Examination of Gas-Filled Filament-Wound Composite Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission
Examination of Gas-Filled Filament-Wound Composite Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission
Examination of Gas-Filled Filament-Wound Composite Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
E 2191 – 02
3.2.2 detectability distance, n—the maximum distance from rate (measurable flow noise); mechanical contact with the
a sensor at which a defined simulated AE source can be vessel by objects; electromagnetic interference (EMI) and
detected by the instrumentation with defined settings and using radio frequency interference (RFI) from nearby broadcasting
appropriate pressurization medium. facilities and from other sources; leaks at pipe or hose
connections and airborne particles, insects, rain and snow. This
4. Summary of Test Method test method should not be used if background noise cannot be
4.1 AE sensors are mounted on a vessel and emission is eliminated or controlled.
monitored while the vessel is pressurized to the “AE test
pressure”. 6. Basis of Application
4.2 This test method provides guidelines for the detection of 6.1 Personnel Qualification—NDE personnel shall be
AE from structural flaws in the composite overwrap in gas- qualified in accordance with a nationally recognized practice or
filled, filament-wound composite pressure vessels. Damage standard such as ANSI/ASNT-CP-189, SNT-TC-1A, or a
mechanisms which produce AE include: resin cracking, fiber similar document. The practice or standard used and its
debonding, fiber pullout, fiber breakage, delamination and applicable revisions shall be specified in any contractual
bond failure. Flaws in liner portions of a vessel may not be agreement between the using parties.
detected. 6.2 Qualification of Nondestructive Test Agencies—If speci-
4.3 This test method and others found in ASTM, ASME, fied in the contractual agreement, NDT agencies shall be
ASNT, SPI relate Acoustic Emission to applied load on the qualified and evaluated as described in Practice E 543. The
composite material. At relatively low load (safe operating applicable edition of Practice E 543 shall be specified in the
conditions) the acoustic emission from the composite material contractual agreement.
is low. At higher loads (unsafe operating conditions) the slope 6.3 Extent of Examination—The extent of examination shall
of the AE versus load curve changes drastically. In some cases be in accordance with 4.2 unless otherwise specified.
this phenomenon can be identified and quantified by a single 6.4 Reporting Criteria/Acceptance Criteria—Reporting cri-
AE parameter (that is, AE counts). teria for the examination results shall be in accordance with
4.4 Structurally insignificant flaws or processes (for ex- Section 11 unless otherwise specified. Acceptance criteria shall
ample, leaks) may produce emission. be specified in the contractual agreement.
4.5 This test method is convenient for periodic examination 6.5 Personnel Training/Test Requirements—NDE personnel
of vessels in-service. (examiner) shall be familiar with CGA Pamphlet C6 and shall
4.6 Gas-filled filament-wound pressure vessels which ex- have attended a training course and passed a written test which
hibit unacceptable levels of AE should be examined by other cover the following topics.
methods; for example, visual, ultrasound, dye penetrant, etc., 6.5.1 Basic technology of acoustic emission.
and may be repaired and re-examined in accordance with
6.5.2 Failure mechanisms of reinforced plastics.
government regulations and manufacturers guidelines. Repair
6.5.3 Acoustic emission instrumentation.
and repair examination procedures are outside the scope of this
6.5.4 Instrumentation check out.
test method.
6.5.5 Vessel filling requirements.
4.7 Any number of pressure vessels may be examined
6.5.6 Data collection and interpretation.
simultaneously as long as the appropriate number of sensors
6.5.7 Test report.
and instrumentation channels are used.
5. Significance and Use 7. Apparatus
5.1 Due to safety considerations, the Compressed Gas 7.1 Essential features of the apparatus required for this
Association (CGA) and others have produced guidelines which standard are shown in Fig. 1. Specifications are provided in
address in-service inspection of NGV fuel containers (see Annex A1.
2.2-2.4). AE examination is listed as an alternative to the 7.2 Couplant must be used to acoustically couple sensors to
minimum three-year visual examination which generally re- the vessel surface. Adhesives that have acceptable acoustic
quires that the container be removed from the vehicle to expose properties and traditional couplants are acceptable.
the entire container surface. The AE method allows “in-situ” 7.3 Sensors may be held in place with elastic straps,
examination of the container. adhesive tape, or other mechanical means.
5.1.1 Slow-fill pressurization must proceed at flow rates that 7.4 On small vessels (that is, where 100 % coverage can be
do not produce background noise from flow of the pressurizing achieved with two sensors) the sensor locations on the vessel
medium. Acoustic emission data are recorded throughout a wall will be determined by accessibility. Ideally they should be
pressurization range (that is, 50 % to 100 % of AE test placed 180° apart at opposite ends of the container on the
pressure). shoulders.
5.1.2 Fast-fill pressurization can be used if hold periods are 7.5 On larger vessels (that is, where two sensors cannot
provided. Acoustic emission data are recorded only during the provide 100 % coverage) sensors are positioned on the vessel
hold periods. wall so as to provide complete coverage. Sensor spacings are
5.1.3 Background noise above the threshold will contami- governed by the attenuation of the material. If attenuation
nate the AE data and render them useless. Users must be aware characteristics are not available from previous examinations of
of the following common causes of background noise: high fill similar vessels follow the directions found below.
E 2191 – 02
7.5.1 Attenuation Characterization—Typical signal propa- 7.8 Power/signal cable length (that is, cable between pream-
gation losses shall be determined in accordance with the plifier and signal processor) shall not result in a signal loss of
following procedure. This procedure provides a relative mea- greater than 3 dB [typically 500 ft (150 m) is acceptable].
sure of the attenuation but may not be representative of a 7.9 Signal processors are computerized instruments with
genuine AE source. It should be noted that peak amplitude independent channels that filter, measure and convert analog
caused by a mechanical pencil lead break may vary with information into digital form for display and permanent stor-
surface hardness, resin condition and cure. Select a represen- age. A signal processor must have sufficient speed and capacity
tative region of the vessel with clear access along the cylin- to independently process data from all sensors simultaneously.
drical section. Mount an AE sensor and mark off 6-in. intervals The signal processor should provide capability to filter data for
from the center of the sensor along a line parallel to the replay.
principal direction of the surface fiber. Select additional points 7.10 A video monitor is used to display processed data in
on the surface of the vessel at 6-in. (15-cm) intervals along various formats. Display format may be selected by the
lines angled 45° and 90°, respectively, to the principal direction examiner.
of the surface fiber. Break pencil leads (see Guide E 976) and 7.11 A data storage device, such as a magnetic disk, is used
record peak amplitude. All lead breaks shall be done at an to store data for replay or for archives.
angle of approximately 30° to the surface with a 0.1 in. (2.5 7.12 Hard-copy capability should be available from a
mm) lead extension. The attenuation data shall be retained as graphics/line printer or equivalent device.
part of the test report.
7.5.2 Record the distances from the center of the sensor to 8. Safety Precautions
the points where hits are no longer detected. Repeat this 8.1 Ambient temperature should not be below the ductile-
procedure along lines angled 45° and 90° to the direction of the brittle transition temperature of the pressure vessel liner.
original line. The data shall be retained as part of the test
report. The minimum distance from the sensor at which the 9. Calibration and Standardization
pencil lead break can no longer be detected is known as the 9.1 Annual calibration and verification of pressure trans-
detectability distance; this distance shall be recorded. ducer (if applicable), AE sensors, preamplifiers (if applicable),
7.5.3 Sensor spacing (distance between adjacent sensors) signal processor (particularly the signal processor time refer-
shall not be greater than 1.5 times the detectability distance. ence), and AE electronic waveform generator should be per-
7.6 AE sensors are used to detect stress waves produced by formed. Equipment should be adjusted so that it conforms to
flaws. Sensors must be held in contact with the vessel wall to equipment manufacturer’s specifications. Instruments used for
ensure adequate acoustic coupling. calibrations must have current accuracy certification that is
7.7 A preamplifier may be enclosed in the sensor housing or traceable to the National Institute for Standards and Technol-
in a separate enclosure. If a separate preamplifier is used, cable ogy (NIST).
length, between sensor and preamplifier, must not result in a 9.2 Routine electronic evaluations must be performed on a
signal loss of greater than 3 dB [typically 6 ft (1.8 m) is monthly basis or at any time there is concern about signal
acceptable]. processor performance. An AE electronic waveform generator
E 2191 – 02
should be used in making evaluations. Each signal processor 10.8 Monitor test by observing displays that show plots of
channel must respond with peak amplitude reading within 62 AE activity versus time or pressure. If unusual response is
dB of the electronic waveform generator output. observed, interrupt pressurization and conduct an investigation
9.3 Routine performance checking of each sensor should be to determine the cause.
conducted on a monthly basis or at any time there is concern 10.9 Store all data on mass storage media. Stop test when
about the sensor performance. Peak amplitude response and pressure reaches AE test pressure.
electronic noise level should be recorded. Sensors can be 10.10 Compare the data to acceptance criteria and record
stimulated by a pencil lead break or electronic waveform results (see Appendix X1).
generator with a pulser. Sensors which are found to have peak 10.11 Vessels which have produced excessive emission may
amplitudes or electronic noise more than 3 dB greater or less be re-examined immediately.
than the average of the group of sensors to be used during the 10.12 Carry out the system performance check at each
examination should be replaced. sensor (see 9.4). Verify that peak amplitude is greater than a
9.4 A system performance check must be conducted imme- specified value (see Table X1.1).
diately before and immediately after each examination. A
11. Report
performance check uses a mechanical device to induce stress
waves into the vessel wall at a specified distance from each 11.1 Prepare a written report for each examination. Reports
sensor. The induced stress waves simulate emission from a should contain the following information:
flaw. Performance checks verify performance of each system 11.1.1 Name of owner of vessel and vehicle number (if
channel including couplant). appropriate).
9.4.1 The preferred technique for conducting a performance 11.1.2 Examination date and location.
check is a pencil lead break. Lead should be broken on the 11.1.3 Previous examination date and previous maximum
vessel surface at a specified distance from the sensor (see test pressure. See Note 2.
Figure 4 of Guide E 976). NOTE 2—If the examiner is aware of situations where the vessel was
9.4.2 System channels which are found to have performance subject to pressures that exceeded normal fill pressure or incidents during
outside of specified values should be repaired or replaced. handling or collisions involving a vehicle in which the test article was
mounted, these should be described in the report.
10. Test Procedure 11.1.4 Record all information printed on the vessel.
11.1.5 Any DOT exemption numbers that apply to the
10.1 Visually examine accessible exterior surfaces of the vessel.
vessel. Note observations in the test report (see CGA Pamphlet 11.1.6 Normal fill pressure and marked service pressure.
C-6.4). 11.1.7 Pressurization medium.
10.2 Visually examine the tank exterior surface and remove 11.1.8 Pressure at which data acquisition commenced.
any objects which come into contact. When vessel cannot be 11.1.9 Maximum test pressure.
completely isolated, record in the test report external sources 11.1.10 Attenuation data (see 7.5.1).
which could have produced emission. 11.1.11 Signature of examiner.
10.3 Connect fill hose (and pressure transducer if used). 11.1.12 Sketch which shows relative locations of vessels (if
Eliminate any leaks at connections. multiple vessels are being examined) and which shows sensor
10.4 Mount acoustic emission sensors. Use procedures locations.
specified in Section 7 and in Guide E 650. 11.1.13 Pre-examination and post-examination system per-
10.5 Adjust signal processor (see Table X1.1). formance check results.
10.6 Perform system performance check at each sensor. 11.1.14 Visual examination results.
Verify that peak amplitude is greater than a specified value (see 11.1.15 AE examination results.
Table X1.1). Details relating to a mechanical device that is
used to produce stress waves are found in 9.4 and in Table 12. Precision and Bias
X1.1. Prior to pressurization, verify that there is no background 12.1 Sensitivity is influenced by factors that affect elastic
noise above the signal processor threshold setting (see Table wave propagation, sensor coupling and signal processor set-
X1.1). tings.
12.2 It is possible to measure AE from AE sources that
NOTE 1—If desired sensitivity cannot be attained with sensors at two
locations, more sensors must be used to provide complete coverage (see
cannot be verified by other NDE methods.
7.4 and 7.5). 13. Keywords
10.7 Begin pressurizing vessel. Fast-fill or slow-fill pressure 13.1 acoustic emission; composite pressure vessel; cylin-
schedule may be used (see Annex A2 and Annex A3). ders; flaws; gas pressure; NGV tanks
E 2191 – 02
(Mandatory Information)
A2.1 Fast-fill pressurization rates [in excess of 200 psi/min determine a baseline of the background noise. This data
(14 bar/min)] may produce flow noise which can overload AE provides an estimate of the total background noise contribution
instrumentation. during the examination. Background noise shall be discounted
in the final data analysis.
A2.2 Hold periods in the pressurization schedule are not
subject to flow noise and are used exclusively to collect data.
A2.4 Intermediate load holds (b,c,d of Fig. A2.1) shall be
The vessel must be monitored continuously during hold
periods. for 2 min.
A2.3 The initial hold period (a of Fig. A2.1) is used to A2.5 The final hold (e of Fig. A2.1) shall be for 10 min.
E 2191 – 02
FIG. A2.1
A3.1 Slow-fill pressurization rates produce little or no flow in the final data analysis.
A3.3 Intermediate hold periods are unnecessary and data
A3.2 The initial hold period (a of Fig. A3.1) is used to can be collected continuously during pressurization (b of Fig.
determine a baseline of the background noise. This data A3.1).
provides an estimate of the total background noise contribution
during the examination. Background noise shall be discounted A3.4 The final hold (c of Fig. A3.1) shall be for 10 min.
FIG. A3.1
E 2191 – 02
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 A data base and acceptance criteria based on counts X1.6.3 If more than 50 000 counts are recorded, re-examine
has been established for NGV2-2 fuel tanks.7 immediately. If the repeat test produces 50 000 AE counts or
more, remove the vessel from service.
X1.2 Test pressure is 110 % of the pressure which a tank
sees during service. (Usually 110 % of the normal fill pres- X1.7 Acceptance criteria are the same for both fast fill and
sure.) slow fill.
X1.3 Pressure in the container must remain below 1000 psi X1.8 Acoustic emission equipment, characteristics and
(69 bar) for minimum of 8 h immediately prior to the set-up conditions are found in Table X1.1.
X1.9 NDT personnel should be qualified in accordance
X1.4 Emission can originate from flaws which are any- with ANSI/ASNT-CP-189.
where on the cylindrical section or ends of the vessel.
TABLE X1.1 Acoustic Emission Equipment, Characteristics and
X1.5 Acceptance criteria are based on “AE counts” as Set-Up Conditions
defined in Terminology E 1316. Sensor Resonance 150 kHz 6 50 kHz
Sensor Sensitivity -77 dB ref. 1V/µbar at 150 kHz
X1.6 Acceptance Criteria: Sensor Placement On composite overwrap
Couplant Silicone grease or hot-melt glue
X1.6.1 If less than 10 000 threshold crossing counts are Preamplifier Gain 40 dB (3100) (nominal)
recorded, no action required. Preamplifier Filter 100 to 200 kHz bandpass minimum
X1.6.2 If 10 000 to 50 000 counts are recorded, immedi- Power/Signal Cable Length < 500 ft (150 m)
Signal Processor Threshold 40 dB (0 dB = 1 µV at the preamplifier input
ately repeat the AE test. If the repeat test does not produce less Signal Processor Filter 100 to 300 kHz bandpass
than 10 000 AE counts, perform an examination 1 year hence. Dead Time 1 ms
Hit Definition Time 400 µs
Hit Lockout Time > 200 µs
Background Noise < 27 dB (0 dB = 1 µV at the preamplifier input)
Fultineer, Jr. R.D. and Mitchell, J.R., Field Data on Testing of NGV Containers System Performance Check > 70 dB (0 dB = 1 µV at the preamplifier input)
Using Proposed ASTM Standard Test Method for Examination of Gas-Filled Using Lead Break
Filament-Wound Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission (ASTM E070403-95/1, (0.3 mm, 2H, >4 in. from sensor)
Acoustic Emission: Standards and Technology Update, ASTM STP 1353, S.J. see Guide E 976
Vahaviolos, Editor, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1998.
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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