METAR METeorlogical Aviation Routine Weather Reports
METAR METeorlogical Aviation Routine Weather Reports
METAR METeorlogical Aviation Routine Weather Reports
RMK/STUDENT SOLO FLIGHT - cross out indicator ―J‖ if jungle survival equipment
Item 19 is not carried.
SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION (e) at position “J/” (jackets):
Here one can provide all information concerning safety - cross out all indicators if life jackets are not carried
and security of the flight as well as details - cross out indicator ―L‖ if life jackets are not equipped
helpful during search and rescue mission. with lights
(a) “E/” and 4 figure group indicates the fuel endurance - cross out indicator ―F‖ if life jackets are not equipped
in hours and minutes. with fluorescein
Example: E/0430 - cross out indicator ―U‖ or ―V‖ or both (as in ―R/‖
(b) “P/” allows insertion of the total number of people above) to indicate radio capability of jackets, if any.
(passengers and crew) on board. If total number (f) at position “D/” (dinghies):
is not known during flight plan filling, insert “P/TBN” - cross out indicators ―D‖ and ―C‖ if no dinghies are
(to be notified). Use leading zeros if necessary to carried or
make three digits in this field. - insert:
(NUMBER) - number of dinghies carried (example: 02)
(CAPACITY) - total capacity, in persons, of all dinghies
carried (example: 006) and
(COVER) – cross out indicator C if dinghies are not cov-
ered and
(COLOUR) - insert colour of dinghies if carried.
(g) at position “A/” (aircraft) insert colour of aircraft
and significant markings.
(h) at position “N/” (remarks) :
- cross out indicator ―N‖ if no remarks or
- indicate any other survival equipment carried and
any other remarks regarding survival equipment.
(i) at position “C/” (pilot) insert name of pilot-in-com-