Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products, Austenitic Stainless Steel and Similar Alloys
Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products, Austenitic Stainless Steel and Similar Alloys
Electromagnetic (Eddy-Current) Examination of Seamless and Welded Tubular Products, Austenitic Stainless Steel and Similar Alloys
This specification has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
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similar document and certified by the certifying agency, as
applicable. The practice or standard used and its applicable
revision shall be identified in the contractual agreement be-
tween the using parties.
NOTE 1—MIL-STD-410 is canceled and has been replaced with NAS-
410, however, it may be used with agreement between contracting parties.
7. Apparatus
7.1 Electronic Apparatus—The electronic apparatus shall
be capable of energizing the test coils or probes with alternat-
ing currents of suitable frequencies and shall be capable of
sensing the changes in the electromagnetic response of the
sensors. Equipment may include a detector, phase discrimina-
tor, filter circuits, modulation circuits, magnetic-saturation
devices, recorders, and signaling devices as required for the
particular application.
7.2 Test Coils—Test coils shall be capable of inducing
current in the tube and sensing changes in the electrical
characteristics of the tube.
NOTE 2—Fill factor effect is an important consideration since coupling
variations can affect the test significantly.
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7.5.2 Notches—Notches may be produced by electric dis- mended that tubes with discontinuity indications be reexam-
charge machining (EDM), milling, or other means. Longitudi- ined or retested in accordance with the purchase specification.
nal or transverse notches or both may be used (Note 4). 9.3 Tubes or pipes may be tested in the final drawn,
Orientation, dimensions (width, length, and depth), and con- annealed, heat treated, as-welded, or other step in processing.
figuration of the notches affect the response of the eddy-current The point in processing at which inspection is made should be
system. Notch depth is usually specified as a percentage of agreed upon by the supplier and the purchaser. The tubes
nominal wall thickness of the tubular product being examined. should be free of any substance that may interfere with the test.
Notches may be placed on the outer, inner, or both surfaces of
10. Supplemental Information Regarding Eddy-Current
the reference (calibration) standard. Outer surface notches
Testing of High Alloy Steels and Similar Alloys
provide an indication of system response to discontinuities
originating on the outer tube surface, whereas inner surface 10.1 In the eddy-current testing of austenitic chromium-
notches provide an indication of system response to disconti- nickel stainless steels it has been found that test frequencies
nuities originating on the inner tube surface (Note 5). ranging from less than 1 kHz to more than 1 MHz can be used.
The more commonly used operating frequencies are in the
NOTE 4—Longitudinal notch standards are normally used when exam-
range, 1 kHz to 125 kHz. The exact frequency used will depend
ining with rotating probe systems.
NOTE 5—The density of eddy currents decreases nearly exponentially on the application.
with increasing distance from the surface nearest the coil, and the Example—If thin-walled tubular products are to be in-
sensitivity to subsurface discontinuities decreases with the change in depth spected or surface rather than subsurface discontinuities are to
allowing the use of phase analysis techniques. be detected, higher frequencies are used. For heavy-walled
7.5.3 The configuration, orientation, and dimensions (diam- tubes, subsurface discontinuities well below the surface require
eter of holes and the width, length, and depth of notches) of the the use of a lower frequency. Choice of test frequency will
artificial discontinuities to be used for establishing acceptance determine the size of discontinuity that can be detected.
limits should be subject to agreement between supplier and 10.2 As in any eddy-current test, the depth and orientation
purchaser. of the discontinuity below the entry surface will affect the
magnitude of signal received from it. Sensitivity varies signifi-
8. Adjustment and Standardization of Apparatus cantly with distance from the test coils.
Sensitivity 10.3 Under certain conditions austenitic stainless steels can
8.1 Select the apparatus, test frequency, coil or probe, or be magnetic. For example, delta ferrite may be present in a
both, design, phase discrimination, and other circuitry as well welded product. Permeability may vary as a function of cold
as speed of examining which shall demonstrate the system work. Some nickel alloys, such as Monel Alloy (nickel-copper
capability for detecting the discontinuities of interest. alloy), are magnetic in nature and others exhibit magnetism if
8.2 Fabricate the applicable reference standard in accor- there are slight residual stresses in the material.
dance with the agreement between the purchaser and tubing 10.4 Welded stainless steel products can present a special
supplier. problem in eddy-current testing. The weld area can usually be
8.3 Adjust the apparatus to obtain an optimum signal-to- distinguished from the parent metal if the tubing has received
noise ratio with the minimum sensitivity required to detect the little or no working after welding. This occurs when the
artificial discontinuities in the reference standard. Do this as-welded structure contains delta ferrite which is magnetic
under conditions (such as testing speed) identical to those to be and can cause a high-background noise level or spurious
used in production examination of the tubular products. indications, or both. If drawn after welding, these effects may
8.4 Determine the end effect by using a special reference be reduced so that welded tubing cannot be distinguished from
tube or pipe containing a series of notches or holes near one or seamless tubing. These effects do not necessarily preclude the
both of the ends and passing this reference standard through the eddy-current testing of as-welded tubing; however, the testing
system at production testing speeds. If notches or holes are apparatus will probably require different adjustments for ma-
placed near only one of the ends, pass the tube through the terials with as-welded and wrought structures. Thus, the
system backwards and forwards. minimum size discontinuity that can be detected may also be
9. Procedure 10.4.1 For inspecting as-welded tubing, a strong d-c mag-
9.1 Standardize the apparatus at the start of the test run netic field is usually applied to improve the signal-to-noise
using the reference standard. The recommended maximum ratio. This bias field is generally applied by an encircling coil
interval between restandardization is 4 h although more or less or yoke simultaneously with the field from the test coil.
frequent restandardization may be done by agreement between 10.4.2 In preparing a reference standard for welded tubing,
using parties, or whenever improper functioning of the equip- artificial discontinuities should be placed in both the weld
ment is suspected. If improper functioning is found, restan- metal and the parent metal if both are to be inspected. The
dardize the apparatus and retest all tubes or pipes tested during apparatus is then adjusted to obtain an optimum signal-to-noise
the period since the last successful standardization. ratio.
9.2 Pass the lot of tubes or pipes to be tested through the test 10.4.3 When inspecting only the weld area, the discontinui-
coil or past the probe coil of the apparatus adjusted to the ties shall be placed in the weld area.
sensitivity as described in Section 8. Set aside tubes or pipes 10.5 Certain austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steels ex-
with discontinuities indicated by the apparatus. It is recom- hibit changes in magnetic properties as a result of cold work.
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As a result, it may be desirable to prepare reference standards as drilled holes or notches. For this reason, sufficient work
from each lot of material in order to take into account the effect should be done to establish the sensitivity level and set-up
of magnetic permeability. It may also be helpful to employ a required to detect natural discontinuities of consequence to the
magnetic-saturation device to minimize the effects of varying end use of the product.
magnetic permeability.
10.6 Both the test frequency and the type of apparatus being 11. Keywords
used should be considered when choosing the testing speed.
Certain types of equipment can detect discontinuities at very 11.1 alloy; austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steels; aus-
slow speeds, while other types require a certain minimum tenitic stainless steels; conductivity; discontinuities; eddy-
speed. The testing speed may need to be linked to the speed at curent; electromagnetic; encircling coil; hall element; non-
which the material is being processed at the point of inspection. magnetic steels; probe coil; seamless tubular products; tubular
10.7 The response from natural discontinuities can be sig- product; welded tubular products
nificantly different than that from artificial discontinuities such
The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection
with any item mentioned in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such
patent rights, and the risk of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible
technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your
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