models. Their criticisms and
• The Cyclic Models; Wheeler’s model, Audrey and Howard Nicholls
• Kerr’s and Tanner and Tanner models
• The Dynamic/Interactive Situational Models; Lawton’s Curriculum
Development Model and Malcolm Skilbeck’s curriculum model.
Key words
The main words in the unit are as follows:
Models, Rational, Cyclic, and Interactive models, linear, sequential, classical
and scientific models.
Prerequisite knowledge
The concept of models is new and does not appear in the previous modules you
have studied in Education Studies. Therefore you need not to prerequisite
knowledge to study this unit.
Materials needed
Barrow, Robin, (1984) Giving Teaching Back to Teachers: A Critical Introduction to
Curriculum Theory. Sussex: Wheat-sheaf Books.
Bishop, George, (1985) Curriculum Development: A Textbook for Students. London:
Macmillan Education Ltd. (LB 2806 BIS 1985)
Hau, S. A. (1985) The Process of Curriculum Development and Implementation: A
paper presented at an induction course for subject Inspectors and Principal
Methods Advisors held at Lilongwe Hotel. Malawi Institute of Education,
Kerr, John F. (1968) Changing the Curriculum. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Time required
Four hours would be required
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit you should be able to:
• explain briefly the functions of curriculum development models to
curriculum developers
• describe briefly the characteristics of Rational Objective, Cyclical and
Dynamic/Interactive situational models
• discuss briefly similarities and differences between Ralph Tyler’s and
Hilda Taba’s Models
• discuss briefly similarities and differences between Wheeler’s and
Audrey and Howard Nicholls’ models
• explain the major weakness of Kerr’s curriculum development model
• discuss why Tanner and Tanner’s model is a very strong model
• explain briefly the five elements in Malcolm Skilbeck’s model.
The originators of the models realized the importance of models that they
would be useful in coming up with a systematic development of a curriculum.
Therefore models are today being used in the curriculum development process
• They help curriculum developers understand and describe curricular
• They serve as frames of reference by which one can examine and discuss
elements of the curriculum.
• Models provide a framework that can be followed when constructing a
we cannot show all the details of a model to do so would require producing
very complicated drawings.
The many models so far developed, have basically been grouped into three
types as summarised below.
The three types of curriculum models
Rational objectives Dynamic /interactive
Models Cyclical models Situational models
Sequential, rigid Gradual change from Flexible interaction
approaches to one form to the other and modifiable
curriculum process
Designers Designers Designers
Ralph Tyler and Hilda D. K. Wheeler and Malcolm Skilbeck
Taba. Nichols and D. F. Walker
Although models make it easy for curriculum developers in their work, some of
them (curriculum developers) have identified a number of shortfalls in using
the models. Some of the shortfalls or disadvantages are as follows:
• Kerr has argued that the whole curriculum process should not be static
but dynamic and continuously evolving.
• John Dewey did also argue that there should be flexibility and a freedom
to change the ends as they interact with the means.
• Although Taba’s model has a lot of merit, some educators think that
putting such effort to the grassroots framework weakens the model. In
agreement with the observation Robert Zais (1976) says the model
applies the concept of participatory democracy to a highly technical,
complex and specialized process.
Step 1 Objective
Step 2
selection of learning experiences
Step 4 evaluation
Tyler’s model was later modified by educators such as Hilda Taba, Wheeler
and Kerr.
Diagnosis of Needs
Formulation of Objectives
Selection of Content
Organization of Content
As you might have noticed in the diagram of the model above, Taba believed
that the development of a curriculum should be preceded by a situation
analysis to determine learning needs. On this she said:
Taba also believed content selection and content organization should be treated
as two distinct phases in the curriculum development process. However you
will notice that Taba’s model has some short comings similar to those of Tyler’s
in that it is also simplistic and linear; and that evaluation is the last step and
interrelatedness of elements is minimal.
Hilda Taba took a grassroots approach to curriculum. She said that those who
teach curriculum must participate in it. What she did was to modify Tyler’s
basic model to make it more representative of curriculum development in
While still using the linear approach, Taba indicated that curriculum should be
developed by teachers who in the end are the users.
The difference between Taba’s model and that of Tyler are
• Taba’s model has seven steps than that of Tyler which has only four
steps. Therefore Taba’s mind is more comprehensive than that of Tyler’s.
• Curriculum development begins with needs assessment instead of
beginning with objectives.
• Taba’s model indicates from where objectives have been derived unlike
Tyler’s model.
Wheeler’s model
The Wheeler’ curriculum development model has five phases:
• Aims, Goals and Objectives
• Selection of learning experiences
• Selection of content
• Organisation and integration of learning experiences and content
• Evaluation.
Wheeler’s model by being cyclic partly answers the criticism on interaction and
interrelatedness of elements found in Tyler’s and Taba’s models. The cyclic
nature of the model also suggests that curriculum development is a continuous
process. That is it goes on and on as the needs, interests and objectives of the
society changes.
However, Wheeler still seems to suggest that one could start the curriculum
development process at any point in the cycle. Furthermore, if you use double-
headed arrows, the degree of interaction between elements could have been
A modified curriculum development process model
(Audrey and Howard Nicholls)
The criticism of the Wheeler’s model also applies to Audrey and Howard
Nicholls’ model. However the double-headed arrows increase the interaction
and interrelatedness of the elements. Also, the inclusion of the situation
analysis phase in the model by Audrey and Howard Nicholls shows the source
of the objectives of the curriculum.
Content Evaluation
Learning Experiences
Kerr’s model is based on and reflects what Kerr thinks curriculum is. According
to Kerr, curriculum is all the learning which s planned and guided by the
school, whether it is carried out in groups or individually or inside or outside
thee school.
Tanner and Tanner model indicates that the philosophy as a source for
developing aims and values. As far as Tanner and Tanner were concerned,
Philosophy did not only serve to animate and criticize aims and values but also
serves as a source for developing aims and values.
Cognitive Affective Psychomotor
Stage 3. Selection
from Culture
Stage 4: Psychological
questions and theories e.g.
learning instruction
development etc.
Stage 5. Curriculum
Organized in Stages
and Sequences
Lawton’s curriculum development model
In stage one of Lawton’s model, the aims of education would be defined in the
philosophy of education espoused by the society.
The second stage of the model tries to look at the sociological aspect of the
society. The content of the curriculum is examined against the kind of
knowledge the society needs.
The third stage is the selection from the culture and is reached once the
philosophical and sociological questions have been posed and answered.
Society would need to identify elements in its own culture and include these for
further study at different level of educational level.
At stage four psychologists would ask questions related to effectiveness of
implementation of the curriculum content. For example, would a class of thirty
or forty be appropriate to be effectively taught as class for any subject? Would a
45 minute lesson period be appropriate for any lesson in any subject?
In stage five Lawton suggest that we examine how the curriculum is organised
in stages and sequences. In sum, Lawton’s model presents a more suggestive
approach to curriculum planning.
Malcom Skilbeck’s situational curriculum development model
Skilbeck’s curriculum development model suggests that the curriculum may
commence with any element rather than the fixed sequence, as in objective
Situation analysis
Goal formulation
Programme building
Interpretation and
Monitoring feedback,
Assessment and reconstruction
2 Goal formation
The statement of goal formation embraces teacher and teacher interaction and
teacher and learner interaction. The goals will mainly imply inferences value
judgments, priorities and emphasis.
3 Programme building
At the third stage, the teacher-learner activities, content, structure and method,
scope and sequence are designed. This work includes means and materials such
as resources units and textbooks. Furthermore, appropriate instructional setting
such as classrooms and laboratories, fieldwork workshops are identified.
Finally personnel deployment and role definitions are also made.
Unit summary
In unit three you have studied about curriculum models. You have looked at
the three types of models and these are:
Rational Objective models, these models are described as sequential and rigid
models. They are easy for curriculum developers to work with. Ralph Tyler’s
and Hilda Taba’s models are good examples of the rational objective models.
The Cyclic Models are a gradual change from one form to the other. They too
are easy to work with. Wheeler’s and Audrey and Howard Nichols’ models are
the examples of the cyclic models.
The Dynamic/ Interactive Situational Models are the third type of models that
are flexible and modifiable. Silkberg’s model is the best example.
The other models have been described and explained. These are Ralph Tyler’s,
Hilda Taba’s models have been described are among the oldest and simpler to
use than other models. They are linear and have a lot in common. They both
end up with an evaluation process. The other models you have studied are
Wheeler’s and Audrey and Howard Nicholls models. Both of these are cyclic
models. As cyclic models they portray that the curriculum process is an
ongoing or continuous process.
The other models you have studied in this unit are Kerr’s, Tanner and Tanner’s
models, and Lawton’s models. All these models help curriculum developers to
understand better the process of curriculum development. The developers
would understand that there are a number of ways of developing the
Unit test
1 Discuss briefly the characteristics of the three types of curriculum
development models.
2 Explain the main similarities and differences of Ralph Tyler’s and
Hilda Taba’s models.
3 What is the major difference between Wheeler’s and Audrey and
Howard Nicholls curriculum models?
4 Can you explain why Kerr’s model is the most interactive model?
5 Discuss briefly the Tanner and Tanner’s model.
6 Discuss briefly each of the five elements of the Malcolm Skilbeck’s
Situational Curriculum model.
Unit 4 Situational Analysis and Needs Assessment
In unit four, you are going to study what a situation analysis is, what is its role
in curriculum development process? You are also going to look at needs and
needs assessment. Types of needs and needs assessments. You will also study
what are Opinion surveys and the major stakeholders in opinion surveys,
purposes of opinion surveys and methods used by curriculum developers in
collecting opinions or information. Lastly you will look at Task Analysis and its
Areas of emphasis
• Activities that curriculum developer get involved in during the early
days of developing the curriculum.
• Different types of people who directly and indirectly benefit from the
• Situation Analysis and its functions in the curriculum process,
• Needs Assessment and type of needs
Key words
Situation Analysis, needs, needs assessment, normative needs, comparative
needs, anticipated needs; discrepancy needs assessment, diagnostic needs
assessment, opinion survey, specialist, the community, clients, gatekeepers,
task analysis, social indicators and feasibility analysis.
Prerequisite knowledge
What you have studied in unit three will help you to understand about needs
and needs assessment and the value of the community in needs assessment.
Some of the curriculum models have reflected some of the stages where needs
assessment is a prerequisite for formulating objectives and learning
experiences. For example the Tinnier and Tanner’s model, Hilda Tuba’s model,
and Silkberg’s model do reflect an element of situation analysis.
Materials needed
The following resources are required for you read and understand this unit
Methods Advisors held at Lilongwe Hotel. Malawi Institute of Education,
Kerr, John F. (1968) Changing the Curriculum. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Time required
Five hours will be adequate too study this unit.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, you should be bale to:
• discuss briefly what a situation analysis is and its function in
curriculum development process
• describe what a need assessment is and why is it carried out in a
curriculum development process
• identify three groups of stake holders in curriculum development
process that are involved in opinion surveys
• discuss briefly the three main methods used in collecting information
in an opinion survey
• describe briefly the relationship between needs assessment and task
Situation analysis
What is it?
As Combs (1968) says “Situation analysis is very important that we firmly
believe that the world crisis in education can be overcome if the people
concerned should systematically diagnose their educational problems and then
plan their educational future in the light of what they uncover in their self-
In a school the gap could be the expected standard set by the school and the
actual performance by the learners. The gaps would be reflected in the learners’
failure to attain the expected standard. To address these needs these needs have
to be systematically identified.
1 Can you try to identify the similarities and differences of these terms;
situation analysis and needs assess
2 Explain why each one of these two terms are of vital importance in
the identification of what should be included in a new curriculum and
what should be left out in an old curriculum.
Type of needs
Bradshaw has identified four types of needs and these are:
• Normative needs: The need which a pupil may have based on what his
performance is for example: The learner may obtain a 40% grade and
teacher’s expected required grade is 60%. In this case the learner need is
20% to meet the expected standard.
• Comparative needs: These are discrepancies between the needs of one
learner and another. The discrepancy could be in the form of services
provided by the school to the learner groups. For example the school
could provide adequate pencils to Form one Class the Form three
students would be give less. The situation would force the two groups of
students to compare the provisions given by the school.
• Anticipated needs: These needs are associated with future plans of the
school. For example if the anticipate to increase enrollment, it would
therefore consider of acquiring more text books or create additional
classrooms for the additional learners.
• Expressed needs: These needs are sometimes referred to as demands.
To identify needs one requires be involved in identifying what is the present
and what is it that is preferred. The process is called a needs assessment. Suarez
(1991) defines needs assessment as an information-gathering and analysis
process which results in the identification of the needs of an individual, groups,
institutions, communities, or societies.
Opinion survey
An opinion survey is a method of collecting information from different groups
of people. It is part of needs assessment used to collect data that would be
useful in curriculum process. To meet the ends of opinion surveys three main
groups of people need to be involved. The groups are the consulted specialists,
clients and gatekeepers.
The need for information requires that we ask the opinion of specialists. For
example, if we are about to plan a new curriculum in any subject, say,
Mathematics, we would want to speak to some competent mathematicians,
particularly those interested in the underlying principles ad philosophy of
mathematics. This group would no doubt university professors, but it would
also desirable to include those mathematicians working in government,
business and industry. These specialists would have a sense of future
development of the field.
Clients include students, parents, teachers and the community and subsequent
educational institutions. The most obvious clients of the curriculum are
students. Ascertaining students’ background, interests, aspirations,
motivations, preferences and aversions in very important during the
curriculum process. The students’ histories of success and failures are essential
if curricula are to meet their needs rather than those of teachers or curriculum
planners. When surveying potential students, it is worth not only to look for
what they want to learn but also how they prefer to learn. In some ways even
more valuable as sources of information than current students are former
students, booth graduates and dropouts.
Parents are also clients of educational institutions. They are experts on their
own children and they view the school as an extension of the education given at
home, and consider it to be primarily responsible to them.
Teachers are also clients of the school system and have the right to be consulted
about the curriculum changes that would affect their work and environment.
Employers are also clients because they rely on the school to provide the skills
they want their employees to have before they join them through employment.
The competencies which employees have when they enter employment are
acquired at school.
The community also needs to be regarded as a major player in education. It is
a client in curriculum development process. It is advisable to consult
community members as widely as possible, rather than relying on only a few
key informants.
Gatekeepers are the people who have the power to affect the implementation of
decisions. These include the members of the school board or PTA members, the
Ministry of Education, the legislature committee members, influential
administrators and educators, community opinion leaders chambers of
commerce chief executives and directors. It is generally fatal to plan
programmes without taking account, from the beginning of the views of
significant members of the community.
Teachers fall into three categories; they are clients, specialists and gatekeepers.
Curriculum improvement is most likely to succeed if the changes and
implementation involves the teachers who will be mostly be affected by it
(Holt, 1987; Walker, 1988). It is more logical to think from the beginning in
terms of developing implementable curriculum. The approval of teachers is
very critical to implementation. One way of obtaining that approval is by
ensuring that teachers are included in the process. Administrators are also
gatekeepers and are capable of ignoring the results of needs assessment. The
views of specialists, clients, and gatekeepers can be accessed by meeting with
individuals and groups to assist in the design of the survey.
1 Can you explain briefly the four types of needs?
2 Which of the four are mostly used in the classroom by both the
teacher and the learners?
3 With a colleague discuss what the terms discrepancy and diagnostic
needs assessment are.
4 Which one of thee two is used by the teacher to find out the problems
learners have in their learning process?
1 Questionnaires
The standard method for accessing public opinion is by means questionnaires.
They appear to be cheap, fast and easy to design. However, unless properly
designed, questions may be unconsciously biased; the language unclear, people
may not be honest in their responses. Respondents may not really be sure of
what they think on certain issues and the response rate may be too small to
ensure a random sample. The ambiguity of the questions or items makes the
data difficult to interpret. It is important to read some of thee literature on
questionnaire design if a team or a person intends to use questionnaires.
2 Telephone interviews
Face-to-face interviews are time consuming and expensive to conduct.
Telephone interviews are becoming a standard method of opinion research.
They are relatively fat and cheap o conduct. Deception is rare in telephone
interviews. The interviews can be conducted from aa central location where
continued supervision and support are available to interviewers.
Task analysis
Needs cannot be determined merely by asking people what they need no
matter how insightful, honest, wise and mature the target group may be (Kuh
et al. 1981). Other methods are needed to corroborate the subject data produced
by respondents in interviews, hearings and surveys. One such method is task
These studies tend to show that the mathematics taught and learnt in schools is
of little value or of use to adults. Task analyses are more likely to be effective if
they are planned by curriculum planners themselves as part of their
preparatory work.
Social indicators
Other kinds of empirical data that have value in needs assessment are social
indicators. These balance the more subjective information obtained in opinion
surveys. Social indicators are not opinions but relatively “hard data”, such as
statistics on date of births and deaths, unemployment rates and family incomes.
Social indicators required will depend on the nature of the curriculum being
Existing curricula
It is always desirable in principle, to conduct a needs assessment prior to
developing a curriculum. But it is not always necessary to develop a new
curriculum. A perfectly good curriculum may have been developed somewhere
and can successfully be adapted for use somewhere else. So once the needs
assessment is complete, the next step is to review other curriculum documents
in the same field.
Feasibility analysis
Feasibility analysis involves ensuring that the task to be undertaken can be
successfully undertaken. This is essentially weighing resources against
constraints such as amount of time and money available, teacher and learner
competence, facilities and political support. The curriculum developers need o
ascertain competent people to develop the curriculum and implement it or if in-
service training can generate the required competence.
1 Explain why in an opinion survey the teacher should not be omitted?
2 During briefs and hearings and face-to-face interviews talk or interact
with people directly.
3 How do these processes differ?
Unit summary
In unit four, you have studied what situation analysis is and why curriculum
developers get involved in a situation analysis. You have also looked at a
similar but different set of activities generally known as needs assessment. You
studied what needs assessment is and what needs are and the types of needs.
You have studied the two types of needs assessment and these are Discrepancy
and diagnostic needs assessment. Apart from that you have studied what
opinion surveys are and the three groups of people who are important in
opinion surveys and these are the specialists, the clients and the gatekeepers.
There are several ways of collecting data or information during opinion
surveys. These are by using questionnaires telephone interviews, face-to-face
interviews, hearing and briefs. The last point you looked at is task analysis and
the need to examine social indicators in the community you are carrying out a
needs assessment.
Unit test
1 Describe briefly the function of a situation analysis in a curriculum
development process?
2 Discuss what is needs assessment and why is it required in
curriculum development?
3 Explain briefly the three groups of people who are involved in
opinion surveys?
4 Explain the most common methods of collecting data in an opinion
5 What is the relationship between needs assessment and opinion
Unit 5 Learning Outcomes versus Learning Experiences
In unit five you will be expected to distinguish “learning outcomes from
learning experiences. As a student you will be expected to differentiate the
following terms: Aims, goals and objectives. You will also appreciate their
relationships. In the course of studying this unit you will also understand the
curriculum content is and the criteria for the selection of the content. Hoe
content is organized to provide scope and sequence of content in the
curriculum document
Areas of emphasis
• In unit five you will have pay extra attention in the following areas:
• What are learning experiences and learning outcomes? How are they
related to one another?
• What are aims, goals and objectives? How are the they related to each
other and their differences?
• What is curriculum content and what is its value to the curriculum
• What are the criteria for the selection of curriculum content?
Key words
In the unit there are the following words and phrases that you have to pay
extra attention to:
Learning outcomes, learning experiences, goals, aims, objectives, validity,
significance, learnability, feasibility, continuity, sequence, usefulness,
consistency with social realities, human development, relevance, articulation,
balance and integration.
Prerequisite knowledge
You may wish to remind yourself about what is covered in the Module An
Introduction to the Art and Teaching Profession In the unit you did study
about preparation to teaching, formulation of aims, goals and objectives. You
also studied about syllabuses.
Materials needed
Barrow, Robin, (1984) Giving Teaching Back to Teachers: A Critical Introduction to
Curriculum Theory. Susex: Wheatsheaf Books.
Bishop, George, (1985) Curriculum Development: A Textbook for Students.
London: Macmillan Education Ltd. (LB 2806 BIS 1985)
Hau, S. A. (1985) The Process of Curriculum Development and Implementation: A
paper presented at an induction course for subject Inspectors and Principal
Methods Advisors held at Lilongwe Hotel. Malawi Institute of Education,
Kerr, John F. (1968) Changing the Curriculum. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Time required
You will need three hours to study unit five.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• differentiate between Learning outcomes and learning experiences
• describe the relationships between Aims, goals and objectives in a
curriculum development process
• discuss how content is formulated in relation to aims, goals and
• discuss briefly the criteria used for the selection of curriculum content
• explain why scope and sequence of curriculum content is very useful
in curriculum development.
Formal knowledge and skills, the learners are expected to acquire can be and
are easily stated as intended learning outcomes. However, attitudes interests,
appreciations, thinking-skills are difficult to frame as intended learning
outcomes. These skills are communicated through plans for learning outcomes.
Verbs used also differ; some have broad meaning than others. For example
verbs like: Understand, think critically have broad meaning than those like
write, read, jump, calculate etc. , which have narrower meanings.
1 Can you differentiate the two phrases Intended learning outcomes
and Intended learning experiences.
2 How are they related to each other?
An aim can be made operational as a set of goals that provide answers to the
question: “What destination do you have in mind for the learners as far as a
particular curriculum or subject is concerned (Davies 1976)?
Because they represent destinations, goals are less broadly stated than aims and
provide indicators of curriculum scope.
Goal 1.
Goal 2.
Although goals may be considered long term, they are less long term than
aims. Depending on their generality goals can be achieved during a school term
or college or university semester.
Objectives are classified into three categories or taxonomy levels. Although
there are three categories or taxonomies of objectives, they can be classified into
two levels- Lower level (L) and higher-than-lower level (HL). For example the
statements below are examples of two levels of objectives.
The first objective of identifying colours is a lower level objective; while the
second requires some application which means it is a Higher-than-lower level
Objectives are learning outcomes describing abilities that learners are expected
to demonstrate on completion of learning experiences and their quality of
performance can be evaluated more precisely than those of goals (Kaufman
&Herman 1991).
To evaluate objectives, curriculum implementers usually specify conditions
under which students demonstrate their abilities and criteria by which the
demonstration is deemed successful.
Aim for an education system
The students should possess the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary
to pursue post-secondary education and/or obtain meaningful work.
Explain how distance between stars, the lifetime of a star, and the speed of
light are all barriers to the search for life in outer space.
Content: The term content means different to different people. Some people
define content as:
• That which is taught and learnt at school.
• The knowledge, skills, attitudes and values to be learnt.
• That which is presented to learners or that which is made available to
learners for possible use.
• That through which learning experiences can be provided.
• The body of knowledge or information which forms part of learning
materials for a particular course or a given level of education.
• The information consisting of a related body of facts, laws, theories and
generalizations or a description of events.
Criteria for the selection of content
Content to be included in a curriculum document need to be selected carefully
so that it can meet the specific qualities for the learners it is meant for. The
content should reflect certain qualities that would tally with the objectives
formulated. Listed below are the criteria for the selection of content.
f) Usefulness
• The curriculum content must be useful both to the learner and the
society. It must be useful now and in future.
• The curriculum content must relate to the learner’s everyday life.
h) Human Development
• Content selected should be appropriate for a particular developmental
level of the learners.
• The content should be within the capabilities of the learners to process
• The content that is sophisticated should be allocated to the appropriate
learners who may be able to understand it.
k) Balance
• There must be a balance between breadth and depth of the content and
the amount time for teaching.
• There must be a balance between the breadth and depth of content for
each topic.
• The content selected must reflect a reasonable balance between
individual needs and interests and mental maturity of the learners.
• There must be a reasonable balance in the time allocation for each course
or subject in the curriculum.
l) Integration
• The course content in one subject area should be related meaningfully to
content in other courses or subject areas.
• It is important to inter-relate content themes, ideas and facts in order to
show the unity or oneness of knowledge.
Organisation of content
Once content has been selected it should be organized to facilitate teaching and
learning. There are a number of ways of organizing content. For example,
content selected can be organized into scope and sequence chart for various
levels of education. Content can also be organized into a somewhat detailed
teaching scheme often called a syllabus. Course outlines are also useful ways of
organizing content.
Scope refers to the amount of content on any topic which should be taught to a
specific target group. It is not only how much content but also the extent of the
depth. Scope is concerned with the question; “What are the topics to be taught?
How much content is to be covered at each level of education? Here we are
concerned with the breadth and the depth of content for a particular cycle or
level of education.
Sequence refers to the logical order of the content. The arrangement of the
topics also shows the depth of the content. Sequence of content can be based on
the following factors, principles and considerations:
• Are the topics arranged in an order which will facilitate teaching and
• Which piece of content is a prerequisite to which?
• What content should precede which and when?
• Are the various elements of the content to be taught arranged in
meaningful order of difficulty from one level of education to the next?
(The principle of proceeding from simple to complex).
• Does the sequence take into account the mental maturity of the learners?
• Has the logic of the subject or discipline been considered?
• Are there interrelationships that exist between the content?
• Is there a smooth linkage within the subject content? (The principle of
1 How are aims, goals and objectives related to each other?
2 What are the criteria you have to bear in mind when selecting content
3 How these materials are arranged inn a curriculum document such as
Unit summary
In unit five, you have looked at intended learning outcomes and Intended
learning experiences. These two phrases are very close to each other because
one is a result of the other. That is after going through a learning experience the
end product or the result of a learning experience is the learning outcome.
These two phrases are directly related to aims, goals and objectives.
You have also studied how to select curriculum content and the criteria one
uses for the selection of the content. The content has to be organized in scope
and sequence order.
Unit test
1 How are learning experiences different from learning outcomes?
2 Explain the relationship between aims, goals and objectives?
3 How is the formulation of curriculum content related to aims, goals
and objectives?
4 Discuss the criteria for the selection of content.
5 Explain why scope and sequence of the content help the learners in
the learning process?
Unit 6 Implementation of the Curriculum
In unit six, you will study the implementation of the curriculum. This is an
important segment of the curriculum process where the school (the teachers
and learners directly involved. The curriculum which has been produced is
used in the schools. The teachers are called upon to the implementation
process. Their commitment and dedication will be required so that the
implementation succeeds. The unit also looks at some of the factors that
influence curriculum implementation. These factors include teachers, learners,
resource materials, interest groups, culture and ideology, instructional
supervision and the school environment. Apart from looking at factors that
influence curriculum implementation, barriers that hinder an effective
curriculum implementation has also been included. Lastly the unit has some
guideline for effective curriculum implementation.
Areas of emphasis
• Curriculum implementation. What is involved in curriculum
• Factors that would influence an effective curriculum implementation
• Possible barriers to effective curriculum implementation
Key words
Please take note of the following words and phrases: Curriculum
implementation, interest groups, instructional supervision, culture and
ideology, in-service education programme, ethos of collegiality.
Prerequisite knowledge
In the Module An Introduction to the Art of Teaching and Learning, you
studied something about lesson content, lesson notes and lesson delivery. This
is part of curriculum implementation. That information should be able to assist
you to understand what curriculum implementation involves.
Materials needed
Barrow, Robin, (1984): Giving Teaching Back to Teachers: A Critical
Introduction to Curriculum Theory. Sussex: Wheat-sheaf Books.
Time required
You will need four hours to study this unit.
Learning objectives
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
• discuss what curriculum implementation process is.
• explain why it is important for the teachers to develop an element of
ownership during the implementation of the curriculum.
• discuss briefly the seven factors that would influence an effective
implementation of the curriculum.
• describe briefly the three factors thee would hinder the smooth
implementation of the curriculum.
• explain he guidelines for the smooth implementation of the
Curriculum implementation
Curriculum implementation is a process of putting into action a curriculum that
has been planned, designed and developed.
Hankins & Ornstein (1988) defines curriculum implementation as the acceptance over
time, of some specific item- an idea or practice by individuals, groups or other adopting
units linked to specific channels of communication to a social structure and to a given
system of values or culture.
Thus, in order for implementation of a programme or process to take place,
changes must be made in the behavior of all affected parties. Successful
implementation of curriculum results from careful planning.
The teacher
Whitaker (1976) asserts that teachers view their role in curriculum
implementation as an autonomous one. They select and decide what to teach
from the syllabus or curriculum. Since implementation takes place through the
interaction of the learner and the planned learning opportunities, the role and
the influence of the teacher in the process is indisputable.
The teachers are pivotal in the curriculum implantation process. If the teacher is
to be able to translate curriculum intentions into reality, it is imperative that
the he/she understands the curriculum document or syllabus well, in order to
implement it effectively. If the curriculum is what the teachers and students
have created together, the teacher must play a more significant role in
designing the curriculum. Teachers must be involved in curriculum planning
and development so that they can implement and modify the curriculum for
the benefit of their learners.
The learners
The learners are also critical in curriculum implementation. While teachers are
the arbiters of the classroom practice, the learners hold the key to what is
actually transmitted and adopted from the official curriculum.
The official curriculum can be quite different from the curriculum that is
actually implemented. The learner factor influences teachers in their selection of
learning experiences, hence the need to consider the diverse characteristics of
learners in curriculum implementation. For example, background and learner
ability can determine what is actually achieved in the classroom.
Interest Groups
Interest Groups are those who are interested and are stakeholders in education.
These groups include: parents, parents’ teachers association (PTA) members
Religious groups, NGOs, Companies, University professors and many others.
These groups can influence the implementation in the following ways:
• Provide schools with financial resources to purchase the required
• Demand the inclusion of certain subjects in the curriculum.
• Influence learners to reject courses they consider detrimental to the
interests of the group.
It is therefore important to involve these groups at the curriculum planning
1 Would define what curriculum implementation is?
2 What is involved in curriculum implementation?
3 How do teachers and learners influence curriculum implementation?
4 Why would you think school inspection is a vital factor in making
sure that curriculum is implemented effectively?
Government and school officials provide the framework within which the
school operates. Success is more likely if the school and government officials
share and implement the same philosophy. These officials must have a problem
solving approach; exercising strong leadership with an active administrative
team. Curriculum improvement or innovation must be one of their priorities
driven and coordinated by goals which include distribution of resources to
promote effective teaching and learning.
The headteacher
The support of the head teacher is essential for successful implementation of
the curriculum. Head teachers facilitate professional development and visits
and are expected to attend in-service training courses with teachers. Head
teachers excise high expectations for students’ academic achievements and
monitor those achievements through out the school.
Whatever administrative and instructional talents the head teacher and the
District Educational Manager may have in curriculum development process,
the implementation of a new curriculum could stand still or fall by the action of
individual teachers. Implementation strategies that attempt to change or
manipulate teachers against their will almost inevitably fail if a curriculum
change is not actually initiated by he teachers, then it must at least be
understood and supported by them.
Teachers may not implement curriculum effectively for a number of
• The curriculum may contain unrealistic amount of material to be
covered within the expected time period.
• The insufficient instructional materials that would make it difficult for
the teachers to go ahead in the effective implementation of the
• The teachers may have insufficient time in the preparation for the
implementation of thee curriculum.
• He teachers may have little or no support from other stakeholders
during the implementation of the curriculum.
It is recommendable that, in order to succeed, implementation must not be a
process of command, but of negotiation.
Implement changes that meet recognised need
The implementers should see to it that the society perceives the change as
meeting their needs. School inspectors must be very active making sure that the
teachers are teaching what is stipulated in the curriculum. For more important
to teachers is the assurance that the new curriculum will improve students’
learning. That is teachers will adopt a new curriculum that will enable them to
be more effective in producing student excitement, interest and learning.
Consult widely
It is very important to consult with the stakeholders in education if curriculum
change is to be successful and productive. The most important stakeholders
include; parents, teachers, students, members of the community. It is not an
effective strategy for leaders to unilaterally announce firm curriculum decision
without consulting other stakeholders.
There is no innovation on earth that has benefited mankind that has not
originally been condemned by experts as impractical, impossible or immoral.
Therefore, when implementing a new curriculum, do not expect every teacher
to accept it. However with time those reluctant to change would accept the
change and the programme would run smoothly.
Do not despair
As stated earlier not all teachers and even head teachers will not accept changes
easily. Some people will try to say a lot of negative statements about the
proposed change. However do not give in. Keep on fighting till you will win.
1 Why would the teacher or head teacher be a barrier to curriculum
2 How would they support the implementation of a curriculum?
3 As a head teacher how would make sure that your teachers are
heavily supporting the implementation of a new curriculum?
Unit summary
In unit six, you have studied what curriculum implementation is, who are
involved in it? The ministry officials, the head teachers and the teachers are the
major players in curriculum implementation. The factors that would influence
curriculum implementation would include the teachers, the learners,
instructional materials such as; textbooks and others. The people whom we
refer to as interest groups, school environment, and culture of the society, the
ideology of the society and instructional supervision and inspection are part of
the factors that would influence an effective curriculum implementation.
However there are some elements in thee education system that would act as
barriers to a smooth implantation of the curriculum. These barriers include
ministry official, head teachers and teachers.
Unit test
1 Discuss briefly what is meant by thee term curriculum
2 Why is it important that teachers develop a spirit of ownership when
implementing a curriculum that they have participated in
3 Describe briefly factors that would influence an effective
implementation of the curriculum.
4 Discuss briefly three factors that would hinder a smooth
implementation of the curriculum.
5 Explain some of the guidelines that would help in implementing the
Unit 7 Curriculum Evaluation
In unit seven, you will look at curriculum evaluation which is one of the steps
in the curriculum process. Some people would think that this is the last stage in
the process, when in actual fact is not. Curriculum evaluation provides
information that helps the developer to improve on the product of the
curriculum development process. Evaluation can be carried out at any of the
steps of the process. There are two types of evaluation- formative and
summative evaluation. Between the two types of evaluations, formative
evaluation is more used and more useful in the curriculum process than the
summative evaluation.
Areas of emphasis
• Three major meanings of the phrase curriculum evaluation.
• Two areas curriculum developers are interested in
• Gattawa’s (1990)five approaches to curriculum evaluation
• Curriculum evaluation process
• Two forms of evaluation
Key words
Key words and phrases in the unit include;
Curriculum evaluation, measurement, valuing, bureaucratic, autocratic,
democratic, norm-referenced and criterion-referenced evaluations, formative
and summative evaluations.
Prerequisite knowledge
In the module An Introduction to the Art of Teaching and Learning you studied
about evaluation. Although the concept evaluation has not been described in
detail, but you must have an idea of what evaluation is all about.
Materials needed
Barrow, Robin, (1984) Giving Teaching Back to Teachers: A Critical Introduction to
Curriculum theory. Susex: Wheatsheaf Books.
Bishop, George, (1985) Curriculum Development: A Textbook for Students. London:
Macmillan Education Ltd. (LB 2806 BIS 1985)
Hau, S. A. (1985) The Process of Curriculum Development and Implementation: A
paper presented at an induction course for subject Inspectors and Principal
Methods Advisors held at Lilongwe Hotel. Malawi Institute of Education,
Kerr, John F. (1968): Changing the Curriculum. London: Hodder and
Time required
You would need almost three hours to study this unit.
Learning outcomes
By the end of this unit you should be able to:
• discuss the three definitions of curriculum evaluation as expressed by
Gatawa (1999)
• describe the five approaches to curriculum evaluations
• discuss the functions of curriculum evaluation
• differentiate the two forms of evaluations.
Curriculum evaluation
A school curriculum cannot function very well without a mechanism for
determining whether or not thee objective of he curriculum have been
achieved. Curriculum evaluation is generally referred to as a process of
determining the extent to which thee objectives of the educational programme
have been achieved.
According to Gatawa (1990) the term curriculum evaluation has three major
• The process of describing and judging an educational programme or
• The process of comparing a student’s performance with behaviorally
stated objectives.
• The process of defining, obtaining and using relevant information for
decision-making purposes.
Each one of the definition does not exist in isolation from the others although
each can be an activity on its own. The first activity involves the collection of
descriptive and judgmental information for the purpose of establishing whether
an educational programme or project is doing what it is expected to do. The
evaluator pronounces judgment at the end of the exercise.
He second activity involves comparing the performance of one or, ore students
with set standards. Such an evaluation determines the extent to which the
objectives of a learning activity are being realized. This is thee kind of
evaluation teachers conduct on a daily basis.
Please note that curriculum evaluation exercises usually combine these three
activities. Data is collected for passing judgment, to identify deficiencies in
programmes and analyse programmes in order to determine alternatives or
find appropriate interventions.
Curriculum evaluation involves determining the value of a document as
opposed to programme evaluation which involves evaluation of the activities
that occur after a curriculum has been adopted and implemented.
Bureaucratic evaluation
This evaluation is usually initiated by the government or thee Ministry of
Education. The ministry could evaluate a course off study or subjects taught in
schools to find out whether they need improvement or modifications. The
results of the evaluation are used by the government or Ministry.
Autocratic evaluation
This evaluation focuses on what is considered to be the educational needs of
thee curriculum. The government or Ministry of Education usually asks
independent evaluators such as consultants to conduct this evaluation. The
government or Ministry is not obliged to accept the results of the evaluation.
Democratic evaluation
This approach focuses on the experiences and reactions the curriculum
initiators have had with the programmes or project being evaluated. In this
approach, the evaluation does not lead to firm recommendations to bee
considered b the initiators or programme implementers.
Non-referenced evaluation
This approach of evaluation deals with students’ performance relative to other
students’ performance. The performance of current students or of previous
students can be compared.
Criterion-referenced evaluation
Criterion referencing measures students’ actual performance and compares it
with the objectives of instruction identified in the syllabus.
1 In your own words would you explain what curriculum evaluation
2 Why measurement and valuing is are important to the curriculum
3 Can you describe the some of he approaches of curriculum
Self evaluation: This puts the teacher at the center of evaluation exercise. As a
curriculum developer you are involved in a research-based teaching. The
advantage of self-evaluation is that it allows you to change the curriculum or
instructional strategies if evaluations show that they could be more effective.
Focuses of evaluation
Curriculum evaluation generally focuses on the whole curriculum or aspect of
it such as: Objectives, content, methodology, and outcomes.
Curriculum bjectives
Curriculum objectives have to be evaluated because they are the foundations on
which the curriculum programme or project is frequently based. In order to
conduct an evaluation on the objectives, a number of questions must be asked.
The most obvious questions asked are:
• Are the objectives worthwhile?
• Can they be achieved by the learners?
• What are the expected outcomes from the objectives?
Curriculum Outcomes:
The evaluation of objectives, content and methodology are conducted
simultaneously as the evaluation of outcomes. The purpose of this evaluation is
to supply curriculum designers with information that can be used in improving
the curriculum as a whole.
Forms of evaluation
There are two forms of curriculum evaluation and these are formative and
summative evaluation. Both of them can be used to provide useful information
that would be required for decision making.
Formative evaluation
The term formative evaluation was originally coined by Scriven (1973) to
classify evaluation that gathered information for the purpose of improving
instruction as the instruction was being given. During the developmental stages
formative evaluation includes all those activities that are taken to improve on
what is being worked on. Data is collected during the developmental phase of
the programme in order to modify the programme before it is implemented.
Because curriculum development is a long process, formative evaluation is
specially suited for guiding the creation an fine-tuning of a curriculum.
It ensures that all aspects of the programme or project are likely to produce
success. It provides information that can be used to stop doubtful projects from
being implemented. It is therefore a conceptual and physical exercise that is
carried out before a programme comes to an end.
Summative evaluation
This type of evaluation assesses whether or not the project or programme can
perform as the originators and designers intended. It aims at getting a total
picture of the quality of the produced curriculum. It is usually taken after the
project has been completely developed and after it has been implemented
school-wide or national-wide. It focuses on the effectiveness of the total
curriculum process by providing a summary of the entire educational
1 Can you come up reasons why curriculum evaluation is important in
the curriculum process?
2 Why should evaluation be carried out at every level of the curriculum
development process?
3 How are formative and summative evaluations an important aspect of
curriculum development process?
Unit summary
In unit seven you have studied what curriculum evaluation is, what its value in
curriculum development are. You have looked at the five types of curriculum
evaluation. You have also studied the two forms of curriculum evaluation and
these are formative and summative evaluations.
How are these two forms of evaluations different from each other? The
formative evaluation is said to be an ongoing exercise as the curriculum is
being processed. It may start at needs assessment all through to the
implementation of the new curriculum stage. Where as, in summative
evaluation the evaluation is usually carried out at the implementation stage.
What have you learnt from Unit Seven?
Can you try these questions below?
1 Discuss briefly the three definitions of curriculum evaluation as
defined by Gatawa (1999).
2 Explain the different approaches of curriculum evaluation.
3 Describe the different functions of curriculum evaluation.
4 Discuss the major differences of formative and summative
Bishop, George, (1985) Curriculum Development: A Textbook for Students. London:
Macmillan Education Ltd. (LB 2806 BIS 1985)
Chipeta, Donald, P. (1999) Curriculum Theory and Teaching: Techniques for
Teachers and Supervisors. Mzuzu: Olive.
Carpel, Susan (1999) Learning to Teach in Secondary School. London: Routledge.
L. B. 1737 A3 CAP 1999).
Hau, S. A. (1985) The Process of Curriculum Development and Implementation: A
paper presented at an induction course for subject Inspectors and Principal
Methods Advisors held at Lilongwe Hotel. Malawi Institute of Education,
Hunkins, Francis, P. (1980) Curriculum Development: Program Improvement. Ohio:
Charles E. Merrill Publishing Co. (LB 1570 HUN 1980)
Mtunda, F. G. and Safuli, S. D. D. (1997) An Introduction to the Theory and Practice
of Teaching.Blantyre: Dzuka.
Nicholls, Audrey and Howard (1972) Developing a Curriculum: A Practical Guide.
London: George Allen and Unwin. (LB 1570 NIC 1978)
Barnes, Douglas, (1982) Practical Curriculum Study. London: Routledge & Kegan
Barrow, Robin, (1984) Giving Teaching Back to Teachers: A Critical Introduction to
Curriculum Theory. Sussex: Wheat-sheaf Books.
Gordon, Peter (1978) Curriculum Change in the Nineteenth and Twentieth
Centuries. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Hawes, Hugh, (1979) Curriculum and Reality in Africa. London: Longman Group
Hooper, Richard (1971) The Curriculum: Context, Design and Development.
Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd.
Kerr, John F. (1968) Changing the Curriculum. London: Hodder and Stoughton.
Salia-Bao, Kemoh (1987) An Introduction to Curriculum Studies in Africa. London:
Macmillan Publishers Ltd. (LB 156. A4 SAL 1987)
Setidisho, NOH. The Curriculum Development Process and the selection of learning
experiences and content. Malawi Institute of Education, Domasi.