Aiaa Selle
Aiaa Selle
Aiaa Selle
Nonreflecting boundary conditions are essential elements in the computation of many compressible flows. Such
simulations are very sensitive to the treatment of acoustic waves at boundaries. Nonreflecting conditions allow
acoustic waves to propagate through boundaries with zero or small levels of reflection into the domain. However,
perfectly nonreflecting conditions must be avoided because they can lead to ill-posed problems for the mean flow.
Various methods have been proposed to construct boundary conditions that can be sufficiently nonreflecting for
the acoustic field while still making the mean flow problem well-posed. A widely used technique for nonreflecting
outlets is analyzed (Poinsot, T., and Lele, S., “Boundary Conditions for Direct Simulations of Compressible Viscous
Flows,” Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 101, No. 1, 1992, pp. 104–129; Rudy, D. H., and Strikwerda, J. C., “A
Non-Reflecting Outflow Boundary Condition for Subsonic Navier–Stokes Calculations,” Journal of Computational
Physics, Vol. 36, 1980, pp. 55–70). It shows that the correction introduced by these authors can lead to large
reflection levels and resonant behavior that cannot be observed in the experiment. A simple scaling is proposed to
evaluate the relaxation coefficient used in these methods for a nonreflecting outlet. The proposed scaling is tested
for simple cases (ducts) both theoretically and numerically.
b) c)
Fig. 1 Waves entering and leaving the computational domain.
∂u 2 The transient term A0 e−K t/2 of Eq. (14) (A0 being a constant
L3 = u 1 (8) fixed by initial conditions) always vanishes with time since K > 0.
∂ x1
In further developments it will be assumed that a steady state has
∂u 3 been reached and this term will be omitted.
L4 = u 1 (9) Equations (14) (without transient part) and (12) make it possible
∂ x1
to reconstruct the incoming wave L1 and the complex reflection
∂P ∂u 1 coefficient of the boundary. The analytical value of the reflection
L5 = (u 1 + c) + ρc (10) coefficient R is
∂ x1 ∂ x1
Rout = L1 /L5 = −1/[1 − i(2ω/K )] (15)
Equations (1–5) provide a simple method to choose the incoming
wave amplitudes to be imposed at a boundary. For example, from The magnitude R and phase φ of a nonreflecting outlet modeled
Eq. (2), a fixed velocity inlet condition will require the incoming with LRM are derived from Eq. (15):
wave amplitude L5 to be equal to the outgoing wave L1 . Fixing
a constant pressure at an outlet will be achieved [from Eq. (5)]
by setting L1 = −L5 . A more critical situation arises in mimicking R = 1 1 + (2ω/K )2 (16)
nonreflecting conditions; this would require setting the incoming
φ = −π − arctan(2ω/K ) (17)
waves to zero. As indicated earlier, such a perfectly nonreflecting
condition is not adequate because it may lead to a drift of the mean
The asymptotic behavior of R and φ is summarized in Table 1.
flow quantities. The next section illustrates the behavior of a duct
As expected, for a given pulsation ω, R goes to 0 when K is
outlet for which a nonreflecting condition is sought.
small, showing that the boundary condition is indeed nonreflecting
(R 0) when K is limited to small values. However, large values
III. Reflection Coefficient of a Linear Relaxation of K destroy the nonreflecting character of the boundary condition:
Method Boundary Condition when K goes to infinity R goes to 1, making the boundary fully
Let us consider the propagation of one-dimensional acoustic reflecting. Actually, as shown by Eq. (16), the control parameter for
waves in a semi-infinite tube of constant cross section (Fig. 3). The R is 2ω/K , so that one can define a cutoff pulsation ωc = K /2.
tube is infinite in the x < 0 direction and ends at x = x B in the other For a fixed value of K (which is the case in any computation),
direction, where a nonreflecting boundary condition must be imple- all frequencies will not be reflected with the same strength. High
mented. An harmonic wave propagating in increasing x direction frequencies will easily leave the computational domain (R → 0),
is imposed. This wave amplitude is chosen so that in the absence whereas very low frequencies will be strongly reflected (R → 1). In
of reflected wave, the inlet velocity signal would be u(t) = U0 e−iωt . practice a cutoff frequency f c separates waves that will be reflected
Note that the phase is set to zero at x = x B to simplify the algebra. ( f < f c ) from the ones that will leave the domain ( f > f c ). f c is
This has no influence on the result. The expression of this complex defined from Eq. (15) by
wave at x = x B is taken as
f c = ωc /2π = K /4π (18)
L5 = 2ρcU0 iωe−iωt (11)
This definition implies that R( f c ) = 1/ 2. In terms of energy this
The objective of the condition at x = x B is to be nonreflecting. In means that at the frequency f c half of the acoustic energy is fed back
practice, to avoid a drift of the mean pressure, the incoming wave into the computational domain.
amplitude L1 is not set to zero but to Figure 4 is a plot of Eqs. (6) and (17). The cutoff frequency f c
is represented by the vertical line. Equation (18) suggests that a
L1 = K (P − P∞ ) (12) proper interpretation of K is to view f c = K /(4π) as a frequency
below which the boundary condition will not let the waves leave the
Equations (11) and (12), together with LODI relations (2) and domain.
(5), lead to the system of equations
∂u 1 Table 1 Asymptotic behavior of a
+ (2ρcU0 iωe−iωt − K (P − P∞ )) = 0 nonreflecting outlet with LRM
∂t 2ρc
Pulsation R φ
∂P 1
+ (2ρcU0 iωe−iωt + K (P − P∞ )) = 0 (13) ω=0 1√ −π
∂t 2
ω = K /2 1/ 2 −π − π/4
The second equation of system (13) involves only P and can ω=∞ 0 −3π /2
easily be solved. (This system was derived at the outlet boundary;
consequently, coordinates are fixed and both u and P are functions
of time only.) The solution for P is
ρcU0 iω −iωt
P(t) = P∞ + A0 e−K t/2 − e (14)
K /2 − iω
Fig. 3 One-dimensional harmonic wave impacting on the outlet Fig. 4 Modulus and phase of reflection coefficient vs frequency at
boundary of a tube. K = 2000 s−1 .
Table 2 Summary of numerical Consider a simple duct filled with a homogeneous gas (in which
simulation parameters the speed of sound c is constant), as represented in Fig. 6. The
inlet speed is imposed: u(x = 0, t) = U0 . The steady flow solution
Parameter Value
is of course u(x, t) = U0 . This system is acoustically defined by its
Size of the domain L, m 0.5 reflection coefficients at the inlet and the outlet. Assuming that the
Number of cells 400 duct inlet is the phase reference, one can write the relations between
Mean inlet velocity, m · s−1 10 the amplitude of the acoustic waves in the duct and the reflection
Sound speed c, m · s−1 348 coefficients:
Forcing frequency f , Hz 500
Forcing amplitude, m · s−1 0.1 L5 L1 e−iω(L/c)
Rin = , Rout = (19)
L1 L5 eiω(L/c)
B. Analytical Solutions
For this test, the inlet corresponds to fixed velocity conditions,
which implies that Rin = 1. The outlet is modeled using a nonreflect-
ing condition with LRM. Therefore Eq. (15) shows that the effective
impedance of this outlet is Rout = −1/[1 − i(2ω/K )]. In this case
Eq. (20) degenerates to
The values of ω that satisfy Eq. (21) are complex. The real part
Fig. 5 Comparison of numerical and theoretical reflection coefficients
at a “partially reflecting” outlet.
of ω (ωr = (ω) = 2π fr ) is the eigenpulsation and the imaginary
part (ωi = (ω) = 2π f i ) is the damping (or amplification) rate. The
temporal evolution of pressure and velocity at an eigenfrequency is
At constant K , the phase φ of the reflected signal is that of a fixed- proportional to e−iωt = e−iωr t eωi t (in the linear regime):
pressure outlet for low values of ω. But as shown in Fig. 4, when the 1) If ωi > 0, the mode is amplified: ωr is an unstable pulsation.
frequency increases, the boundary treatment induces a delay that 2) If ωi < 0, the mode is damped: ωr is a stable pulsation.
moves the phase from −π to −3π/2. This phase shift can induce Figure 7 is a plot of the eigenfrequencies of Eq. (21) vs K . At
dramatic changes in the acoustic properties of the domain, as shown very high values of K the system responds as if the pressure were
in Sec. V. fixed at the outlet. Combining Eqs. (11), (12), and (14) one can
Fig. 10 Time evolution of pressure perturbation at the inlet (σ = 10π). Fig. 12 Time evolution of pressure perturbation at the inlet (σ = π).
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