The Spiritual Vault

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The Spiritual Vault: Indispensable

Foundation of Spiritism

1. The Spiritual Vault: Indispensable Foundation of Spiritism
2. What is the spiritual vault?
3. Who should base or have a spiritual vault?
4. On the recommendation of a spiritual inquiry, registry or research
5. On their own initiative in search of spiritual development
6. What is the spiritual vault for?
7. How to set up a Spiritual Vault?
8. Elements that make up a spiritual vault
9. Spiritual Vault Positions
10. Resting position
11. Defense position
12. Spirit Vault in Attack
13. The spiritual vault in the Santeria or Yoruba religion
14. Prayers used in the spiritual vault
15. Prayer to invoke the good spirits
16. Prayer to start a spiritual meeting
17. Prayer of the mediums
18. Prayer to end a Spiritual Meeting
19. The beginning of a long Spiritual journey
The Spiritual Vault is in itself a reference to the practice of Spiritism. It is very
popular in Cuba and other Latin American countries. It is said that it is the product
of a mixture of diverse spiritual cultures through which, an enriched syncretism
was formed between stranded belief systems, which finally became the spiritual
answer for many of its followers.

What is the spiritual vault?

The spiritual vault is a portal Through which various spiritualities travel and
that properly channeled fosters the balance between the spiritualities that
accompany and guide the spiritual development of each individual. The spiritual
vault is a "unipersonal" foundation, that is, its configuration corresponds to the
spiritual needs of each person and the spirits that accompany them.

This important altar is a fundamental tool that allows communication with the
various entities that protect and accompany us, known as the "spiritual guide table."
It represents a delicate instrument that will welcome and concentrate the
energy of the entities at the end, becoming the center where spiritual
assistances are carried out, as well as, the appropriate place to invoke the influence
or power of different energies that have a variety of functions and knowledge that
will be evoked for the good of the devotee of this portal, for the benefit of your
family or those for whom a charity work is done.

Usually the spiritual vault is placed on a table, rectangular in shape

covered with a tablecloth or cloth, usually white, on which the other
elements that compose it are placed. In very particular cases, "Stepped"
spiritual vaults can also be configured, that is, their elements, instead of
being placed on a table, are placed on steps, in the company of various
spiritual images, such as: the 7 African powers. This is done in case the
spirits accompanying the initiate so require.

Who should base or have a spiritual vault?

This portal can be substantiated for various reasons:

On the recommendation of a spiritual inquiry, registry or


There are people who require the channeling of their spiritual guide box to balance
some type of energetic situation, disorder or drag (natural or false) that may be
generating problems of many natures both on the earthly or spiritual plane, this
element being the appropriate one to solve that particular situation.

On their own initiative in search of spiritual development

The vault is a spiritual door that opens for spiritual development and evolution,
both for the individual who is consecrated to it and for their spirit guides who are
most willing to work. Therefore, many people during the journey of their spiritual
development consider that they require this foundation to improve their spiritual
capacities and have an appropriate place for the attention of their guides.

It is important to note that when making this type of energy tools the
initiate must be aware of the delicacy and importance of this foundation. Your
attention should be constant, and ideally appropriate spiritual development should
take place in such a way that full understanding is achieved of the correct way in
which this spiritual portal is to be used.

Let us remember that by having one-person characteristics, each individual must

establish their own connection with the spiritualities that accompany them and
establish the most appropriate way of working with them. This will be achieved
through various spiritual investigations and thanks to the timely guidance of the
spiritual godparents who have the task of accompanying and educating the initiate
in the world of spiritism.

What is the spiritual vault for?

It is important to be clear about what to do ask in a spiritual vault
vault. To begin it is
necessary to know that the invocations or requests must be accompanied by a lit
candle and various prayers. This will help to establish a better connection with the
spirits, whose function is none other than to guide and help us in the vicissitudes of
our lives, facilitating a closer relationship with God.

This foundation is an element to promote personal and spiritual growth. Yes, it does
allow communication with various spiritualities, however, it is necessary to
understand that its use must be made for the invocation of beings or entities of
light, that is, spirits of goodness, whose mission is related to charity.

In the vault, requests for health, physical and spiritual development, peace, love,
kindness, self-help and others must be deposited, everything that implies
development, taking into account that such requests are not made from feelings
low as: selfishness, excessive ambition, or evil.

This receptacle is also used for attention from our spirit guides and
ancestorsTherefore, through the attentions and sacrifices we can beg for the
unfoldment, the evolution, the peace, the tranquility, the rest, the illumination, the
growth and the forgiveness of the sins of the spirits that accompany us.

How to set up a Spiritual Vault?

La spiritual vault must be founded by a spiritist or medium have full
knowledge of this type of spiritual sciences. Their riding will be carried out through
a ritual known as "spiritual mass." This meeting is carried out especially to carry out
the respective spiritual investigation, by means of which the characteristics and
requirements of the spirits that accompany the initiate are determined and in turn,
the altar is configured with all the previously mentioned elements, from which, the
individual will attend and communicate with their guides.

This spiritual work should be done in a quiet place, with great solemnity and
respect for the work that is being done. Under no circumstances during or after the
consecration of this portal should physical or verbal violence be carried out in front
of it, have sexual relations, swear or curse, or walk around naked. It is necessary to
understand that vault represents a sacred place
place, and the desecration of this
foundation can have negative energetic consequences.

Elements that make up a spiritual vault

The spiritual vaults are basically made up of a number of vessels containing fresh
water. It is important to note that the number of vessels will vary depending on the
spiritual needs of each individual and the requirements of their spiritual guides.
However, the usual thing is that vaults of 7 glasses or 9 glasses are founded
(numerology can also be a spiritual resource to determine the number of glasses to
place), accompanied by a transparent crystal glass. These receptacles are filled with
fresh water, which can be accompanied by drops of various liquids (essences,
aromatic oils, perfumes). It should be noted that these elements must be kept clean
at all times, therefore their assistance must be regular.

Another instrument that cannot be missing in a spiritual vault is a cross or crucifix,

it can be made of wood or metal with the image of the living Christ. In addition to
this, other components can be used that contribute to attention and reinforce the
energetic attraction of the spirits that you wish to invoke through this foundation,
such as: flowers (without thorns), candles, candles, cigars, cigarettes, letters, balls.
glass, dolls, handkerchiefs, hats, canes, and an endless number of elements that
vary according to the needs and knowledge of the spiritualities that work through
this portal.

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Spiritual Vault Positions

According to the situation that the initiate is facing, it is possible to place the
elements of the spiritual vault in various positions to attract certain spiritual
benefits and protections. The three most common positions are:

Resting position
This is the basic position of the Spiritual Vault
Vault. It represents the balance of
spiritualities. In this position, attentions and requests of any nature are made.

Defense position
This position is used to invoke the protection of the guides, so that they protect us
from enemies and people who want to harm us. This movement can also be
accompanied by a work in which the name of our opponent is written horizontally
on parchment paper 7 times. In turn, the name of the person doing the work is
placed vertically, above 9 times. This paper is placed under the cup, and our spiritual
guides are informed of the situation we face, in the company of a candle or white
candle. It is recommended to maintain this position for 9 days, then the vault
returns to a resting position, and if necessary it is placed back in the defense
position 9 days later.

Spirit Vault in Attack

The spiritual vault in Attack is a position used to ask our guides to solve a situation
or work in order to combat people who are causing us some kind of problem. This
position has a maximum duration of 9 days, after which the vault must return to its
resting position. If the situation persists, we will wait those 9 days and we will
return it to the attack position, informing our spiritual guides of the situation that is
going through, always accompanied by white or red candles, and red flowers.

The spiritual vault in the Santeria or Yoruba

The praxis and valuation of the practice of spiritism within the Yoruba religion and
the various houses of saint will depend on the line of the religious house from which
it comes, even so, generally by tradition, the veneration of the deceased, ancestors
and spiritual guides is fundamental to that religious culture. Let us remember that a
fundamental principle of this practice is based on the saying that reads: "Iku lobi
Osha" which means that: the dead gave birth to the saint. That is, before and above
all, the spirits were the beginning of the spiritual world, therefore, their veneration
is mandatory.

However, it is necessary to clarify that the spiritual vault does not respond to a
foundation based on the Yoruba culture as such, rather it is a tool belonging to
spiritism as a result of the syncretism of various spiritual cultures. Even so, its use
and practice is used as a resource for channeling and spiritual development that
does not hinder the transit or practice of Santeria or those initiated into the rule of

Prayers used in the spiritual vault

Both when starting a spiritual mass, as when performing a simple attention to the
spirits in a vault, it should be started with the reading of prayers of love to God the
Heavenly Father. It begins with an Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory. Then prayers of
invocation are made to the spirits that are called to attend our meeting. Once these
prayers are concluded, communication is considered established and consent is
obtained for the opening of spiritual work.
It should be noted that the efficiency of the prayer will be linked to the sincerity of
the thought and not to the abundance of words spoken with more or less
adornment, the important thing during this action is that the heart and goodness
are integrated into the evocation, words more, words less, it does not matter if
there is no sincerity in them.

It should be prayed according to the beliefs of each individual and in the way that
moves him the most. The objective of prayer is to raise a prayer to God, to connect
with divine energy through the spiritualities that accompany us, therefore, the
diversity or quantity of prayers as such, does not make any difference. In other
words, all open prayers are good as long as they are pronounced from the heart and
not with the mouth only, finally: "God is immensely great and would not reject the
voice of the one who cries out."

Even so, we have selected some prayers that can be used in the spiritual vault:

Prayer to invoke the good spirits

Praised be the pure spirits of the Lord.

I, humble and backward creature, raise up to you with love and devotion my
thoughts and all my heart with which I pray that you guide me along the path of
truth, and always enlighten me in the divine precepts so as not to miss them and
thus, to be worthy of soon attaining bliss. Amen.

Prayer to start a spiritual meeting

We pray to the Lord God Almighty, to assist us with good

spirits, and to drive away those who may mislead us. Also
that it gives us the necessary light to distinguish truth from

Also keep away the evil spirits, incarnate and disembodied,

who try to put discord between us, and divert us from
charity and love of neighbor. If someone tries to enter here,
you must not find access or shelter in any of us.

Good spirits, who deign to come to instruct us, listen to me,

make us docile to their advice and remove selfishness,
pride, envy and jealousy from us. With your mercy inspire
us with indulgence and benevolence for our fellow men,
present and absent, friends and enemies; make us feel
encouraged and filled with feelings of charity, humility and
self-denial by acknowledging their special influence.

And to the mediums to whom you commissioned to

transmit your teachings, give them awareness of the
sanctity of the mandate that has been entrusted to them
and of the seriousness of the act that they are going to
carry out, so that they may have the necessary fervor and

If in this meeting, you find people who have been attracted

by another feeling that is not that of good, open your eyes
to the light, and may God forgive you if they come with bad

We especially ask the spirit of ……… .. our spiritual guide, to

assist us and watch over us.

Prayer of the mediums

Almighty God, allow good spirits to assist me in the communication I request.
Preserve me from the presumption of believing I am safe from evil spirits, from the
pride that could obscure the value of what I obtain; of any sentiment contrary to
charity, with respect to the other mediums.

If I make a mistake, inspire someone to warn me, and to me the humility that would
make me accept criticism with appreciation, and take for myself, and not for others,
the advice that good ones give me spirits.

If for any reason you try to abuse or pride me on the faculty that you have seen fit
to grant me, I beg you to withdraw it from me, before allowing it to divert you from
its providential purpose; which is the good of all and my own moral advancement.

Prayer to end a Spiritual Meeting

We give thanks to the good spirits who have wanted to come to communicate with
us; We ask that you help us to put into practice the instructions that you have given
us, and that by leaving here, each one of us feels fortified in the practice of good and
love of neighbor.

We also hope that these instructions are helpful to the suffering, ignorant and
vicious spirits who have attended this meeting and upon whom we implore the
mercy of God. Amen.

The beginning of a long Spiritual journey

It is necessary to note that the fact of establishing a spiritual vault does not mean
that immediately or spontaneously the initiate will become a medium or will
interactively converse with the spirits. His riding constitutes in many cases the
beginning of a journey and spiritual development that must be carried out with
dedication, study and discipline to reach an appropriate evolution as a spiritist,
through which the characteristic spiritual gifts of each person will be stimulated.

On the other hand, care must be taken with the use of these portals for the
invocation of dark spirits, malevolent and prone to evil since, the use of such
energies is always loaded with negative consequences for those who invoke them,
especially when there is no full knowledge of how to work with these entities.

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