Large Eddy Simulation and Low-Order Modelling of A
Large Eddy Simulation and Low-Order Modelling of A
Large Eddy Simulation and Low-Order Modelling of A
Research Institute of Aero-Engine, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, P.R. China
Self-excited spinning mode azimuthal instability in an annular combustor with non-swirling flow is investigated
using large eddy simulation (LES). Compressible Navier-Stoke equations are solved with a flamelet combustion
model to describe the subgrid chemistry−turbulence interactions. Two flamelet models, with and without heat
loss effects, are compared to elucidate the non-adiabatic wall effects on the thermoacoustic instability. The
azimuthal modes are captured well by both models with only marginal differences in the computed frequencies
and amplitudes. By comparing with the experimental measurements, the frequencies given by the LES are
approximately 10% higher and the amplitudes are well predicted. Further analysis of the experimental and
LES data shows a similar dominant anti-clockwise spinning mode, under which a good agreement is observed
for the phase-averaged heat release rate fluctuations. Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) is applied to
shed more light on this spinning mode. The LES and experimental DMD modes reconstructed for their
azimuthal mode frequencies agree very well for the heat release fluctuations. The DMD mode structure for
the acoustic pressure from the LES shows a considerable non-zero profile at the combustor outlet, which
could be essential for azimuthal modes to establish in this annular combustor. Finally, a low-order modelling
study was conducted using an acoustic network combined with the flame transfer function extracted from
LES. The results show that the dominant mode is associated with the plenum showing a first longitudinal and
azimuthal mixed mode structure. By tuning the plenum length to match the effective volume, the predicted
frequency becomes very close to the measured value.
Due to the high cost of running annular test-rigs, few ing the number of burners (i.e., flame-to-flame spacing)
laboratory annular combustor experiments are available and operating flow conditions, various azimuthal modal
(e.g.,5,15 ). It has been shown in these studies that the dynamics were observed involving complex coupling and
swirl-generated azimuthal mean flow can introduce com- interplay among different physical processes, most of
plex time- and operating condition-dependent switching which still remain to be understood. To simplify the sys-
among spinning, standing and mixed modes. To bet- tem and thus better understand the individual processes,
ter understand the modal behaviour of spinning mode this combustor was recently modified by Mazur et. al 16
without azimuthal bulk flow, Mazur et. al 16 removed at NTNU by removing the swirlers in the 12 flames con-
the swirlers from the 12-burner annular rig studied in4,5 figuration (largest flame spacing). As such, azimuthal
and showed well-characterised spinning modes occurring modes could be established in the absence of azimuthal
for high amplitude instabilities over a wide range of op- mean flow and flame−flame interactions, in a geometri-
erating conditions. Therefore, these experiments pro- cally simpler flow.
vide an ideal test case for LES of azimuthal instabilities. The experimental geometry has been described in de-
The main objective of this study is to simulate the non- tail in the previous work5 , and is only summarised briefly
swirling annular premixed combustor of Mazur et. al 16 here together with important changes. A schematic of the
and explore the LES capabilities of capturing spinning modified burner is shown in Fig. 1 with all the dimen-
modes observed in the experiments. Moreover, previous sions in mm. A perfectly premixed ethylene-air mixture
LES studies have been performed over relatively short is passed through a cylindrical plenum chamber, before
run times (tens of ms, much shorter than experiments). being divided around a central bluff body into 12 injector
The present study also investigates the effect of running tubes. Each injector tube holds a central rod, to which
for extended times in order to evaluate the time varying a conical bluff is mounted with a diameter of 13 mm.
mode development. In the present work, a bulk flow velocity of 24.5 m/s
Amongst the available subgrid combustion models, and a equivalence ratio of 0.95 are employed. Further
flamelet approaches are preferable for complex geome- to Ref.16 , the geometry was slightly modified in order
tries because of their robustness and low computational to more closely replicate the simulation boundary condi-
cost. However, compared to models that compute chem- tions. In particular, all flow conditioning elements were
istry explicitly (not necessarily refer to computing chem- removed from the plenum and a high level of uniformity
istry using resolved quantities known as no model or was demonstrated suggesting that the conditioning pro-
quasi-laminar chemistry, but also in thickened flame and vided by the plenum is sufficient. An additional plate was
partially stirred reactor models, where local temperature mounted inside the inner annular wall cylinder (marked
and pressure effects are inherently considered in reac- as ‘blocking plate’ in Fig. 1) in order to prevent the en-
tion rate closure), tabulation models require additional trainment of ambient air through the central opening
non-trivial modelling treatment to account for heat loss during the experiment. Measurements16 were performed
effects, which were shown to have a strong impact on the using dynamic pressure sensors (fs = 51.2 kHz, sam-
FTF/FDF12 . More recent studies by Kraus et al.17 and pled over ts = 10 s) at 3 equi-spaced angular locations,
Agostinelli et al. 18 employed advanced conjugated heat as shown in Fig. 1. Pressure ports were flush-mounted
transfer method to account for the two-way coupling be- in the injector tubes, at a distance 45 mm upstream of
tween the flame LES and burner walls. They showed that the dump plane. Heat release rate imaging is performed
the heat loss effects are important for the swirl burners using a high speed intensified camera (fc = 10 kHz, sam-
considered and need to be taken into account in the LES pled over tc = 2 s, spatial resolution 3.2 pixels/mm).
in order to correctly capture the thermoacoustic instabil-
The computational domain includes the full geome-
ity. Thus, a non-adiabatic flamelet approach is adopted
try of the combustor including the upstream plenum, 12
from Massey et al.19 for this work and the heat loss effects
premixers (feeding tubes), combustion chamber and the
on the instability simulation are investigated.
downstream atmospheric buffering domain. Note that
This paper is organised as follows. The target experi-
the conical volume at the bottom of the plenum was
mental configuration is described in Section II, followed
omitted and only the cylindrical part (marked by green
by the LES modelling framework and numerical setup in
in Fig. 1) is considered to simplify the inflow conditions.
Section III. The LES results are discussed in Section IV
However, this simplification has an considerable impact
and the low-order modelling is presented in Section V.
on the predicted mode frequencies, which will be dis-
The conclusions are summarised in Section VI.
cussed in detailed in Section V. A typical snapshot of
LES undergoing an anti-clockwise (ACW) spinning mode
is also shown in Fig. 1. Chamber pressure contours are
II. EXPERIMENTAL TEST CASE plotted with the arrows indicating the direction of the
travelling azimuthal wave. The oscillating flame surfaces
The target annular combustor was first experimentally are marked using volume rendering for the reaction rate
studied at Cambridge by Worth and Dawson4,5 to char- of progress variable. The axial velocity contours in the
acterise and understand azimuthal modes in laboratory- bluff-body mid-plane are shown for two opposite burn-
scale swirled burners at atmospheric pressure. By vary- ers. From one flame to another along the annulus, the
Fig. 1. Mid-plane cut view of the experimental configuration16 (left) and typical LES snapshot undergoing ACW spinning
mode (indicated by white arrows). Zoomed view of the mesh near bluff-body is also shown.
flame length varies in response to the acoustic pertur- and see details in21 and Refs. therein.
bations resulting in azimuthal heat release fluctuations, Compressible 3D Navier-Stokes equations are solved
which give rise to further acoustic perturbations in the for filtered mass and momentum in a pressure-based form
feedback loop. To capture this phenomenon, an appro- for the low-Mach number flows considered in this study:
priate LES framework considering compressibility effects
is required along with correct numerical boundary condi- ∂ρ
tions for the acoustics. In addition, a robust and efficient + ∇ · ρU
e = 0, (1)
SGS combustion model is also essential and these are de-
scribed next.
∂ ρUe
+ ∇ · ρU
eUe = −∇ p + ∇ · τeff , (2)
their transport equations: speed drops smoothly. Figure 3 compares the measured
and computed mean flame shapes using time-averaged
∂ ρec
OH∗ chemiluminescence from the experiments and heat
+ ∇ · ρU c = ∇ · ( ρDeff ∇ e
e e c ) + ω̇c , (3)
∂t release rate from LES with non-adiabatic (NAD) and adi-
abatic (AD) flamelet models. Note that since the OH∗
image is a line-of-sight visualisation, the LES results are
∂ ρ cf
integrated in the transverse direction. It is seen that the
+ ∇ · ρU
e cf = ∇ · ρDeff ∇ cf − 2ρχ esgs
∂t flame shape and length are well captured in the LES.
c |2 + 2 c ω̇c − e
+ 2ρ |∇ e c ω̇c , (4) In comparison with the AD model, the NAD case shows
Sct weaker burning outer branches with extinguished flame
roots near the dump plane, which is similar to the ex-
perimental image. Bauerheim et. al 12 argued that the
∂ ρe
h νe νt Dp
+ ∇ · ρU h = ∇ · ρ
e e + ∇h +
e , lifted flame base is more prone to acoustics-induced os-
∂t Pr Prt Dt cillations, which may have a impact on the flame response
(5) for azimuthal modes. This is further discussed later in
Section IV B.
where the laminar and turbulent Prandtl numbers, Pr
and Prt , are both taken to be 0.7. The effective diffusiv-
ity Deff is modelled using ( D
e + νt /Sct ) with a turbulent
Schmidt number Sct = 0.423,24 , and D e is the filtered AD-LES NAD-LES Expriment
molecular diffusivity. The progress variable is defined
using the sum of CO and CO2 mass fractions and it is
normalised to vary from 0 to 1 between the fresh and
burnt gases. The unclosed reaction rate and dissipation
rate terms are modelled through a revised flamelet for-
mulation as detailed in Refs.21,25
Laminar 1D premixed flame are calculated using Can-
tera for a range of heat loss levels. The full USC mech- Fig. 3. Mean shape of single flame: line-of-sight integrated
anism (C1−C3)26 is used for ethylene/air combustion LES heat release rate using adiabatic (left) and non-adiabatic
at 300 K and 1 atm. The simulation results are plot- (middle) flamelets, compared with the experimental16 OH∗
ted against the experimental measurements27 in Fig. 2. image (right).
Heat loss effects are implemented in a similar fashion to
longitudinal transition azimuthal
FI case P1 P2 P3
0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28 0.3 0.32 0.34
1000 500
0.33 0.334 0.338
SI case 0
0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 -500
0.258 0.26 0.262
Fig. 4. Pressure time series for two different ignition cases (for adiabatic simulations). Probes P1, P2 and P3 are marked in
Fig. 1 (upper tapping position).
IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION nition to fully excited azimuthal mode is observed in the
LES. Shortly after numerical ignition at t = 0.195 s, sig-
nificant longitudinal oscillations (>500 Pa) appear and
A. Onset of computed azimuthal modes: effect of the
ignition method the three pressure signals collapse onto one another. This
period is quite long for the FI case and the large oscilla-
tions occur several times spanning over almost 0.1 s. For
For LES of multi-sector combustors, ignition is com- the SI case, the longitudinal oscillations reach a much
monly conducted by duplicating the reactive fields of a higher amplitude, about twice as that for the FI case,
separate single-sector simulation to reduce the cost14 . which consequently initiate the transition period at a
This differs from the experiments16 where an ignition much earlier time about 0.015 s after ignition. During
source was used to light the burner from downstream the transition period, mixed longitudinal and azimuthal
and subsequently the flame propagated upstream until oscillations co-exist and the length of this period is quite
stabilised around the bluff-bodies. Since the ignition pro- similar between the two ignition cases, although the am-
cess (known as light-around ) involves an azimuthal mo- plitudes are generally higher for the SI case. Finally,
tion of the flame, which gives rise to azimuthal pressure dominant azimuthal modes are established in both cases
waves, the ignition transients may have an impact on the showing very similar frequency and amplitude as can be
start-up of azimuthal instabilities by acting as an initial seen in the zoomed signals in Fig. 4. This ignition sen-
transverse forcing. sitivity test suggests that although azimuthal instability
To shed light on this, two separate LES cases, referred can be reproduced using either ignition methods, the on-
to as full ignition (FI) and spark ignition (SI) respectively set of the azimuthal modes is strongly influenced by the
hereafter, are performed based on the same initial fields. transient ignition processes and the spark ignition ap-
Figure 4 presents the computed time series of the pressure proach followed by a natural light-around process leads
fluctuation at probes P1, P2 and P3, which are located in to a significantly faster establishment of the instability.
the injector tubes, 120◦ apart in the azimuthal direction This has a significant implication for LES of azimuthal
and 45 mm upstream of the dump plane. For the FI case, instabilities as the computational cost can be substan-
the entire annular chamber is ignited by duplicating the tially reduced.
single-sector solutions. The ignition location for SI is on
the centreline of one of the bluff-bodies and the height is
the same as the inner wall (see marked in Fig. 1). For
both the FI and SI cases, a transient evolution from ig-
B. Comparison with the experiments Figure 5a compares the measured pressure power spec-
tra and those obtained from LES with the AD and NAD
approaches described earlier in Section III. It can be seen
The statistics obtained from experiments and simula- that both models are able to capture the azimuthal insta-
tions for the spinning azimuthal modes are compared in bility although the predicted frequencies are 100−150 Hz
this subsection. It should be noted that the start-up pro- higher than the measured value at around 1800 Hz. The
cess, i.e., from ignition until limit-cycle oscillation, was reason for this difference is that the acoustic mode struc-
observed to be quite long (up to almost 10 s), although ture dictating the excited mode lies in the upstream
the azimuthal instability already appears in the first sev- plenum, having one wavelength in both the longitudinal
eral hundreds of milliseconds. During this process, the and azimuthal directions. Therefore, omitting the conical
oscillation frequency remains nearly the same from the volume (mentioned earlier in Fig. 1) effectively resulted
beginning, whereas the amplitude ramps up gradually. in a shorter longitudinal length and hence a higher funda-
As simulating the entire process for 10 s is computation- mental frequency. More details on this will be discussed
ally impractical, the same sampling period, 400 to 500 ms later in Section V.
after ignition, was chosen for both the experimental and
LES pressure data to make an appropriate comparison. The amplitude in Fig. 5 is also under-predicted by both
LES models by 5−8%. By including the heat loss ef-
fects, the NAD model gives a slightly lower frequency and
(a) 300 smaller amplitude, but the overall difference is marginal
compared to the adiabatic approach. This suggests that
NAD-LES unlike the compact swirling flames12 , the bluff-body sta-
AD-LES bilised flames are much longer and their response to
|pb′ | [Pa/Hz]
200 Exp. acoustic perturbations are less affected flame root dy-
namics induced by the wall heat losses. This is also con-
sistent with previous numerical studies on the FTF/FDF
of a single bluff-body flame28 , see e.g. Refs.29,30 , where
100 the non-linear flame response was well captured by adia-
batic models. As the two LES models give similar results,
further analyses hereafter are performed only for the adi-
abatic case for simplicity.
0 To compare the azimuthal mode characteristics, the
1000 1500 2000 measured and computed pressure data at probes P1, P2
and P3 (see Fig. 1) are processed to obtain the super-
f [Hz] position of azimuthal wave amplitudes following the
least-square fitting procedure used in Refs.5,16 . The am-
1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0
PDF [1/Pa2] x10-3
plitudes of anti-clockwise and clock-wise spinning waves
are denoted as A+ and A− respectively. Based on these
ACW-spinning amplitudes, the spinning and standing modes can be well
600 defined and the joint PDFs of A+ and A− obtained from
the measurement and LES are compared in Fig. 5b. A
Exp. Standing good agreement can be observed with both exhibiting
an evident ACW-spinning mode. While the experimen-
tal PDF shows a considerable scatter, the LES results
400 fall very close to the vertical axis with high PDF values,
A+ [Pa]
-0.05 0 0.05
Fig. 6. Comparison of phase-averaged fluctuating heat release rate (FHRR) obtained from overhead OH∗ chemiluminescence
measurements (top) and line-of-sight integration of LES results (bottom).
SR values close to 1 throughout the sampling period, fea- is applied here to further investigate the spinning mode
turing a reasonably stable ACW spinning mode. Mode azimuthal instability.
switching is not observed for this case due to the rel- The DMD algorithm implementation of33 is followed
atively high equivalence ratio and bulk velocity, which to process 516 snapshots collected from continuous mea-
was shown to prefer spinning modes16 . surements and simulations spanning over about 30 ms.
The strength and distribution of the fluctuating heat This corresponds to approximately 50 cycles of the az-
release rate (FHRR) and its response to the spinning az- imuthal mode. Note that the experimental snapshots are
imuthal waves are of prime importance for understanding 2D line-of-sight OH∗ images taken from the top of the
azimuthal instabilities. Thus, phase-averaged normalised burner, and the LES snapshots are 3D heat release rate
FHRRs for six angles (0◦ , 60◦ , ..., 300◦ ) obtained from field for the entire annular combustion chamber. Prior to
the experimental OH∗ images and LES results are com- the DMD computation, the LES results are integrated in
pared in Fig. 6. The maximum heat release fluctuation in the streamwise direction and then projected to the same
the LES is about 7%, which agrees well with the exper- 2D plane as the OH∗ images. The DMD mode growth
imental value of 6%. The previously reported16 crescent rates for the peak frequency (about 1800 and 1900 Hz
shaped structures around both sides of the flame is also for the experiment and LES respectively) are near-zero
observed here in both the measurements and simulations. negative values, suggesting that limit-cycle oscillations
Despite the considerable noise in the experimental data, have been established before the sampling period. It is
a quite symmetric FHRR distribution is seen with half of worth remarking here that in the DMD spectrum for the
the burners forming a positive semicircle and the other LES, two eigen-frequencies at about 900 and 1100 Hz
half forming a negative one. This structure spins as one also showed considerable amplitudes, which are consis-
moves along the cycle from left to right in the figure. tent with the two small peaks seen in Fig. 5 and the low
The above comparisons for the pressure and heat re- frequency content seen on the time series in Fig. 4. These
lease rate show an overall good agreement between the are associated with the longitudinal modes of the com-
experiment and simulation, and this suggests that the bustor geometry. However, both of these DMD modes
spinning mode and its major characteristics are well cap- have large negative growth rates suggesting that they will
tured in the LES. eventually be damped out in a longer simulation. Never-
theless, the azimuthal mode of interest is well established
already in the present simulation duration and hence is
C. DMD analysis of the azimuthal mode discussed next.
The DMD reconstructions of the heat release rate at
Dynamic mode decomposition (DMD)33 is a powerful the azimuthal oscillation frequencies are shown in Fig. 7
technique to study coherent spatial-temporal structures for three phase angles. The reconstructed pressure field
in dynamic systems. Compared to proper orthogonal de- (not available from the experiments) is also shown for
composition (POD), DMD generates a set of modes as- the LES. Note that these phases here do not necessar-
sociated with their own oscillation frequency, amplitude ily correspond to those shown in Fig. 6, because there
and growth/decay rates, which are desired for a better is an arbitrary phase shift during the DMD process. It
interpretation of combustion dynamics34 . Hence, DMD is seen that the reconstructed modes show relatively less
Min Max
-1 0 1
Fig. 7. Phase-shifted DMD reconstruction of the FHRR at for details) and the sketch here only shows a half cross-
the azimuthal mode frequency for three phase angles. The
sectional view of the 3D model. We consider the pressure
corresponding combustion chamber pressure mode is shown
for the LES.
disturbance in the form of
p0 = Re[p̂ eiωt ], (6)
noise compared to the simple phase averages, particu- where the operator Re[·] takes real part of the complex
larly for the LES. Again, good agreement is obtained value. The premixers are so thin that the waves inside
here for the DMD modes for FHRR, which further con- can be assumed to be planar waves, written as
firms that the spinning mode behaviour is well captured
−iωx iω(x−L1 )
in the LES. It is also seen that the DMD modes for pres- + c1 +u1N
p̂1N (x) = P1N e −
+ P1N e c1 −u1N , (7)
sure and FHRR seem to be synchronised in the annu-
lar chamber. Finally, the DMD mode structure for the
LES domain is shown in Fig. 8. The mode structure 1 −iωx iω(x−L1 )
+ c1 +u1N −
features a first longitudinal/first azimuthal mixed mode û1N (x) = [P1N e − P1N e c1 −u1N ], (8)
ρ1 c1
in the upstream plenum, a first longitudinal mode with
the pressure node at the middle of the premixer, and where P1N+ −
and P1N denote the complex amplitudes of
a quarter-wave longitudinal/first azimuthal mixed mode the downstream and upstream propagating waves respec-
in the combustion chamber. These are found to be quite tively, and N denotes the sequence number of the pre-
similar to that computed in12 using a Helmholtz solver. mixers. The axial coordinate x is relative to the left
However, evident differences are observed here for the end of each network element (0 for plenum, 1 for pre-
downstream combustion chamber outlet (top of the outer mixer and 2 for combustion chamber). The local speed
wall), where the LES acoustic pressure retains a consid- of sound and mean velocity are denoted by c and u re-
erable value compared to the p0 = 0 condition imposed in spectively, with the subscript corresponding to the given
the Helmholtz solver. This downstream mode structure network element. The waves in the plenum and combus-
may be essential for self-excited azimuthal modes to oc- tion chamber are three-dimensional, and can be obtained
cur. It also implies that downstream acoustic boundary from the wave equation using common notations:
condition could have a major role on the overall stabil-
m=+∞ +∞
ity and azimuthal modes, and hence should be handled X X
appropriately in the analytical and low-order modelling p̂j (r) = ψjm (zjmn r)× (9)
approaches. m=−∞ n=1
+ −
[Pjmn eikjmn x + Pjmn eikjmn (x−Lj ) ],
1 X
kjmn +
Pjmn eikjmn x
ûj (r) = − ψjm (zjmn r)[ + (10)
In order to further understand the azimuthal mode pre- ρj n=1 ω + kjmn uj
dicted in the LES and its dependency on the upstream −
− −
plenum geometry, a low-order modelling analysis is per- kjmn Pjmn eikjmn (x−Lj )
formed. The model combustor geometry is simplified to + − ],
ω + kjmn uj
establish an analytical network acoustic model, as shown
in Fig. 9. Note that the network model considers the sys- where j = 0, 2 and ψ denotes the eigenfunction of the
tem acoustics in the three-dimensional space (see Ref.35 circular duct (j = 0) or annular duct (j = 2), m the
0 1 2
L0 L1 Lc
Fig. 9. Sketch of the half cross-section view of the simplified combustor. The sketch is not to scale.
LES gives a higher amplitude in the plenum compared 0
to that in the combustion chamber, whereas it is the op-
posite in the low-order modelling. It is speculated that
this is caused by the simplified outlet boundary geom-
etry condition, i.e. a flat open outlet shown in Fig. 9,
whereas in the present LES and previous Helmholtz sim- -5 Plenum Premixer Combustion chamber
ulation12 the outer wall is much higher than the inner 0 1
wall (see Fig. 8). The former is fully reflective while the
latter is not. As a result, the amplitude in the combustion
chamber given by the low-order model is relatively higher
Fig. 11. Axial pressure mode shape at the mean radius of the
than that obtained from LES and Helmholtz solver. Un-
model combustor when L0 = 0.2 m and θ = 0◦ .
fortunately, experimental measurement of the pressure
amplitudes in the plenum and combustion chamber is
unavailable for validation. Nevertheless, the LES and
proach to capture self-excited azimuthal modes is demon-
low-order modelling results presented here provide use-
strated for the first time in this work. Although the
ful information for the pressure mode structures inside
amplitudes are predicted well, the computed frequencies
the combustor, which complements the experimental ob-
are higher than the measured value (about 1800 Hz) by
servations with useful physical insights. Future works
8−12%, which is due to the simplified upstream plenum
will be directed towards understanding and predicting
geometry. The subsequent low-order modelling results
the various modal dynamics and explore the effects of
show that when the effectively plenum length is matched
the downstream boundary conditions.
the frequency agrees very well with the measurement.
Analysis of the pressure data from experiments and
LES indicates an anti-clockwise spinning mode with the
VI. CONCLUSIONS spin ratio close to positive unity. Comparison of phase-
averaged heat release rate fluctuations shows a good
A comprehensive numerical study including LES and agreement for this spinning mode. DMD is applied to fur-
low-order modelling of the azimuthal mode thermoacous- ther investigate the modal behaviours at the azimuthal
tic instability in an annular combustor with non-swirling mode frequency. A non-zero combustor outlet mode
flows is presented. Two LES flamelet models, with and structure is observed for the pressure in the LES, which
without considering the heat losses, are used to inves- suggests that the downstream geometry may play an im-
tigate non-adiabatic effects on the azimuthal instability. portant role in establishing the azimuthal modes in this
The azimuthal modes are captured by both models and combustor. The LES observation is further supported
only marginal differences are observed for the frequency by the low-order modelling results showing very similar
and amplitude. The ability of flamelet-based LES ap- mode shapes in the plenum and premixers, but differ-
ent in the combustion chamber due to a simplified out- imuthal mode based on the perimeter of annular cham-
let boundary. The higher amplitude in the combustion ber is considered. Also, as the amplitude of pressure
chamber indicates that a fully reflective open boundary oscillation is below 1% of the ambient pressure12 , the
condition may be inadequate and possible improvements two relatively low forcing amplitudes, 5% and 10% of the
will be explored in future works. mean flow velocity respectively, are used for the forcing.
Figure A.14 presents the time series (after transition)
of the normalised fluctuating velocity at the bluff-body
APPENDIX A. MESH SENSITIVITY exit and heat release response to the excitation for the
two meshes (see Fig. A.12 for the formulae used). The
To avoid the high computational cost of repeatedly overall fluctuating behaviour of the two signals are quite
running full annular combustor simulations, the mesh similar despite some slight differences in the heat release
sensitivity is investigated using a single sector of the 12 amplitude and the time delay (within 10%). To show
burner configuration16 . A schematic of the simulation this in clearer manner, the gain and phase of the transfer
setup is shown in Fig. A.12. The bulk velocity at the functions are computed as shown in Fig. A.15. Again,
bluff-body exit is Ub = 27 m/s and the equivalence ra- similar values are obtained from the two meshes for both
tio is 0.9 for the premixed ethylene/air mixture at 300 K the gain and phase. From 5% to 10% forcing amplitude,
and 1 atm. Two meshes having 1.2 and 2.1 million tetra- the gain slightly decreases and the phase increases, and
hedral cells are tested here and the typical grid spacing this trend is also captured in both the 1.2M and 2.1M
near the shear layer is about 0.6 and 0.3 mm respectively. cases.
The above grid sensitivity study on the single sector
suggests that the smaller 1.2M mesh is sufficient to cap-
ture the reactive flow fields and also the flame response to
external forcing excitations. Thus, this grid distribution
is applied to all 12 sectors for the annular combustion
LES shown in the main text of this paper.
Fig. A.13. Mean axial velocity and temperature comparisons for the unforced case.
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