grades so that we can get the perfect job. However, getting good grades requires a
certain amount of effort that is, putting aside time for studying. Studying is one of
the key components in getting good grades, which determine our way forward in
The same is true about our spiritual life. The book of Micah chapter 6 verse 8
indicates that we must act justly, and to love with mercy and to walk humbly with
your God. This reminds us that our God has given us opportunities to carry out his
mission on earth.
To act justly is an action word that reminds us that as Christians we must treat all
fairly. We must remember that the devil can use any situation to break us down
therefore; we must be ready for battle. The book of Ephesians chapter 6 verses 14-
18 reminds us of the importance of putting on the armour of God. Imagine you saw
a friend throw a piece of paper on the ground and another person got in trouble for
it. As a friend, we would want to protect them by not reporting what they had done
or by blaming the person that was falsely accused. The devil will use this
opportunity to confuse us about what we should do. However, once you have on
the belt of truth and stand firm for what God stands for you will be truthful.
Remember it also ties into the commandment “thou must not lie”, as well as that of
righteousness. Wearing the breastplate of righteousness protects our heart from the
influence of the enemy. Such as being used to do wrong against someone in order
to protect a friend or family member who has done wrong. Perhaps parents and
even kids may be guilty of this ever so often.
To love mercy, is to give forgiveness or withhold punishment. When we are
wronged, it is easy to want the perpetrator to be punished and forgiveness is even
harder to give. Imagine someone stole something valuable from you. Can we really
forgive that person who has wronged us? Well ask yourself, what has Jesus done?
Well, he died on the cross for our sins so that we can have salvation. The helmet of
Salvation we wear means that we put all our trust in Jesus and he will make all
things right. We are required to show mercy to others as the father has shown to us.
The word of God has given numerous examples of God granting mercy and
establishing peace. For instance, the night he was betrayed he asked his disciples to
not fight against the guards who came to arrest him. Instead, he asked them to pray
while he healed the guard whose ear was cut with the knife.
Lastly, we are required to walk humbly with our God. Sometimes as Christians we
can get carried away when we have achieved excellence in our jobs or education
like getting good grades or perhaps having that dream car or house that we always
wanted. Nothing is wrong with having these things but when we become proud and
boastful we begin to move further and further from God. Imagine you did not pass
your exams with high grades even though you would have worked hard to achieve
those goals. You may consider this failure unfair and your faith in God may
waiver. However, we must always remember to wear that shield of faith, especially
when feeling down; call upon God so that he can restore your faith through his
word. The sword of the Holy Spirit is an important armour in our lives since it acts
both offensively and defensively. It is God’s word that will save us and set us free.
In closing, temptation will come our way but by knowing the word of god we can
act like Jesus and rebuke the devil by using God’s word against him. So friends
remember what the Lord requires of us can be linked to the armour of God. The
only way we can truly practice or show others what the Lord requires of us is by
wearing the Armour of God which we create by following God’s word.